Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, November 30, 1916, Night Extra, Page 4, Image 4

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    ijfii'.;"';-- JM
sgassup- ifp -gm
'After Finishing Dinner of Thanks, Minds and
Hearts Turn to Thoughts of Christmas Shop
ping and Doings Do.Your Buying Early
WITH out Thanksgiving dinner woll
digested it I tlmo to givo thought to
tho Imminence of Christmas Itself, nnd
those, of U who do our Christmas shop-
P!"S at the etoventh hour rcallzo With n.
'tart thot there arc only threo short
weeks ahead of ub.
Itenms and reams have, been written on
the subject of tho worn-out shop girl, nil
of which Is Undoubtedly true; so, It he
hooves us, to bo at leant patient In tho
pursuit of tho last-mlnuto i;lft, .courteous
nnd consldorato of those- who wait on us
to tho best of their nblllty.
Being too busy, to shop certainly nt
othor seasons has Its compensation for
an one girl puts It sho reads over tho
advertisements conoludlng that sho sim
ply must ltavo this or that, then In tho
' press of business sho forgets It until when
sho docs And tlmo to tako a trip through
tho shops tho Immediate doslro to buy
baa gone and In the ond sho really saves
But all slgni fall at Christmas. One
must buy presents, nnd tho sooner nnd
inoro quickly shopping Is dispatched tho
So, now that tho Thanksgiving gnino
and dinner nro over start out tomorrow
to reduce that gift list. And don't for
Bet tho llttlo things, string, ribbon, paper
and cards, all of which ndd so much to
tho attractiveness of tho gift,
OP COUHSE, It Is useless to oven urguo
tho matter a football game Is thrill--Ing
but, looking at It from a puroly
Letters and questions submitted to thti department must be written on ono side of
tho paper and signed with the name o the tvriter. Special riojrirs like thase given
, below are invited. It Is tmderstood that thr editor docs not nrceisnrll; indorse the
sentiments expressed. All communlcntlini or this department nlmuld bn addressed
as ollows: THK WOMAN'S E.YCHANOI.. V.vcnimj Ledger, Philadelphia, Pa.
The winner of toilnj's prim Is Mrs. tiennco Hirer, of 51(10 l)e l.nnerr street, whose, letter1
tappenrcfl In yesterday's imprr.
1. When fresh breid Is to be. rut anil Hie.
knife aeems dull, what enn be done, to malm tho
cutting cany?
2, Hmv can (be miat of home-mriile lirrtul
Tfct slten a rleh golden lirou-n?
3 Itaw ran mitts be Kept nwny from hook-shelved?
1, The tnnnln In coffro rnn be reduced to n
minimum If the coffro I ground ery fine, put
In a linen cloth nnd bolllne wuter pourrd otcr It.
2. To make n rose Jnr! (inther the petals
When the roses nre In their richest bloom, but
not when tlio dew Is on them. Turk In n Jnr
in layers two Inches deep, sprluklliu; nbnut two
tableapoontula of fine dry salt upon each layer.
Continue this until the Jnr ts full, udillnc fresh
petals and unit dully. Keep In n dark dry,
tool place. A week after the Inst petal nre
added turn out the united petals on a broad
'flatter, mix and tout totether until the mow
j Ivaseaed. Then Incorporate thoroiicbly with,
the formi.lj siren below. Tack In n clenn Jar,
cover tlrhtly nnd et nnny to ripen. It will
be ready for rose Jars In about a fortulsht
and should keep fragrant for twenty yeurM.
Formula Violet powder. V6 ouneei orris root,
X ouneei roco rowder, Vi ouneei bellotrope pow
der. Vi ounce! uuce, Vi teapoonful rlnnumon,
Vl teaepoontuli cloten, ,$ traspoonfoli oil of
ronefl. 4 dropsi oil rhlrl, 10 drapai oil meSlnne,
tt drops oil eurnlyptua, SO drops) berenmot,
10 dropm alcohol. 0 drains.
3, DNUen will retain their luster If they nrn
warmed by dlpplnc In hot water Insteud of
belli r placed In n hot oven.
The Mincemeat Jar
To the Editor of Woman's Pane:
Dear Mailam Tho expense of making a
SutntUy of mincemeat prevent! many from un
ertaUInc 1t. It may be marled In a really email
way ana added to from time to tlmo at u, ery
small cpt. ... , . . t
The molt eeonomlcnl llmo tn beeln ll whin you
Bra KOlnsr tn have a boiled dinner. Oct a couple
or pounds or Deer estra: men you rin uno
a-hnliflt Tnrffnn for thai dinner, lielnt; nil till
a 'left for the mincemeat. The meat must to
taken out before vegetables aro anac'l. 1'ut tlio
mat, fat and all, throuah the (ornl chopper
E.nd add one pound of currant!, aceded raisins,
irff paiinda of brown aucar a pint ot molasNea.
Quaner peck or tart applee, chopped ; two quarto
awjeot elder, the ground peel and Juice ot one
cranjte. with ealt. pepper and aptcea to taate.
Cook slowly for naif an hourl put In a itnno
Jar and keep In a cool place. To keep the Jar
WptenlaheA add to It all the bits of cooked fresh
ratal icnoppeaf, cannsa tru,., jeur. jhiii eitj..
thai you happen to have left over, ior ether with
a. few chopped appiea and aome auar occaalon
ally. Tou will be surprised to find how cheaply
It can be kept irotnr all winter and how much
roar family, will appreciate a real home-made
blncemeat pie, JENMK a. M.
