Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 01, 1916, Night Extra, Page 3, Image 3

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"Withdraw Quickly Maturing In
struments From Snlc Through
j Morgan Firm
f'.KWorvo Bonn! Objection Honored by
French unci Frltlsh Finance
NEWTfortK, Dee. 1. I1rlllli nnd Krench
GowntnMitB have withdrawn treasury bills
from wl. ... . , ,
J, P. itorgan ft Co. this afternoon Issued
the following statement:
"W have been Instructed by the British
nn3 French Governments to withdraw the
...... M. I. Ill Imni anln Wa tint neeOfd
- loftlr wpresscd to those Institutions nml
investors wnicn nau aircnuj- iiuicch "m
with u for these securities tho wish to bo
relieved from oblluntlan to deliver, nml they
Jjsvrt been good enough to Jicccdc.
"This action Is taken btfennse, as ex
plained by the Ilrltlsh Chancellor of the
Kichrquer nnd by tho French Minister of
iJKtnnncev xneso (rovcrmngiii urant- u onw
every regard to me Feuerni iicservc, uonm,
governmental body, of which the Kecrc-
A . 11.-. n...,. hm.1 lliM r.if rnllAI nt
the Currency aro ex officio members.
- ninj mv iimi it ...- . --
7 amounts of these treasury bills, payable
Njfl UOliarJ In cv lurK, imu lie ci ih'vii
an essential part of the allied Oovcrnmcnts'
AmirmEal tilfin. lull haftkfnr soma time been
tinder consideration with a view to fur
nishing a Credit medium that would nccow
tnodato the American bnnklnu demnnd tor
an Instrument of short maturity, nnd of
...... 1iltM.1 tKilinna Ittnt llin MninrTimiilllt
&. WUld always undertnho o tlay down Rold
( In Now York sufficient to meet mnturlnp;
It was believed further that theso bills
would havo furnished, at the end of tho
war, an excellent measure of protection to
tUa. Amavlmn lnntiMnl ftttlliit Inn. Intlflmttftll
; as these steadily maturing obligations of
tno loreiim uovornmenis wouiu navu isnuru
n nravent heavy drnfts of Eold from this
I .Nearly All of $-153,773 Left by T. M.
Knight for Good Works
Tlie estate of T. Morris Knlftht. n'ro'.lrcd
Jeweler who died at Doonor's Hotel on Octo
ber 0, Is valued at 1453,773.18. according to
an Inventory filed with HeRlstcr of WIIIh
Sheehan. The entire estate, with tho ex
ception of a fow small bequests, Rocs to
eharltles and organizations of which Mr.
i Knlffht was a member. lto.-uiltnls In this
ft City benefit to the extent of jtS.OOO, while
r more tnan jjuu.uuu goes io mo Homo lor
Bj Incurables. .
p. Included Ih tho appraisement are stocks
Y nt bonds of tho Philadelphia Company,
A tho Electric and Peoples Traction Company,
the Pennsylvania Salt Manufacturing Com-
Ppany, ins unucu uas improvement uom
pany and tho Pennsylvania Ilnllroad Com
pany. Bequests of JBOO to tho Krnnkford Ave
nue Methodist Church and $100 to tho La
dles Aid Society of that church are con
tained In tho will of Marlanna Shcneman.
.Jersey City, which ns ndmltted to probata
loaay aisposea or property valucil at J2I.
400, The bulk of tho estato goes to rela
tives. Other wills probated were thoso of Jo
seph. If. Scntner, 1501 Allegheny avenue,
which disposes of effects valued at $36,000:
Robert B. Donsmnn, Wayno avenue and
School House lane, $9000; Elizabeth Charles,
S70Z East Indiana avenue. $0400, and Caro
line M. Ashton, 25 1 South Twenty-third
street, $5000.
News of IJtuband's Death Six Days
Ago atnl to Patient
Heart-broken because of tho death of her
husband six days ago, Louise W. Whltte-
-moro Maltby widow of Colonel Lucius U.
Maltby, a prominent hotolman, of Phlln-
delphla. died last night at her home, 2532
wyi Awviuy-accona sireei.
