enfpwgjgKFv EVEtfttfG LKDEB-PTniiABELPniA, PATOKDAT. BEOBMBBB 101G v JUST GOSSIP Saturday Evening Committee Class Event of Day for Members of bchool Set Debutante Parties Mr. and Mrs. Hagen Entertain TtEttTAlN It l ",0 Committee. Class Vsrowii'ln popularity cnch yonr. nticl U 1 tho nnnl claw bfforo the nrtuitl tomlnff out of tlio debutante, iirolmbly mother Ima nn cyo to tlid sticoredliie; year. .. therefore cntrrtnlns for dntiRhter more frequently before tlila clnss than nt Wi other time. Of course, some jo for two or oven three years to tho Committee CIoiik, to It dcs not mean thnt cnch' one ontcrlalnod will bo ft debu tante of the nel year, but It iloeo help to hnvo n good tlmo when one in Introduced to nil the 10JB In the younger clnsa. then when the great time of debut comes one hns plenty of men .lands 1(1 dllllCO K with nt nil the par- I... mil vnlla! m TonlRht will nca t),e Initial meet ing of the c'nsi) for this year; among the-glrl who will be entertained nt dinner will he St a 1 1 1 o Hush, Whose pnrents, Mr. U.nd Mrs. Hen P '' nueh. will Klvo n ' ''dlnner for her. 3 Sarah Dolnn will honor nt the homo 'cf her parent. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Ddlart, nt 2107 Walnut street Dr. and Mm William P Ad dock Klnpp jrlll entertain for EIlso. and Mar- MRS. 0. II. PERRY PEPPER Mrs. Pepper, whoso marrinuc took place toriny, was Miss M. Kulnlio Willcox, (Inuuhter of Mrs. Willinm Wiltcox.' Jorlo Canby will bo Klvon dlimor by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wlllnm Marriott Canby There will be three debutmitu affairs, two theatre parties and a dinner-dance. Vilsflon WurtB will be given n thentre jAifparty by Mr nnd Mrs. Hamuel I'rlce j& "Wetherlll. The guests wl'l be principally W of tho deb set. and they will be entertained $T at supper nnd dnncltiK nfter the theatre. 5 h The second thentre, party will bo nlven Cja'the afternoon, and will bo folowcd ' by tea at the Uo levue-Stratford. l-'or this f 'party .Mrs nillrtnn I'orot will be hostens ' find tho BUeats of honor I'mnoei helper i'and Marj' Ashhuiat. nieces of Mis. Perot. i Tho others will bo Mary Tlrookc, Coilnne K5 Freeman. Mario Louise I'aiie.i. Lorraine V Graham, Dorothy Owynne, nitzabotluSln- Personals Invitations were received last evening for the Assemblies, which will be hold In the ballroom of tha IIcllevito-Ktratford on I'rl ity. January C, and Friday. February 1C. The patronesses this year Include .Mrs Horace Blnney Hare, Mrs Ileauvcuu Ilorle, Jr., Sirs, Arthur lllddle, Mrs. lilwurd In- , ftrsoll. Mrs Ilenjamlii Chow Tllglunan, Jr., nd Mrs. Hubert llnre Duvls The balls aro under tho management of $ llr. Henry Urinton Coxo. Mr Gouvernenr Cadwalader, Mr S I'embertoh Hutchinson, ' ilr. Caspar W Morris nnd llr Chnrlt-B J. ' Hrt Mr. llutchlhson Ib treasurer of tho com mittee and Doctor Hurt xvcretary. Mr. nnd Mrs. John Story Jenks, of Doth lehempike, Chestnut Hill, have issued cards for a dinner at the Hellevue-Htratford be fore the first Assembly Hall on January D. Dr. and Mrs. Joseph I.eldy. of. 1319 Lo cust street, will given dinner on Friday, De Cembsr 29, In honor of Miss noteholder, of ; NswYork. Mr, nnd Mrs. John Uribbel, of St, Austol's ; Hall, Church road. Wyncote, left yesterday for New York, where they will spend the jr week-end, and return to their country home nit week. On Thursday they will go to i' town and will occunv their apartment at ; th Dellovue-Rtratford for the winter, whero they will be joined by thoir daugh ters. Miss Idella Grlbbel and Miss Elizabeth Qrlbbel, a debutante of this season Miss, Idella Orlbbel left last Thursday for Sew York, whero sho spent several days na the guest of Miss Agnes Morrison, of Pitts burgh, who Is In New York for somo time this winter. Mlaa Elizabeth Grlbbel has had as her guest over the Thankstclting holidays Miss Caroline Dorset, of New York. They attended the Cornell game and had several parties given In their honor, Mies uriooei returned to New York with MIsb Dorset and will bo her guest until next Tuesday, when ulin will rolorn tn W'vili-clo Dr, and Mrs. Waller JnnUsnn Freemnn. nf IMS Spruce street, will shortly Issue Invlta- 54 !rJor a dinner In honor of Miss Elizabeth Unocal, to take place before the ball that Mr. and Mrs. llntim!? will c-Iita tnr thoir r daughter, Miss Katharine Hancock, on Do- mber !J. i ,M' WIIIlam Simpson, Jr., president of Th r 1UD' ot hilatlelplila, to- 7 j. " mo uoara oc Qireciors, lias iHsiiea S k ll,n" for a musical tea at tho Acorn , VWb on Thursday afternoon, December H. MISS Kllxahelh llnrnn.n Qmltl, nf V't feS11"" avenue, aerniant9wn. will B've a ..dinner on Fi-lday, December 15, before the - tnAHtfnv rt if.. -tit m hi., t. 