The Dasheen and Its Preparation
STo tk EiUor of 'Woman's ragt: a
Dear Uadam-r-Can you tall ma some ways ot
rrparlna daaheena) RI,I,A McC.
Several good recipes wer given In the
Eytnwo LnDonn of November 23, In. ad
flttlon the following aro reliable;
Boiled daBheens targs dashecna (rorms)
lira preferable for boiling, though small
nea (tubers) may also ba used. Tlioy
fhonld always bo balled In the skin and
tuay bo served thus or with the skins ro
tnoved. Dasheena do not require quite so
tons' boiling- as potatoes of the same size.
In the case of small tubers thoy are
specially good If, after peeling, they are
jdscsd in the oven Just long enough to melt
PVr them a dressing' of butter. When so
prepared they can usually bo kept stand
(ns" In a warm place for a short time wlth
sut becoming soggy. Instead of placing
them In the oven the tubers may be fried
flljhtly. cither whole or In halves.
Dasheen corms split open and become
frater-eoaked If cooked entirely by boiling
kt tiny time within a month after they are
luff,, and It Is therefore usually better during
th autumn and early winter to parboil for
Inly ten minutes and then bake,
niced dasheens Boll (or parboil and
S;e) tho dasheens tn their skins. It-
qv the skin Immediately, rice the dasheen
tn a heated dish and proceed In one, of the
following ways:
(I) Htlr in the desired seasoning, as but.
ter itnd salt, and ervo-ln a. warm covered
(Ugh. The butter may bo omitted If gravy
Is to ba used.. m
3iillc or ertjam may Tja&Sften In If da
ftr, aa for mashed potyiobut dasheens
trspartti In th'-a way will hraitlier sticky,
ituj tsorae will prefer to omit the mlllc or
keam. or at least to use only a little alash
jti 1a the ordinary way la not reeom-
ij Empty In layers Into a warmed serv
' iea dmh, seasoning each layer and omlttiaz
ha tlrrint;.
if tuasan the rloed rlaalieen as desired
Mr BM n bkng dish, viih, a ,lbU
WMtity of butter on top. Bako fur eight
T." Ha mlr.utBa and serve.
In i-lotttg dasheens tha round or plunger
m:, of rlccr rather than tha triangular
ftr tw should be uad.
mttWK lur iowi anu omer meats two
: rlti'4 lashena. one oup ol brtad
, M BX, two tftbiesnooiifula of but-
um to tate with salt, pppr, sage
tfJajrMlft 4abatla tl& b()lflf aiu$ Sa3A
ijf' Ty BVffiEgnmm
ii .iti fiii i ir r atfsstta
s&a" .jsaBg "Ti'im ibsezmsBsm- 21
air ifflrmffirsw
Two Dollars Given for a
i Letter Every Day
A PRIZE or Two Dollars ($2) will
bo given each day to a reader of
tho Woman's Page of the Evening
Ledger. There nro no conditions.
Every day n, letter will He chosen
from the number sent In, whether It
contains Information of vnluo to tho
renders of tho page or asks n ques
tion, nnd tlio prize will be awarded'
to the writer. Do suro to sign your
name nnd address so that checks
aM n a. Lit fn.ivnixl.il
aii.aj U IV, auau.ia. 1
fcmlnlno viewpoint, why Is It necessary
to Jump to one's feet ovcry othor mlnitto
dining tho entlio game?
Sumo uxcltttblo creatures In tho lower
row stand up nnd then It becomes ncccs
cary for ovcry ono clso to stand, If thoy
would see. Wheio theio Is plenty of
room It doesn't innko so much difference,
but nt Kriink'ln I'lold, for lnstnnco, tho
sent numbers nro so closo logothor that
Invariably when you do tnko your sent
again nftcr standing and yelling tho port
ly gGntlomn.il bcsldo you manages to sit
all over your very best and most fcstlvo
Theoretically, It's nil very wrong and
ory silly, but I'm nfrnid that wero I, too,
in tho front row I should Jump up Just
tho samo.
1, Hoiv rnn new shoes which nre, sttiT lio
quickly broken In?
2. Mhen pnlntlnc, Rnrdnnlns or rnmiceri In
other dirty work nnd clou's ennnnt be uimi,
how can Hip (Inner nnlla bo protected?
.1. Miirn necessary to tnko ollto oil ns n
medicine, linvr run It bo made morn pnlntiihln?
I. An nlrnhol nib In rwommended for rold In
ib muscle.
2. When eenlnc loin- enma Ibo edcwi of the
rlutll run ho fnntenrd together with paper
clips nnd no hnntlng ulll be nrccMnry.
3. A child ehouhl never he furred io Miiml or
wnlk. When his little less nro slroni: ciioubIi
tn bear him he will pull hlnitrir up of hi a. own
To Learn Knitting and Crochetinfr
To tho Editor of Women's rafie;
Ini oJ "J.?.. JJ"' "ni1 ' ""I bo Mrv Kratrful If
ySunS eiM'S1" renders can tell m whore n
n?iil-5lrl 'on '"rn tn knit and crochet In the
nfternoon or evening? MAIty rt.
