6, 1016 n.tlil t i. mWW!ri'Wt '' '"!. it r,.i it",'. ff-riT-fc-V-f f -mririiitJt?-, ,, n ,i ,,!..,.,, ...jihn.frrfiefciiw fj,..lw,.tu .it, n,ii. ,. ,, , ,ir,. , n "('ii"11" ' '"" '" ''' , - . i Tr'frin'KT A TkT TV "aM A ri -- wmiNoJ tmcmk-pmiiAmLvnU, Wednesday, December fe'SBSV f? ? E. " i i ( V & ? ic ? i- Li ' V- PS v If Is M LI . I J- li ii & K' WHY SHOULD YOUNG GIRLS SEEK ADVICE FROM STRANGERS? Problems They Should Refer to Their Parents ' .They Ask Some One Whom They Have Never Seen to Settle rpiUfl mornln'n malt tirmiRht i tetter from Alilftn, ft town In Delawnrs Conn ty, In which the writer welm to know the rennon tor the popularity of a query column, and Jiut why no many young people should write to a total stranger on mutters po Intimate. Itor letter read in part; "While Intensely Interested In your dally tetters and thoroURhly reallxlnir the Influence for good they have upon the pubtlo at large, nevertheless I nm won derlnir why so many young peoplo rjlrli specially oro forced to carry -the most Intimate affairs of their liven to nn entire trangar. "Most of Uie letters are written ly young people still at that turn of the rood "where the brook and rlvor meot'i when not only should the parent' niHIca and Influence envelop the child, hut also where n ohlld's llfo should lo an nn open book to the parent. It surely docs not era necessary to liavo to wrlto to a publla newspaper to ask whether James when he calls on Wednesday evening .should leave at 11 o'clock or be nllowed to toy until the milkman and newspaper arrive; or whether, should Harry bo scn walking down Chestnut ntrrct with nn Jthar lady love, tho heartbroken writer could evor hopo to find nny balm for her bruised and bleeding heart. "How much bettor It would he If there existed between parent and child sifch understanding as to mako lottors of this character unnecessary." Thert) should, on you say, bo a bond of perfect understanding and nympnthy be tween parent and child, but how rarely THE WOMAN'S EXCHANGE etre and autttlont tuhmiltid la li( dtpatlmrnl mint ( written ok on ildt ef tht ttttt and tlentd ultt tht nami 0 tht wrtlrr. Itpeclal qutrlei lUtt (hot given btlout on tortttd. It U vndtrtlotd that tht tdltor dott no! neetttarilu tndortt tht ttnltmrnti it trtltld. All communlcdllont for thlt dtpartmtnt tltould t mlilriuM at follow: THIS MOM.YN'H KXCIIANUR, HvtMno I.tdatr. I'hlladchhla; -a. The wlontr of loJ' prli It !! O. I- Toord, at 31S (Irrrnn ilrrrl, (Irrtnantoitn, nho Utter npnear'd 'n trrtft'N paper. TODAY'S 1. If th lid of a infftr malrh hoi I mlii far, lionr ran the matcliea bn llititrdt X. flow ran hearr rust ba remoTed from n knlfeT . I. nhst la Ilia beat wnr to clean thn ateel tti on oirn dooraT ANSWEIIS TO YKSTKRDAY'S INQUIltlES I. A Ilttla flour ailded to creuao when frj" tmt nUI pretent IU apatterlns. I, r.beoter uid ether kltehen utenalla with nheela or hlniea ran bo oiled now itnd thefl with a drop of olive olL Other olla ahould Mt be naed, sa tlio food will Uat of them. S. Initend of ahelUns peaa, ntUr wnahlnc tham snd dlacArdln tho Imperfect one, throw them loto bolltnr nvnter. When dona tha podo will rla to tho aurfaee, whllo tho ptwa will re. aasln st Uio bottoin of tbo kettle. I'eaa cookeU la this wbjt linra a dellrloua llairor Unking Without Erbb Prosorvlnir. Errh To tht Editor 0 Woman' t I'agt: Dr Madam I am Incloiln a fenr reclpeat that tor tho cako and tho ono fur tho rooklea will appeal to tiouatkeaptra at t lit a time. Alao inotoaa a reclpo to kavp raRai houekeepara ruulil lack ea for wlntar uao aach aprlnc. U'hraa iavo all bean triad and often uaed, Kailaaa caka iTwo tuna aranulate.1 auaar. two cupa cold water. tw traapoontula clnna- on, ono lenapooniui aall, iwu laweapoonrula rd, ono packaao cteane.1 ratatna llrlnir tu a ill