Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, November 30, 1916, Night Extra, Page 11, Image 11
r $ m lt.ii vtr W K f 1 fOWrtEKEEMNO ArAHTMENTS TOlLrANNOT FIND A , HFTTBtl APARTMHHT K. E. Cor. 17th 6c Walnut cl block from Itutenhouto Square) The housekeeping fl" are perfect In their Plan. 3 large hadrnoms. each hav Itic bur window. Una ltm llelng room, dining mom Kitchen. maMa, room and 3 bathrooms ns1 well. Ideal wlnternnd sum mer apartments. Alan milto of 2 room Andbitb lrM oflaundry on top floor, Your Inspection cordially Invited. Phono Walnut 001 MERTON W. GREIMS Liberty Til Iff Provl A Chestnut. tim.kk ai'.i: rbibiiaij WAYS 0- nrt RNtj . AN ArAKTMKNT But suppnee InMMd of trying all of iheee different ways, you Just call at thla ofTlee. rfealrabl listed with or mav be rented through ua. Our iitnmohllra nro walling, to lake you (o th hat of properties you designate, ao that with th. least possible effort you .may a-cur the on apartment In Phlla which moat nearly approaches your exact Idenl pp NORMAN S MIFHWOOti lilt WAI.NUT HT. Brruea 3371 Rare 3023 . NEW C0R0NAD0 chbrtnut and twenttsbcond, sts Bxtenelva alterations now lelng made. In. eluding ervr eUyetor, additional atory for aervante' quarter, hnuea telephon oatem, eto Apply at bulldin or lo SAMUEL J. HENDERSON f.01 Morris Ht'ILDtNCl lOTlt. N, lml Two large furnished house- Keeping rooinw. ,i. room nn'i iifa.n, . a, holiaUKBI.PINtl APARTMENTS All part, of cltr, a room and bath to 7 rooma and bath! 125 to 7 per month, call, phono or wrlta. BAMUBL STERN 1801 Chestnut at. lTOt rHtLAIIBLl'llIA EsSExTsTttinndT-heatnut! Belmont, 81th Spring rinrden. Inqulro Janitor, or CRBSSta, 801 Halo Building ICtNllBt'OttHT XBTlt AND CHKHTNUT HTRBBTS flBVEUAI. MODKRN HOltftKKEEPINp PnTIIENTS FOB HKNT! BLKCTHIC KLW. AWItniENTS rOlt HKNT! VATufiH vifiir.ir tiiNiNn hck: ATORH, PUBLIC DINING 1P)H AI:!''-! BHT. THOg H. Bltr!l)3. 31., 1507 ItACH 8T, KumUhrd iErnKN"A!T!f.. illth and IM-uit. will tub- - J k.-L -II 1I.. mitalila rooms, Iflo, iurntih-l ArAHTMENT HOTELS ALDINE HOTEL . THE BEST ROOMS AND SUITES With the best table, in Philadelphia Day, Week, Month, Season, Year PARKSIDE APARTMENTS Mlm Mary O MrOlruK manner. Buccflsnr of Mra Chnrlfn MrUUdf. PnrKnMft an nt HOlh nl. pinncTi.Y opposim paikmciunt rAmc Four direct linen tn center of city All outaldo rooms furnHhcd or unfurnUhtd. Tulslno of iwcullur eicellencc. ..Telephone Ilnrlni; 221. THE GLADSTONE 11TH AND l'INt: STS. Absolutely Fireproof OEVEiiAr. vehy nFiaiitAm.u suites can m: r:critKi FrjKNISHCIl OH U.NKUnNlaUBD Till! MONTEVISTA 3l) and oxtnisu aT3. . t . Kxceptlonally large ronnu. nowly furntihed, with bath nnd kltcnrnfctto. nt 13i to Ml). In cluitlne hotel eervlce , I'libMo dlntne room, elevator aarvlca. mall chuto nnd nil modern nppolntmenti. Phono 0erbrooK 300H THE CLINTON tknth below 200 noo.i3 i:vi:hv tonvenikncu. Furnlsn.il or unfurnlnhtul. either by leaao or tranelentl) aultea of one or tour rooma with bath HOTEL COLONIAL tIPlltICK AT 1ITH BT. A 6RI.nCT TAMII.V Al'rtTMl:NT HOTEL i:t'HOPK,N oil AMi'.KK'AN PLAN rcu.MAs-L.Nr on 'u-A.-wiUNr ttui:sTa VM P. Kil.M.N'l.V. ilANAOUll dw.mak uunitia West Chclten ove.. aernnnlown: 20 mlnutca from Ilroud Street iUntlun, fiirnlabed or Un furnlaht'd aparlmenta. I room nnd bath or lmo. mU IIUSKCI'CIIIK HC.il IIIIVIll "IN 'illl-J Ct..N IL.lt Ut l.Vl.UUlll.NU" Tin: i.ittm: motel. 2J3 a. IIHOAD HT IRVING HOTEL a,3.0J7 walnut American plan. ?