Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 06, 1916, Night Extra, Page 3, Image 3

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    ' f"J --
License Court Judges and
Gibboney Bitterly As
sailed at Meeting
f Itforc Than 1000 Gather to Re-
Biime Battle on imucung
ton Transfer l
...i.r Rrrnlcnmcnt ot JuiIro Uarrntt.
tMnre ih' " l''n,,fl Court J"c wcre
nttt sutomnjnns pulled ) potlllcnJ (itrlnKi
backed by lna lltI,,or Interest." nnil do-
nuncUtlon. of O Clnrenco umooney nnu
Ihi Iavt nd Order Society nn "dotn. tinted
bthe whly ring" were enntlonnl fen
turn of the mawimeetlnir of protect mralnit
the Bloon Invasion of ltntlilliwlnn, held In
-the Cl In I're'bvterlan Church. Sixtieth
and Master atrectg
More than 1000 men ami women cheered
la the etho when tho Hcv Dr OeorKO It
ii.ll castor of Ilia lMtlterwin I'rribyterlnn
Memor.1 Church, denounced Jtnlae liar
Mil as "the all) of Ihn enloon" and pro
posed resolution condemnhiK tho court
.nd authorlslnit nn Injunction Milt wraliiM
?h. cDcnlnK of tho wiloon nt Sixtieth street
led Unsdowne ntemio t. Michael J mirlte.
Mloonfceei'er of .M00 Cnllovvhlll street.
ildlllon.il cuthit mm ngaln't tho liquor
forces ai nrou-rd by aevrrnl hands, which
plaed Insplrltm mutlc. 'tho meeting tvni
held last nlRht
- . -.miinniii resolution rhnrrclnc tint
Judse IMVls r f '-I"""' Court- lnst
'june Mild ' would tie tvrotur to itrnut n
llouor lie CUM In a reiltiemiai iiin.-i ruuii
11 that at Slxttetn street and I.nmdowno
avenue and that In hl recent nctlon n
Mudee's decision nnd a Ketittcman'B word
J .11. ,,, -.!. 1 ki Inf rrultlteil liv A. A
jBcolt. who presided It wan unanimously
i t Mr. Kcott charged that In 100S he had
been approached by Ihiuor men nnd offered
a bribe of JIO.SOO It he would ccaso nghtlng
the efforts to get a Ihiuor llconco In l.un,i
rrk, Hlxt) fifth nnd Vine street "1 thruw
them out of my house," ho added Harry
O. Dennis who n ono of tho remonstrant1)
In' tho Uurki. case, said that "the liquor
nun threatened to get mv Job and offered
me bribei to lay down' In this latest
rent." y
Olbboncy cgl'lled to tho Lhnrgefl,of lluor
domlnitlon ir) na fntlntva
"I am not Wilting hehlnd u safe, refriger
ator or closet I am talking mil In tho open
' Borne people nro trying to make tho public
btliova that the Uitv and Order Society
has nltn been opposed to tho liquor bus
Inets nnd hvt suddenly turned tall It has
not; eter slmo the soclctv vv.ih organized
ive nine worl.cd under exlitlng statutes nnd
hate gone aiier vioi.uorn ot mo law oniy
The liquor business la legalized by the
State of Pennsylvania." he continued, "and
T f-.ntf In uitfinir iia nlntiil lit. tlm Inun
4 Kill limit f..'f - .-..'. "j .. .......
If the optlonlsti want n change In tho lawn
the Legislature Ii tho pines for It to bo
done. AVo jre not opposed to sTloonkccpcra
wio keeii within their rl&hlH, tho liquor
business in remit h aula Is Just na legal ua
praciicinK iiuhjiuiiiu m uiu nui-n
Philadelphia Lad Forsakes Military
School and Is Found Wander
ing City Streets
Two month of military training com-
iblned with study so Irritated elevcn-ienr-
ji cM Lord Goss. who lives at riftccnlli nnd
Matter streets that ho ran away from tho
Wtnonah Mllltnry Acadcm Wenonah, N
J, nnd early todny"Vna found wandering
round llroad Street Station In full uni
form. District Detective McCullnugh. of th'e
fifteenth and Vino streets station, saw tho
ytoy on tho train floor about 2 30 o'clock
Ills morning Ho wore a heavy ollve-drab
inlform canvas leggings and it regulation
ap and stood Homcthlng more than four
feet tall Ite told McCullough he was on
lis way homo and confessed ho had run
way. He said ho was tired of drill
The boy spent tho rest of the night nt
Be Fifteenth mid Vino streets stntlon Ha
refused to go to oed and entertained tho
houee sergeant and other policemen by
I rotng through drills with a broomhandla
' for a rlllo Tho boy s parents were notified
to cet him at tho police station
Will TU-- J?- l.i i r &
Your Home This Xmas?
