Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 07, 1916, Night Extra, Page 4, Image 4

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Ifc' . Victorious German forced t m rt i
ySwrtdwia frera put o
tuailr be able lo enlist support of
Xabw Bitty, In tlsvr of his known
ia more liberally to tteonse that
MNLrty' claim In tho now ministry, only
f-&fj'h!Ht. Tli. T.aluir nrivtt h.tf t..tnfnr
j a"1!? Y nntjnistlo to l.loyd Ueorge.
4 ffil'tt ! believed hat lh Welsh statesman
I'l .Itpl Carry out to an een greater extent
ff '1'lHji ha originally riropoeil the power
'xf W plenary war council, probably limit
8? i,! (tSinir ms actual worHir.ir eaoinei ror uirj
V- :WVrflos to Ave number, reducing: tho
','-ipmNf of the actual cabinet.
... tiS". The Evening1 New (r Northcllffa news.
''.4tMwr) today charge Indications that there
tm an Immense Oerman propaganda,
' VhfftvllV financed. already operating In con
necll6n with the pnclflnt movement In
. EncUM at alnst l.loyd Oeorce.
' .' vL-i Additional Interest m th "rteonstruc.
; ",'-' tppn of government" here waa due to dl-
,' ti(jiic. fiiriii j nrm iiiuiimuhk tliv hi vrvnt
r.wasHOn of the Chamber of Deputies Prance
'was also seeking greater efficiency, more
i Mggreailveneaa arid more compact organlia
, tlon In her conduct of the war. Soma (tin
VAtohet even hinted at a email "war board'
reatmbllng the council proponed by l.loyd
OeOtge. and Indicated that retirement of
Oenernl Joffre In fAVor if n younger nrid
more vlgoroun commnndor-ln-chlet wa
being- considered,
Arthur Henderson, LaborMe, cntne to sea
Lloyd tleorge, freeli from nn early morning
. meeting of member of hla party. Thla con.
ference of the llmrltm ndoptrd rrmilu-
tlona regretting the Oovenment'R delay In
..preventing the Incteaae In fond prlecit nnd
. ' urging the purchneo by the flnrertimetit of
' alt food Importa, the wmtnnndeerlng or
' controlling of Ml freight movemrnla, the
organixation and aupcrvlntoti of nil prwluc
. tlon, ao an tn develop all homo reHourcea to
the utinoHt.
' A hieetlng of nil Mheralif of both Hoiieea
,. of t'Arllamrnt la achediiled for tomorrow.
- Aaqulth will prenldn.
-.. At the morning meeting of the Ijiborltm,
Henderson formally communicated to bin
rMlleaguaa the Invitation he had previously
, received from l.loyd (loorge for the party to
participate In the new Uovrrnmont. .ifter
a general dlrctinslon, llenderiuin wan. In'
atructcd furpier to confer with l.loyd
Oeorco and to report later
According to one prominent Labor louder,
, thera wa a, gonoral feeling of rrgret among
the party membern over Aauuith'a renlgna
tlon oa I'reniltr, hut It win perfectly evi
dent that the party wna prepared to eiip
port any 1'retnler who deinohetrated hi"
J)urpOe to pumun the war vlgprouely.
l.loyd Qoorge wna buay nlmnut all morn
ing conferring with llonar Uir, Kir l"d
Ward Caraon, Iletidrreon und others.
-v" 1'AlUH, Dec, 7.
' f Following tlio example o( Knglnnd,
' ' ehapgea of moment can bo foreaeen nlao In
' Franco. In fact, the coming to n head of
, the Rngllah altuntlon linn only iruitrned In
Prance development which were virtually
certain, Theen development may mean
the retirement of 1'renldcnt I'olncurn nnd
' General JofTro.
Th secret ecneton of tho Chamber of De
puties hnn now nlmoet reached ltd end. It
probably would havo lasted xoveral duyn
longer, and thera In llttln reaeou to doubt
that the raatilt would hitva been the sumo,
'but after the Kngllsh nctlmi further dlecus
Ion wns virtually' Impossible.
