Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 07, 1916, Night Extra, Page 12, Image 12

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wmatQ MD0BB-pHii;Ai)Erii?Hr Thursday, beoembbb t,
iiiiTViHillHiitil urn n i ili irti 1.1 " ' ' " ' iTiTi" i m i ' ''' r' ' "" er -if I
Conference Between Athletic Authorities of Two
Colleges at New Haven Yesterday Bears
Out the Evening Ledger's Prediction
(TWO wrxkn dru tha KvKNiiii I.pdobh tatKi that ieRtillattnnn wrro muler wny
betwetfc Farm and Yaln for a football name next fall. Thli waa ritrcnutu.ly
rfnled and prominent nthtetlu authorities nt Penn wero nuoteil nt lenatli to tho
.i g T 1 ) , 1 . ; : J0UJ VoO GO
jomt You Tm.mk- AVvi-a a.jp Mc oDea row rou amVju.ho Vo-; ,A"cJIt Mc!-- T . .
TVTnnf Trmlfvli- J TJ..i . r.
.mtui iuiufiiif III XHUUairil
League Game at Quaker!
Uity Hall
1 ,
V - f
' ft
X "1
effect that negotiation, wcro not under way. Yeaterilny IJoli rolwll, liwul rtinrh
, of the Hod nnd Hluo eleven, nnd Italph Morgan, a member of tlto 7ootlll commit'
tee, met a committee of Yale football authorities at Now llnvon to make nrrnnno
menu for tlio resumption of gridiron relation between the two Institution!
According to a atatcmont Riven out by Profeuor Corwln, chairman of the board
of control of Vale, nothing; definite wan dono excepting that It wait agreed that
Penn and-Yata would rentime football relatione as noon an Inn nohcdulra of tlio two
college, could ba arranged In Mich, a manner that It would not be vvorkltw a hard'
hlp on either to add audi an Important battle to the Hat of ftamea The fori that
Philadelphia haa no atndlum la given h ono roanon why It will ho Impoanlhte for
the teams to moot for a few years yet, but flio faun ehould tnUo thin atatcmont
With a grain of salt.
Game May Be Played Next Fall
r? 1)0 HS noteeem reaaoliabln that I-'olwcll and Morgan United N'vv Haven unless
negotiation had rcachml audi n polht that the conference, wim tlcslrcil by thn
athletic authnrltlca of both achoole. It alo docs not em likely that tho two
Fonnnylvatilann would absent themselves from thin city with no much work of
Importance at hand unless It waa Imperative that tho moetlm: bo held beforn tho
two colleges onnounco their achcilules for 1017 If tho mooting hail liren arranged
Just "to talk tlilnqo over," as announrcd, It probably would havo been held later
on In tho winter, when less excitement would Im aroused and tliero would be imuo
tlmo to go over the wholo thing. Ynto hat dropped Waahlngtou nnd Jefferson
and I.ehlgh and a game with Penn would prove no hardship, provided an easy
game Is substituted for one of thoso dropped, nnd wo havo nu Idea that only tho
Unwillingness of Penn to play annually at New Haven until n. stadium In built in
this city will block an arrangement already agreed upon whereby tho two eleveni
meet next fnll. .
The Schedule Mystery May lie Explained
PtJNN'8 desire to wait until tho last mlnutn befora making final nrrangemontn
for Its big games next fall probably In duo to tho fact that the munhoiH of tha
football committee feel certain that It will bo ponsitdo jut to rcicli an agreement
with Yale for next fall. Arcordlng to thn regular program. Ponn la scheduled to
play Dartmouth In Hooton and Michigan on J "rimkliti field next fall, but many
conflicting statements havo been Issued by pcrsouH In position to know concern
ing' tho scene of thoso two big battles. Homo tlmo ago It vvaa said that Penn had
decided to play Michigan at Ann Arbor again next fnll, hut thla plan suddenly
Won changed Junt at thn tlmo wo wcro tipped off to thu fact thai Yalu and Penn
Verb about to resume football relations. It Is ponslblo that Penn llgurrn upon
playing Yolo at New Haven next fnll anil will Insist upon Michigan playing hero,
bocauBo It would not ba advlsabla for Penn to piny tin po big gamen away from
home. Tho old tlmo enthusiasm Is returning at Penn, and after thn splendid
attendance, last fall It would not bu who to play tho big gamen away from homo,
ust when tha fans aro becoming Intoiestoil.
