Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 02, 1916, Night Extra, Page 3, Image 3

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.ijiifii Miigijirar
I City Ofilcinl ItccoveVhig After
City Hall
250 Men nnd Women Joined In Peti
tion Three weens
Thrro weeks nco Ihla noon CI. of tr.mk
3 cumniwkey, ..f ttio llnrcnu of City 1'rop
rtV lay nt Wo point of .lentil, when
Brweni were otrcre.l by men nn.l women of
many creeds nt tho City Hull, nsklni; for
his recovery.
Thin noon Mr, Cmnmlskey, with n. llRlit
of the Joy of Hvlnu In his elenr rye, n
healthy color In hla cheeks nml a nnillo pt
fait And BralltuOn on his fnee, sat up In
his bed nt St. Mnry's Hospltnl. I'rnnkfonl
avenue nnd l'nlmer street, nnd told with
earnetncss of what thoso prayers had
meant to him his life. '
I firmly bellovo In tho power of prnyer."
hs ald with feeling. 'nd I ennnot tell you
how much I nppreclnto tho fnct thnt thoso
550 people In my itepnrtment prayed for no
three weeks ago today, t think that their
Mayers aided the work of tho physicians,
i-ivo them ntrcngtli, nnd thnt as n result
ef thoso "prayers and tho work of Dr. Ill
wood It- Klrby nnd Dr. M. H. Pussill nnd
Dr. K. A. Murphy I am hero today."
Ho gave a look around tho room out Into
tho beautiful sunshlnn thnt showed now
much ho appreciated life n look which
poke volumes for tho Brat Undo ho feels
that tho prayers hnvo been answered.
The forBCttltiR of creeds nnd sectarian
ism nnd tlilnkliiB only nf tho onn Ood on
jllgh. the co-operation of tho men nnd wom
en of, many faiths and uniting In prayer for
him. mwlo an Impression on Mr. Cummin
key, who said In this connection, "Vcs, I
nm a Catholic myself, but tho peoplo who
prayed belonged to nil churches, nnd some
belong to none. Thlnss'nro much mixed up
.rcjlfflousty In our department so far nn
creels nio concerned. Many nro repre
sented, but to think of all of them unltltiB
In prayer for me. I cannot say how I ni
preclnlo It. I understand thnt It Is the first
time such n thins has over been dono In
tho City Halt In Philadelphia. This hush or
itur of tho prnyer Is n srent example of
what can bo accomplished by tho power of
faith and prayers "
This mornlnff Mr. Cummlskcy sat up In
' bed nnd talked to a reporter- of his Illness
and his mnrvclous rccovory with a foollnR
which was beautiful to behold. His Rr.itl-tuile-
for tho prayers nnd Interest of tho
men and women of his department, clerks,
laborers, cleaners, olllccrs alike, his fcollns
of ThanksBlvlnB for tho nnswer to their
prayers, nnd most of nil tho unabashed way
In which ho speaks of prayer mako uno
feel how worth whtlo Is such a faith In
"Our Father Who Art In Heaven." Seldom
do .men show their feelings on rellBlous
natters ns did Mr. Cummlskcy today.
nnsrEitiVTEijY ir.ti
, Mr. Cummlskcy fell 111 with pneumonia
at. tils home, 28 10 Frankford avenue, on
November 5. Ho grow steadily worse, until
litres weeks nRO, when It was thought ho
could not live, through tho day. As a last
result a delicate operation on his lungs was
advised by Doctor Klrby. It was tho ono
'.-. chance of saving his life. At tho time when
the operation was to havto been performed,
William S. Dowcn, superintendent of tho
City Hall, and Hubert Hicks, ncting "chief
of tho Ilurcau of City Property, with 2B0
workers In tho department held a prayei
nrvlce. That was nt 12:10 o'clock. Judga
William F. Campbell, who was with Chief
Cummlskcy at the hospital at thnt hour
asya ho noticed a remarkable, almost
miraculous chango In the cliIef'H condition
within a few momenta afterward. Tho rally
Mvo Mr. Cummlskcy f.io strength to go
through tha operation with n better chance
of recovery.
The operation was performed by Doctor
Klrby, ono of tho city's well-known sur-
$- tteona.
The stitches were removed from ,tho In
? chiton Thanksgiving Day, and now Mr.
Cummlskey Is on tho road to complete re
covery. And on that day tho 250 men nnd
;, women who had prayed thrco weeks boforo
r in tho City Hall for tho recoery of ono
s of tho moat popular men who hnvo ever
;i. been connected with municipal affairs of
; fercd prayers of thanksgiving for tho re
, covery of Chief Cummlskey.