She had been HI for some time with heart
disease, nnd relatives feared to break the
news of her husband's death to her. When
he learned It, they found their apprehen
sions Justified, for she failed to rally from
the shock.
Dutch Liner Saves U-Boat Victims
NEWPORT NEWS. Vo., Dec. 1. The
Dutch steamship Veobcrgcn, upon her ar
rival here today from Rotterdam, reported
seeing' a German submarine sink tho Nor
Vfegtan. steamahln TYnuAni'nM t.fr tViu cm..
' Islands. The Veebergen was halted by the
puuiiiurino unu compeneu to taRe tnq Nor
wegian crew on board. Tho Bailors were
later landed at St. Michaels. y
Authorizes) Sale of "Mop" Securities
NEW YOniv. nn 1.Trnl.l mm., ni..
- r . - T - W..,.V .....VVfl J3-
trlCL JUuea MflVrr tntlnv nltrnA.! h .l...MnA
of foreclosure In the Hankers' Trust Com
pany equity BUlt against the Missouri
Paclflo Ilallroad. The decrco provides for
. ina saie pi countorai securities under a
: mortgage given by tho Missouri Pocino to
the trust company as trustee of a bond
, Issue of iD.6ia.nnn Th ni,i n.i .v.. ....
r ' '-' ,- ....w wh. b ,.vu bug uii
Let price of this collateral at $6,750,000,
Named N. G. P. Lieutenant
HAitmsntinn. p. n.n 1 .k"..i.
Oerteral Stewart today nppolntcd William
-K. Lewis, of Bethlehem, first lieutenant and
K$slgned him to Company M, Fourth Penn-
Bvlvanla. Infantry,
Scranton Poor OOlcer Dies
BCrtANTOV. Pa.. Vnv- 1 11 tciim.
I B, auperlntendent of the Hillside Home
-of the Scranton Poor District, died today,
rile was well known In rtfnnhlfmn r-lrol
I In this end of the State.
Wilson to Address Governors
WASIIINOTriN Dm. 1 PmM.nt Ttril.
ft son ttlfa aftarnnnn nrnmliArl nrm.- (lm..
-iffor J. Franklin Fort, of New Jersey, who
railed at the Whlta House, that he would
Address the conference of State Governors
. during its session here from December 14
We are not taking nu
vantage of the inflated
prices and trade is coming
our way fast.
Our prices and line foods
are making thousands of new
1232 Market St, & Branches
Ready Money
minted States Loan Society
117 North Broad St.
:-Ht f. Sib t. 25 tS CrmaDiira ate.
-r r
m9Hik Htm mt,
'' til' - " J'
Meat Pnckcr Strickcru After Seeing
Football Gnmo
OcorKe .1. ttoeech, prominent In the
pickling and beef business. Is dead today,
at tho homo of his hrolher-ln-kiw, Harry
I'oUi. of St. Davids. Mr. Itoesch. who was
fifty-two yenrs old, died suddenly yestcr
day after dinner. Ha Hd at 2IC Vorth
Thirty-third street, on 'tho corner of Pow
elton avenue.
Mr. Iloesch was In apparently (food
health Ut to the last, havlne attended tho
Pen-Cornell jr.imo nnd celebrnteit Thanks
KlvliiR In other ways. Ills death was
caused by heart disease. Mr. Itocsch was
president of theMlcnsch Pneljlnir Company,
854 North Second strct, and also tho Con
solidated Uecf Company, Thirtieth ana
Unco streets. s
Mr. Itoench was educated 'In lho public
rchools nnd Templo University. Ho en
tered In business short))" aftur his urndun
tlnn, with his fothcrunder tbn name of
Charles Hoesch & Sons. ' !"wlfe, Ma
tilda It. l'oth, died suddenly last year In
Atlnntlc City.
Mr. ItnesCh was a member of Kxcelnlor
IxdBC. No, 401. I', and A. M. ; II. I. O. 11.
Philadelphia' Lodge. No. 2 ; Chelsea Yacht
Club. Henvlcw (lolf Club. St. Davids nnd
tho Stonton Country Clubs. Ho Is sur
vived b brother. William, and two sisters.
