Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, November 29, 1916, Night Extra, Image 3

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3,000,000 FOR 11AMNG
Philadelphians Believe Beqlicst
Shows Sad Pass to Whibh
Young Women Have Come
Bho Says. Homo 13 tho Best School for
Development of Right
Shades of our preserving-making, sock
knlttlnsf. home-keeping female ancestors 1
What would they nay, tho old-fashioned
dean). It they but knew that three million
dollars had Just been willed for the estab
lishment of a school In which Blrls of very
tender yearn were to bo enrolled for the
purpose of being trained In the duties of
wJfeAood and motherhood?
' It Is even so, however. Tho will of Mrs.
Llulo Palmer, widow of United States Sen
ator Talmer, recently filed, provides that
three of her four millions be used for the
erection of such an Institution, "where girls
and young women of the ago of ten and
moro can be trained and developed with
special reference to fitting them mentally,
morally, physically and religiously for tho
discharge of the functions nnd servlco of
wifehood 'and motherhood and In the man
agement, supervision nnd Inspiration of
homes." In the opening paragraph of the
clause making this provision Mrs. Talmer
"I hold profoundly the conviction that the
wclfaro of nny community la Inseparably
dependent upon the quality of Its mother
hood and tho spirit and character of Its
"Doesn't tho fact that a. thinking woman
hno left three million for tho establishment
of such n school indicate that our young
women have como to a sorry pass?''- Is the
question that naturally arises. "
Mrs. Frederic Schorr, president of the
National Mothers and Parent-Teachers As
sociation and director of tho Home Edu
cation Division of tho Federal Board of
Education, answered emphatically that it
docs. (
"Tho girls and womon who nro leading
around dogs on strings Instead of playing
with their dolls and their own children nro
Iho ones who need such training," sho said,
"Personally, I believe," sho continued,
"that tho establishment of .such an Institu
tion may do good In a limited way, but
I stand for 'a broader education of nit tho
girls In tho United Station, It Is to that
end that tho Mothers and Parent-Teachers
Association Is working.
"ISvery normal woman Is adapted to
Wifehood and motherhood. Tho women
who chase madly after careers, who do not
Want children, havo not been trained In the
right way. A career docs not satisfy a
woman In tho long run, nndjf you analyze
closely tho work of tho women In tho world,
somo llttlo wlfo and mother quietly and In
conspicuously from the vantage point of
her own homo usually does tho most.
"Tho best way to train girls for mothcr
tinn.l nml linvn fnr fatherhood 1r hv aettlnsr
LN them a good example In tho home, and by
' . tho close association of tho school and col-
lego with tho homo. Tho whole work of the
Mothers' Congress Is based on this,. theory,
and ono of tho wisest things over done was
the act of tho United States Bureau of Edu
cation In putting tho parent on tho piano
of tho educator and pointing out the broad
education necessary for the' parent to havo.
"Tho education for motherhood should be
the broadest possible kind of a one. Tho
mother If sho Is to train her own children
properly must know of things outsldo as
well as Insldo tho home, civics and politics
as well on cooking and domestlo economy.
But her domain will always bo tho home."
According to Mrs. Iludolph Blankcnbiirg,
the average marriage is Buch a hit or miss
affair, and tho modern girl usually so Ignor
ant of tho requirements of tho wlfo. and
mother, that a school for her special train
Ins Is probably a step In tho right direction.
Ono Footpad Shoots Camden Trolley
man' Who Shows Fight Both
Highwaymen Flee
Harry Pew, conductor for tho Public
Service Corporation, had Just finished ar
ranging his car for tho midnight return
trip to Camden from Thirty-ninth street and
River road, when a voice behind hlrh said,
"Hands up I"
The conductor turned, thinking It a
Joke, and saw a masked man confronting
him with a revolver. Pew swung his lan
tern around and cracked tho intruder over
tho head. As the man fell another masked
burglar appeared and fired two shots. One
went through the conductor's coat, while
tho other struck a steel eyeglass caso and
glanced oft to his arm, Inflicting a Blight
flesh wound. Tho thieves then ran off.
Pew continued his trip, being 'treated by
n physician on the way to Camden, while
police started, an Investigation, as several
similar robberies havo occurred within the
last few months.
Killed by Electric Train
Stanlslaw Starrlak, who lived at Louis
and Chestnut streets, Camden, was In
stantly killed last night when struck by an
clectrlo train of tho West Jersey and Sea
shore Itallroad Company at the Bulson
street crossing.
