BREMEN PLAN VISIT TO MAYOR Hew Zest Added to Cam paign for Fair Play and Better Pay TAX OBSTACLE REMOVED Firemen to Lay Conditions Before Mayor in Person Campaign committee of flrcmen plans to take up conditions within bureau and request for betterment with Mayor Smith. Fcrsonnl Interview between Mayor and commlttco to take place within a few. days. , Meanwhile real estate men 'and olher friends of firemen are clrcu latins petitions and otherwise brinc iwr pressure to bear upon Councils" Financo Commltteo to securo needed relief legislation. Councilmcn individually express sympathy and pledge support to fire men's campaign. I?,- &'' f tin for n.-camnalcrt evon moro actlva thart that heretofore, waned, are belnp; ar ranged b' the committee In charge of tlie efforts of the nremeti of Philadelphia to oblaln a betterment In living; and working renditions. The settlement pf the tax rata question, they feel, has released the members of Councils' Finance Commltteo from one of tin most serious problems, and placed Chairman Onftnoy and hla associates In position to take up other matters, amonc which U the solution of the firemen's ques tion. ' Assurances have been received recently by members of the campaign committee that, with the tax rate out of the way, tha firemen would havo first consideration at the hands of the Financo Committee. At this time, therefore, the flrcrncri are deter mined to prosecute without any lesaenlnc of vigor the utmost pressuro they can brlnif to bear upon the Councllmen to effect the fuinillnc of this pledge. ', Every Councilman approached on their behalf has assured the nremon that their cause Is a righteous one, and that failure ,to caro for them In a proper manner for so many years Is ono of the most flagrant "eases of neglect and -unrequited service In the city's annals. None haa withheld his promise to use his voto and support their plea, but Immcdlato action has been post poned op the ground that tho moment was unpropltious for forcing tho Issue. By cautious and Judicious conduct of their campaign, tho firemen, through their committee, liavo rested upon this promise "until the tnx rate problem has been finally disposed of. That obstacle removed, tho commltteo today set about to concen trate Its "artillery fire" In tho direction where they believe It will prove most effec tive and decisive. rEUSONAL ,APrEAIj TO MAYOR A personal appeal td Mayor Smith is one 'of the measures under consideration to-' I'day. Tho Mayor has novcr been approached .directly by the firemen. Petitions and lol- ters asking relief for them have been nd ' dressed to him by tile foremost citizens and property hblde'rs of Philadelphia, but these 'voluminous appeals wero submitted nt a 'tune when tho Mayor was Immersed In de- liberations over the tax rate, and was In no position to glvo them tho consideration they ,' 'deserved. It Is now proposed to have a delegation ;of the firemen themselves call upon the Mayor and to lay beforo him la person the needs of tho attaches of the bureau, the 'Preponderance of public sentiment that sup . ports their request. andta solicit his In ifluence With councllmanlc leaders "on their 'tide. The Mayor has never declared himself sgalnst tha firemen. At tho time' the great ; .petition, with Us 3000 signatures, secured wwlthla twenty-four hours, was .handed to JMm, ho expressed no opinion, merely re marking that It was a "pity that It had not been submitted to him earlier. The firemen and their supporters fnter- ' pret the Mayor's remarks as Indicating that when uttered he had In mind tho tax rate negotiations now disposed of and that Jf ''they lifid been able to submit their plea earlier In the year ample provision for them would havo been made by this time. No tlmo Is beings wasted by tho commit tee In its efforts a reach tho Mayor, It U hoped that an Interview can be arranged to take place within a day or two. In tha meantime new petitions addressed to the members of the Financo Committee are being