EVENING MDGmPHmADELPHlA, SATUEDAY, DECEMBER 1910 11 m M'i & . l THIS YEAR GIFT-BOOK TIME COMES "" WITH DECEMBER DAYS Bookfllalfs Fill Up With Mnny Volumes Suited for Christmas Giving ART FOR YOUNG AND OLD Cartoons and Travel Volumes Among the Scasonnl Storo of Good Things Christmas. It In aafe to sny.. M on Ui 'way. Tha evidence at hand consists of calendars that nhow December daya nnd bookstalls full of Blft books. tTheso pnKes rve only a lilnt of tha varied supply of proaa aftd poetry, picture, photograph nnd cartoon. grown-ups tales nnd children's yann that tha publishers have Issued this season. Hero follow a few volumes adapted to adult consumption1 In Hula Hula Land HAWAII BCBNBB AND IMrnEBSIONB. by KalMtlne Fullfrlon Ofrould. Charles Rcrlli n, 8on. New Tork. "Of all the book that haye been writ ten on Hawaii, mlno la the least preten tious." the nuthor explains In the preface, It boasts scarcely even or a bcRinnln and ' of nt end, It la the rocord of n nlngto month's experiences, ragged, like nny month of life " The nnlhor, however, has been thorough In her work. Hawaiian scenes nnd Im pulsions of the many beauties of the Islands, to say nothing of Hawnllan music, havo been carefully recorded by n tourist, literary and artistic, who knows what she sees nnd how to oppress It. "That month, thlrk-padded with happy adventure of eyo nnd ear, nnd ono with hardly a Jarring note or unlucky tint. The remembered awectnoss of Hawaiian muslo has haunted ench sentence j phIiiis should droop over every page, and the white Pa cific surf should beat around ench margin." It does, almost. The book innkes enjoyable reading. It I j 'amply Illustrated with photographs. Portrait Studies 'PORTRAITS OP WOMEN," by Oamlll tlrart- ford Ttounhton Mirtlln Company, lloaton and Nw Tork After "Confederate Portraits" nnd "Union Portraits," which were a vnluiiblo contribu tion to the history of the United States, Gamaliel Bradford gives us another volume, 'Tortralts of Women," In which the nuthor tried, as In His former volumes, not to give a mere biography of his subjects, but to study their psjchology. Indeed, he says ho would prefer to entitle his volume "l'sycho graplfs of Women" should It not sound rather startling to publisher, render nnd author himself. The author, ns hn warns the reader In . the preface, docs not pretend, nor even does he endeavor, to wholly portray the character : of his herqlncs, but presents aspects tha value of which "must be more In suggestion and stimulation" than In the uny of n (Inn) sketch N'or does he nttempt to Include In his portraits nny modern woman, ns tho latest In date Is Kugcnln do Guerin, who died sixty-eight yours ngo. Nevertheless, Ilradfnrd's tprtralP.i are ' mainly psychological sketches, from which a more complete study might bo derived. Beginning with Lady Mary Wortloy Mon tagu, tho author analyzes tho lives of Lady Holland, Jnne Austen. Mndnmo d'Arblny, Mrs. Pep) a, Mndnmo do Savlgnc, Madame du Deftand, Madame de Cholseul and Eu genie do Guerin. The Bamo keen ecnaa of observation nnd analytical nttltude which distinguished Mr. Bradford's former lils ,, Jprlcal studies pervade tho present volumo 5 In a still more arduous task, that of sketch ing the character nf wnmpn frntn mnrn fW T facts, women whom tho author could not possibly meet. Some Masterly Cartoons ONE HUNDRED CARTOONS, by Ceaare. 8mll, Msynard & Co. llonton. Tho Literary lMltor could hardly hope to And a better reviewer for Ccsarc's enr toons than the Kvenino I.KDOEifs own Sykcs. Hero Is his Qplnlon: Always tech nically powerful, Cesare Is nt 1i,b best when depleting what ono might call tha "heavy ivelght" (or. In more elegant terms, the Classic or heroic) rubject, and the selections Incorporated In his book nre worthy exam ples of his ability both In conception and execution. Various phases of the Huropean war and domestic happenings of note are portrayed with the keen Insight nnd sure touch which characterize the dally work of this artist and make the book of value not only to the nrt student and those Interested In current events, but to nil who care to watch the progress of the newspaper car toon In Its