'T w Aiia. .uwru irutua jjaitviue fill snri '.frsi nA...n..l rr.i4 i" . n9 - T. .... . cn4(U 1WU V-.UHKWJ W, w , 5f"I0n, .will give s. dinner at the Bella t ;r,e"s,rtford, followed by a theatre party, ty1 V'nlng, In honor of their sister, Miss . iin L1"ter Austin, daughter of Mr. Wli Ura Liseter Austin. S Miss Marian Field Shsrploss, of Hather- ilOn, Chelttn IIIIIn l n.nrlln tlia u-onl.-. '!f ?? th" " ot Mr and Mrs. I. Harrl i son Hutchinson, of Ikewood, N J MIm .m Burn w"l entertain at a, bridge party 1919 eveninsr at hoi hum T,t,dnu.n k? t f7w!2.th 8UM,S wl" number many Phiia- FSff nrA f- T . n -.....- i, -- - , uuaepu n. tviison announce . U&rv Mlxhl Wll . . ... irr.,, &lf..- - " mw. u air. uunil nr Ilium teHr of Rotterdam, HoUand. Pr, Edward W Tavloi. nt r--.ir..r, nr- S"w?' returned Thursday from the San E J-" where he ha been on a hunting ' or me last fortnight. Mr. John A lLfr-r!ntuA.i nt firtl Umlan &, afWantwn. accompanied by his , .. Ajt)w ueuowen, wtu leave the " week on a. hunting trip In CTi a ' w0'fft wey will ispend sev- Mjtm, Gfiarii s ai& imi , ABOUT PEOPLE tilckaon nnd Vrnn tea's older sister, Mary twiner. The -third ilcbulmitc affair will be tho dlnner-ilanco which Mr. nnd Mrs. Krttn Vnliclaln will rIvo In honor of Miss ten holla Wannmukcr, tho duiiKtiter of Mr. nnd Mr William 11. Wnnnnmker. 8tmi see tho debs will lag nilRhty busy little bees today. To bo slirc. It's quite true that at limes one may per celvo n touch of tho boom of south upon tho velvety cheek of maid and matron, nlso pow dcr nnd other nc cesorles to tho toilette of mllndy. but don't you llilnk the Morion 'Hib cat tied things ii bit far nt tho danco for Sunny side last week, when It had tho walls. furniture nnd doors of tho diessliiK rnonn In the women's sldo of tho club fleshly painted whlto? To be sure, we know that somo of tho beit ladles t, the land do paint, but this time they BOt It on their hands and dresses nnd hair. Instead of their pbysons, its' Is usual. There worn signs nil around tho room, but, coodncs, who thought of that! I'm nfrnld thorn were n good many dresses ruined, which was too bad, wasn't If Chris HnKen nnd his wife will give n small dlnnnr-dnnco tonight nt tho Rad nor Hunt Club. There will he about foity Kueits, Including Chris's brother Arthur nnd Ills wife, of New Yotk, and Mis. Hngen's brother-in-law nnd sister, Mr. and .Mrs. Wharton Churchman. Klo Illvinux, n lifelong friend of Chris's, is up hero from tho border on a furlough, nnd ho and his vvlfo will bo nmongtho guests. Others I know of who nro going nre the llllllo Clothiers. Unmlolph .Justices. iRanc Clothiers, atacy Lloyds, Angela N'alle. Mrs. Albeit Itosengarton, Fnnny Wain, K'Iho and Klennor Hopkins, Mrs. Clymor Urooko, Grnlnim Huberts, Howard Mohr nnd sevouil othois. NANCY W'YNXK, Md , whero sho Is spending several days, and will remain until tho end of this wecK. Mr. and Mrs Frank A Dudley, of 2S07 Queen lane, have Miss .Smith, of Atlanta, On., 'as their gurst. Miss Hmlth was the guest of honor at a dinner given Inst Wednesday evening nt tho Clermantown Cricket Club before tho dance. Kevernl dinner-dances arc belnc nrranged to take place nt the Germnntown Cricket Club during the winter The next one will be tho Chtl-dmns dance on December 27. when the ballroom will bo nrtlstlcally deco rated with Christmas Brecns. Ther will tic a special dinner-dance on Washington's Birthday and ono on St Patrick's Day The m.irrtaKC of Miss Gladys Itoso Hup plee, duughter of .Mr. and Mrs. GeorKe rlupplee, of Ardmore. and Dr Thomas Klein will take place on Tuesday. December 5, nt the Church of tha Cocnant. Eighteenth and Kpruco streets, at 7 o'clock. The ceremony will be performed by Dr. Guldn Hossard. Miss Supplee will be nttended by Mlrs Mary McCurdy as maid of honor., nnd her brides maids will be