fijBAfc fcBTATrt FOll SAtE " rKNNSIXVANIA stnunnxN PentlitHfiJ rem rreerrflae Torf. Coi'NTnrt ItOMKS. ireneral and . improTert farms, hulMlnr M(F, etc, In ,lh Whlle piarah vllr and In the aeellen between Norrlstoyn. npjrirstmjn an1 ltathoro, It J IAOKit. INi,Ambler. I'a. " 10-ACIlB fOUNTIir SKAT Near evatlon 45 minute from Ilroad Rt 15 mom stone hous water hmifr, bath, ftp i stable superior water, fruit shade ehrubberr In abund . com. looa .Rood nir'tleimod. price. ,. pKfKIlH SON. tlOa 1'IIKSTNUf HT SUIIURBAN TOWN COUNTlir " Sena for catalogue lllimVM A t'LClUD. Norrlstown, T. " auiiuitnAM" iikai. naTATR Anrprtce. All locations Bait or rent. rilAtU.ISSJ. IIOOII CO.Morrle lllai. EtllinnAN IlKSIDUNCRS for m or renf attractive locations!, prlcj? right Maurice jf Hoover. Ileal K;tt;trulJlulMlnir. main iiNB. ty rt, n. ARDMORE Handsome Mam Colonial hon and" rarasei in rmmn. s nainsi nil tnndlra emllnrnentl caraa will noi.t a carat z acrra of landi at traetlvelr located In desirable residential sec- 2r o Lower Merion Realty Co. JLAND TITLE BUILDING ThnxtonK - ' " AI.t-BTONR COtONTAI. IIOMB Oontalnlwt I bedrooms. 2 Lathi. sleeplne porch on second floor. 2 bedrooms, storeroom and bath on third noori eirellent location: not orr 0 minute, from train HAMDUt. V. WAtlNKIt. Jit. B8 .Commercial Trim nidi. JlUYN MAWH- FIREPROOF DWELLING with entire, prat floor re-enforced concret: eon talna 4 baths, 0 chambers, elevator to third floor, eterr modern convenience; garage for 3 rare, living room, bath am kltcheni 1 acrei excellent location, southwestern cipoeure, ex tended view, Investigate HIRST & McMULLIN WKBT KND 'TJUmTIlUILntNO HAVEUFOIID OVERLOOKING NEW MERION GOLF LINKS Beautiful high ground, rapldlr developing, aur rounded br htah-clasa properties) running water: old ahade extended vlewsj will be divided In plota to ault purchaser. For par ticular! apply to HIRST & McMULLIN WEST KND TltUBT IIUIMHNO SlAVEnFOltl-- " - - - -- NBAIt STATION AND OVKtlLOOKtNO CRICKET CI-un OnOUNDS Stone and shin gle house: stable and 1 ncrea of ground, beautiful ahadoi excellent lawn, location unsur paaaedi can bo bought at very moderate figure, well worth Inveatlgallon. HIRST & McMULLIN VK3T KND TTttlHT nUIT.IHNO SlAVBIlFOKD Attractive Corner Property near Ilaverford Cotlego gTnunds. house In ex cellent condition; about 1 acre of ground; owner living In another city would make most attracts e prlco nnd term' I'nr partlc. apply to HIRST & McMULLIN WKBT KND TKUHT lltllt.nlNO MERION At bargain price, corner properly; t ncre; lft rooms, 3 baths; Karaite for 2 cam. with roan's room: nhmla ami ah rubbery. Oct par ticulars of this dcalrnblo property from Lower Merion Realty Co. LAND TITLE BUILDING NKVER HA VINO VUKS . offerw before, this rhnrmlnff home, with 1 rellent shrubbery nnd lino old tttt-n, on nbout a acres of ground, affords nny one deMrlnir ft residence, tn this ttrnctto suburb a rnro op portunity. For particulars apply to SAMUEL C. WAGNER, JR. sin, coMMcnriAr. tiii'st jyii.nixo ROSEMONT Handsome dwelling of 15 rooms. 3 baths: modern conveniences: Inrcn stablo nr garntr; fine old shade; lot l ncresi n place well located nnd desirable In every way. Lower Merion Realty Co. LAND TITLEBUILpiNG vVAXNB REDUCED TO $6000 for quick sale, 1107 Toplar nve. ; houao con talna IS rooms, 1 bath, 7 chambers, gas, elec tricity; litres porch, garage, lot 00 by 213; will rent HIRST & McMULLIN , WCST BNI TftU.ST mTILDINQ WVNNBWOOJi ;oiiNni rnornttTV rontatnlnc Inclosed porch, living' room, hall, rllnlnjj room, pantry, kitchen and laundry on first floor. 