Tho chief himsolf Ih still offering prayers
. of thanksgiving.
.j, Township Supervisors ' Lose Caso
? Atrninst Trnrmifc Pmnrnnv
Against Transit Company
KonniRTnwv in n t...i
S.Bwarti has dismissed the suit brought
fefc V lho supcrvleors of Uiat Xorrlton town-
ii iu compel mo uemgii Valley Transit
F,v i i; ., .....(, wiiij I,, u truiH jure
s lor hauling persons oer Its line from Nor-
ruionrn to uermnntown road, a distance
of leaa than two miles. "The nupcrvlsors
based their claim on the promise made
to them by nn ngent of the company, whoso
towers, tho Court says, were limited
Two fares are collected over this strip, but
a lesser rate can be had by buying a nfty
trlp ticket The township authorities nt
nrat laid their grievance before tho State
I UDlIC Service Pnmml.ilnn t,, ,tl,l nn ri
iff (OW It UD. .Thev nTt trlml in wf n n--
. t -. -. .- ' " - . -
jvh ro msieau or a ten-gent ono by a bill.
l1"bil, i'iill!i?hii'i -42wN- nfn ' "" I:11"'
c OuV IInck .',.,., .W. Wom n me.
- ifiA.il"'.'?,.-6?1 8- SalforJ it., unj Helen S.
fc JMa ft&L'.F. ' IKI Cohen.
ft!l'iSS8!"B.,afhV,,t t- n v,o,a Ander-
BS'DwIo'r"',?'8 Tr" "' ona Jllnnl9 aqran'
A,fiS!h,i,ff.l",Vin,v3,.T, w-. I-hlh BV- 0,"J
n..".1"". ' W, Hunt neilon at.
at.S?iS:-!iiA N..Jl.cher .".. and How
? ' Wl. n i w- '-email ave.
s K..fiil,Ua,r"1fav". ..lB' nhln.hart Jit., and
" Ety $ ifeeymo,nA"f n1,S,,U f;eron,i.. and
! lani i'."?y' .-1 Melon at,
4 zilS Ja 3a31 N.3d t., and Anna JI.
i silf-I- - -
J? "M B?!ffth i,t,"mo". Md., and Ethel Tontr.
rjvithrn:,l.aT-:oklarl,Qn W-.J" KJn W.
2Ji,5''TO..B. 18th at., and Eath.r
ri i. ronmlllr. 12J1
Palmer at..
T JIS"5. 3. S' Juniper it. r
lpr t.( and Lucy
WW. .. PHV.. Shenandoah. Pa., and Mary
gWB - - a
"Sl ? saw SfiE ct ". rianna, E.
s-..v, ou KeroauKb ,t.
" .".. vnaerdourn. ill, w -u.-vnmin. ...
vmiAin Vrl
t-.tvanlM, 4124' v5xrun:-.r
fcTKJA l .KM. Kockledii. I
Pa., and Tac I
SWlilim??' JUtHUB. Pi.
Ithan at., and Eva
Seventeen Seek Divorce
G&?ttUPU..U&uN dlIf:1 btgun In
j-r-. rua ccjun No. today aa followa:
J anal. niTme va-.Jamea li. Plumluw.
wtSIj Dbk" ! Lawrue P uukty
"Strr,t " Kandolph . Calitn 8. Ran-
afc i4l'..i5t i. mvm-
IfHS.I Qoedtlryld v. lian OsaJi
! J OoodfcrJIT
Jaaajtfi A 4ki -" ' "
. L" " - H VB.
WSShTI -?? ltharlne,tt.
'uuirq i. ana
This is Grnco Marshall, todny, ono
year after sho w3 released from
tho twelve-years' imprisonment in
flicted upon hec by her parents nt
their home in Boston, Mil. When
Miss Marshall was carried out of
her room last year she weighed
only57U pounds. Now, with tho
enro of sympathetic persons and
the aid of nature's hcalth-buildinc
forces, she has grown to normal
size and weight. She now weighs n
trifle more than Vl'l pounds, an in
crease of C5 pounds in one year
Huge Rally in New York Tonight
to Raise Fund for Cali
fornia Trial
M:W YOIUC, Dec. 2. All seats In Car
neglo Hall hao been sold for tonight when,
what Its promoters declare will be "tho
biggest meeting labor baa ever seen In
Xcw York," will bo bold to rnlso funds for
the defense nf thrco men and one woman
under Indictment In San Francisco ns tho
result of tho bomb explosion during tho
prcpnrcdncKS parade of July 22. Ono pur
pose Is to pay tho expenses of Ilourlto
Cochran, who has volunteered to handle tho
caso of tho four defendants, without other
Tho labor leaders arranging the meeting
take the view that tho Indictments nnvvr
wore Justified under the evidence nnd th.it a
conspiracy ovists In Han Krancjsco to rail
road tho four to prison because of their
activity In recent strikes.
