1 1. EVENING LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA. THTTB3tAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1010 . ' ' ,'. ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY-EIGHT ROUNDS OF BOXING AT LOCAL CLUBS THIS AFTERNOON BROCK AND JACKSON IN I I xr,, . . H i . ., . .a-.,.,, I ' . IriiAnr.rcv Tirw'r.tf TAnKrES BROCK AND JACKSON IN WINDUPAT OLYMPIA A. A. Fivo Other Mntchcn on Matinco Pro gram of Hrond Street Box- InR Club Mult Droek, n. rteral.in'l'bnttlfr reputed to bo n, Unockernut, will mnke hi, drat up. ponrnnbo In the wind-up to n, Mx-bout pro Krnm t the. Olympl.i A. A. this afternoon. Wlllla indnon, the N'cw Yorker, will be Mr Urock'a opponent Joe Chnney, of Haltlmnrn anil n brother of Ocorce. will open the show with Franklo Quintan. Joa Tubor nnd Yoimir DIrkIh will bi the, aernnrl pair In the tin, fol lowed by the, return net-to between Sailor Bmlley nnd Johnny Mayo, Their last meet. Inn waa Blue, pIiir. Iur from bell to bell Then Benny Kaufman nnd Touiir Mo Govern, two of Philadelphia' leadlnjc ban tams, will decided their MMIc supremacy Doth nra riiBired battlers nnd each punches hard for n llttlo fellow Previous to thn Drock-Jackson match, Pnm Robblcnu nnd Charley Thomas will endeavor to knock each other's block off In all, nine of thn twntva boxers on the program nre rhlladetphlans. I CAMDEN VICTOR OVER JEWELS Skceters Advance Into Tie for Lead, Winning by 27-21 HOUGH HAS OFF NIGHT btandino ov- tub ct-uns w. i v.r. w, t, p c. JllD-r 7 2 .77 Oreyntnck... 4 .1 .III Camden. ... 7 L' .77 Trrntnn .1 tl .mi Reading. ... I 4 .BOH D Nerl.... t 7 ,125 Kciu:i)t;i.i: ron tonioiit Trenton at Jasper. Do Nerl at Heading. Four thousand wildly cheering basketball fans witnessed Cnmdcn defeat Jasper, 27 to tl, and thus tlo tha Jewels for tho lead In tha I'nntcrn League, tn a game played last night In tho Camden Armory. At tho close of tho first half Jasper led by a scoro of 16 to 10. At tho start of the necond half Kerr threw In n goal out of second scrimmage, furthor Increasing Jusper's Ipad, but tho famous Adams 1-xprcns five got In working order, Steele Dotln, llrown and Adnma each ucor lnc In rapid r.ucccsnlon, giving tha "Skcet ers" tho lead. Ah Hough wan falling down on his free thrnns, Camden had llttlo diffi culty In holding tho lend until the end. An enthusiastic crowd of Jasper rootera was on hand, and Hough, tho speedy for ward, l reeked n token of their regard when ho was pieecnted with a bouquet. Llno-up: CA.MDBN T i i !!"!!!! I "o JAHfnr. K.O. , '.'. '.'.'.'.'.'. T a t it n n. a. re ia ii 17 o a 2 II II 2 II 1 4 (I 0 2 Adams, forward pteele, forward . polln. renter ... llrown. guard ... Dlecan, guard . . Total! 37 n.o. 7 o II II o A. I 1 0 t 1 Hough, forward . bedran, fortvard it ierr. center . . . . reeaman, suaril 'ox, jtuard II Totals 7 fc Fouta committed Camden, Referee Kelly. 7 I 21 :0; Jaiiwr. 10 NATIONAL TENNIS MEN GUESTS OF LOCAL BODY Julinn S. Myrick Discusses Amateur Problem Before Philmielphinn Association The mooi qurstloni of t-nnfa players rerelv Inr eipemea tor participating In lournnmrnta and rapltntlilna their r-putallons were illi. rul by Julian H Myrlak prealdent of the weatalde Tennla Club, of Now York n nn ad. drena iloiivvrct ai Iho annual hannu-t of (ho Philadelphia and Dlatrlrt l.nwn Tennis Aaaocla tlon, liolil In Iho Palm Himm of the Hutrl VaUon last nluht Mr Jlyrlrk declared lh.it IrKlsl.illon aralnal theao two ella would he eonilderod at naxt meeting of tho Nitlonal Aaaoclntlon. Oeorco T. Ad-o. president of Ihr United iltatea Kallonat lawn Tennla Aaaoclatlon. presented trophies to tho champions of tho Trlntato nnd Suburban Leigura. a feature of tho affair waa the prreem-c of junior muinplonH ino w.