'X c SHOPPERS STORM SANTA'S CITADELS Bulging Pockotbooks Make Christmas Spending a joy Thi3 Year F MOTORTRUCK FOR KRIS gh nnd Reindeer Will Hardly Be Ahln to Carry mtt W..I..I.H at tmlr. thsre nt alaUsn r bppi ,,' un,u c,"u,m"' flaorfler to Iff! of lacm, Shoppers to right of them, Shopper In front of them liarpalntd and Jargontil. An avalanche of humanity. y. and IW f. k With bulging iiocktoolta they have parched Into rhlla.lslphla. by the teni of Uiousnn.la to buyt buy! buy! The bis cltmlcla of commerce nnil con nlnc wero taken by atorm. The lilir eharfte of the nrmy of American famlUca was not expected for sevoral moro dnys. But prosperity noted like n tidal wave. .. ..,.. .,vmiI the ahonners to our doorH from many cities nnd Btntea. Tho 1Ir re rvea in the shopping uiairici, " come In contact with crowda for mnny years, say they nover saw nnythlng like It. An endless atream of humanity treats the eyo when one Kas down Market street from a City Hall window. every oni: has a,uundli: And nearly every ono haa n bundle Persons know that tho atorcs nro Jammed nd every delivery wagon loaded to tho unwalca bo oorybody carrlea hla or her own when the purchase lan't too heavy . Sornl hip atores have alrendy "cleaned out" much ft the atock they got In for Christmas nnd now they havo to order The mother who bought ten toys last Christmas Is buying twenty today. The father who bought n ten-dollar gift for mother In 1915 la spending twenty-dvo and thirty dollars- this year. Then, too. jnammas and daddies nre getting; better clothes for the youngsters nnd moro of them. And they're fixing up the old dining room and getting moro books nnd chairs for the library, up-to-dnto things for tho kitchen and bringing tho old home Into a condition that will mnko It splck-aml-npnn for Christ mas. So do not turn cranky when you got In n crowd. Remember that you're, taking Up as much space ns nny 0110 else The fellow behind you thinks that you nro Just ns tmioh In tho road as tho ono In front of you. And don't JohIIo tho old folks. Their step Is n little slower that yours. Maybe their tlmo of hurrying It over. They will only be In a few moro Christmas crowds Hut the excitement Is a tonic to them. Let them drink It In to their hearts' 1 delight You do not know what memories tho belly wreaths nnd tho mistletoe rmlve. It may bring the sound of nn old melodcon and the music of childish voices tothelr ears and the crackle of n. log around a happy (lrealdo. So do not Joatlo. LOTH OF HA1IOAINH Aa to you, Mr. Swift, whore nro you going-? When you're In tho big stores tako your time 'when you're In a hurry. You may be rushing past a lot of good things that you've been .Imntlnir for. As for gifts, tho atores nro loaded with them that la, Just now. But a train of gold Is carrying them off as fast as they come. If you want further proof that thla la the greatest Christmas crowd ever, go to the railroad stations nnd the restaurants. Seating capacity Is pathetic. At the sta tions passengera are atnndlng up waiting for trains, nnd In tho restaurants persons are standing up waiting for meals. And everywhere one looks one socs kid dles they look expectant and happy. Something seems to tell them that Kris la going to be mora liberal this year than ever before. And In tho stores thoy'ro giving him orders that will tax the old ulelgh of his to the utmost, nnd the reindeer, too, will find It a hard pull getting around on Christ mas eve, Aa a matter of fact. It loolca as though Santa will havo to get n motortruck. H EVENING LEDGBR-PHIEADEEPHtA', TUESDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1916 BEAUT.Y GIFTS YOU CAN MAKE FOR