2 ' WANTED "PttauM tnm Ftwestlstf For -.-. nt.TTIfiNO - Itlgneet ,, prices Pa'li eirr-orr "'mA; ptJhwhi" , postal eif ii.iMtnen sui's, over ., unrwnera. anr -,,(,...-- MIT. unuri'i! . "'-.-v ?&. Friedman i "h "' ,n ,"r,, "',;, t": ' . .... nrarli. antinues. ml n srrriT rasped, TiT A hit wa'-r heating l" 2fln " ffiK' Btn Btnln t H-rmnntnwn nOOMS TOR KENT Ka-fw t sw-nK"in ni.K iioomm. run- 7SFrNr rit TRANSIENT. . e- . s-n- Well fornlh"l front rimfni tdijrsl. e..n5 Horn" ''' ""m nwr' ".""' "r "h ,un " ,,,, fufnhd room.. all J?w ""' tl.lrJlri.nl. " :.'.;.fii.ninlo famllr. breakfast H gSf "t.upH..ii MHn inn BOARDING1 SMIN MMin " " - l..-.nnrvit I-are room, southern ripneure. man, ii" - ; HOARD WANTED rwAPIirtl voun ladv. deslree Writ In lW"I Tn,j")V!t"il arnrtnrcnla preferred. P 430. iJjrT Office SANITARIUMS 7itTirt!t. l-OCATHIM. speelsl scientific caret 5i.Miii elderVi every comfort; mirsesi book. f.YWpr llanoa! Otr Mw. Chcalnut "b APARTMENTS - 15T k iRTii nt yerr dealrab'o ants ,,1V,,:T.om',,5!!7r,"- .. STfs.".! ri.h,.5w!,"r" floor- 203 South 18lh l s-iiuirr" M0.1 III story, front. 2 large rooms, ff.t private huh. n-ll heated! Plenty hot bam. pm".",.,,., r.niBhd nr unfurnished. wslirj ixi".i - tSrir S . tl llullfullr furnlahxt yullrii. prl "il, bithVriMllnl locution KMittcmfn. irvKiUti mr llttl pnrtmfnt nfr thli ttnw Vllmn tllO (llrtru mo. fop ll"H rURNISHED APARTMENTS " wiyr rini.tiiBi.i'iiiA ' . . tv L.r.nvimtt'n All1 1 rSrm.V bth .nd Vltchen."w.;t PMIjdM SliS? e"tor bulldlni, ITS. Phono Wl Kt CMC. HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS TOtJ TANNOT TINtl A UtnTEIt APAIITMIIST N.E.Cor. 1 7th & Walnut (1 tiloek from ntttnhmnn Square) Tia houwVwplns aullra nr perfect In tfcS elan 3 larKi" tiodrooma. '"eh hav fSJ ,ar 5 ndowa lino larEa llvlnir room PSir. room kitchrn. mald'a room and 3 Lthroomi a. well M-l wlnlar and aum m.? aSartmenta A aullo of 2 roomi S5fbaSJf "u of laundry on top lloor. tur Inapertlon cordially invited. Phono Walnut CJ2'J MERTON W. GREIMS Liberty PM li" ' r-,'einut THKiin aui: bi:vi:iii. -,a rip HCi'i'ltlNC) rt ( l l m ...... i Mot uppo Iniilrod of trUntt nil nf lhe IIIerrnt an "U JU't nill nt tlili nfllrr Olliririih . ..... ii.. nM.I lu .t n..ln....l an rniMi..r luted Willi or n lio nntnl throuRli us our utomolillra nre uallliu." u tnko nii (o tho Flit of propn I a nu tli!,,tutti oo thnt with lb least p isibl ffort ou Inly aeruro the tat apartm ni In P'dla whieti must nearly soprcachea inr ex.it t hl.ol i4ii WAi.Nur.sr Btruco 30TI 3"S3. ""NO. 1830 South Rittenhouse Square A I P.W VACANCIIIH Apartments contnlnlm: from d rnntna and ttth. to IV riionia and liatha Per parttruUra apply tu HurorlnttnJint at taUillne BODtEKBEPINO APAltT.MP.NTH All pirts of tltr. 3 rooms tnd hath to 7 rooms and bath. I.) IO tin ter iniuiio, run. pnoiia or write. BAMUHU STI.ltV Istil t'healnut at. Mill N KITH HT 2 Urte furnished houai Uei pitu rooms. 15. Ileum and liulli. 1 I liiLi, rnKST h r. cop. situ and Ar:i;I IKOOM AI'AIITMIINTS hiiowuk. punl miiii:i) on r.wi unihiikd. ui:..so.s'ahi.i: WKST PII1I.I)KI.PIII ESSCX. 31th and Chestnut. Ilelmont. :11th and Bfriar Osrden Iniiulro Janitor, or CltUSSD, Ids lisle Uulrdlnir JiIRTDKN APTH . 