Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 06, 1916, Night Extra, Page 5, Image 5

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Pressure of Public Opinion
for Better Conditions Felt
by Finance Committee
Allotment of Money From Sink
Ing Fund Mny Solve Prob
lem of Pny
I'MRiure brought lo bear on the mem
bers of Council1 Klnnnce Commutes In be
half of the firemen of Philadelphia la begin
nine to affect those Councllmen fnvorab y
to tho fire-fighters' campnlgn to nn extent
that presages Indorsement of their requests
for a more equitable salary scale and
Utter working conditions.
This growing sentiment, among . Coun
cllmen to render tho firemen a recognition
which, If tardy, will absolve the city of
further criticism for falluro to rccognlte
these guardians of Us householders nnd
their property. Is contained In a statement
made today by I Walter Thompson. Com
mon Councilman from tho Korty-slxlli
'I hnvo talked with Chairman Gaffney.
as well ns virtually every member of the
Klnnnce Committee," ald Mr Thompson,
"not to mention numerous members of
both chambers at largo. While I do not
think It would he fair nt this tlmo for
me to mention names, t can say that I
have been nsiured by a prominent and In
fluential member of the Finance Committee
that ho nnd his colleagues aro not only
friendly to tho cause of firemen, but In a
few weeks they hope to be In a position
to take up the matter on tho floor of
"Just now I nm given to understand the
Question of tho amount to be appropriated
to the Sinking Fund It tho only obstaclo to
be disponed of The Klnance Commlttea
member 1 refer to In well Informed In the
doings and Intentions of thnt all-powerful
element of Councils According to him.
then- '" n prnnpect that some J80O.O00 now
allotted tn tho Sinking Fund will become
available for general appropriation The
exact amount will be known by tho
second regular meeting In the present
month Should this calculation proo cor
rect, It I' (he Intention of my informant nnd
his colleagues, ho tells me, to devoto a por
tion of It to the men of the Ilurenu of Flro
Less thin half of tho nmount I have named
would be BiiiTlclcnt to provldo them not only
with the salary Increalo they aro asking
for. but would also mako provision for the
appointment of enough additional hose nnd
ladder men to mako IMiosslblo to grant the
men In the service one day off In ocry four
Instead of every seventh day as at present
"Speaking for mjaclf. I nm heartily with
the firemen nnd the Justice of their cause,
and so are my cotlcngucs from the Forty
sixth Wanl We reprcicnt a community of
citizen- who for the most part own their
own homes', nnd I know the sentiment In
tho section of West Philadelphia wherein I
live Is strongly of opinion tint tho Ilurenu
cf Fire Is not only underpaid nnd over
worked, but undermanned nnd poorly
equipped Conversation among my asso
ciates In Councils has convinced mo that
this opinion Is hold by Councllmen from
other wards nnd that a change for the bet
ter cannot bo rnaclo any too soon It Is not
a question of expanse. In my cstlmntlon.
It Is a simple matter of necessary protec
tion to tho property owner and occupant,
while to the II re in an It Is only n matter of
fairness that he should receive a compensa-
lion equal to thnt given by cities of the
tamo rank na Philadelphia There Is no fire
department that I know of. and I havo per
sonally Investigated conditions In other
cities, that renders service ns elllclcnt as
that of Philadelphia, et nt tho same time
1 am forced to acknowledge that there Is no
elty In America of tho first or second class
except Philadelphia that rewards that Bcrv
Ice so poorly
"In my conversations with my fellow
Councllmen and the members of tho finance
committee I have come across several who
proclaim themselves ardent champions of
the firemen In thli campaign. In tho course
of a conversation I had only a day or two
ago with one of tho floor leaders In my
branch of Councils nnd nn active member
of the finance committee he assured me that
the sentiment In that committee lately had
changed very much to the sldo of tho fire
men, and, as I havo already said, when the
sinking fund allotment Is adjusted the mat
ter of increased salaries nnd moro liberal al
lowance In the ways of hours or service will
have the first consideration I look to see
the Mayor, also when ho returns to the
illy, announce himself along with the ex
Pressed sentiment of tho cltlzenn and so
many Councllmen ns advocating the placing
of the Philadelphia Hureau of Flro In the
position that rightfully it should occupy
"Just now I am busv enoucn In the In
vestigation of the Pension Mutual Life In
surance Company, but my efforts on behalf
of obtaining Justice for the members of the
Bureau of Police shall not be allowed to de
tract from my Interest In or endeavor to
aid In every way In my power the over
worked and underpaid men of the Bureau
of Fire."
