"11" H -- t..nnH,t.i m.,MAJYrr.. PUO'SALVAffi lACAPITALERllMENA LS Steeso fcHnlatero dolln Gucrro .'Busaa Ammcttd rinutilltn' s ,.. dfella Dlfcan dl Bucnrcat f' ,&,- PALERMO APFONDATO fiPJroscafo ltallano Avovn Un Orlco dl Munlzlonl o St DIrlffcvn nlla Spexla ! llOMA. Dlcembr. t ,,Cohi it prersdeya d. tuttl cotorn eh MUona 1 iltuixlon nil svvcnlmtntl .11 I'enlnolft balcanlcn. IlUCnreat i puo' teHldrar come prduta. I tso mlttltUro delta. Uuerrn russo nmmttte ch mtltA Ml puo' Rperra per la a1via dalla etIf mmcha. 8mbrn elm tifsstiim forn, dltiuelw che wino In ntlonn nella Itumntilti, ftotmti reiUUra nll'avnntn iltg iirmalo UIech conlccho' la enduta delta clttn' a' oltftnto una qulellone dl glornl. IofTen ya rua net Carpatll, Inlilatn troppo tardl con forie Inadequate, a iinnnto tempra, non ' rlusclla nd arrostare la marels del teutonl I quail hanno unctie rlconqUlitato una pomtlonn Imporlntita Itella rfRlono dl Klrllbafon. iVnrmata Mil raro-icdesca ha aneh rtsplnto nil nt tabAltl ilM riissl ul basso Ditr.tihlo. Bemtifn cha I rtlmenl fd I Nisal Htlano vacuandu la oltta' dl nuearaat par Hllrarsl nella Moldavia nella eperanta dl poter rerlatera cola' ad una ulttrlora .vanznta (liillo armata dl von Mackemen a dl VOn Fulkenharn. . Kalla Macedonia Invtca la (onto litilitnre ono atate dl nuovo oonfHlo a mesne In ruya dalle font aerba la quail contlnuano ad avaninre nella regions del Carna ad cat ed a Don! dl Monastlr. I aerbl nnn perdono affutto II vnntngdo cha ttuailasnano nel loro icontrl, ma Incaliano It nemlco atmpra plu' Xrorotamante rendendoRll dlfllcllo la rltl Rttav, Nel tempo medealmo I franceal contlnuano a ar prograssl nella rrKlono dl I'nralovo, Jur nel aallenta del Ceriiu, Un Ulesrnmma da Madrid dice cha 11 plro cafo Itallano Talormo a bordo del quale I I trovavano JB'clttadlnl nmerlcanl, e' atato UTOndata nl lariro dolla conta apnunuola da n alluro lanolato da un nottomarlno Udeaco,. II plroacafo fu naaoifitcttato anche f;,u'J,bonbarilamanto, Rlacche' un marlnalo, Clttadlno amerlcano, o' forltn da una tclicK lt dl Kranata ed ' rlcoverato ora In un capedala dl rnlafrugel, In apagna, dove sono Utl abarcatl I auparatltl, H I'alermo era partlto da New York II 15.. ve.mbi';..p"' Spcjla o Oenova ,con Un JArlcO dl 9000 tonnellate dl mercl o mu. aizlonl da Buerra o dl plu' dl un mlfilliilu .ra cnyallt a mull. II plroncafo avsva un qulpacglo dl 102 uomlnl, dot quail 1 erano e tUdlnl nmerlcanl. Urn nrmato por la aireaft contro I nottomarlnl od era comandato tL?aplt':n?. 8"""" "". Kru atato co Krujto nel 1888 o apoatava 0203 tonnellate, GEOGRAPHICAIi SOCIKTV Twonty-flfth Anntvcranry to Bo Colo brntcd Tonlnht i.T1'0 Q,ao;lhIcnI Hoclety of 1'hlladel ma will calebrato Itn twenty-nfth nnnl Tcraary tonleht by a reception to Itn mem era In the Academy of Nnturnl Sclencea. Hlnataartth nnd naco otreota. Several Ifomlrtent eclentlatn will mnko addrosaea. Tho addreaa of welcome will be ulvoii J Commliolnner of Health Dr. Bain Jl O. Dixon, prealdcnt of tlio Academy of natural Bolencea, In bohalf of tha aoolaty. The two principal addrtawm will be de livered hv Henry a. Hrynnt. ono of the eldeat members of the Oeogfaphlcal ,Ho. claty, on the aubject, ".Men and Memorial of the Early Days of the Bocloty," and Dr.' Talcott 'Wllllama, hrad of the School of Journalism of Columbia Unlveralty, and formerly a. newspaper man of Philadelphia, w apeak on the "Pniit nnd Futuro of the' Sotlety'" . t The reception will bo held In the library cf the Acadomy at tha cloae of the nd-(treaaea. EVEStaa LBDGBR-PHILA3DI3LPHIA, WEDNESDAY, BEOMffigBj 1016 KIM6 EMMONS LLOYD GEOR&E; LAW DECLINES PREMIERSHIP