Warren K. nilllngs, indicted with them,
already has been sent to prison for life,
nnd the funds nro to bo nskrd also for tho
appeal being made. Tho trial of tho four
Is set for January -I.
Speakers tonight will bo Frank T. Walsh,
chairman of tho recent Industrial Itelatlons
Commission ; Patrick Qulnlnn, Just released
from tho New Jersey I'cnltcntlnry, where
ho served a term for Incendiary speeches
during tho silk strike In I'ntcrson; Arthur
(ilovannetl, Kmm.i Goldman, Alexander
Jlerkman, Max Pino nnd V. Shore.
U. S. Entry Into Largo South Amer
ican Trade Impels Movement to
Collect Considerable Sum
United Proa Special South American Bcrvtce
llOOOTA. Colombia, Dec. 2. Colombians
consider, now that tho United States Is
making an effort to secure South American
trade, there Is a favorable opportunity Of
fered to renew Colombia's claim for dam
ages against America on account of loss of
tho Isthmus of Panama.
Tho first step In this new cnmpalgu was
seen hero today-In tho recent action of the
Colombian Sepato and Chamber of Deputies
In adopting resolutions protesting against
tho trcntment Colombia has received from
tho United States. The Government desires
to remind tho recently re-elected Wilson
Administration of Its grievance.
Man Sued for Maintenance Boasts Ho's
Teetotaler No Virtue, Says
Jnrtsnv CITV. Dec. : No man who
rides constantly op tho water wagon can
expect to gst along smoothly with his vvlfo.
That Is the uuuaunl conclusion reached by
Advisory Master Charles J. Iloo In hla ad
vice today to William C. Ilurk, who Is
opposing a suit for maintenance brouuht by
hla spouse.
"I nm sixty yenra old and have never
taken a drink or smoked In my life," boast
ed Hurlc to Master Iloe,
"That's your trouble," said Master Hoe
tartly. If you had gotten drunk nnd
smoked a cgar once In a while you'd havo
gotten along better with your wife."
But despite his advice Master Itoe re
served decision.
List Includes 240 Males, 221 Females
and 107 Children
There were 467 dentha In Philadelphia
this week as compared with 7S last week
nnd 481 during tha corresponding week last
year. They were divided as follows! Males,
240 ; females, 221 ; boys, 55, and girls, 63.
The causes of death were!
Typhnld fever ....,,,,,,...,.. , , , 1
Hearlet fnirr r ..,;.,.,,, ,,,,,,,, 1
ninhthrrla, nnd croup ..,,.,,..,,,,.,,.. 0
Knldemla dleajs ,,, ,,,,,,, ,,,,,, J
Tubwculoais of jna lungs ,,,,..,,,,,,.., Btj
rubrciilwl menlnsltla ....,,.,.,,,,,,.... a
Other forma of ubrouloal .,..,,,,,.,...,
Pancer ..,.,...,..,?...,.,, 3J
Avoplxy .......x.mm.mmim,, in
Organic dlaf of tha haart ,.,.,..,.... tt-
Acute broncbltla ,...,,,, , T
t'nautnonia ...,,...t-.r-t...t,t.... 8.
Ironchopneumonla ...,,.,,, in
HaaaaM of rllratory ayattm ....,,,.,.
niaaaaa of atotiweh ,.,....,... T
Diarrhea and nvrltl ..,.,,..,,.,. IS
Apiwvllfltla and typblltta 3
Hernia , ..-i--.; ., ..-.. 4
Cirrbeala of liter . .-., ,.,. 3
Avute naplu-ltia and Urlvbt'a dlsaaatt,.., CI
Noaeanctroua tuniora .....,..,,.,, 2
luerperat ptlcnua ,...,.,.,..,,,.,,, x
IurDral eoddwta .,.., a
Conanltat dtbilitir .,,...,...,.... 1
Another violVnV 'iii'un" .'."'.'.::'.'. I '.III'.'. t
Huielda f
Alt otlwr dla Tj
Total J 40T
Why Cannot
- Talk?
Th.e Book of
stflJ Stit-4
4 i
H'-kX (LM
gJiaSSS-F "i'iTt "it1 S" :' ay a fii.
