Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 08, 1916, Night Extra, Page 12, Image 12

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Si. vasaMits-
fc li.
f TM-il
&WiiM,, nH'&titAwix rtftlBfriHUlhiflt 1?ljrt'T iW'ji.tiWMJtalwfcifiTilfti OnmnM. J .iwnnpip
'a.... j.1 -t1 i-i - t
t.. h -cure wie vniiaren oi rorcign-uorn .raienuj ou-uiy
"!.. rf- k
S uneatca m Amount
cgivg Due to Parents Acquisitiveness
gWliftTTEIl from a ydtlng woman, ro-
fir-iiumnbiy n teacher In tlio public
'ragOTiools, k, "Wlmt can wo da to en-
.VTllghten the foreign parent regarding- edit-
:t"J nation"
Jij .
-j,'Many of them," alio kij'h, "coma to
Pthf great hind vlth the determined ntir.
yiose io nctiuirc monoy.nna in nioir Rieni
floccniro rot wea it 1. rHiiicnion i rare y
KM'ey-,"irt arivcn a iiiougiii
IR iKf1 " TJi Department of Compulsory Kilti
IK fi -.i.. .. .... ..... . ... ... .,.
j vuuuu cuintioia mo Limn 10 rii in acniim
' iirttll sixteen yearn of nRc, or until ho
htm reached tlio noventh Kinds. Ai
. forolsn children cnonilly lieKlti hcIiooI
Mt a. lato date, they know vlrtunlly
, tiothlne nt the ago of itlxieon, nnd tlm few
who do reach tho ncventh grade know
-1 "rery little
"Tho attlttiilo of many fbrelsn pnrpntH
, l( to lot tho children i:f to nchool until
S they aro nlxtccn, and then put them to
work. And pray, for what kind of work
"S in such a child fitted? MeMoiiBcr loy,
ejuh boyit, domcntlo Borvlec, menial fnc-
' tory work nnd other unskilled labor
"aoncrally,'tlicno children develop Into
i, "tho unJcilrnblo rltlrenn, and thoy, In
v -vturn, rear children llko unto tltcmHclvon.
v'j Of course, thoro aro exception), nnd onco
j In a (renoratlon wo hear or road of n
Trent man who bi-uuti an an vrrnnd iKiy.
'" Can you 'ImnRlno what ho might Imvo
been hnd ho boen Riven a real- Mart In
llfo7 8o much vital enerwy, jotith and
hopo aro expended In crnwln out of
tlio nbygR of lgnornnco nnd Illiteracy that
ofttlmcn one fnlla back out of idiccr (!l-
uat nnd oxhnu)tlon. If nil ho foreBln
parents worn Klvcn to underotnnd that
education, culture and refinement nro
, iha only renulidtoa for dUcconn, n i;rrnt
j ' benefit would bo entailed thin land, for
5hon our yountr would bo filled with a
ncne3 of Jhoujjht itnd dcidro, tlio do.
"' ' Jro to Krow up Into clean, uprlnht nnd
Well-Informed men nnd women."
, Tho lato Oeorcn C. Iloldt nn u Klilnlnc
examplo of tho hucccuhMI man who bo
) Kan at tho vory bottom and by nlieor
dotarmlnatlnn won lito pluco In tho nun.
Lttttrt and question uhmltfcd tit IMi iJf(iriiicMt mini he torlttm nn nnn alilti nf
the paper ami ilgntd with (he name o the writer. Hpectol iimilea like thnm given
below are Invited. It U underttaod that the editor does not mcemarllv tndnrm thn
ttnttmenti exprraied. All cainmiiiitralfattir or (hit department nhoutit be nddresied
a Jotlowt: T1IU MOMA.N'H i:xi:ilA.V(li:, Uvenlnu Ledger, VhllmMpMn. Va.
Xtm wlnnfr of lodir'n irle l Mr. Ion It. Nrff. of 21JI North Ti-nlj-rrnnl utrrft, wlioo
Iftlrr npiirarrd In jrlfrdn' puix-r.
I. Illmt ! raf an laltT
' S. How ran curtalnn bo mui! to lmnr
i'i OTfnljT .
3. Haw run
lliaito bo moiloT
from for an tlKtrlc.llnht
1, If a cork li flllril Into tho udoiiI of n trn
fattln tlio nalrr hIII romo to n lioll moro raplillr.