Tliero is it needlework school on Pino
street Just below Iltond. In most ot tlio
department stores In thin rltv lessons nro
rtiven ft en of chniB9 In tho nrt needlework
Children's I'nrtics
To the Ktlltor of Woman's riw:
,nP'if.rnM"i',"m"! nm S."1"' ,n "he n party for
&u ' .Vni-1'.'.!.?'.0 W,IV '' '.lvo I""" old. j.i
ou ininl. I could request tint tho iiurnci do
not remain at the hous-i durl i tho t ir,v? I
and It o.'irn nulto a nuNanco to have to provld-
hrnM,.nmnny "If1 ,K,Wcs the children iuid
tlmn. too. we huvo not mu-li room.
.... , ltrs.) K. H. a.
It would not do to say on the Invitation
tlmt you do not wish tlio attendants to re
main, but It would bo very enny to say tn
the. maids when they bring the llttlo ones.
The party will be over at rucIi nn hour, sn
v. Ill you como for Mary then?" Very often
liowovor, na In tho cim of children iih
small an flvo yearn old, it la not possible,
to leayo them, for they nro apt to becomo
homesick if thoy hoo no one from homo
about. Th maids themsclven probably
would rather do anything than stay around,
and yt ut times it la neccwary for them
to do so. Partlea for such llttlo children
present mnny difficulties.
It's a Matter of Form
To the Vdttar of TTomon's Pant:
Dear Madam I received a formal Invitation
yeaterday irom a very Intimate friend to attend
ihl'iVK.tAS'U al..Der hou"- n" you suppose
R?..m 2&nd2 wllh m thl" he does not call
me up and nsk me to come, or do you think she
la Just Plajlnir a Joke on me? HBLUN.
No mattor how intimate one la with one's
friends. It is never usual to ask them by
telephone to a formal nifalr to which others
aro being sent engraved or formal Invitation-.
Of course your friend s not offended :
alio Is simply sending you. witli all of her
friends, an Invitation to an nffalr in the
accepted form of sending It. She, will prob
ably nll you up to talk It over, or expect
you to do SO. llo careful tn ..,.. i. -
writing. ' '"
I'ormnl Invitation
To the Kililor of Iranian's Pane:
i "V; Madam Will you kindly word a rianr.
Mi? W pS 'very-aS,-- !
., . CnARLES.
Mr. Charles Francis Smith
requests the pleasure of
Mr. James Jones Urown's company
on Wednesday evening,
December the thirteenth.
at eight o'clock.
Several Questions of Etiquette
To thr Editor of Woman's pagt;
wear atanam -I mel a ynunc man au-.nii
di.i i... ... j- ;r -.-'.
aaw him
1ftSa.tr ul a. 1. a
and he had his bat UfUd. I waa riot
u.'i.J.fcf wMwlmr to m. or simply uid his
hat lifted In th. church and I did not aneak
Do you.thlnfc I ahould applwlw Io hbn Xr lit
ifieo ma. P1 flr'ld " do not
When a youns man calls to a so nv and cats
too forward and jnsleta on havlnr tha Tihf Jn
the room out. Isn't Ii right for me to say hat
? 'S'Hf h5 '? ?"?,Jtln bimaslf, or sometAlnV
to that elteit but (n a nasnnarfy way not to
hurt his ..Unas? Do yofTaln" ? alS'dla.Vree"
.ahlj or a crank? I bop. he wqu Id not thing me
atiff or an oUfmaM fth ink the bay. and girls
do. not lik.me, psrhasa It Is my iBiaelnatloii.
uwtilri. who aivauld prSadeT """ Tj."
1 Ho. there U no raason for your apoio
ciJlng to the young nun simply bow polite
ly to. him the next time you meet and he
will know It waa not Intentional. It would
b foolish to notice such a slight omission
on bo slight an acquaintance. Ho does not
know you well enpugh either to like or dis
like you.
1, Vou certainly would, not be dlaagraa
abU or prudlfch to furbW famlltarlty if ,
younjf man JjouW frst h mannern; and
you stiouM moat asMredly Ml him you
will not penult It Jl will w think you
Old maldlsh-
3. Probably tba like or dislike of vr.ua-
ivnan soma: lata a isiatar. 1,-a nu.n. ..A-
ftjMfj l"W tjw m&ltft of ImaBinatlp
!?.i5v ,b,n. """ted. YmYt him "inc." in the
,lW ..." bowed, and hn recosnlwd m ?
said. "Why, good even nal" iSii h!,21" "52
wno waa very noma, an,,
1 was eimln out nf ihnh i
Tilma Donna of the, Metropolitan Opera
Com puny.