Folwell Played an Important Part
COACH POIAVKM played an Important part In thn negotiations that brought
tho athletlo authorities of Yalo and Penn together. It In lather odd that Pol.
tvell should bo ablo to accomplish so tnurli. Last winter, when Penn was looking
about for a now head coach to succocd Qenrgo Ilrooke, who ronlgned, two other
former stars worn favored by persona high up In Penn's nthlntln councils, beiauoo
It was thought that they could do mora toward establishing friendly rclattntiH
With Yale, Harvard anil Princeton, whllo l'olvvell wan looked upon an an outsider
to far as diplomacy was concerned. One of tho proposed ouches boasted of tho
fact that his appointment to tho position would virtually nssuro a game with ono
Of tho "Big Thrco" In 1D17. Kolwoll promliicd nothing but a bettor football team
than Penn has shown for yenrs. Ho not only uurcceded In turning out tho pow
erful eleven, but also paved tho way for thn resumption of athletlo relations
between Penn and a most w oleoma too.
Game Would Not Impose Hardship
TUBT now both Ponn and Yulo aro availing n direct showdown with tlio nrgu-
ment that their schedules nro too hard to ndd another big game, but both havo
boon planning secretly to inako room for this contest. Penit'H refusal to glvo
West Vliglnla another gamo and tho probnblo dropping of Htnto Icavo an October
date that could bo filled by tho nils without hurting Jones" team, aa It would
havo ample tlmo to got back In shnpo for Prlncoton. Certainly n gamo with
Yalo would not provo any hauler than have Penn's battles with Btuto In recent
years. whllo V, nnd J. and Lehigh havo both pulled unwolcomo surprises on tho
Blue. Tho way football hi played now. It Is possible to schodula a lurgcr number
of so-caKed big games for eeveral reasons tho most Importnut of which In tho
Unusual quality of second string men carried by all big eleveni now.
Penn Will Meet Powerful Coast Eleven
fTlHU Untvorslty of Oregon team, which Is scheduled to moat Ponn at Paaednm.
on New Year's Day, wob selected by a committee as both Hozdek'n team and
tho University of Washington wero undefeated. Tho latter team has not lost a
gamo In nine years, but this fall wus admittedly weaker than any Ollmnro Doblo
has developed. Doblo lost tho majority of his I9ir team by grnduutlon and
developed u defenslvo toam that did not havo tho great "punch" shown tiy Oregon.
This caused tho committee to seloct Oregon to oppose Pnn Tho nnuunl Oregon
Washington game resulted In a scoreless tie, and while Jt It generally admitted
that Doblo's team outplayed Uezdek'n aggregation, thn condition of tho field Is
believed to havo been responsible for tha failure of tho Oregon offense. Unless
tho teams of the Far West ore greatly ovorrnted .Ponn Is going to moot a team
that -will glvo It a great battle, though It would havo been better If tho Itcd and
UIubj hod bean given a cliamo to break Washington's wonderful winning streak.
Washington Uses Unique Attack
AN UABTURN football enthusiast who saw Washington play this full declares
MX that It Is tho best coached toam ha has seen In years. Ho nays tliut Doblo's
material this fall wus below tha usual standard, many of tha men being painfully
low. but tho teamwork perfected by Doblo was wonderful, Washington runs
lia plays oft with great deliberation, nnd the men rnovo bo slowly that It seems
like a elmp'o matter to smother tho backs before they reach tho scrlmmago line,
but a bewildering assortment of delajcd passes nnd Interference of tho Pitt caliber
completely bewilder tha opposing team. Tha eantemor claims that Doblo mas
tsrod tho hidden ball formation long before I laugh ton Introduced It at Harvard,
and declares that tho Cilmson tutor got his Idea from tho real "mlraclo man"
of football, Four days before tho Thanksgiving Day gamo with the University
of California, Doblo's regulars went on, a strike because one of tho ends was
barred by tho faculty. In four days Dobtn dov eloped a team from tho second
trlng that defeated Andy Smith's team In a decisive manner. And still thorn aro
eastern critics who discredit this foottwill genius.
Columbia Finding It Hard to Regain Prestige
COLUMBIA. UNIVtmaiTV U Undine It extremely dlfllcult to climb back Into the
elect gridiron class, Apparently, the Mornlngsldo Holghta Institution was
well on tho road toward developing a high-class team when tho season closod, but
the outlook for 1917 Is poor. Ten members of this season's team will graduato
In June, nnd, with tha freshman material below tho usual standard. It looks
very much as If Columbia will bo a long tlmo getting hack to tho envlablo po.il.
tlnn It occupied beforn tho gamo was abolished.