Z. Homo of tho manr lin to which wouJrn
(oothplcki ran bo put In n kltrhfii nroi To
!n milk bottfm, to ralao tho pnratTtn from
i ,pll ilui, to hold "plin.ln-lilnnkrt" to-
': ' )etor and to wali tlio rrotlrr In fnnrr rhlnu or
S. A hot-wnter lm nlilch lrako ran bo
Swndrd tfmpornrlly nltli n plrro of ndhrlte
, slaitrr.
Cranberry ItccipcH
30 tho Editor of tho IV'omao'f I'aat.
Dar tJni -Crnbrrrc aro nt tlirlr lieat
now, nS Boml utiimOiy ilurjim tn wimrr
r mn
tn tt tvt koimI rcllB
Eflr Bra IIUI Urlflll, lllv .III,, yiM.nvi
Cranborry llrown Hetty. Blow a uftlcltnt
amount nf tho cranborrl'a with auiiar (ono pint
of berrleo to ono ruii at brown RUcnr nnd a.
llltlo watrr urn tho right proportion") IJutlrr
orurabi ana rovrr with u larjr of rrunliorrlra
ufP pio aian. prni iiiit-Mir mti, iti.
Tnm procria la rltaiF4i unui inp miph im iuii
Ilrtad crumbi aprlnkltil with blla of butter form
the top layar. llaka until brown,
Cranbarry lie. l.lno a Mo tin with crut.
prlnklo wall with noun thru odd one Mnt of
row rranbrrrUa, one oup ot auaar and ono
larro apoonful of molaaapa. Add a llltlo watrr,
then top eruat and bak.
Cranberry Jelly One auart of rrantwrrlea
no cuu of woteri ruokf unlit aofl, atratn and
4d one pound of auaar antt boll one minute.
Kraltea Krutt Cake -Ono rup of augar. one
half cuu of mulaaaee. one cup ot buttrrmllk or
our milk, one half oup of chopped ralalna, una
holt cup currants two tableapnontula nieltetl
hortenlnc, ono half cup citron allowl rtne. two
cuoa flour one lableepuunfut aoda altrred Into
Jnllk. eplcee to taate. , ,
ijocha Cake One tahleapoonfut butter, one
cup euaar, three traapoona cocoa, one rtoc. one
cud milk, one lartre cup flour, two teaepoona
yaat Ipowderrdi Hake In two lartraj out to.
ether with white lcln- or uae Mocha nlllnn.
ilocha l'llllnv -One lane cup confrctlaiiera'
uxor, one tableapoon butter, twu leaauoune
cocoa, two tatileapoona atronir hot coffr and ono
tewpoon vanilla. Wira.l H. 1'. J.
Rico Water for Starchlnij
Xq the Editor of the lVemait'a Vaoe!
n.sv MftdanvOn waahday boll rl
Dear Madam On waahday boll rice, allowing
thrw nuarta of aaltrd water to cupful
nuaria oi aaitru water (o a dukiui at
The rlpo la waahtd unlit the water la
lr. When the kettle la boning- nam ine rice
Ca added In email auentltlee and the kettle por
llally covered and allowed la boll for twenty
tnloutee. The water U then drained otf through
a colander ami the rlc dried In l" o u i r
tna or Ian mlnutea. The water I carefully
".saved for atarchuur delicate underwear, eniri-
5t -WBieu. taiMO linen, em . w iu. .,.. . ,
; jriui butter lor tho midday inl.
J, J. li l
jjKeepInB White Silk Waists White
Jfa ht Ziltor ot ! lVomna'g Vaat.
Dear Madim I And that Ihero are eo many
Vha da not know the almple method of keeplntr
VhTla allk and rrene te chine front beoojnlng
T.ilow when waahe4 that I ahall (rive II here.
Vbea tho dreea or walat la waabe.1. luat be
aure to put It to dry In as dark a pUo a;
soealble If tble la, done one can keep ellk and
crepe tie chine waltlg and dreeeee beautifully
whiti all tuelr lifetime
I know a Chfneeo womaa who hag been, m
tbia country twelve yeara. and lie all t haa
iorao of the allk wateta that ghe brought with
fcer from China, all of which have been worn
T S4 waaMd anr times, but which gltll retain
i ICLTe .1.117. ( whltenaaa. Hhe aava that the
.CV- above U aU thai ahe Uvea to keen Uwujil tola
ft 11? "SBOttaulon. O. H. E.