State Witness, However, Contra
dicts Testimony in Fnvor
of Accused
Judge Hefuses Motion of Defense to
Quash Proceedings
KA8TO.V, Md Oeo. 2 Interest ih the
outcome of the Ornce Marshall cne seems
to Rt-qw Instcml Of diminish ns tho caso
goes on. When tho trial was resumed to
day tha courtroom, corridors nnd steps
leading to lho courtroom were packed with
Interested spectators, the olllccrs and wit
nesses hardly being nble to push their way
through tho crowd. Women predominated.
The State at Inst night's session put tir.
W, T. Hammond on the stand. He testified
thnt had tlrace Marshall been properly fed,
given plenty of fresh air and attended to
the way alio should havo been, her condi
tion nt the time of her rescuo would not
havo been so deplorable. ..
State's Attorney Ilutler would have put
Pr. It W. Hall, nf Philips Clinic; Or. It. M.
Thomni. of Johns Hopkins Hospital. Haiti
more, nnd !r V. II, l'lsher, of Ccnterwlle.
nlT cxpcrW on Insanity nnd dement'n, on
tho stand, but tho court ruled that their
evidence would hae no bearing un tho case.
nr what they would testify to would not
prove thnt there was nny criminal Intent
upon the part of tho Marshall by their
treatmnt of Ornce.
W, M:ion .Shehnn, rounsel for tho de
fence,, nked thnt tho proceedings bo
itunshed as the State had failed to mnko
out a case against .Mrs. Mandmll. This
motion tho court overruled.
The drat witness for tlio dcfciiMi was Mrs.
Ida Iloone. of llnltlmore. slater of Frank
Marshall, ono of lho defendants who testl
lied thnt Mrs Marshall, stepmother of
tlmco, always treated draco well and gave
her threo meala a day. She said Oraco
always wa n sickly looking child and acted
as If Bhc was mentally unbalanced.
James Itoono coiroboratcd his wlfe'n tes
timony, ns did nlso Mra. Mngglo C. Deal,
of Halllmore, slitcr of Mrs. Marshall, and
In addition n.ild that Mrs. Mnrshalt slept
In nn adjoining room and always went In
Uraco's room before retiring at night to sco
that alio was comfortable
Mrs. T. Oliver Marshall, of Jtoyal Oak.
a sister-ln-lnw of Frank Marshall, testified
that Frank Marshall wns tho father of a
younger daughter who went Insane at tho
ago of ilfteen years and died, nnd th.it
Uraco's mother died when twenty-nine
years of age. Sho said she visited tho
home of Frank Marshall often nnd that
Mrs. Marshall'nlways treated CJracc kindly.
William T. Carey, of Sparrows Point,
Md. ; Kdwnrd S. Neavllt. of Neavltt, Md. ;
Dr. A. II. Glasscock, of Ualtlmoro, who at
tended Grnco when ho Hied In St. Mlchnhi
In 1008. all testllled that they thought Grnco
was demented, nnd that tho M.irshalls al
ways tre.ited her kindly nnd g.ivo her good
substantial food to cat
Lntls Snid to Hnxe Stolen Bicycles and
Mnil Hags Held for
Two boys of XIlllvlllc, N J. having felt
tho call of the autumn woods, ended two
weeks of adventure In tho toils of tlio
United .Stntes authorltlcn today. They
wero accused of building a bonfire with
United States malllings.
The bos, ("arl Andias and Charles
Tnlerlco, both Rlxteen years old, sjtolo lilcy
cles In Mlllvlllo two weeks ngo, tjio police
say, and rodo to Philadelphia. - Whilo on
nn adventurous tour of tlio countrysldo
later they took two mallbngs fiom the sta
tion In Trtcony, tho polleo ray, and built
a fire on tho farm of Kdward Mahann, a
milo and a hnlf from that station, hiding'
tho mallbngs under a cornshnck The
fanner found lotters strown about tho corn
field two dnys ieo nnd remembered having'
seen tho boys there hovering about tho
lire. Ills description led Postal Inspector
Samuel O. Wynne to trace and arrest
them at a saw factory near Tncony, where
they had gotten Jobs United States Com
missioner IMmunds held them for trial In
5500 each for rilling tho malls today .
Rumanian Successes of Teutons Do Not
AlTcct Entente's Original Stand,
British Trade Minister Asserts
I,ONDONnec. 2. "The wnr must be
fought to a military conclusion nn tho west
and east fronts, with tlio blockade playing
on a secondary part," said Ixjrd Ilobrrt
Cecil, Minister of War Trade, In discussing
tlio latest developments of tho world con
"The cond.tlon of numanla," Lord Rob
ert continued, "causes us grave regret. Hut
(hero is no icnson'to suppose the operations
there will nffect the result of tho war,
which must be fought out on tho main
fronts. The conditions under which we will
accept peace overtures remain tho same
ns outlined several months ago."
