SSSfi ."Jj0s4" m I s n '4 u '" I re i f,l ..-r H1- '. -- i as. $ mM f? m: w-- s..;.a h SE. ll.Kil II 11lHilil el ?, v j Aj) Jt.l'l.lli. .!,). Il CSANTA WILL VISIT CITY itifts as Well as Decorations Show Modern Trend m vA,. a- 4 -v'A bvbnino hnnam- phijadblphia, Wednesday, pecjsmbeb g, ig 1STOND TO WIN MUMMER PR&E Josejih Perko, captain of the Frn llnjrer String tlaml, la already out With the announcement that his organization Is after n first prize. The band l named after n down town phyalclan. This Year .LUXURY, UTILITY, SAFETY fcySlcctrlch) Week" Sees New yjjjfw, Spirit Pervading Chrlstmns i'W . Tlmft SVinnnlnrr i. Time Shopping fe'Sunta cinun may be compelled lr the rwolrnllnB: Influence of electricity to rnnke ,kM Chrlntman round by nutomoblle this year "too It electrically" )ma m permeated llvlnar thnt the nood old pntron nf Yuletlil may derm It an annchronlm ter deliver electrlol iclftn nml to adorn elec- , - tUrlcitl ChrlRtmn tree. In a conveyance that , vf,hft .become rr panne an the vrnx unities ""HS-,1" re n01" replaced by the Ineamlewent ,;-;, bulb mi lllumlnnnt of Hint Iiounelwld , ;nJjilty of n real Cnrletman. ' The predomlnnnce of electricity In Hie Holiday noveltlei la evidenced during: "i:iec- f'trlcal Week." One lia but to walk alonie Jlnrkel or Chestnut street to find, even nt mlddny, alori either aide of this highway, nn np patently Unending Una of electrical ill pUya appropriate to tho approaehln Chrlatmaa ataxon. Mottoea flnali down from tone of doornrnya of bulldlnica, win- , tloW aclntlllale from featooned bulba nrtla tlcally dlapoeed, while. If curloiialty nttrncta th atroller to the Interior of the ertab llehment he flnda Itlmaolf In mnny cane surrounded by myriad electrical device ' utlllied In the holldny decorntlun. EVK.V CIIIUHTMAH TIIHKS. Nor la thjs nil. The ndvnnce nf elec. trlclty In the Viiletlde cmnpoaltlon hna ex "v tended even to the Chrlatmna tree Itaclf . True, the product of I tm Jlalmt wood win still mingle Ita fragrance with the triad aplrlt of the ChrlMmaa time In na many homea na of yore nnd hold Ita place nn the centrnt feature of every Chrlatmna cel ebration where (hero nro little children. And many n member of thnt china known na "children of n larger growth," will dem onstrate their Incontrovertible belief thnt Chrlatmna la, not Chrltitinnn without n' Chrlatmns tree. Hut The up-to-dntn Chrlatmna treo nnd lit. eoncomltnnt holiday decorntlnna In tltou ' aanda of homea thin yenr will bo elrctrlc, , . rrevloua experlencen with thn fllmay ornn menta nnd unnunnlrd nt enndlea have too' often turned the Chrlatmna festivity Into sudden nnd Ineffncenlitc gloom. Klectrlc lighting hna removed thla pos sibility of disaster nnd decorntlvo outntn are now nvnllnbls for tho adornment of ,trt thnt nre dnnger free. Moreover, they -have been found to nfford Increased pleas u . ure to the little people while, relieving tho minds of the parents, audi na wan not poa . alble when wnx enndlea wcrn uaed. Home of tho electric decorative sets now - offered for Chrlatmna treea nro. furnished '., with, a plug, which mny lie nttnehed to .any electric light socket. Lending from thla in an. Insulated wire with branches to the small electrla lamp sockets. By this mentis the nooaeholder whoso home Is wired for electricity Is ennbfed nt , no extra outlay to carry power to the rtrea which nre strung nlong tho lirnnrlirs 'Of the tree. This method of stringing cnu be accomplished In micli-a way na to con- I ,-.