4()lh k lirust ata Olio apt" ft rms. k bath all outside aunny rma , south at wen exposure 1'iCl Cur routo 31 suliwuy. (ii:itJIA.NTO.N THE NKW ADDITIOV TO 1'KI.IIAM I'OUItr IB OPUN FEMfAM COUflT waa'not hum to make an ppeal to ery ona but to sou who demand tte best and are accustomed tn receive It. at a price which considering what ou do ds sum and receive, 3 moderatn. It will make i stronr ronipeltlnK' apiieal PEUIAH OOl'ItT la located nt Carpenter'a Itstlon. Oermantown, Just off benutlfut Un fits Drive, on the Pennsylvania llallroad, HO er so trains u day, surely transportation eaeuslt for any one. suites of rooms and 1 bath tn n rooma and 1 baths: the slie to suit your requirements. Prices are from $1(1 up PRl.HAll C'Ol'ItT la a nue(. perfect APAKTMKNT lloriJf. and located In in ab. ohrtslr Ideal and rxcluslve auhurban location JAS. ro.r,L Y0" m"y com ,0 PBI.HAK COURT and find a perfect suburban location tilth transportation uueirelled. an Ideally con iructed bulldlnic quiet dlanltled. eleaant Teu may select an apartment of the aire to ttlt your Individual needs, you will find all or housekeeping problems aoled and taken ssre of for you nbaolutely without elfort on year ..parts you will ilnd a table of the utmost excellence at a muet moderate price, and the same courtesy, service aad attention are unl. ttriu thruujliout the sutlre tatubllsiiment. Ttt full Information, arranarmenla for In. McUon and reservations tall, phone or Non&fAN 8 winnwooD ar u bU representative on the premises at i.i... . Pelhani Court jJ'.oCre,.,Yenc:mdi,..0Sn,S APARTMENT HOTELS ALDINE HOTEL Chestnut and 4iinoieentn THR RPT nnniue amr currre pjlh thabest table, in Philadelphia y. week. JVlonth. Season. Year PARKSIDE APARTJIENTS BuIt; . Z".y!l "'uiaae, manager. ""iwr. ii Charles Mi-Olad. tIHErri vr, .''!S.uve at 4uih at. fw?.EE-Y .PPPOSI rK e'AmsiolIWT panic LiUoutliS , " ,0. ter or ilty." &otw23Kill irabbl or unfurnljlwd. V -ili?ooe ItartaJi ssl:""""' aJieeMErffU,PxfoU SrilKRTS tftTLiih ..,iyJ.i!rt rtiomi. new y furnlsbed. Ir ! alien. Vutfu him r'c -.-,... ,. ''mtniu'S'JSSSu '.t0.r ""Ice. null ifl.i.P1S,,fIJ appolntmejta. P MOTEL COLON! AT. bwiucb . aufiMllfc dUlia AT t '&$ JAW J APAIITJIBNT OWL THE GLADSTONE Al V "" rlsiS BT8, iEVBA,blolutely Fireproof iE CLINTON TBNTH UBUOW 1 KmTu.X'. un,.urnUoJ. r fcr -J&a'wiTJi'&tif""" T1 Ba 1 delmau Monwa l Breid,nitV2. i1ffntowni1 V mlnutta "' CENIJSR OB- BVBRTTHIHa" 'HB 1 1 ITTLB HOTIM, "'" ...x, wim iat! hmhf.t bw ji ij. ."Yu-'MHti, metal; """M "iasa prl'1 'r..Tr Ionian Wl Mns'e- at In Phllidelphln il.Mitiil -xilualiely to aerur- b Jut wlwi ii" wnnl fur inrllcul.ir feople. Tell us i our r uulri iin nls 'I hi le idlnjr an I irii w jwm. . tihll.ll..l.l .. wwa HOIEL " r VA Oi is-ii WAinrj . APARTMENT HOTELS CMIhieTrel rem Pr-jedHo CeNMn rEn.uN,TT'.rj'TT!AKirnrESTa TH ANt cnrWTMtrr REAL ESTATE FOR SALE CITY JMcrKI.LK.Vr INVKMTMRNTlt . .,. lnT, l.tmpnia anl llunnnadnn sts oe upe, h leadP)i nit t'M.r r.i.ry atnr nn iL. .1?" .mnnthlv rmial u, Priie Slnoo cunled by mod tenant r-it m Price wvai, .l-ni. r"1. T.,h, "".'' lreen sts . store ami nerelllnc rent IJrt lrtc, T l?on 'W.?, ' l,ln rent. 140. Price, ,I?nn..J'""' e-eiKh retiuired . V HrTHlKIl A Itl "jlhand Oreen ... -. ,'n "WIVTII IIAS'tmr.PII T neT.t5rJL!TmLrt",,nR " ''ernes elent 7J2 X:.m1t.,3 hrx Vi 'ejtil'nan assessment J?n a? '- l,uVKN! ItO.NS, lAlH N. MI.f J?,T1,.T ".rooms all convs . let I8tfta"t IT.L"?'! ' 5rt' cement cellar, suit any liuaineea. rini l nl..r. rnt l at ttsii a jr , PAIIRRI.U 710 S. 50th. i.,.S.2J!ll J1T " "W" nl llht aell b-i 2. l1Jrnenl . etcellent rondlthm Ken. tIS twi ' O-rmantewn ate. Phone ItK.M. KHtATB rofT BAt.B OH llSr HAUIIKIt VUTMAN A CO. liOt Chestnut WAI't" "" HT 'IOMHH. north of Hiinllnc !urJ! "Y nr1 complete In every detail, see them nt once IIPfTZKI. ft HON. saents lln NOIITII 8T 1900 cash: balance on easy lerms ttnlhllns lils. raetdy Hltes. etc. CltOIPH nuil.niSCI LOTS and larse tracts around In all parts elty. also over SftO mfe. altes Melvln l.lltl-lil ileal Kst Trust IIM WB AltK OFPKRINU sjreral viry desirable fsetorv sites MTKItS A llArtTII. ttldts are. and 10th st. HlVKIt-PltONT PltOPRIlTIKH 1.111 Walnut street . Factories, Warehouse, Jlfr. Floors IIWN lU'll.tilS'tl !Hiii IK ft. (I In. In clear. ance American t'nalette Co . 