Oysters With Mushrooms
i the BdUcr o Womo' Vof
tar Madam Here u another oyeter recipe
Mt rfsun nvatere In their own llouor for
i(M,iti .train anil aava the liauer Take
''d.i nt miKhmamk-fruh. if you nan aet
rlttMs, or If sot. uae canned elnuner theee with
w)m-ii. ntifiNK flf tiuttar for rive mtnutca. aaaaoa
si.7.. ' . .. .. k.. ...... ...ua .J, k ahI.m
i i?Ut of their llauor, a gill of tbtgk bl raai
"i: aIl ie teaapouofut ot butter cut in taull btta
, Asa rotiea IM nour, in miit
ObCfet etihl eMarVfl
-. wowt-iusi auou
Orange Charlotte
ti Ike Editor of YfoouM't Page:
' v piar Madam Can you itlva ma a.-rvcJpo
'... Imt oraiiE obarlotto that will pro cat-,
r5 jttUoryT pumNOti D.
- Sa Qa& nvIopa instant Ifulatln, on otin
jMtKtsff water. thr tie white pn qtSp
V." Ote.tga Juice, oaa cup sugar Dumk1v tho
:"S ml 1 tin ia (tie boiling water, add tb ugar
r 24 "0S Julofc then mix oil vrU to-
i of thit earn, which &av bn beatofl
. yry UUt 1at for tatt miAUtoa, tba
leffTe 9e eWMp TaxlaPet awgiaw
. wifli maUL MMf, M
mm &- w n
; t- t- i.- ci11,.
ot bcnooiing- rney ko-
r i rr i t-
pmmmmmmmmmtmtmmnt mnmm in iiiFjiiiniiiiniiin
I thoi;$Kt my hit
vc?i.r!s Ckristrrvcj Gifts
would coma in nts-ndy,
jo todry
I ijot tQrf oyt, but
t my, .suck thinrs
Id tc. 'a.sKc.mcdt to
diva hMJ'b.yl
3 nn-c"";
And that lylunitlou ik not an Infallible
fnrinula for RiirrenN can bo irnillly neen
In tho oer!ny Ufa of thono around in.
Hut no tho writer fiu(t, itlvfu tlio
'ItmlincatloriH for hiiccccm of the nclf niudn
man, nilileil to nn ndwiwito HchoolInK1
which ho mlnned, whnt inlKht not lie the
Takn tho uim of the llltlo rronch tlreni
milker, who-io book, "Mario Claln," when
publbihcd, nrouncd ho much dlRCtisnlon
novcrnl,rarH nn Ilnd iiho been Klvcn
the niUantUKon u lilt-li wne her rlijht
uhnl iiilRlit not her brain lm.o roiireltod?
I I. mow n i;lrl who In nlmont llllteiale,
but hriH an Intoime lonifliiK to wilte Itor
nttemptn, altboUKli faulty In cmiKt ruc
tion, oven in actual npclllu?, hIiow tliAt
ulit, Im llritlelilftlilv rrlftml UM.
yt. with ninny young men nnd women
nctunlly thlrittlni; for UnowlrdKo and
being deprived of It. ono can bear a re
turn k llko tho following nliiifPHt every day:
"Hay, f;et on to tlila highbrow Bluff wo
gotta load before Tonidy H'leeve mo,
dnn'lcha ocr read II for plonMitro.
H'nwful' Then tho mIIIv tiling thing
who Iiiih in idii tho remark will glnncn
mound to nee If her cleM'i nrni In being
1. In malOne u rlrrulur fklrt, how rim It do
krpt from nardnc nl tlm uniiuti?
2. Whnt kln,l of foo.1 mtmt tin niolilnl If tho
raoiptMlan It to tie krnt rlrar?
3. How fthould mitlp tie tilknn frimi n npoon?
t. A juunr man nmr oniI to it ioiin uninmi
to Hlntii hn la not rnaaied llin.fr.. rnmlr.
hooka or eonio ullirr niuitlly linprrmiiiiit gift.