J. MAY not all bo "dreamers," but thcro
scarcely one nmong us who haa
not nntno favorlto alr-castlo reared high
nmong tho clouds. There nro mnny who
nlng Koftly to themselves so that nono can
What care I for ahlps at
tho doek,
Tor I have a ship nt
Ynur Bhlp may bo
"wealth" I nnotlior'n,
"p o w o r" s mine,
"fnmo" ; but thoro Is a
vast number ot women
w'h'ioo dream ship In
"beauty." Kor years
they havo gono a-sall-Ing
with nlllten sails
spread, but with no
definite port In view
"l "' It li high tlmo that
then- bntught tlielr ship to port; In othor
wcirdd. mnlto their dream come truo
Jlut ynu ennnot bring vour ship of beauty
to port by "dreaming " You will havo to
devnlo a great ileal of time nnd energy to
nrrnmpllHl. your desire Tliero Is nno good
fairy wlin will tiso everything within her
power to help ynu nnehor your ship nt tho
noma port. Her name In Naturo
Tho first step toward making your dream
of beauty t-oino trim la tn find out Just
whern you mln being beautiful. Analyzo
yourself, but do not ho Inn critical ; remem
ber that beauty, after all, ban a iillillng
scale "Ilenuty Is In tho eyo of the be
holder" A woman whom nno person might
consider lovely will not appeal to another.
Oenulnn beauty In simply a matter of In
dividuality a. rum of making yourself as
attrnrtlve as possible.
When you tear yourself apart ynu will
find that ynu havo been neglecting to ciro
for. the beauty with which nature originally
endowed ynu Your hair no longer hangs In
two thick hraldi that ynu can "sit on," ns
was tho caso when ynu wero a schoolgirl.
becnusn you havo failed tn glvo it the
proper rare. You h.-un starved thn rontn.
nllowod tho scalp tn become dry and scaly,
fntgotten the dally brushing nnd mnssngo
and I lie semimonthly shampoo "Mend your
wnvn" whom vour hair Is concerned if you
want to bring your dream ship nearer port.
Then thrn Is your I'ompli'Xlnn, which you
e::peetoil tn retain the color nnd velvety
smoothness of youth without overling tlio
slightest effort tn preservo Its beauty. You
hurriedly bathed thn okln with htrong Rnnp
and "bard" watot. Then you carolessly
dried it nnd went out of doom. Tho wind
finished tlio drying process, but it nlno
robbed your skin of tho oils that tlio good
fairy nituro provides for softening and
nourishing tho skin.
Help oiir beauty dream to como trua
by bolng careful tn batho ynur faco prop
erly, using a nonp made of pure vegetable
nils and "soft" wator. Then lubrlentn Ihn
skin by applying cold cream or a softening
The other features of ynur face eyes,
llpH, tooth, eyebrows nnd lashes all re
quire nttentlon to keep them In a perfect
cnndltlnn In order that your ship can como
snlllng Into port.
Then look at your flguro. Have you al
lowed It tn lose It3 gracoful curves through
lack nt exorcise or improper diet? Do not
throw up your hands In despair when you
seo how far It falls short of thn beauty
i.tandnrd. Any woman with determination
can icdiiro or Increase her weight, ib-gln.
boforo you aro a day older, to innko your
dieam of a perfectly ptoporlloned flguro
como true.
Then bear In mind that beauty 13 some
thing deeper than "surfaco charms " It Is
something deeper than tho effectlvo ap
plication of benuty preparations. It Is
largely duo to tho permanent attitude of
mind and heart. Your Inner self must bn
right Io mako ynur dream ot physical
beauty a charming reality.
Spaghetti en Casserole
Ono box spighetll, threo finely chopped
onions, chill powder, Worcestershire sauce,
ono-half can tomatnes, ollva nil nr butter,
reasoning, rook and dialn spaghetti ns
tnual. Plnco olive oil or butter, or both, In
pan, ndd llnclv chopped onions. Whllo fry
ing, add tho Worrcaternhlro sauce and chill
powder (ono tensponiitul) nnd 1 1 anon to
Plnco spaghetti In a buttered casserolo,
add onions and tomatoes: mix thoroughly
and cover with grated cheese, pieces of but
ter, and bako tn a light brown In a mod
erate oven.
Banana Salad
Cut bananas lonjithwlno. scoop out cen
tcin, fill with crramed cheese and sprinkle
with chopped walnut matH. Placo in a,
salad dish and garnish with slices of plno
applo and whlppod cream flavored with
roso water. Top with halved walnut meats.
How to Prepare -a Grapefruit
GOETHE tells us thnt Wcrther fell In love
with Charlotte as he watched hor cut
ting bread for her younger slaters and
hi others 'She wns a picture of womanly
grace nnd tenderness and It had Its effect
on tho observing young mart.
It la quite possible to display beautiful
tapering fingers In tho dainty slicing of
bread and other foods Hut only tho
skilled hometpakcr ran dare to attack thn
grapefruit and publicly slice it before the
family or guests. Hut thero is a way, and,
llko other things. It depnndi largely on the
mechanical assistants you uso when you are
ready to prepare tha grapefruit for the
In the first place, you can't proceed to
battle with the grapefruit with juet any
knife at all. You need two sharp knives.
One Is a smalt, sharp-blndod knife with
which ynu can halve the fruit; the other
Is an equally sharp, curved-hlada knife.
Hero Is an efficient line of action:
Klrst. Cut the fruit In half with tha
straight blade.
Second Rxchnnga the straight-blade knife
for tho rurved.blade knlfo, and cut out of
the grapefruit the center core and the
Third. Cut the pulp from the back of the
skin with tho round blade,
Fourth. Cut the pulp from each little
rind wall with the straight knife.
With these two knives, and following a
definite plan of action, any ono can prepare
a grapefruit perfectly.