CenllnoH fratn Tale Oaa (pinion generally exprtiaed In political clrolM. I.loyd OuOrre'a uncompromlMn ttitul of tha laat few day an attitude In which hi v.t cordially at -rtti! by mien t' i.la former pflllllcnl tpponf l.iff aa Andrew Oor-ir Ihw anil Rir IXuard Caraon waa vin ply the concrete expreeelon of iomilar reaent ment nt the Ineptitude of the Ampillh eo nlltlon reg me It repreaenleil the profound and countrywide conviction that an entire no deal was neceamry If the war waa to be roiccuKd Intelligently, energetically and eiflc'ently. It waa the concrete eiprexalon of the p.pular fear that Englnn co lid not win rWlhout audi a atep. ULTIMATUM roll ASqUITH The healtatlon, Indectalon and vacillation regarding great war probtrma which haa oliaraaferlzed the admlnletratlon In mentha paat, hue been curlounlr eiemnlined In Aaqullh'a fieraonal handling of the Cabinet crlnln. Ite did not (tnfllly give up hope of averting It until bo received an ultimatum from the Unlorilat late yesterday. Thin ultimatum fullowwl I.loyd ricorge'a definite refuaal further to continue un a member of the Mlnlatry. In It the Unlonlita ,un quallfledly pledged their aaeoclatlon, aum monlng llonar 1m vr Intead of I.loyd Qcorgo to head the new Mlnlstr)'. In tendering the premlerahlp to llonar Law King tloorge followed ounatltutlonal precedent, which rmpjlrea micli a proffer alioUld flrnl bo mndn to tha leader of the largeal party In the llouae of Common. I.loyd tleorge at the head nf the Govern ment linn tircn the definite objective of tlio "rrconiitrurtliiiilata" whose purpoaen nnd alma have found voice In the editorial columna of the Tlmea and tlio Nnrthclirra pre llonar Law haa throughout tin preKcnt turmoil worked In complete har mony, not only with Nortliclirte, who la of hla own political faith, but with I.loyd Ocorgo, who la of the opposition. The outatandlng construction which will be placed upon the aelectlon of Lloyd fJeorge will lie that the Ilrltlah tJovcrnmt'nt will turn an nbiolutely deaf car to all peace propoeala. The Wolnh ttnteaiiian will he counted on to puah the actual fight ing by Ilrltlah troopa with the ranie driving force nnd vigor that ban chanicterlicd hla organliatlon nnd development of the Ilrlt lah munitions output. The whole altuatlon today waa a melting pot of effnrta. It la problematical how the Liberal, Ijilior nnd Irish pnrtlea will lino up. Kir IMwnrd Caraon wan credited with formulating a epectneutar coup for the pur poae of enllatltig aupport of the Irlah Nn tlonalla'.a, whoreby the whole of Ireland, Including Ulattr, wotild be offered home rule on the baala of consent by the N'atlon atlati to an oxtnnalon of conscription to Ire land. The Caraon propoaal, It wan ru ported, would alio permit Ulatcr, after three yearn' trial, to decide whether to re main. Later today, howevor, Caraon de nied that he had offered any nuclt propoaal. Kxtenalon of conacrlptlon to Ireland would Immediately add 1(0,000 men to Great Ilrltnln'a forcea, There waa much apeculntlon today na to Aaqulth'a future. It la thought poaalbte ho may become Iord Chancellor, lowing atatement printed exelualrely In the Evkmiwi LRprtsn September 2J: "Ilrltaln haa only begun to fight! the nrltlah Kmplre lias Invested thouaanda of Ita beat Uvea to purehaad future Immunity for civilisation) thla Inveatment la too great to be thrown away, "Under the clrcumatanee. the Ilrltlah, now that the fortunes of the game have turned a bit, are not dlapoaed to atep be eauae of the aqtleallng done by the Germane or for the Germane by probably well-meaning but tntegulrfcd aympathliera and hu manitarian. "1'or two yeara