1. A mini alinutd nrirr ninko riprnalrn pro.
rnta In girl t whom be la nut rngiigrd, mid
almuld tint glir hrr Jrnrlry or tlothlng nf uny
.1 .llulrtlul which le rnllrrly new almuld not
be nafil In imlrhlng n garment, iia thn urw
nmtrrliil will alrnln th nld t'oro mutt ho tiikrn
to lime tho warn of thn patrh running In the
Biimi. illrrrllun lie the original material.
Cutting Down tlio CliriHtmnH Ltot
To thn Kdltor the ll'omilil'l Piton
Drnr Madam ' have rrn,l tnim-
rrnit uumrnua nrti
Clfl ,,1
t .hfl'"il! .il'"V n,i thereforo not entitled
to 'in re -in the pleaaure wlilih rnauea from pre
'J.'"". f frlendahlp ot fhrlatniaa tlmS
if ioure. the dora not refir tn the nnea who
' it aervln u fiiltlifully in ilirferent re
aiHuta all year, but to those whom wo Imvo not
aeon frum una year'a rn,l n, the other or who
ll.i In distant iltlra and vilinm w Imvo .e, n
HKI5I"IJ "" of duty null) at en, li
Chrlslliiiia tlMirt.ia.il aide rrulltea Ilia allua
Hon nnd would like to Iw relloveil
When Ihla mutual condition ealsla. iloran't
It seem logical for uim of th.. iwrty to atari
thla year by e.ndlnti a email tuxildrt or calendar
(-(tending; t.hrHlmus Rrvellnga and aucirse fur
tho nw year, Inetriui of aiiullng many sleep
leaa nlunta and doing u laro aiununt of un
nereasarr alwiiplna- fur Mary1 er llrlen'a gift,
which. In nine cases out uf ten, she'll melve
twbo over
And II doesn't seem aa though thla should
cause any esrlnus hrrok Ir the relationship it
wouldn't on uur aide If son were thla i ear's
''.I'.'.V":. wuul'' I" Then why on the ulherr
With tide large amount of useleaa gift giving
elllllliiutril u will bo aavlmr uurself u Tnt nf
wear and tear and your friend will hs lining- the
same and lou will be nldii In spen I fhrlslmae
XJay In Kuce and thanksglvli.g
'then, too. If iou feel thurltably Inclined taint
nimusb every uim tiara at tnia aeasonl you
lould purchase a. few toys In lieu of the gllta
that haie been .ul out -nnd mako n few imor
klddlee whom ou kuuw happy, or vend them
to some home or Institution where tho little
onea will be glad to retells turm
AddrcHfiing by First Nome
To the Kditor of the ll'omnn'e Voue:
Dear Madam- I attended an Informal dinner
recently at a publlo restaurant, und was eur
prised to aee a young girl I know quite well with
a party of young- peupje a man unit hie wife
and several othcra The thing- thai eurprlsed
me waa inia, not me raci mat anv wae there
and with them, but that only the day before
wo had spoken about thla very married woman
and she had told me that aha bad never met
the husband, and there the wue slltlnic nen
to him nr.,1 actually calling- him by his first
name, for I heard her. Now should a girl rah
a man- eapeclall a married man by hl nrt
name on auch ehort grqualntaiKel M K, V
Tlicru inuy lia clrcunuluncoa wldcli you
will hear later to oxplaln the altuallon. Or
dinarily It would be a very forward thins
for a young ulrl to call a man by Id llrat
name on no ahort an acualntance, eapeclul
ly, as you ay, u married man. It was cer
tainly leading htm on to flirt
Iircacli Frequently Made
To the Editor of ll'omoa'g Paoe!