-' Kuropcan. II up. Tin: ti.acy rnoMANr.NT nu thansient ouests 3HTU AND CHCSTNLT EEAL ESTATE FOR SALE CITV HMALI. CKNTIIAI. DWKLI.INO Near Ifllh and I'lna. Cozy Dutch hall, with real open flroplaco. hot-water heat, large, aun ny llhrarysprlco 18300. J. A. I'AlTBltwWi ta o ioa i. HIONT AND KUltlllUAHT HUOLKVAf.D Trie 12000. value IS30O. 1300 caah. ory at tractlvoi 2 atoryt 6 rooma: hardvrood Hoora; front lawraj porchea. eto. Take No. 00 or No. BJ car on ath atreet to operation MONEY FOR MORTGAGES Uulldlnc Aiioclatlnn and Truit Funda. lAUljAau OU Wflinui l.. 12S'J NOIITII 11TII STnEUT a-aiory uncK tiweinnsv ju room. cholco location; near ntrara avenU1 . OnAVUN'H 1 MON3, I3IU N. 71h al ooma Kood order; avenue. vi. TARUWAY HITE3 4iioii, a ironis yfX)OD ft qlilNN, 1 6t Wnd Cherry ata, 11EAI. KHTATLi b'Olt BALK Oil 11BNT UAltlltSH. IIAHTMAN & CO. 12QI Cheatnut. WAItD'S 8TII BT. Il5flK3. north of lluntlns Park ara., are comploto In every detail, aa tbam at once. IIISTZKL & SON, aaenla. Ilulldlnr Iota. I'actorr .Sllei, 4I0; OAHAOB Oil nUSINEBBIlIIILplNO BITE, NEAIl HUOAD AN 1IHOWN. e.1 or 00 feat front, aa deatred by 7.1 feet deep to rear atraefi cheap. MOliniB & CO, nidi at firoiCHfu7Lmria""T,0TH and lane, tract round tn all parta cttyi alao Over a00 mf. altaa. Melvln. 15IB-H1 Heal Hat. Truat Hldr. IHVER-rilONT rnOPBRTIE3 IC. II McCOI.MJM , 131 WA LNUT BT. WEST 1-llIl.AIIELrillA 4035 Powelton Ave. liar I a home which ha been renovated and modernlied without, reiard lo coitl haa open ilvlni hall, electricity and larac prlyl lejiat centrally located and convenient lo ele vated nation, Wm. H. W. Quick & Bro Inc. 8 BOUTU HOTII BT, 809 pAJTTIMOnB VB. Itealdenca autaabl sarttoularly for phyalcltn or ilentUtl poaaeeiea very appointment of comfort and an auund. ance of fnht and air. EUGENE L. TOWNSEND . fl.E.ior. 40th a Baltlmor av. l'h. Wood. 3200. BAHOAIN for cole-red horn aeeker. T80 N. th. a atmldetached !! atory, porch-front dwelllna. very modem convenience. 8 room I lane lot, 20x103 feati can be bouahl for amount of aa aeannant. 2t00i term to ault. WlItfCmPB U MoLANAIIAN. lth and Pine. EXCLUHIVB HOMES EXCLUSJVHLOCATJONS' TATLOIt A SON 2 Y 2tt H. JOTH ST. TUB CHILTON AITS., SIB 321 N. 38d it, Full of tenantai paylna- inveatihentiprlc and term rtiht HeTLMtltia J. pHILTON. own- r, 8313 ixjcuatal V to 11 A. it. irt Jh Ml Modernlied. 8 rooma avery eonvenlenca. JKDVjyjUTZL2iONJ7thati. 8BDfIB NEW'SAMfLH HOUaB 1881 Walton av. 100-ft. lota jaS0 WILLOWS AVE 57th lo BSlhi furnlehad aampla houae opn dally W. .Y..B. K.fclV HUW A riulWI. Ownara. 8213 Chaatnut at bAIluliit. nuuuw WltBB atory aeml-detaohed. 8 ItalE. tm. electricity, aaaeaeed 1 94 00, will iBhan for amall houae Maalnnlae. 8000 Baltlmor ava. TkomM, HOUgB naar lt and Uai j.'fle J2100 1IAY8 M3Land Tltl COZY Hi 'MES'on B Alon t . S ioo Uarkat. rent, COZY II'iMES on S Alon at ," loom, pprob, only Ijjoo Wm. O Olatto, 1B1T Coiumbla av. OEBMANTOWN Liberty Bld JjltS1 ' Chetnut. OUR HEAL K8TATWDULLBTIN lll bi nt to you by mall on apsllcatten Otrmantown Truat to ChaUao d QanBantown aea, jflOU ABB LOOKJNfl FOB A IIQUH In Q maoiown Mt Airy or Cniilnut Hill, cosaull me A Jl Maaban IT7 Oermantown av bull NEW ltBNT and ul llt of Oermantown and Cbeatout Hill proR4rtla aent oa appltoa Uon P. Il I Uteri Son 3813 Oermantown av. RTSW UWELt IN03 aeuf JuUdlns "altea la but locatluo MAfBAN WJUftN CO , N B Cor Broad and CbeJtuul. " c Acijjr am im&r OLTNOON PBXSffT4AN S610 OtO av tHt m- jeve: 1. i: UXUL WHOfKRtXKS W c: T Wfc the tar-'" mwi, nio'i'- ' i.1 "awii-v. In Philadelphia demoted exclusively to securing lust what they want for parlleulir people Ti.li u lour requirements The leading and m stvaMnipnta In 1'htlatlelrhla im HEAI, ESTATE FOR SALE CoaKaaeJ from iYrcrdlas Column Tier WR HAVB TUB liousn TOU WANT KRKNBOY A ILMIlio. 