We Have
Every Style
in Stock
CONNOR &0'NE11L, 103 S. I511i St.
Leg Comfort
. Do arlcoie Veins, Ic Dicers,
tVnk Ankle. Swollen Leo make
life miserable?, There Is a inessaie
sf Joy for you In the ,
Corliss Laced Stocking
A sclentlflo support and lee treat
ment that stvea Immediate com
fort and sura help. Ho elastlo to
bind idjuiti to every condition
without rubber, launders as
easily as a towl. Kropi shape
wears for montbs. Made to nur
measure. 11.711 each, or two for
same lea;, $3 00. Call and be
measured free, or write for self
miasurement blank No JU
We also make abdominal belts
(nou elaatto) to order
Hours U to B dally, 8 to 4 Bit.
Pcnnt. Cordis Limb Specially Co.
1311-13-15 Fllberl at., l-hlla . I'.
Bui to 4 JO. Hell phone. Walnut Vul.
fATCH your step"
at thn irirrnr Tlnnm
dansant afternoon" during
dinner and after the theatre.
Dnmnges frnlf Dozen Tenement
Houses Entlnnjiera Lives'
of Twenty Firemen
MV VOttK. Dec 0 A spectacular lire
which raged unchecked for revernl hour
today In the heart of the hnslnems district
of Urookljn. wrecked four large buildings
and damaged n half dosen cronded tene
ment lion nes Twenty firemen narrowly es
Mped death when n six-story wall loppleil
over on a roof from which thoy were fight.
Ing the conflagration
Virtually the entire fire fighting force
of Itroohlvn was called out to fight the
flames So far as could be learned from
early reports no ono ttns killed At 9
o clock the tire department reported the
flames under control
Ilarly estimates paced the Iom nt more
thin half a million dollar, but Inter It was
stated the damage would bo between JI00.
000 and JIOO.000
Tho nro started In tho top floor of the
slx-storj wnrehouso of tho Pulton nnd
I'lnlhinh Compniv 4t;-H5 r.irltoti ave
nue Hpontnneoli cnmuii'tlon Is believed
to Inve heen respnnslhle
ratified by n high west wind, the flames
ate down through tho warehouse making
readv fuel of the thouonnds of dnllnrs
worth of furniture It held
Tho tire then spread to the piano factory
of 1 1 Mmlth ft Co , and to the plant of
N 8 Scott A Co, manufacturers of store
fixtures In Delphi street Tho rontcnis
of both plants were highly Inflammable
nnd both were partly destrotcd A four
story factory building otv tied by W J Kelly
was badly damaged
Tho roofs of u doien tenement houses
lining riilton and Delphi streets nnd Carl
ton avenue, caught flro and creited Intense
Tho wallt of the huge warehouse col
lipsed within r;rt hour after tho flro started
Ono wall fell directly on nn adjoining roof
where a forco of tvvent) men were directing
the fighting They escaped by fleeing to nn
adjoining roof JiisUnt tho crash camo
Will Open Grocery nnd Meat Mnrt at
ncth nnd Whitby Avenue
A new grorery and meal storo of the
Chllds cl Co ch.iln will ho opened nt fifty
sixth strett nnd Whltbv avenuo Friday,
December S. in ncordancn with tho corn
path's poller of locating hrnmhes In resi
dential districts
Tho opening of the newstoro comes dur
ing an exceptionally busy week for tho
Chllds Btores, duo to an unusual flurry in
rice The production of this food grnln this
jear wai 162,000 000.000 pounds, tho effect
of which Is felt In bargain retail prices In
addition to featuring rice coffeei and teal
thin vtcok, the now store will handle other
groceries nnd n lino of menta
- -$110,000
Collected nnd $130,000 Spent.
Accumulated Debts of $25,000
Wiped Out
Campaign receipts nnd expenditures were
discussed by (ho Republican cltv (.ommltten
at Its meeting this afternoon In open sei
slon This Is the first tlmo In thn history
of tho committee, that an airing of Itn
finances has been made openly
According to the auditor's report, th
Make Shopping a Pleasure
Phone us and llmouslno or
touring car will be at your
door Immediately Our
chauffeurs are rcllablo and
e indent.