- - atWwT.-mm HiaaaHBaaiBaBBaaV .il ($ saasaH ' iBsssSHsyHafnELaBaaH Wasaaf &U. HH KafliBaaBaavamHBBaaV HWHI OVTi iaaaaaaH nKiBBaBBsaaaasaanslaBaaBaaaaaV WTtlMUJK- . V Sasaaan i HsaaaVsaW U ta-tf uctfij ' I vttS V I IsKJH nHr 4 . v l "im& iaaaaaaaav I. 1 I i f ' it il HFSsarn'rt ' WmM i ;i ? -". -:M--: TV "Br5 flsW W,.as.3LBf. i a. J? I - M ,rr' - s .fu ml1'j:. ' w 1 -til. Ilidixi THE WEATHER. t Ofllclnl Forecnat tVASIIINOTON', lire. 8. For ens tern l'ennaylvanln Fair nnd ' aomewhnt colder tonight; Thursdny fulr; modernto west winds, becoming vnrlnble. Tho storm thnt wna over th upper lake, region lias paased eastward to tho St. Uw- renca vnuey, nccompnnled by llglil rnlns. A cool area has followed It nnd hna aprend i over nil dlstrlctn from the Mississippi Hirer eastward, causing n drop In tempenuureu Just about sufficient to restore norma mm 'dltlona at most plnces. A storm of mod erate energy overlie? the northern plains '"i" mis morning nnu is nttenued by rls Ins; temperatures, nnd there Is a genernl excess of about ton degrrca over tho whole MlasOurl basin. Olisorvntlons at I'lillndclphin ' ' HA. Jl, , naromttrr '. . . , " as 3rmp.ratur ; . ; "4, JJJ11 Houthwest, 1,1 mlln Minimum ttmprratura '..'.'.',, I'.'.'.','.'.'.',' Wailmum lemperaiurn ill Lampa to nc Lighted -. Antes and ether vehicles. .'."tiltl u.iii, "i The Tldca TOUT IIICHIIO.S'II 11:10 a.m. OEM !.m. 11 I3H p.m. CHB8TNUT BTltKliT UirAHP Hh .' ., Itaa .m. aw water flas ;m lih water ItslHon llah water qw wilir lth water ltlch wafvf .jfLiifw water i I -USlm, w.t,r s . it-'" w,,r -f-y A liw water nEKor ihini) HltKAKWATKIl 8:03 a.m. H:'jn ii.iii. ...11:40 a.m. . ,. fliM p.m. . ..U:N p.m. renl completely Ihn wires when the troo la lighted. KiiiiiII lamp bulbs, designed esperlnlly for this purpose, may bo linil. Tliesn nro mnilii In the form of birds, num. friillnrtoys. mil mills, soiiwmen nnd oven Snnta himself. These decorative lumps ndd Immensely to tho benuly of the tree. Mini the 11.10 of elec tricity permits the lighting nf thn tree nt the beginning of the (.'hrlstmns season nnd keeping Hie lllumlnntlon up every evening tnrougiiout tne nollttny period. I'lnln lamps may bo had In thn t'liilstmna colors or In tho vurlniiH forms dear in the Juvenile heart. now a Ni:t:i:,ssiTV Klectrlc ilecorntlona nto now regarded ns ncreasnry In itlmost nny nodal festivity. They mny be olnliarnto or simple, the cost Is not oxcesjfllve mill they nro absolutely safe. Their uso In tho' homo nt tho coming fhrlBtnui time Is forpahniloved by these rrouomles, which thu modorii householder considers more nnd more ouch year. The Chr.slmiis gift olortrlrul Is nnnther Innovation thnt Is likely to piny mm lin portnnt part In Ihc holiday oUiervnnce. Almost every electrical npplliiucu which a year or two ago was considered it luxury Is nuw dncmed a necessary comfort by tho bousowlfu nnil won d 1m regarded by her .in- nn iiiirecniliin gut. Ill tho select on nf a Christmas gift ninny persons fnce a peiplcxlug problem. They llnd the essontlnl (lunltlea hard to mm. bine.