circulated by friends of the firemen n various parts of the city. A West Philadelphia real estate roan, aroused by the campaign, called yester .day at the station .of Truck No. 6, Pres ton street and Ilaverford avenue. He -eked for Ladderman Slmlster, a member of the campaign committee. He then ess plained that his Interest In the caustr of the firemen had been 'stirred .by the pubT Hahcd accounts of their condition, pad that be was about to start a petition to the Finance Committee on their behalf. ffansGqm's Don't allow the ndwspapera to frighten you with high'price talk for fine Qi&Qries, you're not4 compelled to pay theto-huy at Hanecom'e, Extra Mealy Penna, Potatoes, $1.90 bushel Fine Print Butter, 42c lb. ruil Cream Veltow 2Rf . .upcH .,...,..,,,. " Bionuri ujw Kstnt SIMM l!ary """ "" J.&C Br O1.70 EVENING- IEDOBK-PHlIiABBLPBIA, MONDAY, DECBMBEB 4, 1916 MUMMERS ML GET 46PREESOF$5385 Chairman Bafeley Announces Council Has Appropriated $7000 to Welcome New ' Year Forty-slx prlteiv aggregktlng 1518s, will be awarded to the New Year shooters who will participate in the next annual pageant On Broad street An announcement to this effect was made yesterday by Common Councilman John It. naisley, chairman of the joint councllmanlc committee on the New Year celebration, at a meetlmt of the representatives of the various New Year Associations at 49 South Sixteenth street ' It Is planned to have the 191? municipal welcome conducted on a scale more elaborate than ever before. In order to revive the Interest In the mummers and their unusual celebration, the councltmanlo body has passed an appropriation of JTOOO for the occasion. ' Fourteen clubs have already taken per mlts to parade. The list of prises an 1 flirt Flrat urii Srcoml trlM .... Third t-rlsi" Fourth prlio ... Captain . ...u... lnniomnl V. . . Clown ., lockay Trimmed Jneker tf lo . . . . . JurtnUo , Impersonator . . . FANCt DtVIfltON .... """ ... I0SO Flrat prl ..0.. . . . 400 Hcrond trite . . . ... JOO Third ptlta .... ... ISO Cantata 100 llandsomeat ... 8" :iow JO lltn trimmed .. JO jockey trio .... !! liaai rouple .... S.I SO Nrarn coupla , . . Imprraonainr. 8prclat m.ntlon. Uwo. 128) lS BOO ?S0 loo 88 no no so s. u 60 Total II80O Total I20JS COltIC DIVISION IS1T. into. First nrlss . Mecond prise Third nrliA . Ko'irth prise .... Firth prtia Hlslh prlio ..... Kerrnth prise.... CipUtar (tnmlcxl cottumr. HUck-fice char . acter ......... Moat nrlxinal .novelty Novrl Iratura ... (two, 123) mo rirtt prim , SOO Hrcnnd prita ??2 Third .prl! ' ISO rburth prl tj Filth prUo . ,. Hlith nr Swrnth prlio. in R lixi raDtaIn iioai comical coe .uilin , Funniest black lacti Fnnnleat cnararter Funnleat mupla. . Moat orlalnnl rharacter ..... Original novrltr. . Kunnlaat Jurenllo Special mention. . (two, 12,1) 23 S3 81) IfttO 400 ISO 190 IflO 100 BO 53 23 '.'3 2.3 23 Total 11733 STH1NO 1DIB. Flrat prl . Second prilo. Total lfttS., Total ,.12023 HANDS .1017. Klrat prlia ...... SI SO Second prlts ..... ino Third prlio ...... so ,IB0 Total ....,1300 FI.OAT8 ......JO .... 00- Kerond prlio Third Drt Foiirth prlta Flrat prli Pr,t rrx .100 iiti Nfrtinn nri nrt TR Third prUe Fifth price Total mm. Flrat prl , Hecond prlxa Third prize . Fourth prlxo Fifth prUo , Total " J2 JflWh irl" uin pri7 . .40O Total nmaADEfl I01T. ,.ton Flrat prie .. !2 SS?0"1' rllo . r.n Third prUo ., i? ""tlh wlte . . 5 Fifth prlio .. fin . . . 73 ... no . . . so ...375 ..100 . . no .. 73 . . mi ..BO ..375 30 23 73 Total .... SPECIAt. FEATURES IBIS. 1917. Flrat prlM SO Flrat prlia Second prl ,,,,, 23 Second prize Total $73 Total ......... 