Men. the.a outlnr, ahlrla sri SffiJJ
dandleal 1 hate them in all
Ttiv Br ral SI
hlrii. wllh
collar attached. All alua,
Coma an them. from SI
lltadquarttrs tor Vnton-mad
Overall and Ulovct
Diamonds, rru. Rubies Jspehinas etc
.57 S.iiihStnmt&Sbt
rhon.i Walnut S9
The Leading Chef atui hett cook mo
Giawsons 20c Vanilla
They absolutely refute eubttilulet
Leg Comfort
Don't ufar
fmiM VarifAmm
Velne. Xts Ulcus. Weak AaUee.
troubles which need constant, car-
tain aupport.
wlU tnxk you Happy and
-." . 7"n - . .,....
tow y" rz5"o":-v
Ui.fcj or
lea troublM. Coritt tftocklvi
crtUlOicftaiaw vai"-a". - vv" "
wear IOT nwnjr "" ;5""
ib" and aaiUtanr. lUht "d H,r
able. Coat only ,S1.M .. J
two for the linio. IJ.OO. and
loud sidlr w m0 Pf, 5
tha awsport and em Call and
Hoars t 8 4iU)f; Sat, ill
w -,-. alcm'sat belts
ftLJf.f?, ..-& lalto, CM.
' "" '" inn ifn I ln rlriil..ilHMri iM.nto.1
I City Mews in Brief
A COt.USIO.V between trolley er nnd
J wagon on Flfty-second street near Lud
low early today resulted In Thomas Young
blood. . negro, of 812 Poplar street, being
taken Jo the West Philadelphia Homeo
pathic Hospital, suffering with a fractured
skull and concusllon of tho brain.
MOIIKKN RtmvittlA HOMI-.S will be
built on an elgbty.four-acro tract nt Spring
field, Delaware County, which John J.
Dougherty, broker. Slxly-nlrUh street ter
minal, has sold througir Charles J. Hood
to. The tract Is on .the easterly side o'
Springfield road, and la known as the
tleorge a. Powell farm. Th prlco paid is
not disclosed, but land In that vicinity Is
alued at $1000 per acre.
KMM.OYK8 or THIS Jllller I.k
CompanyFrankford, have received an In
"eRS0 m wages of ten per cent and a re
duction In working hours. Tho order went
Into effect this week.
A IIAZAAR In aid of the Cstholte Minion
" Society will bo opened today In the
Stata tonclbles' Armory and will close Sat
urday night. The Catholic Missionary So
city Is n diocesan Institution for providing
Tor the Spiritual needs of forolgn-spenklng
Finn lU TIIK rubllo Library, Wldener
Branch, Broad street and Cllrard avenue,
was discovered by a tratrio policeman. The
fiames started among somo old magazines
In the basement The Iobs was trilling.
CIIAIU.F.R 1). 11UHK, n member of the
firm of Uurk Brothers, leather manufac
turers, Is critically III at his home, 1121
v est Allegheny avenue, suffering feum
doublo pneumonia,
AN KXPI.OMON' OF a oi! nnter tank
sent ltobert P. Harper, of Twenty-eighth
nnd Oxford streets, to the German Hospital,
whero ho Is suffering with a fractured skull
and a broken right arm.
1'IUK O.V AN unidentified aalllng Temel,
supposed to have been an American
schooner, was sighted at sea about eight
hundred and fifty miles cast-southeast from
Capo Henlopen by Captain Kills, of the
Amcrlcnn tank steamship Coining which
arrived hero from Savona, Italy.
Mn.MllEKH OF Till! .To.rpl. . Darling
ton & Co.'s Saving Fund held their annual
entertainment In tho auditorium of tho
Curtis Building last night Thero was a
lecture on South America by Alfred M. Col
lins, followed by a dance.
TIIK VMTIin 8TATKS neede 10,000 ntr
ptanea, according to Dr. Charles 11. I.ucke,
head at mechanical engineering at Colum
bia University and engineer to the national
advisory commltteo on aeronautics, who
spoke to members nnd guests nt tho En
gineers' Club, 1317 Spruce street, on tho
present and futuro status of tho aeroplane
assume tho duties of "vicar of the Chapel
of tho Holy Communion, Twenty-seventh
and Wharton streets, on January 1, suc
ceeding tho Itev. Alfred It Berkeley.