- They.,deslro something serviceable nnd yet wish It to ronvoy thn spirit nf Chrlstmns. They do not wtyh their present' to cost much nnd yet would hnvaJt possess n touch. of real luxury or valiin. They Votild hnvo It offer hoiiio practical utility, but nt tho samii time nro confronted with the dim cully of hiivlng It fol ow tho line line of distinction between tho welcome gift nnd what, thn purchaser would prefer to buy f6r Ills own use. CHURCHMEN ORGANIZE CLUB FOR ADVERTISING LANSING ASKS ENVOYS FOR PALMERO FACTS Orders U. S. Diplomats to Trans mit Information on Sink ing of Ship WASIIINOTON, Dec. C. .Secretary of .Slnto Lousing toilny ordered Anirrlt-nn llinbussy olllclals In .Madrid, llor lln anil .Vienna to obtain all possible in forinntlon i-onoernlng tho sinking of the Italian steamship I'utermo off the Spanish const mid forwnnl It to Wnshlnglon Im medlntely. Olllclals here had not received today any Information ns to the nationality of tho submarine. It was pointed out. how over. Hint Austrian submarines mo been operating off tho .Spanish coast. If nlllelul Infnrmnllon verities report that tlm I'alorino was ntteumtlnir In . ii.t. attiicked no diiilnuiatlc nitlon will bo tnkon liy thla Oovornmenl. It Is said, notwlth stnndlng tho fart that nn American i-ltlscn wait n ported Mil.-,! ,y shellllro, nnd threo wero woundod. U. S. Weather Ilureau Ilullctin Otuertatlona taken at H a, m. eastern time. 8 fill Italn. V.l. XtU.nilc City ... i 4i .7 Vv ij s JJI Jislliinor., ltd... K ri .'. w if) cir t,iM.H.i. x, n ,t n, r..: V.'esr liUmsrck. N. O, 30 21 fioton, !.. ,. 4t 44 jiun;aio, N.J.,.. hleaao. III,,. , ail Inelnnatl, o.,,. it Itvelsnd. p. , .,. sa Denver, Col. . .,, 4il Detrult. Mich. ... S3 T 4 uaivriton, Tex. . , HI jtarriiDura. r. a art 34 It S3 0-J " -'3 w in W 43 HV 14 8V ., W 26 H ii Ilnui1y t'lear i-lly ear lsr r ear MV til Q!r C arrlaburs'. I's.. 40 40 ., nw is slfax,.,?. 8... 4 4H1.I0 w " ii ... f ' t- a IHIUIIt gj, j, t , , , art JndtaiuitMlU Ind. SI jKcxsoaTui. trim, na nu ri At Ur West. KU. . . Tl S noxvllU. Turn. . SS 8a I,fiM JitlBitl Cal. sn si LoulsyliU, Kr. ., si Si dsniDnii. Tcnn.. 4a 4a lonirvai, ;n . as as ,:a laniiKsti, Aisis, 44 44 ,ui Hsw orln, ja, 11 g: , , fisw-Tork, lirT. 46 411 .61 Norfolk. Va, , ... la tl . , hkUhoms. oil, to Jl , ' HllailslnhUr Pa. 44 43 ,. ii anil, Ifa 4n 4n .na SS .84 at loule. W 8U Fau . llli Ma t Uks, U PartL Hartiand. Or. .'' V! "?i- i! s" Mil taVW. UU. ., 0an Antonld. Tx, A2 Aj Ash VwAnf am-k Aa A I .gUlt8tf, Mariil 84 84 it, .5nnU. a. . . 6ft M emman, !. ... 411 as K'tTJOIM, ni M. KH tJNSiMOKtPO . ... 44 44 riiiBii. Can... 10 8 HK BW NH NM NW H H H W ?ov Vf H H BW BH XV BW H B BB 1?B 01 n ;; aw si :: w .. w ear 5ar io !l is c w M U 10 14 is r r louair uJy iir nam :ir Clear Cl.r Italn Cloud r ear r r ar ear ar ftr 1, ,.. ciaudy Clear I'.UWr Know Sr C r Clur PCUy Ci.r Clear LfcvvBpnpcrH Will He. Atlmitteil to Hotly Studying Publicity Will Join Poor Richnnls Tha Church Advertising Aesoclntlon. nn orgnnlzatliin for promoting general church ndvirtlnlug. which will ho alllliiitod with the I'oor Itluhiird Club, has been formed by representatives of more limn sovcuty-llvi-churches, who gathered In tho Curtis llulld Ing last night. Tho unsocial Ion will sillily iui'IIioiIh of gaining publicity In church nfTulin. Churches and newspapers can become members upon payment nf the annual dues of $5. which permit thn pastor nnd reiiri'sentatlvos nf encn cnurcn to novo n voiio in tho manage ment of the organization. The association will bo governed by n board of directors, consisting of ono mem