It may seem as though It were rather a
complicated process to havo to use two
knives for tha preparation of one kind of
fruit, but It is the greatest economy In the
long run. In the first place, tha grapefruit
must be cut absolutely right or It la spoiled
for table use. No one likes to tee a grape
fruit that Is "raggy" or almost julceles
because of Improper cutting. It's an ex.
travagance to buy a fine grapefruit and
then tp serve It badly so that the appetlzlnsr
quallty for which you've paid a good price
is removed,
Also It ! better to havo your two knives
for this purpose than to Impress tha other
kitchen knives Into grapefruit service. The
hotter your equipment of knivtu In the be
ginning, the laniiw will the whole outfit
last The housewife who economizes by
making shift with one or two knives for
everything In the kitchen has to replace this
limited, supply so often that most of the
lima she la minus a satisfactory tool.
JCntves wear out qulekly If jhey are used,
too often and too reo!tlwwy for all aorta of
rough wear
When you select grapefruit knives, select
guod one. In which thaae points ara evl
dnt. Sse that tho blad l aecureJy eUnused
iota thje handle. Many of tha Inferior I
kulyys fca.yt $4slr HJ S SMHr,y ttaob4 I
" 'i " f
Smart suit with contrnstinp; coat
nnd skirt.
An Attrnctivo Tailored Still
Il.Ia ttondora never ceaso? Had went
homo alone leaving mother nnd mo to
visit with tho Merediths. This Is an un-linard-nf
event In the nnnals of our family
nnd In duo to the bewitching power of "Fred
din" otherwise Winifred who coaxed Dad
tn say "yeB" boforo ho knew It.
I'reddln plays tho samo part In her homo
town that I try to play In mlno. Just now
bo's nearly frantic trying to rehearso n
plav which In really a fanhlon pageant. It
has threo nets "morning," "afternoon" and
"evening " Some of tho girls bnlkod nt
bring cast for tho first act, because they
didn't fancy wearing tailored, sports or ono
piece costumes.
Two nf tho.-n dropped nut nt tlio last
minute, so Krcildlo nnd I hnd to rush to tlio
.Slncri every costumn that appearn In the
play Ih to bn auctioned off and tho proceeds
donated to charity, nothing but tho very
smartest clothes can bo worn.
Freddie's part calls for a dressy tailored
suit and mlno for a onc-ploco dress. My
mlrtnlght-bluo sergo and satin scoma to "fill
the bill," nnd has never been worn, so I
cboso It.
Then wo went to Freddie's tailor nnd
begged him, for nwcet chanty's sake, to
mako up something smart In iccord-brcnk-Ing
Jin promised tn put everything nlso aside
and mako a suit with a contrasting coat
and skirt. It camo home today, nnd Is n
perfect marvel of tailored stylo.
The i,klrt Is of bluo-ond-croon nlald ve
lours The material In of that f-oft pliable
quality that hangs In roft folds yet has
enough bndy to tailor well. Tho plaid de
sign In quite pronounced.
When Freddie slipped the skirt nn I went
Into raptures over thn way It fltH nbnut tho
hips and hangs In deep foldn nt thn hem. Ot
cnurEo, It Is cut circular plaid skirts are
always prettiest when there nro' nn seams
to break tho lines of thn design and Is
ettremely wide. It must havo taken a
frightful lot of material to mako It Tho
top Is finished with a wide, crush belt, fas
tened nt tlio sldo with threo buttons covered
with tlio cloth.
Tlio coat, howover, "makes" tho suit. It
la of dnrk-bltio velvet to match tho bluo of
thn ekltt, and Is that lovoly tone between
snpphlro and midnight blue Without being
nttnl it ban lines that follow Freddie's
llguro Just enough tn bo unusually becom
ing. Jn front thero Is Just a little fullness
abnvp tlio waistline, which Is drawn Into
slashes mndo In thn full skirt portion
I particularly ilko tho dropped shoulder
effect and tho full sleeves. Tho latter are
gathfied into wide cuffs of moleskin, and
the samo peltry In used for the broad collar.
A'elvet-coverod buttons servo the double
purpose of fastening and trimming tho ennt,
and liuttonholeH nio hound instead of but-
Mrs. Meredith told Freddie that all tho
suit noeded tn mako It absolutely faultless
was ono ot tlio cunning little muffs of mole
skin. A hint was sufficient; Freddlo went
straightaway nnd bought one.
I nm going to "bid strong" tor this suit
myself, for with n few alterations it can
bo mado to fit mo.
Only half my part is memorized. I'll have
K bar out" all callers this afternoon.
to the handle they readily work loose, cut
tne nana and soon become useless. There
should he a nlokel "ferrule" the round bit
of nickel between the handle and the blade
so that no drop of acid can slip between
the blade nnd handlo and loosen It. The
double-edged blades aro best for this pur-
adrfhf na. J ""a""' CUt""S eUll0r 6
right or left and so mako It possible to
prepare tho fruit In double-quick time
It's rather a fussy Job preparing one or
moro grapefruits well. beoannA tn .i. '
Tr'l y.h" '"?-"!" '!" U!" released,
; " -" " w"ie.y, nil evitlonco of
the core or "rag" or tho seeds disposed of
and yet thero should bo no waste of
To prepare the grapefruit appetlilngly,
for the good housekeeper.