Then haH becn.n Kniirrul ilvmnnd for lin
mediate action here. Tho Itadlrat nnd Itn-dlcal-floclaltst
group In thn Clminbor of
1 Deputtea recently adoptrd this mnolutlon:
''In tho Interests of nntlnnal dofensii It Is
tircent that the secret session of thn Cham
ber ond as noon an twpalblo, nnd that In
a preclso resolution tho people's representa
tive point out to thn Covornmeiit the de
jraand of the coimtry."
' There Is no doubt as to what thin mennn
no mat the action will li In iicix.i-d v nil
tho resolution.
Xlerr.o Jleiiaudel. In today's Ilumanlln,
predicts the Immediate ond or the secret sen-
alon und naya; "I feel nnfe In naylng that
itha measures demnndod by tho Ciuunbor
j) 'Will be adopted." I In aildn:
. "I can seo that wo nro on the road to rt
; national aesenibly, which. If not exactly the
Bime thing a tho Committee of I'ubllo
Safety of the Revolution, yet will bo very
close to It,'
( Tho changca will look to greater action
, and to pushing tho war. Tho Temps says
tonight i '
, "We must have au the resolution of the
."IUrttcnl-SoclullMs shows plainly results
from tho secret wmlon, and not orrisrit of
the day. vaguo nnd dlrfunlve. with sonlennes
udroltly balanced and formulas nicely cnl
. ciliated to mean nothing. Wo must havo a
.program laid down with precision.
This Is what will cuinti nt the ond of the
aecret session, and thoro will bo n reorgnn-
Ixatlon which will mean getting on with
' tho war o.t a moro rapid pace.
.m. .... .. HOME, Deo. T.
Too Allies do not deslro to forco Oreeoo
Into war, nor do thoy support any anil
rntia movement In Oreece, asserted
Premier Bosslll In his report on the war
delivered before the Chamber of Deputle.
Premier Bosnia reiterated the unshakable
-determination of Italy to mnlniain h.. w.
'With her alien and nmntoy her energies until
the restoration of Ilelgium, Serbia and lion
tenegro was accomplished. He tenned this
"the noble and essential object of the war,'1
At tho close of his speech ho sent a messago
of greeting to "our valorous fatln slater,
Jtumanla," trusting for her final success.
.' Tho I'reml.r's stwoch was very long, and
tn It ho recapitulated tho whole history of
Italy'B participation In the war and enu
.tneratea tho reasons which Induced King
Victor to enter Into the struggte. As ft
; proof that Italy wa prepared to push her
, , opirattons vigorously, the Premier an
nounced that there were now 2100 factories
'.working on war material, tha workers being
, one-fifth women, whose participation both
. in Industrie and agriculture waa Increas
ing: dally. The Tremor declared that vic
tory would lnsuro tho equilibrium on the
, Eastern Mediterranean, which he termed
one of tha chief foundations of Italian pol
icy, lis said that Avlonx would be Italy's
atraUgto post on the Adriatic, from which
Itllll Watches i
Kj&mamm . m
Sssfe'i&K Si
ft l
r s't"
Tit? Pequfenoi Watch
for over 60 yean s perfect
tfaeplece. In thin models
and Wrist Watches,
.1331 Walnut Street
would radiste her future commercial ex
pansion In the nalkana.
In conclusion, the speaker protested
ngalnst tho dismemberment of Poland,
which, ho said, was confirmed hy the action
of the Central Powers) agalnsWhn deporta
tion of IHIglans, the bombardment of open
towns, and the sinking of steamihlpn carry
ing peaceful and uharmed psseengers.
A motion Introduced by the ftnclallit In
tho Chamber of Deputies yesterday Urging
peace wan defeated by a vole of S4 3 to 4T.