THE DRESSING TABIiE By LUCREZ1A DORI Prim Donna of the Mctromlltan Opra Cempanr for writes, TTBrtR on my desk la a letter whose AA writer aaka fof "the formulas of sev eral toilet preparation-! that can be used "ma m another narncranh ah I followed jour auggeatlon last year, nnd Instead of giving Useless little dust-catchers' to my 'rlcnda I gave them Jars of akin food and bottles of honey and almond cream. Every one was delighted with these 'gifts of beauty' nnd I hae decided to do tho same thing this t'hrlstmna." that nil my may hava time In which la prepare theae I.UCIir.ZIA liu,t gifts for tho dressing table that will bear their messages of good will to feminine friends. I ahall make use of thla opportunity to print the reclpoa for preparations that wilt be welcome gfta. Not every woman la blessed with akin aa "whlto ns marble," but she, wnnts It to appear so when she dona her evening gown. A bottle of Ihpjld powder, for whitening the neck, throat and anna, would be moat acceptable to many of your friends, Iielow la the formula: ' In order t readers it plenty of ' ' ' which In nn Pure oilile of sine (llrrerln llotwatr ,,....., Kstsnca of res . . I ounc I drum 4 ounrft IS drops Double the quantity If you And that It does not fill n bottle aa largo na you would llko to 'give To mix properly, alft tho alnc. dissolving It In Just enough rosowater to cover It ; add tho glycerin, then tho remainder of the rosowater nnd the eaaenre of rose Inst. Shake well before using Slnco tho liquid powder must be applied with small veltet sponge. It would be n nice Idea to place ono In a small silk bag, lined with rubber, and tlo It to the bottle with a bow of pink or blue ribbon. There la so much refreshment In n bath tonic, besides the delightful Ment It gives to tho water, that a bottle of It would surely be appreciated. One of tho less cx pensive formulas contains: HATH TONIC Oil of fvfintr ' ougea OH of bvrssmot )l drum Oil of lemon .. .,.. '(Oram H.lrlt nt win- ,, MM 'Ivndr toilet water U pint A tew spoonfuls of thla tunic la added to the tub of water. , dnchet ponders ninny a glo pleasure to milady dainty, who sprinkle- It over her freshly laundered garments, swn tiny satin bags tilled with It Into her gowna. or places, scented pads among her bed linens. The sceht of violet or ro sachet I delicate nnd pleasing, The recipes are printed betowt vioLkt HAUturr I'owikrM nrrls rmlrl ixraamot I l'nw.l.rnl u Muak Mix thoroughly, bottle for when It la ready for me. IIOSIJ 8ACIIKT tVjVrilernl orris . , P! leave (lr Of In!) Jtusk .... lAvender flowers , . . . . t nunc H nunc ' oqm e SO rrslna ten days. i ounre 10 ounce in grains t ounce Mix well. Keep closely corked for ten days, when U Is ready for use. A doicn tiny bnga of colored silk filled with cachet and tied In n, bundle with nar row ribbon make a very pretty gift Tho bags can bo sewed to tho linings of gowns or hats. U'opyrliht) DAMROSCH CRACKS MUSICAL NUTSHELL MISS McCLOSKEY'S DEBUT Young Philadelphia Mezo-Sojirnno Shows Talent in Program Elizabeth Thaw McCloskey, a young Philadelphia singer, who numbers charm of personality nnd decided t'.lent among her assets, achieved nn nrtlatlo success at her professional debut yesterday In the New Century Drawing Rooms. Suo was assisted In her Interesting program by Hans Klnd ler, the principal violoncellist of the Plilliy delphla Orchestnt, arid W. Lane Hoffner. the well-known pianist, ns accompanist. Mar tha a Ilarry nau been her teacher and It was Miss Barry who presented her to an appreciative audience yesterday. Miss McCloskey la the possessor of a mezzo-soprano voice of poner, volume and freshness. kIt