3313 N. ,51st. IWT PIIIL.Vt)P.LI'IILs 4035 Powclton Ave. Here Is a home which hss been renorsted and modernised without reranl to cost Has open llvlnr hall, electricity and aaraa" prlvl. leae Centrally located and convenient to elevated station Wm. II. V. Quick & Bro., Inc. R SOPT1I InTII HT Ol'll ATTItACTIVi; lir.tlDHNTlAt. CjDAUTF.lt; lietween Whitby nvenuo anit I'lorence avenue. Mftvelshth street and t'oblis Creek Parkway In the "'cream of locations In this city, with Its ftitum well established We oiler at modest prices n ureal variety of mw modern houses contatnlnc every luxury and conven I n 1' In this cnnrmlnir nelriliorhoid I'MM ItnilTON KHTATKS, N. W. corner 6Slh street and Willows avenue. IT'.OU AHSt) JiOOO. COST 10000 41th at near llaltlmoro ave , 3 story resi dence unusual opportunity EUGENE L TOWNSEND R V. cor 4fth A- Ilaltlmore ne. Ph Worst MOO. llAUOAlV for colored home seeker 7S0 N 4flth. n semldrtachcl 2 story porch front dwelllne. eerv moilrrn convenience. 8 rooms. Urge lot. luxl'il feet can bo houxht for amount of as sessment. 2lui: terms to suit Willi I. Sim; A McLANAIIAN. 13th and Pine. IIOMRH "M'JCt IIIOPH" ppiu'cf. ht i:Asr tip itTit 1 stnr semldetnehed homes features beyond d.s rlptton, location unexcelled garage prlv Hi we sample house, fully furnished open m:i: Tin: snv hamper house 53.11 Walton ave inn ft lots KNIlUItll. Itullder. ISn'in WH.I.OW8 AVIS . Mth to Stlh. furnished eniol.. house noeu dslli to U p m KUll- HIIAW k CIIOWI. Ownera S2I.1 Chestnut st. TUP CIIII.TOV APT.M . 310-321 N, S3.1 St. Pull of tenants, pavlnir Investment: price and terms rlaht hee, Harris J Chilton, owner, 3l)3." locust st , 0 to 11 m IPItMXNTinVN UMtrli: LIST OP OHItM NTflWN 1IUVCS HMl'I.I.KN k IIAIlltY I.lber'x liulldInK llroad and chestnut. iCTACiii:r HTONrs huuhu ONLY 1.10011 nvipoN prtmsrMAN r.iin otn. ave, OClt ItP.AI. IWfATB IHJM.BTIN will be sent to au hy null on nppllcatlon (Isrmantown Trust Co heltennhd flermnntown avea Ol'll NMJW Itf.S'T and'sule list of tlernnntown and Chestnut lllll properties sent on applica tion H H lister v Hon. mil- Derm inn ne IF YOU AUI) LOOKING Foil A HOMIJ In tler mmlown Mt Airy nr Chestnut Hill consult in-. A 11 "rehnn U747 Oermintown ue. sr" DWi:l.l.l.S'(lH mid liulldlna sites In best In-ltlnn MAI'ltAN DOLMAN & CO . N. K. i or lirufid ond Chestnut Chrslnnl lllll t)i:vi:it.i. nnsutAiti.B piiopbhties .MiNruitN t wmniir co. MOUHI3 111. DO. 11CAL USTATi: inortHEes end ionveyancln Wll l CHAMIIBllS 41133 N. llroad at. lloxliorouch TUB Hl.BVATBD Is rumlnc to Itoxborouh. Select our house nr lot now. 1 or list wrlto CALVBtLBY tUOU Hide" uvo. I'KNNSil.WMA Bl)IHJKIIN Walter Bassett Smith OFPF.Ita KOIl 8ALB WITHIN A HTOVB'B TllltOW OF TUB PniKNDrP, . MBBTINO HOPHB WHBItB WILLIAM PBNN WOlt HllIl'IU). A NBW HOIWB POIt $5500 MAICBS A PBItFBCT HOSIB tXllX A SMALL FAMILY ANIi IS HITIJATP.O ON MON T noMBIlV AVKNUK WITHIN BASY WALK INO i)lbTANCB OP NAItlll'.ltTII STAT ON. SBB IT llBtOHB YOU F.UY BLaBtVHBHB. Walter Bassett Smith 2133 NOIITII r.sn KTitBirr OVBIIllltOOK, PA IIHOOKLINB llunaalnw. brand new white atucco. &uxl23 hardwood floora. tile bath, water heat, fruit trees, lomenlently located, 1 1 00 J. Blmer Watt a Ardmore nil rl OTH Corner; cheap to close estate; 8 In rue rooms, all convs., bin lot, 23x130. HWCIPB k HON' psrhy . KLKINS PAHK New Colonial dwelllnir, 10 rooms 2 bathe, hot water. Idir bargain. 