Miss Marie Suppieo, Miss Lu cille Morris, Miss Josephine Commtnsln and Miss Frances Heattlc. Dr. JoHeph T. Mur phy will attend Doctor Klein as best man, and his ushers wilt bo Dr. John Donnelly, Dr. Graham Mitchell, Dr. John Hugo nnd Mr. William Lolsler, of Heading. Mrs. Marlon Dougherty, of the Hellovue Stratford. has returned from New York, where she wan the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Emlen Hare at their home In Ityo. Mrs. John II. Whlttaker, of SS8 Oer mantown avenue, will .have Mrs. Henjamln Hall, of New York, as her guest over the week-end Mr. and Mrs. K. O. Richards, of New York, spent Thanksgiving Day.at the Delle-vue-Stratford. Mrs Hlchards's brother, Mr Whltten Hnns, who hns been desperately 111 nt the Hlenhelm, Is recovering slowly Mr. George A. Dorsey will give a very interesting and entertaining lecture, en titled "My Journeys In Ceylon nnd South India," this afternoon In tho University Mu seum at 3.30 o'clock. . On tho following Saturday at the same hour, and also In the Museum, Mr. Carl E. Akeley, a naturalist, will give a lecture, Illustrated with stereopllcon und motion pictures. Invitations have been Issued by the Fel lowship Society of the Pennsylvania Acad emy of the Fine Arts for a lecture on Thurs day afternoon, December 7. at 4 o'clock, entitled "Preparedness In Art" and lllus. trated with lantern slides by Mr Edward Howland Blasbdeld Mr. and Mrs. Norman Thompson Moore, of Bronx We, N- Y., whose marriage took place a fortnight ago, spsnt Thanksgiving Day as the guests ot Mr. and Mrs. Alex ander Henry. Jr.. at Chestnut Hill Mrs. Moore was Miss Anne Hanson before her marriage. Mrs. Edwin S. Itadiey, of Sharpies road. Oak Iane, has returned from New York, where she visited her son-in-law and daugh ter. Mr. and Mrs. Kdwln Daniel Peck, whose marriage took place on Saturday, November 18. Mr Thorpe Van Dusen. of 5131 Morris street, la spending Thanksgiving In New York, where he Is the guest, of his aunt, Mrs. Thorpe, at her home In Brooklyn. Mr. Bdward Bchellenger. of Wyneot. haa returned to town, and Is spending the Thanksgiving holidays as the guest of his parents, Mr and Mrs, Schellenger, at their apartments In this city Mr Schellenger will return to Amherst the first ut the week, where he wilt resume his studies for the winter. Mr. John Hunn and his sister, MU Lo lita Hunn. of PUtofleld, K. J., spent the Thanksgiving holidays In Wyneate, Pa. FenaaylvaBfe Smtty o Uw Colonial P3W of fcj UmujjmI Wt f December: Neil Friday, Decsmber S, at 10:30 o'clock, nt 2oa niltenhouse square, stated meeting of the board ot manager. Wednesday December JO, nt 11 o'clock, n. Mated meeting of the society, nnd on Thursday, December it, t t o'epock. a meeting at the Stenton Mansion of the Stenton Mansion executive committee, and on the follow In da. nt 10 o'clock. In the second Moor of (iiKre s itnll. a meeting of the erimmlttee on examination of papers Mrs MiUKnrlte Lawrence f'oron. of San Franplsc.t, announce the engagement of her nlv. Mis, Rnoli mils Kirk, to Dr Merwyn Haas Taylor, of thle city Mrs. Willinm W. HlrM. of I7 M.inhelm street, Grrinnntown. anmiunoes thi rmc.ige ment of lier daughter. MWs.Mmille iirtrude Illrst. in Dr. James N Perry. Jr nisu. or nermanlown. Dr. Perry Is n gradu.itK of if I'nUerslty nf Pennsjlxanla dental school, class f 1913 i Mr and Mrs. Joseph Kremer. of T3D South Fourth street, announce the mnrrlnge of their diughter. Miss Pinto, Kremer and Mr Leon Hugowdx, nf 504 South Ninth street, which took pine hut rvenlni: Hatibi Ivlntlml performed the reremnny A muslcnlo for Ihp briti'Mt nf the plni)- fund of All Hallows' Parish will ! hold nt the home of Mrs William r Kent Pent road. Wyheole. Wednesday nrieni'ion He Oembef R, nt 3 o'clock The art sis will lis Mrs Poi-nthy .Inhiistone Itnsr'rr h.innt M'ns Helen lliirhmmn .opi-nno. Mi V.mr, Peters, pianist: Mr W. ft.-itt luilj, luii tuiic. Mr. nnd Mrs. Georgo IS. rapelle of presl dent avenue nnd Wnverly terrace. Hut ledge, announce the engagement of their daughter. Miss Orvllli Marie Pnpnltn. of Morton. p . and Mr, Pintles S. ttnrdipan, sin of Mr. nnd Mm riiarle Itardioan, of Seosiie. 