Claire II. and Iteleno N. Itorich. No nr
rniiRcments have been made for tho fu
Son of Gcncrnl HiRnctt. of England,
Was Disinherited 15 Vears Ago
CHICAOO, Dec L Percy Hlnnett. oldest
son of General HlK'lon lllnnelt. uf KiiKland,
and a RnuUmto nf Oxford, died today In a
"flop house." here. Six other derelicts will
carry him to a Bravo provldd by the city.
Hlgnctt wns disinherited by-,hTs father
because he married a elrl wham the family
regarded as "below his etntlonjfjlle camo
to America, Iea,vlnir her' behind, and never
was able to savo enough to send for her.
That was fifteen years aco.
Today tho six self-appplntml pallhe.ircrii
sent, a message to the dead man's parents.
It read:
"Vour son. Percy lllirnctt. died today ns
ho had married and lived beneath his sta
tion." They signed It. "Six Just Like Him."
To Probe Factory Fire Hazards
A tour of the State by a committee of
Ilryn Mawr alumnae, detecting flro hnznrdB.
resulted today In a resolution being passed
by tho Stato Department of Labor and In
dustry ordering a special Inspection of mills
nnd factories with reference to flro hazards.
Philadelphia will not be afTeuteil, na first
nnd second class cities are exempt. Tho
board also authorized William Young, one
of the members, to draft a tentative safety
code for the printing Industry.
Fine New Upright
Mahogany Plana
This Is not a used or shopworn piano,
but a brand-new full-size Instrument,
made by a reliable manufacturer and
fully guaranteed..
Terms, $1.25 Weekly
Including Moot, scarf and year's
1031-33, Chestnut St.
The Home of Berries
Physicians Report "No Change"
ns an Indication of Pos
sible Recovery
TAnilTTOW.V, N'. Y., Dec. 1. John D.
Archboid, Standard Oil head, fighting stub
bornly all day holding his own, gave his
family, at his bedside, hopo this afternoon
that he may survive.
His physicians were able to report "no
change" In spite of fears earlier In the day
that his resistance night weaken.
Ills condition had been grooving worse
since an operation for appendicitis wss per
formed. A quart of pure blood was trans
fused from the veins of his chauffeur and
his physicians think this may aid in a re
covery. W. J. BRYAN "LIONIZED"
Entcrtnlneil by Secretary Dnntols.
To Uc Dinner Guest of President
and District Dcmocrata
WASHINGTON, Dee. 1 Social lionis
ing of William Jennings llrynn by orriclat
Washington began today with such vigor
that It broke up Cabinet plans. So many
of President Wilson's olTIcJal family at
tended Secretary Danlols'n luncheon to
Mr. llryan that the regular Cabinet meet
ing was canceled. Tho President himself
will entertain his former Secretary of
State at luncheon nt the White House on
December 5, onfthe President may attend
a dinner to Mr. llryan to be given by Dis
trict of Columbia Democrats on Decem
ber 6.
The President will cntertnln a party of
Progressives at dinner on December 7 be
causo of their support of him. Vanco Mc
Cormlck. Democratla National Chairman,
will be present.
Carlisle Lawyer, Former County Clerk
and National Ouardsman,
Killed by Stroke
CARLISLE. Pa.. Dec. 1. Millard K.
Thompson, descendant of n pioneer family,
former Orand Regent of tho Royal Ar
ranum of Pennsylvania, died at his home
hero at 3 o'clock this morning, of a paraly
sis stroke. Ho had been In III health nearly
a year.
.Mr. Thompson, was 67 yenrs old and was
born In Carlisle. Ho was gradunted from
Dickinson College In 1871 nnd received nn
A. M. degree three yenrs later, lie was
one of tho oldest members of the Cumber
land County bar. Ho was clerk of the
courts for Cumberland County Vrom 18!C to
18D6 and had served In the National
Guard. Ho was extensively Interested In
railway and railroad activities, and was
president of the Pennsylvania and Western
Ilnllroad fifteen years ngo.
Ills wife, formerly Agnes M Small, nnd
two children survive.