Fast Field for Senior Crosscountry Run
THV3 senior cross-country run of tha Mlddlo Division of tha Amateur Athletlo
Union on Saturday should reaulUn one of tho greatest races In years for lnd.
Vidua honors. Little Is known of the reUtlvo strength of tha four teams that
are likely to be battling tor first team prize, but the assurance that six of the best
rflntanovrunueni In the East are In perfect shape means a great Individual duel,
' Xia race will be run over the course of tlio Lighthouse Boys' Club, starting at
tha c'ubhouje. Howard and Somerset streets, and tha fact that tho Lighthouse
wursa Is being used makes that club a slight favorite for the team champtonshiD.
S-."Just what will be tha result of the Individual battle can only be ruessed at, but
yt is freety predicted mat joo Bcmvariz, tue
.Attached, will not be able to bold bis Utlo,
Schested and Worthington Favorites
fniiERB ore five prominent rivals for Schwarts's title. They are Kenneth
Bohested, Schuylkill Navy champion and winner of the Wilkes Barre marathon'
Joe MeOiugbiey. of Pittsburgh, tile present Junior champion; frank Wprthlngton
ot Lighthouse, the present Ota-mile track champion; Harry llablnowlti, ok
ZJgbtbouse. and Earl Hunter, of qermantoWn, These llvo men nave been running
the distance la much, foster time than Schwartz made last season, and It U )
freely predicted that it least Schested and Worthington will lead the veteran to
the tana, SchwarU U a consistent pe. former, however, and while he seldom
does anything of a sensational nature, he seldom falls to give good account
of himself. Any way one looks at it it should be a treat race one of the best
- TACS; aiUWBY Hie Cleveland outfielder. U one ball player who is not wasting
J hia ttew tbi winter, Oroney realizes that he cannot play fyH forever nd is
preparing bbuetf for the future, He passed up his opportunity to attend
UZT' JT.3riaIfeCf
present cnampion, who u running un-
J3ilflKBiWd!t P
ZZZ-3t KT331 mTZZZZE.SZr 3A3r9r
, ..
Demands of Champion's
Handlers May Give Car-
pentier BouL to Darcy
Developments today III tbo status of tho
proposed ten-round mix between Jess Wll
lAril, tha hei weight champion and
(icorges Carpeatler liullcatid Ix-a Darcy,
the Ailttrlm phnuoin, hail Just an a Rood
chatu'o of going Into action against thn sol.
dler boxer oh Williird Jack C'urlny, nnu of
Wlllards ninuiit,irN Iiuh arrived In New
York and tiumeilliti I) lieg-iu muklng lliient
motions about iuiiij th it Bounded like h0
000 anil even IMUivr, uhkh tuiulo Tex UIlIi
nnl tcrln
'Who'll the attraellon In this here bout7 '
t'tirley vvnnteil to know "Jess Is tha boy
vvho'ii going to ilrnw thn money and lies
the boy who'd going to get It If Itlckard
wants Jess to (IkIiI he'll havn to mako tho
prlco at our figure "
Apparently Curley lum nverlookeil the
fact thnt f'nrpeutlcr. coming from the battle
front of Trance, will bring with hint n pop
uturlty that will overshailow tho drawing
power of any Lhamplon Cnrpentler. If bo
fights In New York, will Klvo I1I1 share to
tho cause of franco Such tattlis, Htnudlng
out ugalnst a sonlld baLkgroiiud of mono
grublilng inanager8, vvouli kill off what
little popularity Is left to Wlllaril and his
Hlikard denied that MIhs Anno Morgan
was in any vuiy conneited with tho pro-
ni-ii t.jiin-ni mo oniy pari suss Morgan
could possibly pliy In tho wholn affair,'
eild Tex, "Is tint she h.ippons lo Im tho
treasurer of the organization tho Ameri
can Kiind for tlio Trench Wounded .Sho
will boo tliut tho proceeds turned ovr to
the organization afler the bout are sent
directly lo Trante .Simply as custodian
of the funds, Miss Morgan may have an
Interest In tho proposed bout, but that Is
nil "
Also Darcy, supposed lo tie on his way
to America after having slipped out of
military service In Australia, would draw
well lieTe And It Isn't at ail Improbable.