1M. Mtss pnpelle is well Unown In local musliMl circles Woddinrr; S PKPPIIU WILLCOX A wedding of lntreRt to Phlladelph"Rn today Is that nf Mhw M lhilallo Will cox daughter of Mrs Wl Until J. Wltlcpx, of St Davids, and Dr o H perry Pepper, wb'ch was solenmnlzed nt 1 o'clock nt tho summer homo of Mrs. Willcox In St. D.ilds. Tho ceremony took placo iiulelly. only tho two fnmillea nttendlnK. The brldo wore n gown of white satin nnd n tulle vull arranged wltti the "u entlon.il nr.tnc.t blos soms. .Mr Franklin popper attended Ilia' oromcr ns uesi man A small reception followed the ceremony tor a few Intimate friends After a wedding ;ournev Dr Pepper nnd hlB bride will lle at the Coronado. Twenty second nnd Chestnut streets RODIN OFFERS ADVICE TO WOMEN SCULPTORS Famous Artist SujrKcats Sentences for Medal to Ho Given to Winner in Competition lloilln. tho "prince of modern nculpiorH," has cent through his secretary a loiter to Miss Dentrlcrt Fox of Sexenteeulh and Spruce streets, sugcestimj several Itifcrip tlons for the medal to tin struck as u prise for the most meritorious work at the exhi bition of tho work of tho fifty most promi nent women sculptors of the United Stntes. which Miss Fox Is urranclng for December 7 to 23. to bo held nt the Pl.iMlo Club Tills exhibition, which Is planned to be an annual affair. Is the llrst In America to which Hodln lias nttnehed his name by offorlnK a prize. It Is also the llrst exhibi tion exclusively for women soulptorn. Tho sentences for the medal proposed by Hodln nre1 "Art Is tho Joy of tho mind that pene trates nature nnd divines tho spirit by which itsolf Is animated." "Ono produces art only by approaching truth : Nature, therefore, Is tho only model that ono should follow." "Conscience Is tho only plumb lino of tho nrtlst " .MISS KOLH IIONOKKI) Guest at Hall Given by Men of tho Pennsylvania NEW YOHK. .Dec 2. The olllcers nnd men of the Pennsylvania, flagship of the Atlantic fleet, now in tho Now York Navy Yard, gave n ball last night at tho Hotel AitoG Mure th.ui 2U00 wcro In nttendanee, Including tho Invited guests. Miss Elizabeth Knlli, or Philadelphia, who was sponsor for tho battleship, was the guest of honor. When Captain II. IJ Wil son. U" S N., entered tho Inruo ballroom a model of tho battleship In (loners and Il luminated was drawn to the center of the ballroom by sailors Then tho Ki'ner.il ihiiirlnR begun, with a buffet supper ut mid night. This wns the commissioning hall of the Pennsylvania. What's Doing Tonight Cloalm Hebart memorial celebration, Horti cultural Hall Kitri'lai-n in honor of William H.. 'fhnrne, re tlrlne nrealdenc nf (he rrankllu Inmltuta of Mtehanlc Aria under uuaplta uf th Alunint Ainoelallon, rrankllu Inailtutr, IS Huuth Hnnth: N:l3 o'clock Hrealde forum, "naaentlala of riunesa," by Dr. 1 J I.analnjr, untler tl.e auiptcrM vt the t'hlteralty llxlenalon Hocli.y. Central V. M. C. A., H'.'l Arch lrl: s uMucU St. Antlraw'a HocUty dinner. llellaiue-Htrat-forJ SITUATION , -.jjii, i-fc young man, at present mploy4 SVr in IPhJtV. ".My dear, here's Mr. Dubbc. THE VACANT WORLD Uy GKOKGK ALLAN ENGLAND Comrlohl. I9IC bv i'rmik ,1. Jfumry t'omr-unu V TUB HTOnY TltUS PA 11 ill'XTKIPB KKNtJHti'K. a teniiRMplM-r. lowl reRRlns mnstlomness ami opens iior ef uiioti n m-ene of utier ilvaltlon smi ruin. The oillue In lh Mirpollln l"'"'' inc. Vew Vnrk. liere li Imil "it ," ? typevrrlter wlu-n h tuilJnly I'll "'"":,!, now nolhln.- but ruin only ."iH'r''U' '": iirlrk walls sn.l flmns nnil pile ' 'U,,"J ! ,J, ljwilrnl wrerkiiB" rniniln llcUH. ,r rtiHihr to hr nlkls Ai.i.iy Mr ie of tho initlotrr ri:n nrr enpioyn inlnut piit, ionif lo life nlo In Ills hj""'" I0r A I raeli muptenl more "f '" '?: CTliuoae.l rlntllltir full It h "l,, tioek uf hnlr nml ion i"rUl . ,.