-rw fueita of tho aaaoctailon 1'hey InrludM Ilodnoy leek and Horlnx Wllaon, I'hllndelphla doubloa champions, H B IVnnwk. Junior Interaradomlo lltl-hulJcr. Haymond L. Kennedy nnd Itlchard Jlyori. Amonr tho apeakrs ware William P. Row land, who anoko fur Iho rhlladtlphla dlatrlct: Dr, R. 11. li.whurit, whoao subject was tho clenttdo side of the Kamo; Frank It. tfykra, prealdont of Iho Cinwyd Club; Frederick II. Alexander, a former Davli Cup player. Jamea J-lemltr, A I.. Iloaklna. William T. Tllden. 2d. and Dr. 1. 11. Hawk. Paul W. (Jlhbona, presl dnt cf tho local aaaoclatlon, ucted aa loan Dial tar. ' Class Soccer Games Arranged There will be two soccer football L'amn at tho Philadelphia. Hall Park on Haturday after noon for the benefit of tho Football Aaaoclatlon of Eastern Pennsylvania, and District. In tho first cam th kick-off to he at 2. lit. The Indus trial I.easuo will line up agalnat tho Allied and United eleven. Tho aecond Kamo at 3:t& o'clock will brlna together an all-amateur team snd all professional eleven. Scholastic Schedule Today rooTiiw.i. fit. Joaeph'a vs. Catholic lllih, at Ifouaton Field, 10 ii. m. VUlannru t'rep, at Chester High School, noiitn rnuaaeipiua insu at iiiiminauin IIIh. 10 ii, in. Poluiowu Ills h at .Vorrlitown lllih, 10 f'anidtii Itlih Nehnol . .Mumnl, to a. in. I.u Halle Colleio e. Alnmnl, 10 a. m. Media lllih BtUool vs. Alumni, 10 a, m. HOCOKR Central High nl fieorie Srhool, 10 . m. Gerinantowu llua' Hub al V. I. II., 10 "'rfiilonal farm Hcluwl at V, I. V., 3 p. in, ,mA, PETEY - Yes, Auntie Seems to Need a Little Care j M 77TZrZZ T M7iblMTAmm -N Know ve --isw.t TV,ay hei5e:s Tew Thousand . -,,.;al Com OMCte PCTEVSAHOW SMOKES) JW J J ultixM A EEVJ '" VIFB. ) ( FOWHV I ) - ( P0LVAR5 I MAOl? OM SOME ' "rPl3 I TPAT AUrJTIg lfc-AP"UW.TreM MlluoW O0UAR.S Ht?; OMCie 1 ',, nTgn I LET METAKECAPtE. TwlHKWCTlE. "BETTER TAKE CAHE 9r IT y 'M GOIUC To T3UV JfA mooSAMO BEANS j( HER. VMU Ue CONE iw W Oh OUR IMoWEV - J VBRf &AME 1 V' IM So AFRMb OF r- '' M .., i IMpSf Wun? nlV V NO TIME. VMAT VQ W ( ou SE.H TThEPE J V TrHlHG J 4 V&0-AS jr--S ' T5 M Willlo Jnckson Attractive List of Athletic Events Arranged for Thanks ffivinp Day Program FOOTBALL Penn vs. Cornell, on Frnnklin Field. McCltiro vs. HolmosburR, nt Ilolmeslnirc Victrix C. C. vs. Vincomc, ut Strnwbriilge &, Clotbier Fielil, Sixty-second nnd Wnlnut streets. Vlllnnova Preparatory vs. Chester Hiub, nt Chester (n.Tn.). Cnmdcn IIIrIi vs. Cntndcn Alumni, nt Cnmdon (n. m.). La Snllo Collcrjo vs. I,n Snllo Alumni, nt U Snllo (n. m.). Catholic HiRh vs. St. .Joseph's ColleRO, nt Houston Field (n.m.) South Philadelphia vs. Wilmington High, nt WilmiiiRton (n.m.). Media Hlfch vs. Media Hich Alumni, nt Meilln (n.m.). Pottstown HIrIi vs. Norristown HiRh, nt Norristbwn (p.m.). Nntionul Fnrm School vs. Pennsylvania Institute, nt Mount Airy (p.m.). HOXING All-star bill nt Olymplu A. A. (p.m.) All-stnr bill nt National A. C. (p.m.) All-star bill at Ryan A. C. (p.m.) All-star bill nt Nonpareil A. C. (p.m.) GOLF ThnnkscivlnR Day tournament of tho Country Club of Lakowood, nt Lnkowood; N. J. BASKETBALL Jasper against Trenton, nt Nonpareil Hall (nipht). CROSS-COUNTRY RACING CHAMPIONSHIPS 10 n.m. American scholnstic championship, at Fairmount Park, 11 n. m. Schuylkill Nnvy championship, nt Fairmount Park. 11 a.m. Pcnn-Corncll freshmen race, Sixty-thirn nnd Wnlnut streets. OPEN HANDldAP RACES 10 n.m. Mcadowbrook Club open handicap, nt Sixty-third and Wnlnut streets. 11:30 a.m. Woodland Avenue Ilusincss Men's Association, open hnndi cap, Sixty-third street nnd Woodland nvenuo. U:!!0 p.m. Oricntnl Club open handicap, nt Gloucester, N. J. CLOSED CLUIJ RUNS 0:30 a.m. Mcadowbrook-J. W. C. I. junior run, nt Sixty-third nnd Wnl nut streets. 