3740 UIJIlStANTOWN. Ittan RBAL BSTATB. rnortaaar and conreyanclnr. WM. II Cll AJinH9 jira n iiroaa ai. Itoiborotirh ?rrv beautlf"! Wleaahiiliont llea from MarketauWrlt JAI,t?ffilLKT, 0100 nidw. -IT'NNIU.VANIA StlllURn N iiii25;-nr,,.w'1 "f?- ' b-Mh, wtr, hi , fruit tre.con. loc tw. J. U. Watla. Ardmore. h.LKINS I'AlUt -N.w Colonial dwelllna. 10 .. .ri "'w colonial dwelllna. in ifSf!I.: at b,(U- hat waterj bla banalpt 3 COIIMICK, 1011 Cheatnut, and KIKIne I'artij ULENIHUK TloVEi MnnxiMiizii JOTWWaii BN ineiae, ra eTTiTIOItft-KVre"ry TTebaTi:aTn alonr the areal Ardmore trolley In a brand fiew huntalowi ia and electric, hot-water beat, traya atc.i lot JBilJOi near trolley eta i2a 3 ehnrchea, hlih achool and etorea. H.VWi eaay termai to Inepect aee Wm. H. I)avla otnia at atatlnn. COeVfiT"rL..I.!?MB"'. aeneral "and" Improved Rfarma. bu Mini altea. etc.. In the White. ;.r.',h. 'I":. "P'l ln tba -tlon between orrletown Doleetown and llatboro. H J riAUf:it. INC . Ambler. Pa. .... s'"t'AN TOWN COUNTRY Bend for n alnila JIROWN A CLOUD. ' Norrletown. ra SUIIUItllAN lltiAI. ESTATE .flKKS- J.Arj8l.iS"& .8J.'o!r?r. rfflfc. Jul'.!U'AN itSalKNNCKH 'i-oit baTm OH BUUl'ltflAN IIBNltlNNCRH "B5lt BATM" INT ATTHACTIVB IA1CATION8. J.,Ti JArKBON U iUjheetriut J -"j,.a1, Hii' m ' lyiicwifiut ina loin. BUIIl'ltllA.S ntlHliiWl'ISil for aala or rentl alfrarfllM lu.i .nal n.l... .I.K. tt.ii.l.. end 18th. J Hoover. Ileal Eetate Truet llidi. lahiii: i.ist npsimunnAN iiombs. u or Tfltv .n ,h" Mln ln or Iteadln II, R. WM. ll.tvil.noN A CQj. Jdorrla llulldlnr. NKW JICTSBT SimrntlAN "IW-. 02? INVBRTMBNT Camdjn real eitata. R. D. CLOW. Jr. V' uroauway. CAMONj NBW JnrtBKY BKASHOnr. VENTNOR MOO. bulldlnr Iota. 80il00 ft i con venlent ta bearh and trolley 80d Weet fltala . el.. Trenton, N. J lCNNnI.VANIA rAIWIH I HAVE a farm and rountry home for every buyer tn cntintiea adJaren inure aqjareni to I'nuaoeipnia. j. i tfHUNr.ru;i.i) wiijfna. V. 37 AI7Hl!fl. Ilnrthftrn Cir Cnnntvi nlln. 13000 J II, TIlOMr.tON. WerheBterPa JIAnYT.ANH FATIMW Inoo-ACRB PWNTATION, fine for practical farmer or rentleman'a country homel head of Cheaapeako Bays food eteamboat eervlce. val uable flahlnc rlihta, (Inn (tunning for wtld reeae and ducka. about 43 mllea from Phlla.i about .100 acree timber, rood loam aoll for trucklmr. wheat, corn and tomatoea. wheat crop alone 3000 tn 3000 buihela par yeari 3 large hnueea on property; aeveral tenant houeea barn, chicken hnue-e, etc , high ele vation, beautiful aennery, bargain for quirk caeh buyer, price, 110 per acre; prlnclpala only T 40, Ledger Central. REAL ESTATE SALE OR RENT CITY AND SUBURBAN prnpertlea for aala or rent. Lower Merlon Realty Company, Land Title Building. Philadelphia. Pa. CITY RBA1, BSTATB FOR SALE OR RENT TUB LAND TITL13 AND TRUST CO. Broad and Cheitnut eta CENTRAL PROPERTIES for eale nnd rent. JAMBS T W1NCIICLL 17th and Baneom t a. PENNSYLVANIA B1TIHIKBAN BALA-CTNWYD Larra Hat notie'a aale or rent, at all jirlcei, Samuel C. Wagner. Jr., Commercial Truet Bide IBth land Market. MAIN LINK. P. R. II MAIN LINE Beet Una of Main Line houiea either for a-ilo or rent, at all price HIRST A MeMUI.LlN Weat End Truit Bide R. E. SALE OR EXCHANGE 50 ACRES Euclid avenue, near Cleveland, on car line, for aale or exchange for Philadelphia property; rlpa for allotting. r 44 Ledger Central, REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANOE We H.ive Sold $150,000 WORTH OF BBALnBSTATBtT.Bs YEAR AND FARRELL, 710 S. 