THE IIURBAU OF Weights nnd Menn
ures Is doing everything In Its power to
protect tho public from unscrupulous poul
try dealers soiling under weight. For tho
benefit of Thanksgiving purchasers tho bu
reau will remain open till 10 o'clock to
night nnd thirty-five Inspectors nro held
In readiness to bo sent to any section of
tho city to Invcstlgato complaints. Ono
poultry dealer has been arrested for sell
ing short-weight turkeys.
BUAOSIKNTS of exploded ahelle, fired
by Iho Germans Into tho French trenches
and mado into rings which havo been set,
with bits of stained glass from tho ruined
Cathedral at Ithelms. nro Included In the
list of articles which will be sold by tho
emergency aid committee In nld of crippled
and blind soldiers In France. Tho sale will
be held tomorrow.
A FAM. INTO A Tlin of eenldlng water
killed two-ycar-old Cabarella Danuzlo, 6420
Carlton street, who died a: the West Phila
delphia Hospital today.
announced that, as a result of tho Increased
prlco of material needed In getting out a
newspaper, the Sunday edition, outside of
Philadelphia and Camden city limits, will
cost six cents after December 3.
TIIK CONDITION of Frank Cummlekey,
chief of the Bureau of City Property, who
Is HI In St Mary's Hospital, is reporteu to
be greatly Improved today. Prayers
..(y-,i n hv the employes of Mr.
mlskey's department, as well as his friends,
for his comple.te recovery.
lltnovltch, thirty-three years old, of 2830
Cantrell street, was removed to St Agnes s
Hospital, where he was pronounced dead
According to tho police, the man failed to
turn ort the gas Jet properly In his room.
SKVEKAI. EXECUTIVE ofllcers of tha
Mldvale Steel Company, at Nlcetown, will
step out December 1, according to a report
from authoritative sources, to be succeeded
by officials from the Cambria Steel Com
pany, of Johnstown, Pa.
A Thanksgiving 'Danes,
Thursday evening', in the
Stay and gold room.
Reservation!, of course.
Seems at if, in honor of
Thanksgiving, one of the
dances ought to be a
Turkey Trot!
Sfje tSt. STnmcfi
Walnut at 13th Street
Buhr Stone '
and whole-grain floura end cereals.
Retain all the rich, bone-forming,
revitalizing elements that nature
placed in the grain which are re
moved in the ordinary process of
milliner. ' . ..
Buckwheat fcjfc gig; J&
S-lh. eaclt, fl.OO. Delterd
free br Parcel Pott or Expraaa
SIBAldS Yellow or White Corn Meal
FI.OUB8 Wholo Wheat, Graham or
Bye Flour.
Cracked Wheat, paU.Bicsf Barley.
Rye, Buckwheat Flour. Natural Brown
Itice, Natural Brown Barley, Brsji.
INFANT FOODS Natural Brown Bar
ley Flour. Natural Brown Rlee Flour.
Whole Oat Flour - '
great vmm ipxs
iMiiijIiiaTipiiTlirilldliiiniiljill'ir'I'l ri--f" - -'i - -TTTrTTiBf
y i ipimrcifflmpfliflEPgi
istffflmsiQ mBmnpmjjmtiiJgBXA, wedhesbay, hovhmjbkb 20,
Nearly three miles of tho steel
structure for the Frnnkford "L"
is in place nnd rendy to receive
the rails. Tho solid black line on
tho njap shows tho section already
completed, tho shnded portion
whore foundations havo been laid
nnd the dotted lino whero work will
be pushed.
When Suspended for Winter
Half of Original Line Will
Be Finished
When work on tho Krankford elevatod Is
suspended for the winter nt Ontario streot
next month three miles of the steel super
structure of the lino will stand completed
nnd ready for tha laying of the ebnereto
trnck door and tho rails. '
This section Is exactly half of the total
length of the line under tho original Taylor
plan, when the "I." was to run from Front
and Arch streets to Bridge street nnd
Frnnkford avenue. Under the present coun
cllmanlo ordinance tho liner Is to run threo
miles further to Rhawn street, and on this
basiB tho completed section represents one
third of the total structure.
$15 to $400
Easiest Terms
Are More
Than Gifts
C7UOW t$LL jr. )
37 1 . (
They nre everlasting and permanent
tokens of thoughtfulness.
