Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, November 29, 1916, Night Extra, Page 9, Image 9

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l and Mrs. Jones Wister Host and Hnafpaa Jit.
Dance Tonight for Their
navy xarquaiice Series Begin
rOClI entertaining will bo done tonight
R. dunce which will bo given by Mr.
F? - ,.iv V. o.
.rfea'fl sister, Mlsa Anna linmlll Forlcs.
SI.. . -n.1 (h
rinis ""
wtherlng of his chll
gen iilnoe. Anno
n'B mother In Mrs.
filiard Watn Melrs,
,51 was Miss Anno
ilfthtman, a second
aushter of Mrs. Wis-
if, Mrs. "Wister her-
fclf. you Know, vvns
iffo Sablna il'Invll-
Urg, a sister of Mrs.
,wis Levlck. HUo
karrled Mr. William
Velghtmnn, son of tho
$0 Mr. wnuam
CCblghtman (of untold
kealth), and n number
IP years after his
Jilh marrlod Mr.
Snes Wiator, who was
Swldower with two
aughters, tho present
aU. William Barclay
nd Mrs. Arthur Mason
Mchcster. D o s 1 d o a
aEs. Farlcs and MrB
felrs, Mrs. Wister had
our other WclRhtman
Aigtiters, Miss Bertha,
ho married a Now
fork man; M. I s s
Louise, who married
lack Stnuvbrldgo, Miss
Ethel, who Is Mrs Ned
fenson, nnd Miss
Jartha, who Is now
Irs. Bllllo Fuller.
MVell. all I can say
Sims, nny cu you wiw
:mcmber tho popular-
of tho AVclghtman
Iris whon they camo
ut and who know of
the continued popular
ity of theso young ma-
irons, will not bo dis
appointed In their chil
dren, for on all sides I
jjear tho tamo things; that Anno nnd
Marls Lotilso aro among tho sweetest nnd
most exquisitely polite, buds of tho sen
Ion. As a second-year girl said to me:
They aro such llltlo ladles!" and sad to
liy, vory often no matter what back
ground of family or position somo of our
buds may have, there aro Homo who hao
if Vwn exnntlvc.nlehrntod for their man-
There aro to bo qulto a. number of din
ners tonight beforo tho dance, which, by
Jjie way, Is to bo held In tho Itltz Carlton.
iDr, and Mrs. I,ewli Brlnton will enter
ktain at that hotel for Elizabeth, and tho
Tom Rldgowaya will glvo a dinner at their
Pino street houso for Elizabeth Fox, who
a cousin of MrB. RIdgoway. Galnor
'Balrd -Bill bo given a dlnnor by Mr. and
Mrs. Franklin McCrea WIrgman, when
iJhelr guests will Include tho llttlo cousins.
Mary Ashhurst nnd Frances I.olper, Su-
ttnne Elliot, Kathcrlno Putnam, Mary
ufrooke, Lois Jackson, Bllllo Wright, Ed-
raund Purvcs, Jim Morrltt, Jr., Morris
errltt, Henry Pemborton and Morris
'Tonight will soo the first of tho series
oi' Navy Yard dances In tho sail loft.
Those of us who havo gone to theso
parties know what good times we've had,
so I'm mighty glad thoyo started again.
?,A number of dinners will precede tho
(Unco, among them ono given by Captain
Robert Lee Russell, U. S N., and Mrs.
Russell, when covers will be laid for
Kfwenty guests. Captain of the Yard
Xuby and Mrs. Luby will havo tvclvo
guests and Paymaster Elliott Moorman,
JJ, S. N will give a dinner on board tho
battleship Ohio. Ills guests will be Dr.
and Mrs. Alexis du Pont Smith, Miss
Dorothy Smith, Lieutenant John do
jloode, U. S. M. C, and Mrs. do Roode,
and Miss Inez Posey, of Washington.
Paymaster Thomas Cochran, U. S N nnd
Mr. Cochran, of 2518 South Lambert
trest, will havo Miss Gorton, of Corning.