3 minutes from station. McCnjtMIClt 4 Mo COIlMICIv lllll Chestnut and Klktna Park. ULBNH1UB HOMBS and bulldlna eltes every description ItKNNlMJEII 4 ItF.NNi.NOKII. Ulenslde Pa. COl'NTHY HOMBS ANI PAUMH A list from which tho most eiactlnr may be suited. J. 41. FHONBFIBLD. Wayno. r. . " HUllimilAN TOWN COUNTUY Bend for nlaloaue .... I1UOWN CIAJUD Norrlstown. Pa, HlMIUltnAN ItBAL FSTATB Any price All locations Bale or rent. CIIAIILBS J 1IOOH k CO . Morris Hid , HUlll'IIIMN HBHinlJNCBH POIt SIK Oil IIBNT ATTItACTIVi: I.OCATIOS'8 J T JACKhON k CO Chestnutund lltju COl'NTHY HIJATH, farms, suburban homes and bulldlnir sliea In northern auburba of Phlla, Phone or write II J I)jerInc , Ambler. JJa LAHOB LIST OF Hl'lll'IIIIAN HOMK8. aal. or rent on the Main Line or Reading- It. It. WM II WIION k CO. Morris Ilulldlnr BUIIUmiAN HUHIIIBNCBS for .ale or r.nl! atiruciivu locaiiuin y'z" ?-s:--:... - nrli 3jlwverJJlfllJtTruL!,U.,,,iB NF.VJ:ilriKVJumi'Jtll.N UPPINCOTT me , AND HOMES 1IAOOON HB ItlllTH. N J, WILLBT LIPPINCOTT NKW JEUHKV HEABHOUK VENTNOU 1400. building lots; 60x100 ft, I con. vanlent to beach and trolley. btl W. Htate at . Trenton. H. J. PKNKHVr.VANIA FABMH 67 A.CP.K8. .northern Chester rounl, frm bar. ;r3n. norineru .nsir ... .i.u -only lioUO. J U. Thompson, West icain. oniy in Chester, Pa NKW JEBSKY.FAKMH PA11M8 IN SOUTH JEUSEY i i sit yr a yi.oji 'N."J. vincbanu, REAL ESTATE SALE OR RENT ciTYTTNn SUWUllllAN propsrtlea for aale or rent, flswr Merlen.lteiiTty Company, tand "iillujldlnf, Philadelphia,,,!'. iiai'a-CYNIVTD l-arge list houses, aale or rent at ill pjrlcta. Samuel -Wagner. Jr.. ColnmeIWustJjldaJand Marksil m m.vT'ieviie ita.ui Iin of U&lri Llrm hOUSflfl. nmAtiu'QA!susssi C1T CENTBAIi PU0PBnTIB3 e For sale and rent. , JAMES D. WINCUBLL. X7th ac4 Baosom ati. REAL XSTATB WANTED I WISH TO HUT a two-story aide-yard ."-room hlisa modern taiproemenU around BJJ.at. tetJi.'hffviS to Sffsrt M Ml LsTgsr Ofttce. ii "'SIZ - h "fc '.- s BAffi eeMrt t Ae4 tfn t ai iSAI. tllte!gggjggfta W th at. -TCALfor ,40 and 143 houaea. viTi BUY cheap real estate any saeiwn rons 'viittr.ft.u "iSfSfiaii answer, broksr orotactai n 'EfrjTtWrNEii.- IsWsVIKk Sin &XW lUltUuor BVBNIKG LEDGEK-PmLADELPHIA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 7, REA1. ESTATE TOR IlENX CITT BTOttHS AND DWEf.t.lNOB tn nil section of eltr. rair list In the l-edx-er Saturday. rtAllt'RI. T. FOX A 6o. . f K. rer Bth and Callowhlll. njjAi. but ate rort balk on uifT THR UtNtl TTTI.B AND TlHJflT CO, limed and Chestnut sts. . , ., sin noi'Tii ihtii STnKF.T CnltaM for dnetor e nfnc and dwelling SAM FBI. W l,K IS He, Rstata Trust Ilulldlnr ti1 HP. fANcnV Pl.VfK 13 room? and S bstKst rental per annum HOOO Bdaur O Prtsi Itll Walnut st OPIt HF.NT LtST gladly eenl upon nprllcalienT jil.RNN, 1.117 Columbia ave. Itil I.aml . .Title UkU linleess Properties and ".inrfs .. . .MAttKBT ST.. Ml Ttntlre bulMlnr through to Commerce at.l suit retail or wholesale business! Immediate reaseeehm. Apply PKNNA. CO., Al? Chestnut st. Ol.t)Barilt.lltnt) COAL Vll American st corner with siding, office, and stalls) now occupied wit r-nsseesion can to arranged. . MOIirilS A CO Hides at llroad. . , HI N. ISTH BT. -slorr and altlo building 20ant steam heat. electrbr light. ete,i mo.terata rental. . J. A. PATTHHSON. ISO 8. IMh st. AntTH KT.. 707-0 Store and basement, large windowi gec-d space for manufacturer's arent to make display. LBA USTATliB. 