20TII FARMER A THANKSGIVING PRAYER Dear Lord, wo nro your little girls nBd boys, nBd becnuao wo aro just little girls nBd boys wo cannot analyze tho reason of our thanks. But, dear Lord, Thy world is all about us nnd tho jvonder and beauty of tt fill our hearts with lovo and gratefulness that call for no reasoning. Tho sun floods forth in rays nnd thrills us with its warmth and brightness For this wo thank Theol For th'o rivers that give back tho light of this Bamo sun nnd toss a thousand gold wavo ships for us For tho skies that in their color tell us tales not bound in books For tho twiliglit peacefully como to godspeed day For tho stars that follow soon and twinklo elfin dreams to us For sweet sleep that soothes away the fretful worries of n little child's life For Thy tendorness that guards our rest For mother lovo and father love For Thy love forgiving, gentle, strong! Thy love, tolling us that though tho wholo world fail Thou art still watching, watching Dear Lord, wo thank Thee! Dorothy's Thanksgiving ny 'ellcn wnrrn. Dorothy wtia " JdTv" wait fr ThanltsBlvlns. fiho could hardly wait SS tno trnyaVd9 fi& ?&" oTtom.." them and then M thorn. eagerly Into the Iioubo. "Oh," cried Mary, attar they had been In the warm ronm laiighlnu and talk-Inn for a. while. !?red -nowea ub th. turkey ye.terday Would you like to eee It, top? " They replied that they would, nut when they BOt there no turkey was there, " .'Where can tt bet" W Mary. They ran breathlessly to grandpa, where hi mi feedlnif the horse. 'The turkey Is rone, gald Mary. "(Joner said grandpa. "Well, well: weft hive to lee about It. Where C0JUu4StUa.aIhegy0r".hd the turkey houe. there cam. a noUe from the hi I. de, and there eat Jerry, the U,rhey. """'"?', Jald grandpa. "He mut have known that Thank.glv.nrwa. n't very far .It I mu.t have leiv " i ? . The next day was Thanksgiving, and 'auch a .avory smell from th. k't.ch'n' Mother and granama were in ' "- all day. Grandma cam In and a.ked ?hem if they didn't want to take some Thanksgiving dinners In baskets to th. poor and such fun as they bad I There was poor Jlattle. the washwoman) Jim. the hired man; Mrs. Drown, tho widow, and many others. The dinner was lovely turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, cranberries, lams, pumpkin Pies. nuts, candles. Prlno nad all the bones, A. very rlf dinner, In- As Dorothy was on her homeward trip ah. said sleepily. "I don't believe I ever had "on a nlc. Thank.glvlnr," and Prlnc. wagged his tale ' . Mary Ann's Thanksgiving Dinner py MALVINA HOLCOMBE. Oynwyd. Mary Ann gave a relieved sigh as Dob oarae In with a large turkey "She had de cided to have turkey, cranberry aauoe. mashed potatoM and celery Though Mary Ann was only fifteen she was virtually the only guardian ot the five Warrens, Elizabeth, aged twelvei Itobert. aged eleven, and the twins, Dert and Dertle, eight years old, and baby Ted Mary Ann bad been Mrs. Warren's, serv ant aa long M she could remnbe,r. Sirs. ... a- j, Jt.J b mnnlh hflfnnt. .Daa. ignorant Mary Ana did not know w QO- JtUti US . ,a aaaa, a.aMH.SM only tbree rooms ot ma bu ...... .a a. naA . S.Mawaltaa. -" ufftm tv4 oiy tiar, wJttt wy lHjuajBi jwt eul4 th Wwf, EVENING LEDGER-PHILABELOTIA, THUI.SDAY, NOYEMBEB 30, RfeAL ESTATE WANTED rlBAl. BBTATB bouuht ania. rented rent col lected, mortgata loana for a term ol rtata or en building aeeoclatlon plan. ARTHUR KOSWKI.U asi M. 18th ej, WILt. BUY cheap real estate any etlen Thlla. delphla Immedlata answer,. Broker pro tected Cheiter l Banner. 1120 Cheatnut. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT riTY STOnrja ANH DWKt.LtNa? In alt aeellon of city. Bee our II. t In the ledger Baturday, BAMIU.L T FOX ft CO,,. B. B cor. lh and CaUowHIL 72 JN 17TII Modern .bouee 12 rooft-.il all con .t.n,; h.hl.Mil A.M.. MYKRB A BARTII. Ridge aye and 10th, 302 (t I3T1I BT 0 rpomi and 3 belhe: rental rr. annum, 1000. UIXJAU O. OH033. 1111 Valntit t. , 311 B. HTH BT. It ItOOMB AND 3 BATTtJ! . MBAH.1 A BItOWN. 203 B. 18TH BT, TWO-BTORT factory building. 80t580 feet, fl. B. cor. lhlah ae and Bdgrmont it Apply OJ,Ni1ll Brnj nc Howard and Oeford ele. nnelnee rropertleand Bteret MAnKP.T "T, Itnllr building through tn Commere t.t ault retail or wnoleeal buslnem Immediate poseeeiion Arrly l'ENNA. CO. BIT Cheatnut , OI.tl.EBTAril.lSIIRI) COA7, TABD, American at. corner, with elding, office and itallsi now ocjtipjed, but poeeenlon can .b arranged ..MORRIS A CO Ridge at Broad, ARCH BT , 707 t Stora and bieementi larg window, good apace for manufacturer' agent tn niaka dleplay I.KA BSTATI.8, 700 San- eom et 131 a laTH ST corner -Knelally adented for modleto or milliner BAMUKI. W LBV1B, Beai Eetnte Truat Building ttoree nnd Duelling roil tlBNT Slor and dwelling. 322 and 824 W. Ulranl av,i rent .Q, Fartarlea. Wareheneei. Mfg. Tleara Cohocksink Mills inimrn.. Floore, Boon to 1 000 a-i. ft . cheap power. n. PtcNKBLT. 1733Bandolph. FACTOntBS and floor apac of every deicrln tlon, Phlla and vicinity rACTOnr r.X CHANOB. BJei;hen tljrariijltdi Pllhert 4700 HAVE TARTY who will erect building, central or other location, for eatlafactnry tenant. pIKTKRlCH 737 Walnut at Balldlng Lota, Fartory Hllra, etc. FACT0R1BS. eltea, warehoua1, flo.r apace l oluaively .1 Alan Mld.lleton Factory Spa clallet and Engineer u'i II Wldenar llldg orncna. nrsiNivts booms, nro. DREXr.I, BI.BO. OITICIJr" Annual rentale JIltJaMlli IH(". V'l I la. I.i- liillU'M HlnU rm. ilOo. $120. HBO. j.no. al rentalei mnai rni . iiu, ,", '"-, ..i', ..m1. fnoy, Suite 3 rme IMIIIBO JHtt li'nd. ; ijiii Ml"'. tl inta ! Hultea 3 rme 127B l00 M23. M50. I6n0, l30 Corner fiultt to ronm ' Irto'lo lln HJ Ha.la- nfA n t rift .-. T(I AT1U (TUII I'l'tli iuw V4 e.1 iu ivuiiia IJ4IU Bl.LIM I WII.I.IAMH Blltl Dreiel Building. ii37bo iiiaiji) iti'it.niNO iisbo Centrally located, nil convenience, renta at tractively low eervlce rontlnuoua. 113 00 1211 17 Filbert et. S3 00 WEST PHILADELPHIA WE ARE OFFERING FOR RENT Th !rrft nnt l"t unkptlnn of houm and kprtmentB In Went rh1laMphU. Wm. H. W. Quick & Bro., Inc. 8 SOUTH 40TII ST, THE MODERN STORES on the eaat aide of 32d at at Market offer nn unusual opportunity to a live merchnnt In a hustling neighborhood. Heo MATTHIAS about It. 40 N f2d at Bteres nnd Dwelllnga BBIOHT little etore on new operatlonl fait Crowing aa-cuon: autl any nueinres ra-Viiuii nun .11, iiu.iiir, ANK II. McCOl'P.T, 2S H JlOth. i'it MAIN mm:, p IE. It. ABDMOnB BTONB HOUSE, near station 10 rooms 3 bathe, hot-water beat el.c light, 10 mo WABNOCK A EMLE.V. Commercial T. Illilg. FOR RENT FURNISHED PENNSYLVANIA M'IHIIHIAN FOR WINTER OR YEAH Nearby furnished houeea 110 to ItBO mo 7 to 21 rme list. C. P. rr.TEBS A SON. AM CHESTNUT ST. MORTQAQES J100. I20O TO IBO0O TO LOAN I.EWI1 A CO. 1227 West Olrard ae 50 TIIUST FUNDS FOR Fin.ST MORTOAOB HKItlvNEBS A BTETSON LAND TITLB BUILDINO SMITH'S RAINBOW CLUB $25 in Christmas Prizes For tha bsat numyo LiOTsa crapbook tha following prlie will be awarded Decem ber 20: First prlie, 1st. second, 13, third, 12 and fifteen prlxes of II each. ...... A th crapbook ara to b exhibited from December 10 to December 20 at tho ChrT.tmaa Itilibow