If Wlllard's managers Insist on shaking
down Itlckard for tho last cent tho bout
could draw, tluit Darcy will get first crark
at Carpentler
Itlckard declurea he Isn't going to raise
his ante 1I said bo had told Wlllard last
winter, after the bout with Trnnk Moran.
that he, couldn't bo held up again for 11
Itlckard has been dlsannolnteil Uv roiin
to hear from his representatives In 1'arls.
but expects won! momentarily. Dverytlilng
Is ready for Carpentlcr's departuro oxrept
his own elgniture to a contract.
itlckard has made It plain that stoglng
a bout with Carpcntlor as ono of the prin
cipals Is not entirely dependent upon a
lease for Madison Hquuro darden He
hinted broadly that an arena mlirht be
built for the bout
Carpcnticr Has Iiecolved No Offer
PAIIIH. l)c T. Thn iwrmnil nVnlr nf
(torso Crpntler. th trench svlator nj
champion hrmyweUht pualllit of Kurnp. I to
remain with th French nylns corn at th
front h. tlrilr hhriprtM.t ch tlmo
n otttr from th United Hlatr to arrans a
bout for him ha ben rreeUed lha rtport that
h ha bn alvoii a furloujh fur a match In
New Tork with Jea Vflllarl I at lat pr.m."
lure. Thus far. howevar, no drflnlt prnpoaltlon
for a bout batwetn Carpntlr and Wlllard ha
ben reolved her.
Norlhweattrn outrollrd I'ennaylvanta In all
Dure ectlon A Arllian l.mgut saint Ual
Dtsht wtunlna tha deildlns Uum sad in HV)
Durnll contributed
third sama auir.
33 in Pnmyvanla'a
llallman sot th but aim ram total, Ss.
In hla nrf sama for Norlhw.ittrn alnt
l'innylvanla lat llltht. llrten aecurtd i'I2
In hi aeeond sam, and Bwlabar in.l an evan
Suit lu'hl Koond iiRiirt.
.r.1 of 11.,",'u.cr,".ck?'1 avi Ms ls
third gama aaalnat tit. t'aul.
Acorn aisrezattd 701. a JhlliJlphla Duck
pin Lssu atnsM samJrcofil. lu win tha flrt
jam with Uadgra un Coita's alleva last nlghu
liainer waa hlsh roller with ljo which t
euaptlonslly hlih wllh th amali ball. Tb
lJadctrs won tb i!cldlnjr tro by alnala pin.
gUUi 013, ,
Pick's Unittrdowri No. ! turn finally atoppad
It lolns atrtak. vrlnnlns- th wnd aamaYrom
Korthwtat.ru acond. 811 to 604. Dlck'a ttirn
tad loat flflftn ooniteutlvi 1 sains Dkk wa
In fonu. bavin cor of ISS, 1st aot( joj.
Wabb. el NorthwtaUrn No. qulnttt. bttan
with a MS.uily. and Uoyd tot 2JJ la lbu
turn' tli n
rrrckbars aton rolled ,thra aamts
for Ran
paminso aaaiqaa a-E
of Coluabua l-taid
I'hlUdtlpbla In tht Rnlsbta
' f'!.- ."' !'? no
rr eaJltd upa In (audio two contttt pvtr
k rhlti.i,lrhli .it .-a
M t H,. -. -.w-..
Flood. bor a?n e. Df i!0.,t e"d eorM
of ts. lot sa4 2tl asalnat Columtua UamT
Tb Arohdlctaan ttnpln antbuaUaU ara
ahowlwr baitar torm aob waak.
Llbtrty Utlt Is seta- atronr and la gradually
InoraulB ( t4 ta tba raUa4alpal TZaw.
Kod!r" KrtBO squad has strut lta gait
sad la rapidly cilmftUjup wllh. Un U4e(,
BIS Use's SI5 tOU4 tha laat gam out I
Ttosa JajklBtawn'a aait4M. -
The Trouble Thus Far Is That Too Few Clubs and
Players Have Co-operated With
Legislative Bodies
TIIKIti: nro now in this country. Inclu.l
Ink the mnln and the femalo of the spe
rle. 1 lose upon 1,000.000 persons playing
golf or tenuis
These two games have been recruiting
entries so fast In tlio last few years that
vast armies now have grown up nriii'ul
wllh thn ulhllck or the rni tpiet And the
end Isn't yet In sight, or even approaching
tho same
Naturally enough, with so in my persons
nt pla. golf and tennis have grown into
Industries where millions upon tens of mil
lions nro spent elich year
Wlikli brings us, In full blast, upon the
most lutrliatn, tho most Involved, tbo most
coiupllinted problem that over camn upon
u ppurt and that Is tho 11111 iteur question
an applied to Kolf and tenuis
The Tangle Incarnate
This nmateur question will be 0110 of thn
big features of the winter campaign, with
tha two armies holding opposlto bellefa
facing each other for the buttle ahead
Tho tangle nt present Is terrific And
before It over uin bo straightened out two
things must develop
l'lrsl Tho tennis and golf committees,
who are lending tho movement for a cleaner
amateurism, must rccngnlzo tho fact tint
thcro Is qulto a bit of logic on tho other
.Second Those fighting any advance must
realize, thnt tho tennis nnd golf committees.
