Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 08, 1916, Night Extra, Page 10, Image 10

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7 g.-jjr. Y
--"S5 Iff
ajsiii E- .
JPe'rnianent Illumination df
.Statue of Liberty an
.f s
1ffl J.!W ' i . . ....
&iCJnBtant Improvement in tho
1 lsHK Art Has Been Mnl.ita.ncd
for Years
......ni i ,.-.. ,,.,,, ,., -- . ,iiIfm a ',,", .J M.1,,,,,1,,-,, i . i HS..U V? ? , ;,!, -,ft fo,.,r. r ' -. TV - 1 V i-
Uk.u., i-.iH . . I. ., ...... . ...... .. i.... ...i .t ..w I ..1?..!. . j i-i-jsff I Ftrtt-s Talie Alice
T'armansnt llltimlnntlon of tlis Btnttte of
Liberty, on Bedtoa's Island, in Htivt Xotk
. Harbor, HRhUd for the first tlm nn
insturursl to America' Klectrlcnl Wk, I
ths most notlcenble of nil thn flood.llsjht
' fmf. nlfTirt In n itnlnxy that embraces
; omo wonderful achievement,
" Among recent application of till type
cf lighting Are the Illumination of Nlnxarn
JBMIle. which Klvee to the vait stretch of
America.' Brent natural wonder a day
light aspect at mldnlicht. It accomplish
jnont Is effected without the ohtrtidlne, and
often dlsflRurlrm appearance of globe and
lampm. Thl method of llghtlne wi flrnt
demonstrated at the Panama I'nclflc Inter
national Exposition under the supervlelfln
of "W. D'Arcy Ityan, thn noted Ctenerat Elec
tric' Illuminating engineer. Under hi ad
ministration tho 030 acre of the fair
ground appeared at night a welt lighted
a by day. Following thl demonstration
of its wonderful Improvement over previous
method the practice of Illuminating large
nreta by projecting light from lighting
Units placed at a distance from the object
to- be. Illuminated ha advanced and been
adopted to a, remarkable degree, tho lighting-
of tho Liberty Statuo being the lateat
In connection with Klectrlcnl Week,
which I being observed throughout Amer
ica) many aurprlnlng reaulls of electrical
pragma are being shown. Bpeaklng of this
jmsso of modern ndvance, T, K. Mimrt, nn
electrical' engineer, who recently returned
to America from the Orient, where he ban
been aupervlilng the Instnllntlon of elec
tric power plant, declare t
"If the Orient could behold the electrla
marvel of a typical American city the
Americanization of tho Knst would not bo
half the tank It In."
Mr. Btuart, like other former New York
rs who return to thn metropolis after
being away for many year, was nmazed
ty the Immenae atrlde In eletcrlcal de
velopment to be found In tho "White Way."
Speaking of the wondrous lighting pro
irress, ns Impressed upon him nlnce his re
turn, Mr, Stuart said:
Tho rapid stride today In tho field of
electricity are no less wondrou or Inter
sting than the atory of electrla lighting
Itself. Sir Humphrey Davy, of Jomton.
"was the first to experiment In electrla
lighting with any deflnlto object In view.
In HOJ ho demonstrated the first crude
light. lie constructed n battery of 3000
cell to the terminal of which ha attached
pieces of charcoal. When these crude car
bon were brought near to each other a
bright spark wn produced and moro than
Jialf the volume of the charcoal became Ig
nited to whiteness, nnd by withdrawing the
points from, each other a constant dis
charge took place through tho heated air.
producing a brilliant aro of light,
"Until the discovery of the dynamo, thirty
years later, thl nro light was an expensive
experiment. The first steady nnd contin
uous light was discovered In 1814 by Kou
cault, a French scientist, who hit upon the
Ijlnti of using the deposit In 'gas retort In
place of the charcoal. Tho first practical
us of tho new light wan made In the Paris
' Opera House during n performance of the
opera "Mose,1' when nn "electric sun" was
, "JS. T, Gramme, a Ilelglan Inventor living
in Paris, In 170 obtained his first patent
en dynamo electrla machines and exhibited
hi work to the Academy of Science In
1171. He Is credited with being the fnthsr
of the modern aro lighting, nlthough arc
lighting had been accomplished by older
machines before the day of Orninme.
"Werner Siemens and Sir Chnrles Wheat
Stone, of England, Improved the dynamo In
1867 by doing away with tho permanent
magnet nnd substituting colls of wire about
v soft Iron coro. Prof, Moses d. Farmer,
an American Inventor living In Sntem,
Mass., obtained tho same results In 1SC0.