& Y.; Mr. John I Payne, U. S. N.. nnd
Mrs, Payne as their guests. .
Lieutenant Commander William II. Al
len and Mrs. Allen will also entertain at
dinner, and on the transport Bealo Lieu-
inant Charles T. Blackburn, U. S. N.,
and Mrs. Blackburn will dine ten guests.
These affairs aro usually great fun nnd
ero Is nothing to Indicate any other
uicoma xowgnt man run pure
Mr. and Mrs. William O, Warden, of
Redmite. School Housa lane. Qermantown.
Iwjll give a dinner-dance on Friday night of
this week In honor of Mlsa Oalnor Owen
(Balrd, one of the season's most popular
gdtbutantea. Among the guests will be
lilies Anna Walker Melrs. Mlsa Elliabeth
E'Nerrla Brock. MIsm Dorothy Emlen Now.
sgld. Miss Emily Price Welsh. Miss Mar-
siiret winsor Karris. Sliss I'aunne wencKia.
RMIsji Llia. Norrls. Miss Maria Fraier, Miss
uuaoeui C Miller. MUs Mia janney,
list Alien Janncv. Mlsa Edith Earle, Mr.
John Potior Mr. Rrihim Roberts. Mr.
fJahn Mason. Mr. Warden McLean, Mr.
William McLean. Mr. Albert Kennedy, Mr,
eooetn Kennedy and Mr, John ueary.
.Mrs. flMrr TjknrtH .Tilvtlrj. h&B issued
BnrlUtlons for a small tea at her country
Ijlaee at St. Davids on Wednesday, Decern-
wr o, in honor of her sister, sirs. i-a.
nuna da Forest Curtis.
IDr. Anil lt.fr T Vn-min 1Tnrv. til 1906
Epruce street, are being congratulated on
im oirm of a son this morning. Mrs. Henry
as usa Mary K. Qibson,
at the dancs which will be given on
IEuesday evening. December p, n the
Jprooro of the Qermantown Cricket Club
: ine board of women vlsltoriof tne ier-
Lntfiwn TTnnnltal lh rAlvlnET line Will
W4 Mrs. Alexander W. .Wister. Mrs.
3ar Butler. Mr. Charles Penrose Keith
land Miss Maria Logan. Mrs Baluar
gt Mare, Mm. Alexander plater, Jr , and
Mrs. Theodore Brown will give dinners
yjpr the dance.
las Xfnllv T)tr.la n-mrlV of this City
1 now making her home In Paris, sailed
& eaiuraay on the Bochamoeau.
i ims city Miss Borda was ui gutsc 01
'if. R. 11 Bayard Bowie, of 1T10 Walnut
t. ana of wrs. jonn MsrKoe. i v
ust street
Two Granddaughters.
for the. ,i.m,i. -v.- ... .. .
nnd Mm. .t. .. . ...-.
1.1 was
. . vc,Rmmn". who married Dr. Randolph
Una hMnr..i i i,,ii... i .. .
" """' io iiuiiiiiBwncni
Photo by Marcenu
Who was ono of tho nidi nt tho ball Riven nt tho
Hollovuc-Strntford last week by tho rhilnilelpriln
Auxilinry Association of Southern Industrial Schools
nt tho opern last evening In honor of Mlsa
Dorothy Dobson and Mr S Wclr Iewin.
whose engagement lias Just been announced.
Mrs. J It. Kidder, of Knst Venn street.
Cermantown. has issued cards for a tea on
Saturday, December 2, ,from I until 6
o'clock, to ment Mrs Uduard Lawrcnco
Pugh Inclosed also are cards from Mrs
Frederick Clifton Vail to moet Mrs. Louis
nichardson Vail Tho card of MIbs Helen
M Tugh la nlso Inclosed
Mrs. J Frank Delnplalno, of Hortter
stroct, Gcrmantown, will gUo two bridge
parties on December IS and 14.