173 Councilman BaliVy has called a meet ing of the captains of the mummers' clubs In the City Hall on December 12, when they will draw lots for tho positions of the clubs Jp the lino. MAYOR TO USE POWER TO AH) COX CANDIDACY r Smith Expected to Declare for Vare-Brumbaugn'Mngco Speakership Aspirant p Mayor Smith Is preparing to use the power of his administration to help ,the candidacy of Edwin It Cox, the Vare Brumbaugh'Staicee candidate for Speaker. In the factional war against the I'enros forces for control of the Legislature that convenes the flrst wee"k In January next. The Mayor within n few days, accordlne to friends of tils administration and of the Vnre.i, Is expected to brlnir pressure to bear upon the PenToee-McNIchol members of the House from Philadelphia In an effort to swlnir them to Cox. ' The renrose leaders concede twenty-four of the city's forty-one representatives to the Vares, and the tlovernor's and the Mayor's entry Into the fight is expected to swing; at least six more Into line against Penrose. The Mayor as yet has not publicly In dicated what his attitude will be. but mem bers of his administration and some of the antl.renrose leaders in the city are point ing to the fact that the Mayor took part In the conference In the executive mansion last week, nt which It was decided definitely to fight the candidacy of ntchard J. Bald win, of Delaware County, the Penrose Clmmly candidate for Speaker, as showing what his attitude will be. They expect him to make a stateraent within a very few days outlining his position and calling upon both factions to unite behind Cox. Tho Baldwin headquarters have an nounced that three rural legislators. Henry T. Atbee, Totter County; John A. Fltxglb. bon. MnKean County, and iC. Jay tlood nough, Cameron County, have pledged their support of the Penrose candidate. I The Democrats have Injected themselves Into the preliminary maneuvers over the speakership, by making the definite an nouncement that they will place their oyn candidate In the field. The announcement came from A, Mitchell Palmer and puts an end to talk of either faction's bringing about n bipartisan deal on the speakership. There nro thirty-nine Democratic members of the House, and their votes probably could win for cither faction. In the meantime, the Democratic probe of election frauds In tho Vuro ddwntown wards will be brought up again today. Tha Democratic City Committee meets this afternoon to act on tho recommendation made two weeks ngo that a congressional Investigation bo asked. Ecclesiastical Department Chalices Clborla Ostensoria i Pyxes Oil Stocks Rosaries Scapular Medals CaffltO0icm request. Z.J.Pequignot Jewels 1331 Walnut Street UNAMJOVAAVANZATA DELLE FORZE ITALIANS Violent! Duelli dl ArtigHerla Sono itt Corso dnlln Vnllo delPAdigc al Mnro GOMINCIA L'OFFENSIVA? Lo Forio Teutbnlcho nclla Rumania Sono Attnccato Dappcrtutto dallo Truppo tlollo Czar , nOMA, Dlcembre. ' tie notlxte che st hanno dalla fronts Itnlo-austrlaca fanna prevedere che II gene rale Cadorna sxil jifinto dl Intilare una nuova vigorosa offenslva contro Is llneo nus trtache del Carso, offenslva che sarebbe In stretta relatione con re operation! degll nl leatl per Venire In soccorso delta Ilumanla. VI e pero Chi dlco che si possa anche trat tare dl una offenslva da parte delle fonte austrlache, ma qursta Inotesl e' scartata Keneralmentf, glacche' non si crede che lo Stato Magglore nustrlaco voglla o possa Impegnarsl In due offensive hel tempo me deslmd, quando ha anche da parare I'of fenslva del russl sulta parte merldlonale del Carphill. II fatto e' che vlolentl duelli dl nrtlgllerla sono In corso quasi dappertutto sulln fronte dal Trenttno nl Carso o che le batterte lta llnne hanno ostacotnto movlmentl dl truppo sulle retrovle nemlche. Intnnto II generate Cadorna ha attnccato le llnee nemlche mil Carso. an dl un breve tratlo delta fronte, allp scopo dl raddrlxxare la sua fronte dl battseiia, e vl e' rlusctte-. Eceo If testrfl del rapporto det comandant supremo lta llano, pubbllcato lerl Sera dal Mlnlatero della Ouerra: Sulla fronts del Trentlno st sono aviitl vlolefttl duelli dl a ftTllgtlerla partlcolarments nello valll dell'Adlge, deU'Astlco e del Brenta. Bulla pendlct settentrtonall dl Vat d'Aasa e del Monte Reluggto st sono avutt ptccoll scontrl dl fanterla. Sulla fronts delle Alpt Oullle Vartt glierla nemlea e