Exhibition, to be held at 803 Chestnut atreet. they must be aent or brouiht to tho club before December 10. HOW TO MAKK TUB SCKAPBOOKS Oct a composition book or mike on out of piece of wrapping paper cut tha slxe of u roionoslllon book smltled at tho edeee with ribbon or string. There ar Ihreo Ulf ferrnt way. for you I mak your erpbook. Klrrt. Cut atorlea or falka from Farmer Fnillh's Rainbow Club Nowa and lllustrata them with pbiturea cat from any part of tba tkih Laws. Second Cut picture from lha back pag of the BrsNiao Lxwia or from tli Ineid nag ami writ, stories, poem or composi tion abool has pictures. Third Cnt atorle jr.taik ffomth. Bain, bow lub Naw and. Illustrate them with your Jrawforsi far Instane. In a .tery k bo lit Hilly Bumpu. draw In pletur of a goat, IMPORTANT Hrrapboaka msl be) al least ten paiea long and each page muit b from a, dlfferant dat af th Evxaiao Laws. Th date from which you take your picture and clob naw. mu.t appear at lb lop of each pag. II la not aoeo.sarr Jo boy th Bmkijo Lltalca In order to competa, AIlUREBs) VARMEU SMiril, Kti.0 Lime, i'blla dslpbla. dreadfully dirty beside their own clean little, house. Mary Ann bd threw boarders and sev. era people that stayed at night Many people cam. for dinner, and Mary Ann ex pected quite a. crowd for this holiday. Bho Just popped the turkey In and requested Ilob to read tho recipe for cranberry sauce. When this was done Mary Ann put on the potatoes which were done half an hour sooner than the berries. "There's a crowd waiting, Mary Ann, said Elizabeth, coming In. Miss Elliabeth," said Mary Ann. "you go and He down. I'll get the twins to help me " . "Alberta Warren, don't you say a word," she continued. 'Blliabeth.ls sink, J tell you.t Bert, take this In, Land It you're not able to help, you're not able to eat" The guests ate heartily, particularly a white-haired gentleman, who said lfa would stay over night, and gave Bob a tip- The next rooming Ulliabetrt served. The gentleman had his breakfast In his room and so he did not see her. Just tut be was leaving ha saw her. Ho turned suddenly pale. "What's wrong, s!rT" exalalmed Elizabeth, "Child child, who are youT" l,. asked "Elizabeth Van Burn Wairso," she answered In two hours tb.y wr saaadUue towar4 New xt " ' ..,. M.h.n that. ill oo a I'uUaan i T Bant--dl griVBdatMr. Now aw ri aa Js9j;, W log. vrsu- IJfMerf-A!- MonrOAOES Conltaurd rem rrrcrdla Calnmn , TO BKCUnn.A.MORTOAOn ,,.,,,, Be tt rfrat or eeeond It .roil ,if,,eJ?'Ji aervle. oulck and eetutaetory rtault nd moderate chargea call. ntoNB on wnrrn to us "Tour moftge.M will b ( l4 a placed." jNORMAN B BHERWOOD, Ull Walnut t Tl0a000-4K FLAT BrKCIAL TRU8T KUND KtHl OOqp PtRtT MORTflAOKfl HORACB II. , FlttT- 713 WALNUT 0T. iso noti. on Motvrtunn Immediate Bettlementa. TO t'neettled Fetata Iiana. Building Aeeectatlon Fund. 11000 DBMI'SBT A CO. n 27 S. Idth at. FUNDS FOR MORTGAGES Northern Trust Company SIXTH AND BPRINO OARDBN ilORTOAOBS BKCURBn.,... BUH,nRR ADVANCES A BPBCIALTT BRUltBAIIllH PABKFn. INC, 1437 WALNUT BT. MONBr FOR MOUTOArlES LARGE AND SMALL AMOUNTS QUICK ANBWRRS W II JIOOD.JU W NORRIB ST. 1100.000 TO INVEBT In nrat mortgagea.ln aums from IIO00 up. also building aieoclatlon money for second mortasges ,, . O C BBIDBIa A CO., 4lh and CalJowhlllit. ""MONEY FOR 1ST AND !I MOIITOXOBS T. A HEDDINO k HON 700 WAUNUT BT BJtlft BPRUCE BT. ALi'Xiiou.'iTB. Irt an"d 2D MouftiAoEa 8ulck answer. . ATHlNtlBBLni Bet. Tr. Bldg. FTJnTiF FOR 1ST Af4D "3D MORTOAOBB MORTOAOKH FOR RALE THTCOB N1CKLEB. 