9:15 n.m. Mcadowbrook-J. W. C. I. intermediate run, Sixty-third nnd Wnlnut streets. 10 a. m. Shannhnn C. C, nt 4725 Lancaster nvenuo. 10 n.m. Victrix C. C, nt 5431 Vine street. 10 n.m. St. Mnlnchy's C. C, nt Eleventh street nnd Otrard nvcntie. 10 a.m. Xavfnr C. C., nt 2313 Pennsylvania avenue. 10 n. m. St. Francis T. A. B., nt 2313 Pennsylvania avenue, 10 n.m. Aquinas C. Cat 1708 South Eighteenth street. 10 n. m. St. Monicn'a C. C, at Seventeenth and Porter streets. 10 n. m. Corley C. C, nt Twelfth street and Snyder avenue. 10 a.m. Mount Cnrmol C. C, nt Third nnd Wolf streets. 11 n.m.1 St. Columbus C. C, nt Twenty-fourth street nnd Lehigh avenue. 11 n.m. Gcrmnntown Boys' Club junior run, 25 West Penn street, Gor mnntown. 12 m. Gcrmnntown Boys' Club senior run, 25 West Penn street, Gcr mnntown. TRAPSHOOTING Academy Associntion shoot, Wyoming nvenue nnd D street. Point Breczo Gun Club shoot, at Point Breeze. Eaglo Gun Club shoot, nt Mnnon. LIVE BIRD SHOOT Swccpstnke live bird shoot, open to nil, at Point Breeze. GAELIC HURLING MATCH Emmctts' A. A. vs. picked team. MOTORCYCLE RACES .Eastern States soventy-fiVc-milo professional event, nt Narberth. SOCCER Morning Games INTERCOLLEGIATE LEAGUE Penn vs. Ynlo, nt St. Martins. Referee, Walter E. Hinds. CRICKET CLUB LEAGUE First Division Germantown vs. Philadelphia, at Mnnhoim. Referee, F. Addis. Merlon Maroon vs. Morion White, at Haverford. Referee, A. M. Addison. Second Division Hnvcrford Collego 2d vs. Merion 2d, nt Hnverford, Referee, I. Carr. INDUSTRIAL LEAGUE Benefit Game Standard Roller Bearing vs. Pick of tho League, nt Phillies' Ball Park. Referee, James Waldors. f AFTERNOON GAMES Disston vs. Brooklyn Celtic, nt Tacony Ball Pnrk. Hibernians vs. West Hudsons, at Phillies' Ball Pnrk. Veteran v. Putnam, at Third street and Lehigh nvenue. Christ Church vs. Germantown Boys' Club, at Tenth and Butler streets. Rangers vs. Chester, nt Point Breezo. SCHOLASTIC Central High School vs. George School, at George School, HOLMESBURG PLAYS TODAY Lake, Scott and Diamond in Line-up That Will Oppose McClure When thn MeClure and llolmeabur football trams lias P ' Ijolmesbur Football Tajk this afternoon th.ro will b. th. two strong est hide. Kndent teams In this aection of the country ttllntc for tho championship, llolmtebur al ready has defeated Conshohocken and a tlctory over Iho Darby team will give them a claim to the championship laurel. Doth teams have tt-collef players. Pick Dia Ua.h team have, ei-eollne players. Pick Dia. uourie, ucaeemer fiiajm naiio.c. NEW FACES WILL APPEAR IN NATIONAL CLUB HOUTS Billy Kramer nml Jimmy O'Hngon Aro WinrUUrv Prlnclr.nl. Two Indians to Clash Opening with a contest between a braes of Indian bantams, Mttlo Dear, n newcomer here, and Indian Hussell, of South Thlla delphlt, fifty per cent of the other boxers nt the N'ntlnnal t'luh this afternoon also will be first-time, talent In local competi tion. The final number of I he half doien set-to attraction wilt brlntt together Jimmy VI!nRn, a Iluffato middleweight, and Hilly Kramer who has proved n sensation In his Philadelphia bouts Charley Simpson, an Australian tlRht weight, will make his American debut In n rtnlest lth franklo White Johnny flay, who Kftva Champion Johnny Kllhano n toush tussle will be paired off with Eddie, Morgan Other newcomers will be l-en lloutnnda, Milwaukee, and Jimmy lleagan I'allfornln, respectively opposed to Joo Hirst nnd IMdlo McAndrews All of the men who moke their debut on the National program coma to this city with splendid