701) Han- ;nmst uteres and Dnrlllngs SMALL rnitNKIt STOHH and dwelling! hot jvater heal, newly papered and palntedi new tiathi suitable for notions, groceries or any small tu.lness rent 121. TAYUlll k SON. 21 ami 50 H. 40th st. Fartorles. Warehouses. Mfg. Floere ,.K,'T LINB ALL IlAILItOAHS. new building nn oini ft loading platforms nn two streets to basement and first floor levels two large elestors up-to-lhe minute construction. Milltltlt k CO. Illdse at llrosd Cohocksink Mills "iLI-'offih,,8"' Floors Snon to It nnn so. ft i ehesp power. II P MiNFBlY 1712 Handolph MANriMrTPIIINO PLOOn. with power. 7000 at. ft s 10 ft. relllngi well llghtedi luw rats Insurance Apply Llncord Hug Co . Jasper and Orleans sts. IIAVi: PAHTY who will erect building, central or other location, for eallsfactory tenant. PIKTi:itlCII,737 Walnut sl FACTOIUF.t and floor spare of every descrip tion Phils and vicinity FACTOllT F.X CHANCIB Stephen Olrard llldg Filbert 4TO0 PACTOItIKH eltes, warehouses, floor spsce ex-clu-Uelr J Alan Mlddletnn Factory Spe delist and Bntlneer nop II wldenar tlldg ACTOIlY r warehouse 4 story brick-3llt32T wsrnn elevator 1737 Itanstesd st. ilsih and Cheslnut) H4 J llllssell .If H JSth St. flsraxes 0221 ntHAim rtoom SO ears nt boulevard. . dwelling attached rent reasonable. OFFICP.H. IIFMNF.SS linOMIKTO. nilF.VBI. III.IIO OFFICB3. Annual llenlats Hlnale tlnoms tloo t2ii ti.-.o !jin,!.ltm IM0 Suites 2 llms , (III ll-.il iini.tJOO SJ2.1 1230 Suites 3 Itms 1271 t ln i l-'i $ i"u iis t7-n corner suites i to h Uooms O'.O tn 11010 Bni Suite. I I 17 27111 sq ft 2(1 Itms M173 BLI.IS 1). WILLIAMS r.(0 Prexel Building I12SO HBBI ll.'ILPtNn 1 80 1 entrally located, all conveniences; rsnts attractively low srvlc continuous. tilt 00 12l 1-17 Filbert et. 122 00 MOUTQAOES "$100,000-412 FLAT M't.LlM, Tl'l ST FUND I Oil ... oinr Piitsr MniiTfiAORi HOIIACB II FHIT. 711 WALNUT ST. TO BECFUn A MOIlTOAOt: He It first or sscund If you desire efficient service uulck and aatlsfactory results and inoderita chnrree . CALL PIIONB OH WlttTB TO Ufl Your mortgage will tie ns good ns placeil' NOItMA.N S. SUEHWOOD. Mil Walnut St. ISO TO 1 1 000 NOn: nit MOIITOAOB Immediate Settterm-nts. Itnsi tiled Bsttite l,onne llulldlilff Assnclillon Funds. ni.'MPlBY A CO. 27 South Kith st. MONEY FOR MORTGAGES Pudding Assorlitlor nod Trust Tunds TAHLANR tun) Walnut st MONEY I'on MOttTOtrlBM LAIItlB NI SMALL AMOUNTS . .. .QUICK ANSWRIIM Wll HX)I 3IJ W. NtJltlttS I SPECIAL PI'Nl TO LOAN ON PIHSr VOIIT- afliV'.ioKAXsVH.S ,N "AUiMumn to ItOIIBHT J NAHH.JOOl CHESTNUT ilnniwu in INVEST in Orel mortgages" In sums from IIOOii up. also building association money for set ond mortgages. U. C. HBIUEL & CO.. 4th and Callowhlll sts. PARMER SMITH'S STUDYING ON SUNDAY Dear Children When I was a boy I attended a "privato" school, where wo had Monday for n holiday instend of Saturday. This wes hecauso some of tho boyn studied their lessons on Sunday. It did not Inst lonp; tho Monday holiday, I menu. Tho question of whether YOU should study your lessons on Sunday is ono for YOU to decide. It makes littlo difference to ME or any ono else what you do on Sunday. It will be YOUR eyes that j,'ct tired, YOUIl head that will buzz on Monday morning, not mine. Let us look at the matter Jn u REASONABLE light. Let us not try to arguo whether it is right or wrong to study on Stindny. If you have ever been nrountl horses you will notice thnt tho owner of tho horses is very careful to seo that they nro not worked on Sunday. This is because tho horses need u rest. From this we may observo thnt horses need a rest. Machinery, even, needs