23l3rermantowTi ave. fOnds FOR 1BT Abfn 3I MORTOAOBB ANY AMOUNT , , . POTTB A THOMSON, 3B3t Fnyikford. idoTtBT for mortal gei i Hucki Cnunly propsrty. Lincoln Building Philadelphia. AHT1IIIII 1' -lUJVJIBKfill LOANS ON INTEREST, IN ESTATES Reasonable charges, JOHN A. BAItltY B0I Land TBI Rldg. lTfr"A2Dmortgaaee wanted". elt"y or luburban. CHlisTBlt OBBOIINi: INC. Offices, Lansdown and 1R3I Cheslnut st. "" ADVANCED T foltlf,DKBS A KPECIaEtY IIAZI.VTTT A MOHB filH WALNUT M. 1BT and 2d mtgs .Tildg and prl-ate fundas oulck and satlafactorr results moderate charges. CAMBRON E8tATr2l 1 Kene(ntonave. PRIVATE" FP"NI'H for first mortgages! n. and I, money for acond mortgagest no premiums. JOB ALBBN POTTS 400 Baltlmor Va. WE HAVE FOB HALE a few IJrtnO first rnyrt- gage? I'EMIIBHTON KBTATES. 1103 Har- rlsnn Building FUNDS for first second or. spTlt mortgageai collsterst and short term, loane AUERNBTIir l.VI B 121h 3724 N 8th. MONEY for drat nnd second mortgage, prlvat funds nnd building associations WM riUEIMHCH CO , 8il N12tht. HAVB BOMB gilt edged first mortgagei for aale. denominations issno to 12000 pH APBLKY Bllh and Springfield .ay.,. ... MONEY" for first and second mortgagee, building association and Installment mortxagee Willis- Winchester Company 1001 Chestnut at. F1RKT MORTOAOB TUNDS In amount of ssono to lin noo CHAB I. BROWN A CO 217 B Jlroad at FUNDS for first nnd aeron.! mortgage, any amount quick nnewer CHAR W. MILLER. 401-407 Commonwealth Building ALL AMOUNTS to loan on 1st and 2d sitgea. Chaa 7. De Young. 400 W End Trust Bldg MONEY TO LOAN QUICK LOANS TO HOUSEKEEPERS Tou en rM redy. erih frnm thla NKW LICr.NBKD AND :KI COaMPANV aulelc ly. privaieir i nrivilr anil without rd tup If you r wthou u can ! 1 no on hnuBPkMplne You can Iwrrow iS, $27. $J8, 5B 100 IT3 and ao on up ...... Int...., You can hoi runt Int-reH. Yu en borrow 1120, J112, m iiiiw , rr llRfl, 1180 or 8201 at 2,pr,rent Intereit, PAy. inents nra small and within your Income Ave have O pmaie oiucri. mr uur ronrsnipnc" Jermlt us to explain our up to-dat method, 'hone Walnut 4303 HOUSEHOLD LOAN COMPANY 131 South Broad Street Becond flcor Next to Forreit Theater. Open a a in Jon n Haturdalfl. o p m YOU CAN ON DIAMON N BORROW MONEY SNIia. JBWBLU. MTO. 23 AND t.l .'1 III 2. 1 5 Jo AND UP iKn AND UI'v. I. KIEDBIl'B Jig IAttKBT ST. UlDaiS AVK. AND OXFORD BT. vronn mt. 22D AND BOUTlf 8TB. MONEY LOANED to heirs of unselled estates. Interests bought FRANK P, MARTIN. 721 23 Stephen nTrard Bullillng, 21 B. 12th st. THE TALKIXn POLL Ily Fnrmer Smith "I think this Is coins to be a wonderful Christmas." said Bnntn Claus to his good jviro otjn night na ho had finished eating his 'thlrtl turkey. "Why do you think soT" nsked the good woman. "I can tell from the letters I receive," answered tho Jolly fellow. "I nm getting moro this year than I did last Yesterday I read n million and a half letters." "Mercy"' exclaimed Santa Claua'a wife, so surprised sho almost dropped a plate of grnvy. "Yes, I rend sometimes over two million letters. I linva n He.idophone. The post man comes over from Cloudland nnd dumps my letters Into tho chuto and they are then dumped Into my Headophdne which reads them to me Then I push the buttons and away the letters go, each to the place It belongs. By the wny, I am having a ter rible time this year getting talking dolls. Can you help me7" Santa Claus's wife thought a long time. "It seems to me that you ought to be able to make a talking doll one that will say the sweetest word Ih nil the world." Banta Clans put down his knife and fork. "What Is the sweetest word in . n