Department Stores Face Increased Ex
penso Next Year
NRW YOniC, Dec. 2 The paper famine
has hit the New York department "stores.
Many of the heavy grades of paper used for
wrapping, and of tissue paper used for "In
side wrapping" and to stuff articles of
feminine wearing apparel, have advanced
between 300 and 400 per cont In price In
the Inst year and a half. As a result It
was snld today that many of the larger
stores would have to spend a small fortune,
next year to meet thU one Item of Increased
The bills of some of the largest depart
ment stores, for wrapping paper will be be
tween (50,000 and 100,000 more than they
were last year. It was estimated.
Lads Admit UMinjr Mail Dag
Following arraignment today Charles
Tnlerlco and Carl Andrews, of Mlllvllle,
N. 3., are to be turned over to the Federal
authorities on charges of rifling a mall
pouch at Tacony station last Tuesday. The
boys, arrested at the Dlsston Saw Works,
are said to have admitted stealing money
and stamps from the purloined mall, moat
of which was addressed to the Dlsston
company. The lads had been missing alnce
the day of the robbery, and when they ap
peared yesterday for their pay they were
Leg Comfort
ia'i tuner irom Varlraaa
Vain.. I Ulrera. Weak Anal".'
bwoUen foes, or othr lea trou
tin whim need conatant, ctrtala
will max you happy and aaar.
Throw away torturing (laitlca or
trsubltaotna bacdjan, afid foraat
lea. troubles. CorlUa Htockinjt
mad to uieaaura. wlijiout euailc
ar for many tnontha. VVaab-'
abia and aaaltary, Uaht and dur
able Coat oalyll.1 each, or
two, for ttu asm limb J3.1HI. and
you it Klial ju muUi owr tur
lb auiSpjrt and ,e. Call and
tt BBiiimt fr, sr wrtta.fsr
I l&l I
. w !
a W 7
k Y2G
- w
Hsra II o UVfiV t s t.
oa alaatiel tm itiff,
mt4XVf vvt-v a.. ?, &:
Every Picture Must Have Ap
proval of Hoard, Is
Violations, Especially by Agencies
Krom Other States,
HAIUltSHUIKI. tlec. 2 The Stato Hoard
of Censors today cautioned inov ng-picturc
theatre exhlbltoia In nil p.uts of thb State
ngnlnst selling, lens ng or exhibiting any
nims, reels or Hews unless approved by
the board In accordance with tho provisions
of tho act of May IS. 1915. Special atten
tlon Is called to the companies which make
local productions and advertising nims
These w, not he permitted to be shown
In tho Slate unleis passed by tho censors
TO tho exhibitors the board says. "It Is
ndvlsablo to demand tho certificate of np
proval when leasing, renting vr exhibiting
on the profit-sharing plnn of films, reels
or views of this diameter."
In Issu'ng the wnrnlng. it was said at
tho board's olllccs hero Hint at some point
on tho bordets of tho State It has been
tho custom to show pictures obtained from
nn agent Jut over the Stato lino nnd which
hnvo not been passed by the Pennsylvania
board. Following the receipt of today's
warning the board will proceed under tho
law against nil such vlolntois.
In connection with the warning the board
Issued tho titles nC ICO phiva on which
the ban has been placed and which nro not
permitted to bo aluwn Iu Pennsylvania. Tho
list was condemned during the last rew
months. Chief among these Is "Harry K.
Thaw's Fight for Freedom," "Hnpho."
The Human lleast." "Lights and Shadows
of Chinatown." etc.
Tho board has also taken exception to
moro thnn two hundred scpnrs In ns many
nims which nro now being shown In tho
Stato with tho Condemned scenes elimi
nated Tho list Is mndo up for the public
without tho names of tho plays bolng given,
but descriptions of thn "cut-out" scenes
give an Idea they wero not fit to bo shown
In public.
Plioloplnyn touching on tho "September
Morn" chnractcr aro not desired by the
board, but ono sceno Is not objectlonnble.
A part of a nim ordered cut out Is that
showing a nude woman stnndlng In mid
stream, However, the board has decided
that ono "far-olt view" may be vised, lled
room scones, chorus girls partly disrobed
In front of mirrors, rlosc-up views of bm
glars at work on a safo and transparent
dresses nro only a few of tho milder scenes
which tho board has ordered owners of
films to eliminate
Police Search for Motorists Who Prom
ised to Tni;c Victim to
Tho police are searchlin; for tho party of
heaitless autolsts who abandoned n. hoy
victim last Thursday arter starting with
him to tho hospital Hoping thnt secrecy
would help them get tho ntitolsts within
their clulrhes. detectives kept tho details
of tho Incident hushed until todnv.