Increasing power ns iin opinion maker. Gibson Again QIIISON NEW CAIITOONH. Charlea Hcrlbner'a dqji. new xorK, Penmen may come and penmen may go. but Charles Dana Gibson serenely maintains his position in the front rank, with nobody crowding him enough to cauno him material discomfort. Naturally, when $ne's work has appeared before the dear publlo con tinuously there nro many who turn away 'or a glance nt something new or "differ ent," but to those who care to watch the development of an artist unspoiled by sue cesa there Is much to ,be found Interesting In this latest collection jpf Mr. Gibson's drawings. - ' With subjects up to his usual high stand ard of quiet humor and pathos, the draw ings are characterized by a recently ac quired freedom In modeling1 and handling of draperies which adds much' to the always sound drawing and bureness of outline that first marked this foremost American artist as regards the pen-and-ink branch of the family. And, we rise to interpolate, tha girls are just as pretty as ever. Sam Houston, Hero WITH 8AJI HOUSTON IN TEXAS. Ily Edwin L. titbln, J, U. Llpplncott Company, Philadel phia Edwin I Sabln makes his contribution to "The Trail Blazers' Series" with a patriot! tale called "With Sam Houston In Texas." The red-blooded American boy and his father as well are likely to find much to stimulate Imagination and the right sort of spirit In the adventures of the young hero, The latter meets the scout, soldier and statesman, Sam Hous ton, at one of the most picturesque periods of his picturesque life, the battle of San Jacinto and capture of General Santa Anna, peiny a particularly stirring Incident. Studio Life in Paris 1IKARTS AND FACES. By John Hurray alb-con- John Ijino Company. New York. The book Is unusual and weird. Further more It borders on (he Immoral in many passages, though Ita realism Is not exactly vital Ita pagea are tiled with scenes of studio life ia parlB, with the usual number of artists' models in various stages of par tial or total dishabille. In a nutshell, it is a character study of George Grange, a youth from Scotland who achieves fame and fortune as an artist When about to begin a portrait of the King In London, hjs. career Is wrecked by a model, Ethel Swallow, evidently as flighty as the bird of that name- Her husband is a, notorious white slaer, "who would stop at nothing abort of murder " Many of tha' "e" In tha book de cSdtdly ar "palnWJt" The book U w el, vttu or y isurssyn? to ttwae wtw Ms ra4fta bijt it H o wI IMsk&Msr'wttt cnif ngmmaftt BRINGS FORTH AN IMPRESSIVE EXHIBIT OP BOOKS AUTHORS WAR IS NOT FORGOTTEN IN CHRISTMAS BOOKS James M. Bock Reviews the Eolations of Amcricti With Europe in "Tho War and Humanity" ON THE BELGIAN RELIEF TUB WAIl AND HUMANITY, llv jAmes M Ilcck. O. r. Putnam's Bnn. Npw Vork Mr. Heck, whoso discussion of 'The Evi dence In tho Case," denting with tho origin and causes of tho wnr, attrnctcd Interna tional attention nnd commendation, 1ms gath cted In a book seven addresses which ho has nindo on vnrlnui phases of the con flict and Its relntlon to the United .States nnd to the broader Interests of hlinmnlty Thoso familiar with "The IMdence In the Onto" will expect to find In these addressen a defenso of tho causo nf the Allies and nn arraignment of Germany They will not bo disappointed. Mr Deck Iiiih nbntit n llttlo respect for the foreign policy of tho Washington Administration as for tho Ger man wnr policy, nnd he has not hesitated to express his opinions. He detnjed tho pub lication of the book until nfter tho elec tion that it might not bo mlstnkcn for a Republican campaign document In Bplto of Its controversial chnractor the book Is n valuable contribution to the literature of tho war Mr Beck has made a careful study of the caso of IMIth C.