haa the velvet depth, rich ness and bR of the contralto In gensfo.ua abundance. yt It Is not lacking In aomo of the brilliance of tho soprano. It Is yet a voice of promise but one well placed and capable of conveying emotion, Tho enun ciation Is clear. Among- the numbers on Miss McCloskey'a program wera Mrs. Ce lesta Heckacher'a "aipsy Lullaby," Martin's Minuet. In which sho was at her best. Rogert "The Star," Tachaikowaky'B "Ja ende." and some, striking French chanso nettes. Mr. Kljidler ahowed his command of amajler compositions In the Intricate "Ron do" by Hoccherinl and Van Ooen's Bcnerao," as fascinating and beautiful place of writing for the cello. njJJNLrC.1 I life m r .. Hr Wl gggggftjafTJJj " ' Ifjfrnm mii in n f n 1 m c ; t bEt 17 Days to Shop ead tlie Ads iTVeiA rvti ' '."A'iira!V!' rrVS"SW? 13JXJrtVAeUr44sU4 . VUUX3lIJmMYrlu6M llaail Ud Ualilrta (ULl .Mil tilf Ow hKCQ KUUii U new, 6oU for U fb tla m. d. HEIMSTITCHINC. Bo YAIID twfiijr ccnoroiaery yn r aWfc4- D( 1 c m nrrrr wu mwm iMiin mnriirni -usTmr-isfMiai iiiiiiiiw i mBh- 1 1 PRi, Madej f rmn .truiii-Ud pork. j.m LimmWMm1 mmmf if juur wswiir f, i; hiibhi.-ji i 11 v,JUTLTg?IHTigT-Sri4J1"- . iiVliiV.'TiWl ul..lMiMla.ilniili , 1 . Hii, .--fju..,,,--. - -mt- - --j T-frjf'-jii --'ifT-Tir"iiiEjfflFiacfTfVTT',r'f $8ptiiiiB if -" , , --.. Grainger Suite Delights the" Crowd Bauer Plnya Frnnck Finely Percy Grainger's music has of late years been a favorite of Walter Damrorch, who Introduced "Molly on the Hhorc" to this city. So It was not atrange In tho Academy last night that tho spoiled Australian darling had the pre-eminent position on. tho Mrst program of the New York Sym phony Society's Bcasou here. As uiunl. Grainger "walked away" with tho crowd, (hough the eccentricities of his manner In hla "In a Nutshell" aulto made aomo of the Beethoven fono leave tho building In dignified haste, while others, not vowed to tho classics, muttered puna about 'Tcck'a Marlmbad Ildy" nnd tho llko. Hay what you will, It wns Jolly good amusement Tho suite, divided Into four parts, nnd dedicated to such celebrities as Cyril Scott, tho composer; Kdwnrd J. do Coppetr who did so much for chamber music, and Henry nnd Abbla Klnck, has the breeze and abandon of lad-llkn revelry In It. it begins with "Arrival Platform Humlet," a somewhat "precious" tono sketch, Indicating the Improvised tune of nn Impatient lover In the train shed, it progresses Into really dlvlnatory clever ness In "Oay, Uut 'Wistful." a modern read ing of thsLondon music hall sort of thing dona by XJeorge arossmlth, Jr. And In "The Gum Suckers" march It bursts out In a dollrlifm of ragtime rhythm, ns though Grainger, the Impetuous, tho purple, had restrained his love of syncopated pomp nnd claiiBlnr circumstance pnee toq often. Those qualities simply wouldn't bo held In nny longer. Tho third movement, "Pnatoral," wns omitted, but Mr. Uamrosch mndo UP for that by handing the baton to the accom panying pianist, and playing tho plnno score for tho last movement himself It was all rather llko a frolic In a friend's parlor, ezcopt that one's frlonds don't usual ly keep marimbas, resonaphones and nnblmbas In their closets. Apparently Australians from the Stato of Victoria do, for they had been the Inspiration of the braasy and brilliant melody How different, then, to have heard Har old Bauer play two numbers by Cesar Franck earlier In the evening How much more difficult to put tho period to tho totnl of hla talents. Tliut ho la a very superior artist we have known a long time. But It takes music like "Lea DJInns," with Ha eerie afllnlty to Hugo's poem, and like tho aymphonla variations, with