1 M JUV-toiNJLNG Lii)JJUiiSK-lHiLAlH3,LPHlk, MONDAY, JDUOKMBEK 4, lOiO ld tr PHILADELPHIA MARKETS GIUIN AND FLOUR eAT- nr!rl. M 83 bush .. Prlc d- -JK.I la eariy In tl; ir. ru t in mw; He, aim 11HKI ousn iremana win Yn market declined Se . Ihtotatlnn, K? fcti for l-l lrd. '? ,ocl3 "! iL. It Utl IS. now western, root and Sff. ti'WwV.M. n.w .outnern. cool and olV-Wfilo". .2 lh Th !"""! . IIAlo .".", 'I...- ..n.Lr t tfhl demand . i.j ..a w nn i ,.,.-, ,. "-:! -;-- . ----.- ....... im Mil Uttntall' Quotation. No t .mi. XoWrJihc. thdrd whit. Mill?'. l,J,18"ihii. ivt nc. No. 4 white. AT!! ?. . itit.iii enr ?. p"l"u "YR.rrv WKrlT wr..r. ?.i hhis n,i nw.aii lbs llM III I' - inei wi llt'l trading ml iur jn c .,..1, mm n uuoiauoni. wtito. ii ' 1 "ZJSi Vrilaw untr. r4r. iu.iii i WXKXI,. f."4 ia in rf hlnt tl tn light It MtS pTUMP COt Vii Kin... frVotto!. .,, IT.tll. rto ?.!?.i. Miinii cl,. UMlSitOi do. .patent. kv-t ii.TAS. tti in fliitU.V jBflnit. nrv fi"r. S n'JKPM."? Mlftil fSOlW. do. fmorll. m'iB,i'?vDnt .". r.. . nt r cT1,.'. . JS- Mlti. ruUr ursil Wlntsr. lWno Til ' rltr mills, regular rutin 'lntr. IT M.lU. do. Zi.'.r. IT3.1C7 n,.no, traigm. "w.fawYi. -i"."."1 ' ,r,.,.ru'!,:' ".-,& ti,st 9(1 uoU .VVUUu ." " "" '" ' ' PROVISIONS nt market ruled firm with fair lobblng demand. Quotation, t'ltr bff. In iet. tmokrd qimanii. y. I 4J wlln tir. In Nt. SKfcfl! ! cIlV Vef, knucklti nd ttnlr, ""Cli --. lf Hrlfl. ham amAltttl. wiiRtfrn nlrttl. ,!?j5r?.r,d-o,Mi 'tollH. bonilfti. 3lci rlenle houldr. I P.- ' f. ' Vi'.ii. , .nf.i1(n to aver.!-, loolr, tmci tirkfiit hucon. to brum! and ver 11? city curtd, 22ci lirt.kdktl bron, wntrrn JSt. 3! iJril! witn, rHn.d. tfi. iHHc. do. So 3i. iub, liHci lard. rur- city, k.ttlo run. ?rXln ', l9Ue- lord. pur. elw. kttllt nodirtd. In tub, isWe. IlEFINED SUGAHS L DMHY rnonucTS ntiTTKn Th market rut-d. ltdy,.wlth QuotHtlonn: Wtntrrn, rnort kCllva uvinHiiu w- trh. ifllld-pacKej crvBrntri, inw . !". Mf 1 ICrlilVH mutation ,"r..'!'-.ln "Poll R'?Jfr. 3 rrd.Pot II II 1.74, Nil. 2 Is liJrTred II . VE"nr Vco Seed. K"M, S7lf "ml tndr, .mokfcl. 30ci b'oJ hm IsaOtOi pork furnllr. I.10.M83II ln. . V :2!S ofie. KHflTsOcido. knn,). loour n.ic nrmriii iti MitsoWn. lo. do. tmnkro. sinmi-ic- omr tU'Vt itr. 4ti41c, "lira nmt. J":. nri. Ji? iUond SXc r-novl-.l ntr 84e: do. Sr.tY "Set do. ercnd. S.o. Idl-Prkd. SI Hc'S'-sUnc.tock. JfltfDIc. n-arBrPrlnt- ,jrin K ' .tcTiWon'o, 'jTrtc'.irul fVncy-lr.nd. of rrtni" joui'in . th-.-i.. KOO.h. tfaAlnf wrn rnor-A llhrrnl nnd crlrrs dllnM niw f" " or i0 l"r 'l0?f" "n,'rr ft lilht dmnd. Quotatlonn ro follow" Nr tr fjtrai i 45c rrr dot , nonrby nrata. IIS HI) per raMi nt-arbr current rfcolpt". ip.iW) Pr wtitrrn cttraa, 4so per uoi. . uo, rim iir.m, 111 tf Pr cnp do. flrala, IIS HO pr cae. rc frirTTttor r atornne and Inauranej paid to January I. "Ira. Ill) flu r-r do. rirala. IIO.W pir c-, do, atconda. JO. 90 per cn. fancy Mlected randlcif frrah ciia wrrre Joliblnk t (inpnnv per doi. CIIEBSK orfarlnira wera moderati- and the market ruled ateady. hut trade v:aa uulet. Quota tlSn.t New Vork. full cratn. fancy, I5U ( i SJrtr: apeclala hlsher. do. '. fair to ioou. l' St7tC,UU, 'R(b aii,i,in, wu,v CURB NOT AFFECTED BY MONEY TENSION i-'Mnny Issues Arc in Vigorous Demand Several New High Records Scored NKW YOIIIC. Doc. 4 The rirb moved !ong durln.fr tho ftrentcr part of tho clay rithout paying rnucii nttentlnn to tno tcn- -Ipn of money, nlthotiBh tlio ntlvnnce In tho monoy rates wns froely dlactmetl hy thoouts(Io brolierr. Thoro wiut a vlttoroua demand for ninny laauttH, with Ohio Copper new .otock attracting nttcntlon hy nti nil- vance of from " to 2 Mi In rcaponne to tho fuvoriililo decision .handed down at tho end of lant week Utah Petroleum moved up from Gl to 63 cents nnd Federal Oil advanced from Ci to 7U making n now high record. .Sinclair Oil waa also Btronp, with nalca from 62 H to 61H- Tlio reorganization issues were, active Kn, with Hock Island new stock Helling t 43 to 4B The "A" preferred sold at I1H and tho "n" profcrred at 7DH. Central FoundrlCH wiib tho Utronscst of tho Industrials, movlnr; up from 2114 to 21. Eteot Alloyii Hold nt 6 to 6U. also making new high record. JNDUSTniAI.M Aetna Kxploslve Jtmerlcan Ilrltlah M.-intirurlilrinsr r'araerlean Marrnnl AAmerlcsn Wrillnz Paper a&aqian car c oninany tnaalan Car antl Fntimlrv t,r,l . . .Charcoal Iron uievrolet 3Iotors Curtlaa Aeroplane -.meron i-nonosrapn lrno Kff.nufii. i.iplnv Kathodlon llromo pfd ..'.','.'.'. ','. wi nil ani una laiirn Munition ..; Isnhattan Trana ildvale Mfeel . OllB KUvalnp ' f write Motors Tool Enalne 8 8 Kreaa w I Standard .Motor .uDmarin TVttMvlA L-lln. United Allow 8'teei ynltS! Unite, lU All ,1 lr,,H Msi.in nlted Htatea Light and' ile'a't'com! Ati nrafarrafl World Film .'.'.'. '.'.'.'.'.'.'. ".".'.'.'. HAIU10AD3 Rock Island common 43Vi BTANDAItD Oil. HTOCKB Illinois ..225 . ..-173 ..332 . .3IIH . .llSi ..208 230 3KI) 331) :i;a HXH 213 urn rain rip tandard Oil of California.... tancjsrd Oil of New Jeraey... tsndsrd Oil of New York..... OTHER Oil. STOCKS Cesdn Oil uu VOI 'osden A Co I ntsr Tetrol (ouston Oil Aldwrmt ll.enln 23 8'. 10U 7 10 - 2W 43 SI III) 35 1?H Bt 7i Hd bipulp ltennlng- 11 M1M.N0 STOCKS Atlsnta U lot; 44 a v "Si! loo 2d iul "k ,ss ft 4H ss.1!: sr r Zinc -rro ds rusco. . . 'irsc national , .. 