and boll nva mlnutaa, I.el alund until culd. ft tavafhar twice three uiul ,inA.halt ruiia Qour and one taaanoantul Laklntf afHlai adtl to tha abovo mtituro. Ureaao and Hogr twu bread Sana, pour mlxturo Uito pan and bake about an hour In a alow oven. ainstr anapa One cup lard, ono cup ausar, ono cup ayrup, half cup bolllnc water, one tea spoonful baklnir aoda dlaaolved In tha water, ono tableapoonful ulnrtr. ono lableapuontul cinna mon ono teaapoonful vanilla, halt taaapoontul aalt. a Ilttla (rated nutmec and flour far a Bratty atllt douxh. Cut with rookie cutter an I baka qulcklr. To keep e for wlntar One quart water lata (alllcato aodal and ten iiuarta at water, loll tho tan quarts of watert puur Intu n tlva allon crock. Lt cool, then pnur In the quart ot water slaai. Dip tho t reeh tat t eiia Into tha mixture and let dry on. than put them Into thn mlitore. (lly flrat dlpplna- nnd leltlnc Ilia tnliture dry on It forma a coat that keep the ecss from abeurblnr any of tha water elaaa mix ture.) The laat layer ot ecira mutt be covered with at Itaat two Indue ot tho water sleae Jitxturo. The esse muat be freah, and aro bet r If unfertile. Ther muat ix clean, but muit Ml be weaned. Thla quantity makta enouth r about 100 essa and la a hannleea preaerva ra. MUM, H. (1. These reclpea are Indeed particularly timely, Mrs. a. Three Chrlstmaa Cake Ilcclpea to th Jfdllor 0 ll'omon'a J-apr; Dear Madam I am lntereatel tn your pate and havo tried aome of the reclpea wlih mod reaaUa. hanca aend three ot niy Chrlatmaa. tide cakea, which aro eronomlral. fruit take, sand tarta and poor man's pound cake l-ound .rake One pound ausar, one pound Sour, halt po ind butter, one cup inltk, four ere. two taaapoonfula baking pander, Ilaka n hour In moderate oven. Fruit cakeOne cup ausar, three-quartcra cup baiter, three-quartera oup milk, two esse, two cwpe flour, two taaapoonfula baklor powder, voe-nail GUP loutaeaffe, mie leaapuotuui (lane' one-half taaapoontul each auapn aplco and cloves, one-half nutmrc. one pound ralalna. one half pound curranta and one-quarter pound citron, lleke In alow oven about three hour a. bland tarta Ono pound auxar, three-quartera pound butter, ono pound flour, three eia and Wlmclaai of aharry, .Hour with a little nut- mw, Aimoat ireex tne uouin, tnen roil very thin, cut la email round cakea. When on the baklns pan put ahallbark caramels and Boe.iDarx carameie anq aprinHia witn sTanuiataa auxar ana cinnai quick oven until edata are brown a cinnamon nana la al. il. L.. - To Utilize Sour Milk lo th Editor e Woman's Pagf Dear Madanv-Varhapa some one can uaa th followtns reclpea. aa they aro not axpenalve- , sour milk ralaln cake On pint aour milk, aa cup auarar, on cup molaaeea, on cup abort nine, on quart flour, on heaplns teaapoonful soaa. one . leaepeoaiui cuinauion, one-naix iea poonfut elovaa, one-half nutmes and two cupa ralalna, c Haft all raieine, caovviu. mil win iiieee iwg 101 laser cake One cup cooklns molaaaes. four tablaapoonful cook ins mo lOrtenlns tw and one hal 1 hot water iiaapoontuia meaea auonenins two oudi Sour, oat teaapoonful aoda and one halt tea' apoonful (lexer. Ada on cup hot water M118. K. B. 11, Household Suggestions STo tht Bdllor 0 Woman't Pagt: uttr auinii iruai tu loiiowia- win o J eom ua to your pas JL hur&lahe-NwX took an old halrhruah. waahad and duUifectad It. and covered tha brittle part 00a an and c lata ot a' akin, aa a wllh two thtcknaaata ot cotton waddlns, and asaln with ebatnola akin, drawn very tltnt and y for lars Piece ot silver, braa and copper jnia maxea a. nn ana rapia uuruin Iss will aav them ao no dkrolna- will be necaa sary for a lona time, 11H8. J. D. M, LUnirch. J'a, waenu. auje noaa in oota water c-aior w Recipe for Sweet Discult fa tht Editor 0 Woman't Past Dear Madam