Extending' happiness not alone to the
recipient but to every one in the home.
Our excellent service will prevent disap
pointment. Talking Machine Co,
Central Broad Above Walnut Walnut 1150
These Three Open Evenings
Broad & Columbia Diamond 4591
52d & Chestnut Belmont 5100
4124 Lancaster Ave. Daring nss
W. Citv
W. Phila.
5isliisiisiiiinriim iimii
Home-Macle Plum Pudding
Mincemeat Fruit Cake
Brandied Fruits
Oranges Apples Grapes
The Finest Quality of Nuts, Raisins, Figs, Nut
Kernels (plain or salted), Glace Fruits
and Confectionery
JB. Bradford Clarke Co
Jfiaep it?0' Chfitnut 9&gt
Lit ...,s,,TijflB;yf
3SSE1 y - -, a
maw j"r
IjTaistooc jt
. " '
Although the contractors ore several
months behind their schedule on the work,
Iho delay has been duo almost entirely to
the failure of tho steel mills tolcllver the
steel columns on tho dates specified In the
contracts, and, considering this tho progress
Is regarded as satisfactory by tho otllclals
of the Transit Department.
Tho concrete foundations nro completed
as far north as unity street nnd FrnnK
ford avenue, or for a stretch of four nnd
three-uuartcr miles. Tho foundation con
tracts nro also behind schedule, but this
Is duo to tho delay of tho Philadelphia
ltapld Trnnslt Company In rclocntlng Its
surfaco tracks Just below Ilrldgo street
on Frankford avenue.
Tho cessation of construction work dur
ing tho winter season Is necessary on ac
count of the concrete filler which Is put In
each of the sumrort columns. The steel
could be set In place during the winter ns
well as during' tho summer, but It Is not
considered safe to'work with concrcto dur
Ing tho cold weather, nnd since tho con
crete niler cannot be put Into tho columns
nt tho steel mills beforo they nro shipped
tho deoartment was forced to order the
suspension of tho work.
The erection of the steel superstructure
was to begin April 1 of this year nnd tho
lino was to be completed 'as far as Unity
street by October 31 last. It was tho mlddlo
of April, however, before the first plcco of
steel arrived from tho mils.
The contracts which have been completed
and which are now under "way total nearly
S3.000.000. Tho lino when completed, in
eluding the prlco of real estate purchases,
will cost nearly J7,oou,ooo.
The Whole Family
Georgina of
the Rainbows
By Annie Fellows Johnston
AulhtttfTU Link Cohml.tlc.
Hm't ichul en mil ptptt ji
"Mri. Johnston hie written rain
bow booka bokwheh cannot fall
to faacinata old and young alike."
Km frrt IfeiM.
At all itora, SI '25 net
Drillon Publiihing Co., N. Y.
S 4'
Mil II lulll.iifc M, l lllWBM,!,,,, l,MiW,.ill,JIMIlHUIHtl
News at a Glance
IlKAMNO, r., Nov. . n. Kurt
Wells, a civil engineer, was decided upon
today to act as the final umpire between
the city of Heading- nnd the newlv annexed
suburb of Glenoids In the purchase of the
water works svstem of Iho O enstds water
Company, the prlco suggested by tha com
pany Being considered exorbitant.
ni?AttNo, r not. ao. wugm i
Seyler, twenty-one years old. was brought
to Heading today from Pottstown, where ho
was nrrested by United States postal Inspec
tors, charged with firing two loads from a
shotgun Into a galvanised Iron mall box on
a rural delivery route In the lower section
of Ilerks Codnty. Ho was committed to
Jail In default of J500 ball to await n hear
Ing In the United States District Court nt
HVK.OIJNT I.UNCU, rmtnlera In achoota
can bo run nt n profit, according io tho
report submitted by tha superintendent of
the Camden schools. Tho October receipts
of the counter at tho High nnd Manual
Training School were IB0I.17, nearly K0
abovo all expenses.
AT T1II5 TAnr.BNACI.K lonttht the
Ilev. Dr. Mllford Hall I.yon will preach to
delegations of (ho Improved Order of lied
Men and tho Degree of Pocahontas. In
tho afternoon he will preach n special ser
mon for the old folhs. Kvnngcllst Lyon
last night spoko on "Tho I.tfo Abundant"
John W. Sclscr
John W. Reiser, long active In tho leather
trado and nromlnont In fraternal .n-ui,.
circles, died Monday night In the Women-n
Homcopathto Hospital nt the age of sixty
one. Ho lived with his wlfo nnd son nt
the Normandlo nnd was a member of many
clubs nnd lodges. His funeral will bo hold
Friday morning, with services In tho llnlr
Ilulldlng, eighteenth nnd Chestnut streets.