"Early electrlo lighting was accomplished
by direct current, as alternating current did
not come Into use until a score of year
. later. Lighthouse In the Straits of Dover
were equipped with nrc lights In 185S and
1812, and similar work was accomplished
In France In the latter year.
"Jnylochkoff In 1878 patented n simple
mechanism which considerably advanced
aro lighting. HI Invention consisted of
'tvro vertical sticks of carbon separated
slightly by an Insulating material which
was consumed at tho same time a the car
bons. These lamps soon were lighting the
Streets here and abroad.
"A short time later Charles F, Ilrush nnd
Edward Weston developed method of se
ries aro lighting and their systems were
seen In general use, The first series Ilrush
aro lamp were erected In the publlo square
ef Cleveland, O., In 1879. In the same year
' the first central station operating aro lamps
was Installed by thn California Electrla
Light Company, of San Francisco.
"$lncs the appearance of the Thomson-
1111 Telephone, Mpruee 3700
Electrical Contractor
269 S. 20th St.
-.-A - .. '
Tlio Philadelphia Electric Company
Cup for the best-llghtcri window
display of the mnmbcra of tho
Wnlnut Strcot Ilusincs Association
during Eloctricnl Week, just cloned,
wns awarded to tho Sonorn Phono
i;rnph Corporation, recently estab
lished at l.'IU Wnlnut street. Hon
orable mention was mndo of tho
Illumination displays of J. .1.
llnbcrmclil & Sons, Stone's, II, T.
Patterson & Co., and tho Vlllo dc
Houston system In I SMI, when tho first
twenty-Ovo nrc-llghllng machines wero
lighting streets, the development In the
Held of Illumination tins been rapidly ad
vancing, until today It has renched thn
nearest approach possible to sunlight. In
fact, thn most recent development In light
ing I cnlleil the daylight lamp. Thli Is a
ga-niled Tungntttn filament Innip, with n
bulb of bluish tinted gas. Thl gas ab
sorb eight per cent of the light given out
by the filament, but tho residt Is n light
that very closoly approaches daylight. In
reality, It Is scientifically measured to be
within one per cent of daylight.
100.000-Gallon Output This Year Pre
dicted by Pittsburgh Expert
About 100,000 gallons of gasoline will be
manufactured In tho current year from
natural gns without Injuring tho gas for use
In cities, according to Oeorgo A. Ilurrell,
consulting chemical engineer nnd president
of the Natural On Product Company, of
PlttjburglL He delivered an nddrcs Inst
night at thr Franklin Institute, In which
he said -the growing nhortaga of gasoline
was causing grave concern to Itn producers.
Mr. Ilurrell said that whlla natural gas
Is twice as valuabla far fuel ns thn mnnu
factured article. It scIIh for only one-third
as much. In 1015 nbout 600.000,000,000
cublo feet of natural gnn wero sold, of
which Industrial consumers used sixty-five
per cent and householders thlrtv-flve per
cent. West Virginia produces forty per
cent of tho output nnd consume sixteen
per cent! Pennsylvania produces twenty
two per cent nnd consume thirty-one per
cent, while Ohio produces ten per cent, nnd
uses twenty-two per cent.
s ar. "",.'.:a fco. a
"HltAoetPMIA. " 4'
Sold in 2, 5, 1 0, 25 and 50 lb. cotton bags
Order Franklin Granulated
and you'll not only be sure of
getting all cane sugar, but you'll
get the best sugar. You'll get
sugar that's clean, dry and of
hignest sweetening power. Un
touched by hands. Packed in
cotton bags at the refinery.
Franklin sugar satisfies
GunuUtnl, Dainty I.umpi, Powdered,
HE Juniors are compact, reliable cameras of high efficiency,
easy to operate and so thin as to be pocketed without incon
No. 1A Autographic Kodak Junior
No. 1A Autographlo Kodak Junior (Fixed focus), meniscus achro
matic lens and Kodak Ball Hearing shutter sil.oe
No, 1A Autog-raphlo KoUak Juulor (Vocuslnr model, with scale),
tatniseu ahroraatlo lens and Kodak Hall Bearing shutter;,.... 11.00
Ditto, with n. H. Una ..,...., 1K .'. , , u.oo
Ditto, with Kodak AnaUia-raat lens, . 7,7.. 18,00
' OTUIJU KOOAIltf, l t 113
BUOWNIB C4MKBA8, tlji to 111
IM8 qHESTOUT ST, ,- . .