(Copyright.) '
, Plinchilig Pirog
v.,. (Russian dish).
v.iT fp2ncakea Iareo ftn.'1 th'"- Chop cold
veal, turkey or chicken. also hard-boiled
egg season with salt and pepper, spread
Quality and Standard Famous Over Half Century
The New Grey Salon
Ready-to-Wear Department
i?rIce-J.,noai.?na moderate price for a genuinely copd
qualityis- a "Quality standard" for which this House has leen
famous "over half century."
Handsome Evening Wraps
S32.50 to S1S5
These evening wraps are being njuchlalked about. They arc
such fetching itylc and such smart Tfnes and colors. Just the youth
fulness in them that pleases both the debutante and the matron.
Everybody likes thetn. The quality in style and price is most
B. Hf. BeweeSj
I AST Thanksgiving I spent far from tho
X States In tho town of Sandnknn In
Borneo, Our llttlo party only stayed thcro
two days, but na tho American consul
had been our follow-travoler from tho
Philippines, ha nsked tia to hl.s houno to
a good American Thanksgiving dinner.
Next to ma sat an T5nsllshmnn, aman
of culture and knowledge of tho world,
nnd during tho courso of our conversa
tion, lis said something very nice nbout
America. That In Itself Is worthy to ho
chronicled, as every American who has
lived much nhroad will readily consent
Wo hear all klnda of criticism of our
country, somo that mokes ua laugh, somo
that makea our blood boll. Oautlor, Paul
Hourgot or Kipling, not to mention lesser
lights, spend n few days or weoks here,
and then proceed to give us their moro or
lenn unflattering Impressions. Slnco the
war thoy aro mostly, moro unflattering.
Tho American's wealth Is what tho Kuro
poan most rcsenta, It neems. His youth
and lrrepresslblo spirits ho doplorcs next.
nut to como back to my Englishman
and paso on tho trade-last.
"Do you know what has opened my
eyes tn tho fact that America must havo
a r,ou1: that beneath tho lovo of tho
dollar therai-must bo n sentiment reach
ing out for hottor things; thnt tho rever
ent unworldly tnlnd of tho Puritan has
left Its lnflunnco on tho natlonnl con
"I glvo up," I said laughingly. "What
Is It, Mlstor, I hlto." (For I was resolved
to shock this fluently spoken gentleman
with somo Americanisms.
"It Is your Thnnkaglvlntr nay," ho rnld
solemnly nftor hnvlng Indulged In a smile
at my frivolity, "A peoplo that seta asldo
ono day ovory year to thank tho Jxird
for Ills blessings Is osscntinly n, spiritual
people, and must havo other thoughts be
sides making two dollars grow where ono
grow before."
"You nro right," I said; "tho host Judges
know us for what wo are, nn Idealistic
That very morning I had thought no to
myself ns wo woro taking n walk through
tho town and toeing tho numcious opium
dives wldo open and thronged. Tho Gov
ernment holds tho monopoly on opium
nnd soils it freely to tho Ignorant natives
who sink lower nnd lower whllo their ex
ploiters wax rich. Coming from tho
Philippines, whero tho American Govern
ment sponds much effort nnd monoy to
provent tho Filipinos from obtaining
opium stealthily, ono cannot help malting
comparisons nnd coming to conclusions.
Howover, I did not vnlco my thoughts,
as you may imagine. I was In Hritlsh
Uorneo, In tho Amorlcan consul's houso.
and wo wero having dinner, throo very
good reasons.
Then our host sungcstcil that tho old
mylng ought to bo amplified with "Ity
their holy days yo shall know them,"
adding that ho, for im, had always ap
proved of Thanksgiving, from the tlmo
ho was a boy.
Brand-New Babies
The Kvenlni I.edter will print, free nf
charge, notices of rercnt Mrths sent la
throiiEli proper channels, Addreas "Urnnd
nsw Ilables," rvenlns Idcer, COS Chestnut
street. Name nnd ndriress nnd, hen possi
ble, telephone number nt sender must ac
company each notice an sent.
llor.ITZnit, Mr. and Mrs. Simon, 391 G Top-
lar streot, a son, seven pounds flvo ounces.
IlItTIZKN, Mr. and Mrs. Harry, R17 North
Marshall street, a daughter.
OIUlsrMEK, Mr. and Mrs. Gcorgo, 2G18
North Twelfth streot, a daughter, nlno
pounds eight ounces.
JONKS, Mr. and Mrs. Oorgc, 1603 Wallace
street, a daughter. k
Hl.onn, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel, loot Hast
ITorttcr street, a son, ven pounds six
Asparagus Hollandaise
Cleanse the asparagus and trim It evenly ;
tie It up with tnpe Into a bundle and leave
It In cold wator to got Arm beforo boiling
It. Wrap It lr a piece of muslin to prevent
the heads being broken, put It into boiling
water In a good-slrod Bnucepan with a llttlo
salt and cook for about twenty-five to thirty
minutes, according to the site of tha heads;
then drain and dish up and serve with Hol
landaise sauce.
Hollandaise Sauce put four tablespoon
fills of white vlnegnr In a stewpan with two
bay leaves and six crushed peppercorns i re
duce to half the quantity, then add two raw
yolko of eggs and a little salt Stand the
pan In a bowl of hot water and work the
mixture with a wooden spoon, adding two
tablcspoonfuls of butter by degrees. When
It thickens rare must be taken that It does
not curdle, which It will do If made too hot ;
then strain through a fine cloth and use, A
little salt may be added it desired.