J. E. Caldwell & Co.
Chestnut Juniper South Ponn Squaro
Mountings of
Louis XIV and
The"Reflex,ManiIe not only
outlasts several cheaper
mantles, .tui gives brilliant
light, undiminished by shrink
age throughout its long life
"REFLEX"brand 15
Formerly 25.
All Dealers and
""N I 1 tV'imiaMiaaBaHaHHaHaai
jHbflVll 9af0alw'1t3SsHiaBaH
m I'm Thankful WmLdW&F
aaB a9aaaaBaHS(' BaHHIilBalaaar
tm to the man that told BHhBIKei.
me of THE READ. KsSBBi
ING'S New York WWM
VS FlHgrrKaaaHaaai
service MlwOI
f' The ride is clean and -qffias-S2M
comfortable, the scenery hZM ' 9!
W; more attractive, and I ca.n p 'S.'r-''s''lr'"1
w keep my pppointments on liKSSfeiliSB
h time because their sched- SS:!B
m Dependable BlM
Hf And their Dining Service is 9K&
r. the bet on wheels, ltm 'xSk &
W$ 1 always advise my friends omSevt
'" -nAur. Philadelphia & H aHflHI 1
1 EReading Railway v "" 7H
I Ji iii 1
j. jn,, j j- - . , j . , Vl v " . j jujii l jj.il i iiiiimfif iirfimTiiiii
William U Srattli
"i Funeral WtiaM wers held this afternoon
Drrti -tviniam 1. srnilh. nlnetv-lwo vears Old
r .... . ..... - x.,... .... u....t.Ai nf hit
wno na oeon ocuvw na o. mcmuci w ...
Order of Odd Fellows for over seventy
years. He belonged to that organisation
longer than any man In Pennsylvania, He
died on Sunday from general debility nt
tha home of his son-ln-lawi Kdwnrd A.
Doelp, 4 West Mount Airy avenue, Mount
Airy. Ha had been connected wllh Mount
Airy I.olge. No. 215, nnd was also n mem
ber of Knights of Pythias, Prcservainca
Io.lge. Nd. 40.
With ribbon or bracelet
In platinum, cold and plati
num jeweled.
1331 Walnut Street
SCIIAri' CAKNlVAb luncheons
nttd a ia carta service ..
Etrrr dar tills irrrk. II A. M. to 3 V. M.
lllnnrra (I to r, M. ,
liilt r. M. arter.iunchmn aiMreaa by rroroit
Kdcnr I'ah Smith, llaranr Itpni'-mnda
Jlll and preaorvra a specialty.
tho periods of
Louis the XVI
Upright or Inverted
the Ga3 Company
rjaiM"i.-TSi f
i.nintiiiiMwi iiijmiii sitifnimiiiiiniiinii mim'aMmmmmmSMUm
-t r
Open till-V,
. 1 P.M.' V
nonble-breaated nlter, 47
Inch length for 38-Inch chest
measurement Delt with pleata
running nliote and below, be
tides tho Inrerted box pleat In
centre. Front, with threo or
with four buttons.
Hundreds of Men
find no other time
ao convenient as
tomorrow morning
in which to buy their
Winter Suit
and Overcoat!
CJ They will be able to
get them here up to
One o'clock. They will
find as large, as varied,
as attractive a stock of
Overcoats and Suits as
we have ever had ready
for a Thanksgiving
The Overcoats are
simply stunning!
S i n g 1 e-breasted and
models, Ulsters and
Ulsterettes built on
new lines that combine
neatness and trimness1
with warmth and com
fort. I There are box-back
Overcoats, Conserva
tive Overcoats, Kt-mono-sleeve
Raglan-shoulder' Over
coats draping full and
smooth from collar to -,
coat hemvelvet col
lars and cloth collars j
coats for every shape,
form and fancy as re
gards style, fabric, pat
tern, trimming and
Suits in similar va4
riety and plenty in cloth,
patterns and color
combinations not to be
found anywhere else
15, $18, 20, 2fcJ
I0tfe ChMtavtf
Up v
m 1- V-;-