a rest. If you work any muchino too long it will fly to pieces. Tho engineer who runs n fast train from New York to Washington makes tho round trip on one dny and RESTS tho next. Ono day in tho week should bo it day of rest, nnd rest monn3 doing things you do not do on the other days of tho week. I merely suggest that you study six days in tho wcok. I think you will bo much hotter oft and stand just as high in your clnss. Let us be sensiblo nbout it and not nrgue, for arguing gets us a very shdrt way it is usually USELESS. Yours lovingly, FARMER SMITH, Children's Kditor. 3I0RB CIIUIS.MAS 1'l.KSKXTS Hy Farmer Smith After Hilly numpuit liai! coino out of tho mualo gtore and started uii tlie street with Mister Olraffo, lie kept loohlnp to seo It hla wlfa liaU coma out of tho Btore. "What ore you looking baric for?" naked Mister Giraffe. "I wanted to seo If nny more people were out Christmas shopping- My wife wants a eelf.playltiB piano nnd I went Into the Btore with her to select one. but us alio know more nbout muslu than I do I left her nnd went outside to see what was going on nnd .here I am," "Isn't that strange I My wife was going to give your family a self.playlng piano, and here your wifo has gono nnd bought one." ... Mister Olraffe looked down from his high eyes nnd smiled at Hilly, who smiled back In his simple way. Then the llt,tle fellow said: "What will we do with two self-playing pianos?" ,, . . . I wilt tell my wife not to send you one. and you can tell your--" "I see." answered Billy, "If you will exouie me, I think I will go home nnd wait for my dear wife. I hope she will not order our piano sent before Christmas." On the way home Billy met Mister Wo. phant. "What do you thlnkT" asked the big fel. low, "We have Just bought your wife the moat, beautiful Christmas present you can think of. We bought a self-playing piano (or her. Think of that I" Billy was so surprised he had to stand still for a moment "What's the matter?" asked the J5Ie. pliant at length. "We have three self.playlng pianos so far today. Ifxouno me while I go home and what Is the matter." "With that Billy scooted for home. FARMER SMITH. I wish to become member of your Balnbow Club. Please send me a beautiful Rainbow Button tree. I agree to DO X LITTLB KINDrfESS EACH AND EVER DAV,BPBBADAUTTI.B SUNSHINE AUU eHONQ TUB VTAV. Name . ....seeeeetstee ArldxeSS .tee-eeetleeteseeeset AS .iiiiiii"iM'i."Mi'mii MORTGAGES CesKaard pom rrrcedrair Colarin "funds for mortgages" Northern TrtiBt Company SIXTH AND BPIIINO OAnDBN 1ST A 2t rnortssges wanted, city, or sahutban. CllK!tTPrt OorrnnNK INC. . Offices lanstowne and 1121 Chestnut st. WORttF.r.l. rrNite rort pinsT AND shown MoitTovans Hi ctOHTH 17TH ST 1100 J2nfl TO la0"" TO IA)AN LEWIS k Ct 1J27 W st tllranl ale $50 TIIPST PPND1 . for any ewod rnoftie-s, . J ttnwAIlli l.fTR ilt N J7lh si ALL AMOUNTS 1ST ANtl iD MOIITUAURS MAt'rttrK H M'tsIWIFU It Kt. Tr tlldg. TIIPST Ft VIM FtMl Pt'l.T MOlttllAUB IIFPHNFtl TBTSOV LNt TITI.F It. ILHI'.O FUNDS FOIl ItT VNfl 2t) MlvltTrtAOBO MOrtTnOF.t HMI SVLF, THKO K NICKI.Kei, 8411 tJermantnwn ave, FUNDS FPU 1ST AND 2t itOHTtJAOBa AVY AMOUNT . . . POTTS k THOMSON. MSI Frankfnrd ave " MONEY rptl 1ST AND 3D MOJlTOAtlB3 i wai-sVt s,i!c,A,,'?Io3,s,i.7tucn st . MONEY for mortssgesi Itucks County property. AltTHl'll P. TOWNSRNt' Llnmin lluildlng Philadelphia, 1AJAN8 W INTF-URT tN BSTATKS lleasonabl t'hartes JOHN A lUUIIT !W7 Land Title Itl Ig AHVANCF.M TO IIPII DB1IS A SPECI 1,TY II.V't.RTT J MOOS lie. vVxLNCT ST 1ST and 2d mtgs bldr and private funds nulek and ssilsfsctnre results, moderate charges CAMKnoN F.STATF. 