'lorenc Roldlteld i; IkIs. Mlnlnc low Bound vim, uutltr McKlnley Darrash r!f,;raCoPPer v...,,ComPnlr ' America w. joseW iw j ;:::: : .' ; : : : : : : : : : Hid. Aiked. ::d so" :: ? ??; . . 44 no . . bo HI . . 8 ll U ..nn ij , . 20 an i .. 10 11 ..21 2H :: 3$ "nu ;; 7i 7oj, .. 3 117 . . 21 23 .. 00 llll .. 12 13 . 7 t . . HI 40V .. 11 81i . . 34 , 33 HOS nm Sft 2-i 3 ft 1 111 W H UONDS ft rfTo 6j . fcudVi. 0;,;';:,.;:::::i';:: Bussran oHa ......'.... '21.. i? ! . B8U 123 UK 10O Dili uu R't'olleJ Klnadom 'OH' " year - -r Mi,., m DfiOP IN LOCAC DEPOSITS ILoana and Surplus Also Smaller for Week Th T)l.ll4.i.ii.in i 1. .... . .t.t- Ffji ' -; . ...tMcijiu uuuii ainieinoav una i PosiU of J,657.00O. This Is the, first de- J sinca tho week of October JO. At t .. ..m " hr was a 'faulllng- off of .4,000 In urplu, brlnglnr that Item OOWn to I1B.90B.OOA Thin l tti amnllejit urpius feported In several months. IjOanjI HerllnA.l T noo l,An ,kA Mt. .. ."" "V v...vv, no... . ...-. ,-,--.,, ,i, iweivo weeks. Dlf. prev. wk. Dec 4, 1010 u Ian IMti. ll., ...I54S.473.0O0 Snultilon . . . "jp .( bask feeU. i'SpTS"'14.--;; I- ' ism 0.081.000 nzvinvm. ijcemir a. ibib. 32.300.ixk); U'ni IIOll.O&O. beismbar S. 1 hnSls. )TOl,r 1'1, ,l,'5 I 1912, NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET NEW Yontr n 1 ,. ntv for offe future opened steady today. 1 to 4 k POlfitS hlffher Tmlnv nn lh. all waa fcf nly. moderately active, with sale amount- " w euv bags. Today's Openuuc Sat C Of urease 1722.000 ?ffl w.utru.Utfu -ji.vww 8T.17i.MU fl.8IK.04IO 78.07S.O W1.O09 laslj.nao 2.913.000 MS 18.UlW.000 q. iv wo 1 . . . .8 00 . ... .".r.'ii .."i::;,,ti8j) nut s SJti POULTIIY MVK There wai a ff Inquiry fer dealrtbl tock and tabic ruled etra.tr under moderate orrerlnat. Qiiolatln are aa follows: Fowle, as to quality, tseuei rooiteft. Ilt4r. eprln chlek en, acvnrdlna- to nuallty. ISVlTct White t horne, Brrordlnir to quality HfMsei dttcke, aa id aiae ami quality, 10BH?: turkeye, SOUWe rw. IftViKc; plceona old, per pir. SStKOei . lrtBKl,iV. market wan .lull and Mea el K."'! AS"P1 e Jatlon are aa foifowa nearby, 'ifltfJ.V. raaey weelern. .JtVite; fair to aoovi iiHtii- rornmon lJOr ftwle ii to im ...dry-fleke,!. fancy aelerted. Mr , do. "r,i.,, i-l "i ,i io, aniecc 2'c. do. i 1ft apeie. Jlc, dj, H,t lt. apiece, ivt. do. .1 Ihe anfer. ler ftVivrla In Khla Iaa.,W&J e.v dry picked, welthlnr 44 ih. and over apiece, ?SfJ,t,If,".,i!Jc ' lb P'ec. 31c. arraller ahe. IneTUe. Old rooetera. dry picket, tte. rear:in( ehlcken. weatern. dry-pleke!, In bote-, welth lnr 8 lb, and over, per naj- .'Sc. roaillnc chick eja, weatern. In rnea. welahln. T the per pair c, roaattnr chlrkena. weatern. Ice packed. In bbla . welthlnir N Me and ovr. nrr pair, tile, reaallna i-hltkena, weatern. In barrel, wenh-Ini- 7 lb, per pair, 33e: brnlllnc chirk en. weatern. In bote. welahlnc W4 Lh. p Pair. aattlTe: chicken welihlna 8S Ih. per pair, 2utf2tc. do. rolled alie iltf2?c. brollet. Jtrter. fancy, 30032c; broil. tr, othr neatby, welfhlnc 111 2 b. apiece. 2ISU: broiler, nearby. mllr elie. 2(192T. duck, neatby, prln, 5i:-. do. wtem, 2U )22c:teee weatern. lWlc. ao,ub ierdo. white, welthtna 11 tn 18 lb per do . $& !SM 6, whit, weljhlna tl to In lb ir dor, It.aJ Ua.M), white, welahlnt: N ba per doi . I494.31. do do. T Hit per do , fHJUIa TA do. do ll 4 lb per dot.. 12 T4T2.iig. dark. U Ju 2 UO. email an.l No. 2. "Oct? it 3S. FKESH FHUITS- lmind w fair and valuea ctnerally were well nuetalned en rbolfe atrvk. orferlnr of which wtrn only moderate, uuotaiinn. jmUt Br bW -Ji.naihan.M iOR.2A. Orlmc1 tlofden 0f3 2&. York Imperial. I3l. lien Uavla, ?).. jlal.ln. No. i l!TS4 2.. do. uD: ariiled. I2&0tf.1 30. tlreenlnr. So I. It Su do. unaradetl. I? iiS4 Ivlnea Vn 1 it n lincfaded. (.' 5(1(1,1 .;..-.- "i."" 1.9 51)85. J. uhnraded. (2 Kod.l.!in. Win?! No I, 1495, do, untraded 1J,0 Mi apple. .in, cinynian Per tim.. fair to Jtood. Il,8fly2 SO. do north weatern. per boi ll 6oi 4o. lx-mona. per t, J3fi,.lJrariiie Florida, per crale llrlaht. J2J.JW3. Iluaael. J-JoSVTS. .Urapefrult, riorlda. per crate. 1.2 AotTil It. Oranberrlea, t'ajie 1 rod. tierbbl. fancy late arlei.. I0 I); Carly lllack.illtf S .lb, Cranberrie. Oape Cod. per crate. 120)2 40. do. Jeraey. dark, per crate 1202.(0, do, do. lljht. per crate. II noli 2, I'ear New lork. tier buh -hamper Meckel, U.5062 I'car. Kelfer. per bbl UUVPO. Hheldon. I2fti. VEGETAULES Potato' werjj quiet nnd barely stead; Othr rt aulet nnd baral If t ally vcrctablea oC fine quality were rrianiea ol line nuaiuy were ai firm under moderate orferlnca and a fair demand Following are the quotatlona White potatnea per buah I'ennarlrania, choice. II (UWt.TO. New Vork. choice II ftlitf I no. hlie poutorn, Jeraey. pr basket. , ,M0 II. aneet potaloc. llustern Hhore per bbl. No 1. 12 TftCV No 2. II 30O2. ewert potatne Delaware and Mary land, per hamper II 2301 30. avrrei potator Jeraey. per baaket No. 1. 7.1000c No 5, 40O hoc. onlona per 10i).)h. baa No 1. 13 7364 No 2 I2O2 30. cabbage. tUnUh. per ton. inoOitt, do domestic, per ton, I.,0(r33. letttio Florida, per baaket. II..1O03 Ro, do Vlralnla basket. 