Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, November 29, 1916, Night Extra, Page 6, Image 6

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Those Who Really Attend for the Music Driven to
Fury by These Unappreciative Mortals
,Who Disturb Every One
AMI ONB of those professed music
Ci. lovers ho crowd the Metropolitan
Opera Houso on such popular nights as
last night, for Instance, would bo highly
Incensed wero It considered a poso with
them. Grantod that there wero hundreds
and hundreds of those thero lost night
who really understood, but why la It In
evitable that a fow peoplo should mar
tho enjoyment of thoso around them by
talking unconcernedly throughout tho
overtures, when one moat desires alienee
In tho front of tho house?
Last night thero wero several women,
who wero certainly old enough to know
better and should havo been well-bred
enough also, whoso sibilant tones could
bo heard many feet away from their box.
To such as these tho opora ovldontly
meant closo application with their lorg
nettes to tho occupants of tho boxen, tho
sound of many voices and tho flashing of
many Jewels on tho tier after tho lights
go up. These things are charming In
themselves, but to tho real lover of
music thoro Is something moro.
Tho, ladles, like a few men who openly
acknowledge tho opera boron them, might
leave their seats during tho nets to have
a chat and a smoko, as do thoso self
same men.
I doubt whether theso womon aro any
more objectionable than tho ono who
knows it all, who carefully explains when
tha "My Heart at Thy Sweet Voice" is
due' and what tho denoucmont will bo, her
shrill tones echoing for rows around.
But every man will agreo with me, I
know, that tho worst bora of nil Is tho
girl ho has takon with him who iclll In
sist on talking into his ear during tho
performanco and to whom ho must strain
to bo pollto this once!
Latter) and Question tubmttltd to this department mutt be written on one tide ot the
pacer and tinned tiillft the name ot the writer. Special aucrtes like those alven below are
Invited, It it understood that the editor does not necessarilu indorse the sentiments ei
preated. All communications for this department should be addressed, as Sallows:
THE WOMAN'S EXCHANGE, Evenina Ledger, Philadelphia, Pa,
tha winner of today's prlre I Mrs. O. SI. Omi, of 5733 Do I.nncer street, whose letter
Appeared In yesterday's paper. "
1, llow eaa the tannin la toffee be reduced
ta a mtnlmnmT
a, now la a rose Jar (potpourri) mndeT
8. When II la desired to warm dishes, how
ran thll be done at the name time retaining
iho luster of the ehlnaT
I. A cup of -Inesasi placed on the store to
boll will prevent the odor of onions solns
throoih the bouse when the Utter are belnr
,.3. VVhen it la necessary to more 0. mantel
rlnr.. tha nendnlum should always bo removed
'flrsi, then the works will not be ilnmnirdt ntter
ttotlni, spirit lerel should uo used to aeier
talne whether tho clock Is perfectly atnilxlit,
otherwise It la liable to lose or ruin time.
8. Table linen should netrbe starched.
Do Without Eggs Housekeeper's
IV) tho Editor 0 TVotnan'a Paoe:
Dear Madam A, man In Chicago Is hoMlne
1.000.000 ea In cold stores- for higher prices
and Insolently asks, "What aro you Kolnf to do
about tt?" Here Is what we can, do about It
(unless wo have Invalids to cook for): We con do
without eres until they become more plentiful.
Do you .know that Kood rice pudding- and lots of
different kinds ot cookies can bo made without
luii also ahoody cake? Last week I baked
two most delicious fruit cakes without esss. I
used New Orleans molasses and butter and but;
terlne tor shortening. Thoy wero ao good I
sent ono of them to my soldier son on the
border. Why not usa good old Pennsylvania
Dutch scrapple for breakfaBt Instead of eggs.
And, by the way, scrapple can be made very
cheaply at home. I have a splendid and of t
trted recipe for It that I will send If jou think
anybody would care for It. X. Y. &,
Flneirove, Fa.
I am suro many readers would be glad to
leant of your scrapple recipe. Do Bond it In.
Use for Extra Tnblo Leaves
To the Editor 0 VFoman'a raae:
Dear Madam, Thero are so many things that
one would Ilka to keep In the dining room that
thcra hardly seems to be room for on the side
board or serving table the chafing dish, toaster.
extra flower bowls, etc. A. friend of mine solved
this problem by using her extra table leaves.