2Mt Kensington ave FUNDS for first second or split mortgages. collateral and short term loans AIIKIINRTIIT 1.13 S 12th 272t N. Rlh MOVKY for first end second mortgages private funds and bunding associations. wm FitiFimicii k co . ant ,v i:th st PltlVXTF Ft NP.1 for first mrrtsngee It nn ) I. money for ie-con t niortgsges nn pr-unlums Jilt Kl t.KV IflTTS 4D0.1 llalllmore ae MONFY for Drat snd second mortsuns tuuMIng ns.oriatlon and Installment mortoaites Willis. Wlmhester Company inul Chestnut si FI'VDs for nrst an I second mnlrir;; , r amount, nulek answer cuss W. .MII.I.BIt. 401 107 Commonwesltb Ilulldlnr 11A1 B BOMB gilt edged first tnortgsges for sale. denominations I2in to 12000. B II. APSLBT XMh and Rprlngftell ave. 1ST fl 21 mix or on nolo nny ntnounti b.w rales immediate answer P He Ltnir. 1112 I Incoln Hldg llrosd and Penn anjuara Alt Mini STS tn losn on 1st and 2 1 mH". Chss D Young 40i W. End Trust llltg. CtiNVF.TANCINO - Expert work moderate , Imrges K F SFI.I BUS. 1201 Chestnut. MONEY TO LOAN For Xmas Wc Are OlTcring THE EASIEST TERMS On $16 up to $204 This Hsllsblo Llrenseil and llonded Company la ofterlng new easy repayment plan, which is poslthely the best In the clt 34. 11 MO, J." I at ." inieresL SECURITY LOAN CO. 1 1 14 Chestnut Street .Ml, Klllwrt SOSt Kyittonr. Itnco 10RT. Noit to Jiellh'n Thntre Jt floir, HiwmjW " $16 TO $204 TO HOUSEKEEPERS Von run k1 monsy from Ihl NKW LI (M.NriRD AND IHNI)i:i rOMIMNY on ery r(l,y term ami Mrlrtly ronfl-I.-ntlAl Your monthly t-nymrnt cm 3rt Ift onty JT t ....ul.lu iximsnl ..ii M'l lis ulilu 1I 1 OUT nil'H"i (iiajinru, e.rii .m v... manlhlv llrl. ir mssn t itll 171 In only 1 Ullt ,ttllsssjp ,, ...... .... J'- iu t lis hlareal at fts .-.. nanlhlv 119 v frits nt nn 114' I nill V 111 I l"Ir iimiin"! i"' T " z uur monthly runrnt on 3-M in only 117 with Intrrrpt t U,rn V hnt R rrhnU offlren for jour ronrnl-nf ('nil wrlto nr tum unit ou tun Et t HIIADY CAHIl TODAY HOUSEHOLD LOAN COMPANY 1 3 1 South Broad Street Second floor next to Forrest Theatre vol' can itnltiinw mo.ve ON DIAMONDS JEWELS. E1C. .,-i AND t P 176 AND I'P 1300 AM) UP IIIBOBll'S 128 MAHKRT ST HIDUB AVE AND OXIYinp BT 22D AND SOUTH 8T9 'tlOS'i:V LOANED to heirs of unsettled estates. Intertsts tiuught. PltANK P JUI'ilN T.'l 23 Stephen Ulrnrd Uulldlug. 21 H. 12th st. RAINBOW CLUB Closing of Scrapbook Prize Contcal Postponed BECAUSE somo little people ro quired special letters of explana tions about tho Scrnpbook Contest nnd were delayed in getting started, it has been decided to keep the con test open until December 16. There fore, Rainbows who have written to ask If there Is still time to enter tho contest, begin your scrapbooks now. There is still time. All scrapbooks will bo exhibited in Room 101, 008 Chestnut street on and after December 10, KXl'UNATIOK OF PO.NTKST For the best Ertxiso J.ilAie ecranboolts tne rauowing pruea win ue awaruc.i uecem. ber 20 First prlis, It, second. IS; third, 2 and fl(teen prises of II each. HOW TO MAKE THE KCUAPI100K8 Het a rompesltlan book or make one eat et pieces of raui'lnf paper cut the site ar si compoejtlon book uud lied at Ilia edged ssllh ribbon er siring. There are three dlf. ferent ware for luu to make jour ecrapbook. First. Put stories or talks from Fanner Kmllli'a Kalnbotv Club News nnd Illustrate Ihem vtllh pictures cut from nor part ef the Erxsixu I.rujsl, Berend Cut plsturee from the bark page ef tba HvgKisu Lxiss er from Ike Inside pages and write stories, poems or tempos), tluns about these plrtures. Tblrd Put stories er tails from the Rain bow (tub News and Illustrate then with your tiravflnss! for Instance, la k atorr about lull Hutupiu, draw lbs picture of a, "IMPORTANT Scrapbooks . mast be at least ten uim long and, earn page roust be from a different date ef the Ryggisu Lsimjss. The date from which 70a take your picture and club news must appear al tie tea ef each page ' It Is not nccessarr ta bujr the Ersstso Lllietu In order la compete AUDREYS FAItlttClt SMITH, Er"lQ Lxposs. PL!!