-well. and he has put tho result of his Investigations Into a chapter which seems to prove that tho unfortunate British nurse, whatever hor offenso mny have beon, wns not treated In her trial with tho fairness which Prussian law and tho Anglo-Saxon sense of Justice 'demand Ho has been fnlr enough to In clude In an appendix tho German defenso of tho execution. Tho chapter on the sub marine controversy exhibits the weakness of tho policy of Mr. Wilson so clearly nnd so convincingly that few will disagree with tho closing sentences. After referring1 to the cry, "Itemember tho Maine!" he sayst "nomembor tho I.utltanla !" Yes It. too, will be remembered by the Ameri can people not with a proud conscious ness of n work well done, but with the humiliating recollection of a great work for humanity left undone through tho supine Inaction and timid counsels of those oillclnls to whom the dignity and honor of tho Republic were for tho tlmo being ctmmltted. Other chapters nro on tho foreign policy of Washington, on tho splendid account which Franco has given of herself and on the sjmpathy of America with the causo of the Allies. Details noljjian Jtelief WAK IIIIUAI). Ily riilwaril Kyre Hunt. llnry Holt t Co . New York. This Is a personal narrntlvo of tho war and the relief mission In Belgium. It Is by the American delegate of tho commis sion In Belgium In charge of the 1'roUnce of Antwerp- 1,r' Hunt had iCmost unex ampled opportunities for obscrtntlon of the war's rawiges In Btrlcltcn Belgium. Ills headquarters havo been In Antwerp, be sieged nnd taken early in the conflict and the scene of extraordinary hardship. Mr Hunt managed to get to this great commercial and historical center very early, as he was In Berlin In August, 19H. He went through the bombardment of Antwerp. From this till the t-me of going to press, nls book Is a complete record of relief work In Belgium It has distinction nnd authority. Of especial value aro life sketchci of Lleb knecht. Cardinal Mercler. Brand Whltlock. von der Goltz, von Hissing and other per sonalities. The book Is well written und at tractively Illustrated With JotTre's Men A VOMJNTBnn POtl.U Ily llenry Sheatun. Houghton. Mifflin Company, llostou. This book takes tho reader "behind the scenes' somewhere along the Meue. or the Ancre, or the FlandeH front. It does for It . v.'nAi. m-mv what "Tha First Hun. lit, r (ciivm , --- - - .- - - - dred Thousand" and "Kltchener'a Mob" have done for the .urilisn lorvn hi iviibihiiu anu .:. i hi.itt in hAfnini as much a classic of the great fight as those books. , The au thor who is me son at un imijKin i" and 'French mother, has had opportunity for observation In the trenches and on many war lines. Ills narrative is viviu. tunn ing: It has tears nnd pathos In Its detailed nod human account of the struggle and the sacrifice over mere. r. nuwi " nearly a year at tha extreme front In the service of the American Ambulance, America's Fairy Lore THE CLAN 01' HUNKS.'" by Fredjrltk JuU Wavufh- Charles Bcrluner's Bonn, New York. America has Its fairies no less than Ire land the haunt of tha little people, and many another land with old worldly tradi tions deep-rooted In the soil. To be sure. Uncle Sam's fairies are distinctly fact! tious Instead of Indigenous. Frederick JudU Waush Is tlww- Hans Christian Andersen dnd Jacob Orlmm. He Is, In fact, Ihelr creator as well as their narrator, and II. lustrator. The distinguished member of the National Academy has painted forty seven full-page, large, oblong pictures of the hitherto undiscovered tribe of "munes." Four are reproduced In color He has con trived a fetching legend for a text The "jnunes" are totally unlike the Irish lepre chaun, the Scotch wee folk, the Seandl navUn troll or the Oerman gnome. Chit dren will delight In this handsome gift book- Partly About tho Great War i auKAK By John QiUworthy lbarl A3?"tJ. SM. Nt York. Mr OaUwoitby's Ingathering of papers, essays and periodical articles is not alto es?y; f .!kl h. ho If at lmt. nut hta iWt wit and obervatton oa . tiutata omnia teve aunort a prepay. ,.,, .!.,i. vuluu In IU 3gtrgaJ ftmr am A t wa "Sfcfc'HKht mi fctSy. Wk its4sMr $$7 SZ -. saSE Tho subject of Prof. C. A. Smith's iW Jmk W&bitczgS OvJ rl Vlt'Wmgmfl "O. Henry Uiogrnphy." Knthlocn Norris, tho novelist, nnd K Pw 'ffiKj M her son, Frank, Jr. flBr YvlB JwP nKHBEBh , flB&' urn . ')W HM WHO FIGURE PROMINENTLY IN DAY'S BOOK NEWS toNI&i. ill lKmm yRHKn THJiflrwi in Hfwl ImmSM iPiflalHH HHaaaasBBk fiiEVwl HlkSc SI F. J. WniiBli of "Tho tfim of