MadeS hoe
IF you prefer only the
finest of cverytbiiiR in
your shoes including
exclusive styles you'll
like oilr Royal "Master
Knual In style, quality,
wnrkmnnHhlp nnd leathers In
shoes you pay IS to 1 10 for
Our economies ore the rea
son. Mnny new styles Just
netler Rhne. nt
ftnurrnrnt I'rlfr
N.W. Cor. Market
and 13th Streets
Kntrnnrr on IStli St.
I n.
Open I
. Hut.KTCh.
L. D. Bcrger Co., 59 N. 2d St.
mil. Market IH Krwtout, ilni.i Out
The Manufacturer Admit
Clawsons 25c Vanilla
it the belt, so do thousand of othert.
Are Good Shoes
$8 and $h
$5 Jpwar
In fact no better can be made,, for behind
every shoe stands a quarter century of effort
to make the name Sorosis stand for honest
mtaHty. Master craftsmen, working with
the best materials, carry 'out the distinctive
ideas of a, corps of artist designers, giving
ion the best shoe possible to make,
Sorosis shoes are always jn good taste,
whether you want a sturdy storm boot or a
dainty evening slipper, The walking boot
here illustrated is a great favorite with the
fastidious woman who insists that every de
tail of her attire be absolutely correct on
all occasions.
Complete stock in follow,
ing combinations:
Black calf. AU tan calf.
Tan with rightand eft wing
ball strap.
Black calf with pearl gray
suede top,
Black calf with white wash
able kid top.
Tan calf with white wash
able kid top.
Hoiitry n All the ffeuf Shade
SorosigShoe Co. 1314 chestnut st.
SiBtcr Asks GunrtUnn
Wealthy nnd Elderly
CmRUNsnURO, Pa., Dee. t. Bmll
tllschoff, a wealthy and elderly bachelor of
Vandergrlft, faces the possibility of a guar
dlan over'hls property as tho result of his
acquaintance with Mrs. LaUra drace Col
lett, of Atlantic City. A petition has been
tiled by IllschofTs ateter In tho Westmore
land County courts asking that a guardian
be appointed over her brother. Tho peti
tion avers that Mrs. Collett Is "an adven
turess, a sptrltunlletlo lecturer and a woman
of much worldly experience."
Attorney l'rnnk I. dosser, of Pittsburgh,
upon whom Illschoff and Mrs. Collett called
to nrrnnge the trnnsfer of a large portion
of the aged Illschoff's property la her, np
pointed a later day for them to appear at
his otneo. In the meantime he used the
long-distance telephone! to Atlantic City,
where Mrs. 'Sophie Scheurer, a sister of
tllschoff, resides. After considerable Inves
tigation the petition was filed asking for
the guardianship.
A hearing will be held some time early
In December. Illschoff Is slxty-elght years
old and Mrs. Collett In forty-two.
Homo-CominR ColebrnnLi Catch Men
Trying to Enter Store t
rtBADlSTl". PA., Dec, l.An attempt to
rob' the general store of Robert Bell ftl
Dlandon early today was frustrated, when
some Thanksgiving celebrators on their way
home came upon? two men prying open a
They captured the men nnd held them
until the arrival of County Detective Krlck,
who brought them here. They gave their
names as Thomas Daly, forty-two years
old. and William Hellmuth, forty-five yenrs
Diamond Guard Rirvjs
Diamond Bar Pins
Diamond Flexible
1331 Walnut Street
A Specialty
Ik.' .HI This Is
Am p& the wise
)$'- tow. Shopper's
gv lV Check
?8MisaV cStl C'oan in en
twwStjhv iHft refer n
Nell VWrflflraSiFjK. ttm"
f'A S$jr?,ra&
Buy the
Season's Most
HurRtindy nnd Brown Kid, tlie two
towest and most fnshionnblc shades
for the really smart boot now is
your opportunity to purchase, for
We. tlirouRh our tremendous buy
ins fncillticH nnd contracts, placed
months ni;o with the. brst mnnufne
(urora in the country, before shoe
lralhor went up in price, have ob
tained n Kcncroua stock of these won
derful shoes.
We oursclvos rouldn't huy them
now at the price we are selling them
to you this week.
And, because wc eliminate cxtravn
Knnt expenses; no chnritc nccounts;
no free deliveries; no high ground
floor rent; because our upstairs loca
tion saves $21,000 a year in ront
alone, wc can sell them fit $3 to 54
less than qround-floor shoos.
