m ""PPSSfF' "iSfiUJfc ""'" -,.&- Si " UB- iV-J !.- Ltt te;.. i H h - c I I ,- S?l :r"v mi A S-1 ESi.-- . aivy' K?iua.' fefcifi- r m .J i ll .j' EVENING LBBaBJ-PHIBABBIHrA MONDAY, DECEMBER '4 1916 t" ""l"l'r"'11" ' ' l-f "---, I, a i - - -i ..--. - - 1 FINANCIAL NEWS ' " ' ' I..-. 1 1 , t t nii. uajuju MUJNJSY GOES TO 15 PER CENT m WALlSTRte AND STOCKS FALL -""-' l-T - t Dill Banks Demand Payment of Loans, and Funds Are Bid , up Worn 6 Per Cent to the High in the After noon Rate Drops Before Close j ' II . ""ii i i in HI i ' -. .- ' " NEW JfOltK. Dee. 4. -- Th Siwet nad littlo doubt to4r the bank did put the screws on Wall Mreet Borrower. lvnr)y In tho. da,' notices Wero received by many houses calling In loan nniVMor noon thro wnat a larto crowd nround the money post on tho 6or of tho Stock Exchange aoeklnrf to obfaln new accommodation in place of tlm calfed. looa 1M mint,f mnrle- stMit with loans of about 110.000,000 at per cent, but th demand -was ho general that tho bank ofrerlwr. with noma Institution placlnir S,600,00(J each, wore tiulckly ftbortid, with n steady bidding up of tho prlco ttnltl It reached 15 per Cent around 2 o'clock. Then there wa a reaction to JO per cent, but although n, pood supply wui sont Into the boaW at this rale, call ftjonoy was again quickly quoted ftt IS per cent bid. IJuflng. tho early trading Wall street was disposed to rldloulo the growing tnlon In money, whlch'had been supposed fo have reached I la most ncuto stage on IJday lout, but when 13 per cent wait bid later and tho demand continued to JeaaUy tho calling of further loan shortfy beforo 1 o'clock liquidation swelled to larger volume ortd many slocks woro pressed for aale nt sharp concessions. Wio market mado nil tho moro response to thin money disturbance because of tho fact that many Issues had mado milmtontlnl gains In tho early forenoon. United Btatea Steel common reflected tho general tnnrkot tone. That Mock advanced i In tho first hour to 120, but when tho high rnto for money for tha day was reached tho stock sold down to 124J4. Tho widest rtuigo covered wan In Ohio Cities Claa, which after advancing 3 point to lSlJ,, dropped to lUtf. Amorlcan Bmolllng was favored to n ureal atent by strong mnrket Interests In tho first half of tho day, when' It odvnncoil rrioro than 1 point to heave 11, but When tho money conditions bocamo tenso the .jtrlce dropped 3 poinU. After these declines n. ateadlor lono doveloped, with tho apeculatlvo element -' ( looking for some eaalor money conditions .as It hud dono each day last week when tho nupply of money wm steadily becoming nenrecr. No ono Boomed (o know whether tho situation Is natural or artificial, bill there were many who bolleved that tho tension won partly forced In order to ftko tho demand for money moro urgent and onabto tho financial Interests to jlaco fixed loans extending for long period Into tho coming year at high rates. In ,010 lato trading call money yielded agnln and it was then assumed that ..tho urgent demand had been fully supplied. With this casing off In money, the ,arket developed a stronger tone and rallies wcro In order nt tho close. .'inn' tn f i, ran New York Bond Sales Alhiny.A ftvi. ilS "ntcr l-Ol 1H1 I imsr EATrM ft': IHmttt Amr mli mm IIW Anwr Tl rlt U. I WW u 0 en 4H ... o. ass . oo 2TIXV1 JBmw Amrt lc Jflsh, txw. .m. ir isr h lis., ! oS3 io?H iZ h.k:i? 38 ,!?.. ill i'JXS. "' lf i''t'.'.' .Si0 AiehlMtj esn.-i" ... oo tr it iPflo. . . A m fim Ittlf i Allan C.T f.ln!.Jl 0 fkijl A Ohio ' I "A An f-v 4Ua ii)oo ni v i. h low mh ti rrd liw llrooli lp.Tr t(VU ..100J4 .iuy VI ........ KV iM Ra . - 101 w llrooli lup.fr . ...IiwS mi . iij n inn lonu cn ori 1MI loo. io d r. i2t ei 'w no pq ivni in COTTON P1UCES DROP DUE TO POOH CABLES Decline ftt Liverpool C to 6 Pofnta Grenter Than Due Political Chnngci! Blamed Sales in Philadelphia Vtt 1 JOiuw f,'nt - - ii- - r -'i i"- "-' Vnl l'r itt .. rkllf ,.HaM Ta vim.. 3-"i'r' .-. . . . Unld conr B ; SUOiW CM Z3JCXK) Clii 1 000 flA A 1000 Chi A Allan 31000 Chi lit Wnt coog qni Nwn. tn ... Siooo Chi II u Joint it... .IWH) Chle t Si l 4Vk. . lOOOO rfo 4 1025 SotHI lo run 4 U(K0 n ronr.to m sow ro en r. IlWI cr 41)1 .... 400O do n Sji .. ... .auw w HI l"l' U.DI... Siichki ohl ft t l rfd 30000 da n ct if wmr a a i umi cm n In los.. Tl corrnx hrar.r wiMinnt coNntTio.N ..KI5W VOBK, I). V-.TI irMitnfr ltllen In ik lln tl thin rownlnf rrtt ttjt mltf4 rltiiriiHrr, . . , . tS folllf pwrfrlnr trer Ttttiti I AbTllU. Sit AntMl, Jpi Aklnhom. 4ti nlUh..llllmlrltn 11M fUmn. 4i ll""i- III ami lhrlfln, l AIUala..TNini' till )) Aiilln,,Hl Tsmra n4 dll ni BSi Ifl III". Jlontwrnrrr snd J lnrn. Ml rrl Hmllh. Mtbll, lllrKSIni hm unit J,VenTlll. '! IVntta, NIh title snil Jlfrliun, Ml ir. Orlran. Vtk hart, ilrmshlii. Utile JUfh. HenMnlenl i4 shrettiMrt, l Cetpm Chrlitl and uairpvion. o tlier wat Kan Anlenle. ,01 lath e! rrtclellaiten al 24 ala " S.' ' ?ol Indualrlti At. ... ID mm Col a Houth ltt it... AsH ia... im Ihi 102 1 ,MW1 J Jl. . i)ihi Pin, of 1'arlt o.:: 81 ROAO Cnmn fih t10 Ad. ... R. u i:on rev a- i. Hit lui.inm ini ioik looo Oubn-Ainr Hntar ot.iOJH ioj JOJU Jtu.1 cenv t ..1? lar i.?n llln Or 4 "IS S14 Sl4 SOW :on llHWl rl a Soon ln iim Or jnviit ao rja 01 ..... . SOOO m tlcur Corp 0. 1000 MTtn V A U ron (It laooo Krl sn 4t Ifiooo An ev Hrr II... 4H00O ilo cV 4 Htr O. . . 00( do cr It Mr A... .noon llii.i 4 Man In Bt . . 17000 on rfd Rt 1000 III Hfe.i rtb ityt ... (I TOO indltna Htetl At .,, 371)00 inurb Mil IHa,,.. . S40OO Inttrb n T rtf Rt.. lzoou Inttr tlr Mar At ,. lnuoo Inttrnl I'tprrAt ... fiooo jtp new s t Kit. .. iUil'H, uo nw 4t UK lOOn Kin Hl Hnnlh (HHlo lrkl Hlf nH A9!( .10JH i07H : b fa i.V 3 tnsS OH I loi.S o bond markot tovod In close aympathy with prlco movements in stooks. Soma of tho rcorgnnliatlon issues woro notlvo nnd strong, howover, with Wabash Terminal first 4s attracting most attention because of heavy buying-, on -which tho prlco moved lip moro than 3 points. Hock Island Issues were also In good ' tlemand. J"oregn Government securities werqjwlthout Important change, Anglo jtroncn Da selling ai V3ft io Ul',4. 20OO AOOO J,cld nt .l"VU i. ilfl St 1050 irlrlii nii l)lcli Vl loour l2 $30,000,000 More Gold Is Comlnp ; , JJBW TOrtIC, Dec 4. It was learned nt tho offices' of J, V. Morgan & Co, this afternoon that an additional 150,000,000 In gold will arrive In this city beforo the nd of this week. No other details could bo obtained?' 1X000 Ixiulai A N.h 4a 33006 Minn Hi v a H M 4a. almtO Mo Kan a T 2d 4t.. 0000 itn 4(4 1 4700O .da wl 4t S0.1i I In Boon !! louth iti ') en I tt ID2A..10IM lot so loftjt jot I lit Oa...lllli lOI 4Ha rr. .101.. inl m n.. tooo . da wl 4t ns booii Mont rowr .,. .Vu 0.100 NYC Hud At 114 1000 rto SU. 8.11 A(IO(l An Ra U!IU sitooo do 441 ., Odft j"i, r i.ni a di u 111 i, m iihhi rf T city tt mop n: H( '.at f.000 loiimi NEW YORK STOCK SALES .1112 do lit! 10(1.1 Ill) lOllOO In lllj IDS), 1011' lono (In Nov 1UR7 10OJ 3000 N T N II II ll l64 77 35000 dn Ot . . , A 1 IS 19000 77 r Itwy ad) Rt ,,., All 33000 N Y Til Cttl 4H ... tlO looo Norf Writ 4i ..... nn BOOO Nor 1'ao orlor 4t ..... U4 100OO do tin St 07 1000 Ohio CI Ilia tltt IO 3000 Or Hhorl J.ln. rtf It. U3 COO do 111 fla ......... .Iim 2(i()ii rae ()a nt , , . S3 7000 I'.clHo Tel U .......101 1000 linna.4a 1II4S vu looo .In Ui ID21 lot 7000 Tro Mnrquttto Bid 4l Si( lono 1'CCtHII, 4Ha Ser A,102H Irwui n.i(. m. M l K. n',i? a!! NBW VonK. Pee. 4. Business was only moderate at the opening on the Cotton Exchange today, the tone being easy and prices showing declines of It to II points in ins active itsues, wun tiepiemDer tiown II points. The leading Influence was the decline In Liverpool, which was I to I polnut greater than due. Tha Hngllsh market was af fected by the pending political changes. There was no special feature to the trad Inr, a prominent Wall street Interest be ing a fair buyer, whllo one room operator took the entire list. Other Wall street In terests sold and a supply came from com minion houtet. Liverpool purchased a small lot of March. After the call the pressure became more general, and by the end of the flrst fifteen minutes prices had dropped I to 5 points under the earlier levels. The early decline carried prices out 31 to It points under Saturdays closing fig ures, or, In the case of May contracts, about 121 points under the high levels reached nt the beginning of last week. The pressure then subsided somewhat nnd the market steadied during the middle of the mprnlng on covering and scattered buying for a reaction, Trading was quiet on rallies of 13 to II points on the lowest. While there was no change In the general, average of southern spot news, there was a good deal of bearish talk around the ring. The bullish average of southern spot news helped to check the early selling movement, and there was some buying on an Idea that the technical position had been strengtheuod on the decline of about 0,60 per bnle from the high records of last Monday, t The early afternoon market showed lit tie feature. Hot. clott, Open, IXnmbtr .,.,111,08 10. S3 ZU.IMI U.2II no Ho Itwy till Ton Del Ilo Ton Mln Il Vn Tree 030 v a 1 .. SMI U H meel.lifln 10 West Md.. 31i lll W Cramp. 0 1 Tork tty .. lHi 70 II IIH its 114 UK UY. 7IH JIU 7 t H is it 41 St JOU ST tt IS 47 4ttt '.4 tt 11 SO 110 B 118 y 4JH OIVi 14S SI 01 14 71 i, M. 44 H 110 tltt 45U 7414 Jltt IS 14 It IS tv, 1H Vt i W tt 0K 1 i ltt Iliad, Uw. clote. ID Am tt Bug.Ui IM 1 le Am nys pf i ittt tt IS inin I'nr. tlflti IBU14 ICOH I0 Bald Iko. 1IW Mi '. ltt 110 n A B t f. II isio Crucible Bt ett sto Cam Iron. 4 4 it 1 Cam Steel 13d 10 Cal Petrol. i7W mCOW pf. 45U loo ConTrNJ T4U 4 IT Elec fltor. 11 soo Brie ltt is ins Co N A IT 10 Kenne Cop Rtt I91 I.k Bup C. 41 111 Ieh Nav. . 7 Ilo Leh Valley li 1. V Tr pf 41 a Lit Schuri. 14 HIS ,Vsv Cons. 314 1 North Cent Alt renna It It 7H S I'n Rait M 01H So ritts C ct. IS 140 Phlla CO.. 4JH US do cum pf 41 14 Phlla Kleo isl leno P Itap Tr, 17 N, 11417 do tr cfs is 31 Phlla Trao SOW l Beading... Mitt 10U 41 Sltt n 41 14 10T4 SO IT Sltt 88, 4 ltt 48 14 Ttt H. 10 110 tt . tt za tt tt -1 1H W tt tt tt BEST PRICE SINCE 1913 FOR P. & T-T , TRUST CERTIFICATES ON LOCAL 'CHANGM Mbst Active in Trading, With Lake StiperiorxCorporatio J .JNeXl mjJveiiiBiiws ut J -o -fxi Aim-row Throughout List --itt i , Att Yt .... 4714 tt Oltt tt 114Tfc I 31H tt V4 II January Mtrtn Uty .. Julr.. October Hpot .. . .30.011 . .3D.S.1 ..3II..-.& .zo.ns ..IS.BU MB .30.1 SO. 57 'JO. 17 18.43 llllti. 10.10 30.117 30.30 30.RI 20.81 IS. (13 lxiw. 10,71 III.KH 30.00 3II.3H 30.30 ls.ao Oloie. 