Mr and Mrs. John Johnson, of 3S0S
Chestnut ntrcet, will glvo a theater party
and supper nt tho Bcllevuo Stratford on
Friday, December 20, to meot Miss Marga
ret La Hue
Miss Eleanor Edmonds, of Wnyno avenue
nnd Upsal street, gavo a small bridge party
yostcrdny afternoon In honor of Miss Xinr
jorle Thomas whoso engagement to Mr J
Ncvln Tomeroy. of Chnmbcrsburg. Pa., was
rccontly announced.
Friends of Mr Lincoln Shnrpless. of
Hatlierton, Cheltcn Hills, will ho glad to
hear that he Is recuperating rapidly after
his recent operation for appendicitis, and
was able to return to his home yesterday
Mr nnd Mrs. Harry Anscll, of the Cres
helm Arms will entertain nt dinner tonight
at the Qermantown Cricket Club Their
guests will be Mr nnd Mrs Bernardo do It
Stokes, Mr and Mrs. John Illakcioy, Mrs.
David T Young. Mr Barclay Lex and Mr.
Isaao Loeb Straus, of Baltimore.
Mrs Edgar Howard, of B Linden lane.
Merlon; Mrs John P Holllngswortb, of
Dovon, nnd Mrs Clarcnco Clark, 3d, left
Inst week for the border to spend a fort
night at EI Pnso Tholr husbands are mem
bers of tho Troop
Mr nnd Mrs George II Bojd hate taken
apartments at tho Kittcnhouse, where they
will spend tho winter
Miss Mary LIpplncott. of rtahhlt Hill,
has left for Chicago, III, where she will
spend a fortnight as the guest of Miss
Dlatchford and will attend the debutante
tea Mrs Paul Dlatchford will give In honor
of her granddaughtei. Miss Bliss.
Mr and Mrs. William Klrkpatrick. of
Easton, Pa . spent the week-end ns the
guests of Mrs Klrkpatrlck's parents, Dr
and Mrs Wells, nt Wajne
Mr. nnd Mrs Klrkpatrick came on to
attend tho wedding of Miss Katharine Ver
ner and Mr Charming Daniel, which took
place last Saturday nfternoon
Friends of Mr Louis R. Button, of Wash
ington lane, Jcnklntown, will be glad to hear
that he Is recuperating from his recent op
eration for appendicitis nnd has returned
to his home.
Mrs Boulton Earnshaw, of Montgomery
avenue. Chestnut Hill, left yesterday for
Atlantla City to spend several days
Mr. and Mrs. Oeorgo C. Scott, of 114
Highland avenue, Cynwyd, announce the en
gagement of their daughter. Miss Buth
Luulse Scott, to Mr. William Casper Tierce,
of Mllford, Del Miss Scott is the niece
of Mr. John It K. Scott.
Mr. and Sirs. Harry Darorf. of 1813
North Thlrty-thlrd street, will give a din
ner tomorrow at their home In honor of
the recently announced betrothal of their
daughter, Miss Elisabeth R. Da r off, to Mr
Albert B. Voice, of New York, Covers will
be laid for forty.