Special $1.50 Hour
Town Car for
Visiting or Shopping
American Taxicab Co.
1411-13 Locust St.
CAMll.I.K Ol;jlKHf lien. Mir.
Home-Made Pies 5c
Grand Banquet Coffee
5c Cup
Home-!. ike
1S3 Market Ht.
and throU(hn.ut the city.
Cor. 13th and Sansom
Faultless Fitting Garments
Tha kind that pleases and mskes new ru
lomJr". HlUtlMIS or Ot lilt- Cog u0
COATIMiS .....
Ready Money
United States Loan Society
117 North Broad St.
ill 8, Nil t. Ml Otrmantown T.
1 cunwnnnMS
Youni: Lnnsdnto (I'a) telephone
operator, who was lmule insnne,
according to physicians, by re
ligious excitement Induced nt the
rcvivnl meetings in the I.nnsdnlo
"Glory Harn." Mitt Kturrcbeckcr
vvns a member of the choir. Evan
gelist Charles F. Wuiglo is in
chnrge of tho meetings.
committee collected more thnn $110 000
during the recent nation il campaign Out
of thin (130.000 ttas paid part going to
wlpo out a debt of $25 000 Incurred during
tho tnree previous cntnpilgn
The lommltteo Is out of debt for the first
time In cnrs and has a surplut of $10 000
In tho treasilrj
Rumor of Lnnsdnlc Singer's In-
fntuntion for Evangelist
Weiglc Brings Denial
t.NSDti: Deo (! -Members of the
fnmllt of MIim Alverda Sturtebecker. the
voung telephone operator of ttnsdnle who
vras made lnniue. phvslclans eay, by reli
gious excitement at Hie Longdate "Cllorv
Itnrn " where she sang In the choir, deny
a rumor that she lost her mind because of
unrequited love for Charles V Welgle. evan
gelist The preacher ssvs ihtl when he called
at the Kttirjeherker home last Malurdij
night the girt bnrelv rrcognlied him He
nsserts she wns hot nrfected li tho "fllory
llnrn" meetings hut bv domestic and oilier
Mr Welglo nlso says there has been
llttlo emntliiimlKm at the tnbernne'e turn
ing here and lhat the Lansdalo folk aro
the nwi oniiservative he has dwelt with
Drs II it wiuiams and It H Mtijrr.
who etamlned Miss Kturieliecker beforo the
lunncv rommltment wns tnntlo out, nert
that her cnndltloii was caused by religious
etnitement Doctor Williams believes the
insaultt will not be permanent Miss
muricbeiker Is a patient nt N'orrlstotvn
Wilson Won North Dakota by 2(520
ItlKMAItCIC. D. Dec R freslde
For Ihe Out-door Man
TI.W hff U Mmn.T nnd tt
Irrnhlr for nil klmU of rnush
uritthfr. llmlr of
rlrril Knnciirno
Un, Irtfnl, llnrtl
nllh fchwp wihiI
uaiiiuiiui.rric,iuoiBS)appniroE CtC
:;modHW refining co. ::
7 5. Ilth Strwtt tSTvrr
I'honsi Walnut H
ii-i.u f-itnirii .-Minn iiaKoin oy -b-u ino
Vnle tins Wilson uS 371 , Hughes, BI.GRI
MrumheV Itepuhlirnn ttns reelected to
the I nltul Elates Senate lir IT TM over
II 071 for Hurke
r f v.
.1 3 llr
M for -j o 0 y ' 111 v
ffl Lnmtmasiuqaestions M
S . . 'Ill
Ncckloccj, Pearlj for Nocklnces, Collars, BroocKej,
EDmngs, Finger Rings, Bracelets, Studs,
Scarf Pins, Cuff Links.
Diarflbncl, Precious Stone and Gold Jewelry
For Women nnd for Men.
of Platinum and Jev?cls on Flexible Bracelets of
Precious Metals or Black Ribbon.
Ekcgren nnd Centur? Watches. A Special $50
Gold Watch for Men. A $25 Gold
Watch for Women.
For (able service, for the desk, the boudoir table
and for personal appointment.
Hall and Mantel Clocks, Travelers' Clocks,
Autcmobi'e Clccks, tiny timepieces for
the boudoir table or the desk.
Crystal Clocks.
of China, Glrsswere, Useful Articles of Leather,
Potter?, Lumps, enameled Novelties, Canes,
, Ootj, Umbrellas, Opera Glasses, Fans.