the Ilrltlah eoldfer had a bad time no one knowa eo well aa.ho what a bad time It waa. lie waa rndly Inferior In equipment. On the average he waa In ferior In training. Ite aaw the Allied cntiae heaten all about the ring, but ha didn't appeal either to the spectator! or to a ref eree to atop the fight on the ground that It waa brutal, nor did he aide to have the rulea rhnngHl. He took hi piinlnhtnent. Ktn when beaten like a dog he win a game dog "When forced to take refuge In n trench, when too badly used up to rnrry the right to tho enemy, he hung on without whining, fought off every attack, bided hla lime, en dured without wincing, worked without flagging." "It la ono thing to look back on the pounding the Ilrltlah aoldlor took the flrat two yi-iirn of the war, but a dlfferfnl thing to look furwiiril, n ho did not know the beating couldn't bo molded during theeo month when It eeemed tho llnlah of tho Ilrltlah army might I'ome quickly. "Germany rlectel In make It a flnlah tight with Kngland. The llrlllah mildler ne ridiculed, lirhl u contempt. Nmv wo Intend to eo that Germany lm her wav. Tho fight muni be to the flnlah to a knock out. "Hut III the ilrltlah determination to carry the fight to a decisive flnlah thero la something more thin tho natural demand for vengeance. Tho inhumanity, tho pltl loaanea of the fighting that must coma be fore a tnatlng jteuro la iiowalble I not com parable with the cruelly that would be In volved in atopplng tho wnr while there ro malna n poaalbtllty of i.lvillz:itlon again be Ing menaced from tho fame quarter. Peace now, or at nny time before the llunl and completo elimination of thin meuncu, 1h un thlnknblc. ,'o man and no nation with tho nllghtent undoratnndlng of thu temper of thla cltlien army of tlrltnln'n which took Itn terrible hammering without a wlilnn or grumblo will attempt to call a halt now." Hoy Hunter Dlca From InJuriiH INDIAN'A, Pa.. Dec, 8. Larry Zetnr nineteen yeani old, la dead fiom Injurlea received when hla gun wan nccidntitnlly dl-i-charged whlto hunting. I7IO itSlfj'&S Lloyd George Indicated hla attitude on tho possibility of an early peaco In tho fol- laa V& Tho blecrst aellinrr book ol non-fiction in America RHYMES OF A RED -CROSS MAN DyltobeitW. Sendee Aul!,or o"SptUolht Yukon. " 'Ballad, of a Chetchako, '' tic. All In unlloimblndina I cloth, net, JI.0O- Limp Ither. net, 11 .25. At all book itotei, BARSE Sc HOPKINS BBsPuldili. 20W.2JdSt..N,V.gia r Old-fashioned Buhr Stone Ground Buckwheat and wliolu-Kraiii flours nnd cereals. Iictain nil tlio rich, bone-formliij,', ruvttn1i7.ini; vluiiienU that nuturo placed in thu (,'rain which nro re movod in tho ordinury proccs.i of millinif, Buekwhoat t. '.Zt K, rt- lit. arli, SI.OO. llelltrrril rree by I'nrrel I'n.t or llxiirei. Mi:.l yellow or While Corn Meal ri.OUUN Wltolo Wheat, Uraham or Ityu Hour. ii it n , it past ri:ni:,i.H, i:ip t'racked Whent, Oal, Hlco, Ilarlev llye. lltickwhent Klour, Matnrnl llrown Itlci-. .N'nturiil llrown Ilarley. Ilran IS PANT roniiH N'atural llrown liar loy Flour. Natural Urown ltlco iciour Whole Ont Klour. ur si.M) niK-mr.E nnoKir.T GREAT VALLEY MILLS i:tni. i7to l'noli, Va. THE BEST OF THE MEW KCDOK& H. G. Wells' New Novel Now 100th Thousand MR. B RITLSMfi SEES IT THROUGH t( The Great Novel" "A great work . . a searching analysis of humnnitv's soul." not ion Advertiser. "Remarkable; not only Mr. Wells' best book, but the best 1 t T- t . 