Please publish recipe for west clxcuit in an early c-dltlen. YOUNQ lOUSEBKHKPHn. Two cups flour, half teaspoon salt, -on tablespoon sugar, on teaspoon baking paw dsr, one egg, half oup milk. Mix and sift the flour, baking poider, sugar and at together twice. Beat the erg -well and add Ui mlllc to It. JBtlr the liquid Into th dry ingredients, adding mora milk If necessary to rtutk) a soft dough. Turn out on a Soured board, knead for several minutest, thn roll out to abeut ou-bacij ihlckuaM and out Fuse an laatt mrt on a greaaMt WJUa- Bet. brh wUh a btabsii egg aa4 THE CHEERFUL CHERUB At iimos when cvery- "fcrnivS 5or.s wrorre And troytlcj come botk ' thick tnd jtroryj I $irvg &. little cKecrFol .sono And tkus I Hid myjclP. H.TC" . Is this Iho fiisn! Anil oven when thrto li. parents, as yon know, cannot always bo counted upon to bo entirely unbiased In their views. And then, too, young girls md boys too nlmost lnnrlahly go through that stago of cxtremo shyness when they nro siiporsenslllvi) nntl afraid, for fenr of being laughed at, of expressing their opinions on nny subject whatever. Bo they naturally stole their Informa tion from nnothnr source, feeling that tlio ono to whom they nro writing can glvo n disinterested opinion When theso young people wrlto to mo I nlwnys feel grateful for tho confidence thoy roposo In mo, mid beenmu gonulnnly Interested In them mid their nutlifnl ro mances and ndvonturcs INQUIRIES t. How ahontd tlio rani of (he elilrtl In n famllr Iw Mirratrilf ilaler t. Mlien ilrellnlni nn Imitation la It Arr proper la aae one'a tUltlnt eanlT ' S. What la nn effertltn remedr for n bollf 1. (Inm arnhlo npiilled to a burn will atop the pain Immediately, aa It ahuta off tho air. X. It la eald n teaapoonful of aoJti addrtl to a pint of warm water ami rubbed Into weak ankle oernelonally will etrrnj-then them. s. Ilutlona Inatend of belnc eenrd on lare or net ahould bo lied on. Ueliic n nee.Ho with a Uoobln Ibrrad, brine the end. throush to the wronr aide nnd tie them. It tied carefully, the thread ran bo eaaUy untied. Do Ngt Dccclvo Him To tht Vdltar 0 Ihe trornon'e Vaot aiiS'armlai.'lltrI.V ,Wr'r three year, of a(a ana a man two yeara younger than I am b ,'S"! "rins m a iood deal of ult"ntlon lie l.hl".k:. I.m ',h,r,y "' "" and I do no" wiint to tell him 1 am older thar. he I ilk. hhn yery much and think t could lo"o him If I o re make u iiiy mind to marry Mm. 1 o im think I nm obllsed to tell Mm niy real . JKN.Ml. Whllo you aro not obliged to toll your future husband jour itgr, It stems foolish to lccolvo on bucIi mutton Homier or Inter It Is hound to cotnn out. some otto who went to school wltli you whose ngo Is the samo an yourn Is uro to refer to "sulIi ami such n date, when wu worn so ninny jenri old," and then your husband realizes that Jim hau deceived him purposely . nnd really It Is not worth whllo If IiIm oo Ib not great enough to imy no attention to n niattcr of two j-cars' dirfi-rence you had bettor not marry lilm In any case. I Oo not mean thnt you should raks up every little cplsodo In jour wholo llfo nnd tell him about It. but when things A,mo up always tell tho straight truth about tlitm and then there Is novur cauao for worry. " Excitability of Women To tht tldltor 0 tht iroman'i 1'aor Hear Madam lan't It atransa that womer In a crowd w II be sullty of a'llona tli.v iilI? would do Individually? Th nk how women, sen erally pollto ai.,1 ronaldrivte. will I 3 Vnd srab at a bargain aale And It la not only I i eo called common peop , for wa read of ru.h.! at faahlonable cburvn weddlnja. when iueata fare aa badly aa the l. r. a IkiwI rignt Jt th, unlvtralty Jt la u curloua fact thil wimSiT in,lM,,,'m"I.,,!; V '"" l,J ,",u l'"sna" I u,' we I UN Uu nr U thai h.y httw bj con l.lirAbU iiriictk on rach othtr AnJ Low thsv Iovh u. rivhtl I... ... . .1 who breathed a elsh of relief when the football aeaaon ended or. -IhankaxWInc ijay were full of ntereat and nlhualaani for the same, easerly hoping- that "our" aide would win I me t one of .them on .r'rlday limping painfull in painiuuy I nattM.1 0.. .k 'vvnat la tha matttrl ' t aaked. " .11. m I t,. ,, "i imuill- . t Iioue.