13 SO WHEAT ENDS WEAKER AFTER IMPROVEMENT Longs Are Timid About Carry ing Supplies Overnight. Strength Short-Lived WRATItlttt CONDITIONS NKU' 0KK. Dec. 1 Adrlre receWed ntthr 1 rather llurenu till mornlnr Indi cated tho followlnf weatnrr conditions! Temperutures ..... In- I"""' fanmllan Northwr-t .. ..clear Sfl ta Northnrat clear 31) 30 Middle It est clear AH 30 rtnutiiwesi , .... clear no at tipper .Mils tslnn 'tiltrr. clear HI 31 Iirier Allsslsslppl Valley. clear 70 3H Ohio Valley ..clear 61 41 The fnllowlnx precipitation In Inches u rrrnrilrdi Sheridan anil Davenport, .Oil Toledo nnd Cletrlsnd. .02. CHirACO, Dec. 4. Notwithstanding 11 decrenso of 1,336.000 bushels In tho vlalbla supply In tho United Stntcs for the week to 62.027,000 bushols, tho wheat market fin ished weaker today under nctlvo selling. Tho setback followed strenRth nflcr heavi ness carly. Tho temporary Improvement wan duo to Rood buylni; broueht about by wet weather In Argentina, where harvest ing Is under way. nnd larRer clearances from Now York nnd Baltimore Popular sentlmont appeared to bo bearish, and It was plainly evident that lonRs were nt 111 timid about carrying -wheat overnight. Influential operators bought under cover; nt ono tlmo shorts purchased nnd cash house absorbed, and thoro was ovldenco ot further tukliiKH by the Greek Government. Tho market, however, could not bo sus tained. I'rlcrn at Uuenos Aires opened about tic lower nnd there wns a tendency to raise estimates on the crop In tho center mid south of that country Cables from Liverpool, whero tho nmrkct was steady, said that lack of tonnnRe was restricting buying In America. World's shipments for the week were 9,385,000 liush i'Ih, against 143.490,000 bushels last year. Tho high on December wns (1 67 and the low J1.C2-H. closing at el.r.2 Mi, aRalnst J1.6C at tho cud Saturday; May's top was l-7!3i and the low S1.71U. finishing nt $ 1.72 H I??. ngn-lnt 11.73 W. Saturdays last prtco; July's high was jl.ll and tho low $1.30. ending nt'tl.lHi, compared with tl.SlVi ut the close Saturday. A statement Issued by 1J. V. Snow had a bullish long rango aspect. He said that reports from mills, elevators and local grain men Indicate that the reserves of wheat on farms as of December 1 wero 30 per cent in Ncbrnska. 20 per cent In Kan sas and 8 per cent tn Oklahoma. I.eailliu futures ranted us follow: Haturd' wneni l.'pen. man iow, i;ioae cinan Decemtwr . . l.tlSU l.ilTH 1.02H l.rl24 1 K May 1.74 l.TSfc 1.71S -72S 1.7S'4 July 1.42 1.44 1.3Di 1.41$ 1.41'i torn (new delliery ., .... December MaV July Oats December May t.... July :.... Lard Detemtier January My 1Mb January .. May , Pork January .. NT r0T4 MH Jiay Hid. tAsksd LOCAL MINING STOCKS Jim Hutler 3ii .oNamara Midway , Mlspah Extension ... Montana North Star .......... Tonopah Ualmftnt .. Tonopah Hxtenalon .. Tonopah Mlnlna ..... 1UMU Kulala ...... W( uaa Atlanta ... Hue Dull lleoth . . . .... Ma I' O. P, I'omb rrac , Plamf U. B. liats; e.rnc ...........' Ooklll.ld CoowlMatwl Ooldnaki siereer . Jumbo HiUasloD Kswane Oro Hand Kn. Blly.r I'lek MISCKl,LANBOU3 Arliaoa "allsd Nevaii Hill ; Nyaa,fiwir Teuop WIbImi Elkton Marriage Licenses BLKTON. Md., Deo. . MarrUEt llceiuts were Iwued in Blkton this morning to Jeo J. Stenhanwn and KUna Qlcadow. Joseph Fa ran ban and Sadie Barnect, 'William J. Barln and Mary E. note. William Hchmldt and Ada Klefen, all of Philadelphia ; Wil liam K. Yerg.r. Iottstown, and Florence Bauer, I'blladelphla; Oeorge W. EstlUr, Phlladelohla. and Sara Campbell, Spring Lake, N J. ; Irvln S. llernett. Philadelphia, and Thereaa ij. viei. t"ar iuu, . 1 , naonre. Norwich. Conn., and Bdna p. ron oxford. Md. : Jllchanl U Weyrnan and A1U A. Sakera, Marcua Hook. Pa. ; Marlon H and Margarei ucruNnou, aiuiuru, ni . Harry 1 Jt. lwttown. Pa, and ILbaoca K- Tenne. Eddyatone, Paul A. Htoaal and MUdred V- Kolar. New York; nerbasket. apcoii.2.1. do. .North Carolina. rr bjtakot, lOcBll. bean. Florida, per basket. 11 &0U.1. ejinnt, Florida, per 0Y 12 2311.1 pepper. Florida, per boi I2.&0U4. a.iuash Florida, rer iax. ll.TSfr! L'3, tna Plnti.iH ,.. .Jo. ' "" ss nil BTa -sn4 IH MS (10 tun l'.i sals uo'. 89H ms 112 SIV. nts M s.iu mi's r,r, uK r,.i, 521s M S2U 329 33 .1H.S7 lfl.73 lOrt. 111,72 tt 70 .111.0 1H.22 tn 07 1H.10 i 11.12 .1B.73 1S.U& 13.70 113.83 US..67 .13.07 14.03 '13.0.1 13.07 t4.P3 ,14.20 14.30 14.22 14.27 tH.27 2n 72 2n so 20 on yn.m ao,in 211.1)0 26.30 23 1)0 126.00 2(1 IT lid Asked. .08 1.00 .......... .07 ,0 20 .22 17 .10 . . . , .3 ..'' r 7u .7j $ .01 3 .02 S ,10 5 . ., j 81 '?i ? :::;:::;:::::'.6o. .on s . ,UC3 .113 , .01 ,03 s . .31 .33 J GUAItDSMEN'a FIRST DUTY TO It. S. GOVEUNMENT Wnr Dcpnrtmcnt Tells Conjrrcssmnn More RcqilesU for DisciinrRO Cannot Ho Ornntetl Rv 1 Slnjf t'orrrp"'leii WASHINGTON. Dec. I Personal and profeaalonnl litielnei tntereata do not war rant the dlwharre of members of the Nn tlnnal tlunrd from ieervle alonic the frontier, ru-eonllng In tetter rwrUeil by Itepreeeti tatUn J. Hampton Moore this morning from Ihe Arljitlnnt General "f tl"" War te parlmenl. !ng continuous nervlro on the fronller has ld many f the soldiers wh left their bir)!ne?fl ami professional In terests with the thought of performing inlrlnttr duty to complain of the Inaacs they are siiatnlnlrg nt home. The I'hllnilelphm caee taken up by llepre sentathe Mrmre with the War fiepartnient wai that n f a member of the l-'lra' I'nva'ry. Pennayhanla National Guard, which Is nw pnaed largely 04" htrsinesn men or those en caged In professional life 'The rnsei prrsenteil by you." the Ad jutant General wrote t Itepreeentallve Moore, "Is n nf