Four Young Dwellere In Ard
more Reduce Price of Lunch
eons to Three Cents
They're n Bit Extravagant
They Pay ns Much ns
Sixteen Cents
Tag Days for War Sufferers
HAZLETON. Pa., Dec. 6, Other na
tlonalltles having had tag dajs for the re
lief of war sufferers abroad. Mayor Har
vey has granted permission to the Greeks
and Syrians to hold n similar event on be
half of their countrymen it Is estimated
that the anthracite field has sent more
than J100.000 to the starving and home
less people of European countries since the
opening of the war.
Powerful Searchlight
For Car, $5
'-Throws 37,500
C, P, light any way
you want it. Picks
out dark spots
house numbers,
sign boards, etc. Substantially
made. Fitted with 21 C. P.
Nitrogen bulb. Di- .
ameter 62 inches, fjilljfrj
Make acceptable
Xmas gift for motorist friend.
Call and examine.
Frank T. Stewart Electric Co.
L37 & 39 N. 7th old Slut BUg.
.ShJ a ill... .. bi..iui it.. ..In
Man of 40 yeara will
consider proposition
from high1- class con
cern on full charge
of sales and adver
tising promotion work.
w jptPEmr
One can easily procure a tasty nour
ishing and -really delightful meal" for as
little as three cents, according to four
young business women of Ardmore. who,
no longer content In n.-iv fnrlv nml fnrlv.
(jvc cent- for lunch each day. started a
little lunch room of their own, where they
provide an entlclnir menu dally
The four young women who have solved
the huh cost of living In n svslematlc wnv
are Caroline Irwin. Nan ttallagher Mary
1-rands nnd Florence Tltlow The quartet
are all employed ns clerks by firms In
Ardmore Miss tlnllsRher who Is respon
sible for the Idea. Is einpIod by the Auto
car Company .She said today that the
glrla had become tired of pa) Ing high
price for food nnd decided to try to net
their own lunch In a moro economical way
Here Is her own story of how tho problem
was solved
"About a week ago three other girls and
maelf decided that we could no longer
pay fort and forty-tlve cents a dnv for
lunch, so wo looked nrnund nnd discov
ered that we could uso a little gas stove
In the town hall, provided that we pav
for the gas. We all contributed towvrd
Retting our cooking utensils nnd then vve
prepared our llrst meal
"Tho day after Thanksgiving we cooked
our first luncheon Wo had turkey and
chicken sandwiches, which vve brought
from our homes, bread nnd butter coffee
with cream and sliced peaches for dessert.
'That was tho menu for tho first day,
ami It only cost us reall) about twent)
twn cents for the whole thing Of course,
leftovers from tho home cannot be pro
cured everv day so after that wo laid in
n supply of things, which included n pound
of corfee nt thirty-two cents, a pound of
butter yes. really wo had good, fresh but
ter, -for we upprcrlated the value of good,
nourishing food N'ext we bought two cans
of condensed cream, nt five cents n ran. nnd
two pound of sugar Thli expenditure
drew heavily upon our capital, but tho
supplies which wo had purchased lasted
us a week "
A menu for the Inst two days which was
prepared by these threo ounu ladles con
tained tho following. frankfurter sau
sages and baked beans, lorfeo bread nnd
butter nnd sliced peaches This meal cost
tho young women about five cents each Tho
s-vus.igcs cost ten centH nn! the beans five
cents, nnd three-quarters of a cent for gas
nnd about two centH for sugar The menu
for nnothcr day Included lettuce sand
wiches, nuts, bread and buttir, rodeo and
spiced pears
Just as an Instance that these joting
women believe In vnrlety and plenty of It
they had for nnothcr meal baked tin in nnd
canned corn, bread, butter, coffee nnd pears
This meal was one of the most expensive
they hsve had so far, nnd It cost them
each sixteen cents
"How cheaply do you feet sure that you
could consistently each and every day get
up a lunch thnt would be pleasing and
nourishing"'" was nsked threo of tho young1
women ns they, bent over their desks dis
cussing their nsv plun
"Conservatlvly, about eight cents per
day That Is an nvcrage. for some il,is
wo get up a lunch which costi us only
threo cents, white cm othor dns we havo
had our lunch cost us as much as sixteen
cents, but anyvvny that's lots better than
piylng forty nnd forty-five cents per day"
they said.