- i," ah anawertdi "It la only tha ball yeaterday. I bat not yet recovered." u mean that ou caught coldj" game yea "You n "No, not exactly. at a vame. 1 tilavm v:,riV'. .'",.. z .. ' j ."'it '.W'T.'11 ")'' rlmmage 1 was at tha bottom of the heap and 1 ahouted w th the crowd every "T ,J .''V ,ch,"! . "hen I got home I wii . -.-." ,. .in win etueai i KlCKea. filah" but I'm in 'jBi .Vn.7 i't i'SSTh'S ;.nur.,,"f,rir.yo',.n,hb'h"a.Mr - ,n ' & Hh hobbled away with asrunt of pain, Now I know aha la an emotional woman, one of the kind who haa to atop after a matlne to powdtr lier noa and put on a thick veil to hide a tear, atalned fare, l'or ah laugha until aha crlea. or aha weepa over the heroine's woea mora than aha wouhl for her own (roublaa, and leara ar hant on complexlone, " Mhe enlaya Ihe aflarnoone thoroughly, but lan't tbla a queer way to have a sooj timet L H, M. Dancing Tea To tht Editor o tht Woman' I'agtt Pear Madam- I h. been Invited to go to a danc i at one of th bis hotele In the ifter aoon. The carde are engraved iujt Ilka a ia Invltatloo. but daneln la written In on. corner llow ehould 1 dre.a far uch a fumttont Alao, the cards read from 4 until T o'clock. At what tlm should 1 go and bow long should I alayl l-'ANNY, Wear a tailored suit and fancy blouse or a one-piece frock of some light material, such as crepe ds chin or charmeuse, and a small hat A latKo hat Is very much In tho way for dancing. If you wear the on, piece dress ypu can leave your coat In the dressing room before going Into the recep tlon room. At a dancing tea people usually stay a little longer than at tha ordinary afternoon reception. It will b well to go about 5 o'oloek and stay for an hour or so If you Intend to daneo; otherwise twenty minutes will be long enough. Building on Paper To tk JMUer ct Woman't pagt. Dear MadamHome day my huaband and I ar solos to build a real home, ami whea we do our fioue oa paper Is golsg to be a very great help to ua. We have a good a lied note book, la which, w have pt4 in, aeveral Plana w have Men that appeal to tu and wtteaavtr w . an adveft(Hieit or a de- iptwn oi auMDiox t&at aome day w are - niu wv vh, u eui aeux paa w, ar, wmT I aasaHBg f V7 t(' ' will aana MY MARRIED LIFE liy ADEI.E GAltKISON How (he riaby'ii Crista "W7"'r ",jr ',Rr,,' '" ,'ot,or' ' The womnn from ntross Ihe hall knelt by t.llllan (tale's sltle 1 hsd seen her look with aversion nl t.tltlnn's rouge and d)e' hnlr as she rushed In Hhe had held out her arms for the child, but Doctor I'eltlt hstl prevented tho Imhy from being tlls tl'flieil tij an authoritative gesture "I do not know," Ihe young physician answered gravely "I hope hoi but I have only Just this minute arrived " The fnlher broke In excitedly at this Juncture "Htisle what did joU mean by bringing tho Imby Into another nnnrlinent'' Why did Jon not telephone for Doctor Mntthews nnd lo Mm Ihenter' You hod our numner I gave It tn you beforo yon went out " Oh. I did, sir Ho illdti t tntie slrk hut n few minutes nifii stiffened mil I ke this They raid Doctor Mntthaws went out of town todsy, nnd I thought Imby was going to die Oh, dear! Oh. dear" Dnelor I'eltlt ntrnlghlened himself to his full height Hlr" be addressed Ihe Imhy's father. 