Thoso who voted In the majority were
mostly HorlalliU,
Premier Iloeelll aiked for thn rejection
of the motion not, he Mid, because ho
wished the Italian Parliament to vote
against peacn In Itself, but against nn
Italian Initiative for pence while the coun
try was pledged with Its allies not to end
tho war until victory was attained,
PKTItOOltAn, IJec 7 After a turbulent
ee-!on of tho Duma, In which the nenhdat
caused by M. Markoft In attacking Presi
dent Itodtlanko led to n clear definition of
the overwhelming strength of M. Itodil
anko'n supporters nnd n resolution express
Ing dissatisfaction with the "partial nnd
Ineffectual chnnge thus far mndn In thn
Cabinet," further ministerial resignation
am now considered Inevitable.
Itcports reaching America from authentic
sources state Hint the political block bo
hind M. Itodtlanko Is dissatisfied with thn
appointment of M. Trepoff to thn premier
ship to succeed llorls Vlndlmlrnvltrh
Hturmer. Although Trepoff Is a Itiissophllo
nnd, therefore, an opponent of Hturmer and
mom or less of a liberal. It Is felt that
Itusnla needs n far morn radical rhanse In
Ita ndie'nlstrallve machinery to meet nut
only Su needs of the war but tho prob
lemn of econnriilc expansion.
It Is stated on good authority that the
overthrow of Hturmer marked tho frustrn-
tlon of a plot by the Onrninnophlln section
of the bureaucracy for a erixirnln peaco
with Oermany and the formation of n
Itiisno -Herman - Jnpnnesn altlnncr. The
credit for the failure of thn plan In due to
the Duma, thn fear of a revolt by tho army
nnd thn force of public opinion. It la alno
a oner led from tho wtinn nourcen of Informa
tion that the luiinn Intends to follow up
It partial victory by Innlntent demands for
morn Cabinet changen and that no lens u
statesman anil libera! than Prof. Paul
Mlllukov. leader of tho Constitutionalist
Democrats, and well known In thu United
Hlntes and dri'iit llrllaln. will noon succovd
Trepoff In tho premiership.
'Rumania's "100 Daus"i
From Victory to Defeat
THE Ono Hundred Days - from
Elton to Waterloo lurlnf; which
Napoleon fought nnd failed to re
coup his power, have parallel In
Humanln's 100 dnyg of war. To he
exact, this is tho lOSth day of Its
entrance Into tho conflict. Following
are the dates showing the quick How
of events during this short period
front Kumantn'a victories In Tran
sylvania to tho capture of Bucharest
hy the Germans!
August 27 Itumnnln dcclnres war
on Austria - Hungary. Declaration
followed by quick Kumitnlan advance,
into Transylvania and occupation of
Kronstadt, Hermannstadt nnd n wide
sweep of Hungarian territory.
September 7 Hulgnrinns take Tit
trnkan, on Danube.
September 10 Bulgarians enntttro
October 21 Mackcnscn'a troops
capture Conntnnzti.
October 25 Mackcnncn's troops
capture Ccrnnvoda.
November 18 Fnlkcnhnyn breaks
Ilumnninn lino in Jlul Valley und in
vades Itumania.
Novcmbar 23 Conquest of west
ern Wnllachla completed, following
enpturo of Orsovn and Craiova.
November 23 Mackcnscn breaks
Huinanlan lino south of IluchnrcsL
after crossing Dnnubo at Glurgcvo
nnd cITccting Junction with Fnlltcn
hayn's troops.
December 6 Bucharest captured.
left Athens The foreign colonies now nil
all thn hotels of I'lrnruN. nnd many huvn
embarked on thn vnnnels In the harbor.
"Harriers have been rnlsed In the streeLi
1 nd thn guarded by (loyalist regular troop,
augmented by voluntary enrollments of re
servlnls." continues the dlspatrh. "Tho Hn
lento Ministers have been looking after tho
ilepanurn of their nntlonaln. At Jnulna
ofllcern of thn garrison, aided by reservists,
havn arrested Venlselo nuppnrterK."
A hlnckniln of lreero as a mesnurn of
reprisal for thn lints In Athcim will bo of
llclally nnnounccil tomorrow.
LONDON. Dec 7.