10.SO 30,117 30.31 30.RH 30.R3 IS.S5 30.10 40 30 ;io lt Wi H HiS 8 3d am Mst oo ok m 07 07 07 I07JX lOtH 107 M 0.1 Ki 78M 7Mt 78), J1S 118 118 IBH 17 17 &t!i B.T 8.1 28M 28 28 62k rail EM( oui bo suh 11 11 11 61 61 CI 118 HUji U7H 11SI5 .,....,. viii vuii i"(i?i vnji 81H OOM 70M ijit. a.-oo time. Illch. Iw. cm. Adrltumety IDT. UUi 10H iiOlf aar iiumeir pr.. .17 AlukaOM H Uila J d M K AIIl-Chilmif Mfi 3ii( All'i-Cnalmen Jiff pf. ., 00' Am At Chemical-. (U; Am Deet Sagtr 105 AM Can, , KiH Am Csr A l!r. , . 7fi Am cir a var pf. lia Am IIIJ-& Leilncr. ... 18 Amlllda!. pf 83)f AmicoSccofltlM..,.,.. 27M Am Llnieed pf r,2J. , Am liicomotlre 1)1 ' Am Halt Corp'n 11 Am Hill uorp'o pr. Am Smelt & Htf... Am mlt Pf n Am Boj-sr liefinlnf lioif 117lf 117 117 Ara Hied Foundries...., 07!f 00 f8 0 AmTel4TeI.,..,.....127;i 127H 127JJ 127K jiraiootcco,. .,.., ...jib aiWS 210i 2IDJ Am Woolen , MJf t fij m -ftp Woolen pf 08J 08f 081f WU aiu niiunu viper PI... tKi, 07ii AmZIi&S 8)4 01k Am7,I,Bpf 60 8I) AnaeonOM JOOK lOHf Aclitfd Oil .. C0 71U AwoTopiH y.....,..J00)C lOOJf 100H 1001$ AkhTop8 1f pf.,...100M lOOlf 100!f 1001. AUCOaitXioi.. 123 I23M 123M 123H f,i uuu a. y i ...laiJi AUOulf&Wlpf 70M galdlAco wkl...,.,.., 70H BtlL&Oblo fiTlf BiItAOhlopf., 74J BrcokljaltspTr.,,,... hi Sums Hros. ...... ,.,,. 85!t SottO Bup.. C8)( Cl Petroleum ,., 201f CiU'olroleam of,, on .Cn4dDl'aclfl8,.,,....108)108J 107,'f 108). 0, J1"ier 110)1 1UM 110 110)f "aadler Motor, ...Il0)f 114), lis 114H SJffAOWo,. 09), ,0)1 09K' COJf Coicuo A Alton... 10 10W 10W 10H Chi drest Weat., IS 15l 15)7 lfi)i ChlOret Weatpf...... 45 454 441 45M .CWMliftBlP 04 IW ttlS Ollf eT, n n 5 St t P1"""'20" 125 125) ssxr-'i": ion o 0111 SiPSeiUv' s,- wi wii Cht& NoilhrMtra....l20 120 120 CentrUofNJ.. 203 310 300 SSili18" m38HI 40 38 Chlla topper JOi 34)j 33)1 S1?.??!!? 70 70)f 00). CoojoHdauxl Om.,,.,.,133M 137 130 -vn n it a r iui..isan lsojf jao (Vlrn IMn,l. Il.r .,. nnIS .t,. Tt 8:00 New York Air Ilrlke.. ..170 175 176 175 setr York Ceatitl 100 100 108) 100)f 'Nor Yotk Dock 20)f 20 20 20 NY.Vll< 08H 69 57!f C NVOaWat 3.1H 34 am .13 Norfolk Southern,. ...... 25 20 20 20 Horio k wwiem 4tM 142W 142 142 orfolk & West pf 85)$ 8(1 85K 83)1 Nor h American 73)1 7M 74!f 75)1 .Northern Pacific liiu niu niM 145 14,1 144 144 .131 124!f 117H 110)1 03 03 95 1)5 .lOOIf 101 100)4 100)1 . 07)f Tlit 67 flilf . M( 48 40)1 40J( ui 122)1 122 70), 70M 77J 74W 87)1 87 74H 74Jf 83 f5 8V 80J 7U( 00)1 37)1 20)1 09)i 60) am 81)1 00)1 71 H 122 70)$ 75)1 87 74)f S5 SOW 70 27 t8J 50 A.IH 116 115 80 83 Si M(( l:OM 133 OOJi 6HM -11)1 33)( 64 116 80 83K 1.13 50)1 33)1 111 45 8011 17K 3DK 2.12 3.111 84J1 Ofl.'i DO 07 07 4,)1 40)1 43)1 4.1U 22 22 38lf 38 63M 63)1 44 43), 85U 124)1 220 081$ 00 0T . 40)? . 43)$ 22 33 C3)f 120 .70H lis 6SI 120 310 61 asM 33)1 GU)$ 7J$ 137, Corn Products Itf. onu nju i, SeSiSPS-"f "9K M o mi! uwmora out BOM B3JI Crocllil) 8(oel pf i-ji Vjii( is,' OubsnOm 8iigar. ,. .... .216)$ 330 22tl wioa uas sojsr 00)$ 001$ 07tf .uva- K.im PUtr m.... VJ Dn& CtH-f.t.. 67 Den&IUoarpf 40)1 BUtBlKceCorp'D,....., 14 UamiMiaef. 21)$ Etle...., ,, 33JJ LVla Ulpf... &tjf Brie 2d pf. -t.iu GeeerrJ ifototi pf,....,U)$ 120W 120 S5SS--; .'0Jf roM om aisabir Csstol.... Ore I Northera ni. O N rf lot of prop..., 41)$ uitM-Cnusea 62 63 Mlaote Central.,,. ,103)1 107 JsipCoaoop .,... 71)$ 3 JaJAllUtarlpf.i,,. 62J 62H HS11 '': 12 1st 5 Corfu pf... 74)f 74J$ .-jstjl''' ,.... o$ 07 MflCKT ( (31..,,..,. 4011 d8 48H 4K "i" " J'ft'..'l.M 116)1 115)1 110 .ivirf,.,.v...no ioo loo loo JCrfrSpTtfo.,.,. 