Monograms of Individuality, Embossed Stationery,
Visiting Cords of Dignity, '
. E. Caldwell
Chestnut Juniper
House to wed together
Triple Wedding to Be Celchrntcd Do
comber 24, With Hnbbl 111 f kin
Three girls who live In the same house
will be married together on December 21
Uose. Harriet nnd Michael Hpecter live
at 1617 .South Lawrence street nnd Htlvlft
Franklin lives with them Now, Michael
Is going to tntrr Slvln ami Itoberl Shane
field, phjslcnl Instructor nt the Shtrstvood
plavground who live nest door nt No
1615 will marry Harriet
t'harles Kmger who Is going to marrv
Itosc. lives at 1327 S'outh Hlxth street, but
he works In the same dental manufacturing
Unit with Michael
Shanelleld is twenty-four years old
Hlngcr twentv.four and Hpecter ttventyttto
They nil got their licenses vesterdnv, glv
Ing the nges of thlr respective brides.
Harriet Hose and Nylvln, as tttenty, seven
teen and eighteen
Thn trlplo wedding will Inke place at 1
oe'ock In tho residence of Itabbl Itlfkln
Monmeiisng avenuo and Dickinson street
lllchnmnil Women Uojcott Krrs
niCIIMOND. Dec. 6 An absolute bov
cott on egrs nnd turketS for two weeks
has been declared by the executive commit
tee of the Housewives League of lllcli-mond
vutvr tf ,
Sf 5inteflr
A chap wngered he'd eat
30 eggs at one time. Tho
bet was taken our gold
and gray dining room to
be the scene of the gas. (
tronomic feat.
The two men sat dawn la
dinner. The boastful
one ordered a small piece
of shad roe and won his
Sfjc gt. Jnmcs
Walnut nt 13th Street
nAScisa ;.v run kvexiso
& Company
South Penn Square
"Appears to Ho Only Solution of Se
rious Problem' U. of P. Faculty
Mcrrtber Says
If n nallonnl embargo is not placed on
food, the prices will continue to advance,
ami Impose mote hnrdshlps on the public,
according to Dr Simon N Patten, professor
of economics at the University of Tenn
Doctor I'atten explained that the wheat
exports from thn 1'nlled Htntea this ear
were S18 637,001 bushels as compared with
99,360.173 bushels for 1913. tho jear be
fore tho Ktiropenn war started Statistics
will show he said, that the exports of other
foodstuffs range from 300 to 2000 per cent
higher this .tear than In the )ear beforo
the Miles Marled their drain upon Ameri
can supplies ,
. J STi3Tlc7.fv!CDvAWrMJ
The Quality
Mann's Blank Books
MAKI'.t IT A I'l.iasb'Ri: TO
ttOHK ON ON'i:
Tun BT.VMivitn rim ss vrAns
Ton will find In otir exlenslte
sorlm'Rt of stock ltlsnk Hooks th
bonk for 5 our psrtletiUr purpose
Mniln of tho nnest materials, psr
ffctlr srasoiifil slid eiportlr nn
l.tipj Viomb Market 1C0 We Will
Semi One to Your Office on
lllank Hook. rKiio if
I'rlntlnc and Mlhscrsphlnr
529 Market St.
fry j. J.yfLi&x
, SJ.6.gJ
"- A hM
M km tvjfc
r t
M7,Mo tin "' i
vvr ",,
and let me $
introduce you
to my salesman
,at Perry's' rfjj
' 1 1
Slh(ll.lMlRK.KTr,n ULSTr.lt
HOVEL, tit
Another single - breaster,
four button front. Tlap porksts
set Idas. Shaped'ln iraUt
linos; plenty of room acronss
ahoulder blades j half bell wllli
1$ They were swapping t
experiences the other
day and one of them
complained that pretty
nearly every, time he
went to buy a Suit or an
Overcoat he came'away
feeling that he had got
something the sales
man wanted to sell
rather than something
he wanted to buy.
fJThen his friend told
him about his many
years of satisfactory
treatment at Perry's
about a corps of sales
men who sell service
first and clothes second
fitting the mind of a
man as well as, if not
better than, his bodyi
J Aiding and abetting
this personal interest
are assortments and
styles ot Suits and
Overcoats so yaried and
so numerous that both
buying and selling are
pleasant operations at
$15, $18, $20f$25
for Suits Uhd
f t.
Ucll IrlfPliSB., ?"" i00
Electrical Contractor
269 S. 20th St.
Colonnade Hotel
Chestnut at 15th
"N. BTV'