stala partlcotarmente attlva nello. tons dl Plava e nella reglone da un punto ad est dl Oorltla fino al mare. I nostro batterle rl sitosero efTlcacemente at fuoco neinlro ed ostacolarono movlmentl dl truppe suits retrorln austrlache. Sull'nllopliulo del Carso le nostra truptie, attaccando to llneo nemlche, raddrlxxarono le nostra llnea nvan sando per circa 400 metrl su dl una fronte dl n chltometro. I nostrl aeroplant hanno bombards to t postl nemtel a Dornberg ed a Ta bor, nella vallo del Frlgldo (Vlppacco). Tutte le nostro macchlna tecero rltorno alls loro basl sanxa dannl. Vn telegrnmma da Zurlgo dice' die It Mlnlstero della Ouerra nustrlaco annuncla che una battaglla dl nrtlgllerla e con tlnuata glorno e notte sull'ala meridionals della fronto del Carso. Merttre' la battaglla per II possesso dl Bucarost contlnUa tuttora, la Itussla sta facendo sforxl poderoslsslml per dlvergere rnttenilona del comandnntl teutonic! 0 sal vare la capitate della Humanln. Ie fonts dello cxar non soltanto attacrano le forxo tcntonlcho sul Carpai'.t merldlonall. ma escerltano una forte presslono sullo truppe dl von Knlkenhayn nnche dalla Moldavia dove pare slano gtunto In buon numero. I russl hanno ?onqulstnto Klrltbaba o cer enno ill nJjnniaro verso lo retrovle nemlclio nella Trllvnnln. Altro truppe russe sono glunte nnche sulla fronto del Danublo ed hanno attnc cato le to M marwclatta van Wacken seri a surtNdl aucarrst It Mlnlstero della Ouerra resso annuncla gift' nuaiche sua cesso in questa attacc. Xt firs bulgaro tedesche ssrebbera Stat cacelals tin Tad raana a Qostlnart ed. avrtbbero iwntuto prlglonlerl a ventlsel eannonl. Jnoltro I russl attaccana anche nella no tints in, In questl clrcoll mlUtart 1 tltleno che, rnentre gll nttacchl del russl sono torse gluhtl troppo tardl per salvare Buearest. possono tnveca far canibiars flsonomta fcila campagna della Uumania anche perch' 6n e hnccra provalo che aicuna parta Impor-, tnte deU'eserclto rumeno sla accerchlata. Inlanto Berllno annuncla che le town dl von Falkenhayn hanno attraversatb tt flume Arges. awlclnshdosl nncora dl rl' alia capitals della Tiumanta, r 'ib'ni'i iWi jit 5 3. KAfXOyP PA)MtS , Jlewspa!tt' Mn,, Fottftsrly at YI41fel tMaf Dies ;itt Ne tot k Word Iwas received Trtrs, tdr ot M death ht J. Itaymentt larke, r fjtnipsr nhewpapr man ut Ibis city,- in- Iba tfteN of Dr. J. 1 Hunt, 144 West Bsvwty-iitit street, Kew Tork tlty. Mr. Tarka Waa hf editor f the Kfr fork rtvenlng Journal, and lived at SM nivetsiao tirlver. nefor, going ta New York ho was cohnected with several iwhi papers In Philadelphia, ana was well knawft 'here. Ha was thlrty-nln years bid mad; J survived by a widow, At ono tlms hs wa city editor of. the "Item." Dinner Services with ...'? Enci'usted Gold Borders An Unequalled Selection 16 Exclusive Patterns on the'Bst English and Frcncli China All Open Stock '.' Wrigflit, Tyndale & van Roden, Inc. 1212 Chestnut Street v ?i Ju .t.Au ..-..t. A- Extja Tomatoa, loUnsj, Jsrs. 18c S2.10 CAliarnlii, Annnvmtsi -4- JPlps. lallean, " Bliatl lshrluju, " in. 10c 10c Campbell's' riiui'.' YM" vartatr, en , . , siira vaiuornla. f'eelM .CUH, tl nelltlaas IWnele.a 23 to- llacon, lir the atrio,. IU llanlrH fr4 hbI 1 ' .r" "?" f. BDHIIUn. II, Snd tar Ceir.ylila Xlt Qi Bpwiat JMcee, 20c sties llanscom's Home JTade m at gc loaf VlMt SpaaUa non. laraa HaUla Piea. Cnaa ,.,,7, ,,,,.4,,,, J Bella. sea ,, Mad ... ...... Lcsua JatuiiU4, fk eld"tftOT," " Iiouiul Cauda BpcetaU paqnd CaEdjf Bread 23c 31c lie 10c 10c 13c 14c STc 18c Hanseom'a Dainty Choeolatea and Mstures, at 28c and 38c per lb. e gmt Value. Rmtmhtr Ar ? plate ert for you at ail the The Important Thing in Buying Diamonds 't.'hVf, z is to have absolute confi dence, in the merchant who sells them, We are direct importers our gems are of uniformly fine quality we make our own mountings and invite a comparison of styles and prices. Our new catalogue sur passes all previous issues, and contains thousands of photographic illustra tions of - Jewels, Gold ware and Silverware. May we send you a copy? S. Kind & Softs, 1110 Chestnut St DUMOKD MEnCirANTSJKWELERS SILVEISMITH3 Closing hour Six o'clock until Christmas. Ik j ouse Sarmentat , for Men Sinolcing and Lounging Goats, House Robes . and Gpwas arc here in splendid variety the largest assortment of really desirable styles in-. Philadelphia, House Coats at $5 fe? $7,50 Exceptional values at these popular prices hand-tailored garments, made of attractive and beautiful cloths a variety and quality unequaled elsewhere. Finer and finest grades of Cloth, Silk and Velveteen House Coats, $10 to $30. House Gowns in plain colors and fancy plaids. Quilted SUteraovwn3: Velvet with ilk lining priced from I1Q to $ 52.50. Blanket Robej, $5 to 130, Beth Robes, $3,50 to $1?, 1 J ACOB -REED'S JSONS . 1424-142.6 CHESTNUT ST. ifyf-f4 ' IMPORTANT Ths prcient prices of tho Encrclopttdla Drltannlca bold cood only on orders sent to us at once. We sre sorrrto state that on , . . sceounioitno sinner cost or su materials ior mo rnauma or book! , the rtlbllsbers are oblleed to Increaso tho prlea to ui, and wo to tho ffenerat pabllc. The present low prices will, therefore, be advanced by from one to three, monthly payments (from $3.00 to to.00), sccontlnir to tho blndlnc, on or before December 0th. How tons tt will bo poaalbta la maintain theaa Daw Drlcaa without ansthar tnersaaa la un. cartain.. In any caaa, 11 you wlah ta purchase the Encyclopaedia Drltannlca at tho present low prices, act al once. SEARS, ROEMJCK AND CO. A SPOTEIpHf ON THE RO;:l amd All Its Wonders " YOU can be a globe trotter "without stiiying from your easy chair. You can have the marvels and mysteries of the world unfolded before your eyes at your command. The great men and women of all time will tell their tale in life at your pleasure. The Encyclopaedia Britannica will give you this entertain ment and education. From it you can get intimate and , reliable information on'every conceivable subject The Britan nica is an inexhaustible book of facts-r-the greatest question answerer on earth and as readable as a novel. And it is Superb for Christmas Giving Ambitious men and women and learning children need this wonderful home library scores of times a day. For 150 years the Britannica has been known as the most authentic source of knowledge in the world. Yet you can have this work for ' Only JO cents a day for first payment and $3 monthly foir a limited period (for the cheapest binding) Only a few thousand sets are left which are printed on the famous India paper. This thin but tough paper reduces the thickness of volumes from over 2 inches to 1 inch, less than half the thickness of regu lar book paper. This makes the Britannica in its present form much moro convenient, therefore much more valuable. The war has stopped the import of flax from which India paper i3 made. When the remaining sets are sold, as they will be soon, the Britannica cannot be had except on heavypaper. 145,500 of the 150,000 buyers havo chosen the Britannica on India paper, proving its value. The Miracle Paper Do You Prefer This or This ! WHERE? WOEW? WHO? WHAT? WHY? "MO ono can Imow everythlne. no esnanTonallvo on bis own ex perienco alonef To buy tho new En cyclopaedia Britannic u equivalent to buying Insurance asriinst Igno rance. No other book, trlrea author itative Information by authorities In all fields. Nothintrii alien to It, froia the most profound speculations or philosophy to tha commonest object) of oreryday lite. FOR INSTANCE II you nro Doing abroad or to California, AUslcs, tho Grand Canyon or tho Panama Canat, tho Encyclopaedia llrltinntca will cIyo Ioujust Misinformation you would llcoiohava to make your trio in tercsungi It your child la 111, and no physician la within call, tha Britannica wiUhelpyoutodlacnosa tho symptoms and to apply themost helpful remedies that can bo effect ively used for tho tlmo beinjr. ISyonivlsh to Itnowtliclaw of contracts, divorce, landlord and