Per Duo Volto il Ncmlco Tontn
dl Forznro lo Llnco IUxllnne
dl Quoin 208
ItOMA. 8 Dlcembre.
II Mlnlilero della Marina ha nnnn
nnnunrlato oggt elm due tdro-aeroplanl
Itallnnl hanno fatto una Incurslono nulla
costa dell'Istrla ed hanno hombantato gll
stablllmentl mllltarl dl Trlestn. Nonstante
che I due vellvoll fossero vlolentementa
nttaccatl dalle katterla anllaerre nustrlache,
esKl rllornarono senza dannl alia loro Imse.
(Ill nus(r(acl hanno tentnto per hen due
volte dl nttnreare In fronts Itnllann del
C'arso, n Per due volte sono stall resplntl
con iwrdlte, annunsla II generate Cadorna
net bud rnpportn pubbllcnto lerl sera dal
Mlnlstero della (luerrn, Kcco II testa del
(?nntlnua II cattlvo tempo sii tutta la
fronts, ma partlcolarmente nelte zona dl
. moiling na.
Kuiraltoplano del Carao ' contlntt
anln nelln glornntn dl lerl 1'nttlvlta'
ilell'mtlgllerln, N'ellr rn II nemleo,
dnpo una vlolentn piepnrntlono dl nr
ttgllerln. trnto' due nttncnhl mn'cesslvl
sullo nostra lines n nonl-est della
Ouoln 2U8 Osofu tirdiitnmente respln
to con perdlte e dinette rlcntrnre nelln
sun trlneee.
a endutn fit Ilucnrest, rh ormnl si
prevedeva dn nlcunl glornl, ha cauanto pro
fonda Impresslonn In riUestl clrcnll (K)llt Icl
n mllltarl. flehbeno ipiento nuovo nuccesso
degll Imperl centrnll lion nlgnldcn che la
sltunalono gennrntn nella guerrn europea
ablila sublto ii n camhlamento nelle sue
tinea cssenr.lall. pure si rlconosce che una
serle dl beneflcll nn derlvernnno per In
potenin teutonlche, npeclnlmento nel campo
rconnmlra, glncche' I tedsschl hnnno menso
le mniil su ill unn grnnde iiunntltn dl
grnnl a su rlcchl dcposltl dl petrollo, Nes
minn puo' dire nn I rim.il e I rumenl rlus
flranno n trnttenern la mcrea dello form
Irntonlrlio fnorl delln Moldavia ill il tenerle
lontnne dalla linen del I'ruth, inn I pin'
rllnngono che II ilnni( cha nl attrlliulnca
n von Mnckensen ill punturn In dlrczloui) ill
Odessa o' per In meno dl dubbin nttunxlntin,
glncche' e' da rltenersl che, so I rilnl
non sono rluscltl per una serle dl raglonl
.11 smifl n Mlri.ro IlueflMet, ess! ! roW
ben fortlfleate' 0 rnunltt ft nord nppunto P"1
Imprdlrs che In on mo- o nelialtro rtn
Mnrkensen po anehe lontanaments
mlnaeclarn le ban! runs
Intanto In Inghllterra ond nvvenutl Im
portant! camblamentl mlnuterlall, It pflmo
mlnlstro Asqullh aveva dato nel giornl
scorn! lo sue dlmlsslonl che erano state
ncceltate dnl re. II re ha Incnrlcato II mlnl
stro della Ouerrn Lloyd George dl formare
It nuovo gablnetto, do' che n stnto fatto.
Questo camblamenlo slgnlflca una splnta
mngglore alia condotta della sruerra, glac
che' la crlsl era stain appunto provoenja
da I.toyd (lenrge che nvevn dl mlra Una
magglnro Intenslfleailone delta opernilonl
mllllnrl nllo soopo dl ottenero plu' sol
Itcllnmente quelln vlttorln ch sembra an
crn lonlaim.
I'nn nevlcnln forllselma hn Interrollo
n rnmunlcnxlohl ferrovlntl ra I'ltalla la
l-'ranula n la Hvltaern. 'rl I'altro a eern
II treno dlrettlsnlmo Mllano-I'arlgl eta
stato nrrestato dalla neve n tlno n lerl sera
lion cm stnto ixjsslhlle stnblllra dove nl tro
vnsse fermo glncche I fill telrgrndel e tele
fonlcl nils due enlfate della gallerla del
Rcmplone sono stall nbballutl dalla .eve.
A llrlga d a Domoilosnola In neve e alia
quntlru pledl e nl passu del Hemplone e' ntta
otto pledl. HI tin notlsla ill molte valanghe
sulle Alpl. (Juarnnta soldatl sono rlmastl
bloccatl nel rlfuglo del Hemplone per gll
ultlml Ire glornl.