reputations as boxers of high Class ability mond. Lake and Scott, of last year's Ijifayntla eleven, will b In llolmesbure'a backn.el.1. Tarl Thomas, of the Penn Fresh: Potts, tho big Cor nell tfeoh tackle, and Doo Morrison of llucu nell. also will play. Jlrl'lure has MrKlsslrk. the farmer etar quarter from Swarthmora. Tlghr. I.owel and llaneall.' of Pennsylvania. Ilrell haupt. of Vlllanara, and Illack. uf Merteraburit Bcssemcr Now a Captain SqUTH BF.TIII.UIIESI. r.. Nov. 50. Word was received hen today stating that Stephen Iteastmer. of this city, had been elected inptaln of the football team of tha Dubuque (O.I dtrman College, JJeasemer plays halfback. Eddie McAndrews VINCOME IS PRIMED FOR VICTRIX C. C. Ohl Rivals Clash in Annual Gridiron Rattle on the S. & C. Field The Inilepetulent fnolbill ihninplnliii of We.it ' t'liHnilelphlii, claimed iinnu.illy by Victrix t. . nnil Vlnrnnip. will lm ut ntako this afternoon wlien those nlil ciu'tnle.i clash nn the Strnwhrltlgn & Clothier Krnumls. Sluty-Bocnnil nnd Walnut Mrceli. nt 2 -.10 o'clock Vlneoino tin, worn thn rrnwit thrnuKhout thl penxnn. tine t their Mctnry over Vlrtrlx limt year, hut the latter clnvon this .cnnnn Huh unn nil Itn Kame hy laritc scnrfH, anil there Is n uH!lhlllty that tho title "III clinnRn handx. Thrxc iMins hau met each ThankKlliiK Pay for the Inst four seasons To ilito Vlncnmo has inn relied oft with Iho hulk of the lctnrles, thn count beliiK tin on to i.iio The ireent champion Inst Sntiirdny illpneed of Krankforil, nlwnys a contender for thn rlly championship, hut havo hcon unnhto to pllo up the hlK scores mailo by their opponents of this afternoon M.innRer Jnliti Collin, of Vlrtrlt. h.i. itnthernd a nitnihei of former imiIIokii play ith. liirlinllnR Wnnl, VIIon. Kellv iin.l llnnner of Vlllxnnvn : Yafos. of Munrtli more , Sand. Ohln Stain : OilKhl. Kr.iuklln nnd Marshall, and Northtop. of St Joseph's Renins! this nllRiiment Vlni-oinc will pr sient Kelly and Kuitrtx fjifnyetln. Head. MilhlenliorR, nnd Tolan. HutKcrs As the,' rhal uniko their heailrpinrtrrs In tho same nt iRiiliorltnnO. Klfty-atcond nnd Marl.ol streets, local Interest I Krcat Mno-up- lflrU rrtliroi TtirMlJ.n Itnnnrr Tlppry IlitKhl Wnnl llrrW Irtrnmp Otlmrtif . hnnilr- Urnl Tayltir llul fp KMIr or Mfnlih If ft mil ir. tiirKIr Irft mnirtl rinlfr rlclit Rinirtl rlntit tarklp qiinrtfrlturk SMrnrtt nr rmilrii Irft htirinirk Tolin nr Hunrtr rlilit liiiUlrttrk l)ftlnr nr l'lrmliiit runt pnii iiiniiii Vnl (,uilt Jiillluirk HrMlrflnK Krlrrfr Dr. .It'hti .1. KpmcIi I nhrmltt of 1 Yni.". hunt;,. I mjilrr !m Krnnril, llnljr Cruti. limp nt prrlodi I2li ralutitri. MINOR LEAGUE HEAD URGES SHORT SEASON Post Season Scries for Title Would Follow RcRitlar Schedule 4 N1W YOIlK. Nov. 30 President 1M wnrd Harrow, of tho International LeaKiie. nnnnnnced here yestordny thnt hn will nd vlso his club owners to piny only a US-enmn lenRiio senson next year and n post-season series of forty-elKht Kaines ulth tho Ainer lean Association, tho CI.ish AA Leasun of tho Mlildlo West. Harrow said he already ha talked the situation over ulth tho American Association men and they aro cn thuslnjitlo oer such a series. Barrow will recommend to his club owners that they open thu rerjular season on April K and close It on August 0- In n forty-clKht-Kamo post-season series each International Lcbkuh team would play three Ramcs In each American Association city, and vlco crs.i If practicable, Harrow said, tho winner of Hi hi post-season scries would p. ay the chnmpinn team of tho Pacific Toast Lensuo for tho championship of tho National Asso ciation. Harrow, will put Ills suggestion bo foro his club owners nt their annual