The Foreign OfTlcn has Issued a slate
ment to the effect that there Is reason to
bellevo that press message do not glvo
an accurals picture of the actual situation
at Athens, both liecnunn thn Iloynllits havo
nuccceiled in regaining control of Ihn cabin
lleil preei correspondents In Atheiin nre.llv
llcd press correnpondenta tn Athens nro liv
ing llndnr threats of pomonal violence. In
common with all thoso nuspec'ed of Venl
xnllst leanings,
"Thoro Is. unfortunately, reason to be
llevo that very gravo acta of violence havo
been committed by Iloynitst forces and tho
mob," thn Foreign OIIlco ailds.
Details of Ihn troublo In dispatches In
thn Hrltlsh authorities havo led Ihn Foreign
Ofllco to ilestTtbo them nn constituting a
pogrom of tiio ltoyallntn ngulnst llui Vrnl
xellnts. Theso dlsiiatrhi's state that tho looting
of Vcnlzelon'n own houso was conducted by
tlreek regulars under command of superior
omcors, Including ono general who wore
prominent decorations, After tho hoiisn
was sacked ten Cretans lodging thorn wern
Imprisoned. Their nubsrquent fate Is un
known Hoynllstn then attacked tho houso of M.
KnlnphhakK translator for tho American
I,"irutlon fo took tcfugn In tho Amorlcan
Legation, wbero the American Minister lx
pnacctlng him. Hut the houso occupied by
his sister and servants linn been besieged
for two days.
A neutral diplomat who saw the removal
of General Coralcas, hend of tho Vrnlxelo
recruiting bureau, and thn former chief of
pollen, Maroudn. from tho Parliament
House, described their condition as pitiable.
Thoy wero bruited mid bleeding, he wiyn
AmAher prominent Veiilxcllst wim shot
down In cold blood.
'Tho provisional government," says liou
ter'n Halohrea correspondent, "has received
news of great excesses nt Larlnsa, whero
all thn shops were closed as tho result of
pillaging. Hands of reservists marched
through tho town shouting 'Death to tho
Venlzellst!' Thn people am declared In lis
panic-stricken. Similar scenes took placo
at Trlkkalo nnd Volo."
PAIttS, Dec. 7. A llavas itlsnntch rmm
Athens nays tha entire French colony ha
Audiences Aro I.nrgo nntl Enthusiastic
at Two Performances of
Opening Visit
A capacity audience welcomed thn first
appearance of thn "Theutro Frnncnln din
Klnls t'nls," which began n series of fort
nightly visits to I'lillndclfibln'n "Utile The
atre" last evening. Tho organisation, which
III nn attempt to transplant mhiio of tho
traditions and methods of the French stngn
huhlml American footlights, has already
won popular and critical favor In New York,
In tn havo an endowed homo In Hint city,
which will servo as a center for the npreail
of lis dramatic inlKslonary work. It wan
gooil to see Ihn conferring of Philadelphia
favor nn an enterprise so idiicatloual and
so meritorious.
Until these qunlltles wero to thn forn In
Ihn selection of plecen and the milliner In
which they were given. For thn matlneo
Kmlln Angler's "J.'Aventiirloio" was tho bill,
and Alfred Hnpus's "Notrn Jcmicsso" wan
undrrnciirrd for tho evening Tho Angler
drama wnn perhaps moro Inslriicllvn than
sheerly entertaining; formally, It Is of tho
classical school, In verse, ami dramatically
It conveys In a brisker, less sentimentalized
era tho Ideals and conventions of an out
moded period.
Tho Hnpiis plecn reaches directly a modern
theme; It satirizes and psychologizes, It
runs In fluent illaloguo nnd keeps action and
mood very closn to character, tinpua ban
been denominated tho "Mollern of thn nine
teenth century." nnd this wimplo of his con
temporary inaiineni ami universal human
Irony well warrants thn nscrlptlon.
Tho company Individually has tho deft
nens In "polntn" and thn graco and ciiho to
bo expected of (lalllo actors, and In thn
nggrrgatn display In "composition and en
semble a "team work" that makes their
representation attain a charming unity.