their swift In tertwist of frolicking nnd sombcrness, to make ono ronllso how modest the truly fine artist can be He woa barely moro than a member of tho orchestra, though tho hell quality of his high chords shone out clearly and crisply, the airy grace of hla touch-and-go notes never fulled or became Dtrldeut, the refinement of feeling In nil ho 'did grew neither coarse nor effeminate. There Is a dash of tho mlnstrol In Mr. llnuer'H blood Ho seems to bo making up stories Hut. llko the old rhapaodlst, ho remembers ho Is playing for a king, hla composer That Is what gives hla work the stamp of rartt and beauty The fourth offering of tho program (or rather the tlrrt) was the Symphony No 5 C'liCtioro") of Jo.ietilm Itaff. .Seldom pr fortned In Philadelphia, It In n clmrncterlstlo sample of tho kind of music Mr Damrosch loves to play, nnd plays well nnd surely. W0MNHRSTTO6IVE FOR MEDICAL COLLEGE Dr. Eleanor Unities Sends $500' Check to Start Campaign for $200,000 25 TEAMS ARE AT WORK The first check for tho rnmpalgn being conducted by women for women to raise 200.000 for the Womnn's Medical College of Pennsyhnnln, which has n record of only four deaths In 3800 maternity cases, and pot a single death In the Inst 1200 cases, wns recehed thli morning from n woman phalclnn at tho rampnlgn headquarters In the lleltevue-Strntford. Tho check Is for 1800 nnd comes from Dr. Kleanor llnlnei, of Newark, N. J graduate of tho class of 18J2 of tho Wom an's Medical College, who Is close to tho threescorc-nnd-tcn mark. Nhe has been so busy that she has not been nbln to visit her alma mater In forty-four cars. The receipt of the check thin morning gave tho wurkera n feeling of confidence that the ulumnan will co-operate nnd aid In tho campaign Tho two hundred women worker with twenty-five woman captains, who met last night In the campnlgn hcadqunrtera, the Cloxer Iloom at the Itellciue-Stratford. for a. get-together dinner, started out today with a will to raise the fund so that the workof the hospital nnd college, tho only class A Institution In America cxclushely for women, may be Increased. Dr. Clara Marshall, dean of tho college, presided at tho dinner. Mrs Helen Bar rett Montgomery, of ltochester, N. Y de livered tho address, while) short talks wero made by Cyrua D I-'oes, Jr ; Dr., Gertrude A, Walker, chairman of tho executive coun cil, nnd Mrs. i:iltabelh Kudyerd Currier, campaign manager. Dr Floyd W Tomklns, rector of Holy Trinity Church, pronounced the Invocation CAMPAIGN CI.OSKS DIXJKMBBU 1C. Tho women will work until December 16 Tho first noonday luncheon nt which they will comparo notes and submit reports will bo glcn tomorrow noon at tho llellevue Then a luncheon will be held each noon nt which reports for tho proceeding twenty four hours will be given. A huge score board and thermometer vill Indicate nt tho hoadquartrrn the progresa of tho workers. "The women who are working on this campaign will go Into It with n really earnont spirit, which wo feel sure will bring auceeis." aald one woman Interested In tho hospital and college; "for, you see, they realize JuM what a wonderful pioneer work the Woman's Collego Is doing, and they feel consecrated to the work of widen ing tho wopo of tho college) and hospital lm'Wvi'Sf 1 rOjM'racsPiySiSil HflANN & DlLKS 1102 CHESTNUT ST. Tyrol Wool In a Knitted Fabric Ladies and Misses Suits Best Hand Tailored 22.75 to 38.75 Lined or Unline J Distinctive refinement of style with Service and Models far all outdoor use). Motlela Here Exclusively Ell ANN & DlLKS 1102 CHESTNUT ST. BONWIT TELLER. aCQ c Soeaalfy(Shopcf'OriamaUon6 CHESTNUT AT 13 STREET HAVE ARRANGED FOR (TOMORROW) WEDNESDAY A Special Sale of Women's Coats t At Reduced Prices Women's Motor and Utility Coats Attractive Models in Tweeda and Heather Mixtures. O fi! AA Formerly up to SO. SO vU a Women's Fur Trimmed Velour Coata nil Handsome Wool Velour Coats Trimmed with Fashion- Q7 CA Formerhi A5.00 & .19.80 V? J'V able Furs. Women's Bolivia Cloth Coats Unusual Models in All the Fashionable Colorings, A C A A Formerly 59,50 tjJMJ Imported Velour Cloth Coats A Number o Very Smart Models with Jap Mink, Natural Q gA Raccoon and Hudson Seal Furs. Formerly 59.50 '?- i High Class Fur Trimmed Coats IN -BOLIVIA & IMPORTED VELOUR Formerly Qfi A A -UO.0O to 125.00 0JS Handsomely Trimmed With Fur . Thay know th Uty! yearn ct history of tha collie. Thy know that today It la ranked ly tho American Medical Assocla tlon In tha asms class with the tnrdlcnt schools of llnrrard, Tate nnd Johns Hop kins, and that It has the distinction of belna; Ihe only woman's Institution In America, which la ranked In Claan A. Ther Story In tho fact that tho four years coura and tha post graduate oourasa r pare women to bo aunteona, specialists, pro feasorn nnd medical mlsalonarlcui, nnd that of Its 1400 graduates more than 900 nrn now practlclnc In I'lilladelphln and vlcln Uy." l'UOUIJ Of HISTORY "Then, loo, thsy nre proud of tha fact that the llrst woman medic.! missionary who over went to a forclKtt field aa a graduate of this mcdlcat college," added tho Informant. "Hho was Dr. Clarn Swain, of the ilaM of 1880. Hlnco that tlmo 1S5 women medical mlsalonarlaa havo irone to foreign fields from thla college, and they aro creatine a atlent revolution along annltary and medical Hues nmouir the women of heathen Inuda," ' The $100,000 for which tha women, nre working Is needed for extension purposes, for more scholarships for worthy young1 women who, want to become physicians, nut who haa tint the means: for an endowment for the children's department nnd tha ma ternity dctmrtmonti especially for the social scrvlco department, which la doing notable work In the Amy H. llarton Dispensary nnd Dilt-I'ractlcn Maternity Fervleo at 333-331 Washington nvemip. Tho campalgnere say that una of tho most Important reasons for tha cnnns la that tho college can keep pace with the de mand for women physicians. They aay that although tho men physicians are now forty ttme.1 moro numerous than women, tho call for women physicians la ten tlmea aa Insistent aa that for men. TRAM CAPTAINS Tho twenty-five teams go by number nnd nro capininetl aa follows; NO. Ki IS. tr. to. l)r t Ur.Annto H Bmlley i !" f, R. . rwatiu a Dr Helen J. Cowls . ir. me u siyvrs , Dr. Ilnrrlel llart- ir 0 ItlMllulh A. Mar T J!l Vld II rran- el Dr. Pet! A. Bchls- Isr 0 Dr. 8uwn It. Corson 10 Dr, Asms llocka- 2. Miss Hulh Hartley II. Pr. Kllen C. Poller 24. falsa Jranstta Tore li Or Allcs V. Tsl- kins ii n'.Vi.i ,- , as M,M K A TW 13 Dr Flor Krnker Dr. Mnraarct Hut- ir... . ..... w. v, WllCOl Anna H, Con- over IT Mrs Henry 8. Cor son la. Mrs. O. A. Drawn- . . tck 10. Mrs. A. Tutilman SO. Dr Helen Klrsvti-bium St. Mies C. KaKensteln WILU AIDS HEBREW BOCIfeTlES Five Proporties Bequeathed ChariUea to Klva propertlea are liKjuealhed to Hebrtw societies by tho will of I.lpman nulek, lilt rilrfortt street, which. n probnted today, disposes of property valued at 111,000. Tho property bequests include 1901 Alter street, to Hacknosea and L'noshar J Karne: 190t Alter street, to the Home for Hebrew Or phanai 1901 Alter street, Toshlvn Mlshkau Israeli lot Alter street, to tho Hebrew Central Tnlnnd Torah, and 1902 Alter street, to the Jewish Hoapltul Association, Other wills probated were those of Col onel Iiliclua M. Maltby, 3S3S South Twenty, aecond street, which In private bequests disposes) of property valued nt $01,000! Wll- tm Vmler IlaJaBSonloit. "H. 4T Mf, 000s Marta B. Bmltl 4105 1'lrteiiite, $7t00j Stary B. Urooka, U KoftH rts street. 