metst Im: hero December 11. TOME OPENS WITH A'lCTOBY Port Deposit Soccer Team Downs Spar rows Point High School, 2 to 0 ronT riKI'OSIT, Mil . Nov. SO Tom School opened the eorcer season here yesterday by a victory oier Hparrnwa Point High Hchoot, 'i to 0. A rnu'l.ly flalit and n rirliillng rain made fast rilay Irniwtsslhle Kxrept for a few rnlnutca n the lirst period Tom Kept Ihr ball In Its opponents' territory and It waa only the weak ness of Itm Tom forwards that prevented n much larger score. Hall made th first goal about Iho mM'lle of the wind half, afler Hartehorn'a corner kick and Krlth ttnoted tho lall Wtveen the uprights a few minutes aftvr for the aecond point Mellvnlnr. fook and Hartehorn stnrred for Torn whlio Crlet. and Cox eicelled for tho Usltora, Torn Albrecht .... Wheelock Roberta . . Prldmoro llartahorn . ijonk Hall Bhannahan ,, Mclivalna , . Keith Caray Sparrowa Point goal Nolan .left fullback Lynch right fullback Hmllli .. left halfback I.lndeman .right halfback Crist , center halfback McFadrien .. outside right Cox ... Inside right llano ...renter forward Ilarner ... .Inside haft. .. , . Underwood . . . ..outslda left Kennedy Moats Hall, men Itm Una halves. Keith. Keferee Novak. I.tnea. and Husk. Time 30-tnlnuto SAILORS IN TOURNAMENT WITH CIVILIANS AT RYAN Eddlo Revoiro, Former Jackie, Clashes With Quartermaster Smith In Star Scrap t'nlted States bluejacket will don boxing gloves at tho New Ilyan A. P., Twenty sixth nnd Dauphin streets, this afternoon nnd compete In a tournament opposed to landlubbers. Kdriln Revolre. who has rtonn service for Uncle Sam and was "paid off" eeral years ago, will appear In tho "good afternoon" go. Ills opponent will be Quar termaster Smllli. of the V S. S Missouri Smith has shown here In previous bouts, nnd he punches effectively with his south paw Young Morphew, nnother sailor scrapper who Is n hard walloper and from the l S 8 Kansas, Is to pair nff with Young .lark Toland. Toland dlspl.ijed In his mi. counter with Jimmy MrCabe that bo Is box ing tn good form V Kid Voss, of the CHS North Da kota , lied lirson, of the CSS Kansas, nnd Kid Angarolo, of tho t. S, S Maine, nre the other tars tn bos, respectively meeting Wnlly HIiKkle, Harry Allen nnd Ilnbhv Loughroy, PEN FAR OUTPOINTS KERNELL IN PRELIMINARY TRAINING BIT AT THREE GREAT U. S. SPORTS Several Great Golfers on Red and Blue Team At Poker They're Unbeatable "Satisfied With the Football," Says Folwell Hy SANDY PUN hns a far better team In tho action today limn Kernell. Helm: ofllclnlly rated at scratch, It hn tn nle tho tthnrnnn strokes man for man. The nctnnl supremacy Is decided by the senre nt Kranklln l'lelil to day 1'in acceded to the request of Kernell to Mdllc the question of the better team hy 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 it nt footbnll. an obscure sport that ha been much In the public skull of Inte. This explains the physical contact match Hint holds the llmellKht today mIh-ii eleven inombeiK of the Pen tenm huck eleven tepre sentntlos of tho Kernell lentil, and vice ersa It's a loiiKh Job tn pick the better toot hall team, except that followers of tho Hlir Ited team arc willing to bet any amount or money, tho more the merrier, provided only Hint theirs I thn feathery end of a 2-tn-l proposition, or een ten to mm Hut It It wero n matter of Rolf or poker ah-h Pen would absolutely swamp said HIr Ited tiam Thorn has, hern a week of hard drill at Whltemnrsh In preparation fur trataj'n match lleirj's Ramo developed wonder fully Ills stance, which was decidedly negligee when he first rntuo to tho country club. Is now as firm and confident as might be expected In nnn so new