741 ,fi mm J' o a 0 , 6SJ$ 60 5?K ftg " 101H 103)$ 101 ,112)1 11m its -if M 97M 37J$ 3M .12a 1MU l32 iSif? iS6-; IJWi -3.l 1WM 1WM r.- ' oost ea u&ii .. 74H 74 ,341 784 t B . t tA , ,A ii a-...-. 0474 as h: m NovaBcotllH & 0..,, Ohio CIIIm Om Oitcm Botilo Mich ... I'in.Am IVt AT pf... Tim imuroau.i, ., l'MUCo , rills Coil oof dp litis Coil pf 0 Pf dp.,..H5 I'llts 0 0 81 L 83Ji l'icwod Rlcl Cr iu pu8 Corp'n N J. .....1,13 Iljr Steel 8p 60)$ ItarConCoD :n' lleidln... jn)$ U2K 111 Bepublle ; Iron & 8 80)$ 00K 88)$ seaU.rd Air Line iof 17)$ 17 bribosrd AtrUnnpf.... 38)$ 30)1 30 Seaw, Itoebuckft CO....230 232 233 -Afl-'C0D.. 33J$ 33)f 33 BoulhtrnPselflo........ 100)$ JooJ$ 1001$ 100)$ ouuinera 1 . 30 30H 20 20)$ floulhem Itrpf. ,....,. e3)$ COK 00)1 00)" Sf ,U151M" - so1" - 20 SudebikerCo... 120)$ 1311$ 119)$ 110)$ Biudstoktr Co pf IWH 110 110 110 Tean Cooper 24 2ll 211$ 211$ TeM Co... 207 237)$ 2.15)$ 235 $ fMi'fc 1HU 20)1 18)1 10)$ ITdrdATenoe 48)$ 40 40 40 looacro Product- 64 67 64M 65)4 101 8t I & Wnt 0)$ 0J$ OH OK TwInCltrllT oV 051$ 05 03)$ Untonllai ft riper.... Hlf i3j$ 13J$ 13J$ Unltnl Fruit inn iivnV in '" Union Pleifte... 147J$ 148)$ 147)$ 147)$ " g , f ', V Pf 04 05 65 05 mZtxX, ':::- W 'S.i ' Vt 2 SttSS t : "MM -07 05)1 B5)$ UH81l'lVtpr HI, 'i -"K S8S&&v;.r:., ,lu0 ,ff4 m .,.. MSJJ "1 "1 '.M ys.CroChem.','.'.V.'.'.:; 4S)$ 40)$ 40 Wsbajn I- mi, in WPJA 00 60)$ 60 WftbubprB .,, 321$ 32Jf 311 Kr, ,,u,, ua 103 .,, M M, ..,. . ,.,,.. tj4)i CUi Wwttrn JUrhnd 31 32)$ Wl A Lske Krle 4 0)$ Wheel A I, K lit pf... 7 flit WheelAMJaapj 4 gi wmto Motor " 441$ jsSI WUln OretUml 36)$ 80)1 WUUi Orerlind of u og($ Wotlhlnetoo Pump, 84J1 85 Wotta Pump Pfn.r,.: 01 00 370OO Itttdln n 4t nunii iip 1 u at 3000 ltwy nil Bnft St 1031, mm(, m I, I l al 100O do Uir 4a I ftn Ds. I". 103 l IT 4000 4o) n IASOO Bo' 1400(1 SI I, a H K ) 15000 do in 4t ., , S2000 ilo flu r A ....t OOI, ,lo Htr 11 .,,, A-4i A I' lit 4 A Unn tdl Si. . . Houth Pin 4a IIUIKI ao CV 4t 4oiK ,to cv ret r p 0 loom) . da rfd 4i .;....... 3000 South Jtwr cm 4t..., 10000 do con St., 5?!? do nitm 4 ...,..,. 21100 Ttrm Ann Ht I. fit... noiiu Ttxtt uo cv oa... .3000 Third Ave lit Ot.. lllflOO Tol Ht It A W 4t.. 8000 Trl-Clty Ct ,, 400O tilth 1'owir fit,,,.. 3S00O ti H ItttUr Bt...'. flOOO 11 H Ituhbar Sa. S1000 1) H nt..la t n,:. Ill cay. I P .71 104 10(1 Ik 341000 U K 01 O II a 33000 Union fto lit 4a. 100 JStt Jill 101 '4 IOiiU los US 11-10 v VV VD l)U vnH 1031, 102 IU 1(1 k 31(i 38U ') 100K 100S U KioI ino (4 78)1 7S 031$ 31)1 4)$ 8)1 4 63J1 36)$ W)l 35 60 25 49 10)1 60 30$ Hl)$ 102 0.1)$ 32 0 S!$ Oil B3J$ ,iat$ 00)$ 35 GO. .1011 ::,K ,,101 . . Hl .. 76 ion . . 1U(1 I St.. UN .... uo KOOii Vn Car Chm lit Oa... vu SOOO do On 102' BBOOO Wnb.l'T ill ct full 40 BOOO dn a o ct t o M loon w u i cr Da notet.ion inood wn Union fii loo 3100O -VhMllns 1, K 4a,,. 7b FOREIGN EXCHANGE , j NKW YOnif, Dec. 4. Tlie market for UorolKii exchnnco In the early dealings today sliowed dullness, with some classes Inclining downward. Ilelchsmark cables wcro quoted nominally at 06 H and checks at 60 E-16. Tlubles were. a shade under the best figures of Saturday at 20.65 for cables and 3S.ES for checks, Sterling shaded Iris to 4.76 T-16 for demand.. Sterllnc uhlan were unchanged at 4,78 7-16. Scandina vian kroner, pesetas and Swiss dleplayed steadiness. Vienna exchange was quoted at a shade above' the low record. quotations; Demand sterling 4,76 7-18. cablet 4.76 7-lfl: 60-ilay lillla nominally 4.71H, 10-day bills 