In a thankless task, aro doing their best to
handle, tho most complicated sporting prob
lem of tbo day for what they ballevo Is
tho gold of thn game
ScllinR Supplies
There h no debate about tbo Htatim of
the man who plays or teaches for money
This method Is direct nnd Is, therefore, pro
fessionalizing beyond any argument.
Tho whole uproar Is over the matter of
belling golf or tennis supplies Thn tennis
nnd gcjf committees bcllevo such salesmen
should tin burred from amateur competi
tions '
Tho ruling committees believe such sales
men, In many cuset, ore commercializing
their golf skill.
We don't know how tho mnjorlty of ten
nis pluvers feel about this rule Hut ninety
per cent of tho golf players we have talked
to aro against barring thoso who aro cm
plojei of golf supply bouses It Is on very
rare occasions that ono llnds a golfer In
sympathy with tho present regulation that,
among others, has barred Francis Oulmet
Thoso with whom we havo talked who orn
against the present stand Include iteggla
Lewis, IC. U Ames. Henry Topping, Ham
ilton Kerr, Gardner White, Chick i:ans
and a long list of others of equal promi
nence They foil to see where tho selling and
playing ends of tho game havo anything In
common Their contention I, this- Oulmet's
golf reputation undoubtedly would help him
The two Indian bantams, Little Hear and
Indian llussell, who put up a fast fracas
at the National Club Thanksgiving Day
afternoon, again will clash at the i:ievontli
street arena. They will respond to tho bell
In tho (lrst bout of Saturday night's pro
gram. Indian llussell has been mistaken
for an Italian on tho strength of advice
Riven by several of his followers. However,
lluaiell's father says the youngster doesn't
have a drop of Italian blood Cowing In his
veins. It Is said llussell's mother Is of
Indian-Mexican parentage, while his father's
people were English and French.
Ln Itowlanda will rnak bla second appear
anca In h Kat wbtn b ml Many rarrl
lu the final bout at tba National A. C. on Hat
iirday nlgbt. In th itmlwlnd up Charlie HI nn.
on. th 4uatrlln. i. down on lha card lo
meat lew Bttnter. of this cltr, Harry Coo
So". iTw Vork. will book up wllh I'al
Moor. Dan Miller wUl mix it with Ray Ur.w.
r, nf Lancaatar,
v-r.nk Uoran and dunboat Smith bava bten
ntatchad ta met at Brooklyn Dtctmbtr IS. Sick
Curley I IuaicuiuR. vr uvi
has ba organlitd. lha owrir
lluikley nd "faddy atulllna. Jt
Jpind ieOOO In, fitting- up the cu
Jo 8ord a. aaatlog capacity of 60
lAiriay I IHtlcuju.n., m. m .w w w'iH
Data or w t , ,,, , v,iui .Jim
ubhauaa- ta ba
In lb lOS-pound
amataur boxing- tourna-
mint it th Qayetr Tntatra i
l4wVrYouo &"
laat nlgbt Cbarl
n two rounaa. l"ltr
tbra round. In th
Claaa Ituns diuiii raaua caoji
a sourur Douin maaa tsodl
Blackburn Quit la one rouna in in atminoal
St lha eW 104-pound claaa arsnk Jlllty mad
uVnTrt Uurray ault In on. round, llattllnz
Linnard baat rtaakt Larklq la Ibraa found.
Kaufman. local bantam, accompanied
tha qiifai
aulaltt P? ru
biuara ta ItaKrflnv
Tuesday bi
ura bi
waa Introduced to
Via tan
iirr?j.hi and
AlUa Kelson reDeatad iheir mar.
rnVda li bi bit. ,im bout, aocortts to r
Jorta, was "o4- vaaus aflair.
r. aaruar in in aaon ana tny
dohiay Dun4 a tlt aprir In a Ph
'rr bxf hartaj
Jm Hljts
and IDMtUia. m
KaBal Mrs.