largv number being continually received. In which the dlsvhargo la urged of member of thn N'attnnnl Guard on the ground that their buluea or pro. fcfilonal Interests demand their Immediate person.il nttentlnn The department I not unmindful of the urgent necessity that lirompts many of these nppllcnllnna for dis charge, and under ordinary conditions tlio reasons on which they ate based would readllv bo deemed nuuVlent to JuMIIfy fn oraliln action Hut. unfortunately, the ap plications are so numerous and nro In creasing so rapidly that favnrahlo consid eration of all of them would disrupt many mllltla units nnd greatly linpnlr the ef ficiency of the service No Just or equitable basis for discrimination has been found upon a careful consideration of the numer ous applications thus far received, and the Secretary of War his been constrained, In simple fairness to nil coiicer'ncd nnd In order to avoid tho discrimination that would be Inxolvcd In granting any Individual appli cation, to adopt a strict rule that all of the applicants must Im treated alike, and that no application of this Mature shall be favorably entertained " Police Court Chronicle A rather dark negrcss nf bulging form was pushing a basket along tho sidewalk Directly In her path was 11 youth of strlng-bcnn physique. He was encased In headlight spectacles of tho near tortoise variety, and also carried an lntrrn.it burden which seemed to cause him much Incon venience. Tho negress asked I1I111 tn move Ho yawned nt her and blew tho smoko of nn Imported clgarctto In her face. At the hospital the young man said ho wasn't quite sure whether It was a trolley or merely a motortruck which wnfted him Into the street. Hut as his face pained when ho talked, ho was not pressed for an explanation. In fact, none was necessary. A cop who witnessed the controversy between tlio negress nnd the youth tnnk thn woman ho fore Magistrate Imber. She explained very clearly why tho young mnn found it neces sary to visit thn hospital nnd said she wasn't tho least bit sorry. A few minutes Inter tho youth himself appeared. Then It dawned upon him that tho negrcSH wns re sponsible for his Injuries Hut whon the woman explained that the youth blow smoko In her face and refused to get out uf her path, tho Judge concludtd that she wns not altogether1 to blame. "You're discharged." he said, while tlio prisoner wan scowling nt the chap who appoarcd ngalnst her. . "Good," said the woman, who gavo her name as Nancy t.uken. "now nh'll go out to da Zoo nn' let ma" llttlu boy seo da' animals " "Did you ever see a glralTo?" asked tho cop, who brought Nancy beforo tho Judge. "No," replied Nancy, "f don" go out much." NEW YORK IIUTTEU AND EGOS NKW TOlll. Dec 4 HtlTTKIt Iterolnts. .171 u tubs. Top srs.lt ellln n Hill letter. Feelinir steady. Creamery. 31ic; olht-r grades unchanged EtKlH Itecelpt, 23!) cae (lenemlly lin nettled, with tendency forln? Ihe !uor ! tra. 4M.10e. estra firsts. Illl7r Arsis 43 4!Vc. white cscn A3tf",4o, refrigerator, special marked. 33 h 3c, refrigerator llrst. .12 W 33c. TODAY'S .MARRIAGE LICENSES Sahsto ftovlello. 311)0 Wharton at , and Anaellnn Palermo, lata H Warm-Id st. William It (llbson. 1014 Kernon at., ami ndllh Jones. Wlllnw drove. V William Itcrtech. Jr 31(12 N 2.1lh at . nnd Klorenre Kink 8M7 N Marshall at Kdmund W. Itynn. New York city, and .Minnie A. White. Htrown Ind Oarrett V ljunler. 1113 N lr.th at., and llertha A (lerwens. Hummerdnle. N. J Jtio Temln. 3400 Warder t., and Hebecca Can tor. 2341 N Nana l Hermnn Puke, lUinadeavllle. Md . and Clnr,i K Itoiiinon, Concordvllle. Pa David Klelnman. 820 N' Marshall st , and la Kttlnxnr, 3130 Hlrnmnnft si lleorffe A Hush. Nfvr York rlty. and I'ffit I, llrooka 17110 llalnhrlilse at Joseph K Kulh. 21)17 Masiher si . and Cath arine M. Karrrll. 2740 Jasper st. Kl1lla J. l.uru. 1&1.1 N Hancock at . and Mie. dull-no A. Klumpcrs I'Sft K. Westi I'hlllp )I. Mteln. Jr.. 4f,(il Walnut at. A M,.j.imlilln. 41)14 illlie at. nsleno a. rviumpcr -n r.. i rniinoreianii ai ami jenni dam Inurom 1118 H loth si , und Marrarrt Walker. AI8 H. lOlh at Msrko Koamiisuk, 323 N American st., and Nascla Jakunlsioyo, 110 Il.1lnbrld1.-0 st. Domenlco dl Carlo. 141" H Mole at., and Con- retta dl Marzo, 14t4 H. Juniper at. Joseph II Clrandy, lAlg H darnel at , and Oalay II Martin. 3120 Croskey si tismuel llnrrman. 410 Heck st . and Jennlo Duboff. 341 Hnyder ave Jmes V. I'owers Jr. 420 N Wilton st , and Maruarrt B. Mcfllnley. 331 H 23th st. 1'anlUo I-eone lsos H Warnovk st . and I.I1I4 flusrliil. 1810 Wharton el Guy I. Malaby, 1231 K. Chelten uve , and Itosa d O'Neill. 4l N. 3Slh st. Paul Huhosky. 2120 I'.urfner st , and Catharine PoyTe 2232 Itulfner st. Rimer Holt. 3MI Orchard st . and Mariarei Mrdlnley 2232 Ituffner st. Prank Irolli 1K2U H Franklin el , nod Ancelln. Carbon. 2U.1) H th si -Ir- Waller William. 1820 Uunbard si . and Mara- rt M Ueort. 1011 iMimuarii at Harry Htaplnsky. 2fll B, nih t.. n, "V.nr,wiii "sou H iralrh t. ml Cell Urmlno J Mllano. 1331 Tasker at . and Frances rutnlo 1814 H 17th t Oeorte K. Dtson. Sl Commerce at , and For- -.;" l Mmlth. 's7 Meniohl at. Kd dwln D.' llaii. 20 N. Par son l . und Orpha M. Simmon. 20 N. Pron t naetano Ha'nnllpjo. (120 Klmliall st . and Marl. I'sppajardo. d.1.' teacu st. lllalr Wasner, Sit. Union. Pa . and Harsh J CUnasr. Ml. Union. Pa. lasiil Stans 303V N. Franklin st.. and Ituth A Illrd 2443 N. 3th st, Hslvalore Ionardl. Vedrlcktown. N J. and Oral llartwsallo. I'adrlcklpwn. N. J Jamea Klein. 