8he had a framework made, two ladderlike ends
joined by a long piece of wood, the whole thine
Jtalned like the leaves and laid two of the extra
eaves across this, one over the other. It mads
wo long shelves across on end of the dining
room that could be used for a number of things.
Bookcases could bo made In the sama way for
the living room, It ons seldom used the leaves.
janij a.
Loaf Cakes
a the Editor 0 Woman's Page:
Dear Madam Two nice, large loaf cakes can
be made from tha following recipe:
Prince ot Wales cake Two and one-half eupa
granulated sugar, three-quarters cup shorten
Ins (butter and lard mixed), one egg, two cups
sour milk, ona large teaspoonf ul soda tdls-,
solved In tha sour milk), ona tsaapoonful clnna-
gon, one-quarter teaapoonful ginger, one-halt
aspoonful allspice, one-quarter teaspoonful
doves, one teaapoonful cocoa, flour enough to
malt a. stiff batter, one-half teasnoonful cream
of tartar added
. T j --- T.-J - ----.---,.
10 ins pour ana. lasiir, ono
cup hot ran Ins.
Sarin? on Tomatoes
To the Editor ot Woman'- Past:
Dear Madam Many housekeepers buy pint
cans of tomatoes costing ten cents. Now that
-rood prices are so high and ons must economise,
I 'buy a quart can. coating twelve cents, open,
put all In a saucepan, let coma to boiling point,
roll a pint Jar In hot water? till It with tha
tomatoes to overflow, have good rubber on and
Fiat top oa quickly, same aa canning fresh toraa
os, wrap In paper and est In dark place. Ther
will keep sama as. fresh tomatoes. In this way
I sot only save eight cents, but have them on
hand for leftovers that can bo mads tasty with
tomato sauce (or luncneou wnen In a nurry ana
una not uoae uy.
Mija. OEontiB b.
Recipe for Deviled Clams
r the Editor of Wonos'i Pant:
Der Madam Having been a reader of the
EriiKiaa Utsass only a short time, I want to
ay I am well pleased with It and am aenduig
In a rclpa tor a, delicious dlsht .
Deviled clams Take twenty nice white clams,
open and chop very One. cook until tender and
then add the following; Two eggs, well beateni
una teaapoonful of prepared mustard, butter tb
( of an egg, Ave tablespoonruls ot cream,
pepper and salt to taste. Have the clam shells
tltn and warmed, fill and place la the oveq
Bd brows very quickly. Servo hot.
MRS. B. H.
Plea for Go-Cart nnd Clothing
r Ik Editor at Woman' Poet:
Dear Madam I would Ilka to know If any
ft tha readers of the Btikixq Iaux would
hive a go-cart or a cast-oft coat, I have two
grsdtlifldrea to take care of while tha mother
works, and aa I am a woman past fifty years of
s I tii sot able to carry the younger one,
who is eighteen months old: the other one Is la
steed, at b coat. I can sew well and It would be
& i comfort to ma to joaka ona for her, .
MRS, It, T. H.
HnWi for a Desk
fw 4 JSH r ot WenuM pan:
Dtsr Madam Will .you 1 glvs me a aaxreatlon
JT1U( pf WMM4
fcj fr ihta ran1! b AjatL
dcaa perbac ou -could
tt a At tamethinm aiss, or berhasa your rsad-
mtm tell ma. " aauAJB S.
wan, pwvmm at a,ay paint Mara a
HW fYN3SiiefBe-fi A
Two Dollars Given for a
Letter Every Day
A PRIZE of Two Dollars ($2) will
be Riven each day to n reader of
tho Woman's Pago of the Evcnlnp;
Ledger. There aro no conditions.
Every day n letter will be chosen
from the number sent In, whether tt
contains Information of value to tho
readers of the page or asks a qucs
tlon, nnd tho prize will lie awnrded
to tho writer. Ho suro to sign your
namo and nddrcss so that checks
may bo forwarded.
IT IS a curious thing, Isn't It, to what
trouble somn humans will go nnd tho
things they will do Just to bo "in tho
know," as it wero, but utterly falling to
grasp tho whys and wherefores, for all
their pains?