4.89U; frano cables S.Wik, checks B.11; Swiss cables B.16U. checks 5,17, i lire cables 6.74 W. checks 8.751 r Vienna cables 11.82,. checks 11.80; Scandinavian kroner cables 21,50. checks o,,u, iicnuiyi caoiea nq.es. checks 20.55: guilder cables 40 11-18, check 10i ! rubles cables 29.88; checks 29.55. In the early afternoon the downward movement In German exchange was re sumed, accentuated by higher rates for local money. Cables were quoted at 88 1-16 and checks at 88. Th market generally turned easier. Liverpool Cotton I.IVErtPOOIi, Dec 4,- Spot cotton today wis In moderate demand and 33 points lower, on the basis of ll.SOd for mldup land, The ssles aggregated 7000 bales. In eluding 6000 bales American. Tito Imports were 9000 bales. Including 5000 bales Amer ican. The market for futures closed steady at u net decline of 15 to 24 points. lioNli.1 lllsn. lxi. 11000 A O AB6s l)i 1000 Datd I.oco . 1st Is , .104H 1000 City 4s '31 rrg ....101)1 1000 Klec A I'eo Tr 4 . ., S3 100 Ijko Hup Ino 5s .. 41 Vi 11000 Ieli N cons I '.it ...143 Iiooo IeliVcnns IHs '03.100?. 8000 Pa Co gen IHs ...lot VI 11000 Phlla Co cons 6s, 01 iooo m kico Csioou iovi 11000 Head gn Is 91 ',4 . tty, 4000 Span-Am I 6s .....101 10000 Un ltwy Inv 6s,. 70 1000 Welsbach Co 6s .. 00 )i 12000 York ltwy 1st 6s.. os.; S3 I4W Cloit, 0W 1 w Nt chte. w oW 104V4 ioiv. loin w si H !tt '1M 103 101 H iooi loot; toiy, h 101 ii otsfc oi h io)i iu ,0SY 54 102 102 70 oo y. Oltt 70 BOVi Y. oH n In the trading- n the Ph ladelphla mock Kschange today Philadelphia JUpld Tran sit trust certificates contlnOeO. the tnost active, advancing to 21, tho highest since 11, and a nln of H as compared with Saturday's close. Nothing new vro heard regarding the affairs of tho nr0,. ? count for the continued strength, but It Is known that the earnings are eomparlno; very favorably with the corrYspondlmr period or last year. Union Traction, on the other hand, wss quoted unchanged from the close of Saturday. . Slovements of prices throughout the list were very narrow, and In very few cases were the changes as Urge as a point. Con solidated Traction of New Jersey wa on, of the exceptions, selling up 3 points to 74V. 1-oke Superior Corporation stock wss the next molt active of the local Issues after Itapld Transit and advanced . small fraction, but declined later, closing weak, with a decline of more than 1 point. Phila delphia Company common gained n full point. Lehigh Navigation lost ltt In the afternoon. Cambria Steel came out late with a loss of li points. United Slates Steel common came out In considerable volume during the morn Inr. The Street heard that the Novem ber statement of the corporation will show shipments of about 1.300.000 tons of ro led steel products. The November output of, ingots win total aoout i,7op,ooq tons, wnicn Indicates n production of about 1,360,000 tons of rolled steel. This would be at tha rate ot 61,000 tons a day for the twenty-five active days of the montn. Officials of railroads operating eastward from Chicago and St. Louis report no Im portant change in the traffic situation from that which has been reported for a hum be r of weeks past,, and everything points to a continuation of record shipments, far. on Indeflr.lta period. lite volume of business is .tilt dtimtl by tho supply of aValUbla mllh8 This applies to ihe situation both Vt!2' west General business hrou.t,.. territory covered by tnM8 r,, j at n hlih-water level, belnr rtm.,,1?"a!! tho great activity which prevail. .