& i" 'f- & .. STRA ' i jT WEDNESDAY November 29, 1916 '- lEuwiing mragFt - Vrr "M""""" iriJ..-.., mwi "" 4 s TT?iT7'.. K. . '. " ' iii SM BQQIBiMiMlUtiBMr 4r'w --. Sift wmMM&M 7x tei ' ' .'' ' ' -- 1 MW 4mlKStm &ffilA ' " . T I t.iuu" - :. ' ,;. iii a jbt k ,k. aKrwaiHF ? .jiiiuumh . atjgy. wOTajr'iJt fLMtAijMMdDOBM Jl "ixv. cp;irt.M.iAjr-. .f.-i&xtsmfm ; m'iimk .rw.wr rijrimiWMHJi i v wmm 'flPIHw' r 'WBL, ill ir---' KHlv.. 9IH'ift.- .I .' CLij-s yHfc.'. i .J'hv "iaBsA-.- ymmkm . '"aw rsssmti'KL,. sssKeak ihbib .,.,w,i,..A-,..i4ji. .,... .-.Yvwvrt-"- ."""tv-i""- iBb v, v.;, a. ..'-'" 7f wio u- ji -.;;; .. j fmK. immamm &wSiir JiM'iiiBi vj ".. i . '.M-' vtn c it .5,:ir -rvKj. rv 'jfc n tr x - i. '. u F Ma jtli3!- ),- ,i .- . ... . TAKING LESSONS AT THE POLICE SCHOOL V' The, upper picture shows how one policeman can handle three assailants. He 4 Wl:gnds the arm of the first up his back and clubs the second as he trips the third. - "MiTho lower picture shows how the "straight arm" is used on a captive, his rieht 'tg?.nniboinB grasped at the wrist. These are some of the courses being given daily is ifcAVX &pJlWW$ ft lalHMKiB I IP :-4l fIS al: a '' - r-i'-rr 11111111111) J w $&&$ JswjUi y rfviBHKl-yHiB t.tM-ja tiL '-JL- -HwiW ' ifSWlilllHraiBBHPe:S''4tfS l ill! t ftrt$ rs': i' !iX?!. '4 ti,.,vt.4Ai K- ARM HQLD FOR TOSSING CAPTIVE OVERHEAD LlF the part of the prisoner here h "Al" Kubiak, the former pugilist, who is now a policeman. His winter weight is 2C0 pounds. This is another of the demonstrations at the police school. r62S6 at the Twentieth and Buttonwood streets station. Eft ujHB rhoto by Underwood & Underwood NEW TYPE OP ANTI-AIRCRAFT GUN BEING MOUNTED ON TORPEDOBOAT DESTROYERS OF THE UNITED STATES NAVY. n ( (RMS' fr .sr c. B Kasc'iaHh iMWV i ' 3Xf5ff. t , fc .i, E'5. saBlMt:Tt -'.! -, -, , .n MEASURING THE BABY FOR HER FIRST SHOES i -i k, Cfaia Chin, the infant elephant lives uj Boston, As she complauietj of chilly extremities, it was decided to provide her with boots, and this is how her inessure was taken. " . , i ' -' HHi ' 1-j t' " ' HHHr Sj -" ' ,rw tK tk - wbhHP' "?!H?vl1 --i--. .V y i'i-w" K 211... '' - lHnniHK'iS' '"" ' " . y "UJ, jpfeirKBHHB b - t'l-"???- -PpiWiiifilwiMPpw m J . 4 THE WAT CH ON THE SEA mo'lw,,n""' A pkiure that typifies the incessant vigil Britain maintains to keep her trada and war routes clear. t j - v- ', , ' m iii ii lamBfrr-rriTii-iiniifi -i . .''-.' 't,'. . , , fe.? TTT ill T P t'I .. . I - - 1 ' Bi f ' If Ww! HI ! -' W