Other young business -women In Ardmore
who aro also Interested In this new plan
to combat the cost of living and nt the
snmo time get a meal which will sufficiently
nourish them to continue with their dnlly
work are becoming Interested, and each
day many of them come to see tho four
otinit women cook nnd eat their lunch.
Tho four agreed that they wero perfectly
satisfied with their new venture nnd would
gladly enlighten nny ono who might be
Interested enough to want t,o start the
thine on a larger scale If this Idea was
oporated nn n larger scale, tho young wom
en say that It could be done even cheaper
than they are able to do it
Useful Gifts
For Boys or Girls
Net Duplicated KUewhere
Coat & Hat
Entirely New
jg Value
uuvrau fS.00
SUp 3
vimrm tn
I 10 Tears.
Mill Order Filled.
' I Value
emmr 4.0O
Made of English Can
tons; double texture:
fasndiome plaid llu
log; military collar;
tan and ollre shades.
Rain Hati, 59c
Boys' fir, liirir
Storm Boots
Hade of good serviceable
black, rubber, special at...
Wi H0Mft ?B
Wen's and Women's
820 Chestnut Street
Next o Antomat Kturaoi
Five-year-old rt who wns burned
to ilenth In her home, 2202 North
LcltliRow street, when hor dress
caiiRht flro from the kitchen stove.
Dress of One Catches Fire Near
Stove Bonfire Fntal for
Two little girls wero burned tn death In
Philadelphia In the last twenty-four hours
despite heroic efforts mads to save them
The victims wero .Margaret McDonald, of
220 J North I.elthgow street nnd I.llllnn Lin
coln, of Woodbine avenue. Darby Uolli
wero flvn years old
Tho MclVmiM child was fatally burnod
when her dress caught fire whllo pin) In
near the kitchen stovo in hor home Her
mother heard n scream and saw the child
run Into tho dining room, her clothes en
veloped In (limes The mother tried to
bent out the flames but was unsuccess
ful, nnd then pressed the child to her
breast Neighbors who heard tho screams
found tho mother unconscious with her
child still In her arms Ilotli were rushed
to St Christopher's Hospltnl. vvhero the
child died last night. Mrs McDonald was
badly scorched '
l.llll-in Lincoln crawled through a fence
near her horn? In Darby to watch a bonfire
csterday afternoon Her dress caught flro
from one of the sparks nnd screaming, she
rushed back to tho house Harry SchuIer.
her grundfnthcr. wrapped tho little girl
In a rug She wns badly burned, however,
and died within nn hour
Conductor's Gallantry Causes Suit
A conductor's Interest In a prety girl re
sulted In a 515,000 suit against tho Public
Service Hallway t'ompaii), of Camden, for
Injuries recolvcd by Mrs Mjrtlo A llnik
ney. of 1333 I'ern street Mrs Ilnckuey
nsserls that sho sustained serious Injuries
because tho conductor was ho engrossed In
conversation with the girl that ho pulled
the bell before sho had alighted from the
rear platform.
Bnrks nnd Arouses Sleepers Over
Grocery Store Child Over
come, Six Rescued
Toodlt." a pet dog. was the hero of a
fire at Mil Aspen street early today The
nnlmal barked, aroused the occupant of
the house, who were asleep and then lost
his life In the flames. One woman was
hurt by Jumping from a window, a child
wns overcome by smoke and six persons
were rescued by firemen
The barks of 'Toodtes" awoke William
Mcllrerty. owner of the grocery shop on
the first noor, about half-past three. Mc
llrerty ran downstairs and ntempted to
put out the llames. which were starting
from an overheated range Ills attempts
were unsuccessful nnd he ran to tho second
floor where Kdnnrd Flaherty, his wife and
two. children. lMward, seven, nnd Joseph,
four were asleep
Alarms had been sent In and nremen
rescued the two children, but their mother.
Knthcrlne. became nervous and Jumped
from her husband's nrms 8he fell to the
ground and was tnken to the German Hos
pital In the meantime Truckman Dorf. of
Truck t'ompany No 9, and Truckman
Thomns ltelllv. of Truck No 1. after two
elder brothers. John, thirteen, nnd James,
eleven, hid been taken safely from tho third
floor learned that Anna eight, was steeping
on the third floor The) groped their wny
through tho smoke nnd flames nnd cnrrled
the unconscious child from the third flooo.
She was removed to the Mnry Drexcl Home
in a serious condition
The damage amounted to 13000.