3S' S. 14th st.. and OUdy n. bupple. Ardmore, Pa. fUVVWUVtltVMSWMUVl 4 s Only Oav remain in which to do your Christmas shop ping. Don't put it off until the last, minute. Begin today to fill out your Hste Early shop ping has two advan tages it relieves con gestion in the stores and gives you a wider range of selection. If you're puzzled what to buy, glance through the col umns of the Ledgers. Here you will find a list of practical gifts which rriake appreciable t0XP '''' i!d&&. ROSE TAl'LEY Who Is In rhllntlclphln this week to tell film audiences why certain motion pictures nro bettor tlinn others. She ia n Vitnrrrnph nclre8 nnil n firm believer that woman's plnce is in the movies as (specta tors, nt nil events. ETHEL HARUYMORE WILL QUIT THE STAGE Decides to Devote All Her Time to tho "Movies" as n LnrKcr Field for Ilcr Art Ni:w Y)IU t)ec 4 i:thel llarrymorc, tho ilrumatlc stnr, hns announced her In tention to abandon the speaking stage en tirely In fnor of tho motion plrtuies. The lensnti for her decision, according to her friends. Is that she bellnxes motion pictures offer a larger field for her art. Miss llarrymorc hns had tho nuhjrct under consideration for soma time and her announcement followed the completion of tho plctorlzatlon of Margaret Poland's novel "Tho Awakenlnk of Helena Itltchle." In which she appeared ns star. Miss llarrymorc was given a fren hand In this production to work nut Its nrtlstlc pos sibilities, and was m pleased with the result that she Is content, her friends say, to devote hex tlmo and art to the nuking of motion pictures. SARAH BERNHARDT BETTER Unable, However, to Appear at Benefit for French Wounded Ni:V YORK. Ilec I - "How Is tho wnr going?" "Am tho Humanlnns still hold ing their own?" "IJuchnrest hasn't fallen yet. has It?" These wero n few of tho ques tions hurled nt newspaper men gathered to welcome Madame .Sarah llcrnhnrdt last night hy tho great French actress. "My heart aches for tho poor KumnnlniiH ns If they wero my own people. They have been so strong, so brave, that 1 hope they will be able to withstand tho furious German attacks Do you think Iluchnrest will ho another Verdun? I have beon totd so. and I pray and hnpo that It may be." Mmo. Hernhnrdt was suffering from a severe nttnek of laryngitis, accompanied by a high fever, contracted at Wilmington, lie! Aoconipnnlt-il by her manager, William V. Connor, Mmo. llcrnhnrdt motored to New York, hoping that she would bo bene tltvd by tho open air. SHORTAGE IN GRAND JURORS Only Ten Obtained and Special Veniro Must Products Four Not enough members for the lecemlier grand Jury could he obtained when they wero drawn today to form a nuoruin, and It whm necessary, for tho llrst tlmo In tlio history of the Jury, tn .draw a special venire. Some of tho Jurora selected wero found to have moved from tho addresses given on tho nssessorn' list, others wero sick, ono was deaf, anil ruveral gao nutll clent business excuses. Blghteen prospective members nppnared beforo Judgo Ilnrrutt In Quarter Sessions Court, while twenty-four, tho legal number, had been drawn from tho wheel. Fourteen members constltuto a legal grand Jury, and twelve a nuoruin. After tho choosing, tho tpn who remained were discharged until tomorrow morning, when tho special onlre wilt bo summoned. School Janitors Ask More Pay Janitors In tho public schools sent n peti tion to the Hoard of IMucatinn today, ask. Ing for an Increase In salaries. Higher cost of brooms, dusters and other denning Implements, together with Increased wages of their assistants, wero given as thn ciiumi. Imirnaoi asked for rangu from two to twonty per cunt. EVENING WF.F.K OF DEC. TO HKf. 0 MONDAY AIiHAMUKiY William H Hart. In The Devil's Dotililo APOLLO Viola Dana. Tb (Jstea of AUCADIA INrlwrt Ituwllnson. In Tho Bugle'a Wings HKh?I0NT Mary Mile MlnUr. In A Dream or Two Ago ItlJIF.IUU!) I Lenor Ulrlih. 'Ilia Intrigue CEDAIt Margaret Nichol Ths I'owr of EUUKKA Clara Kimball Without 4 FAIU3I0UNT Tha Madne of llsbm Tha Hhl.lains- HluJow 50TII ST. Ann t'snnlngion. In Tlw Italnlow 1'rliuwa FIIANKFOKU Msurle Walton. In Tlui Quest ot Life IMl'ERIAL Viola Dana. In The Cusaatk Whip JBFFKIISON Lillian Walker, Tb Dollar and tha Li:.i)i:u LIBBUTY . Mary Plukford. In !,a Than lb Dust Tlve Dollar and Fearl of the LOCUST ""WSiv MARKET STREET CUr Kimball "Young, la Without Houl OLYMPIA No Ferfonnanca Today WlUtara Duncan. In Tn Last Man OVERHR00K I'ALACE K II. Hot ham, An liosruy tu tb PARK Marl Doro, in TtM Lath PRINCESS llorolhy Davnport. -jimt ur Jevll'a Ikiudwoman REGENT Clara Klmba.ll Yeusg. In Tb Ills el Susan RIAuTO Saaau Hayakawa. In Tb HoBorabU FrVd Oladv llruckwell. In Tb alnj v( lbs Fannta RIDGE AVE. RUliY Pgy Hyland. lo Hum ol tb Svutb 8AV0Y Oill Kan, la Tim Mm DMMarrlad STANLEY A Cm? fiuod ROSE TAPLEY TALKS AT LOCAL THEATRES Vitngrnph Plnyer Comes Here to Address "Audiences" on the Film Art Hy the Photoplay Editor H la rather late In tho day to pull that rt! pun nNfut real and reel, but some thing of the sort suggests. Itself In connec Hon with Nose Tapley, of the Vllngrtph f'ompany, ami her appearance) In this city this week Mis) Tapley, who may be called one of ihe Vitngrnph veterans without hurt