to tho gamn. He was lne.lneil to, pull away from tho ball and chop nt It Hut now hi pivot I n thing of plensum nnd his follow through most excellent Hell, also, watt having trouhln ulth Ills Kamo when ho lirst stepped up to the slatting tee It was his fjrlp, ho noon found. Hn slid his right thumb around n trifle. In lil off. with hi little finger and thn hooks, pulls, slices, lnr nnd other "lid thliiRii uf pre-eiie.impment days disappeared. Nell .Mathuus didn't oven know Rolf slgnalR. but now he's up In them so well thnt he known when he's down and licked. yesterday's drill wa'.i a failure, In a way It was too wet to get out on the links The players Indulged In n. light workout Perry suung a mashio In ono corner of tho locker rnnm In nn effort to smooth out tho kinks In his awing tin was watched over by ono of the old go f,grado at tho club "Ver rnmln' back too fer," Herry wns told. "Shorten up, shorten up." TRANSPORTATION VICTOR P. R. R. Soccer Chnmpions Defeat Ac coimtnnts, Fivo Goals to Nono Transportation tho Ipailrr of thr IVnnsyl vanlfl Kfillroiid Hmcrr League, which Is playing Its second nmihuii lllelfft ated had on rosy time In downing A .M T 'strnly afternoon ut the V M f A grounds 0v goals tn none Ah the ihnmplons had the game turkrd nwiiy nt half time they assumed Ihr defensive tn thn lost half and tho Accountants worn unable to mnkr nn) hrndnny 'Iho whlrwlnd nttaik of Illtmphln Htid Campbell In tho Initial araslon una th f.nturn of tho gume Trnnitportation A M T Porlson goal Armstrong Tale .... right fullback. . . Wlntrrle Frederick . . . .irii iintnarK i-anny Oonnhuo .. .. right halfback Krelry Hucklry , . Kreebornn .crnter naiiiiack itarrin . . .left halfback I.rvealrv ivngelley nutsldo right t'sstlgnn . .Inside rlghv Morrow c enter forward Miller . .Insldr left MnKarlnnd . .nutaldo left Campboll Klllpo drier!.. Hlnmphln ramnbell Lenoir . National League Meeting December 12 NT.W YOFIK. Nov. 30 The annual meet Ing of tho National League will ho held In New York Tuesday, December I'.', Secretary lleydler haa announced. Ii. W. Maxwell Will Select an All-Eastern Eleven ON SATURDAY rentiers of tho EVKNiNfi LKncai will havo tho opportunity to read Robert W. Jinx well's all-Eastern selection. No ono hns been in n better position to soo tho football players of tho East than Mnxwoll. who has officiated in most of tho btfr games this year. Do not forget thnt this selection, with n description of each player's ability will appear in tho Evening Ledger on Saturday under the dena ture of Robert W. Maxwell Edtlio Revolro Ralph Erna McNIHUCK Thn young man Improved remnrknhlv Other members of tho lenm wngrlrd the sticks they p liked out of bags stacked all around nnd enjoyed tho light Indoor drill. Asldn from tho drill lit golf there, wan a long workout on the poker courses. Tho men went nt thn work with great Joy nnd lost, only for "nfters." of course. They showed In every well-organized play the perfect coaching of many hard months of Lollcgo grind. Substitute stood closely nround thn play, watching cvory move, engor to t.iko the place of a varsity man. Tho spirit nnd pep of tho whole, squad wero evident to every spectator. The long drill kept tip from S In thn morning till 3:30. Aftor that the men put on their knickers, outing Jnckcl. nnd pads to take, the nlr outside. All frolicked like boys on tho fnlrwny to tho eleventh nnd eighteenth holes, scorning tn get not n llttlo delight nnd nmusrment at throwing thu footbnll now this way, now that. Hob Kolwell, pro of the Penn club, stated nl the end of tho rnlny nfternoon thnt thn football part of tho week's so journ nt tho club hnil also been very sat