Dear Mtdgra Would It be ralble for you
to In aema way brine- to the notice of the
boys of Philadelphia that It Is proper for a
gentleman to precede a lady In felling sff a
Titer are Quite a few boys and a'oine of the
nleral e, too probably, theee who are not
ao foud ot the girls, who do not aeetn to know
Hits. Thla probably haa been a. source of em
barrtwmtnt to quit a number, of girls go I
am lurking myself bold eniugh to take the
tnjUallvi Ih bringing-, or trying to bflog. It la
no sot think that the bar I refer to art
ouea who bv not the opportunity of ktwwlne
better They are buve woo attend east of IB
beat collrimc here In town, and they em to
knots- eertblog but tbat It 1 "proper" for
them to net oa a car orai
The mistake la frequently mad by young
men who nave btien only partially trnlnad
in food, nuinnem and la duo probably to
thlr bavlnu; been told tlm and tiro aitalit
tiat votnta ahould always "b flrt " Thy
overiool; the- fact that they should always
bo In a poaltlon u boat aaalat a woman
in any way and that alighting- from a
gtreet car flrtt and atandliur ready to help
her off I tlio proper thing; Tor Uuun to da
Toil can, very taotnwy, gutiw owa aim
. ft mo nun get tine, out- nri a
i.r. Illt'l.iS" ? '" '"VH rr.rUr.1
..fi, . '""ghtmnient nn huw to cut ,luwn
our llai o aa to ellmlnata ii number .if "o
Lltllrd Ml II II fl Hnial IV Is a. ... ..... . a .a
..u..f Vftlt.lllinH nrillllllllair Kll....
US?"' l.bUlrt.i W lefJefF . B fl!f mty"r I
r- "rmAMrmT 1L " Mr f tUa
nitnw,iiw .LHJnnnr Hi Hum...,!, m Him ruin i i i m. 1. n .1 I .n mi ttiH iwiHii nr i it in lint lilMir ! JiL
What Would You Do?
THAO wnlrteel n lonu way from the door
of my apartment bfore t recovered from
Hie rtrack of my nl,hbor', Innolene.
Of i-miro, I realized that ah iad m Idea
t eon Id iirerhmr her word when nhe bad
raid to ber maid "Oh! that woman from
arroM the ball, I mippow I nhfill lme to
mo hr '
irimn tlilnklnc It ovdr, i wnii n trifle
naliHmeil nf llt ehllillnli rnrte Hint hid made
me walk ntvay from my nelenlror'it door
without vrnltlritr tr Hie nmttt to eome bacK
with the KrurlRlnc tnillntlon to rome In
I ahnulil have wnltetl In n dlKnlUnl
limniiir and declined the Invltnt.on. rnylnn
Hint I only WlfliMl In Intpilre after thr
linlij n welfarewhich ware tho truth
Hut the InxnlMit, ilrn wllni vyonU had
mule in o anitry that I eonlil not hnin
eotitroll my fed rtttn If t had met tho
vriiiitnn wlm utteiel them
To think Hint thla uomnn, whoi-e. bnby
hnd len lirotiKlit n'mur-t dylntf Into my
ntiartment the nlftlit before, when aim wnn
nhaeiu altoulil eonalder It n bora l ment
Why If it had not been for the nUltl nnd
prompt nee of Mlllnn (Jnlo nnd thn nunlet
nnee nil nf lie hid Kit in her, the baby
mlltht iiikv be ilend'
I felt Hint I bad rend her nnd her htia
l.nml i-nrrrvlli t to tilKht brforn when I
thotmht thrm tinuliblah find lll-lireil.
"Look out. Ind) ' Why don't you look
where joii are .olnK'',
A illeiinNn'a lintul Kmapeil my arm and
Bwumr ine out of the pith of nn itutomo
li le btiN t loolted around, iiturtlrd I
h id been an nlmnrlieil In my ntiRry thoURhtn
Hint I had not nntli-eil li) the leant where I
una wnlkltii: Here I una In the middle
of Drill imnue tin niiiny lehlclca of till
klndn dnrlliiK up ami ilonn'
' lion t mi tier do that nunlii. You
mlltht hnn hern killed '
The oltleer'n mice hehl a note of anRer,
for wlili li I d d imt lil.tme him It any.