-r When ILntrli- .in.l Allan fully '"'J". Ihrlr aen iliey ink n haal """''."i their Itui.tlon The .lltlr- rlty ",; fort, with wrecka of k"crI";" f0'.'" Init aiKi the lr-- llverrthltut la ileail. Tli nre the only human helnas ". While on hl wa to the r,"'I1"1 rr. ImrOware atore. wlwrn bn ureil ' loler. siina ammunition nnd other useiui artlclea lie mull a apear head. .."''".'"'Jn nrat InilleHtiiin Unit there an. "t "' UJJ. I? Ielnna allvo un earth Hum la tilled "" "llefore Sftern leaves for u innrB,."'"l1,,,'i'i extrdltlim tho folluwIllB diy he Bles Ilea trlee a rpvoler. Htem flmirea llial ''"' I Ilia alrl liavo slept" at leaat Hw '?" Hi- then ta up a wire ..sa out lit In a 'i perati. effort In .llioer If there are any uthr human twllina left on eartll Stern seta nn anawer, hut he dons .. enver Inward the .il hank nf the Hudeon Illyer swarms of llithta moln aoai i tlw river inward tni. eouple. Ai in" s,m tlmn aoumls nt tomtoms rom 'r0,,1'1 north. The tun hands of henst-aayaaes meet In a hnrNMo t.attle In the park wliiw Hie Jletropulllau llulldlmc The lore h Learera tnmiulah ttin hand that camn wltn tumtoma. I(eoltid and reallilna;, loo. that he must overawe the lclor. Htern msRea a iiunntlty of hla Indention I'Hlyerlte, tin hUliest exnloalo known to man before the illanaier, narea liefnre wllli whlih to so' rid of lh,lnadera . Tho water In the tower haa run low. and Htern and lleatrlce look Ihrmiph a erarK In the ureaile wall al tha ateeplnK animal" that lie tieiwevn llicrn and tho aprlns I'llAPTIlH Wl 11e lleeiimes mi Amiiiuu STIirtN laid n band on her shoulder striv ing to draw her nwn Tills spectacle. It Hcemed to hltn, was no fit slKht for her to Kaso on. Hut she shrugged her shoulders us If to Pay. "I'm not n child! I'm your etpial, now. nnd I must nee"' So tho engineer desisted. And he, ton, set Ids eyo to the twisting aperture. At sight of tho narrow egincnt of forest visible thrnucli It, and of tho s.nprnl mem ber ot tho horde, a htrong revulsion cmue upon him. Up welled n deep-seated Into for the memory of tho nice of men tnnd wonie.n ns they once hnd been the people of the other days. Htern almost seemed to behold them again, those tall, athletic, straight limbed men ; tboso lltho, deep-breasted women, fnlr-sklnned nnd with luxuriant hair; nil ullkn now plunged for a Ihousund years In tho abyss of death and ot eternal oblivion. Never before bail the engineer realized bow dear, how Infinitely cIuko to him his WANTED t-Q JUortntsd , aj,ij arta nd fivug galiilastloiij $mlt0"i HINTS ON ENTERTAINING Cepyrtcht, Life I'uhllMiliic Cn tr jirl ntr.t liy epeclnl nrrnniieiitent. He ilocsn't danco, either, nml you two can hnvo u nice Ioiik talk." own rare had been Never bad ho so nil mired Its dierse typos of force nnd bemity, ns now, now when nil wcro but n tlrenm "1'gh" thought bo. disgusted beyond mensuro nt the sight before him "And nil theso things urn Just its much nllUo nn so ninny nnts In u liilll I (iiiostlon If they'xo got tliu rensini n ml tho Boel.illzed lutein genco of ants'" Ho heard the girl hrcnthn iiulck.'ns she, ton, watrlied wlint wna going on nutsldo A certnln change had tahou plnco there Tha mint bad somewhat thinned nwny, blown by the freshcnitiK breeze tlirougli Madison forest and by tho higher-rising sun. Uoth watchers could now sen further Into the woods; and both petcelved that tho horde as for the most part disposing Itself to sleep. only u few vnguc, uncurtain llgures wero now moving nliout. with n strangely un steady wilt, weak-kneed and simian. In tin) nrnrest group, which Htern had nlready had n rhnnco to study, all nave ono of tho creatures hnd lain down. Tho man nnd woman could uulte plainly hear tho mucous nnd hcstlnl snoring of kiiiiu half dozen of the gorged things. "foino nwny. ou'o r.een ciiourIi, more than enoughr' ho whispered In tho girl's ear Hho shook her head "No, no"' alio nnswered. under her brenth. "How horrible nnd yet, how wonderful!" Then n misfortune happened; trivial, yet how dlrely pregnant! 1'or Htern, trying lo readjust bin position, laid bis right band on the wall above, ills head. A lilt lu fragment of loosa marble, long hluco ready to fall, dislodged Itself nnd bounced with n sharp click against tho steel I-beam over which they were both peeking. Tho i-nund, perhaps, wns no greater tlmn you would make in snapping on ordinary lead pencil lu your tlngcm; yet on the In stant three of tho things raised their bulbous und exuggernted hc.uls In nn atti tude of Intense, suspicious listening. Plain In bee that their senses, nt iensi, excelled those of tho human being, even as n dog's might. Tho Individual which, nlono of them nil, hnd been standing, wheeled suddenly round nnd made n step or two toward the build ing. Uoth watchers miw him with terrible dlhtlnelness. there among the sunmes nnd birchen, with the beauty ot which