HtilgnrH to Mobllizo Labor
AMSTKItDAM, Dec. 7 Premier Ilado
Invoff, of Ilulgarlu, hns nmiounced that
Ilulgitrla will follow thn cxamplo or It
allies nnd mobilize labor for tho production
of munitions, according to u. Holla dlsimtcb
to tha Uerlln Jllttiig Zoltung.
Urges Post-Mortems on Chickens
llATtmsnUItO, Pec. 7 W. Theodore
Wltlmnn. poulliymnii with thn Penusyl.
vunla Stnto Department of Agrlculturu,
urges that post-mortems be held on chicken
that die on tha farms.
Continued from rn Onn
Dessarabis. Odnssa. will bo Ihn objective
If this Itusslan offensive Is Undertaken.
Field Marshal Von etaekensen, who
directed thn operations .of the Oerman allien
In Itumania, has taken hi place alongside
Field Marshal von Itlndenhurg as the Idol
of tho German people.
With all of Itumania In Oerman hands
the Teuton allies will havn conquered flvn
kingdoms. If Poland may bf classed m a
separata nation. They are Relglum, Serbia,
Montenegro, Poland and Itumania.
Vast stores of provisions, army storei
nnd other materials havn fallen' Into thn
hahds of the Oerman allies. Already th
oil fields are being worked.
Military men are amazed at the rapidity
of the advance of the Oerman allies through
Itumania. Ferdinand declared war against
Austria on August 17, a llttln morn than
three month ago.
One month after about one-third of Tran
sylvania had been occupied hy thn Ruman
ian. The first of October tho Oermnn
counter offensive was opened nnd from first
to last It has been a militant success
Dispatches from the front today Indlcnln
that Uucliarest was ovacunted and prob
ably for two reasons:
(1) To prevent the rspluro oj Its Itusslan
and Rumanian defenders; (2) To present
tho city front being smashed by nhellflrn.
Huchareat, or "thn Paris of thn Near
Km st" ns thn Rumanians loved to call It,
wns defended by a girdle of eighteen power
ful forts Thoy wern built along the llnei
of thn defenslvn works at Liege, Notour and
Antwerp, but It was evident lo all military
men Hint they could never stand hefnro
the pounding of the gigantic Oerman guns.
PlTTROOItAI). Deo 7.
(iniolnl admission that thn Rumanians
have abandoned lliicharent was made by
thn Wnr nnicn today
Tho Rumanians, however, arn offering
Ihe utmost resistance to the Teutonic troops
all along thn line, thn statement nnyn.
In tho Carpathians despcrntn fighting continues
In explanation of tho rapid ndvnnrn of
thn Oermnn allien Into Iluchnrrst the re
port enyn that when von Mackensen was
checked soiilh of Iluchnrest hn Immedi
ately shifted the full weight of hln pro-euro
to Ihe PloeMCl-Tetgovlslea-Tltil line, break
ing the Rumanians' rcslstnnco north of the
PARIS. Den. 7.
Violent rear-guard actions nre taking
place brtween the Riisso-Riimanlnn forces
and tho Oermnn ' nllles northeast of
Rtic.h.nrost, according to a dispatch to thn
Petit Pnrlslen today.
It slates that thn Russo-Rumnnlnn army
In lliicharent niadn Itn enenpo and only n
few small groups of prisoners were cap.
lured by von Mnckciieri'n forces.
Thn Teutonic forces entored ltucharest at
noon yesterday, to Und thn city deserted
of troops. Tho defenders had carried off
most of thn war materials In tho place.
Tho nermann: arn now striving to got In
touch with thn nmln Rumanian army and
bar ltn encapo Into Moldavia.
Iluchnrest wns almost deserted of civil
ians an well nn nf soldiers when thn Hit
mnnlan capital city wna captured by thn
Oermnn, Report horo today i.ald tho oily
wan not demolished.