The N. T. P. Club pf ,Norlh Philadelphia
will hold Its Thanksgiving dance Decem
ber 1 at tho Beldeld Country Club. The
receiving party Includes Mlsa Jane MeCon-
hll, Mlsa Edna Campbstl, Miss Hadlyn
'-"' Miss Edna Vogel. Mrs. B. It Conover
nnd Miss Anna Hlmango
The Begat Club will hold nn Informal
subscription dance at the Hotel Walton
tomorrow night
A quiet wedding will be solemnised to
morrow morning nt o clock at the Calhe
drnl, when Miss Elclnore Holes will become
the bride of Mr Lawrence t. Kelly, ot this
city The Itev Joeph O'Harn will ofn
elate The bride will bo attended by Miss
Als Mullen, and Mr John McCool, ot Potts
town, wilt net ns best man A wedding
breakfast will follow at the ltcllexue Stmt
ford. After n trip to Washington Mr and
Mrs. Ke'ly will lite nt 4 12S Westminster
avenue until the early spring
The marriage of Miss Irene Marie Me
Closkev, daughter of Mr nnd Mrs William
McCloske), of 1007 North Slsth street nnd
Mr. Joseph A Cunnlnghnm. nlso of this
city, took plsce this morning at 10 o clock
nt the Church of tho lmmnrulnle Concep
tion Miss McCloskey who was given In
marriage hy her father, woro a gown of
white sntln trimmed with point lace nnd
she carried n bouquet of orchids nnd lilies
of the valley Miss Marguerite Mcfloskey
a sister of the bride was maid of honor nnd
woro turquolso blue taffeta trimmed In
gold Her hat was of gold liv nnd French
Hon cm Tho bridesmaids Included Miss
Agnes Moylan, Miss llcglna McCormlck
Miss Mary ltookoy nnd Miss Agnes Mc
Veigh They woro ellow taffeta frocks
trimmed with brown lullo Master Richard
McCloskcy was page
A reception followed nt the home of the
bride's parents After a wedding trip Mr
nnd Mrs. Cunningham will bo nt homo nt
G12C North Hroad street
A quiet but pretty wedding will take
placo today nt 5 n clock at St. Elisabeth's
Roman Catholic Church, nt Twenty third
nnd Ilerks streets, when Miss Cecelia Agues
Ilrnwn. of 2131 Turner street will beronio
tho bride of Mr John Joseph MrCullough,
of 1712 North Twenty ninth street Mls
Brown will bo attended b Mls Marie
Kntherlne Carmody as bridesmaid, ami Mr
MrCullough will havo Mr Wnrren Cnssldy
nn best man A small reception will fol
low at the home of the bride They will
K to Wnshlngton on their wedding trip
Miss Ilrown wive formerly from Miners
Mile, Pa.
Great Audience Hears Tenor ns
Samson in Revival of
St. Sncns's Opera
At the beginning of n review In a good
plico to mention next weeks opern It
will be "Lohengrin" with Urlus Rappold.
florltx nnd Ober. Even with so populnr n
work and such a good "pnper" enst, It Is
doubtful if the housa will be any larger
thnn last night's, which crowded box and
gallery and deepened the linn of ntnnders
to the point of lmpassab!!lt Caruso and
cash are still synoiomous
The bill was St Saen's "Somson et
Dallla " which was one of tho many fresh
things of Interest to the good account or
Oscar Hammersteln in the dan of his reign
ln gave It with a fine company, headed b
tho long-absent Dalmorvs, tho now dead
tlcrvllle Hracho and tho rellnblo Dufranno
Later Dorla sang tho role of the seducing
valley-woman of Sorck With that let his
tory stop and Impressions start Ono ot
those last evening was to the effect that
the mighty Caruso has lost nono of his
cunning Somo of his vocal resource he
undoubtedly has mislaid but he knows how
to sow with the hand as well as the full
sack Ho still cin husband those round,
vociferous jellow tones of his, only to pour
them nut In prodigal profusion when the
occasion demands, startling dls detrnctors
nnd delighting his ndmlrcrs, ns in tho duet
with Dallla In tho second net At the close
ot that ecstatic duet he seized a great audi
eace nnd thrilled It with the old Caruso
ferv or
Mine Homer, tho Dallla. got a strangely
apathetic reception. Perhaps that was due
In part to tho fact that sho has done bet
tor acting, though not better singing. In
other roles At first she was obviously a
comely and respectable person, becoming,
with the nddltlon of her purple robe and
the growl of the storm, more of the temp
tress Hut the malignance of tho spirit,
rather than the malignance of the flesh, Is
more in her line She Is more Ortrud
than the Rose of Sharon To praise her
singing too much, in tho face of Its oru
lenco. Its warmth. Its beauty of production.