- Our Postpfflce Box Thelma Baghurat, Trd, 1'a., is suffer ing so badly from rheumatism that she cannot even walk. "Will some little Rain bows send her postal and tell her how sorry they are? Mary Wagner, of South Forty-acon4 street, writes to say that sna will hold a little candy sale for tba beJU of pur Christmas Rainbow Box. Frmrkyts Ilatn tuell will assist ber Mary U alu auntina- ud outgrown clotblog to giro o the lltt.la I-.I tonninir r.i. !' I t" ii'"i"i. !" 13 monthly pays MO Id menthly pne I il monthly rnoe ill I i7 monthly psya i Plus ae-, interest on your .balance univ ', will atan loan you !120. 1132. il MWMWWMWMWWWWWMiWMweewMMwwwwMeMMWislMswwwseiwlMSMMWwwww.siiss. II 11 wCTwIee MSwtwwhw. II 111 111 I l JlgS C RAP P LK$M ' The YounK Lady Across the AVny We asked the young lady ncroea the way If aha were n student of contem porancous history and hn gold not to any great extent and It was about nil she could do to keep Informed about things that were happening In her awn lifetime. Page Pasteur Mrs. N'ouvrnu Itlclic Willie, I don't want to son you play with tho Sllngs-by-Smythea" dog again. Wllllo Ditto Why not. Ma? Mrs. N. IL Tho dorr In pedigreed, thoy say, nnd thero'a no telling when It mny have anothor fit of theme Chaparral. MR COMCA IM VOUF tlTCRE .AiKiP0f5.Cfs.E0tT kNt VOU HIMfc It TO MlrA "Wo do nil our cooking by elec tricity here." "Talcs this cue out and glvo It an other nhoclc" Guards and Guards 4iii t'eJSrt,X Cornsll Widow, "Shurc, I Just got n letter from my son Mlko, an' he says he's a guard at Syracuse." "Faith. Mrs. Casey, nn' I'm glad to hear It. I've got a nephew who la a guard at Norrlstown, and he Bays It's a folne Job." si niin t rsuij, ejlg, 11111 aigeaasjr- a tii SEN&UP f N '"- "-' -r-1-.r..-r..n- Wfflc tUPKCy - tl If I JSo) MVYAHT I lb3 I. N it J ry n J 9 I OHAt V & THCM X0O TitifrlN To VsoNDtR riumelPfSr TELL NE WWAT MAS BECOME OF ThD VS'cSrTrMi -TSa&v I COMEAR00ND ANY MORE. KSl 9 J U LJ Q . V Ulfci I I 1 AFTER SIXTEEN YEARS OF UNBLEMISHED RECORD, THE HICKSVILLE HOSE COMPANY RECEIVES A SETBACK SL Jfov urn a 8c Iffl vSEI LALOre' we IFv&z I c it itp 1 191(5 THE PADDED CELL f I JOHN ( 7H AMATEUR HUMORIST V J - 1 f I itrtVAKtV I sr yr r '' NOW TELL ME, DOES IT PAYT TMliH HtWFECAU.i Oltt ORDER Ann YJHcN hiPARouNh fAS-KK. TMtl TM EIR LITI tk (.TALL THAT 1 TUst. ITIIT.rririTtil UnimL. NANaf -TH FlTor-TheMOWrrr- UNICNOWN nEROES "iSSi- r t "i... Xr TM The man who tried to look over the Politically Speakintr "Did you go to tho Progressiva dinner?" "No. I'm a Democrat." Orange Peel. Keep It Dark "Is the light out In tho halir "Ves, shall I bring It Inr' Durr. ! 'Unillfcllll.l t il i ill IMi niin r THE BIU.6f rs out rjitr oonT 3o YOU CUtt THtM A BILU AND PJtMINpTMtWk TVA.V The - rivlMBRlb IKblMStSDnV UIK.U YtlTrl A TVtrVt.1. PAY Irtt qaim viouip CCrAtlH MlttHTY MAHP-I bJT-V- JZ VjDUOtCM London Opinion, dockyard wall at Wllhelmshaven. Why Profs Go Mad Question Hot Is Central America divided? Answer Dy earthquakes. Long horn. L.OOklN(FORYHE &5.0DB,I.U YOU w DHEArft0UWAD y, tBiUm &, ix. typ&ta, l w. ST. rSR SJL JSJ 11 "SV , 'SS . I SW f 3fs.