ho made a shocking contrast Haiti now was tho simian aspect, plain the sidelong and uncertain gait, bent back nnd crooked legs, the long, pendulous nrms nnd dully ferocious race. And as the Thing listened, Its hair bris tling! it thrust Its villainous, apelike bend well forward. upon fell the. mouth, ro enling tho dog teeth und tlin liluc, shrlv-eled-looklng gums A wrlnklo creased the low, dull brow. Watching with horrified fascination, stern and llealrlco beheld and heard the crea ture sniff the nlr, ns though taking up some scent of danger or ot the hunt. Then up came the right arm ! they saw the claw-hand with n spear polso itsolf a moment. Prom the open mouth burst with astounding force anil suddenness n snarling yowl, I tin rl leu late, nil rill, horrible boymid all thinking. An instant agitation took plnco nil through tho forest. The watchers could see only a small, fanlike space of It and ecn this, only a few rods from tho build ing yet by the confused, vngtio noise that hegun, they knew the alarm had been given to the whole Horde. Hero, there, the cry was repeated, A shitting, moving sound began. In the vis. tble group, the Things were gutting to their handlike feet, standing unsteadily on their .loose-skinned, willy legN. gawping about them, whining und clicking with disgusting sounds v .Sudden, numbing fear seized Iloatrlce. Now for the first time she realized the Imminent peril: now she regretted her In sistence on seeing the Horde at clone range, She turned, pule ami ehaken; and her trembling hand sought the engineer's. He still, for a moment, keep bis eye to the crack, fascinated by the very horror of the sight Then all ut once another figure shambled Into view. "A fenian one!" be realized, shudder. Ing, Too monstrously hideous, this sight, to be endured With a gasp, the man turned back. About Beatrice he drew hie arm. To gcth.r, almost as soundlessly as wraiths, they stole away, out through the office, out to the hallway, Into the dim light of the areade once more. Here, for u. few memento, they knew that they were safe- Itetreat through the Marble Court awl up the stalra was ralriy clear. There was but one entrance open Into the arcade, the one through Pine Tree (late; and this was blocked to narrowly by the giant bole that Htern knew there eould be no general mob-rush through It no attack which he could not for a while held back, so long its but ammunition and the girl's should last. Thus they breathed morej freely now Most of the tumult outside hod been cut off from their bearing by the retirement into the arcade They pued to plan their aoUrse, Ob, oh. Allan to bomMe"' she wins paired. "U iU W tMtlt Uit JMivtog beam L -s nbottt that. The main thing now la whether wo nttack or wait?" "Attack? Now?" "I don't think much of going upstnlrs without that pall of water. Wo hnvo a frightful tlmo with thirst, to say nothing ot not boing ablo to make tho Pulverlto. Water wo must hnvo! If It weren't for your being bore. I'd mighty soon wndo Into thnt bunclt nnd see who wins! Hut well. I haven't any right to endaugei " Jeutrleo seized Ills hand und pulled him towntd tho doorway. "Como on !" cried she, "If you nnd I aren't u match for them, wo don't deserve to live, that's nil You know how I can shoot now! Cotno along!" Her eyes gleamed with tho light ot battle, battle for liberty, for life; her cheeks glowed w lib tho tides of genurous blood thnt coursed hcuenth tho skin. Never hnd Htern heboid iter half so beautiful, so regal In that clinging, barbaric llcng.il robo of blnck nnd yellow, (.-nitght nt tho throat with tho clnsp of raw gold, A sudden Impulse seized him, dominant, resistless For n brief moment ho dctnlned her; ho held her back; about her supple body his arm tightened. Hho rnlsed her fnco In wonder. Ho bent n Utile nnd on her brow ho kissed her rapturously. "Thank Clod for such a comrndo nnd a f i la ml !" snld ho. ;iiaiti:h xxi: ooiihi Stuns few minutes Intor, together they appro.iclied Pino Tree fjato, lending dlroflly out Into tho Horde. The girl, rohler than ovor, held her Krag loosely In the hollow of hor hare, warm right arm. onn of Ktcrn'n revolvers lay In its holster. The other balanced Itself in Ills right hand. Ills (eft held tho precious water pall, so vltnl