m k
ns a coif sutmly silesmnn Hut bo would
I.vuns golf reputttlnn help him as n bond
silesm.ui, and tho reputation of another
would help In Insurance sales
Hack anil Forth
Kuch side, If jou listen to thn leading
exponents linn a pretty good iuse
Tliero uio merits In eixh argument nnd
each argument lias Its slinrn of lluus
If rules and regulations nro passed tint
aro without thn support and svmpathy of a
majority of placru they oro liardl likely
to bo effcctlvo
A law that Isn't barked by publlo ap
proval is too easily broken
The tv.o committees should try to find out
ns far as posilblo what the leading players
and the lending clubs -"Ivor In tho way of
future, regulation
Tho trouble no fnr Is that too few clubs
and plnerH havo made any attempt to con
sider the mntter seriously or to co-operate
with the committees
tlio mnjorlt, generally ran get what It
wants If It goes about thn matter In tho
right way
Tough Situation
Tlio present sltuntlnn for tho two com
mittees li dlincult be) nnd nil Imagining
When jou have close, upon 2,000,000 pla
cri Bcattered over 8,000,000 squnro miles
the -tastnexH nf the job at least can bci
dimly understood
It li no Job that wo would envy. It Is nn
assignment heond any committee, unless
It receive-! tho aid and ro-operatlon of all
interested In thn wclfaro of tho game
Tha golf meeting Is now only a few
weeks further on The only vvny to get to
thin question Is fnr thn leading golf clubs
of tho association, nctlve nnd allied mem
bers, to taku a popular voto and expresi
their vvlsheH and beliefs at tho next annual
Unless they do. they hardly can complain
against any action tuken
Indirect HtmoilttT
There ISjHpTlSosslble way to prevent the
Indirect flnunrlnl benefits of sporting suc
cess w
The advertising that a leading golfer or
tennla player receives Is pretty sure to help
him. ono way or another, whether hn sells
sporting supplies, bonds, stocks or Insur
ance. And this In Just ns It should be. nn
long ns ono doesn't directly commercialize
I. Is skill nnd make tha pay ho receives de
pendent upon his success We know of sev
eral lending golfers, undoubtedly clean ama
teurs, whom lines well apart from golf sup
plies havo benefUtd by their golf skill to
the extent of from 11000 to ttOOO a year.
Theso am thn complications that must be
taken Into consideration They show
further tho generul Intricacies of the situ
ation that now has grown beyond tho range
of the present rules
In Una for aeteral bis houta here
Titr claeh
rfr haa
tomorrow nlabt at. lh Ilyan A, C
not aDDeared In a. local bout for
for vtral montba
III moat noteworthy conteat rcctntly waa with
taw l.mtxn- Alorrl VV'nlf m l!.1i1la llrall.in
Waller llrown v. Uob Uek. lfiy Uachman
v Harry McCartrey and Kd lie llelala v Jne
Wrlabt ar otbar numbtra aebeduled
Hark home from Canada, whera ba knocked
out Willi Andrew, 'lominy lluck 1 katplnc
In bap and ready to meat any ot th local
l'.'fl pounder, lluck haa not boacd befora a
I'blladelphla audlanca for lumt time.
rrrr held hi
third, annual daoca
Includlas many box-
Iaat nisht, A laria crowd Includla- many boi
ns ctlebritlt. waa la attendance. Jet ma dldn'
00k out ot placa la hi oup and nan ouif
Tha Lincoln A. C. will b eloaad In flcht
(ana tomorrow nlabt.
Junray Itaaaan, th California lUhlwtlabt
who boied UJUe alcAndrawa at tha National
ThanVaalvlna Day afternoon, baa on to Ntw
Tork. fh nath aon xcta to hook up with
Sbamua O'Urlaa In dotbara.
Voakum and Bloom Draw
DETltOrr. Do T Stanlty Yoakum, of Dan,
.r, and Poll Uloom. of Urookii.' tousbt ten
faat round htr last cUbt Opinion as to tba
winner waa divided.