think had bniMieneil to me hu probably
would haie hid to bear part of the lilanie
'Where do jou win! lo (rtt, nnywiiyT'
ho ftriimbleil I'llilcntl) he illil not Intrml
to lotto alitht of tno until I aliottlil be Htnrteil
aafelv on my wn
I nenrehtil my bruin wildly for nn nnatver
Whim el let I want to no" If I aholild tell
thla Nollt'ltotiN polketnin thn truth, "An
whet a for a wnllt," I felt that ho would
molt upon mc with niiup ilon
The nlRlit of nnotlicr nulomobllo bun
liiiilbcrlti. tip the iiMiine kiio mo an In
aplrutlon "I want lo tnlto a bu " I raid
"All rlRlil. Inil, I'll Illicit otl over to II
Von want to it-member next tuiio Hint they
stop on thli nldo of the atreet "
lln nt III Krnapcil ln nrtn firmly nn If hn
iiiiKpci ted mo if mi Intention to run itwni
from him I i ntered the hut) and tint
Mown 'I hen I lind a atnltlrn thotiKht Whv
not ride nutnlile" It Ih iiiih of 111) favorite
Minimer illierHlnna, the rlile on tho top of
the Ml,' him nltliniiKli I hint iieier rlihlen
there In the winter time Hill the iln wan
tmtlNU.ill) mild, nlmonl llkn eprlint. nl
thoiirfh It wan .lanuiiry. and I wi wiirmlv
ilml Indetil. I hud found my liravy lone
ro.il very iiiiprennlin In m walk. It would
Ire Jurtt the llilup: fur a ride
An I pilil itu fare, I epoke to thn run
"lit there room on the lop?"
I In crlimeil widely. "I'lenty of mom
Inily '
When I ellmheil the whnllntr ntnlrn to
tho top, I found hla wonls weio only too
true One man, enveloped In a blir fur
oont and amokltip; vigorously, eat lit n rear
went. The ieat of tho iieutH vvern etnptj
I would halo turned and koiio down
iiKiiln but I did not llko lo fmo tho i on-
BLYNN, Inc. Chestnut St.
Furs Altered and Repaired.
Soft, beautiful fit
i aenui
f GuamaAvd i
I' In quality
lisle bote, lead
ing coiort
v box lx pre.
Kxtse Slippers
iBoft ai a
glove, ttitul
ai a pillow.
a norat
ile! tltu
IS ".orta t.
11 Nuetll
4ii noma
063! Ilermantowii At.,
344 norm
34 Houtu.vota
, Mauaruak
Oi VKeiV
. al
. w .'
Z -i
. l .J ... .., ties 1 . ,, m ilMl l l l II I
duetor'a wide itrln, m t watlrod onlmly to
the front neat of Hi but, nlwwya my fa.
vnflt when f can -ret It. ami nttltd don
to enjoy my ride,
All the wofld nnd hi wife appeared lo
he nn the avenue My Kent on the front of
the hu wan like n liox ant In n theatre
From It I eotild look down on the people
below t could aee briutlfully rontumrd
women In nulomohllei an 1 nn foot and
Jontllnif them cloaely rttnn numbera of other
women In the rhrapet kind of clrtthlnif el
all of It carefully Im'tatlnit the inmtller
The men whom t aatv looked proaperoii
too ftome of thrm hurried by with tho
preoccupied air that helunrci to the clly
limine man Othera atrollcd alnnit na If
Ine morplnit'a walk vvn the nnl thlnr; to
occupy their mind
Aa the bun mmn to n Klop oppo'lte Hie
Kfenl public library biilldlnir. Idockett by
one nf the frerttent ' r"ort -aerond flreet
Jntne," I eaw one of theao atrnllefn lift Id
eyea to the lop of t'le Inia where I eat
I recognlred him with a queer little rlnklni?
feellnif nt my henrt It waa llarrj I'mler
vvooil .My dlalllte for till mull wn becoming
nlmnnt nn nbaeminii It win not leaeetieil
by the imrcnannlnir. little fear that crept
over mo whenever I aaw him
A he rnw me hla fnre llghteil up with
n amllo which, even In the face of my
nveralon lo lilm I hnd to admit wit charm
Hit? lie look off hi hat and bowed to met
then, with n. nwlft mea-iurlntr Rlntiro nt the
dlalinca between lilm nnd the door of the
omnlhua, atntted townrd It
1 hnd a feelliiK of pinlc Kvblently he
meint to tnotint the atepi of the bua and
rhnre my ride
What ahotilil I tin?
tt'npyrlgb', i
tfONTINb'lIli TD.MoIlllflW)
Walnut Flakes
Cream one cupful butter beat In ono and
oiie-h.ilf i upfilln Kraiiulitril uilKnr, three
well-lifnten ikk", then mid one and one
half cupful Hour alftrd wllh one temtpnon
fill nndn. hnlf traepoonful milt two cupful,
nut menta nnd it nreond one and oue.hnlf
rupfilln flour Drop b npnonftile far nptrl
nn butler, d Una then eprend out thin llnkv
In moderato .ven
Buy Your MEATS Wholesale
Rump Steak
Hamburg Steak
Rib Ronst
Chuck Roast
10 South Delaware Ave.
Nil lletlterles
Open I mil IS o'rlnrk Hiiliirdar Mihl.