Is ns Impossible as to praise her Impersona
tion, both highly nnd Justly
She was In the midst of some excellent
players. Even Mr. Caruso, who Is not
famous for his subtlety, made a more sub
dued nnd suggestive figure of the son of
Manoah than ono would have expected
An ingenious make-up aided him somewhat,
and he was not wholly Incredible even In
the temple scene. In which he sang with
dramatic power. There were earlier mo
ments when he was out of voice Right
adroitly did he shield that fact.
For real hlstrlonlsm one had to turn to
Mr do Luca, who was the high pi lest
nreaklng no tradition, he proved that tradi
tion may he ennobled as well as degraded
The portrait was authentic with a touch of
biblical severity, which came Into sharp
contrast In the ballet, led by the lively nnd
pretty Itoslna Oalll a ballet replete with
bright, hot color, but with llttlo design
scenlcally The smash-up occurred with
prompt success, after tho child, Samson's
guide, was fortunately out of harm s path.
Fortunately, because that child was a sym
pathetic nnd plausible little actor
As to "Samson" Itself, it Is still a rousing
and splendiferous opera If It Is not the
impressive lyrlo music we once Imagined. It
may be because French music of tho seven
ties Is not now taken so heavlls Thcio was
no heaviness In Mr. Polaccos conducting
He did well, ns often, H D
What's Doing Tonight
Lecture nn Interior cjacoratlnn b;
y Hu inner
nob In on, undr iuipiwmi of Ifnl.en
i'lon'stt? ftmrTf T." M C '" A I (if Arch
trret 8 o'clock
inlAH nf IfnUarillV Kfn.
trwl B o'clocK
Temprsnc renctrt, nrand Orini I.od nf
lVnnrlvnU. HeottUh nil IUII J 15 u clock.
Twentieth annlvtrimry banqutt. Knlshu of
Columbus, Hotel AdtlphU; 7 Jo o clock
ruiaar for benefit of Catholic Jllwlonary
SocUlY r'onUblt' Armory,
lecture by Sir Riblndranith Tor. Indian
pott. Academy of Mullc.
Klorenro Klahtlnaalo I-odse, Daughters of 8t
Oeorge. Quartet Hall
Survivor of Klre Zouaves, Fifth and Chest
nut sireeU
Combined ale club U. of P. and Cornell,
( opirloM. If If. til trank A. Uuiiery Company
Tin: STour Titi'8 FAn
, nBATntcr. kriprkk tfno,r,Fh,?.r;
slowly rtBln ronsi loun nn i Wfns nr
eyes upon a neen of utter devsftellon . ni
ruin The otllo In tho sistropoHlati IJulM
Ina, New York where she hail sat at tnj
tpewrltr wUn oh sud nly fell "'"F,. '"
now nothlnc but ruin Only superstructure.
brick walls and doors ami III" ' ,"V bstr
iwwilered nreckaan remain Ucatrlce s nsir
reaches to her ankli-s (h
ALIAN 8TKHN. her employer one ortns
cits ". areatest enatneers In 1th,.u,n,,!!!I;.
mined rust, comes to life also In his ",
tory At each movement ipory oI ''",.
romponel ctothliuc falls lie Ims a grr'
shock of hair nnd Ion Wnl ,,.
When lleutrlci. and Allan fully "fn'
their senses they make a hasty survey or
their situation The entire rlty Is JV
In abovo the trees Kverytnlng la d"
Thv r the only human beinas alive
White on his vn In Ihe remain" or
e store, wnero un " .... ,.
store, whero
lie secures re
mat tnilcnllnn that there are other um
llnai nllvo on earth Stern Is tllleil wun
Itefore Hlern leaves for a morn eslended
spedllion tho following day h , "",
trice a revolver Mern figures thai he ani
ihn alrl hivo -slept , at least 1000 "
He then sets up n, wireless oulfll tr, i rte
perate ettort to .llsi-nier If thero aro any
oth-r human Iielnga lctt nn earth
Btern gets no answrr but ho doe" dis
cover ton anl the west bank of th- Hudson
Itlver snarms of lights moving across tho
river toward the couple At tne- n
time sounds of tomtoms como from mo
rii ir-rnu xvi
itrpOM TOMS' So the are savages'" ex-
i claimed tho girl, taking a quick breath
"nut what then?'