K4nca4 tronj no, (IS and V
Sta Uur 7 Big Window
NATU NAL A, C, iafttf5BfefifrU-
eor mar 1
IWQ ttt-!,
. Ki ftlc. Uo and il
Busy Season Planned for
Montreal and Ontario
Horsemen in 1917
Willi the racing season well over nnd
thoroughly digested. oinclnM of tho Cana
dian Itaclng Association now have under
consideration dntri for 1317 Whllo a num
ber of change. In the IHturei for the coming
year hove been suggested, It virtually Is
assured thnt tlio t,chcdulc for 1017 will be
tlio same as last season
Woodbine I'nrk probably ngaln will open
tho Rcanon on Mny 19 Tho dates for the
other Canadian Association'") trucks gener
ally nro guided by tho opening nt Toronto,
tho two tracks at .Montrcil following, after
which conies tho chnngo to Ottawa, then
back to tho vtcntcrn Ontnrlo courses again
Tho only coullUtlng dntes will como from
Davonshlro I'ark, at Windsor, tho 1317
dates for which alrendy havo been an
nounced and advertised
Theso daten will conlllct with the racing
nt Tort i:rlo Tho meeting at Ottawa lllto
ly will havo nppoltlnn from Mount ltojnl,
vvhoro dates In nil probability will follow
Hluo Ilounct's In the spring nnd autumn,
whllo tho dates for tho second meeting at
Pevonihirn I'nrk will bo much the nanio as
thn last neaion, opening on tho day that
Wootlblno cloics, September 22
With nil of the Canadian tracks operat
ing, It is impossible for each of them to
havo two Saturdajs for each, of their meet
ings, so thnt some of them will havo to be
H.-itlstled with ono Saturday to get In tho
necessiry number of racing das It Is
likely that tlio coming season will see tho
passing of the syndicate ring
Mount Itojnl will havo tho mutucls uc-U
season, the machines already being ordered
while the management of King IMvvard
I'ark also likely will Instill them Tho
ofllclals of Dclorlmler Park, although they
havo niado no definite announcement, aro
considering the advisability of putting in
the machines a T Bryan, who was at
ICcmpton I'ark recently to look over tho
plant, wna stroncly In favor of putting In
tho machines, u,nd a building will lie started
early In tho spring to accommodate tho
Iron Men Tho only tracks not mentioned
In connection with tho mutuels aro MnMou
Veuve, Uufferln I'nrk and Hlllcrcst I'ark
tho latter two at Toronto
Tollowlng nro the dates likely to be chosen
for tho Independent tracks:
in. Kamplon Park. July
1 to Jut ZH
n.u.fi rti
Pullr Proofs
Rib. Traitmarh
I'ull VTOOt
and tht
March IS. 19 IS
Prnt Prices t
S-pus. Toaxingv 91089
sVyass. aaoadstaf, 1083
a-poss. aoaostar, 1043
7-pass. rourtag, 1350
S06-8 N, BwMtd St,
rtiT.TtmTT utjiniait imj$mwmflimimfirt
lorlmttr Park. May ID to May 28. Mount
,.,.Ju.n .M ,?.Jun ' MWr iff
2J to Juno -.'3. Davonahlr. n..b ,..i
n.Ju.V; ' ..''"'"".roiir I'ark Juno SO in
ni nmi inwirn 1'iirir in u n
I'ara. Atisuat 12 lo Annul lUi Kemptoii Park
Ausu.t 50 to Autniat 21. Mount Jtoyal 8tVm.
her 'ii to 8'pteniber SO, Davonahlr I'ark
Neptember 20 to October 0. ""run,, I ark.
nuiue. aa. riinr riilwmrtl
iw. gfsr J" TTii
N rrnv t.uatm btasdmo
. . s i' .soii nr,iv I l. tA
f nmrlf n
, S S .717 Trrntan ..;-?
l .411 IleVrrt ", IJI
(Irexitork st J-atperV
Tonight's Game
Oreytok st Jaiper.
fTkea aajalW t I iaafeAkl TaWm lttl a.
f- .... tu. tMj...ini t - asej
un tno iiiiiubuiii j.r.iHuo card
evening nt the Quaker City Hall. Tw,
sixth and D-iuphin streets Mansgtr Tnjj)
Johnston of Mldvnle, has (Uncovered u$
iinern w no nro ncii.Known in InlerKhoaxi
tic sporting circles These men ar riMTI
nnd D.ivo Dennis The latter comes fr-sH
tho famous tlennls family, and ahnnbi -.iM,
a valunbln addition to tha Steelworko-fl
llujiard Is less known, but much l M
peclrd of him also These men, w&T
Thomas, Jones, Longntreet and Rhcrrw
niiuum ,,,,.nu ,. p."-'' ,,i,uiiiniun, nmi
probibly bear out their manager's
denco In them
Manager i'alhoun Is not over-cm
of a Dobsoii victory, as his teahi h
now been idlo for nine days, Thli tit,
activity Is not good for a team that attii
tho prnetlco at this stags of the tial
Tho J.nst I alls rans, however, will U
on hand in full force, nnd predict a tid
tory for their team A victory for D5S
son will tlo them with Standard Hollar
for first place, whereas a defeat wilt thou
them down to a second ptace tie vrtuV
Drill ,$
In the other gamo Dlsston. wllh ii?
taste of their first victory still Untwist!
with them, will tacklo the Barrett fii4
Manager (Jcbhart has worked patlentl
...... ... U.. ....... U ... HI. vim, , ,u (U(J) vSV
a creditablo flvo and now that their thtni!
has been whetted ho hones for better r!'