Simple Egg Dish
A simple and satisfactory way of fixing
eggs on toast when only a few are wanted
ia to butter a slice of bread, break tho egg
on to (t and place It In the oven. When
the egg is cooked the bread will be toasted,
saving tme.
1122 chc
. . . Vr. iJr-Ar. Nhnn . 1W4 K S
t m.-. t vtt'lmF " " j ' l tTt ri if t g Tr T tj7! v:i IT.I T '" Jl LTJ I. ."U iT3 vph ssm aai wu mm u i UM IOlCjI 3H
BasMMtBisifflgia""'"'1' "tjaiijrtjMJlsJg " 8arg-Tf FtI iFf Wf$ fnimf C 7j fu n ?! I7,7l lh.1 flwl Fifl EijfiffiliSffiilTl!, fl 9
How Madge Quiets Katieprid
iiTT ATin, I wish you to stop this at once.
i-V You musi control yourself." Kntln
looked up, startled. I bad never rpoltcn In
that manner to her before. Hut I know
enough of her childlike temperament to
renllzo that It was tho only way to slop
her tears.
"Xow, listen to me," I went on, firmly
"You must stop prying, batho your eyes
nnd bo ready to servo things when I call
I had decided not to lake I.llllan Oalo's
ndvlco and send Katie tn bed on thn pre
text of n tordhnche. Frank and Pnlsy
Lester In all probability would bo our guests
again. It Katlo remained In my employ
she would havo to sco Frank Lester some
time, fibo might as well begin nt once.
Katlo was obstinate, howover.
"Oh, Missis Oraham," nho sobbed, "I
told you dot Meester Lc3talro ho so bad
man, I 'fraid of him I do not want to sco
I walked over to her, took her by tho
shoulders nnd looked nt her quietly for a
moment. Tho ruso succeeded. She stopped
crying nnd looked nt mo In amazement.
"Don't bo nn Idiot, Katlo," I said sharply.
"Mr. Lester Is married. Hn has a wife and
llttln baby Ills wlfo is with him tonight
llo probably has forgotten nil about you, or
Hint ho over frightened you. He was a
b.td man, I know, but ho cannot hurt you
nnw You nro hero with mn. In my houso,
If you obey 'mo I will tako care of you."
A Vi:m AJ1M3 AID
Katlo often surprises mo with her quick
changes from sadness to gnycty. Sho wiped
her eyes and broko Into ono of her In
fcctlnu.s giggles.
"O-ohl" slio said. "Mcester Los la I ro he
married Xow ho havo to behave, his wife
she glvo him good leecklng. I no 'frald
now,- I fl you tings. I go wnsh faco, put
iniwuur on, an jonst llko Meesls Under
wood," sho added, with nn Imp'sh grin.
"ICnllo, you must never speak In that
manner of any guest of mine." I snbl stern
ly; but Katlo hnd vanished Into her room
and tho teprnof wan wasted.
I went Intn thn living rnom nnd mnhaged
tn get a word aside with Lillian Onlc.
"Katlo Is nil right. Sho will nervo with
out any trouble. Can ynu warn Mr. Lester
nnt tn betray, by a wnrd or glance, that
be lias over seen her before?"
"Trust Frank." replied Mrs. Underwood
shortly "Ho could meet his murdered
father's ghnot. If hn had one, without tho
quiver nf nn eyelash. Hut I'll tell him,
nnywny. Just for tho pleasuro of letting
bun know I nm next. Hnw did you ever
mr.nngo Katlo?"
"Oh, sho wasn't hard to manage," I re
turned lightly. I had a puroly feminine
satisfaction in having reduced Katlo to
sanity alter Lllllnn Galo had failed. Sho
seemed ho eminently capablo In all direc
tions. When I camo In lo speak to her I
hnd drawn hor away from a group com
prued nf herself, Dicky nnd Mr. Lester.
Thev were discussing some pioblom of their
profession, nnd Lillian Gale, with her forcl
ble wordn and animated gestures, held tho
center ot the stage. Until men wero listen
ing to hor with undoubted respect for her
oplnlpns They wero standing now, nnd I
thought I could detect In both of them an
Impatlcnco nt my Interruption of their
Tn nn armchair In tho corner little Mrs.
Lester sat, as If on a throno. with Harry
Underwood In nn attitude of exaggerated
Jiomagn beforn her.
uN'nr.nwooD unaixs his campaign
I felt suddenly out of It nil, lonely.
These people wero nothing to mo, I said
to myself. They woro nnt my kind. I
bad u sudden hnmealrkness for tho quiet
monotony of my life boforo I married
Dicky. I thought ot tho tow social oven
Ings I had spant In tho days before I mot
Dicky, little dlnnors with tho principals
nnd teachers I liad known, when I had
boen ibo center of things, when my opin
ions hnd boon deforred to, as Lllllam Oalo'B
were now.
"Oh, Mrs. Graham, pleaso como over hero
and help mo squolch this awful man."
Llttlo Mrs. Lester, all smiles and dimples,
called to mo from her corner. At her call
Mrs. Underwood, with an nlr of relief,
moved back to her discussion with Dicky
nnd Mr. Lester, and there was nothing
left for mo to do but to go to Mrs. Lester's
As I camo toward them Harry Underwood
turned toward mo and bowed low, his band
upon his heart.