An nmuslnB thing occurred this sum
mer nt Mount Vernon, that mecca of tho
motorist. Tho story was vouchod for by
tho porson who gavo It to mo. She nalrt
she, with three or four others, had mo
tored out from Washington and arrlvod
comparatively early In tho day, expecting
to spend some hours thoro. JuBt as thoy
drovo in another car appeared. The
driver got out, went up to tho houso, ovl
dontly sooklng Information, then camo
back to tho waiting parly and said In a
flat 'tone "Oh, Micro's only tho houso and
a grave and it costs a quarter to go in,"
threw in tho clutch and wan off in a
whirl of dustl
1. What remedy Is eood for cold In a muscle?
2. When tetrtn. lonr seams how enn hastlnc
be nrotded?
3. Should a child be enronracrd to ntnmt or
1. When a man nccompnnles a woman to the
theater It la not considerate of him to lean'
her between tho nets.
S. An excellent tonic lollon for use on balr
whlch Is contantly In a moist condition Is made
ns falloust Quarter ounro pouilcretl carbonate
of eodn, qunrter ounco pomlcrrd borate of soda,
one ounce enif tin rologne, tuo ounces nlrohol
nnd eighth ounce distilled vnlrr. Tho mixture
should bo well nlinken nnd applied to tho hair
etery night nnd innssngrd nell Into the nralp.
3. A stick of mncnronl can he substituted for
n glass tube or straw when food mimt bo ran
Teyrd to tho mouth by this means.
AHcr-Djjjncr Games for.'Tlianksgiving
To the Edltorot Woman's raae:
Dear Madam VnT son. please publish some
suggestions for games to be played nfter a
family dinner an Thanksgiving Day?
r.l.I.EN B.
1. A timely variation of tho donkey party
can bo made by drawing a huge gobbler on
a pqun.ro of muslin and then trylni? to pin
on tho missing head.
2. See who can mnko tho best nketch In
twenty minutes, the sketch In Bomo way to
relate to ThankEBlvInB; If no nppnrent con
nection exists, the artist must write an ex
planation, drawing out tho meaning. These
ludicrous explanations often add much to
tho fun.
3. Cut some paper of any kind Into
Hquarea or tickets, having 120 of these;
over these sllpa distribute tho letters of the
word turkey. This will Rlvo twonty com
plete oeta. Hide theso around tho room:
drop a handkerchief, on which signal overy
ono sets forth to search for tho slips. No
player must take tho second or third letter
from Ita hiding place until he baa found
tho first one; the ono first to complete the
word win's a prize.
Party for Ten
To the Editor of Woman's Page:
Dear Madam Kindly print In your valuable
column some Information I would Ilka to have.
I am gotiur to the a little party, ami would
like to know what kind of refreshments I may
serve. There will be present eight guests, the
host and hostess. What games can we play?
The ages of the guests range from fourteen to
eighteen years. Also, how should I word ths
Invitation, as I do not want any one hut the
Invited persons to come? JACK 8. F.
For the supper serva chicken salad, sand
wiches, tea, coffee, Ice cream, cakea end
candles, or If you wish something- simpler
you can servo (andwlches. Ice cream and
chocolate or cake anu cnocoiate.
Play card gamea or guessing frames. One
guessing game which Is not especially new,
but which Is rather Interesting, Is made up
In the following- manner: Have four or five
small tables and In the center of one place
a bowl of peanuts In their shells, on another
a, cupful of white beans, on a third a' saucer
ot uncooked rice, on n fourth a plateful of
pebbles and on a fifth a small box filled
with pins. Make each guest In turn guess
how many there are of each article and put
It down on a paper. Then cause the pea.
nuts, etc, to be counted, and the guest who
gueasea nearest to the correct number
should receive a prize. Blind man'a buff
l always good fun, provided there are no
sharp-cornered pieces of furniture for the
one blinded to fall agaJnst. With Thanks.
giving- near at nana, some of tho following
games will be found appropriate; (1) Have a.
handful of cranberries afloat on a tub of
water and see who can stab most of them
with a hatpin, or you. can bob for them
like apples. (3) Let all take sides, then sit
facing each other; each aide has a bowl of
berries at the head of the line and an empty
cowl at tne root, rjacn piayer la armed
with a teaspoon with which to lift and pass
tho berrleg one at a time; any berry
dropped must be returned to the bowl. The
winning side draws a prize, of course. (3)
Each boy chooses a partner and offers her
his arm; holding a knife In his free hand,
each must circle tho room three times hold,
ins a cranberry on a knife blade. If the
berry is dropped It must be picked up with,
out unlocking arras and carried back to the
starting point, where the race begins anew.