Munes." nf tho fusion of thoughts l tho heat of the fra Thus wc have not onl n good essay. "Kltst Thoughts, but a hotter ono, full of earnestness, tolerance and sincerity, "Sec ond Thoughts ' "The Hopo of letting I'onco" Is of philosophical trend nnd ex tremely Milunblu ns a discussion of tho topic "Literature and tho Wnr" Is aca demic, but Interesting In a casun, way. Tho "Dl.ignos's of nn Ilngllshman" Is keenly analytic nnd should Rive many n Briton pause. Thcro nro other sections characterized by humanitarian spirit nnd earnestness of view point "nnd of coiirso by stylistic distinc tion nnd dignity. Ticntiuont of animals, pe nology, social unrest and tho feminine causo nre nmong the subjects Irish Stories by American Tin; wham: and the aiiAHsiiot'iT-n. ny Scum. m u'llrlon. Untie, llrown A Uo . I!o- ton Most of tho Irish stories nnd plays that havo becomo popular havo been to tho manner born. Jane Barlow. Heumas Mc Mnnus. Shan Bullock. Uidy Orcgory, A. K all of these nnd their compeers have been natlvo to the old sod. Yet It has been pass ing strange that America, with Its large Irish population In tho first and Bccond gen erations, has not produced literary worltr redolent of tho soil. To bo sure, there Is Finlcy 1'iter Dunne, but Mr. IJooley Is ns mucli Indigenous to A-r-r-chey road, Chi cago, ns he is upsprung from Hrln Hero now Is n now writer, American, lit erary satirist and nuthontlc humorist, whoso work has tho tang of the peat flro ns well as tho mysticism of tho Celt Seuinns O'Brien's first collected stories form a group that nro of Intrinsic value nnd nlso a fine portent of what ho Is to do There Is a very Iiumnn philosophy In t:em, n keen but kindly criticism of foibles nncf fallibilities, n rich sense of comedy. A new literary planet has swum into our ken. and Tilt'H in: camb." iy 'K",lT0"'n,,en'1 llrailr. 0. I. I'utnum Ponn. New York. Cyrus To wnsend Brady's ChrlstmaH fan tasy. "And Thus Ho Cumc." Is ft scries of touching llttlo pictures, mere sketches, ranging from the lighted ballrooms of so clety to the hopeless poverty of tha slums, but each narrating In Its own Individual way the need which In their several ways tho children of men have for aid and solace from the Saviour of mankind. Tho lllus tratlons by Walter II. Hverett are note worthy. Madeline 'A Doty, nuthor of "Society's Misfits," tho now book on prison conditions nnd prison reform, lias drawn hor deduc tions from actual contact with the men nnd women behind the bars When "Happy Jack" Mulraney was In tho death cell at Sing Sing, Miss Doty had many long talks with him, for "Happy Jack" was n product of tlie conditions Bhe was trying to analyze. The night before he was executed ho spent hours writing for her his Ideas on theso problems, i(nd Miss Doty has used this material In her book Her agitation has rilready borne practical fruit. As a result of her reports on conditions at Auburn prison. New York State, the State Superln Undent of Prisons lias written some pretty plain letters to the warden of that Instltu tlon outlining the reforms which he wishes carried out at once: shorter hours of con tinuous confinement In cells, extension of the letter-vvrltlns privilege, conversation to be permitted In the shops, censorship and mutilation of convicts' newsimpera. to be discontinued, Jlberal supplies of water to be provided, abolition of the rulo requiring convicts to be locked In their cells con tinuously for fourteen das upon arrival at the prison Dana Rurnet, whose new novel "The Shining- Adventure" Is published this week, writes from Maine that he has been leading "a life shamelessly normal and regular, doing nothing except work, I swim, fix my automobile, walk, repair niy automobile swim and work." He contnuea, "One of my friend? has just caught an extremely large fish I might borrow It and have, my picture taken holding It by the tall. I have often seen picture of authors hold ing large Hh by their tails. They seem to be very popular the pictures, I mean, not the authors." EVVIND OF THE HILLS An Icelandic Outlaw Drama By MR. SIGURJONSSON Translated by Uennlnge Krohn Schanche, of Philadelphia. f Tht V0IVW ctw(ala