Mllmio e- seiun luce, glncche' I fill elec
trlcl dnlln pnrte ill I)omoloKtola sono stntl
nbbnttutl o ntietsntl 0 sepolll sotto la neve
Klnorn non si sa dl vlttlme Umane, ma le
communication! Internnzlonnll sono Iron
rule. Trent sperlnll per tagtlarn una via
nelln neve sunn stall tnaiidatl suite tlnee
ferrovlnrlo dnlto clttn' nvlzsere o da MllaPo.
Lenders Decide to Adjourn Voca
tional Hill Up Tomorrow
WASHINGTON'. Dec. 8. Tho House took
a day off today to wnlt for something to
do. With no routine business yet perfected
by the rommlttep.-i, tho lenders decided to
adjourn over until tomorrow when the voca
tional education bill, urged by President
Wilson, will be tnken up.
Meantime the Appropriations I'ommltteo
will endeavor to hnvn thn first big appro
priation bill, the legislative, executive and
judlclnl bill, appropriating snmo tJn.ono.ooo
to pny salaries of (lovrrnmctit nltlcInN and
employes, ready for consideration on Monday.
Mann & Dilks
Tyrol Wool
A modish knitted fabric of dis
tinction. Warm, light weight,
wrinlcle and damp-proof.
Ladies' fe? Misses' Outdoor
Suits 22.75 24.75
Top Coats 19.75
RHann & Dilks
& suffer
aaajLaaaaaajiaaaaajjaaaaajmjLaaaaaajLaaaa iniiiiiiiu aaaa t aasaf
No More Chilly Rooms
'KJll .CX--"
An electric heater gives yon cozy
ivnrmth just whore and when you
moat need it, and without unpleas
ant odors. Just tho thing for the
nursery no danger from fire or
when Mother bathes baby.
The Radiant
Electric Heater
is compact nnd light, making it easy lo carry from room to room. It may
bo attached to any socket. Inexpensive to buy costs Ilttjo to oporntc.
rsTiisnsmiTl8GC "Tlie Best of Things Electrical" 1916 """' "'
rl'Mr'L.'""1"1 I tl'IIHI'll llf. ' ' ..fj-.y
On Saturday the
Evening Ledger
will publish the
world desolate and
in ruins and car
ries the story of a
opening chapters romantic love, 'mid
of a serial story imminent dangers,
the Great Obliv
ion." It is a con
tinuation of "The
Vacant World,"
n o vv running in
this paper.
"Beyond the
Great Oblivion" is
from strength to
And just as "The
Vacant World"
struck a new note
in the field of news
paper serials, so
"Beyond the Great
Oblivion" develops
a better story than original and strik-
"T h e Vacant, ing narrative qual-
World." It de
velops the power
of the author's
unique setung-
ities which will
meet with wide
favor. This is the
story for you.
Read This
MabMrdie AMaite
Mail Truck Speeders
rvntlmteit (ram fsre On
From not on I am sjolhs: lo dAI most
severely with every on of them. I con
sider It mr duty s s. Msslstrat to do rnr
little part toward protecting th public. J
will h6ld thl man In $400 ball to await
the outcome of th little boys Injuries."
Milton wns knocked down while plnylns
nl Oollum nnd Wnkeneld streets. He wns
taken lo the Uermnntown Hospltnl suffer
In: from cuts of the scslp and body and
Internal Injuries. HI condition Is serious,
MaRlsltste Watson's bitter nrralmmcnt
of United Htnles mnll drlrers follows de
nunciation yesterday of the same drivers by
rjeorice 14 Ilartol, president of the Ilouree.
In protesting ssslnst abolition of the
pneiimntlo mail tubes, Mr. Ilrtol snldJ
"Already much criticism ilia been di
rected ssnlnst the I'ostolTlee Hepnrtmenl In
this city because of the reckless manner
In whjch United Stales msll wsKon Are
driven. Three-fourths of these drivers
ousht to be nrrested nnd put Into Jail. I
have walched them and linve seen them
charging throuxli the traffic at the rste of
twenty-flvo nnd thirty miles nn hour, en
dangering the lives of our rflliens, If wo
abolish the tubes for trucks, the change
mny cost us mnny more human lives, for
It Is cerlaln thsl the drivers will put' on
more rpeed snd will take still further
Suffrage Advocate ,1."i Ycnrs Dead
MOUNt t'AHMt:!., Pa.. Dec. 8-John I.