AU BiirRUndy or nil Brown
Kid Boots or the new Burgundy
and Drown lomhlnntinun. .
with full Louis heels and!
Iinnd-wclted soles, equal
Io $0 boots elsewhere.
We want nil our customers to ob
tain these shoes, for it is the season's
trrnt opportunity.
Ho, tn Injure rotir obtaining in
expert ftl. tome In today, or unrrly
liv SntnrdiiT, lirfore alien nnd width
i cnn.r brnhrn.
EcraftjL Btot hp
2 FOB WOMEN ., r
as Floor Saves $Z.
1206 & IO Chestnut St
J. E. Caldwell & Co.
Chestnut Juniper South Pcnn Square
fflM right t
. WfjrigJttW
Distinctive Xmas Patterns
50c, 65c, 1, $2
Beautifully Encased in Holiday Boxes
TIII2 Christmas Shops of Philadelphia! Over a thousand
delightful patterns in every color combination of today to
choose from and every one as new as can be.
Winter Underwear, 50c to ?5
201-G-8 South 52d Street
1416 South Perm Square Ui.'.lrSi.'Sl.i'iJ.fi1.
The Great Test
of a Piano's True Value
Before .yo'i buy any piano ask yourself this ques
tion! "What will this p ano be worth twenty-five
years from now?" Satisfy yourself with the
answer, and you must buy a Steinway, It is well
known that the vital parts of a Steinway are prao
tical y indestructible, and that after many years'
use, the worn parts can be replaced at little cogt .
so that a Steinway is as Imper shable as the great
name it bears always a thing ef supreme value.
Steinway Duo-Art Piano Is a combination of three great
Instruments-the finest of pianos, the best player piano and
a Reproduction Piano that permits you to recreate the play
ing of the great artists. You are welcome to try It.
1111 Chestnut Street
SON Diamond-Disc PH0N00RAPH
i&w m. - ... .. smEDi
ft -. !. m.-ihi 4tM , I " M EMlk Kdkii, K MtMWiSe"'" - ' J WMWmfi. ,t,i unnr'-irr-- "r-iltn
. ' latSii
"' ' . V
i .
Perry &,Co.
16th & Chestnut Sts., Phi
i .-.
) Cloth very satisfactory
Great Service
Great Fit
Pleasure to deal with
A house that is on the job
M'r to)
f ' w
I w
W -
I f
i .HsKV
m . 'Li WWW
110 m: i, sot
Han plain Imrk) nn lie It
snug wnlst; ample sltlrt; iilnln
poclicts. Collar of cloth or
vchet. Doublc-lirenstcd front.
Hack view, 47 Inches lonii
six pleats nt waist and halt
belt with buttons and loops,
close-fitting, four-button front
A rlenn-rui, Iran, Iltlie and
cnmfortitble Winter Overcoat.
q That's how they hand it to Perry's! The head
ing is a literal and exact transcript of a letter
received from an out-of-town Perry customer to
whom we sent an Overcoat with nothing to go by
but his written likes and specifications. And we
hit the nail on the head!
0l Why shouldn't we? With a stock such as ours,
a man can hardly express a preference that isn't
duplicated here be it for a cloth, or a color, or a
pattern, or a model, or a style of making, from the
luxury of Imported Montagnacs and Elysian
Beavers, through a wide range of Ulsters and
Ulsterettes with belted backs, tucks and inverted
pleats, of single-breasted and double-breasted
Overcoats; button-through and fly-front Over
coats; dignified conservative Overcoats of the best
materials that a big store like Perry's can put
into them at every price from S15, $18, $20, 25
up to $60.
Same Thing of Suits!,
q At $15, $18, $20, $25, thousands of Suits in colors,1
and patterns which are not tq be procured any
where else today J K ' .
PERRY & CO., "N. B, T."
16th & Chestnut te.
jwu" k? ' -. iwiipjdlWpftw
-' - yHB
,'- i 1 S -r. f n ;
JlJL J 5 g Jim J . , n-ii-rmrir-r.inriiiiiiiii--n-TM nr miiimi J. a f . 1 ---- -.ttr . -nmr-'