ber of each denomination, a lepioscntntlvo of each newspaper nnd it member of tho I'oor ttlchnrd Club. Tho Itev Dr. Peter c. Wright, pastor of Oethsemnno Daptlst Church, wiih chair man, and Harry llodgos, of tho I.utheran Church of Ilia Holy Communion nw..,l na secretary. A committee, consisting of the llev, Dr. Oeorge I. Adams, of Chestnut Street llnptlst Church; tho Itev 1) y Welglo and Allan .Sutherland, presenlcd a constitution, which wna adopted. Appeali From Fine for. Klllintr Illrda NOHIHSTOWN. l'a.. Ueo. ii.A petl. turn has been presented to Judge Miller In behalf of Charles K Hull, u Lower Merlon lading of Magistrate McClellan, of .Vur berth, who flno.1 him heavily for killing a blackbird, u robin and nicker. ileal dunta had been nesterml bv inm ,i..i. of blackbirds which gathered In trees, and the policeman tired u shot Into one pf the treea to acure them away. MA I) HIP, Pec fi. The Kiihmuriuc which sank Ihn Itnllnn ntonnishlp I'nlormo, carrying a number of Americans, in believed to havo been of Aus trian nationality. A dispatch from Pnlafrugell (hat the ship hnd been shellod lod In n belief hero thnt sho wna trying to esc.ipo One seaman, re ported to bo an American, was wounded by .1 shell fragment 11ml died. Three otherB wero snld to liavo been wounded by the explosion of a torpedo fired Into tho vessel riin reports ns In tho exact number of Americans on board vary. One suld twenty-live, niiother forty-three, and still nn ilher placed tho number nt forty-five. Most of them wero homo tenders. Tho rnlermo wns rnrrvlnc ,.,,iri....,.i from New orlt to .Spexla. She wns armed with two guns. Tho valua of ship and cargo was iibout 2,000.000. Aiitomobllea Slop Kunaway Horse A liying wedgo formed of auiomohllea slopped a runaway Imrso on llrnml street today nftei nn exciting chase of nearly half ii mile. 'Ilionnlmnl. drawing a wagon, and driven by William Itlley, of u-37 llnzinrd street, boiled nt Lehigh avenue nnd ran down Ilrond stteet. Sovernl automobile guv.- chnsA ns the frightened horso nnr ronly etcapril oraslilng Into aeveral other vehicles, nnd by forming a wedge abend of tho animal brought It to n stnudstlll an,v was taken Id ii. Suinnrllnn l'ospltnl He AUstnlnetl a fractured kneo. H'rll or roll tor our sue nnd Inlrrrtllna HooMrt-"LooM'a Into Your Own tint.'1 A Scries of Jr. Eye Talks Our Neit Talk Tiiea., Dee. Hy Joseph C. Ferguson, UK ludlscrlmlnnto lino of lotions and drugs In the eyea Is some times productive of grave consequences 1 nfl.1mm.1t In n of tho iris of tho eyes in Known us iritis. Hardening of the eyehull la known ns glaucoma. Cllau coma. when Inllnmmntory, In so similar to Iritis that ifenn only lie detected by the physl .'iun. The uso of belladonna, which would be valuable In Iritis, would almost surely cause blindness If used In an eye suffering from glnuoomn When your eyes need ntten llon. content yourself with nothing less thnn thorough and enirlent attention. Consult nn oculist n physician who spe clnjlzea In treatment of tho eyes. Then. If glasses are needed, have his proscription filled by a reputablo Optician. I'reirrlptlon Optlrlant G, 8 & 10 Smith IRtli St. lV'e Po NOT Examine Kiti, "This Tslk1 from a copyrlthl rrlvs All rights rr4. Jalllllffli ELECTRIC LAMPS Wfihtlncr Fixtures lowest Prices Large Showrooms RELIANCE Gt & Electric fixture Company fPHP9 a I k ilJ-r"im UkiY 1 11 