- .. manufacturing districts east of ChteiJ Officials of southern railroads report iL warilithn Honth flnrt ,.. j . , -tJ an Increase of 2 per cent over lit T?! whtn It wa retmrtnf . ,. J ''';, lime during 1915. . ,n"n " "' I s Paris Bourse Steady PAniS, Dec 4. The Bourse was steadv today. Sugar Futures Steady NEW YOniC, Bee. 1. The market for sugar futures' opened steady today, un changed to an ndvancs of 2 points, with sales on the call 260 tons. Sentiment around the ring was still unsettled dut to the conditions existing In actual sugar, and while the tono tn the' street markets seemed n little steadier the general feeling was also unsettled and operators on the exchange seemed wilting to wait for fresh developments. Tax Frto In TVnni. Free of Interne Tax EDDYSTONE (Delaware Count-) Improvement 4-s po Julr 1, 1DI. Options! 1018 Met d'bt Iris thin 2 of siatttid valuation. Price: 104Ve and Interest Legality approved by Menrs. Townscnd, Elliott & Munson Legal investment for Trust Funds Martin & Co. 1411 Walnut Street Philadelphia 3 I To Individual Investors We maintain one tUndarrj of tervice, uniform in scope and eflidency and particularly adapted to the requirement r.i .- , , . w ino inaiviaual inveitor, resardleM of the amount available for investment. our rurr-nt ctntral lint Pi.j will b tenl Upon requeit. TheNationalCity Company 1421 Chestnut St., Philadelphia New York Chicago Sta Frtnel.ce """a rittibnrth i I 8' sai HecKerCo. BANKKM t and f BnoKiu l & CHESTNUT 8T N. K. CarM FI,Ml. . . . tV aona.ni'i 1th lf.mh.ra at Thlla- Otrc Wirt t Tork Bathleham Steal Purchata Money 5i. J. a J,, ok REED A. MORGAN & C.n .JVE8T END TB08T BI.DO., rilllA, JJloelc Kxcbann 2tmbera.f tho l'hlla. Free of the Normal Federal Income Tax RATES FOR MONEY LIVE STOCK QUOTATIONS U3H 113 113 .....IWI iltwt lljf I00i( t-I.O IU ! IIM H )i 44J1 63 M 17T1 170 loan 107 T01 71M 124 121 7iit 7iSf OUS lf M BWpaii IWH 1ft .7.r.'iOTfc5fi'JL..fotooo. h....Tru,jn:vf.r .1"iMtrs, :hT",a".',;li'J'.".''.' fraw . titetnt w ttrkitt tiow toll' . I1MVJV IU.40 ""itt.iiMVs.ej j pi vw... V,.U Vp-.HII. Tri.K..llM..I.,,. miuu ... ' . -- .--', ... vw.wu. u.ri.ri ...bam fcff.,r!j.ssj;sj.Wi.-:i - m. i.:...".av.r"'-."-' ' ..ClilCAqo. D IB.! e.ls; Xulk. 9,l rpuirti Pitt. It WSb tSu.w. "". l.sat)i.Jr", Hj.n. I4.70O XMkvkaDtiU...; Wll Cu....... Qm. . ...... A Watt... tt KskbTUe .... ViMi. & itfUtlA j r mmmm.J ' ah attMirlJ; J1...- tut itk b. &(L. r -' Ti" aaa stsbi aa. lm- mnmm "llf la al.a.1,. Itiabt, l.6 Chandler Motor Declares Extra of II NEW TOUK. Dec 1,-Th. Chandler Motor Company haj declared th regular quarterly dividend of i and 'an tr pf u a snare. BAR SIfcVEIt at rn J?V1l4 'R Inl0n t0Uy' DIVIDENDS DECLARED .-...,. Uw MMOMB7, rttlUar uml. Ufflffi."'.v..y. Ilottoo ,. Cblcavo ,,.,'..,,,. U-JI7I41, tr UiH !-:i Call. , thr nr cnt. SV. OI I io m monthi, I t!4K , m - . in,, , ftp 'A'f'1" :fer $3,000,000 ; .', "' Consolidated Cities Light, Power & Traction Company bo Gold Bonds Dne July 1, 1962 BANK CLEAMNGS Hint: ciurinai today romparid apondlnf dar lait two aril mio. with corrt- 5 tlllt ISl.USl.ODO IJ0.S31.7I0 110 JilSlfl oiten 15.701 o 22 sinus '.':;$'? ,.vw,,,yw u.iaitois i'2,tei;B:a $500,000 In Gold for Canada NEW YOItlt Deo. 4. Hold coin to the amount of 1500.000 has been withdrawn from the Subtreaaury for shipment to Canada. v Htiia&e Imiilran 11.. .... -i : . .. I in" a ufiriYTa "& SnKZZun!.W- inns -Uaaki. Miaber jo tott f ti&ill&Zh&fYf " T Tho ,PUBUC SERVICR SECURITIES' C, Daluquo Elec trie Company 5 Itt Morttfatfa Gold Bond.. fl. These honds, duo in 