Hlmnnlinii, sjrenty-reven, merclisnt nnd
imlltlolnn, I dend here In n political
speech thlrly-flvo years ngo h advocnted
woman suffrage.
.lien. Ihe.e satin hlrt. urn ZSzMS
itamfle.l I hate them In all
nlsr, Tlier sre , rest SI "JIi.i
,uttm, with t iMiekels nnl S"",'1"1,
rollsr sltsrlie.1. All sire. neJueeJ
i nme ee tnem. irnm i
ItrtxdQvarttra tor union timtle
rrralU nnd Utovta
37 N.Hl!!T.(Bst.nibrl&Arch)
i ftti Mimi rtoi
mi TAt Allerfed'Vlft Hcati'r
A cfowfl of ywnfr by ptv"red a rnn
who will b arraigned today for bentln his
wife. Two boys who were- ininic a house
at Klghteenth and Vine s'rents heard a
pcream and saw a man running from the
Jrows. They bV cilss Arid Wr mm
JVIIIC1, 'J .jr... ..- -.. h- ,u..-i K.MM.1
his captors, but was tackled In footksKy
rASniOn nmi firm uniii nro nrriai or IRnSSj
pollre. He pave the name et Krnest flrtwetjl1
of aoi North Eighteenth street
You Can Be Well Dressed
onSmall WeeKly Payments
SW NEAT Dcrsonnl anpearance goes a "3
jl long way in helping men and worticn
to success. If you would be pros
perous look prosperous.
You stand in your own light when you
put off the purchase of wearing apparel
until you have all cash to pay for it.
There's no need for any one to pay cash
for clothes when we
sell good, stylish, de
pendable garments at
low prices on credit
terms of great liberality
1 J fair
? 1 4
From the lead- CI P
ints mnkers n I J
Great sliowinK
Many others in easy
price riies to $30.
Women's SUITS
Stylish Br;$1 r
ments that will I J
picnic. Specint
vnlues ot
Mnny other at a price
rungs to $30.
See Our Great Offer: $Q50
Kooms completely rumisnca
Sl.n n tk.
722-724 Marlfet Street
t 3Xi!.WtSltJSPSsMSKsWieSsW3SS3JS7.' S$M' ,i
m Tl m
m ine w
irlMii'i ! ii mtusBiYig
yj pau..uji.MiisW.'iaiv-''jfjB!t-.ig jsaassasssssi
vl ci OflvSBaSsBsKSsfeyiT npSse-rfSifti
1 m Tk
3 ft
VI '
yj y . . Also
g "' v ,-' . H. C. Sqhomacker Piai
a ;, r ' "' N Weber Pianos, $p5
jj j., . ' '. TlnfT-7a or cAqre aceousl
yj - , ''- -' . lease-, all paymenl applying to
"-c.j; HEPPE I
I 1117.1119 Chestnut St, 6th
I ' Philadelphia
r isru. isBsssMii
a Musician's-
"W A '
THE Heppe is an instrument of sound musical
quality, satisfying to the most exacting taste.
It will be the Christmas piano in scores of
Philadelphia homes.
Its remarkable tone comes from the exclusive Heppe patented
feature the three sounding boards which give to Heppe Pianos
1300 sqttqre inch.es more sounding board area, thus producing a
tone equal lo the small-sized grand pianos,
" Why not one of these fme'instruments for YOUR home THIS
Christmas? '
The Heppe Line
Three'-Sounding-BoaM Pianos
Heppe, $305 up . . .
. Edouard Jules,: $35
i K 9H
Marcellus, $325 K ' Wt
Francesca, $290 K --8B
Also K Jf;-
H, C. Sqhomacker Pianos, $350 K mk
"Weber Pianos, $p50 up p j
f JJ (...'.- TlnT-7a or cAqre accrual, qr ra(al K iJHI
I yj ,' ' . I'ate, all payment applying to purthate. (v K
M vf . e I HKMMN .AV 9 ftrtl tv 3sK
11.17-1119 Chestnut St, 6th and Thompson Sts. p B
Wholesale and Retail Victnr T)iatrihnh, P Hi
i ii m -JUIL ,.,.... , ip a
',: . --v
i mm urn, minium 'i irrrn 1" i
r-7 , -, .- -'-- iiiisMiiiissTrrr"
hpi.wi i ' im i '
ifMlflwIi I) "(f II vr
'WW - vr
' ,A ''-J
?? ' . T"X " J - 5 i ji 1B'W 3. 'V ' t . - - - i - zav?-j- , - -- - jy