Twelve-year-old Alton Dougherty, of GRI
South Salford street, the victim, was run
down by nn automobile nt Sixty-first nnd
Locust stieots, lie suffered n broken collar
bone nnd Internal Injuries. A crowd
gathered Immediately after the accident nnd
urged tho nutomoblllsts to rush the lad to
tho hospital. They promised to comply, hut
Instead, according to the police, took tho
Injured bov to his homo nnd left him un
conscious on tho dnorMep. Un vvnB found
thoro later by hln father. Ills condition Is
Empties Returned to Western and
Southern Lines May Check
Some High Food Prices
WASHINGTON. Dec. I Decisive steps
toward relluvlng the ncute freight-car short
age on middle western nnd southern lines,
which many believe Is n big factor In high
food prices, wsro taken today by tho Amer
ican Hallways Asrftclatlon
A general movement of empties west
ward and southward from heavily con
gested eastern and Now Kiidnnd sections
wns ordered to bo started Immediately.
Association figures show moro thnn 100.000
cars on Atlantic seaboard lines owned by
rlhor roads.
To prevent Immediate recurrence of car
congestion nt seaboard terminals, the com
mittee Instructed eastern carriers to refuse
shipments from Interior connections which
cannot Immediately bo mi'oaded upon 'ar
rival nt destination.
Follows Wife lo Grave
MONTUOSK. Pa., Dec. 2 K. A. Tiffany,
seventy-one', of Ilronoklyn, died nfter one
day's Illness. -Ilia wife died Tuesday nnd
her funeral was to have been held yesterday
afternoon. It wns postponed until today,
when a double service will be held.
Electric Range for (lie Little Girl
A real electric
cook stovel Sho
can bake, roast.
frv or stow on it I
- perfectly, Abso- I
luteiy safe, clean
& economical. Size
IG inches hiirli.
CookinK surface f
x8.4 tSLnMih
Ovpn 41A wide. 21 -JJ
high. Six burners complete dQ I
with cord, plug and switch. ..PO J
Atk tor our nev prou9lit tU
tiatrii Carfilnm (11 1 latnlo,
Frank II. SJewprt Electric Co.
37 & 39 N. 7th cold iifnt nidr.
Perhaps it is because we are so
familiar with the discriminative
taste of Philadelphians that
1J s IJr jfiL
i ' is the favorite in this vicinity. 1
Knlhrync P'ricko, Clever Mt.
Air Pupil, la 17 Years
Old Todny
Only little girls have birthday parties,
That Is the opinion of ICnthrync May I-'rlcke,
the deaf and blind liuiill nt the PcmiiuvI-
vailla Initltuto for the Ucaf and Dumb. Mt
Airy, lucldeiitnlly, thnt is also the reason
why Kathryno decided not to have n cele
bration today. She Is seventeen jenrs of
Of course sho received main presents
from her parents, who llvo In Itarrlshurg.
and her many, many friends. Itimdrriti of
embossed postal cards, which Kalhryne enn
appreciate by the iieuso of touch, delighted
her nnd It hrcmie known that several com
panion pupil of the girl have planned to
assemble In Kathrync's room for nn In
formal ciitrc nous affair
Kathryno Is the pride of the State of
Pennsylvania, which provides for tier,
thanks to tho splendid efforts of ex-CIov-rrnor
IMwIn S Ktuart, who was responsible
for her education.
When Kathrynn enmn to the Mount Airy
Institute moro thnn six years ago sho was
not only deaf and blind, but nlso dumb.
Since that time sho has learned to talk
Willi remarkable clearness, although the
sound of speerh Is unknown to her. Knth
rno Is a most proficient typist nnd her
general education compniei favorably with
that of any student of tluvslxth gtade In the
public schools. In fact, sho is much fnither
advanced Iu many studies which do not ro
uulro Mght.
Tho young girl has nttracted hundreds of
admirers and friends, who call hei "the
second Helen Keller." I
When nsked today by her tearhcr to tell
why she did not wish u birthday party,
ICathryuo replied:
"Only the little girls In thn primary and
Intermedlnlo classes have birthday parties
I don't caro for any mure panics, but I
do love my presents."