Borne one can play a lively tune at the piano
Direct your Invitation to the person you
vlsh to Invite and on the note paper, which
should ba small and white, write the follow
Np "Mr JohnS -F
requests tha pleasure of
Miss Fannie George Jones's company
on ft-jday afternoon, December ths eiluh.
-v v-Me . s
WHATEVEll her other faults may be,
Lillian data Is a tower of strength In
an emorgency, I discovered this fact when
Katie, my maid of all work, uttered n
frightened Ilttlo cry at tho sight of Mr.
Lester coming through the door and then
stood, llko a statue of fear, gazing at him.
Lillian was standing at my side when
the Lester camo In. With a quick, un
observed whisper to me, "Get Mra. Lester
In your room quickly," sho moved swiftly
to KalloVMdo. Dicky said afterward that
tho muttered "Hushl Como with mo," with
which Lll propelled Katlo to the kitchen,
was regular thlrd-act-lo-tbe-rencuo stuff.
I could not see what sho was doing, how
over, for I was too busy trying to obey her
whispered Injunction.
It was a hard taRk, however, Of course
I had to wait until Dicky had Introduced
mo to both Mr. nnd Mrs. Loster. As I
murmured tho conventional things and
started to escort my guest to my room,
Harry Underwood barred tho way.
"Nay, nay, my child, you do not pass
me this way without a word or look that
I may cherish," ho said grandiloquently to
my guest
Mrs Lester dimpled and giggled.
"You awful man. I'm not going to talk
to you nt all tonight Frank says you aro
n, bad man for Ilttlo girls to know."
"Pleaso unsay them croo-et words," ho
burlesqued, nnd then turned to me, ns ho
saw mo trying to draw Mrs. Lester toward
my room
"Aha, mo proud beauty; you do not llko
to hoar mo mako pretty speeches to nnolher.
I shall humblo your prldo yet."
He bowod mockingly, and I reached my
own room with Mr3. Lester. As I crossed
tho threshold I drew a deep breath of relief.
Tho danger of on unpleasant scene was
over. Katlo was Bafo In tho kltchcn( where,
If I gauged Mrs. Umlerwood'n powers cor-rr-otly,
she would Boon bo reduced to san
ity, while my guest, all unsuspecting, na
I hoped, was removing her wrap3.
Of courso, I bad grasped tho significance
of Katle'n frightened cry. I remembered
tho night Bho first camn to work for me,
her terror nt sight of Dicky and her sud
den flight Wo had brought her back, and
Dicky had learned that tho roason sho was
In such fear of him was on account of
the money ho had glvon her with which
to pay a bill when sho waa maid of all work
In tho bachelor apartment which Dicky and
threo other nrtlsta shared. Sho had dis
appeared with tho money, nnd ho had notcr
seen her again until ho met her In our
Tho memory of hor broken words of ex
planation of her Illght camo back to me.
"i'ou know when you left that morning,
Mccster Lestalre, bo was painting, too?
Well, Mcester Graham, I always good girl
In old country and here. I go to con
fession. I always keop good. Meester Les
talre, ho kiss mo, say bad tings to ma. I In
frighten mo. I afraid If I stny I no bo
good girl. So I run quecclt away. I never
dare camo back. Dot Meestcr Lestalre, ho
one bad man, ono devil."
Of course, "Lestalro" was Lester I I had
thought nothing of tho coincidence of
names until Katlo's cry had thrown a flash
light upon tho situation.
I looked at Mrs. Lester, who, fortunately,
had hoard and seen nothing. Sho waa a
pretty creature, blrdllko In her smallness
and daintiness, and a certain chirpy bright
ness. I Judged that hor montallty about
equaled tho caliber of a sparrow, hut 1
admitted nlso that the fact did not detract
from her attractiveness.