Tho llirret flvo will use their regular Ils-1
up ot uraupner, linn, Keibey, MCDonotukl
and Ilonsal or Tenri. The Barrett teaau
although lu tho second division, alsrairil
lifts a loyal rooting section along to cheat,
tuem 10 Mcioiy.
rinlng forty minutes of streiraetS
iianKrin.iii in incir uastcrn League mitri
at Armory Hull last night Camdep mM
ared to bent Heading In tho final mlntcei
or play by n score of 11 to 26, The flsilj
field goal was tallied aiiia quadruple pf
by Camden Just ns tho final bell was tlaj.!
Ing. ending tbo battle Jj
At tho end of tbo first half, which vm'
hotly contested Camden led by a score frt
15 to 12, and tbo Jerscjmcn were forced to
keep up their speediest work to wla from
tho visitors rirown, with Ave field jeila,
furnished tho fenturo play of the gua.
Camden is now within half a name otJii
per, which is leading. -J
Veteran Tnckle Chosen to Succeed Fah
makts Football Letters Awarded
William Kreeker
m,mh.r nf the lin.1..
clues nt Ontrnl Mich, has been elertaj to U
c-HPtnlni-y of the Crimson and Oola focUnul
team for next aeaeon 11a will urrd At
amler I nrmnkls The election waa fceld Uat
nlsht nt a ilinner clven lo the playera, eoaciti
nml nevoral faculty members by Captait
rurmHKie m nis enr a eieen icrecKar la
veteran of two yenr havlns plaxd at Ucata
un ii.it yrar s cnampionanin team anu in
position on tbla 3 curs elern
Gales to Lead Vale Eleven in 1.917
NKW IIAVRN Conn Dec 7 Artemol IS
.(Mice in i.iiiiiuii in . jut ttvrn eiertea I
tuln of thn Ynto fonthall tem fnr n,il eeti
He ha lieen on tho nrslty eleen t.o vtinu
an eml and tarkle Ills work In the I'rlsctkd
nn i nar.tiru i-einei, inin iau waa nruilani, na
Clinton It 1 lluck the retlrlm; captain. 3
b ellclbln tn Dlay nett venr but h IellneA te
conalder rc-olectlon followlnc n Vaio tradition.
Smith to Captain Michigan Elcnal
A aiiiiuh, jucn Dec y.Cedrlc G
of tb 11117 football eleven of tho Unlren.31
or jiit-iuuin niniiii piayeu luuuacx inu
on Ho la a Junior.
Shields Penn Fresh Tank Captain 1
K M Hhlebla croe country nnd airlnunfe?
atar, formerly of VIerrereiiurK Arnilrmy ear
len ohvteil to cntilnl-, tb P, n- fr shm "r''H
mine bquii! Shields ran on tho freitoel
croMa country irjm uni is vnu.-ti, j
In both runnlnc nnd swlmmlmr
Grccnlcaf Leads In Itilllards
Rulnh Qreenlenf nml Alorrl Fink beran I
match nf lino ball nt pocket billiard leeuedB
nam ine itrifeiu .ciiuemy. as a nauit oiia
nflernnon nnd etenlnx piny (Ireenleaf lead til
tne acora or uu to tua ino matcn will M
tlnued today and tomorrow
I'll Fit You Perfectly
I enu ilo It. nlene you In stKfl
wu3 tban one. I At th 'Mi
tn fit, Otrr thre banarei,
dreaey pattern lo choee fr
nil lh rlh,.l effeele la
. w. I, m m ..! nim.-w
Woratrile, undnlahed Werawth'
i heilnte. K,rffm. tr. Aw
fo are our line CI C ttfl
nt 5D.O
Billy Moran, 1103 Art
Tfi Taiior iipn x.iww
' '-Prosperity
and Xmas
ro hand in liand. They mergo
style, quality and workmanship.
Tho price 55c is mado to fit the
tie not tho tie the price. (Tho
namo Guilford precludes the
possibility of dissatisfaction.
Six V Stores
Market St,
Market St.
N. Front St.
1430 Chestnut St.
Broad &GirardA
3647 Woodland Ave.
If JS &S-
Buy thia month save $50 it
will pay your gasoline bill for approx
imately 3475 miles of driving.
euiulJtring, don't yoa thinh?
Mtm. j?