isfactory. ADAM flmMtnly. nt West Ilr1ln. N Nov. UT. 8A.M.'K. M . Iiust-nti'l of Utn Mary AiUniN nfll 7'J. I.rMattvt' and frtnds. UmIka Nn. 432, K. ur.fl A M. of IMittn . Kultnn Ilcn. No. 31, K uf V , mptoiri I'hllft. INjutofllcfl, Wlprmm of KoyRttina Hattrry, offtclnla of l.er lln ton itFihip ml nit utlivr tircAnlXKllonn of Mfhlrh h was h memtwr. Invltftl to funeral HrvtcH. Tlmrfl H p. in,, rr3ldnci of daughter. Mr (imrcR I'almor Weat lerlln. N. J. M. mmlr Trvlct ut Mt. Tlmcq Cam. Chapfll. Frt.. II m m ANSON. Nov. Crt. JOIIM C. huabaml of T'rancfs Anon rbi! 00 noUIUea and frltndi. FhlU lot.gv No. 20. Shepherds of Il(lhtfhvm: Ktnnlnvtnii ouncll. No. 3, American Order of Ktem Knalnvrit. momwrn of Krunkford Avp. Ilaptlal Church nm! N. Wt llaptlat Church. .Slonfinnit'i fHowhlp. 2flth Ward. Invltvd tn funeral arrlrp, Frl . Z p. m . J5-l N. Rtan.ty at. (near 31 at and Cumberland). Int. nrtvnta. Friend" injy rail Thtira pve, nft-r H oVIockt AKMSTHONn Nov 23. OKOnOR II., hiw hand nf latfl nianor Armstrone (n JlechtU. nard HI KrUtlvpa nnd frlqnda Invited to fu nrnl. Krl.. 2 p m . aon'a risldncT, 022 lain den at . Camden N. J Int. Arlinslon Cem. KrlfntN mny rail Thnra DAKICR Nov 2t. I.IM.TAN da T. daUEhtaf of Annln and latn I If n Jam In F. Ilakpr, acM 30 The Best Bonds For Investment from tlic standpoint of safety cannot always be judged by the yield that is provided. There arc many excellent mortgage bonds yielding from five to six per cent that arc intrinsically as sound as the average bond yield ing from four to five per cent. We will be glad to give our suggestions to investors who desire data regarding conservative bonds offering the best income returns. .m.!arft$go; IIANKKP.S (Established 1837) 321 Chestnut St., Philadelphia rittsbunh liaaton Wllkea-Darre HraJln Chicago iiiKi'.rrnnY nr accoijntanth Certlllril I'ubljo Arrnuntanls LAwmsNCR k. nnowjr a co. IBIS IUSAI.KrATH TKU8T HUll.llINIl TIU1INS 4 srKAKMAN Tin: ituuituu CHARLEY DOYLE TACKLES JOE KOONS AT NONPAREIL Battle Royat and Six Bouts to -&ft Staged at Kensington Club's Matlnea Charley Doyle, Rle.hm.6ncl. v Joo Koons, Kensington, will ba th wind-up nnA s(lh scrap on tha routine", program nt tho Non pareil Club this afternoon. "Boots," as Doylo Is dubbed, Is a, soutfipaw "Crappor. nnd his terrific piinchlhc has ben fell by n lot of lightweights, Koons, on tho other hand. Is mora of a clever flstlcufrtan, s Ralph Hrno will get back Into ring bar. neaa nfter n. lny-nlt of several months. Ho will meet Knockout Hansom, of I.tttle Italy. " Tho latter Is n big, clever boxer, nnd ho may Klvfl the veteran an Interesting argument t,ei Klynn nnd lildla Pavannuth nre scheduled for tho only bahtam bnttlo oh the canl. ltoth are hftnt punchers, and thlrt bout may prnvci tho best of tha afternoon. In tho other bouts Jack McCloskey la paired, ntt with Kddle Mullln. ltough-hous Sprint tackles Youne Sam Idingfortl nnd Young Mulligan In pitted ngnlnat Chuck I-owor. A batto royal also will bo PtnRwt IlkVTItS nltlre slid frlrnita lnvlte.1 tn funral, 0i. 7:30 a. m , rrsldrnen of brother, Albert M ttaliar, V. llnnalwrrr t,. Oermantown, Mas SI Francis ot Atnlll Church. II a. tn. Int. prlveHe. llAKKH. No 5T, WI1.MAM HAKBIJ. t4 HH. Itrlallvra nml friend invltra tn itinera! service, rrl , 2-tn t. m,, 43m rnn at., rranlt forit. Int. tlreenioot (K of 1M Cfm. tIKNIIAM Nor S7.WAt.TKnP IlKNIIASf, ntc no tirlatlvra nrA frlrmlr. llestln lAit. No 470. V. and A, M t Kejretonr rtiarur Nq. 11.1. " A M . ntllrrra ami illrtetor of Kquaro Heal tl and I.. Hoclety. otneers and itlrretor of W. J Jlenhain II. and I Hocteijr, emplojrs of rhll.i. ('arret fn . Invltrd tn funeral. Bat.. 1 P. m.. 403H N. llth