ing her reelings (slneo she li old only In point of service), mine over to l'hlladelphla today to speak nt the Victoria and Huby tc night, and 11 1 other local plnj houses through out the week. In her little talks the actress stresses tho Importance of women In the 111 lit profession. "With them resta the future nf Ihe motion picture." she declares. "So that Is why I am Mealing time from my studio work to tell tho women what t know nhout motion Pictures ard what they should know about them. A woman will not buy an article nt the department More sight unseen, unless It hears it trademark tint she knows well. There Isn't any more reason why she should buy her motion-picture pleasure sight tin fecn. "Tho good ones, like Ihe department stoie- articles, nie trademark"!. All she has to do Is to demand trndetnarked pic tures from the Qxhlliitnr. 1 want to aid lit educating tier to know these trade marked pictures ; to know all about them ; to demand llieui becnusc they represent tho highest standard both morally nnd artistically. "I want In show these women how good pictures nro nude: what good pictures aro like 1 want to tako them on n little Jour ney through motlon-plcturo land n Jour ney that begins with the author nnd ends with thn finished production. And tills screen excursion must typify the best that thero Is In pictures U-ich step nf tho way t want to drive homo to my listeners why It Is a good picture nnd how easily it might havo been mndo n bad ono. ".My desire is to glvo them n start toward an Intimate study of the motlon-plcturo world. They know too little now of those they seo upon tlio screen, and far inoro too llttlo about thoso producing compa nies that nre striving ever for a higher standard In plays nnd players, artistry and cleaiillnesn nf motive and action. I want to make them begin to think nbout the motion picture; to renllzo thnt all they need to do to seo thn best produced is to demand It." Consequently Miss Tapley has been given a recess from production, and Is making a tour to deliver her inessngc. She Il lustrates her talk with a speclnlly prepared Vltagmph picture, "Krom Script to .Screen." It. Tims wrlten to this department that tho editor's advocacy of an "all-Keystone night" hns already been made 11 reality. He says: "For tho Inst three summers Mnn- nger O'Keefe, nf tho City Squnro Theatre. Atlantic t'liy, hns put on a Keystnno com edy night every Tuesday, nnd tlio police arc on hnml regularly to keep order In tho overflow." Keystono cops, maybe. Many nppllcatlonn nro being received dally from persons who wish to Join tho Stanley Inhibitors' Association, designed to establish butter business and social relations between thoso engaged In tho film Industry. Tho advantages accruing from ouch an as sociation aro obvious. Theatrical Baedeker I.ITTI.B TIIEATIIB "You Nerer fan Tell," with Charles I). Mllehell. Dnrclhy Hhelmer iltno. Mnrlo User nlnl hs IUn;u Hoclcty Flay ers Opening tnnliht. I.YI1IF "I'ltllliatlon." with Howard lllrkman and Knbt Mnrkey. Thnmaa II Ince'a mntlen plrlurd apsctacle portrHylna tho horror of war and the, escltementa of battln on land nnd aea anil In the "Ir. opmlng Innlsht. llttnAD "f.lltle Ijdr In llltie." with Franrea Htarr. Coatume rnmrdy about 1111 ndorabl Mule mlasy nnd somo plcluresriue persons Inverting Indorsed by lh Drama Iacue. OAliniCK "llll-the-Triill Holllday." with Fred Nlblo A romedy sbout modern evancellara nnd the small tnwn Amualnr and I'uhan .iiue Indnrsed by Drama league. FOItltUHT "t'hln-t'hln," with David Jlontgom- KEAL ESTATE FOK SALE I'LOItlDA FOR SALE AT COST FLORIDA CHICKEN FARM Modern, well equipped, well drained farm, n acre, stta-ked wlib bub a-rads rhlcken. srnw Inc orange grupsfruli ns. I.nnmns. shsd tree and ahrublsry Iniludlnz rublwr. hauilioo and iwtm t'liusually large, linn winter garden already plsnted om wooitland. Attractive iiioil-rn hnus. furnished, running water, bnth. Ireplna porch, modern toilet facilities Fly miles from Si ivi.rshura nvn mlnules' wnlk front statlun, Ailantlc Coast Line, reach of In terurb.in trolley, adjoining uutnmobli rosd. rural free delivery I'leaaant summer and win ter home, with assured. Inronie. Caah ale pre- forrsd. vvi 1 tonsuar proni-naring rrnnos sltlr M e:o, Ledaer (mice. LEDGER PHOTOPLAY CALENDAR KVKIIY MONDAY TUr-SOAY WEDNESDAY William R Hart. In Tho Devil Houhht Willi. m H Hart, tn The Devil's Double In Bden Valentine (Irant. tn Tha Daughter of Muttlregor A Corner In Colleen Hcsrl.t itunuar. 71b Bp. Herbert Itawllnaon. in Tho Kilgle'a Wing Herbert Itawllnaon. In Tha Basle's Wlnga Mary Mile Jllnter. In A Dream or Two Ago Mary Mile A Dream In Lionel llarrymnre. In Tb llrajid of L'ovrardlca In Marl Doro. In Th IJih Evil Young, tn Soul Hlr Uerbert Tre. In Tha Old Folks at Horn MaurlGa Walton, In Tb. gueat ot Lit House P.iers. In The fllrl From lb tloMn,Wt UsraMIn Farrar. Maria Itosa In Viola Dana. In Tha Cossack Whip In Iaw Ilolbrook Illlnn. In Tb lUddw ticar Mary l'kkford. In lss Than lha Dust th Law Army Dorothy dish. In Atta Day's Lt Itsco In 1,'mlly Btevsns. la 'fba Wager Mry flckford. in Hulda From Holland Tha Diamond rtunnar Tb Yellow Maoae Alia Drady, In llought a od Fa 14 For Ui King B. II. Botharn. In An Hnatny to lbs King Dorothy Olsh. In Atta 0f Laat lis In Tb OaU of Bdeq $cMt Ru(Mr. 8th Bo Clara. Kimball Young, la Th RU of tiuaan VW