1 t 1 - .1. -... . . . uook so iar puuusnca concerning incwar. Ulticayo Tribune. $1.50 ; i' W The New Illustrated Mane field SALT WATER POEMS AND BALLADS. A book of wonder nnd delight by tho foremost living pool, Illustrated by ono of England's leading marine artists, Chnrlos Tears. Cot. Ui, $2.00 John Maseflcld'a Magnificent Story GALLIPOLI, is also ready now, It's "a. anion did talo of bravery splendidly told a minln turo epic." Illustrated, fl.S5 Edgar Lee Master's Remarkable Rook The New Illustrated Edition with New Poems SPOON RIVER ANTHOLOGY. Now Illus tratec by Oliver Herford. Mr. Horford's plo tures aro as unique and powerful as tho un usual poems they illustrate. Cloth, fS.00. Ltathtr, $S.S0 Mr. Masteftt Volume of New Poems THE GREAT VALLEY, s now ready. Tho St. LouU Mirror In on early Interview calls it "a book of passion, color and music." Cloth, fl.50. leather, fl.75 Ida TarbeWa New Book NEW IDEALS IN BUSINESS ' An amazing .atory, written out of personal contact with tho new spirit now manifest In all lariro enterprises'. tl.75 Stephen Graham's New Rook THROUGH RUSSIAN CENTRAL ASIA. "Stephen Graham has done more than any other man to Interpret the soul of Jtussla to the West era World,", Y, Timtt. ,., fsjs Jane Addams' New Rook THE LONG ROAD OF WOMAN'S MEMO RY. A book of wide Interest cnri.fjcd by nu merous ntu-cdotea igul stories drawn from the nutliors lotii; and varied experience M'J A I"E?ir ?S VWlC' y Charles Villlers Stanford nut Cecil Foraythe. A complete hla tory of music from tho curliest times to tlio present day in u concisu and rcndabla form. III. $2.00 New Hooks for Young Readers AMASt,C,IfCU5,LIF "y 13 Bich. Around tho circus idea the author builds up a ery Interesting and practical system of phys ical trainiiijr. ltlu8tratal,tl.50 Charles G. D. Roberta' New Rook SECRET TRAILS. Exciting animal stories and tales of tho great out-of-doors. ;., fi.ss P1I9Tl I,y, I1, r'ulet Greene. A roguish dog Js no real hero of the book, but therp aro other 3to.-ios about fairies, boys and girls, und Ashing. Col. ill., $2.00 POLLY TROTTER, PATRIOT. By Alden A and Emily B.Knlpe. As strlki.g story for girls as "Tho Maid of -76" by the same nuihorl Illustrated, fj.es Cornelia Meigs' New Rook MASTER SIMON'S GARDEN. Every little reader who liked 'The Kingdom of tha Wind ing Road" will enjoy this cjeficato romance. Col. ill., (133 Sir Rabindranath Tagore's New Books THE HUNGRY STONES anid Other Stories 4A book of strange, beautiful, widely varying tales , , . all exquisite." N. Y. Timu. Cloth. flJS und fl.S0. Leather, 41.60 and fs.00 Ak at tho bookttora for TI0V other nw books FRUIT GATHERING Tagora's new volume of poetry. Cloth, SUSS and fl.5Q. Ltathtr, $1.90 mid $3.00 STRAY BIRDS A book containing the oscence of Tagoros philos-Phy- llluttrattd, fjJSO THE MACMILLAN COMPANY, Publishers, . . New York M ING OF "ANTIS" BEGINS TOMORROW Mnny Pcnnnylvnnla Delegates to Attend tho Two Days' Scs- aion In Washington More than one hundred ilelegalM from Pennsylvania, will nltenfl the ftilon of Hie firs! mttlon.il convention of the Notional AsnoclAtlon Opposed to Woman SuffrAKO which will (jfKln n two ilnya conference In WnshlnKton lomorrow. Tho I'rnnsylrnnla deliKtM will he under the leadership of Mrx. Iloraoe IlrooU, presi dent of the I'ennsylranla Aaeoclatlon Op poeel to Wotnnh Suffrapie, and IIa Laura . Sloan, secretary of the organisation. Headquarter for tho party will be at the Bhorehnm Itotei. A mom; the deleicate who will represent (he Ktate are Mrs. J. tlardner Cnesatt, Mm, Charlea W. Henry, Mrs. Samuel CJratit Dlehl, Mm Jamea Hector McN'eal, Mrs Onorice V While, Mr, fleorgro II. Tulllilife. Mrs fleorge llrirr, Mrs. William llelster. Mrs. Wllhur llurhholder. Mr. Mortimer llrown. Mlsa Margaret It Orundy, Mra, W. II. Kennedy, Mra. John Markoe, Mra. ,Imei lree, Mrs. I. t. ltelehner, Mra. It T. Jtohlmton, Mra. James Rtllhvell, Mra Anna ShullcrosN. Mra. Martha Setnplo. Mlsa Jll llnna Wood, Mra. Ij. Hchaeffer nnd Mrs. I. Williams, -iwtrA7vTC! Tf.A"Kr riRRAT ASSAULT ON RUSSIA THROUGH RUMANIA Odessa Probably Principal Object of Teuton Drive at Bucharest-Hindenburg Preparing Gigantic Bid for Decision on East Front, Officers Say Dy CARL W. ACKERMAN ...