now to all their plana and hopes. (Jlrt In his gnrb of fur, belted nnd san ilnled, well ovor sit feet tall and broad ot shoulder, the man wns magnificent. His red beard und mustache, closo cropped, gave him n bnvnge nlr that now well lilted him. Kor Htern wns mnd mad clear through. That Heatrlco should suffer In any way. oven from temporary thirst, raised up a savugo lesentment in hla brenst. Tho thought that perhaps It might not bo pos sible to gain arccsa to the spring nt nil, that theso foul Things might try to blockade them, nnd siege them to death, wrought powerfully on hltn. h'or himself ho cared nothing. Tho girl w.iH wnu now preoccupied his every thought. And ns they mndo their way through tho litter of tho- explosion toward tho exit slowly anil cautiously, bo splod out every foot of tho placo for possible danger If light bn must, he knew now It would bo n hrtitnl, merciless fight slaughter, exter mination without any limit, to tho, end. (I'ONTINUIID MONDAY)' Thankful? Yes! If You Are Tjiiinkfiil roe the flile, rharl lable and riilhiiithroplr Azenrk-a, hr Nn Mionr It Now? A. P,,"S.,.'0,,'ht ''Ivlo Ilulldlna; la rreatlr rnetled riui Hchaff Memorial flu Idlnz will he 'reeled at IB h and line, aireeta to meet this need of Philadelphia's leading clvlo und elinrllaldH arenelea I3UU ono aeeurnl I by the eommlltMi outalda 'thlaMy l-uu.ouu muat 1m) rslaad In lntVrt "foY '"if." ,n """""r bollll beerlnr Vou can make nur sift a truat fund for any one of the leading eharltabla aSnqea. Send your heck for any amount, lor detailed Information, addraaa or Inter- Bi:V. MI.THW.MIM.KII. 1, f, ..,, I.ieeutlto rierretury 13th and Ituie Mrrela, Philadelphia. tti'.i.tdttitw NOTirns ' llapllst H.H'TIHT TIUfl'I.K. II road and Jlerka eta. iOT!;: rfVn1'1' "'wWi. JHW. AilNA. q. HANTS!, Contralto, will aaalat (Imi chorus In tha evenlnr. ol'Au.lM,X'?. ."1.VNOI.US. Orzanlat, .ISO" aaala. Vlaltura welcome. ' CIIKiTNtlT STKErTr IIAITJ8T rilUItCII C'baatuut at. weal of 40lh. v " (lBOnaU D. ADAMS, n. I Paitor. 0 IS a. in llrnllierhood of A. and P 104U a. rn-Worelilp and fiermon by Taator lfl mualcal. .protram Oaul'a "Holy ---" -r-i 3--- a - saam. iiiatj liajHKira. 1 ra IIUM.II i" iTi',?.., .:;: ."R"-.. "?.'. P- Me V&.,teFi&&- "lVVia 41: iua tinner j nnaa ir, . Uratbrca V1V.HT I'llUBOII OF TUB UUITriir.tiN iwwsffis ri- variiSHi mmx ijaBDQia ala. l'rei Aewiuo .m- una 7i p. m. riunday Sehael, 349 p, riSSSiSijatSiSFj Klhlfal Cultura MB. " AUVISII I sMltTIN.fsrW setk L ''"We y.ujheraa AT TUB TOIBNIiLY I'ltlUCU OS 49IiU aw. lew. Banaay ueaaar a UarDtiuT Beiv-f . UU, Mil win nif&,hmiiiu,.mml,mmm1u$mm Religious IfreviWfg &Sn&;4M Ivv etwTt. Jttte o . iS.wrUSL.fc 'l's.,irm tepto will bej'fe'pt iilrh?f'h . "K .h N"1 JerBsaltm Teeefii About Ataman. ' , 5.,i,,.lL1'"' tebert Cktmn seljt arieak tamer ' '"an iiooer row .efiernoon et fil-''r,'?of .,nt..wt Hraneh T. C O. A. In " niiritiisin ni meeiin- rtaie- nnn meeiina; neiaunoar tM th llelmont Th.., ma aucuccF win cf j w ivrn Sle'r' " Th. 1 ft .. . ... . .. n...k Vl' "eorae (oaimera luen-lonn iu WW1? nerrow nlirht at rfeloelc in Doetee . uor .msimera lllehrnonn win lorrow nlirht at rfeloelc in Doetee Jeetiife hall, 1811 North hmt 'The Divine I'rolmltr.'v square, on t-hlt. ""!. '"T1,1 M- .Ht'ste- reeter of th ih. -?i"I "'. r'al" """' the Kplrhsnr. will tnlt a5JvE2,...lom.,'rrow.., the, arternoon muaiesl aervlee. ,Mr. Henry Hots will he the eololtt. huIJ'T ,(r' J f Hohon vein preach m .,rr.?inrnln,t.?.n. IIllnt hr KallV nnd in the evening on ".Mlracufoua Jieallnc." t.iA"i.o!iilKa,.rJJn' f"her of a new, volume V"i?i..2,b,i'l5,f '.""nost.lena for n Fa th tn SVhi-Ti lA'V. w'!' sddfess the Pnelaty foe ii?Hie "'."STS jnmorrow mornlne In ths lirtMil Hlreat Theatre, on "The Sermon nn tha Mount.' Ailnr,,"? ifob.tl n.n' i rtor of the Tarlj nJTni,MM M l1ureh, III start hla rte of 5 r.l,l.r",,f . "" M'" Hrsneh T. it. C. A. tomorrow afternoon, tin "Th Universe." ernoon, fin "Th Universe." ii,I,lr..,Jlv.Dr' W, TomVlns w I nddrtls !i.t rM''r,rlsn Aflnlater a Aasoelallon Mon day murnlns on "The Joy ot tha Mlnlatry.'' I htiren, HniMonneld. wl.t pe tne eh t sneaktr ei e -uen.r tn ,tv,n Ihe eharier m-mbr of tha proposed Men's Club of ChrUt Church. i.,vrtoi, en S."mn.r.lli n tW" haa been annoumed