Dana, In tiOita of Bdin THa Ual) Kan, la Tho Scarlet Oath Nortaa. Tslroadg. In Plfty-Flfty WUllajn S, Hart. In Tb Dovll'g DsJUbtj K.awlolr. la Frtncaa A Coaay IjUod If lo err and Fred Bten. Ttftara rtnemnl of the rerutar mlel etiraBumnis ssllh the famous eemediana arresting In various Im personation Al)Rl.rltl "Rsnerlenre," with Krne.t Olen- dlnnlnit A ''modern rneralit; trseed ' Olrndli B PRICI T. riar. wun mere humaneness than srarecl 'fvrrrreman. anenes tn . large ra at rorv "The Mill There's a large cast. Olrndlnntng acts u rrDij at rorvt.AK miens WAIitT "The t.ltlle tllrl That fled rrt." verpif and Iter van Fp"n sa piatr about a little milliner srllh I'eeella Jcn.u l.!,v.l t. l,A.a Kflwaril R Itnse' In which virtue trlumr.li. STOCK KNICKRIUtOCKKn "Tess ef Ihe Storm Term Irr..' with John lsireni and Ann lieherty. fteek rreituMton nf the torr mad. famous In the movies by Mary ricklord. FKATVKK PI I.M.I KTVNt.KY "A rener Island I'rlnfess." Famous I'Isiers-raramotini, with Irene Kenwlek an.l Owen Mivnre, llrst half nf week. "The ftoarl to live," Mnrnsen-raramodnl. with Ignore t'lrleh, taller half of week Travel, eduea. tlonal and rnmtc pictures constitute th ur rmimtln; rrearam. AltOADtA "The Katie' Mint." ttlueblrd. with tlrre I'arble and Herbert nawllnson, nrst hslf ot week "A llamhler In Houls," Ksv-liee-Trlanxle. with tMrethr Ilsltnii and William liesmonit. tatter half of week. Ulh VHTom.V-'Tiirlt)." American-Mutual, with Audrey Munsoii all week' The urmraped drama In seven reel, with the well.knnrrn artist' model In the teadlna part Other. AI.ACK "An Knemr to the Klnr." tlrester Vltsarnph. nlth t: II Knlhern nnd Kitlth Htorev first half nf wek Mllss flenrKe Uashlntlnn " Kainoua Players Paramount. Prominent Photoplay Presentations yfaJU 'I'lli: follimln theatre obtain their Cempnnr wlileh Is n snarantee of All .pictures reviewed before exhibition. Visit the theatre. In your obtnlnlnc pictures throush the HTANLUY IIOOHINU CO.Ml'A.SY. Alt! AMDD A ISth.MorrtrssyunkAv ALuAIliDKAMat Dally Si Kl-e. OtiS-B I'arnmount t'lciura. r. .In Till Willi am o. riart dpa-hs uouni.K" ADnT I C i:" AND TIlOMPflON ArULLU matinsd daily VIOLA DANA in Tin: o.vtku of i:dcn" ARCADIA ciiKSTrftrr TIKLOW loTH Herbert Rawltnson & Grace Carlylc In "Tlin ttAfl 1.178 WINtl" BELMONT KD AND ,AnKET MARY MILES MINTER in A DItKAM OK TWO AdO" BLUEBIRD fU'SQUCIIANKA AVE. LENORE ULRICH in "T1U5 ISTItKlUE" rnTi A D 00T1I AND CKDAft AVn. UHJUK I'AKAilOVST TIIUATItE Margaret Nichol. ' K v0vn,. "Till: SIIIIll.llINO 8IIADOW" Chapter 4. FAIRMOUNT iOTII AND nillAUD AVENUE ETIini. CLAYTON A CAIH.YLl: 1ILACKWKLL In "TUB MADNKHS OF HKLEN" TUB HIIIELDINO HHADOW" ecTH GT THBATItK OO 1 Tl iJl. iWoiv Spruce. MAT. DAILY Big. T to 11. ANN PENNINGTON in TUB IIAINUOW I'lllNCBSS" FRANKFORD T" rnAN,:I?SJ?un Maurice and Florence Walton in Till'. Ql'BBT OF L1FI7' UNIDE"!?! AT ""Til WALNl'T 8TS. llVllTCjAlM-i TIIRKK SHOWS DAILY VIOLA DANA in "TUB COS3ACK Willi"' JEFFERSON S0TU ffy:CTnsAU,,u,N LILLIAN WALKER in "TlIB DOI.LAH AND TUB LAW" IITAntTO FOUTY-FinST AND L1AUEjI LANCASTKIt AVENUB MARY PICKFORD in "LESH THAN Till: DUBT" WI-HT rlllLADF.LrillA FUREKA t0Tlt i,A,,KDX 8TS CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG in , "Without a Soul" MOUTH rlllLAlFCLi'llIA O L Y M P I A llAINIinlDOB -. NO FBltFOHMANCB TODAY TIIP;nAY HKl.ta HOLMBB In 1,J,-'X"" "TUB DIAMON'll nlTNNEIl" AL.SO "TUB YBJ.I.OW MUNACI7 SUBJECT TO CHANOK THURSDAY Dougla Fairbanks. In American Aristocracy Dorothy ClUh. In Atta Hoy's Last Ilaca William Deamond. In A (Iambi In Rout MlnUr. In ur Two Ago llofcwrt Warwick. All 311! Osll Kane, In Mary Plckford, In Th Men ah Married Is Than tha Dust Dorothy Dallon. In Lionel llarrymar. In Tho Jungla Child Tho Ilrand of Cowardlca Lillian Walker. In Allca llrady. tn Th lllu Envelop Mystery Bought and 1'ald For Klla Hall. In June Caprlr. In Th Hugler ot Algler Th Mischief Makr CharlU Chaplin. In Franrla X. llushman. In Tllll' 1'unctured Humane A Million a Mlnut .Mm. Palrova. In Lillian Walker. In Bilravagane Th lllus Knvlopo Myetery Viola Dana. In Mary. Plckford. In Ths Cossack Whip Lea Than lh Dust Viola Dana, In ' Orrtn Johnson, to Tha Oata of Bden Th Light at Dusk Mary Plckford, in Peggy Hyland, In Ls Than lha Dust Huso ot th Bouth Juno Caprlro. In llusln Harrises!. In Th lUaged Frlnress A Ci'rnsr In Colltsns Oall Kan. In OaU Kan. In . Th Msn fibs Married Tha Men Mho Married Tbo Wall Iletween Uunsrt Julian. In Liberty Tha Ilugler uf Algler House Peter. In Th Shielding Shadow Tba Veltet Paw Uurprlaa Fatur Marl Doro. In Th Measure ot a Man Th IjIi Th Floorwalker B II BotUrn. In Margurlt CUrk. in An Enemy to tlw King Miss Oeorgo Whlngtoq Itabaxt Warwkk. In ItwU IlarrUoal. In TIM Heart of a llsru A Cortur In Cullten Antonio Moreno, tn Uobsrt Warwick, in Th Ituse ot lha Bouth Th lltart ot a Hero Clara Kimball Young, la Bdlth Tallferro. In Th II U of Susan 1J1IU Buabam Wallacw nld. In Nell Bhlpman. in Too owa Chant) Through tb Wall Qtratdln O'Urlan. la Uobsrt Edon. la A Woman' Fight Tn Light That Failed Jack Plckford. la sua Hayakawa,. la PYntoa Th Bout at Kura Baa Aantt Ksllsrmsnn. la Clara. Kimball Yousuj. la Mtptuu'a DaughUr Dp Furpl. 