-., -tte riMriMAV ArtMV AT I'ltKSCI. of desperate-looklnK refuses, and intn IIUMAXIA, Dee. a (via Hwlln ' vllle Wlrelew. Dec. e.) .... .... Iltiehareefa fate la a matter 6 f on 1 a few days. Deeperate reelstanee by the iw- mTnlan can only delay ouillon of the Seek Share of Fathcr-ln-Lav' Millions HKADINfl. !., lite. C tnrrle M. Noldr, wife of Clenrpje Nolile, whoso father, Jnculi Nolde, a textile mamifnrturer, tiled last week, lonvlni: OeorRe Nolile only $30,000 of hla II.100.ono .-state, four oilier children nml thr tv.dow (tctlliiK the remainder, linn applied for n receiver for the est.ile. They wro married In 1!I1 und aeiinrntril n year ko Mra. Nolde soya alio doosn't know where her hnshand la, nnd that she haa to work to support herself. A henrlni; will he held In January. Chrladr'n Auction House lfiO Yearn Old l.O.N'OnN", Dee. Ii Annoiinremont waa tnuilo nt 'lirlstlf lh.it this year the lilamrlr auction house rearlird Itn ISOIh birthday rhrlelle'x haa nlwnya been, eonlrolletl bv a few prlvnti, Indlvlduala. rnrely timre than two or three There line been no J'hrlstlo Irt tho firm slnro 1SS0 4tlltAl To ah obeerver of this (Trent Herman achievement In Itumanla. the h?' fenslve In tho movement now Wr0Ji'n lie climax la not llucharest alone, tier many'a object Is flrat to ''" "V "I manlan army. pretKiratory to n march to wafd Ituaala, with perhaps Ode. mo nnAllKomcera here b.lleve that the present operations In Itumanla are only h b" nlns of n Kleanllc operation by Jjeld Mar shsl von HlndenburK l lh . ' lead of the western theatre of war. dc signed to brinit the decision In the war to this field. The desperate efforts which Ilumonla la making to crush tho Oerm.in steamroller offenalvn by lrthlnr towar.i mo nn can only delay llueharest'a oceupatlon by the Teutonic and result In fur her weaken- Hue of tho Ilumaniati rorcee. onicrm u. Tim Krcnt part of the lttimimlnn army Is wholly demoralised. Swift ndvancoa by l-leld Marshal von Markenren and Ueneral ,in Kalkenhayn cut itumanla Into three ""Today's operation are expected tosett ui thren holes, forcing the Humnnlans either t, derend Ilueharest from tho north or rnii'tiulo their capital. To one who for the last ten days haa folloneil the ailvancltiie tlermnli trnnps by atitomobllo over 1200 mile IhroiiRh Craiova, Alexandria, Slatlna and IMlmcl. Mtichaieat In tint the sole object of the Herman orfen site To aiirh an obeericr Ocrttmny'B object In (leslrurtlon of ns much of the Itumunlan nroi) nn ponslblo, preparatory to a march Inward Itussla Tin- tlerninn uperatlons nro moving for ward hrre i.n ii nUantlr senle. Kor mile i.ter Ituin.'inl.r rmulM tboiiennda of columns pass In a rruscl'iui miivltiK picture, lleslda those ndvam-InK columns nro wiiroii tralnH VlllBKe packed with troop arc the Ituma- nlan army prieonem. The destruction of the Itumanlan army staff In Its effort to moblllto all toslble force nirainst the German advance was evidenced here today When a force of land Sturm IroojMi clad In civilian clothe and armed with Inlntlnc rltle wa captured Their ammunition waa lead bullet nlllnB tho sportlRs; rifle. I have visited two battlefield shortly after the flglitlnc. Tho Itumanlan losses In dead nnd wounded were taKerlna;, while aomo German regiment finished the battles with only seven to eiRhty-three killed. In the aaine battle tho Rumanian lost from COO to 700 dead nnd wounded per regiment, with an almost equal number of prisoner. The momentum which tho German often- ' KM. in " L I sire haa already irfttnd, with t temSii. forces n l-oute, canndt be halted by J.,! mania. Broken Bottle Fatally Injures Dor BM.TINOTON. 