31103; Harry Sehwwir-, S0S1 mn , Thompson atfet. 100, una rstmlra, Xe Dowell, 7117 nwg .rana, ji69. Th personal etreeta of. tha elat ot Holf ert t' Mpplncott have been uppnila!, t t2tt.SI0.40i J. Fran Bhwldarj, Mi.l, ind Rmlly a Collin, I.ll,tl. mmm ' " saw ii i i a Gornmeal Soufflo Heat ona pint of milk, stir In thrw-qur-ter cup white rornmeal, one teaapoenful of nalt nnd scald In doubla boiler. Itemofo from, flra nnd stir in yolka of thnt tm ono M a timer then fold In tha btn whites, baka twenty minute In riwU baklne dish In n hot oven. Serve hot wUh butter. Cake Made at Home THE GIFT SET In Trantpartnt Ovn Ware, Conthting of Casserola, Round Shtrrod Egg Dish, Oval "Au Gratln" Dish, Pl Plato, Drand Pan. Packed in attractive sift box Prlco $9.00 Jfoil Orders 'roniplly Filled JRanMinMiller INCORPORATED 1612 Chestnut Street "THE HOWE FURNISHING STORE " with Royal Baking Powdor & of finer quality and superior to tho rcady-mado store or bake-,' shop variety. -Mado from cream of tartar, do-' rived from grape3, Royal pos sesses healthful qualities which do not exist in baking powders mado from alum or phosphate, which aro derived from mineral sources, ROYAL BAKING POWDER Ma;lc from Cream of Itorfa? Ahsofutaty Pure No Alum No ftiospfecf e POUNDED 1858 5 FOOT COMFORT Vint. Itusn nSj xour plwuuren. rlnUw Antlafptlc nepnitv. HANNA, Chiropodist 8, IX car. 13th and Bansom divr Crane'a). Also i;iM Che'lnul Street Corns MmAved. "&e rscri. Hanlcurlna, Sde. DeweeS Quality and Standard Famous Over Half Century Ready-to-Wear In The Grey Salon Correct Afternoon Coats S-15.00 That subtle element of Individual Charm real style ij what makes nil Dewces Ready-to-Wear Garments of particular interest. Handsome Afternoon Coata of Broadcloth. Seal. Opossum and Moufflon trimmed.' Newest colorsLeather, Chartreux, Burgundy. Wistaria, Navy, Drown, Mystic and Reseda Green. Smart Separate Blouses S5.00 to S30.00 Our Dlouscs go out so quickly that it is almost impossible for us to advertise any particular designs. Nothing could tell the dis tinctiveness, "difference" and style of these Dlouscs better. White, colors, light Blouses, dark Dloiues, suit Blouses. Ask particularly to sec the fetching stripes in Georgette and Taffeta. B. F. Bewees, 1122 chestnut St. linmiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiminiiiiimiiii: irmmiiimmiimi rT-LT-J JaaaJ IJj I I KLLJSJUiC: is m vm mm mw !,; ?'S-Y!!K'S mui mw& ! mm-m Vi'M.: m iiff? !;-.: ur-. .:: r. &m- mmmmi t (Thrill ! . Wouldjyou ) feel againthe fine exhilarationthe stimulating joy, of smoothandTMWermotion?, Glide low near the the body nil add to the ground 'Swift, safe, sure! The tobogganer and the Twin-six owner are kinsfolk in their pleasures. 1 The gentle, powerful, smooth pull of the twelve cylinder motor the sensi tive poise of the unique snrincs the instant ndiust- ment of the new-type uphol- thrill of Packard riding. Heal mastery it gives you too in the enclosed, year 'round car. You lock out winter, yet keep winter's zest,! x uu urcuii me tyranny 01 uis- tance and storm-bound days. You go where you please ns far nnd as' often ns vnn please always when you' stery to every movement of please and in true elegance, Ask the.man who o w n s ? n e Packard Motor Car Co. of Philadelphia 310 North Broad Street, Philadelphia aU6 Bethlehem. Horrisburir, Lancaster. Reading, Trenton, WllHamsport and Wilmington r s mwm