Wo have a larKe stock
or I' ine firocerics hotiKiu
before the hi"; iitlvinuc, anil
arc fjivinj: our palrnns the
ansGom s
12.12 Market St. & Ilraiiclti'd
Quality worked u p
into tho most ad
vanced designs by ex
perts. Our reputation
is tlio guarantee of the
quality ; tho , beauty
and richness of tho
articles an additional
Men's Fur-Lined Coats
Children's Furs
HouxStippcrs $1Q
fiaflesl. htul A
a woa
maue, a, nn .
advantaae h
can us-j to
advantaae auch Klfta aa
tht-uu for .ma. They urn
not only practical and pertain
to be usei, but certain to bo
-,.. . . ..
we lurincr
BUEireat The
NewarK. Hnjjo at yi eu and
13 ii a an appropriate
inag elfL Not only will
jour orferlnoT ho appreciated, but your will
Have A Dollar to buy other Klfta.
Newark Shoo Stores Co.
Ilt Market Ht., between l?th and 13th Sts
4il llarLsl M-. Ul..n 4th and Olh Ala
tlia lieoa'atau At., bet Yk. as Cunib'land Ste.
Ave., bet Lb Ave A Somerset St
Jihtb Ht.. near Cham 8L
nt , near tin ut
n At., near ChelUa Ave
rronfe di..
front bt.. near Deupblft at
h HI., nejir Slarket
btore, tSi Main Ht.. near levering
VI euiuen store, lt iirvauwaj.
All. City Ster. lilt All. At., or. Ten a. Ave
Chrit mt. ly
Tke tftu-ark Slue
Stent Co.
to Dklu the boy.
Mode tra nd
turdy. wcatbtrs
dcrgc the Favorite of Fashion
TUB irtrce frock earmd for llaelf tb repu
tation of Iielne: all that la practical and
(.nleenble In drem There haa alwaya
been an Inalltutlon" air about the idaln.
nr-al aerite frock N'o one would have
dared lo attach Ihe adjective "conuelllah"
In anv eirmetll mail Of till material
II wa a fabric whoee exeellrnl wearlne;
nufllltlea reeomtnf ndrtl It to the uaea of nil
who had In practice Ihe rlrjd ru ea of
economy Hut "llilnaa have chanced alnce
tnolher a a girl" erire havlntr become
the favored fabric of fanhlon
Trocka of imrife are dlaitulaed by a lavlalt
into of irltnmlnit or the) are n ilelbshlful
cornblnatlnn of two material They are
tinw tleacrlhfHl aa "chle " "charming:."
"nappy" and "rav lulling ' To wear a aerge
frock nowaday mean thit jou are Iteep
Irc apare with fnftlilon nnd not that jour
tlrr nlluwanre I mtll
Quae the rlrheat combination for a one
plr. o frock In Merge and velvet The very
flneel Krcnrh eerge of that emart ahade
called "eorlir-au blue I uaoil to fanhlon a
atiiniilng mo.e trlmtnnl with band of
velvet of the anlne tone, ermine nnd m
broldery II I" one of Ihe new fnelened-ilown-lhodmck
frock, with n rnther anugly
nitrd bodice and medliim-vtlda aklrt Tho
rounded oko la a eollil mmi of chenille
nnd tltiael embroidery, In nntl'ttie tones of
blue nnd red Intermingled with gold It
la decidedly medieval In character Till
attractive note of trimming I repeated
in a wide girdle
Hand of ermine border the abort rap
alcevra, below which extend the tightly
tilled aubelrevea Three bnnda of velvet
T'earla and
DlainnuO haln
II H'reklr
Tine. Whit
Dlnmond In rich
a o 1 I d cold
l.0 tl'eeklr
3 Fin White
DlamonUa In lt
Ut. solid gold
S3 Weekly
GYPSY. 140
1 Fin White
niamunda and
Haiibhlre. ItubV
or Kmerglu
(I ivrekir
. nne wnt t e
Diamond. H-Ut.
olid goldliekh
er acttiiic.