i"iTTTlHiriT R Doctors prescribe esmol for skixt trouble Forover twenty years.physlclanshave relied oa Reslrwl OintmVnt in the treat! ment of many kln and calp troubles. They preferit because it w quickly stops itching and burnl, and clears away redness, rawness, crusts or scales. Thev " ift U,at h con,ain "iy the Wofhealmgmaterials,whlcii could not Injure or Irritate the tenderest skin. Why not try it for your akin? Makogany Gifts fo Holidav Phone Tables Book Ends Chimes Tabourettes Floor and Tabic Lamps llluttrated booklet upon request WriIit,TynrJale van Roden, I 1212 Chestnut Street Tea Wagons Tea Tables Tea Trays Sewing Stands' Cocktail Trays Fern Stands Scrap Baskets Tip Top Tables nc. ' :;7: J gauauuu,mmuu.m.o .Ta.."........... Z7.77. 1i , it for your wife for Christmas ,.,! .RI:Fht no .i3 the opportune moment to make your wife a dream of less work come true I Get her an electrical vacuum cleaner for Christmas and buy It NOW during Electrical Week. You know she wants one T9 your Only nroblem is tn nhonsn frin hoof V AvK SO be BUre to come in nnrl bpo Ihn EUREKA VACUUS! CLEANER Walker & Kepler, 531 Chestnut St. DDa llnt r . . E TO RAZE SUBWAY GUARD FOR HUMMERS' PARADE Confltructlon Company OfTcru to Kcmdve High Fence on South Pcnn Square WILL NOT HALT WOHK Director TwIntnR to Let Contract 102 for Transit Job Under City Hall The Keyatone flta'o Construction Com pany llironitti . M. Hwaali, chief enrlner. nnnonnceil lotlay that II would remove the IiIkIi boanl fence nronml the llroatl atreet auliway eicavatlon nl South I'enn flnuara nml llroatl atreet nn New Year'n Day In onler that there mlnht lie no Interferenc with thn hlK tniimmera" pageant. The offer ramo voluntarily from Mr. JJivnnli Jual aa the miimmera. led hy John llaltley. chairman of Coiinclla" New Year Committee, hail arrnna;eil to Interent Men ntor MeNlrhol. head of the Keyatone con cern, in their enuaaml hava him arrange for the temporary removal of the hoard fence Mr Hauler, when told thnt the company had ntitlclpaled hla rerjueat with n voluntary offer. e renfled Ida delluht nnd iPrlared that liolh miimmera and upectatnra would appreciate thn trouble taken hy the jmnatructlon company The fenee aa It now atanda la directly j in front of ihe point on which thn Judaea and review-era' aland la alwaya located for the parade Aleo. Hie atructuro hna ao enr tnlleil Ihe aall.tlile trania apace at that D'nee that It would he virtually Impnaalhle fnr llio larse miimmera' floata to paaa WfiNT HINDKIt WOFIK The temporary removal nf the fence will entail a alljsht coat upon the company, hut It will not Interfere Willi thn work on Ihe Ktihwny. acr.iidlnK In Mr Swaali, aa the crenler port of the ncMunl work at thai point In lielnit done nt nlKht. when the treet trallle la lighten nnd when the auh-vav-eiirfncn earn can he iletoured over the mir'jwc lln'i Tho ennlncerc of the Knyatona Company today pierced for the flral time thn uiaashe i.iilnlile foundation will I of City Hall In connection with the work on tlm tuhn nml central alnllun The flrat npnliiB waa mude Juet el of the nolilhern entranco of city Hull At thla point tlm foundation waila nre len feet thick. Tempornry timber eupporta have been Inserted In the hole and thean will be replnced by Immenae ateel nlrdera. The wall will be p'erced nt polnta alx feet apart between tho point of the nrat excnvatlnn and