She was tho sort of woman to bo pro
tected, to be chorlshcd. Sho was loving,
innocent, holpless. And her husband had
amused himself by persecuting an Ignorant,
alien servant! I felt a tubIi of sympathy
for her. I remembored Dicky's comment
upon Katlo's revelation:
"So that was It! Well, that wnn Just
about what that pup would do. That was
ono reason I got out of our housekeeping
arrangements. Ho set too Bwlft n pneo
"for mo, and that was going some In those
Poor Ilttlo Mrs. Lester! Life certainly
could not hold much for hor In tho future.
And then sho turned from tho mirror with
nn appealing little smile.
"I'm afraid I shall be very dull tonlghL
I am bo worried about leaving tho baby.
Sho's only six mouths old, you know, and
I havo had my mother with mo ever since
Bhe was born until two weeks ago, bo I havo
never left her with a maid before. This
girl wo havo appears very competent, says
sho Is used to babies, but I just can't help
being as nervous ns a cat."
"Are you still worrying about that baby?"
Mrs Underwood's loud -olco sounded be
hind us. "Now, look hero, Daisy, havo a
Ilttlo common sense. You have had that
maid over a year; sho has been with your
mother nnd you Blnce the baby waa born;
there's a telephone nt her elbow, and you
aro only flvo blocks away from home.
Wasn't tho child well when you left?"
"Sleeping Just llko a kitten," the proud
mother answered. "You JuBt ought to have
seen her, one little hand all cuddled up
against her face. I Just couldn't bear to
leavo her."
Over Lillian Gale's face swept a swift
spasm of pain. So quickly was It gone that
I would not hava notloed It had not my"
eyes happened to rest on her face when
Mrs. Lester spoke of her baby. Was there
a child In that hectlo past of ber? I de
cided thero must be.
"Why don't you telephone now and
satisfy yourself that tho baby Is all right,
and Instruct the maid to call you If she
Bees anything unusual about her?" I
"Tell her you are going to telephone
every Ilttlo while Then she will be sure
to keep on the Job," cynically suggested
Mrs. Underwood.
"Oh. that will be Just splendid," chirped
Mrs. Lester. Thank you bo much, Mrs.
Graham. Where Is the telephone?"
"Dicky will get the number for --
Bald Mrs, Underwood, ushering her into the
living room. I heard her shrill voice
"Oh, Dlcky-blrd, please get Mrs. Lester's
apartment for her. Sho wants to be sura
ihA hahv'n fill i-lht"
Then I heard a deeper voice. "For
heaven'a sake, Daisy, don't make a fool of
yourself. The bid's all right" That was
Mr. Lester's voice, of course. Neither the
tones of Dicky nor Harry Underwood bad
the disagreeable whining timbre of this
Lillian's retort made me smile, it -was bo
characteristic of her.
"Who unlocked tho door of your cage,
anyway? Get back In. and if you growl
again tonight there will be no supper for
As she spoke she hurried back to tho door
of my room, which I waa Just leaving-. She
made an almost Imperceptible gesture wltl!
her hand, and I obeyed the silent signal,
going back Into the room with her.
"I Bent her to tho telephone because I
wanted a chance to speak to you alone," she
Bald. "You'll have to settle Katie. She's
crying out there, says she doesn't want to
wait on table if 'Meester Lestalro is dere."
I don't know but it would be a good Idea
to send her to bed, say she has a toothache,
or anything else convenient. We can wait
on ourselves: it will be lots more JollyUnd
avoid any unpleasant possibilities, I
wouldn't want Daisy to suspect anything,
Frank's been seventeen different kinds of
swine In his life, but there's no use bother-.
Ing her -with it She'll find it out soon
enough, We all do."
("Then you know?" I asked.
''About Frank persecuting Katie when
she worked in the apartment? Of course.
I rather suspected It at tha time, but 1
didn't think he'd carry things far enough
ao tha girl would havo to run away for
fear of him. But Dicky told me all about
it the other day, after Katie came back.
Wasn't it a coincidence that she should
have applied to you for a position?"
"A coincidence, indeed," I replied me
chanically I felt the old pique rUlng In my heart
Was there anything about our affairs that
Dicky did not tell this woman?
Nobody Wants a Daddy
Who Is Spade, Club or
Diamond Heart the
Best Type
fTTIIAT kind of a fnthor aro you?
VV Ba careful what you cay, for accord
ing to your answer will you bo cntogorlod.
A young Pennsylvania educator, Prof.