"Don t Just know, yet It's n fact,
though, they ro certainly savngea Two
tribes, ono with torches, ono with drums
Two different kinds. 1 guess And they're
coming In hero to parley or right or some
thing Hegular powwow nn hand Trouble
nhead, whlchover side wins!"
For us'"
"That depends May bo wo,'U be able to
Ho hidden here till this thing blows over
whatever It msy be It not. and If they
cut oft our water supply, well "
He ended with n kind of growl The
sound gave Jleatrlce a strange sensation
Sho kept a moment s sllonco, then re-
"Thcy re up nroutul Central Park now,
the drums are. don't you think so? How
far do you make that?"
Close on to two miles Come, lets be
" in silence the climbed tho shaky ladder,
reached the tower stairs and descended the
many stories to their dwelling
Hero tho first thing Stern did was to
strike a light, which ho masked In a cor
ner behind a skin stretched like a screen
from ono wall to the other H this Il
lumination, very dim yet adequate, he
minutely examined nil their firearms
He loaded every ono to capacity and
made sum all were In working order Then
be satisfied himself that the supply of car
tridges was ample These he laid enre
fulli along by tho windows overlooking
Madison Forest, by tho door lending Into the
suite of offices and by the stair-head that
civo nccess to the fifth floor
Then ho blew out tho light again
'Two revolvers, ono shotgun, nnd one
rifle all told." said he "All magaslna
arm's I guess that'll hold them for a
while. If It comes down to brass tacks'
How h your nerve. Beatrice?"
'Never better"' sho whispered, from the
dark Ho saw the dim white blur that
indicated her face nnd It wns very denr
to him, nil of a sudden dearer, far, than
he had ever realised
Cood llttlo girl'' he exclaimed, giving
her the rifle A moment his hand pressed
hers Then with a quick Intake of the
breath, he strode over to the window and
once more listened She followed
'Much nearer, now"' Judged he Hear
that, will ou?'
Again they listened
Louder now the drums sounded, dull,
ominous, pulsating llko the hammering of
n fever pulse Inside a sick roam skull A
dull, confused hum, a nolso as of n swarm
Ing mass of hees, drifted down-wind
"Maba they'll pass by?" whispered
lleatrlce. . , . .
"Jt,s Madison Forest they're aiming nt!
returned the tnglnecr "See thero!
He pointed to westward
There, far oft along tho forest lane of
Fourteenth street a sudden gleam of light
flashed out among the trees, vanished, re.
appeared, was Joined by two ten. a nun
rlred others Add now the whole approach
to Madison Forest by several streets be
gan to sparkle with these feux-follets.
weaving and flickering unsteadily toward
the square .
Here, there, everywhere through the
dense masses of foliage, the watchers could
already see a dim and moving mass, nt
fully Illuminated by torches that now
burned steady, now flared nto red and
smoky tourblllons of flame In the night-
W"Uke monster glow-worms, crawling
among the trees !" the girl exclaimed We
could mow them down from here already
Ood grant we nha'n't have to light I
-S-h-h-h 1 Walt and see what s up 1
Now. from the other horde, coming from
the north, sounds of warlike preparation
were growing ever louder.
With quicker beatp the insistent tom
toms throbbed thelr'rhythmlc melancholy
rune, hollow and dissonant. Then all at
once the drums ceased! and through the
night air drifted a minor chant; a wall that
rose, fell, died, and came again, lagging as
many strange voice Joined It
And from the square below a shrill,
high-pitched, half-animal cry responded.
Creeping shudders chilled the flesh along
the engineer's backbone.
-What I peed, now," thought he, "U
about a hundred pounds of high-grade
dynamite, or a gallon of nitroglycerin.
Hetter still, a dozen capsules of my own
Invention, my 'Pulverlte"
-1 guess that would aettle things mighty
quick It would be the Joker in this game
all right' Well, why not make some!