1'ft , bee. S. Thorni. Williams, ten years old, waa fatally InhirM when, at play, ha fell on a bottle. whM, broke Into manyl pieces. lcn Colonial Exlcn sion Tahk Like, Cat PJjIj.., :?f ffli '! Quartered Oak Plank Tod Opens to o eei $12-1 Kensington Carpet Co. y I M. GROSSMAN & SONS 211.13-15.17 Market Street "'- 8KI.I, ron cash 0.N1.V. 1628 CHESTNUT 3TREET and Stationery1 Dec. Ith (t 9(h is GOOD HOOK WEEK for Boys ami Girls AS w.tJSGfi-' fcBW' -Em .Jlr u.i&liBw' Tho following Jacob publlr.itlonn are reeommonded by the Chief Librarian of tho Hoy Smuts of America Nhnrfrf rnnt. Ttm lllnrrntihv nf n llnnvpr lv rinrnnrs Havrkps S1.23. Nnl fmnllr Itolilnson tiv J. I) Wvii Waslilmttnn Hftunrr IMIIten II. Itititninn Cruaoe bv Dsntel Is Koe. WnsliliiKtuli H.iuurn IMItlon SI.OO. Ill.tnrle llfrnra of flilinlrr )v Iluurrt H Hollaml SI..V). Itl.lnrlr Intention, by Iluoert B. Holland H.f.n. ItUtorlr Kunl nf CntnnUI Dots bv Ituptrt H. Holland. SI. 30. tlrate lsla of Itetnliltlnnnrr .H..l,llrr bv Itnt.ert II. Dnnnn. tl.SO. Urate lrfla of Union Halillrr fimuti nroiuie. jr. si.ao, A i.italK"' "f "lUMiKS HOYS UKK I1KST" free uimn irquent. Dainty Brooches of Gold and Platinum The artistic effect pro duced with a combination of gold and platinum and small diamonds in these popular-priced brooches is most pleasing. A large collection of brooches and everything desirable in Jewels, Gold ware and Silverware is shown in our new 260 page catalogue. May vc send you a copy? S. Kind & Sons , 1110 Chestnut St. DIAMOND MERCHANTS JKWUMiRS SIIVKUHMITH3 Closing hour Six o'clock until Christmas. fcjy & B ': J iTj. BDcy COACH Hudson Super-Six Limousine Landaulst WSBjM ii If Latest Artistic Designs Hudson enclosed cars are exquisite examples of the art of the modern motor-car designer. There is found in the Super-Six all the beauty and luxury that can be desired. No small part of the wonderful demand for the car is due to this dominating distinctiveness. Many critical buyers while not overlooking its mechani cal supremacy select the Super-Six because of this charm of appearance. Limousines, Town Cars and Landaulets of the present year are vastly different from the types here tofore in favor. So rapid has been the advance in closed-car ideas and construction that one may recognize at a glance the product of an up-to-date builder. Tn!?J r Huds" Limousine, Limousine Landaulet, Town Car and Town Car Landaulet there will be observed a lightness and gracefulness of line and coloring that is immensely attractive The new models-fresh from the designer and builder-are now here-and we have a limited num ber for immediate delivery. Pel rices HUDSON SUPER - SIX Phaeton . . . ; $1650 Roadster .... 1650 Calnolet .... 1950 Touring Sedan . . 2175 Town Car . . . 2925 Town Car Landaulst 3025 Limousine , . , 2925 Limousine Landaulet' 3025 F. O, D. Detroit UtUDSON KSL'flB ?! GOMERY-SCHWARTZ MOTOR GAR GO. 253-255 NO. BROAD ST. Bell Pkonc Spruce 10S0 Keystone Race 2177 H Biiib FMKETMEATtJACOPS"! ' " -A ' ' t 1 I 1 il U U O vJ IN I il i I B.:-. MiPlli-MwMW .iiiim.in mmi iiii'nii ii " ' JTn i"t iiiirriT-iiinntiiii r ii '5"'' 'f'? -' wms w. SojSr it- .-JP"5TOr?-MM tt'-sywwri"? Bfe" ' "j i "" ' ' SsTrnKJlk "" " Jjr .. lS ?Br7Sm!!!-T- . fc.nM-iiiSifl