Four Wills Probated'
Wills probated today Included those of
William II. Keyscr. .1305 Ithlgo avenue,
which in private bequests disposes; of prop
erty valued at 7.'i.0l)0; Alexander .1.
Wnlfliignr. Jr., who died In St. Agues' Ilos.
pltnl. $r,:t.300; Henry llllllio, 101 North
Thiity-flflh Mrcot, $38,000. nnd Lawrence
.1. Murphy. IfiJS South Sixteenth street.
Universal Vacuum Boltles
that will Keen li'nnid
I TV hot 21 hours and cold
Jk 7" hours. Most smii-
ri..,.i) tn..- ,,.,,,.. I au
RfWtl n""le' Prce from the i
ttisnavnntnKcs of many
makes. Big ussortment
to pick from $1.50 up
Call nml nvntntnn nm.
! il t h o u- ZZr:
sands of toLMH$
siiDstnn- i-
tial articles suitablu for Xmas
Frank H.Stewart Electric Co.
37 A: 33 rv. 7tll mm inn,i i h
Ail Inr ,cic Klcctrical CalalM.
Wn fitn nnf inrtnrr ! ll3v
IT V. , V. IIUV rftlailf Hit- Tllatf
a r i!.- . . I
vunuiKC oi itiu iniiatcti
prices and trade is coming
our Way fast.
Our prices and fine foods
are making thousands of new
1232 Market St. & Brandies
Ready Money-
United States Loan Society
117 North Droad St.
414 S. Btb at, S31S Ocrmsntonn are.
Order Kngraveri Christmas C'nrda Now
Formerly of
Orfara a Flna Collection of Delicately Colored
Uichlnaa and Line Koxraved Cbrlairaaa C.lrUe.
(1.00 TO 3.01 A HrTT
ti n.vi.i; iiuii.dimi
Mnnngcr Ilosenbnch Announces
Purpose lo Provide Instruc
tion for Beginners
A phntncrnph Illustrating hl nrtVIe
"III be found on thn plrtnrlal page.
All operntle school where ocnl lessons
n-il ra,itnir fir concert and grand opera
work will be Imparted lo nil gratuitously
, oe started in this city in conjunction
with the ncllvltics of lho Philadelphia
tirnrd fipern Conip-ny.
William II. Itosenhnch, managing rtlrcptor
of tho new otganlatlou. issued the state
ment of tho new Idea, that will Interest ns
pecially those who aspliu to operatic
careers and who have hitherto been obliged
to go elsewhere for tuition,
llttnte Martini, general musical director
of the Philadelphia, tlrand .Opera Company,
will imvc the new school under hln direc
tion nnd will ho assisted by some of the
best teachers Applications wilt be fllrd In
111 npilAH uj...!l i . m. . -
... ..,.,., , ,,,-m-ii, ns bo inr no detinue site
.Ji I"'"- I"""1'"01 has been established.
There nro many lovely voices In this
city of ours." said Mr, ltorcnbnch, "but the
major part of tlu-tii lack tho proper hind
of training that would mnko them pol
ble grand-opera singers. Together with tho
training, they need coaching nnd. what Is
no less Important, stage deportment and
nil tlio necessiry operatic declamation Tho
scopo of our operatic school Is to offer a.
complete courso of operatic training so that
when tho talented vocal student has gono
through all the branches of this dllllcutt
nrt, ho will ho prepnud to step upon any
singe nnd do his work In a way that oven
nn expel lencod eye cannot detect tho nov
Trinl Audience liaises ?200 ns Jury
Convicts Murderer
SCIIANTON. Pa.. Uec. 2. After dellher
ating for more than forty hours, thn Jury
In thn caso of llomlnlck Dclflno, accused
of killing Demltrn Morlbltj nt Archbnld
last April, returned n verdict of nrst do
gieo murder. Tho Stato relied almost en
tirely on oircumMnntlal evidence.
While the Jury vvna out the fiat wns
passed around tho courthouse for Jlorl
btta's widow and five children, and $200 wna
quickly raised.
aajuLajLj jluxjuulu jj m i
3 &,BBrffi"n" Diamonds
in Now 18-k.
Gold nnd Platinum
Mjinr llrnutlful fluid LiiVnl
llrrrs wllli full d;w rr
rut illiummiN, n, 'P1 I Bl I
Ion lis , w aVCVf
35 13 S. 8lh St.
I Ml
nm mail rti nmnimmi i irTTfri'
fMrlRROR room dansant
.jHP' every afternoon 4 to
6, during dinner and after
the theater. "Watch your
Colonnade Hole!