aa "The Jllah Coat of limply Taws," The Hev. Dr. John Itamea Ifnlmes. reetnr of the Church of tho Measlah. New York, will ;P."Vf. tomorrow afternoon en 'The International Mlnil" al the meetlnic of the Hoclallat Literary Society at the llrmut Street Theatre. I'r T. J. f.anln will artdreaa tha fltinday 1-eruni at the. Central y, M. v A. tomorrow afternoon on "Imperiled Humanity." The nineteenth annhereary of tho paatnrata of tho IMIsrlm lonreatlonal Church will l obaerved tomorrow. AnnuaJ rnemprlal services,, nf rhlladelphls, I.00V. N'o. -, II. 1'. O. H.. will b held iomor- row aflernnnn at 3 o'clock at tho Forreet r Theatre, An eeepllonal musical aervlc ha ItV ,'.I!B,! .Morris cherk, member of lh I'lillaitelpiila lidito, will deliver tho memorial address, Athletic Sunday will bo nhserved hy tha Dreiel-uiddle lllble Claaa at Holy Trinity to morrow, mornlnir. It. Frederick vvtlaon. man a n director nf tho Middle Atlantlo States, will lead tho claaa. iir.i.iotoi'.s NOTicr.s Melhndlat Kpleropal COl.t'MIIIA AVK.. cor. SMh at. rta. B. W. .JIAItT. I. D, Hervlces 10.30.TjSO: 8. B. 3l. l'realiyterlan HtlPi:. .sad and Wharton ala . Mlnlater, the Jlev, .1. OltAV IKII.TO.V. D. II.; Ilev. WIL.LIA.ai TAYI.OII CAI.UWKU,, Aaalatant. t0:S a. Ta thictor llollon. theme. "Healln by Faith.' . 7.4(1 Doctor liolton, theme, "Miraculous Jteat-' lmr l'roteafnnt Kiiliropnl in inicit or tiii: lior.v apostlks lat and Christian ata. ttev. ui.u HUlltiKHT TOOP. D. D Itoclor. toly Communion, a. in. I 10.30 a, n Hoiy Communion nnd Sermon br thn Hnctiir. L"3n p. m Sunday School and Hlbla Claaece. 7:3U i, m. Third ihmthly Mualcal Mervtce. . Maunder'a "Sops; of Thnnkaaivlnc" will be rendered by tha choirs Mr. r l.yman Whaeltr. erKunlat and etielrniaaier. naatatcd by Miss Katheryn Laldy. harplat. Mr Frederick lln.hn. vlollnlat, Hololata Mlaa Charlotte It. Tyaon, aoprano. Mrs. Man Walker Lotland. aoprano. Aire. Airrru uray, aoprano, Mtx. jiarry j. urr alio, Mr. John U. lllpwell, tenor. Mr. Harry irry (-. Walter, baea. Chorus of 3.1 voleea. rmntcii or ht. i.tiitn and thd i-piphany tath at. below Kpruco. Tho Itev. DAVID M MTKBI.n. Itector. S.00 a. m Holy Communion, 10.(10 a m Sunday School. ll.oo a, m Mnrnlmf Prayer and Sermon. a.HU p.m. Infanta' School and lllble, Claasta, 4'UO p.m Dvenlna- Prayer, anthem and ad- dreaa. Special Thankeglvtntc Seaaon Henries, Tho Hector will preach at both services. Soelnllat Literary Society DII, JOHN IIAVNI-.H 1I0I.MICS. Hector of the Church of Mcealah. New York city, will apeak on "Tha International Mind" tomorrow, 3 l m., nt Ilrond Ht. Theatre. Mualq hy Hahn Strlhs Uuartat. 1'ublla Incited. Unitarian . I'lHST I'NITAMAN. 212.1 Cbeatnut at. 10 a. m., Sunday Bchool, It a. m.. Hav. Paul S. I'halen, of Auuuatu, Me., will preach on "fra. liarednesa for the Soul." 13.15 Communion Service. , Anlhenia. "Iok On the Field." .by Hoaers. and "Ho, Hvery One That Thlrateth," by Mendelssohn. Philip II. tloepp. oreanlat. i:ilMrTtiviNri!NITAIlIAN socinxY. nsv A. J COI.CMAN Chelten nve. and Greene at Hundav School, In; I'reachlnir, It a. ro. HuliJeCl. "The llevealtnr Sllcneea," S r. rfi CIIUHCK I'AltlAJltS Dr. Joaeph Mor'nrland. speaker. Address. "Tho Source ot Hollalnua Ideas." followad hy Social Hour, All welcome. Youna- Men'a Chrlatlan Aaaoelatlon SUNDAY riMlUM O 8:30 n. m "Imperiled Humsnlty," Dr. I. J. Lanalnu, Auditorium. Y B 00 i. in. Dlacuaalon Clubs, M it 00 p. ill Fellowship Sins. O 0:15 p. m. Kellowahlp Supper. A A liome-Ilko idace for tho alranior. Mlaeetlaneona IIAIIAI MKBTINO. Bunday. S p. m.. DUtrfclc Hall. UUth and tllrard, DOCTOR IlK'llMOND preachea i Sunday, B P. in.. In Doctor Uldrldie'a Hall, 1811 N. 1-oiaa aq, The Fourth Regiment DOWN at Camp Stewart, El Paso, Texas, the Fourth Regiment is busily en gaged in protecting our border. And the folks at home are proud of the record it is achieving. . The Fourth Regiment is composed of compa nies from Reading, Al lentown, B e t h 1 e hem, Columbia, Hamburg, Pottsville, Pine Grove, Lebanon, Lancaster and Easton, The many friends of the soldiers will be interested in the excellent story and pic tures of their camp at tivitieSj which appear in tomorrow's Public Ledger. JL.J aiili-,' - -a &miataw,&&teaf35, iS J5Bg M POSIIIOH. i m ftrTJs imfUh of