usolAcr play fcy tin taut "" $1.50 Net OnJr by wall from Ths, Asricsa-Seaasltaaiii FoucJitJaa '-r.JJCWw. flh Mwt Vtw YeHfc K. T "; W. H Hudson, writer of "Green Mansions" nnd "Talcs of the I'limpns." WHAT PUBLISHERS -WILL OFFER YOJU Announcements oT Forthcoming Volumes, Fictional and Non Fictional in Nature. Tho Century Company-will shortly pub lish "Inside tho IScrmnu l'mplre." by Her bert Il.iy.ird Hwopo, of tho .Vow York World. Mr. Swope. who has Just returned from tier many. Is s.ili", to portray In this bunk the Inner workings of tho most completely or ganized society In .the world, nnd to show what It Is that ban madn of 7d.nnn.000 men, women and children n great battling force, whoso vanguard Is tho flormnn nrmy, but whoso strength, cotirngo, rndurnnrn nnd confidence spring from nil tho people, Ir respective of nge, position or sex. A new book by Max Hnstmnn, editor of Tho Masses, has been eagerly nwalteil by tho mnny readers who found pleasure nnd profit In his "I'njoyment of I'oetry." Mr. ICnopf will publish shortly "Journalism Versus Art," In which Mr I "natulan illng. noaca tho nrt nnd writing of tho popular monoy-maklng mngazlno of our day. Mr. Ilistmnu has Illustrated his book with n quantity of drawings These ndd greatly to tho Interest and vnluo of hln book, for they nro by such men ns Arthur II. D.ivles, John Sloan. Boardinan Ilobln miii, Itcmbrnndt, Millet, etc. Hero nro somn timely notes of hunks pub lished by Dodd, Mend & Co , and remark"! by thnt company on tho merits of the vol umes: "Old Seaport Towns of Now Hngland " By lllldegnrdo Hawthorne. Tho alluring romance lu tho plcturesmio nnd historical settlements of New Hnghind, limiting ti de lightful travel book of humorous and per sonal touches. "Tho Art of Looking at Pictures" By Hmlly Biirbnnk nnd llr.ico Wood. Tho fun damental principles for obtnliilng practical nnd urtlstlr results Hntlro schemes for nil kinds of homes nre given, us well ns n dixcusslon of tho v.irluus furniture "peri ods " Tho nuthor. Mrs Wood, Is onu of tho most successful mid most widely known Intel lor decorators In New York. "The Art of I,oU)l;lnK at Pictures." Bv CnrI II. P. Thurston. A practical nnd hook fur tho layman deslgmd to creatu n love mid appreciation for tho beauty nnd charm of tho old masters 'The Delight Mnkers " By Adolf 1". ll.tudeliur. This is n new edition of n very famous novel describing the life of tho Pueblo Indlnns of N'ew Mexico. The book is especially valuable to tourists und to students of tho uuliiuu aboriginal llfu of the great Southweot "Poland's Case for Independence" In dorsed by tho Polish Information Commit tee nnd written by prominent Poles who havo mnde n llfelung Mudy of their peo ple's causo. "Ilhyines of a Uniting Stone " IMItion do Luxe. Mi4. Service's poems, with hand colon d mounted Illustrations. Also with gilt top. silk cloth binding with gold stamp ing nnd put up In n decorated urt box. "(Jeorgc Moore " By Sus.in Mitchell. The strange and colorful career of tho famous British novelist, dramatist and crltlo knowu fspeclully as the nuthor of "Tho Brook Kerlth," "Hvclyn Innes" and "Hall and Farewell." The following books aro announced by Houghton Mlfllln Company A large paper jpIaTKBBWBStl?Btra AMONG THE LEDGER'S BEST HUNDRED BOOKS 1 The Old Blood A Jtomiince of (lie dreat Wnr By FKKIIRIIICK I'AI.IIKK iu(or 0 "The I.at Shot." '-iy Year of tin Orrot War," tte. The call of the Old Dlood to the youth of America and the ro mance of the American hero who answers the call with all tho splen did enthusiasm of a great and just cause. A tremendous panorama of the world in the meltine; pot of war and all attuned to tho throb of the great guns and tho onrush ofg millions as only Frederick Pal mer can do it, $1,40. The New York of the Novelists AUTHUII HAHTtKTT MAUMCK fdttor al fix Bwfciiws The haunts of old and pictur esque New York made famous by our great writers. Illustrated from photographs and drawings. f2.00. Our Ka&dtQm, UluUrattd catalogue dcrib4f Hay v. Vi DODD, MEAD & COMPANY 443 Fpurth Avenue, New Yortf Mmmmrrmmm.Mmummmvmmm$:WW edition nf John Mulr'a "A Tliousand-Mlto Walk to the Onlf," being the famous