With what chemloals I've got left couldn't
I work up a half-pint? Bottled In glass
flasks. I guess It would turn the trick on
opt '"
- Why they look black '" suddenly Inter
rupted t'h girt "See tawo and there T"
Sta palatal toward the spring Stern
presslon of n hand holding a torch.
saw a iiony, half-human
Tho glimpse vanished, but he hid seen
"Itlaek es. bltte-blnck ' They seem eo.
nnjtutw And why. did ou see the size
of them? No bigger than apes' Clood
Involuntnrlly ho shuddered For now,
like a drenm-hordo of hideous irentures
seen In a nightmare, the torch-bearers bad
spread all through the forest nt the base
of tho Metropolitan
Awnj from tho building out ncross by the
spring and oven to Fifth avenuo the mob
extended, here thick, thero thin, without
order or toherence a shifting, murmur
ing, formless seemingly planless congeries
ot dull brutality
"Seems ns though malformed human
members black and bestial, hid been Hung
nt random Into a ghastly kaleidoscope,
tumid by a madman 1" whispered Stern
You may no , llko my npplo
nbotir the Kind your
The girl answering nothing peered out in
fascinated horror.
Up up to the watel .- rose a steady
droning hum , and frnm the northwnrd, ever
louder, ever clearer, came now the war
song of the attacking parti The drums
began again suddenly. A high-pitched,
screaming laugh echoed nnd died nmong the
woods beyond the ruins of Twenty-eighth
Still In through the western approaches
of the square more and more lights kept
straggling Thicker and still more thick
grew the press below Now that torch glow
was strong enough to cast Its lurid reflec
tions on the vacant-staring wrecks of win
dows and of walls gaping like the shattered
skulls of n civilization which was no more
To tho nostrils of the man and woman up
floated an acrid, pitchy smell And birds,
dislodged from sleep, began to zlgzng about,
aimlessly, with frightened cries
Give the Children
Bread That Strengthen
Growing children need every bit of assistance
possible in the way of nourishing food. This new
splendid rye bread is so easy of digestion, so nutri
tive, that it is just the thing to build up strong
bodies and bright minds for the kiddies.
With Seed
Only the finest of
rye flours are used
in this new, delicious rye
bread. The appetizing, nut
ty flavor is found only in
this supremely good loaf,
Ifeetvkf&t Wunderbar Rye,
The Best
Lopj right I.tfe Pub
Ono even dashed ngalnst tho building
close nt hand nnd fell a fluttering, broken
thing, to earth
Stern, with a word of hot anger, flnKered
ids revolver But lleatrlce Hid her hand
upon his arm
"Not yet'" begged she
Ho glunced down nt her. where she stood
beside him ot the cmpl cmbrasuro of the
window The dim light from tho vast nnd
empty overarch of sk. powdered with n
wonder of stars, showed him tho vague
outline of her face Wlet'ul and pale she
wns jet ver) brnve Through Stern welled
n sudden lendernes"
He put his arm nround her and for n
moment her bend In on IiIh breast
But onl) a moment v
For. all nt once, a ennrllng crj rang
through the wood, nnd with a northward
surgo nf the totchbenrera, n confused tumult
of shrieks, howls, slnilnn clmtterlngs and
dull blows, the battle Joined between those
two vague, str.ingn forces down below In
tho hlaik forest.
flfAPTIirt XVI!
Stern" Kesolve ,
llow long It lasted, what its meaning Its
details, the vvntchcrs could not tell Im
possible from that height and In Hint
gloom, broken onlj by nn occasional pile
. i A WVI. V .