"Pardon mo for thn suggestion,- O gra
cious lady," ho said, "but you look ns If you
bad swallowed tho vlnegnr cruet. Do not bo
so croocl tuh muh Why don't you do as
does this fairy at my left smllo upon
Mrs. Lester giggled again. "Isn't he aw
ful?" she queried "lle'n been making love
to mo terribly. Ho quite frightens mo. If
no doesn't stop it right away I'm going to
tell his wife."
"You don't need to take that trouble,"
Solves the
Servant Problem
AH china, clnas nnilv sil
ver washed and dried In
a few minutes by the
$ it
$g$EZLJhffa1l m
mM&r.Mmnf vs ,mj vm.
Familv J5S$1 m Keystono Phone, Main 17U Egy
-... , , HaTHIl M Ufkfortlt"Mtrlfotl" fH
iyiuw9uci m imi ts odor-pmof-at your grow tSS
Sold bv Gas Comnanlea f Ql lafttl I S3K 1X351
and leading Department I pe!iw' SU? i jsissi. 11 1 8
storo. IfyiSmifiZffl urn Wrr77& m&
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H33 Chestnut Street fcalPssffiLY, MrWgfr "W "If.1 lgg M
Write us for Illustrated J) SlHa!lwiBW&.teSSSs WM
folder or phone Walnut 2009 afsBSJajSSaiSegMSJM St
av 3 uinw '"' a P'J''nc''ve Cone! made the fine.t g ;B
Yil IJaaSa 11 I 1 III 1 Fl l fi C I ll I Jat f rt H taTt SSI t I aaJI. I V SIS 1 S aT SB BT m I n tl I I it Hi SuaaaaaaE.
K ' fastidious Philadelphia woman. j ;im
, 3 The new models now beinu ihown aro In H
U II I ) -ho 'at word in Smartness, Perfection K lj
r3 mil t. ant Attraclivencss of Design, jjj W
n tMn$Si From $3.50 and up, sj
II m JPlsi SWinmiXf Bxptrlenced Qoraatiena at wr sarvtca. Ml MB
r5 MiMM Beautiful UnEerie hosed irj Holiday ' K MH
rfl V!r dcss wijl help solve your 8Jt"lPrpblenu. i 9H
Z4 f,--6 HI i . . aJ vsaB
How Mr, Underwood Manages to
asserted Mr. underwood, with sunlit., i
pudencc. lurnino- i,u t,.'ta " uo"w lm.
xvns only amusing myself wlSh Vu''..'1 "
way. You are n mere chlM ,5?"'.Mlr
now nnd piny, I am going to sot .i7 IM
What bet?" Mrs, Tstcr. evMti .. 'S
to Mr. Underwood's ll ii.,ir"MJ?.M4l
appear to resent his defection
In aesHt 1. 1 - . . '
""d HijtS
" uti
"If Vntl nrs aa trnf.A llaal. , . .
tho rest of tho neoX.:"' ?!?? .1W1
nway from here for the VS"".
nlng, I will Icll you
It Is n great eeeret," 3
no returned
'That's a bargain " Mrs. T ...... j . 51
my protests. . ,,VI.l.I?iter; ?IU 4
"I nm dying to talk . Wt' ..
SS.K'th..s by uSSH H
"Thank you." He threw her an auda
cious kiss. "Looks are not evervthina.
Graham '' c?VK
y..lh.n t,u,ck movement he had taken m.
lightly by tho shoulders and cwlled m!
to sit In tho armchair. Th,n h?ut?Jls
himself In front of me. "UUlonea
"Now my sulky friend," ho eaid with a
smile, "I have you prisoner. When youar.
really good-natured nnd promise to jil
me I will let you up," "
I was furiously angry. No man si. '
Dicky and Jack had eve? touchedTy p'r!
son beforo It seemed llko a. profanation
that this man whom I deteXl, should
selzo my shoulders, nut there was no
escape from my situation. I could onlr
sit nnd listen to him. with as much cour.
tcsy as I could muster, until soma uhlftlrur
of the other groups shoutd release me.
Go, little book, nnd wish to all
Flowers In the gnrden, meat in the hall
A bin of wino, a spieo of wit
A house with lawnB Inclosins; It,
A living river by the, door,
A nightingale in tho sycamore.
Robert Louis Stevenson.
Life is surging til
wound me.,
vs-st n.rd strong xvd
ever nejw.
Let me tken throw
off tk.3 k.n3uor.
vo .x lrftie
A penny wisely
spent is better
than a penny un
wisely saved
costs a few pennies
butters, but the
Ecople who wisely
uy this "uncom
monlygoodbutter" really get more for
their money.
They get pure,
sweet, fresh butter
a full pound of
it. made, regardless
of expenso, with
only one great aim
to make the best
butter that it is
possible to make.
erid'aic)1 Philadelphia
isjiv on n,nPhoii.Matket3Tll Ml Ml
SRTf J&t8Hi jSlaaV" "lit Srfg-'ii fcH
i '"-WSElBKaWBSjm 4 isssssW ssBiaBia.MslwHsasasaesHB23&'
$& 'SEWM-i'Ml'ilm':'---.,. BBSSSSSSSSSBBSSSSBBHilkMlfAa)9L