11.80 7eekbr
SsKfSSm W here
HPm has ihe S
Mz&8&8mm7Hbrmemk 1 1
msmmmms: row
- tm''r
r- t yV' K f
I 1 f f
r f
i ' - j, Xs '
"'Ci' v?M
" " ."
Mm v4'
mm hnsrsrsaeT r
C'1fc VSfei .wwnw " -
, J I li-l jaom -1 r ACS Ju , -! id -e, a?: '- A . U
f j TTTZ a I ? ,-' t . gel I lea n 11 I I eateoW lleaeataIIBeal li I'll 1 II I
mm-. . . v., '".,. .jeji uw" rracv?r ??st
?? ".,." I 3T W-jf Ml 1111 nl I II --w -1
isi 1 uijutiuniij er f
1 BBACELET. IK t.-V VlP-fc
: v
Bl Mtitmr flffeiklr IvrAemi II WEEKtV i.;. . ..-:
E51 XmfOtSreKEBSP' . jraili ai'j tz.l
Iwiem'uwHwmmimwwmm li I n MMmmm WMmXKMMmmlm
llleMstlleatfceisl I If I
V"i. LT fT'tf'fcPH
border the aklrl nnd batch ppeket of the
name material ornament the front
The latent veralon of the "chemle
frock cannot help but win your approval
tt la a charming1 combination of dark blue
aerge and black aatln The broad panel
front of aerge la effectively ornamented
with metallic and allk embroidery In me
dlevat colorlnit. The long; wtln aleeve
Preeminent the world over fo?
making the finest and most
wholesome food.
Alum Ho
as Cash
are Gif
Diamond or Article
Diamond Jewelry
And after all, every one of us wants to give
a gift that will fully express our feelings, a
gift of value as well as sentiment. What gift
could more fully cover these desires than a
diamond or some article of diamond jewelry?
The House of Harburger solves the prob
lem, economically and satisfactorily; it elimi
nates every argument that might arise from
a financial standpoint; it gives value and serv
ice to every one who uses
Our Perfected
Credit System
And this plan is most liberal, originated
with the idea of encouraging the purchase of
Diamonds, which are in themselves an invest
ment, on a savings bank basis.
You have unlimited selection from our en
tire stocks of fine Diamonds and Diamond
You make a small cash deposit to open the
account and pay the balance in small weekly or
monthly sums.
You receive immediate possession of any
article you may choose.
You are assured of absolute satisfaction
with an exchange privilege that eliminates any
chance of dissatisfaction on the part of the
You have all the advantages of a cash trans
action with the privileges of extended credit.
1917 Art Catalog an Request
1014 Chestnut St
Open-Eveninga Until Xmas
1 1 kt Boud Oold. at Quaraoteed Movement
hate cuff of the embroidery, and brolitl
giruic vi imiin ucuirea me jaw wnittllne
,4-t... mtAm he Ilia eblef Nt. Ml .!-... ..
s,,v .,ui. .- ..... .. ...e w. utsca aauAJa
and a ahallow yoke nml collar or whligj
eniin cuiivtiuuvo tus inuuisii loucn or Con
The aerge frock haa coma Into tta enrnj
ni laav. v
H-kl anlld
r n I d Clunran
red Movement.
l Heeklr
10 Fine While
Diamonds and
real Sapphire
SI.SO lleeklr
Fine. White
Diamond In plat
Inuni cul gold
Dllgren ahnnk
11.30 Weekly
l Fine Whit
Iilatnonda I n
gold and plat.
num selling
JJ0 WeekLr
Fin Whit
J I fearle I
I II Weelilr
I ' ' in 1 1 11 1 nn 11 .at
-lainoaa ana
1'. f?.
'i. .. '
'-, iV
) X, S?
rs.sr -Si:
- z ?
W '4 K
Diauoad Circle. JS5
I10 i
I Oluil la in DLattautu
" as tt Waekl
i I ' I
0 ' .
.maa i-
f&X if'
ri la
Mffr "5Cft '
i fMf
W v 1