the aoutliwentern corner of the biillillni;. When the aleel Rlnlera have been placeil In enrh of there hole the entire weight of thli aectlon of thn bulld liiK, which la eatlmaleil nt IKOO tonn, will be lifted from the preaent foumlntlona and ehlfted to tho Klrdra. In. order to per mit the workmen to rebuild the new out elde foundation walla. In illacuaalnR the KenernI project today Mr. Hwaab clmrncterlied It aa the moat Klcnntlc enKlneerltiK lindrrtnkliiK of Ita kind ever nttrmpted III Amrrlcn. to u-rr ni:v contiiact Tomorrow Director Twlnlnir will onen blda for contract No 102 under City Hall This contract la In reality a aubilMnlon of con tract .Vo. 161. on Which th iWyiten tJom pany U now working-. Th original con tract tra for 760 linear feet of work, and the prlc limit wa IJ.eoo.oflO. Early thlj aummer. when It waa found that It would be neceanary to rebuild the C'llv Itall fotin dation walla at a coat far In exceaa of the Contract limit. City Solicitor onnenj- recommnde that Dlreetor Twining reduce the contract ... Tha 700 linear feel of contract 101 wna acordlnitly reduced to tOS feel and contract 102 will b for tho remaining Hi feet. There la approximately 4.0oo available for thla contract In the J6.000.00a tranalt loan nf taat year, under which the work mint be dona, Of these loana U.COO.OOO waa apportioned for the llroad atreet tube worS .nd a almllar amount for the Frank' font "l." In addition, the overhead charge of the engineering; division of Ihe Ttanalt Department mint come from thli loan money. The 11.000.000 already under contract for thn llroad utreel alibway work would Itntn nbout 11.000.000 for the new contract, but this haa been reduced by about tH 000 on account of the tip-keep of the inglneerlna; dlvlalon. WARNING TO AUTO TIIIBVES I'ollco Director OrfranUes Citizen De tective Force to Protect Cnra Plana nre being formulated for the eMnb- llahment of a permanent force nf detec tlvea. Io be known na the automobile tllvl- alon. for Ihe prevention nf thefts nf auto mobile -"-irdlng to Information given out today Ii- director nf Publlr Mafety William II. Wlleon Tho e.ilabllahment of thla dlvlalon re aulted from n conference In the dlrector'a offlce Monday, at which many peranne, rep reaenllng virtually nil the automobile aaao clallona nf Ihe city, ami many Individual ownera offered Io be aworn In na special olH cer further tr prevent the automobile thefts The plan waa approved by tlm dircrtnr lie and hla naalatnnl. Harry C Davla. nre planning tho division SANTA fE GIVES HfiN - 10 PER CENT PAY BONOS Will Distribute $2,750,000 of War Profltd to Meet High Living Cost SVVTA PB. Dec. e. Directors of the Atchison. Topeka and Santa I-e Hallway Comtianj- outhorlted a illslrlbullon cnuol to ten per cent of a, year'n pay to all Ita em ployes In the service of the system for nt least two years anil whose annual com pensation does not exceed S1S0O. President Itlpley, of the company, said that the nmount to he distributed waa esti mated nt about IJ.7S0.000. Ho said thnt the railroad, "especially alrice the Influence it, Ihe European Mr haa httn fur . has enjored "whal appear L ' MArmnl Hriutsl0 II u- . w w Mlul this And of the Increased S.S5?flSH t lett the directors to mik. ?JVM i normal prosperity of thnt Irlbutlon, lio said. utinrtlmet k w.