'If It bnd not been for the prompt nctlon of some nno In this room jour child would not ho living now It has hid a very severe convulsion The hot-water liiimef. sion given promptly hns saved Its life fur the time If joti wish another phjslrlan pleiso rail one nl once It Is mv duty tn tell jou, however, thnt jour Imby needs skilled medical Attention right nvvay, nnd I will not leave It until nnolher phjslclin nrrlvei," If the bnby bnd not been In such dnnr'r I would htvn enjoyed seeing tho man from the other apartment quiet down II" was llkii a strutting turkey that lifts Just 10 celvetl n iluuclu! of cold water We do not wish tu c.ill any one ele. doctor." he snld humbly "Doelor Matthews In our fnmlly ihjnlrlnn Ho Is mil of town, slid wn know no 0110 ilso" "Very well then I will tnke tthn case till jour fnmlly physician returns, first wo must Ket the child Into lis own bed I munt exnntlun It " WANTED MI1S UNDimWOOD Mrs Underwood rose so carefully ns not to disturb the bnby 111 her nrms Until fnther and mother rushed forward to tnke Iho bnby from her, but Doctor I'eltlt slopped thorn. "The child munt not be tnoveil or Jnrrnl nny morn thnn Is positively uecemnrj, If you will bo so hind nn to carry thn In by to Its room," he looked nt 1, Milan "It was you who put the child In Iho hot bath, ni It not" "Indeed It was. doctor," Dlchy broke In henrtllj "Not nno of the rest of us had any lib a wlmt to do " "Vou saved the ihlld's life, madam." ths phjslclnn raid crawly, Tho mother, evidently forgetting her ills npprovnl of Mrs Underwood's appeiirancn, began to cry hjstrrlrnlly, nnd tried lo em braco her Hut I.llllnn, obejlng Iho physi cian's orders, was nlready nt tho door of our apartment ".Stop It," she said, roughly, but kindly "Show 1110 wliem tho bnbv'n bed ta. nnd If you wrnnt me lo, I will ntny until you enn net a nurse here " Tho father heard her words "Do jiiu wish n nurse, doctor?" "I think It would bo nilvlsuhle, for n dny or two nt least. Until Wn sen what tho do volopinentn are " "Do you know of any? I don't The ono we had Is III " Doctor Tcttlt wrotn something swiftly on a card 'Telephone that number Ask for Miss fjultoti If nhe cannot come, nny ono from the same, apartment will do " Ho turned tirld walked swiftly Into the other apartment Harry Underwood reached out his hand for the card "We'll do nil the telephoning from here ," he stld kindly "Clo on to jour bnby" "And If there Is anything you need In our apartment, or anything we can do, Jutt call on us." Dicky said heartily I picked up tha hot-water bag which I had prepnred for tho baby and which Lil lian had dropped ns sho carried the child Into tho other room "Will vou tako this In to Mrs Under wood? Sho may need It" "OUT OP nANOKit" "Thank j-ou Won't you come over, also,' .,, nt, ii-iiintpi "Clrnham," I supplied ".Vo; I Bhoutd only be In thn way. I think I have never seen n baby III beforo Hut If you should need mo for nnj thing, do not hcHltnto to call mo " Ho hurried out nnd I sank Into n chnlr overcome by tho events of tho evening Hut for tho pretence of Iho footbath of hot water, whhh Katlo was oven now re moving, tbero was nothing to hull, it0 that our llttlo supper party had been disturbed And jet Dentil bid hovered no closely ver the little baby which had been rushed Into our itpartimnt that wo could nlmost feel his tangible preienco "Dono out, old girl' Dicky Blood beside me, bis arm on my shoulder Harry Un derwood wob at tho telephuuo getting tho number Doctor I'ettlt had naked fur .S, only terribly worried about the baby " "I know Tough, Isn't It?" It seemed if week, hut It was In reality only two hours later, when I.llllnn ilulo nppeared, heitvj--ojed and disheveled, her gown splashed with water, her rouge rubbed off pi npots. Iter whole appciraiuo inoit disreputable 'Tho bnby" wo nil asked at on.e "Out of any Immediate danger tho duo- Safe Milk or IrJ&nti & Invalidt C!t,L..t..,B 3$ Ceil YOU SamaPiUa A Nutritious Diet for AU Ages. Keep Horllck'a Always on Hand Quick Lunch: Homo or Office. " '"""""Illllllllllllllllllll MIIIMMM AMim lIBHffifc'1 ivw:HiaUw7jL" j lei m i r . i aaBvaaWiaji tUo" it v .,m IMlseVf I 1 Iri" w" "-v ,vtWwf Mm lllnlilpilwl Until you have used it, the way Philadelphians insist upon WILBURS may seem extraordinary. Made in Philadelphia for over 30 years. 