Kaiser In Rumania;
Lauds Victorious Army
to be on tho Rumanian front, A
dispatch from Berlin today says that
tho Kaiser has sent tho following
message lo tho Empress:
"Bucharest has bocn taken, what
n magnificent success on the road to
complete victory has been gained
with God's help. By a sudden stroko
our incomparable troops, side by side
with our bravo allies, have beaten
the enemy wherover he offered re
sistance. Their well-tried com
mander has guided them. May God
furthor vouchsafe his help."
announced In today's official statement
Thn Masurian Infantry regiment was
credited wllh the victory. Blx officer and
fifty men were taken prisoner.
nnnuN, Dee, 7.
Fighting has again broken out on the
Verdun front. Thn Germans have captured
the numrnlt of Hill 301 on tho western bank
of the Meuse, the War Office announced to
day. Oerman raiders penetrated tho French
position on Die slope of Dead Man's Hill,
capturing some prisoners.
PAniH, Dec. 7.
.Success of a French surprise attack east
of Metzeral was announced In today's of
nclal statement Tho "French forces cap.
Hired a number of prisoners.
Metzeral Is In Alsace, near the border,
and on the road to Colmar, from which
point It Is about fifteen miles distant
f-ONDON, Dee 7.
General Sir Douglas Halg had nothing
to report today of activity on the western
Allied Vessels Cautioned to Steer Clear
of Trade Routes BccaUso of Pres
ence of German Submarines
NBW TORK, Deo. 7. Oerman subma.
rlnes again have appeared off the American
coast, It was believed In shipping circles
An unidentified Hrltlsh cruiser early to-
ilsv flarhed a warning to alt Am ..i
chBt tessebt to lure of the undeSSTll
less ami picked up here. -It follows! T8 J
Oerman submarine may b met mr
where in Ihe Atlantic especially west of
60 degrees went Keep good lookouts
Bhow no unnecessary lights. Avoid all
trade route nnd converging points.
Many vessel making this port In thn but ,
tUived to b ruibmmr.nri, Their IdftnUiWf
lion nn " ' """iuw in nny
Mantel Clocks With Chimes
housed in handsome ma
hogany cases, with large
clear silver dials, arc
much in demand.
Our new 260-page cata
logue con tai ns photo
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these clocks and every
thing desirable in Jewels,
Goldware and Silver
ware. It is the largest
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will prove helpful in
making gift selections.
Call or write for a copy.
S. Kind & Sons, 1110 Chestnut St.
doting hcur Six o'Cloelt untff ChrUtma.
llIfltf.IN. Dec. 7.
Defeat nf Serbian troops nnd ousting of
theso forceM from the position In which thoy
had established themselves yesterday east
of tho Cerna Klver and near Tarnnvn, waa
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Oldest and Largest Fur Hoo U rhlkdelphU
Fur Sets
Raccoon Seta 29.S0
Skunk Sets 39.50
Australian Opossum Sets 60.00
Pear! Wolf Sete 65.00
Taupe Wolf Seta . . 65.00
Kolinsky Sets 69.50
Black Lynx Sets... 70.00
White Fox Seta 70.00
Red Fox Sets 75.00
Dyed Blue Fox Seta. 84.50
Cross Fox Sets 89.50
Moleskin Sets 90.00
Ermine Sets 94.50
Pointed Fox Sets . . . 98.50
Slate Fox Sets 110.00
Fisher Sets 115.00
Fur Coats
Natural Muskrat Coats., 74.50
Hudson .Ml eolUr. cuff. andUlt.
4. Inch flar. rood!.
Hudson Seal Coats.... 135.00
Z-lnch raodtl exception.!! lull Bare.
Hudson Seal Coats,, . .145.00
43-lnch fl.r. model S.lnch border
and collar of skunk.
Hudson Seal Coat 155.00
42'iach .mart model y.ry cKolc
Leopard Skin Coats. . . ,195.00
BU.hlp ar.y foe collar and
border. 41-iach fl.r model
Hudson Seal CoaU, , , .245.00
IMnch model 3 -yard .wmp i-iach
collar and border of skunk.
Scotch Moleskin Coats. .245.00
-lflct mod.1 6-Inch border and
collar of .kunk. full dcelgo,
Natural Mink Coats. . . .375.00
42-inch inodel trUnmtd at bottom
with wbl. paws and ulnk tallfc
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