Chestnut nt lHtlt
The Philadelphia Art Galleries
S. E. Cor. 15th nnd Chestnut Sts.
REED H. WALMER, Auctioneer
A Very Important Public Sale by Order of
ATronNi:vs-AT-iA.w. UAii.nr iiluq , i2ts chhstnut st,
Pearls, Emeralds, Diamonds & Jewelry
To Be Sold Tuesday Afternoon, Dec. 5, 1916, at 2:30 o'CIock
run SAi.n includes
two vnttv VAi.UAiiLn l'UAitL NKCtcrcris
KOI.lTAIIll: DIAMOND It ISO. woUM 3!i hta. and rrrfect. Orlslnal coat 11630.
1)00 t'OM.AU, rontalnlnx tROO bluo-whlte dlainonila. weight about 84 kt.
l.AVAl.unitl-: imoi', aolllalro din mom). velht SU lit". Ahiolutely perfect.
DIAMOND Ni:Ci;t,ACi;, n. atonrii, wrtxht nbout 40 kta.
, 1 1 KT. noi.l) Mi;.Mll llAtl. with dlumonda and lapphlra,
I'AHl SOLITAIItr: DIAMOND KAItniNrtH. perfect and tilua white, 8.33 kta. s
3-HTOND DIAMOND HI.N'O, wrfvht 13i kta. Plawlraa and blua-nhlte.
Dluinond and DmernUI Hlnr, Diamond and Oriental I'rnrl llins, and
mnny othrr very Important pieces of Jewelry.
On Exhibition Monday, Dec. 4t from 9 A. M. Until
4 P. M. nnd Tueadny Untit Time of Salo
v'l ' 'i'ff 'itlW-fftf'W
BaHMaBiaaaaraH41 m
Baltimore &.0H-
Baltimore and Return
Washington and Return
Slirrlal Train l.favet S4IH ninl
(;iirHtuiU pirrriB oiuhuh ,vv
Htntlon H.Ott
u, in.
' 'III J U.l,w
ffaftnyfftjnlMI'i'ffflffiTlln1niifaiWairT ''rSBs&p'
The Philadelphia Art Galleries
S. E. Cor. 15th and Chestnut Sts.
REEp H. WALMER, Auctioneer
nsw yori; office. eo fifth avu
Mounted WIIdTAjiira&l 5UW
Two Arrested as Mnterjal Wit
nesses in Death of Brooklyn
Three men, bringing race Worses froirt th
Ilennlngs race track, at Washington, to
nyne, Pa., were arrested nt Brotttt trtJ
station enrly todny and held ns material
witnesses when one of their companions u
found dead In an Adams Express box ear
.TJ1.8- 'J?1' mnn wns fhnrlca aallanhtr,
of 19 Jlyrtle avenue. Mrooklyn. He was
found Unconscious Just ouUlde. of nalltmom
and when the train reached nread street he
vvn tnken lo the Hahnemann Hospital nj
pronounced doad, probably from heart dls
enRe. Detectives noticed n red mark, on
the mans face, however, nnd ordered th
arrest and dotcntlon of his companions.
Those tinder arrest nro Jamea Chalf, of
Montreal : Dennis Seeley, t Urooktyn, and
falter Clark, seventeen years old. of Wash-,
IngtOn, IX C. They were arraigned fcro"r
.Mnglstrnto Ilealon In Central Police Court
""I iiom ior court in ooo ball each,
Oliver If. Hair, the undertaker, was called,
and was asked to hamlto the body. IU re
fused to do so. tho police say, and It wns
sent to the morgue A card In Oahasher'a
pocket naked to notify Miss Helen IHI
Inghor, at the Brooklyn rddress, In case of
According o tho story lold by aatlncrter'a
companions, they were asleep In the box
car until shortly afier midnight, when they
awakened nnd started to eat. They tried
to arouse Clnlhigher but failed. His body
wni cold, they enld.
Detectives b'lshor and Clark are Investi
gating the case. Gallagher's three com
panions were taken to central sUtl-n In
City Hnll. ""V
Try Our
The high coat of living nnd
the week-end rest ore twa
excellent reasons for bring
ing tho entire family her to
morrow. Special Maila
! ii r- " "
st iodbi.3 or
t iuaib
yfSk Twelfth and
g IBntranct on Itttk 8t)
0 K. K. 1
itpBi 1. '
(P2mb ftrtaaa jaaaKW 'WW
KMnfilffi I HHDi
mmmmua, - -
f-.s s"
)IW( J
r. Coolly.
tn jrrTmrfi,imri,.,rjj-Liiji.i i atmtimijMmummif mpmtrutmnmimjm3ivm mjjiiuaBU