1 Turned Madge Tables lor wjs The nurse came an hour ago. hut the eh Id had two more of those awrui things, nnd I was able to help her The mother Is no good nt all: one of those emo tional women whose Idea of Inking care of her Iwtby Is lo shriek over If Her voice held no contempt only a great weariness I fell a sudden rush of evnipa Ihelld liking for th s woman, whom I had lookrd upon ns nn enemy. WHAT DICKY SAID "What can I get J-ou, Mrs t nderwood I asked "Vou look so worn out If Katie hns not thrown out lhat coffee " she returned practically, "lei us wsrm it up" I felt a foolish Utile thrill of linune nlfely pride A few minutes before her appearance I had gone Into the kitchen snd made fresh roffee, anticipating her return Hall., nt enurae. 1 hnd sent 10 bed, nfler she had' cleared the tnblo and washed the sliver I hnd told her to pile the uisnes lor tlio morning "I hats fresh coffee all reidy " I snld "I thought perhaps you might like ft cup Hit still nhtl I'll bring It In" Harry Underwood sprang to his feet "I II ctrry the Iray for jou" I thought I delected a little uulver of pain on Mrs Underwood's face Her bus bind had epresed no concern for berluil was offering to carry my Iraj Truly? thn 'aides were turning I bad suffered be muse of the rumors I had heard concerning this woman's regard for Dicky Was I, without meaning It to caui-e her annoyance Mndied. jou will do no surh thing' I spoke pinyfully lo hide my real inillRiintlnn nt tho man "Dicky Is thn only accredited wulter around this houio M'nrd from Iho Wallers' Union right In m pocket " Dlchy grinned, and stretched larlly as bo followed mo to tho kitchen. We nerved the cofTte, and Mlllan nnd her husliauil went home As the door closed behind them Dicky canio over to mo nnd look i nn In hit nrms "Pretty exciting evening, wnsnt It, sweet heart 7" lie snld "I'm afraid jou are all dono out." He tlrow inn to our rlnlr nnd wo sit down together I found mjself irjlng. something I almost never do Dicky smontht d my hair tenilcrl) sllentlj until I wiped my ejes. Then his clasp tightened around mo "Tonight has taught mo n lesion." ho stld "Hometlrnes I havo dreamed of a little child nf our own, Madge Hut I would rather never havo a child than go through tho suffering thnso poor devils Ind tonight It iiiii.it ho awful to Iopo a baby" I hid my faco In bin shoulder Not even to my husband could I confet Juii then bow tho touch of the naked rigid llttlo body of that other woman n child had snnt a thrill of longing through me for a baby's bands that should ho mine (Coprrlsht) (CONTINUED TOMOItHOW) Rrand-New Babies The Ktenlng 1-eOg.er will print, rhnrse. notice of recent Mrthe free of nl In through proper channel. Addre.e "Brand. Nee Halite.," I.trttlnr I rdgrr, fliwl rhe.tnitt afreet. Name anil nililre.n anil, when po... hie. telephone niinilier of eenitrr mutt ac company each notlre eo eent IlTnili.Y. Mr. nnd Mrs N n, of Ilurllng- lo n, N J , n, son, 8 lbs 9 nz DIXON, Mr, and Mrs W. Houlton. of St. Martins, n daughter, Ilinlly M M51TMAN, Mr and Mrs Uranklln J, 729 Bouth rifty-flfth stroot, a daughter, Mary Uleanor ' rillNTZ, Mr and Mrs Walter, 7115 Upland street, a daughter, Marguerito Anna, It lbs, 8 oz Tho sweet fresh ness ot the Catskill Mountain pastures is brought to you in every pound of MERIDALE BUTTER There's none of tho salted, city butter taste, be causo Mcridale is not made like ordinary butters. It is made from the rich, pure cream of