Cooyrlkht. l.Ho i-ub i u
pic, but I'm thankful you can't brapr
motnor used to mnKo
gleam of moonlight through the drifting
cloud rack, to Judge tho fortunes nfthls
primitive war
They knew not the point nt Issue nor
yet the t do of victory or loss Only they
knew that back and forth the torches
flared, the war-drums boomed and rattled,
the jelling, slaughtering, demoniac hordes
surged in a swirl nf bestial murder lust
And so llmo pnsseil, and fewer grew
the drums, et the torches flared on, and
ns the llrst gray dawn went Angering up
tho sky there came a break a flight, a
merciless pursuit
i linl j tho man and woman, up aloft,
saw things that ran nnd shrieked and
were cut down saw things thero In the
forest that died even us they killed, and
mingled the howl of triumph with the bub
bling gasp nf dissolution
I'kIi' A beaBt war'" shuddered the cngl
'mL, Jk jj gA
hwr o
read -
will keep moist and fresh.
Your grocer has it. Get
the loaf with the label,
i.tiAjt Wunderbar Rye,
That means it is pur?.
Rye Bread in
Co reproduced by special arrangrr
neer, at length, drawing Beatrice away
from the window
She lelded, waking ns It were from the
horrid fascination that had held her spell
bound Down she sat on her bed ot furs,
rovered her eyes with her hands and for
a while remained quite motionless. Stern
watched her And nKaln his hand sought
the revolver butt
't ought to have waded Into that bunch
long ago," thought he. "We both ought
to have What It's all about, who could
tell? But It's nn outrage ngalnst the night
Itself, against tho world, even dead though
It be if it hadn't been for wasting good
ammunition for nothing 1"
A curious, guttural whine down there In
the forest ntlrncted his attention. Over
to the window ho strode nnd once again
peered down.
A change had come upon tho scene, a
nuddeti. radical change No more the
sounds of combat rose, but now a dull,
c-onclnmniil murmur ns of -victory nnd
preparation for some ghastly rite.
Already In the center of tne wood, hard
by the spring, a little fire had been lighted.
i:vcn ns Stem ioohcu, aim, moving ngures
heaped on wood. The engineer saw whirl
ing droves of sparks spiral upward; he
snw denso smoke, followed by a larger
And, grouped around this, already some
hundreds of the now paling torches cast
their livid glare
Off to one side ho could Just distinguish
what seemed to be a grbup engaged In
some activity, but what this might be he
could not determine. Yet nil at once a
scream of pain burst out therefrom, and
then a gasping cry that ended quickly
and did not come ngnln.
Another shriek nnd still n third, nnd
now Into tho leaping flames some dark,
misshapen things were Hung and a great
shout nrosc
Then rote nlso a shrill, singsong whine,
and suddenly drums roared, now with a
different cadence
"Hark!" snld tho engineer. "The torch
men must have exterminated the other
bunch nnd got possession of the drums.
They're using 'em themselves apd badly!"
By tho firelight aguo shapes came nnd
wont, their shadows grotesquely flung
ngnlnst the leafy screens. Tho figures
quickened their paces and their gestures,
then suddenly, with cries, flung themselves
Into wild activity And all about the fin.
Stern saw a wheeling, circling, eddying
mob of black nnd frightful shapes
"The swine!" he breathed "Walt wait
till 1 mako n pint or two of Pulverlte!"
Rven ns ho spoke the concourse grew
quiet with expectancy A sllenco fell upon
the forest. Something was being led for
ward toward the fire something for which
the others nil made way.
The wind freshened. With It Increased
the volumo of smoke. Another frightened
bird, cheepln-r fo'lornly, fluttered abovo the
tree tops
Came a sharp clicking sound, a quick
scuffle, n grunt, then silence once more.
And nil nt once the drums crashed, nnd
the dance began again, madder, more ob
scenely hideous thnn ever.
"Voodoo'" gulped Stern "Obeah-workl
And tnd the quicker I get my Pulverlte
to working the better."
Undecided no longer, determined now on
a course of definite action without further
delnj, the engineer turned back Into the
room Upon hla forehcaa stood a cold
nnd prickling swent of horror and dls
gust Hut to his lips he forced a smile as
In tho hnlf light of tne red and windy
dawn ho drew close to Beatrice.
Then all nt once, to his unspeakable
relief, he saw the girl was sleeping.
v a
made by a special
patented process.
the World