iinturntlst'n Journal of his trump from In diana lo Florida III 1SC7 and nf Ills trip thenco to Cuba nnd flnnlty to California; "A Man of Athens," n. novel of modem Athens, by Julia 1. Pnigoumln; "Harvest Moon," a new volume of poetry, by Josephine Preston I 'en body, which shows tho le.tetlon nf n wnmiiii poet upon tho war; SnuV Cone llrj ant's "Stories to Toll tho Littlest Onen." Illustrated by tho famous Hungarian artist. Willy Pogany; "Favorites of n Nursery of .Seventy Ytnrn Ago," a book of old pur ser) rhjines, compiled by IMIth Hmerson Forbes, nnd "Old Tnvern Signs," nn 'ex cursion lu tho history of hospltnilty, with et and drawings by Fritz Hndell. Among the recent publications by Duf tlolil & Co. nro "Tim Cross of Ileart'ii De sire," by Oertrudo Pnhlow, "Afterwards," by Judith Haulier; "Tim lltiby Stnrv lt-.U-Tales of ('mirage nnd Heroism," by Penrhyn W. Cousslns, nnd "The (loldeii Cli, b A Hyatt Verrlll. Tho hint three titles nre for oung renders nulllold Is also nbout to bring out it biography of Dante, by Prof, c II, i imminent, of Harvard Unlveisity: "(Inrdcn OrnnmentH," n. beautifully Il lustrated bonk on gnrdou furniture, by Mary II. Nnrthenil ; "Tho Ihijoyinent of Archi tecture," u book which describes how to enjoy tho buildings nround un, by Talbot K llnmlln. nnd "Heroes of tho American Itovoludon," by .Oliver Clny. Aiuniig thi! books from the Llpplneott presses nrp two Issues In thnlr Practical Sirles, "Tho Practical Book of Harly American Arm nnd Crnfts," by Harold V Hherleln nnd Abbott McClure, nnd "The Prnctlc.il Hook of Architecture," by C. Mat lack Prlco. Those aro Illustrated. Doctor Kunz's benutlful volumo on "Illngs" Is pub lished at the enmo tlmo Two exceptionally Interesting Juveniles, "The Allies' Fairy Book," Illustrated by Arthur Itackham, nnd "Aesop's Fables." Illustrated by Frederic!, Burr Opper, ore ndded to tho season's list Other publications Includo "Tho Baby." by Dr. Joseph 11 Cooke; "Homo Labor-Saving Devices and How to Mnko Them," by lthen C Scott, nnd "Tho Teaching of Drawing ' by S Polnk nnd II. C Qullter. Tho Louis Hhend Illustrated edition of "Tho Arabian Nights," which was brought out n few days ago, is the latest addition to tho book which, next to tho Bible, In tho most popular In the world. For more than two centuries now theso orlentnl tnlcs havo been known to Huropcnn renders. They wero translated by a Fronchman, Oallnnil (1C4C-1715), from tho Arabic. It Is not known when theso tales, thnt In their ornl form go hnck Into tho mists of the past, wero first put Into printing. Delightful Gift Books A trio of exceptionally fino vol umes, tho Kift of which will bo espe cially appreciated by people who know art and lovo boolts. Vanished Towers and Chimes of Flanders Ily George Wharton Edwards lloxctl, await octavo, tl.U0 net. lllchly Illustrated by tho author In full eolnr and monotone. Thirty full-page plates showing famous buildings of Ypres, Dlxmude, Alost, Malincs, etc, nearly nil of which have now been de stroed t The Book of Boston Hy Robert Shnckleton I.' on net Boston of today treated with the un derstanding mid sympathy of nn old friend. Many sepia prints with deco. rations Unvisitcd Places of Old Europe Hy Robert Shnckleton Iloxtil, $t to net. Short trips off tho beaten paths which dlsctoso a Kurope not lu guide books. Twenty sepia pl.ites and decorations At All nookstorcs The Penn Publishing Co. Philadelphia Love and Lucy sjU?.rr Hj MACHIfi: lli;vt'I.KTT Author ti "forft Jrovcr," "Blchant, Yea and tfau." ttc, ". . , , his old-time skill and mastery. . , . The best thing from Mr. Hewlett's pen that has been published, in this country since the Sanchla trilogy . , . ought tq be one of the landmarks of the season." Philadelphia Public ledaer. ?J.35, Watermeads Ktftlua Hy AlirillllAMt MAHHII.WX Author 0 "Rtton lta,nr," tie "moves along like beautiful voices with orchestral accompaniment. , . , I have read all his novels, anj have never finished ono Avith out wishing that we could, follow his people farther, ... If there are any readers who do not like Mr, Marshall's novels, I am sorry for them." Profetwr William Lyon Phelpa, of rale University, in "The DM." fl.BO. juUif thetn and many ether tahtofcie teeftt, inn a ent FOR CHRISTMAS RlABItCS "AMERICAN SCHISM" IN BRITISH JEYES Old nnd New Problems in Brit ain's Colonics Presented in Mrtcmillnn Volumo The Mscmlllan Company, 6 fifth ave nue, New York, has Just published n highly Interesting volumo wlilch wilt prove a vnl. liable book to students of the history of CI real llrltaln nnd lis colonial empire. The Commonwealth of Nations, which follows n shorter volume, Tho Problem of tho Com monwealth, edited by U Curtis, embodies the results of a study made by various croups formed six jenrs ago In Canada, Australia, Now Zealand nnd South Afrlcn. who proposed tu Inquire Into thn nature of cltliennhlp In tho Urltlsh Umpire. It Is at tho same tlmo n discussion of doclnl. politi cal nnd cthuolofilcnl problems which con fronted tho nngllsli colonists since tho early bcKlnnlnc nf their colonial adventure, nnd to n largo measure a comparison o'f the Drltlsh with tho nnclcnt Orcck and Roman commonwealths. As tho editor explains In tho preface to tho volume, tho reports of the several Kroup. edited In n cohiprohonslvo one. had to bo published In threo pnrtn of three volumes, nnd n conclusion. Tho latter vviih published beforo the main report In view nf tho situation created by tho wnr. Tho present volumo Is Part I nf tho report. It deals with the question of how nnd why thn Urltlsh Commonwealth ennm to cvlst nnd endeavors to trace tho causes wlilch led to tho establishment of a separate common wealth lu Anierlcu. Pnrt II will doit! with thn Kronth of the American Commoiiuenlth Obviously, to tho American renders, tho most Interesting: chapters of tho present volume nro those denllnc with tho Ameri can Colonies nnd tho establishment of the American Commonwealth Chapter VI 1 1 contnlna nn IntcrestliiK dlsousslou of tho American Constitution ns It wns fit Ht shaped and as It was finally ndopted nt Phllndolphln. In which, tho nuthors point out, by ronllnlnR- the central ttov eminent of tho Commonwealth to tho mnnnRcmont of such iifTalrs na wero common lo the people ns n wholo nnd which experience hnd shown could not bo controlled by tho co-op-inlloii of separate. States, and by nnnnM The Season's Distinctive Gift Books The Best Humor FOOLISHNESS nil Stephen Lcacock Author of "Nonsense Novels," "Behind tho Beyond," etc. The Beat Novel THE WONDERFUL YEAR By Willinm JLocke Author of "The Beloved Vaga bond," "Jaffcrv," etc. "Surely tho best book thin nuthor has done for many years. Thoro Is a return In It to the full flavor of The 11 o 1 o v o d Vaga bond.' " .Veio 1'orA; llVQHtno Sun. "from whatever point of view one may regard It whether as n story, the analysis of one man's development, a picture of pro vincial life or n gllmpso of the spirit of n nation The Wonderful Year Is a notnblo novel." .Veio l'orfc Ttine Decorated Cloth $140 net. wimtm&L (nJRTHERf00U5HNLS5 Sketches and Satires on the Follies of the Day Dealing With Peace, War, Politics, Litera ture, I.o ve In Tact Everything! Coj7i; $l,SS net. THE INVISIBLE BALANCE SHEET Rll KATRINA Tit ASK, author of "In tho Vnnijuurd," etc. Cloth. $1.40 net "A novel built upon a theme which i3 certainly one of the most vital of our or nny dny. It is human, intor efltini;, amusing, n sympathetic lovo story, a clear and fascinating pic ture of New York life." New York Times, JOHN LANE COMPANY, eSTCFHEN LCACOCK Scribner Holiday Books Beautifully Illustrated , The Black Arrow Illustrated in' color by N. C. WVCTH. This new edition of Stevenson's classic feudal England romance, dona in color by N, C. Wyeth, is a splendid addition to a famous series of beautifully illustrated books for young readers. $Sf net New Cartoons Ry charus dana gibpon This, the first Charles Dann Gibson book in five years, contains the cleverest of his recent drawings those two most successful series, "Tragic Moments" and advice to the "Mentally Unfit" and much graphic satire upon tho fo.llics of the day. ?S,S0 r.tt- The Clan of Munes By Frederick Judd Wauoh. 