9 years, ara an bioWlit Ml?? on the. entiro eleetne lifhtinrf, power and itwet rail way iystem ot tha CitofDubwque, la,, and vit iniry. C Net sarnini (or putyear in execis of twice tho hoed intereit. r fl ifTh Company, in io far as it law fully may, stress to Pay tha Norm.l income lax. nveitmcnt for Mains Sari- Mr .; . Dated July 1,1912 Coupon Bonds in $100, $600 and 51000 Denominations Hedeemable In whole or In part at 105 and accrued Interest, on any Interest date upon three raonthV notice Interest Payable January and July 1st, In New York and London Guaranteed Principal and Interest Unconditionally by Endorsement by Cities Service Company Outstanding $10,000,000 Bankers Trust Company, New York, Trustee -HUly2S!ofr th omierahiP ot a Ia8 W of the public' ServIcoInCo)mpaJny?r':l913' the Consodate1 CIUcs Light, Power & Traction 'Co. waa acquired by tho Ciilei ' SINKING FUND BMnflA'fttiSS&X'. ?4'00'000 bDdS oA f the b0nds ff m bo retired.by.tha . he Guarantor, the CITIES SERVICE COMPANY endorsement, f.ScuiUyP1,n0 "" onda, principal and intereat. by. 79 public utility companies " K TO VaalP f.nd Pr companlea or year yindlnir December si. lots ? ?iwmii a n,ii'IonJ' 2SS.?" ?ninEa of all aabaidiary Sra! iSSSTA conierUlR Net earnings of the Cities Service Company for the tt Ol 8 ?! anies owned and nn,mM i,. iflcial cag, electric licht and -J - - -att-wtt. 3 vhi viiuuig- uciooer 6i, iyiu, were S8 001 569 debentures -. ..n net. Interest on Notes and learnings applicable for lionds interest on Guaranteed bff?M ma1110 "PPimately i5times' the $500,000 interest charge on the above Bonds. 340,069 ?7j61,500 FedsrJ mt m t fi w- mn lm ifi Mm im f w 47 31 m l Wrick W . HKKKSY flTvalNWIA ts -f lb laMunM. ..u.!,.!"'!1! - a-5uT4iA. aes lolitn? $rgu t rcplscement value at tha nron- ertie is estiintted over 53,000,000. H Price 97 & Jat, Yield 5.-15 Bonded debt of Ciea Serrice Co. consists of 1M ii.. oa aa r. ... , . . !WSiJBi.,Vt"rt n 110,000,000 Consolidated Cit'l iTM'W "'"S.".", due 1060, and The eaminffs of all cemnnr,i . t-.i , pi nt .11 w...i I " juuub gj and $13,640,000 actional bonds. ,4V"WVVW oaaMa CiUea Light, Power and Tractlpk Co. 6a, 1962. , ui x. T11"!00 tho entire obligations of tha Cities Service Co T which haw been guaranteed by tho Cities Service Co ro wSi' l balaott is wjulvalent to approximately 6 tlm t-'L1. 1wrtttl5MHdM. The Preferred.and Common Stoclts of Cities kerviV.. rnnnnu n ". ., Bonds have a market value at present SSaW-wSnT' '" Legality of Issue-has been approve by Bleasra. Henrr. Pnn.. HvB. . Re Loi T ires peal cres tha , dow urp Li ileer Lean ni Cwcu Hit ' ' : 1 r ' Jl L islMiiih? cvAinpc ' ' rtA w,i . ':;rlll? viuu9 uivnc ex LU. , HI.KMM & UVItm : :T & Plri.AY?Sl(bing " -Membew PhUadelphia Stock Exchange Member., ia9RiiK.ii.Vc.a. It ". .w u cr. a Hnn ..r.xat naxva. tibii.Ki.Lr. i.n W3 . .a - . .. .w.. ,, aimii.ira., -aa?afc . icjttj uin -,.. -" iiiik uiu-.numiK'iimiM : i.u uiD.atar ism xt wainnt si. r.i . . .... xvpw rrt u i . MMfcHi -. ..-:. w memimi. -.---. MLirM..,,- , , , ..--r,- -. . . -- -""'"- v.Tcri uanaine Cn" j'.rrr.;"-""" , - .' 1m15.lMrw TASH- r""- " "J,ILmi ' ' ' 'srTTT.. - w jotK Philadelphia Baltiaoro rkt,.J,8'xn-erHUJUDl " 7l m j? laSfflm IUSCToax oif AcconirrANTa - """,t??r Chicago Board of Trade. , T4 A, . ? -iffll wt !- '"Wg"f TnMWitta. VariitU- a-TSC-- i - J-- m.. pomt ViaKssitvaa. .... P4 V$nghtif. THs . uiWrnMnrra ' s- ,,, - . . m .Mt. only ??mm,?mi" swmm....w iS-.; IBl S? Ms 'iJfei 1 194 li Gw9Ikshh..HP . flf fTrf ii.an KsBc.HaliHHEJJl..H9