LONDON, Deo 6 An Investigation Into
tho Increasing Infant mortality In Ilcrlln
has established that the rising death rate
Is due to nn Insufficient sugar allowance.
Recording to an Exchange Telegraph ills
natch from Amsterdam
The dispatch sa)s that It hns been de
cided that each child born nftcr December
1 shnll receive nn additional hnlt pound
monthly of sugar the rations of the rest of
the population being proportionately re
duced The nllownnco up to this time has
been n little over two pounds monthly for
each baby
I W"St I
Watches 1
With ribbon or bracelet I
in platinum, old and plati
pi num jeweled.
1331 Walnut Street
S 2fe 2a
act yM .
The most iasciiiatinff
retnamoble color eflects
Vfanderful examples oP
Nature's handiwork
with Diamonds and
mounted in Platinum
11JK11 .
Make Splendid Gifts
And our unmatchable stocks of expertly
selected varieties, both Oriental and Domestic,
offer the ideal opportunities for selection.
We have many desirable
Oriental Rugs
at $25.00 to $45.00
One of the happiest gifts would be
A Fine Wilton Rug
9 ft. x 12 ft.
at $45.00 to $82.50
or a handsome one piece
Plain Color Rug
9 ft. x 12 ft.
at $56.75 to $95.00
These are most acceptable and lasting gifts
for every one.
Fritz i? La Rue, Inc.
1124 Chestnut St,
Desires No Campaign Manager
Except Himself and Back
ing of the Governor
HAniUSnUnO. Dec. . Edwin It. Cox.
tandldate. for Speaker of the House, nftcr a
conference with labor men and Mate onV
dais, left for I'hlladelphla. He will make a
tour of the entire State, beforo opening
headquarters here tho latter part of this
Cox upon his arrival here found that
Taul N Wurman, statistician of tho Stale
Department of I.abor and Industry, had
taken charts of his campaign Kurman
ran the Governor's presidential campaign
last sprlnr
One of the first things that Cox gave out
for publication while her tea that h d
sired no campaign manager txcept him
self and the baoklng of the Governor
said he. would have no campaign manager,
but will carry on his own campaign among
the members elect directly. Ha said he
had seen several nf the. members and
that many others have offered to act as a
committee to assist him The report ara
most grntlfylng, he said speaking of the.
situation In tho State generally
Former PltUmlctphlnn Mndo Defendant
in Plea for Dtvorco
NKW YOltK, Hco B Mrs, ,Inry Nor
worth. the third wife of Jack Nonvorth,
tho vaudeville star, formerly of l'hlladeW
phla, ha brought suit for divorce In tho
Supremo Court
Mr. Nonvorth, unllko the two former
wives of the actor, was not n member of
the profession when she nnrrled htm In
March, 1918 Sho came of a vvelUknnvvn
southern family The couple havo two chil
dren. Thejr.-wir war rM enl Is jMMa
after Mr Nerorth No. tt v? I Hm
naes on the ttg. obtained hr dMrtHk
The first wife wan Louise preumti
Norwjfth recently playd ftn tilfat
hunt of two years and n half In tmm
appearing at a "command" performance 1
foro King Oeorge nnd Queen Wary. Ml
vvna accompanied abroad by his wire an
children, the family returning here lait &
Sinn Found Dead In Koad
SHAMOKIN. !., Dec The.Wlr ft
nn unidentified man. about seventy yeat
old, was found on the State road between
hero nnd Johnson City. No marks it
violence were found on the body. A tobao
pouch bearing the Initials "J. O, B." -wak
found tn hla pocket
Erecting $G0,000 Vocational School
MN'IJ OIIOVK, Pa,, Dec rorter tomi
ship Is completing rt $(10,000 vocational
school building nt Tlelnerton. It Is tlisi
largest nnd most up-to-date building for
that purpose In Schuylkill County,
Copyright Hart Schaflner it Marx
Your real overcoat friend
Imagine those deep, soft, fleecy woolens between
you and all kinds of winter weather. Look at
the protection it gives you 5 look at the length, .
the freedom, the comfort the big collar, the.
roomy pockets.
Our dealer can show you many of these
comforting, warmth-without-wcight great
coatsall stylish looking. Find our label.
Hart Schaffner & Marx
Good Clothes Makers
1 :
St rli
Strawbridge : Clothier are the Philadeinjhi
Ads '-
(qi;i&& Majrk &ehaffor'& Maif
" ","R -