47 pictures. Thjs book reveals a hitherto unknown tribe of fairies In forty-seven large, full-page pictures, four in color; an American species, utterly unlike the Irish or Scotch fairies, the Scandinavian troll, or the German gnome. Their discoverer and historian is Frederick Judd Waugh, opa of the most distinguished artists of the country, arid now the leading marine painter, ' f$JQ mt Our Hispanic Southwest By Ernest Peixqtto. With illustrations by the author. Ho begins with a delightful chapter on New Orleans, whence he goe to San Antonio, the old Texan capital, and after a review of. Jta MatsMcj background he sets out for tha real Southwest Texas, Jfew M6Br-: and Arizona every considerable place in which vast fljea he vfiilwB -with a delight ho passes on to the reader. fSM'gfi Hawaii Scenes and impressions " '' ' By Katharine Fulixbton Gesquib. The Hawaiian Islands of today sense 01 tne picturesque ana uie remara.auie jacuuy w spy human beings that have made Mm Gerould' siotw w. carefully preserving the executive ahA feg Islntlve machinery of the State, vrtf w vlded the two conditions essential lo tit existence of n. great fce-mmahweaJlh. ft was already a great achievement bat still greater one was (n be looked tit In. the wise disposition which Ktve the cmi. tral frovcrnment of the new CAmtnbnwearUt the right to administer territories to which several States hnd filed claims but wers not yet occupied, nnd to develop them tmttl they could be admitted an States In thn Commonwealth on an equal footing itllk the rest. This, tho authors of the present volUm remark, Urltlsh statesmen failed to do. unnbla ns they were to devise a system by wlilch colonists could continue to discharge the full duties of cltiienshlp In respect of tho general Commonwealth, thu prevent ing the colonies from developing into a separate Commonwealth, In discussing the results of what they term "the American schism," the authors denl nlso with present American problems, such ns tho Monroe Doctrine and thn prob lem nf tha Philippine Islands. They con- tend thnt tho United States has never ad vanced beyond the conception Qt lha Na tional commonwealth. In other ordt, thi pcoplo of Kurope must come td America If they want to enjoy the blessings of free dom, though "the presence of the negro In their midst has taught them that n. mixture of nn advanced with a backward clrlllta tlon la Itself the greatest menace to liberty.'4 They cite the occupation of the Philippine Islands as n "slight deviation to that rule from that principle," ns a "thorn In then? national conscience," which tha Democisttal party Is expressly committed to remove by Blvlng Independence to tho Islanders. Tho volume contains soverat very fcood charts nnd maps Illustrating graphically tho various commonwealths of thworld tholr development nnd growth and relations to ench other. Tho eager scholar of his tory, whose cngerness Is not satisfied by tho mero recital of facts, but who wants to dig deep Into the rensonn nnd cause of historical events, will find In It nn InVatn nble source of Information. Thn Urltlsh cendor tins refused to permit tho publication of nn Hngllsh edition of John Onlllshaw's "Trenching at Onlllpoll'' on tho 'ground that It reveals n number 0t Important military secrets, ' AN ACCnPTAULB CIintBTMAB OOTT Mommy's CracklirV Bread unit other pom. bjr Theodore II. Bhackalford. Prlr- H(V. Kor (uvlo at bookstore, or by m&a t from the nuthor T. II. Nhackelford, TBI S. 17th Ht-.ThlUr-i HnBMM The Handsomest Book A IIOQSIER HOLIDAY By Theodore Dreiser Author of "The Genius," "Sister Carrie," etc. AHGDSIER HOLIDAY THTCDCC ( CCSBBl A Vivid Picture . of the Middle West - A Criticism of America A Confession of Faith A Personal Record With 32 Beautiful Full Page Illustrations by Franklin Booth. Boards. fs,00 net. IN SPACIOUS TIMES . By JUSTIN HUNTLY MaCAR THY, nuthor of "Tho Glorious Rascal," "If I Wero KnK," etc. Cloth. $1.35 net An old-time romnnco of the days of Good Queen Bess. It is a love story told or rather it is a lover duel fought out in this famous au thor's best vein. "A more exciting historical novel has not been written in our times." N, Y. Evening Sun. Publishers, NEW YORK By Robert Louis Stevenson ara her dejerihed ,wlb tha ilajmfig ro j. 0mprHMW fi -t. U-; jfta 4 . 1 .".