tho Catskill coun try, pasteurized and churned in tho most sanitary churns. Wrapped, In tho protect ive "i lerifoil" wrapper. it retains Its purity and freshness. AYER & McKINNEY (Maker of ... , , , , Merld.de) I'hUatlelpliU Hell r hone, Market 3711 Keyttone Phone, Main 17U Lookor tht"Mtrloll" rapptrtxtt-tltht. iuif- and odor-iraeot your gnxen. .MmMIMMII,Hlll1MIMlll1l1lllllimT taattav HOW TO KEEP YOUR HAIR DRY AND FLUFFY ON DAMP DAYS By LUCKEZIA BORI Prima !oona of the Metropolitan Opera CompSnr 7TV HA tit Is so dnmp and heavy that I lVl can do nothing with It" Is an old story that we hear from the btg.nnlng until the end nf summer Unless you have that greatest of beauty blesMngs natur- any VMiny nun in- weather does make lour hair unmanhge nble The scalp per- i ,rcs and this damp iiena robs tho hair of its artificial wave, making It olly and henv When' the tresies are In Ibis eon d Hon II Is Imposalhle to arrange them In a iiecnming coiffure for this reason It Is ncc eewtr) to keep tho hair as dry and fluffy I Ul .1. ...(. vil., noM, ,y trt- itueiit shnmiiooliig, airing and brushing As eiHiii ns jour hair becomes heavy with nil or has the si ghtest suggestion of a sour odor about It, only shampooing will ilerinio It nnd restore It lo Its normal con dition. One nf the simplest of- shampoos Is made b dissolving n hnlf cake of pprn while soap In n iUArt of boiling water I.el It simmer over a slow fire until en tirely dissolved. Then dissolve a tnble apoonful f washing sodt In a ipiart of boiling water anil ndd II to the soap mix lure Stir together, and after II has cooled It Is read) for use Hub the shampoo Into Jim scalp nriri wash tho hair thoroughly In ns hot water as )otl can comfortably liear Then rluso Iho hair In four or five clear waters ranging In temperature from hot to told After the sculp hns been rubbed with a soft towel sit In the sun light nnd open nlr until the hair Is thor oughly drlid More necessary even thnn washing Is airing tho luilr 1n summer Al least once n dn thn hnlr should be taken down, brushed and exposed to the breezen Then after It has been well aired pnrt tho hnlr through tho tenter from fnrehrnd to impe of the neck llrlng ench hnlf of tlio hnlr over the ear nnd braid It loosely, leaving tho middle of tho head free It Is restful tn the scalp to change tho manner of dressing tho hair during the summer In Iho morning, when sports froi ks are worn, dress Ihe hair slmpl in a soft coll at the back or on lop or In a braid wrapped about tho head leav ing tlio mnro elaborate coiffure for late afternoon and evening It may be necessnry, particularly If your hnlr Is Incliuid to be oily, to wash the hair every week or two during warm weather Ordinarily, too frequent sham pooing Is not good for tho hair, but since It Is equally destructive to tho heilth of j our crowning glory lo ntlow It to becomo heavy with oil nnd perspiration, shampoo lug Is tho lesser evil It light hair Is allowed to become oily and damp It will grndually grow darker Ilelow I am giving ou thn formula of nn excellent shnmpoo for light hair SHAMPOO FOIl I.IOHT HAm White rnatlle aoap. In ahavtngS . . t ounco Water , 34 ounce I'otaaalum rartonate . ' sn grnlne Hnrax . . 120 gralna I'ologne water , . .... 