at., lxiao. Int. Laurel Hill 'mitiMiNnirA-M. Kov. :, jamhs j fcrotw ot late Klluitnth A. Hand and eon ot late Elln nnd James ttrrmlnabam. Itelatlvea anit friend. Poller ivnalon Itellef Ao , melted to funeral. Sat.. K 30 it. m . Iirother-ln.law'a rreldenc. .tames T Hand, 13.1 fairmount nvr Polrmn r. qutem mas rfiurrh of Immnriilato Conception III a, m lnl llolv I'ros I'rm, lltK'llKWAl.tV Nor. 20. HiKDKmCK O . huabn.t of lllsnelw M, ami on of KrederleK autt Mlnnln lllndennld rard 17. rtelatlvea nnt frlrnds. sleo Class and, Nachml neneflclat A"o , tnylled tn fun-ral service. Bat.. 2 p. m., ao N. nih rt Int. K. Cedar It lit Cem. nuiivi.r.n Hutiiieniy, uov. '" riw . i . wirn of Hnrry J. uiexier. iki n.V Itrlatlvr and frlmtls invitci lo .lunerai service. 1S2S Int. prlnttr, W, 1IHOOK8. Invited to IU- W. Thompaon at., rrl.. l p. m. ImrillKH Nor. 2. JAMKH acnl nil. Itelmlvea and friends nrral arrvlcra, 021 Ppruco al., tnt private. Norlhwood Cem. Krl.. 1. P. m. Auio runerau North Wale paprra ropy ,... .... lltntK. Nov. Ill, rilAM.ES DAVID VKK. flseil no. tlelatlvrs, fotirr lMlae, No, 44t, Jf, nd A M ; Columbia n. A.. O.. No. oil fit. John' Commandrry. Nn. 4, K. T.: l'hIUdelphlai UMVAn.lnn rn.,lalnpW. r,.llimhl. IVMlPT. Nil. 3. I. O (I V i l'hlladrlnbla ldc. Nn. 2. tt P, o K.t tnemlirra of Hoard e-nd Htft of North western ilenrral llospltnl, Inrlted to funeral service. Sat., S p. m.. nt residence H21 Wct Allenheny are, Int. private. Frtenda may Ttlaw rrmalna Krl . from 7 tn 0 p. m. llUItKB Nov. 27, Mlt'HAKU husband of nose llurko tne Mertnvern) and aon of MIchMl and Into Mary J. Ilurk. Itelatlvea and friends. Active riemorrntlo Aseo., Invited to funora). Bat.. t).3U n. m.. MM Molvala at. Holem.l r. unlrm mass Church' ot Nativity 10 a m. Int. Ilolv rn Cnn OAI.t.tNAN. -Kntered Into rest Nor. 28. MICIIAi:l. J. CAt.LINAN. need IIS. Itelatlvcs and (rlenda Invlteil to funeral. 41M N. llroad St.. rrl.. Ill a. nt. Nervier St. Stephen a O.hupph. llroid nnd llutler rl.. 11 a. In. Int. private. IVvnPRNTKIl. Nov. 2. mm, i:ima 1. CAtlPUNTnn. wldovr of Imuel P. Carpentar and ilamhter nf lata VVllllum and, fatnarlna lloblnsnn Itelatlvea and friends Invited to fu nernl nervlre. Sat., t: p. tn.. realdenco of ann, t'hiirlrn P Carpenter. 2012 S. loth at. Int. Mount Morlah Cem. Additional Death Notice an Kelt TnKe STEAMSHIPS FLORIDA "HT SBA" niiuADELriirA to JACKSONVILLE (Cnlllnr nt R.trannah) iiiu.tdiiTrm. HAir, Klue atesmera. Low Fares, Heat Bervlo. Meal and llertll Included. I'l.iti Vour Trip tn Include "Tlie Klneel rosktwlrn Trips In the World Illustrated llooklet on nequeaU Merchants & Miners Trans. Co. (Ifflrr. ICU Knnlli Dill HI.. hlla.. Pa. Vf V TUItNi:it, O, P. A., Ualto., ltd. WINTEK IIESOIITS ATI.NTIO CITY, N. J. ATLANTIC CITY. A rwcqorvlscd starular& orixcelleicc. I Carorrv60a WUXSRJ.BU23f. -TM2 UADIliO RK0UT HOTELOF 7HE WOULD ffiati6oroujhWm ATIVANTIC CTTY.N.J. OWNIBSHIP HMIMIHINT, .JOOIAH WHITE. 3QMO COMPAMY Wpntminstor v oear IJ.acb. Eleva, water. IS up,wkly.. 12 up dally. Chas. Bubr. Ht'H00UIANI)JcpLr.KpE8 STRAYER'S 27L B',t Business School. iJlimililv u ju, an1 cheatnut fltreelav Positions (viaranleed. Enter now. Day or nifat. SALESMANSHIP att,W5 fS!t I BANKS BUSINESS COLLEGE Shorthand, liookUeorln. Secretarial Work Spumib, Day and Krenln 05 rhratnilt atrret MTJSI0 We'll leach you to tday nl 1 in :tu lesson iir iuij 111 lees Lime 11 ia play papular aonia cilniHT :i Oeri ler roan town Avv PhpM Tlera.JJM raaker U Ftura Olcklnian IQ U iizu veil sff&rif (&L$i R ikGi TISVSE ervLn&u im 20 LESSONS ty real raatlm on th ptaaa, I DON'T lUjOlV A NOTtM1 fair Irala. "rir'.SDV olee.
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