Daniel Wolford La Ituo, hns written a
most Interesting book on child culture,
called "Making tho Most of tho Children."
In It bo puts tho father Into four classes,
tho Bpade, tho club, tho diamond and tho
heart class.
Nobody wants a daddy who belongs In
tho first classification The Bpado father
lives very closo to tho earth; ho makes
llfo ono long drudgery; his homecoming
li not tho signal for laughter and happi
ness. Tho cluh father profers being out
with "tho boys" to being In with his own
boys and girls. IIo Is to bo avoided when
over posslblo
Money Is tho "all" of the diamond par
ent. Tho bright, sharp glitter of llfo to
bo witnessed In tho cabaret and along tho
gay white way appeal to him moro than tha
steady glow of tho homo fireside. Ho'd
rather glvo his klddln a dlmo than a kiss
any day, and seeing ns bow he's that kind
of a daddy I Biipposo tho klddlo would
rather havo the dime.
Tho heart father Is tho sort that every
wise child chooses, lie's tho kind whoso
knuo was made to bo climbed upon, whose
youngsters aro a Joy and delight to him.
not a nuisance to bo trundled off to bed
tho minute ho comes home,
THo heart parent, of course, Is tho only
kind of which Doctor La Rue approves.
Tho vlows that this profossor of psy
chology and education, nt tho East Strouds
burg State Normal School, hold embody
such 11 curious mixture of old-fdshloned
conservn'tlnm and ultra-modern radicalism
nnd in an Interview he expounded them
with such conviction that ono felt that ho
has mado an Intensive study, not only of
his own Ilttlo boy, but of every Ilttlo boy
nnd girl ho had over known, and that, there
fore, what he had to say should be worthy
tho attention of all persons Interested in
child culture.
It Is unusual to meet a man who believes,
Smart Bailor of hatter's plush and
muffler of black velvet.
THIS smart Bailor Is of black hatter's
plush. The brim turns back against the
crown like the flaps on an envelope. A
fringe of taupe and white ostrich outlines
the four points. The crown Is medium low.
The muffler has again appeared, but this
ons is not of worsted; it is ot velvet It
wraps about the throat In soft folds and the
ends are ornamented with large velvet balls.
The lining Is of black oatln.
One-Egg Waffles
One and one-half cupfuls flour, ona and
one-half teaspoonfula baking powder, one
quarter teaspoonful salt, one and three
quarter cupfuls milk, ona egg, two table
spoonfuls butter, Mix dry ingredients, and
milk Blowly. egg beaten very light and the
melted butter. Beat batter for two minutes
and drop by spoonfuls on well greased hot
waffle iron.
Removes superfluous hair and
makes sleeveless gowns and
sheer hosiery possible without
embarrassment. Fashion and
good taste demand it.
Sold by Drug and Department
. , Blum 1
ti -liir "-1 t- iT-rrrTi 1T1T ifi r 1
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- T SZ-- -JS' - .ATaTS.A, i
1 (T, nffZflnfTfJll Hw---?Kr
I I &-1 )nJIIL VHv V WefAfjtTj1
Tho proup in tho heart is Professor
Ln Rue, Mrs. La Ruo nnd thoir son.
for lnstanco, with our grandfathers In tho
uso of tho rod ns a means of not spoiling
tho child, nnd with our grandchildren In
eugenics and birth control. Hero Is how
Doctor La Hue explains tt:
"Wisely used, corporal punishment has Its
place. God evidently believes In It, ns wit
ness tho many corporal punishments ho In
flicts on us. His chlldron. Whenever leg
islators pass a law prohibiting teachers
from using corporal punishment at school
they should follow It with another prevent
ing parents from administering Buch punish
ment at home. Neither law should bo
passed; but ono Is as logIc.il as the other,
and both are necessary If we wish really to
make the experiment of abolishing corporal
"As for birth control, thero Is nothing
which the human race can control but
which It ought not to control. At present
tho passion of love Indiscriminately multi
plies tho race and tho passion of hato
blindly divides and destroys It Both these
passions must submit to reason. Wo want
bdth birth control nnd death control.
"Tho woman who wants many children,
however, and has them, docs not. In Doctor
La Ruo's opinion, necessarily Bacrlflco qual
ity to quantity.