tenant; bankruptcy, in this and Tarlouiothercountrles.tbs Drltan nlca will bo found of unfalllncr tu sUlanco and suzjestlon to you.' Xlyoatvlsli tolcnove-fcow, let us say. Ink Is made, or pins, or Tatcncs,orsuK or carpets, orniass. look it up In tho Britannica. Tha work abounds In. articles dealing WlthaUindustrlealnapractlcalway. U yon wish to know wbere, let us say, Puntirenas.orBoulen llsals. or any. other atranso plat, or the exact location ot a certain, town, rirer or mountain, tho Url tannics, will not tall you. It you wish to Imowiv&ea. let us tar, umbrellas wero flrat vied, or when, tho Chlneso Exclu sion law was enacted, or when m : or tne united state -- This It t volame of tho Britannica (Handy Volume issue), printed on India paper. Welcbt !1 ox., 1 lncb thick. The 3 volumes con. tain 41 million words or as much as Mo volumes of ordinary books. Consider tne convenience. This Is a volume of tha "3 tit occupying over S feet of shelf apace as against only p Inehea when printed on India .paper. B7j of purchas ers causa jiiuii paper, If you act at once, you can secure the Britannica on India paper, too, Tha remaining seta are selling rapidly. j.-a.-01tc 3ir pr3if CCSlt SctVin Tne Ilandy Volume Issue of tho Britannica Is Identical with the Cambridge Issue - except in size, type and price not a word or picture or map is omitted, The size is GYt by yt inches against 0 by 12, a more convenient size, and yet the price Is DO ft less, with the most accommodating terms of payment. The Britannica Includes 29 volumes, containing 3(000 pages, 44,000,000 words, 660 maps (many Jn color) 15,000 illustrations and an Index (volume 29) arranged for Instant reference. There are 1500 contributors. 150,000 owners, 70,000 of which bougbtwitWn6months,Boyoucanreadtlyappreclatehowquickly , , ,,, the remaining sets will go and how necessary it is for you to AL,I NUW Don't delay, Send now for interesting literature, including "Tha Book of a Hundred Wonders,"a valuable book in itself, giving speci men pages and reproductions from the Britannica ana containing information on a hundred unusual subjects. In Philadelphia see and buy at first tarlM act -was passed, tha Drltannlca trill t 70U insuntiy. , ltyoifwlah f otaiow who, let US say, discovered ether, the circulation Of tho blood, or the Ha waiian will find, it In Kyoaaure building B&oajei and want to check up tho recom mendations ot your builder about the distribution ot llsbt In room. I ho construction of the chimney flue, etc, IhcUritassiuadvUeayos, It your newspaper pel era to recent tariff leitUUtlon, tho opr nllon of tho interstate commerce laws, or the trrowtb. of the woman tutlraire agitation, the Britannica wlU Illuminate, the subject f or yoo. II to an atrtrument you ihould say .that ,th north American Indian la dybor cut, or that a, man is aafer under tt re dutin; atbunderatorm than mtba open, there la no better weans of verllyljuf youj assertions than the Britannica. II yoa rsre pparfcis o BpceeSs orwrliineanairUcle.andneedfactaj to enforce your points, or need ac curnte data In any f Hid, you cm efortothaBrUanntccjaQuniaU. artsowce. ' t wllreSaJgBS&'Tif ''ml I GIMBELB SEARS, ROEBUCX AND CO, CUc, nt (JtnUerjiea : PIeas tend me, free. Tit Jkwif rf 00 Wtt4erMfl,strated, giving intergtUne Wir matloa on a hundred Bubjects and full taferwaitoi aboiit the tcyctppaedia Sritaimlcju Aba iWwt what I will iiava to pay for ona of ih rja.!ji ; sits of the "Handy VoIluft,, Iuttf tb SkttJMik printed ton genuine Indi pfWR " . :- t $- a jafets a : . ...... k " SMftn'nm 3am - mrj vsm r . m . .-.. nwv.nnr. vr-ir- rm . :-- : . - jsnaa.. bbbbbki sasr - - sbbk -u m a at m m 1 9f J slj ,t 'rai st B i s bk r. - -vssnae saK & m - 1Z-AS WJJ,lipi.U Ot, ;.' Mf . , ' JSMtiT . " t ; mQSMmfmittS t fti iiiiiiiiiyiiiijiijiiiwiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiii)!iiiiiiiiii I' ' I 'f ""''"-" I ':' 1 Vl' Vrkft St. & iksiicJiw W? t . - - r.Trw1 ..-r.rirnTTT.r-rr11j -nrju j 'jgfcjjjg 4 i'ilS ' a ?J.-"'.:-$