1 1 1 1 1 111 .. H 1 1 A CwwT iala4 P'tta Tt Boa-d to Lav Th Tb Clara Th Tgf nut ui with aUrftierfU CUrfc. latter half ot teeJ. Others. CHRBTNUT SThKET OPERA MOtJBB A lnhter ef thalle.' FVt. wllh Anpett Ketiermann and William Shay. Ilim ef uhetie rlar, with rwtel and beauty of,u MW but lackltur dramatlo tuttentlon. prolnnesd. VAVDEVtT.l.tl KBtTH'S Nan Italrerini Mrs Thomas Whir feni ''TIhi Htamrl ritera"i Will. (Jattlanol and eemranys 10 . fleers ,. rt, itaesfaTM lfl.eemranys Mo .neers . . rat, ItaeJC .M ark. Miller ana I.im f.lbonatll the Wl aiara. Aimer ana I.7W1 l.lt ' Family, and pictorial news. OliOHKKmrlre remedy Four! Tata's 'Meter. lni"i I "Voueland"i VOi Chsrlni. ths valen. llll Hthel Coat.lle any, Ien Faltano. una uooa 'lurn - atti ann I les Hand! Dunley and Merrll A, Nat Caffert and company Don Faltano. Others. WILLIAM FRNN 'rriis Dream Borprlw t'arty'i Willi Solri Horn, Krans and Frlernlr liurk and Harris, and .photoplay, "Jim. tlrlmsbr' Ilor," prl half of week,. ,0, riease. Mr. Detect!' 11 Newhoff nd.phlpl Mario H Uparrowi nert and naker. ana pnoio iho Chlldnn Far," latt.rTialf ct Piar, vseek, OltANlv "llarve! Dir"i Oretchen von. rtf. aeni Archie and (lertt. Fall) Warner and Cor belt 1 llallen and llunteri Martin von Oertva and Irving Oeatar, Other. CllttSS KKYR "A Flrlda nsTrt't the Tlr. ney Kour iiaasr, i.jnn.ana mrnpanji eiar liuiabtirrt vne rour i nicaa, ana " jvr lautim the Four cm, and lrr ettes, nrsv nan oi Th Broken Bea rhn Chief of Po. ran Ice' llenton and Oram "Th Chl.t of Fo- ami (I White! ATinur. awt Harry and Aurroita, Ttirpln, and Bsp and Dulton, latter ntu os wrea, UIXBTKKU Hl'MONTB Traveatle. muslo and speelaltlerj br resident company or black face entertain ers, with new and retained features on tho bill. titmsEmsamsmi'mmwwamMvmMi, BoSma Gmpamu pictures through the rSTANI.r.V llaaklnc enrlr sbonlnc of the finest production. ocalllr LIBFRTY nnoAD and L1DtR'1 COLUMStA Lillian Walker ,n "T"AisDK)T;nAT l'KAItl. WII1TB In TKAriL OF TUB Al TtW" AltL OF TUB AltMY" I OPF TQT 82D ANU LOCUHT -tSJK I Mat., 1 1.10 and S30, lOo, EMILY STEVENSine- WaBe Market St. Theatre 3aiTB,EBr Clarn Kimball Young ,n "without n lery tVedne.lay. Marl Valcamp In rJtSrty" OVERBROOK MD HAVKItFOrtD Wm. Duncan nnd Mary Anderson In "Tlin LAST MAN"- PALACE "" U!$Z aTnEKT E. H. SOTHERN in "AN BNBMY TO TUB KINO" PARK ".'RIP AVr- uAuniiK bt. i . i MAT., Sits. BVO.. 0:45 to 1L HUM., -.It. trfVU. MARIE DORO . 'The Lash" PRINCESS ""tgg l$$li(vl,W'iSVOnT ,n "TUB DKVIL'8 IIOMIWOJIAN " Tomorrow- 8lh Bnlsode "Th. Scarlet llunner." Featuring Kan, Willlmma. REGENT ,0" MAHKBT BTrtEET ' CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG in Till: ItlaB OF SL'HAN" RIAL T"0 amtMANTOWN AVE. ' ly. X J L4 I j AT tulpj:iiockkn ST. SESSUE HAYAKAWA in TUB MONOHAIU.B FillEND" RIJ R V MAttKET fsrnnKT " W D l 11EL0W JTI1 BTftEET Peggy Hyland & Antonio Moreno In "UOUB OF TUB 80UTH" SAVOY ""bth ' OAIL 1CANB. MI'niRL OSTHlCHn, MONTAOF IX3VB nnd AltTIII'lt ARIH.Er In 'TUB MB.V SUB MAIIKIED" TIOGA 17T" AND VENAa wo. .If.. PARAMOUNT WKKK VIVIAN MAHTIN In "HKn FATIIBIl'B SON" FI.OHBNCE HOHU sFAHlllON 1'ICTUHES VICTORIA "AKKET BT. V lw 1 J l IJ AIJOVB NINTH Audrey Munson "PuVity" STANI RY MAmtET ahovb ibth JlrtllLU I ji m a M to UllS r. it. IRENE FENWICK in "A CONBY ISLAND I'lllNCEaa" NOBTH rilll-VDF.I.rillA RIDGE AVENUE ,TSI RIDQB ATa GLADYS BROCKWELL in "The Sins of Ihe Parents" When 70a wont to know where to ate GOOD Photoplays, read this dally Photoplay Guide In Ilia Uienlng Ledger, TOIDAT SATURDAY Dougla Fairbanks. In Amorlrsn Aristocracy Douglas Fairbanks. In American Aristocracy Pauline Frederick. In Ah ot L'mlwra Louts alaun, in Sonnwliere in Franco William Dssmonil. In A Gambia 111 Boula William Desmond, la A CJambl la Boula Itobort Warwick. In sAll Man Ilobert Warwick, in Mary Plckford, In 1es Than lh Dust Vivian Martin, in Her Father's Bon Theodoro ltoborl. In Anton lh Tsrrlbt Norma Talmadgo. in Th Modal Bccrttary Jan Urey. la Tb Test llessl I)V. in A Bister of Big lly 8tv fhs W in Thodore Ilobert. In Anton (b Tarrtbl Bsu llsyakawa, in The Typhoon Thoma Mslghan. in Tb Heir to tb Hoorah Theodoro Roberts, In Anion th Terrlbl Theodoro Ilobert. la Anton ths Tsrrlbl MaryPlckford. In Les Than th Dust Xa Thi aa th Dust Lillian Walker, In Ordeal ot tilUaWb Kth.l Clayton, In Th Madness ol Hln Thoma Melgban. la Tho Hslr tu tho Jioorah Thomsa Malgban. In Tb Heir to th Ilocrah lime, l'etrova. la Bstravsjisuc All Man . Shielding- Bhadow, Pth Es, Peggy Hyland, In Ths Jtoso ot th Bouth Ftrr HyUnd. In ,. Tb lloa st tha Bouth Kthsl Clayton. In Tha Madness ot Helen Boast Barrlscale. in A Cornr in coin Jlena Olrl From 'Frisco Oed'a Half Acr Olady. Brockwdl. id Sins ot Her Farant Kmlly b'tvum. in 1 Wheel ol th Law Blanch Hrreet. In, Th Btorm Marguerite Clark. In Mis Uwrga Washington Marruerlt Clark, tn Ml Grs Washingtoo Blanch Bweat, la Tb Btvra Henry King", in Th Power of Evil Dougla Falrbank. la Manhattan Msdues Bryant Washburn, In Tb Brtalur Kdltb Tallfarro. la UttU Bunboain Edith Tallferro. Is Wltl Suabtam Kimball Young, la Dark Bltonca Clara KlmbaU Toutur. Ia Tho Dark, SUoftea ad lb Screen .y of Patttnco William rhiacan. In, Th Laal Maw, H. H. BoUura. la Ah Knmy to tha Ktac Olg. Potrosa, 1 Btivnoa Dorothy PhUUM. tfl TB Pric o SWtAa KuUJy Riev!. ic I y?M tbK lllrlcb. ta utti'irW ,w4 ta Lw IIIMI II ...Jlu 1 ..WHMIJI.M. sifihibji O o. lasuca afia neiw w nauMtMur. fOIT" fciei- r: lwm: XitfitNm w4 V- pn T. Pungan. M.mm, .tft'WA-X1AAAtl1.VVV-t.'.VVV'! ' J,I1 M illaT "rlJhrj