1 ouncen liny rum J ounce Another Handling Quality Groceries and High-grade Meats; w Tuesday, December 19th AND THE ACTUAL VALUE OF "Quality, Quantity and Price" ' WILL BE VERY CLEARLY SHOWN ,. New Stores will we can secure suitable STORES are heartily uieu ncipiuiiiebb, especially in inese uays ot Excessive Lost of Living, cannot be over-estimated. I THE CHILDS STORES-plain, practical shops-are forging steadily ahead m volume of business; and the thousands and thousands ; of satisfied customers (always increasing) are willing wirnp;p; nf THE I DOLLARS SAVED thorough-going, sincere earnestness; and we appreciate the confidence iff auu yuuu-wm yivun to stimulate our enorts. The proper selling of all merchandise demnndc tl.P nrpv fpilinf ? lt; an,d.H ADVERTISEMENTS are regularly and frequently to ue iouhu in i ne evening Ledger" and 'The Evening Telegraph." No -one can serve the public better than this, for we publish news that is always profitably interesting. If you'll familiari vm.rcif v?fh nrl SlSSSio ng business yu'n understand why THE CHILDS STORES are earnestly wanted in every section of the city. This new store, at Twelfth an Spruce, will furnish new ideas of economy for nW u foully eiiuuageu UUHIU. Dissolve the soap In the water nnd ndd the other Ingredients Hub well Into the roots of the hair. Hlnse In several waters, then dry carefully. There Is a lotion for oily, damp hair lhat Is well recommended by those who use It during the summer months It contains the Ingredients given below: LOTION KOH OII.Y, DAMP IIAIIt Powdered blesrbonste aoila . H ounce Towdered borate od ' "".V Hsu d eolosns . 1 fluid ounce liar rum -,2 n ud ounces IMatlllod water .. .1 nuld nuneea Mix the Ingredients together nnd shake well until they are blended. If this lotion Is used dilly it tends to produce a fluffy ronditlon of Ihe hair nnd dries tho scalp When the hair Is heavy with oil and you find It Inconvenient to shampoo It use this remedy. Hay rum Witch hatel lleeorcln . , . 2 ounce 3 ounce ..II srstn Unf this lotion dally, rubbing It well Into tho scalp There Is also a dry shampoo which Is an unfailing friend to the summer girl. There should be a hottlo of this toilet prepiratlon In every traveling bag and on every dress ing table- nrtr shampoo Tincture of canthsrlde 1 eiinre Liquid ammonia 1 ounca ll)cerln . ... ..... H nunc (HI of Ihrm S nunc OH of ro.emary . I nunc Itnaewater . a ounces Mix the first five Ingredients together nnd ndd tho rosewnter last Hub the lotion well Into the scalp and dry with a soft linen towel - Never foil to braid jour hair loosely at B lllllltltlllllltlllltllltlllltllilllil LAYLOCK & BLYNN, Inc. llllllllllllllllllllllllltltllllllltlllllllllllllHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlllllllllllllllll WILL BE OPENED AT THE . ijor. i weirai cs snruce be added to the Childs Chain just as rapidly as properties, desirably located.' THE -CHILDS welcomed in all residential neighborhoods f(rt jl in dealing with us. We find nn ciihd-ifiite fnr M CHILDS & COMPANY THE STORES 01? OPPORTUNITY r Where Your Money Goes the Farthest" night To twist tl on the head ,J tncro is to invite thinness, tw ill one over each ear Is better this i tne air naa a cnance to reath the .! the hair, which Is seldom expot f ui tint An sootj aa your hair becomes mI perspiration take It down (,.- 7 let It hang freo until perfectly a3 rearrange It. ' W1 Watch your hair very clossly m j bad effects of hot weather can pa acted ICopTtltht) Celery Au Jus Wash and scrape one carrot and j onion. .ut rgetnmes in thin le.V3 on bottom of a nan. eidd ,. Ai thime, savory and paralev. a,t them tho halved stalks from oh & ccicry. v-uvcr wiin ricn nrown alwfl bake one hour Itemove cler i?l ..l.t. ... ,.kl.l. .I..I- ...- ..I.1-! uinii, u,c ,.,uvii niii.in inn STOCK. MANDOI Hcmovcs siipcrfluous hair mnkcfl nlccvelcss gowns m sheer hosiery possible wllhttt cmiiarrnRsmcni. fashion tM Rood tnstc demand It. 15 Sold by Drutr nnd l)cpartnrB Morcft 5e J pi 4 Reductions Ladies' Suits and Dresses Children's Coats and Dresses Millinery From our regular stock reduced for quick clear ance. An opportunity lo purchase high-clas? goods at small price. 1528 Chestmit ?rK Fura Altered and Ropnircd. Store 11 fctislaa ?y4yi o woiea wua tau tu anvtoznje wa wtu wmh, V,K kw , jj B?t,sn 4 Ai J8 I--- !. j: ' JT