- mm. rir,uu, iiijea., ueo e All iC"a natter mills In western Mauaet.....? Ja ''itilM. Iloljolte. Agawam, MiitiiS Berkshire County,-nav granted th.i, V moves nn emeiaencr hnnn, - . 'lc 1 tn wages, beginning .December IS $ 2$ puted monthly on the basis ot th. nr2?"a inc montn s earnings. Th a m.n .' va tlnue until further notice, and ,LtS1 nceordlng to a statement, to offset th HI rrensed cost of living. Uetween 4000 !Sl owuu employes win oencnt Dcwalt Spent $1431.17 ItlUniNO, ra.. Dee e tt -i n. Dewalt, Democrnt, of Allentown whail: filed his nccount here, U3U7 to Tb2 i iu uuiincnn, mmsm. 1 A y (Christmas I LiSSe Neckwear I i i Our assortments arc most attractive in quality, variety and beauty of fabric and coloring. At all prices from 50c to $5.00 we present a vast range or silks in new designs and patterns, many of which arc exclusively oura in this city. Special values at $1.00 riiiladclpliia's Oldest Piano House Eilablithcd 1BS4 New Upright Piano $185.00 UOO QCAMTV rSL'AHANTEKD $1.50 Weekly Player-Piano (88-notc) $350.00 Including; 25 Music Roll. Was $600. Good -Condition. $2.00 Weekly Lester Player-Piano $365.00 Including 25 Music Rolls. Was $550. Good Condition. $2.00 Weekly Nola Itepreientallres of Apollo Player-Piano v from $585 Sohmcr Uprights from 455 Sohmcr Cupid Grand from A. B. Chase Pianos from Delink Player-Piano from Bellalc Pianos .... from Marion Pianos . . . from 20c Music Rolls 20c Victrolas Records OI'KN KVKNINflH owes $159 ani $222 the 675 450 450 300 225 lM&IdM Despite the very general advance in Glove prices we are still able to supply our wcll-lcnown assortments of Men's Gloves at $1.50 & $2.00 They are unquestionably values that are unexcelled anywhere in Philadelphia. Finer grades at $2.50 fer $3.00. Full assortments of Lined and Fur Gloves. vemnidress . Lw Mufflers an J rfofonng Scavfs Silk or Woolen The Holiday demand for Muf flers and Motor Scarfs is the largest known. We show many special features in silks of crochet and accordion weave in plain colors, contrasting color stripes and heather mixtures. Priced from $2.00 to $10.00. Fraternity and Club designs. $3.50. Woolen Mufflers and Reefers. $1.50 up to $5.00. Jacob Reed's Sons Tne Christmas Store for Men 1424-1426 CHESTNUT STREET rPfl JTr THI """ f.'l' Irtl rr5TiLr -. A jii'vSflllMlSullS (wTiitrrcafc ItiLluwillj"" ' VlrWli TiinirtrlirW air 3s2' a22S" ytf' The Spirit of Christmas l spirit of Christmas is the spirit of service! The faithful camVr nf r.,-.1. : Charles Dickens' "The Cricket of the Hearth" was an embodiment of this spirit. John Peerybingle typified personal servtV . i i. f ; . . inuuporauon tor Jus day and age. He never dreamed Charles Dickens never dreamed of the magnitude of Wells Fargo Service, nor , ltS ""nds of devoted orpressmen, upon whose efficient work the convenience, comfort, and pleasure of so many depend. Steadily -the express has builded its reputation for both fidelity and dispatch in the handling of its business; yet it h in the flood-tide of Uiristmas shipments that its service is put to the greatest test. It Is at this time that Wells Fargo needs mJt th. SSSL"11 Tk rY ia "lilJions of & packages. Therefore we nuke an earneit reoue.r that you ship early this Chrutmas!" Tohe p SJ dus we furrmh attraoive labeU iueiigP.8 rargo & Co Express 1918 AVch St &SSSXS& ft "- i PW 01 Things EltelrW1918 f-fLlv, SrmwTOTrTfiW f .4' , - p T --T S.,."j.n4. H-- tfQtgi ;i?jvjf? &&, b .r-. IStb