at.. world?" ' "Others msy not think as I do. but th. sweetest word I know Is mother." "Of course! Of course! That's the time you caught mo napping I think the word Mamma Is easier for a doll to say." "What ever will please you will please me," answered the good woman, "but we must not forget the children What do the little girls want?" "I do not know, but let us ask them Send for Teaches and Cream, she might know If not, we will send her down to that speck what la It yon call It?" The Barth." prompted his good wife. "V.s, yes, that's It. We will send Peaches and Cream to ilnd out what the little girls on tho Karth want," Then, turning to the butler, Saw Hlr. Hanta Claus .aid: "Bring hlher Teaches and Cream, that we may send her down to the Karth 'Make haste " And so It happened that reaches and Cream was sent to the Earth and such a btrange time she had. Thanksgiving By WILLIAM Z. PORTER Whan Urns com, to ddrs My thanka for III dealing. No word will express ' My lncr.t feeling. Words will be hard to say' Thought dlffiault to part With Thanksgiving Day," Hut Ha ahsll know ' , What' In my heart! Thanksgiving Day BY WILLIAM ROSEN Thanksgiving day at laat I her: Tba day we lovo and bold o dear. Thanksgiving day whloh comes one a virl Ota. bow I Ilk. Thanksgiving dayj ' It u thsn that w ar o merry and gay W feast and frollo and gam and slayl Tba turkay ao brown tttai I lorn to kit And pumpkin pl. It can't b txatl We Need Stockings for littlo folks who have no stock ings!! Will every Itainbow, boy or girl, big pr little, run to mother this very minute and ask for one pair of old stockings? Then SEND THEM TO FARMER SMITH, CARE OF THE EVENING LEDGER. Sixth and Chestnut streets. Philadelphia. Send them right away, because We Need Stockings! t I T At J The Young Lady Aeros. the Wny The young lady across thn way says she regards thn condition nt the steel Industry as tho best thermometer of business we have. So to Sprnk Tho following speech wns made) by nn Irish barrister In defense of his client whose cow had boen killed by, a. trntn: "If tho train had boen run ns It should have been ran. or If tho bolt had boen rune ns It should have boen rang, or If tho whistle had been blown as It should have been blow, both of which they did notther, tho caw would not have boen injurod when she wns killed." Stray Storls. Ue Do you remember lioratlus at the bridge? She I don't think I ever met him. You know, we Invite so few men to our card parties. JUVENILE IMPRESSIONS, THOSE HAROLD DON'T FORGeT TO TAKE THE ASHCS OUT OF s! TH FURNACE, X ffc 11 &f Tho Skeptic JTJST HUMAN NATURE linn wt!3Kr Siii JlmniBST V Sho-Oh, don't you see? He has iisiiyiMMKxt Hi l w 1916 SCRAPPLE THE PADDED CELL U A SoMEBotaVS J STEAIORAPKe-R - V TM6 SlWDAtf STROU. )S Csl fr ft r V ) v J A-t MATVAftCi GOING TJPI London Opinion. Transport Sergeant What 'ave you bin spurrinr that there mule for? Driver Mulllns It's the only way to appeal to "lm, sergeant thro' Ms stum Labeled He J wonder what the meaning of that picture Is? Tha youth and the maiden are In a tender attitude. She Oh, don't you aeeT Ho has Just asked her to marry him. How aweetl What does the artist call the picture? He Cooking about) Oh, I see It's written on the card at the bottom "Sold," Seattle Star. TERRIDLE SATURDAY MORNINGS rw il . T't Lfytob''f wM3M '" tkrW Zr J& aiuuA!l;,MII,w''t"n,,i"aWaja Ji. Mljls.sSllHW.Uijr! nn.... a. ak'fl&lSKi? TfcYINCt TO CRACK A NUT 1 1ST A PA&&Eb .fcL Fr.PEOPWuW Of rNWEWwAN YIIT' Qmmout kttt iiji i in umiii n rhmwwniiu)Msmpmmm gaglj. iiijp i i - L?f ' ? ' ,"77. y I f38H WSs