"It depends on what ofse Bhe does," ho
Bald. "It 13 quite possible for a mother to
bear eight, or even ten, children of prime
quality. But sho should be supported sim
ply as a mother one might oven say, as a
breeder, not responsible even for tho up
bringing of her own brood The average
mother of eight or ton children most cer
tainly sacrifice quality to quantity. But
why should any woman feel It her duty
to be so prolific? Thyslologlsts some at
least state that tho mother's physiological
equilibrium Is so upset by bearing a child
that wo cannot count on Its being restored
again In less than three years. The con
clusion as to frequency of births Is obvious.
"What part ln tho training of tho child
should tho father take?" ho was asked.
"It most of us men would keep ourselves
free from whiskey, tobacco, Bwear words
and other Immoralities," he replied, "and
treat our wives as respectfully as we want
our sons to treat their mothers, the women
of the country would experience such a glow
of delighted surprise that they would hardly
ask for further co-operation. Then let the
father live with his children during a part
of his leisure at least, for the surest way
to get an education Is to live with some
body better than yourself. Further, as he Is
tho provider for tho family, he should make
his house a home by providing, wholesome
home occupation. Groceries should not all
he at the store, but partly In the pantry.
Education should not all be at school, but
lodged also In the library and tho living
room athome.
Doctor La Rue believes emphatically In
telling children the truth in regard to mat
ters of sex.
"I would give them this truth aa fast aa
they were ready to receive It. Our eight-year-old
boy has never asked us a question
on sex that we have not answered to the
best of our ability. He thinks no more of
A Popular Uo.atr
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Tlccausa of Innrua. !
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you can now obtain
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This aiqulslte preparation
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getting such Information from us than ho
docs of learning about tho weather or tho
"Do you believe, with Ellen Key, that this
Is tho century of the child, and that every
thing else should be subordinated to It?"
he was asked.
"This Is tho century of no one thing In
particular, but of cvorythlng. Wo can live
for our chlldron without ceasing to llvo for
ourselves. Tho two Interests aro Identical
In tho long run. I belle vo In old-fashioned
love, guided by now-fashloned eugenics.
William Penn hit It right when ho said,
"Marry for love, but seo that thou lovest
that which Is lovely."
Doctor La Ruo Is a graduate of Dickin
son Collego and has dono graduato work
at Harvard and Columbia. Ho studied
eugenics with tho famous "eugonlst." C. B.
Davenport. Ho waa born on a farm In
Lackawanna County, nnd married Mabel
Grace Gulnnln, of Wayno County.
Approval by the
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rians would bo
more than enough
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It is only by maintain
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good butter" caa bo
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Look for the"Mtrifoll"
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Vorii vonyaLou. your shin
Resiriol Soap
cleared mine completely
Many and many a girl has a clear,
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ples.oSsets many ill-effects of cosmetics,
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1 1 tha skia U In bad sbas, tbrcuth neglect or Ua
Mepat tifattstit, a UuAe Rastasl Oiwa! abdsLi
s!4lt b il whi tin Ss-fagal Ss. t kts Aa
Hta$WW"J-- 9jaHgfAR
8aiati. t.i.-.y..-,3r5L. IS
H oaor-proajat your snecru.
Brand-New Babies
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DKOKnn, Mr. and Mr William a. till
Locust nlrnot n rfnii.ki.- -.... "
eight pounds" """"" "on Knos.b.1, ,,
HKHMAJf, Mr. and Mrs. LoUl-( iU , r
ounce " 8n' B8Vn P0nS Ste !
inNKI.rJ, Mr. and Mrs. Oeorce A. eiai -A
North Warnock -treet. Zn n.,' "U4
e.r80hrpournad8.ft daUthUr' nuth $
itiiAsrr.n. Mr. y t ,. .... . j
a ton street; a daugMer:.10'n-
60BIn"XA?' "' ttnd " " 'Worts
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Spice Cake
Doll four cunfnla ati- ..,-. . . '
lard, eight ouptuta Stol'ni low eSSSS.
.', -. uiiu mm one-naif 1-
uponrula ground cloves, four teaspoonful.
cinnamon and level teaspoonful salt ,
minutes, then cool and add eight cupfuUJ
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BnlUW-TMS. Est.?. "" Wsl.I
r Sprues 85
A PSaraoeIJ
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