4 bedrooms, 2 baths on second floor and 1 bedrooms. 1 bath, storeroom on third floor; lot UOx'Jia ft., ulth Karatrn for 1 car. This house, recently built. Is well worth an Inspection. SAMUEL C. WAGNER, JR. 320 COMMKItCIAI. THU8T JUIII.DINO Large List of Residences For Sale Also Furnished nnd Unfurnished Houses For Ront on main line r. rt. rt. Let us know jour requlrementa. SAMUEL C. WAGNER, JR. 32D COMMERCIAL TRUST IILDO. IJIII.ADCM'HIA White Colonial Reaidence all modern Improvements; contains IS rooma. 4 baths, 0 chambers, Inclosed glass porchs garsgs; about 1 ucre; excellent shade. Rowers etc.; must bs seen to be appreciated; price reasonable, HIRST & McMULLIN WK3T END TKUBT HUH.DINO NKW JKKSKV SKASIWHIi VUNTNOIt 140(1. building lots, venlent to bench and trolley. at., Trenton, N. J; SOxltiu ft.; con 800 West Stale SIAINK JUINK COAST ISLANDS, Jft, ACUKS. I0U acres, magnificent properties splendid kcatlan. PBMnBltTON KHTATKS. Harrison llldg. I'KNNSVLVANIA l'AHMH Whitemarsh Valley Farm Stone farm house and 68 acresi house sur rounded by old ahade: barn, spring houati meadowi running stream; orchard! near Whits marah Golf and Hunt Clubi and Chestnut Hill. Price $15,000. HERKNESS & STETSON LAND TITLE BUILDINO FARMS?? the Whltemarah Valler "and the Huntingdon Vall.r! ad- ,.rn, ,n Pheatnut Hilt ana Itrdal and JlaadowBroogl aultabla for coua try acata. HERKNESS & STETSON lBMJLANDJMTLHJiyiLDINa 151 ACRKS 2D ST, 1'IKH D Commanding location. 1 mile from Bta. Stone house and good farm bulldingai fruit, timber and meadow. Owner anxious to aell before VJI'KTjfiSN"i0CLfE8TNyrST 16 ACRK3, near Newtown It. IU; good build. toga: irult, anaae, m.aaow. ruiuiim irni high ground; fine vtswj priced for Immediate sale; reasonable terms; poasesalon at once. " JOHNS. MABi tBON. Hatboro, Pa. I HAVE, a fan Itlun apm an4 rmml and country home for every buyer In counties adjacent to Philadelphia J. M yitONKFIBLD. Wayne. Pa. 60 ACRKS, on raacadamtied State road! 1 mils to atatlon. 17000. , 3. II. THOMPSON. Wast Cheater. Fa. BEAIi ESTATE 3AU! OB RENT CITV POR BAT 13 or rent 8-room house; price I1S0Q 1. front and back pnrch, deep; eas R, C. FBITTS. N. . cor. B8th anil rent II isrms. Iidlow BKAL ESTATE FOR SALB OR RENT TUB I.AND TITLK AND TRUST CO. uroaa ana Lsinnut .t.. NKIV JEBSEY BPBDBIIAN CAJIDEN For Camden real estate consult R, D. CLOW, Jr. N9 "SSS&STV BEAIi ESTATE TO EXOHAMOE We Have Sold ?150,000 WORTU OBALTATTHJTE-VR AND PARRELL, 710 S. 20TH VVANTED- nUILDlNCTroTTS STORIES KOIt STUDIO. REAR OUTLBT ABOIJT MxlSOTT1 NKIAR t'ENTKU CITY ON MAIN 8T IN : BX niANOUJTOU VALOAULE WKLLPAYINO SUILDINO OWNER. M LBDOBR CENTRAL " OWNBR WJLL BXCHANOB HIS TICVOA 1JBSI- . .nnA;U i i3iaj Out bcacb AiUnaa " RCA!) ESTATTS tjrAwpTfn VPfT ..V.i1 SWKM' SM Hth at. 8 'Si 7.lf.i7M,,n ,0 bur ""' wit i V,iAu F,lrE- s 80th al delphlg 'imj;'.1 nr section Phlla" teelM rhV?im!dil,?1 """! .."rokera pro- ' tn"ter II. Itottner. 14J0 Cheatnut, -- 5EALESTATE FOB RENT 5kT.l. u'sts fe. 00 OT 00 .00 00 ,011 an !222frtll '! la ah nn 'SOft 3W ,?.'??f.-,:"n. r 1J.1.1 N lilh lir J1IUI Uio.ltireon lr . en oo 1114 Oxford, llr. .17.o 3022 N. Hth. llr. BO 00 J1 N llth, or. s.ioo 313.'V Master, ltr. 23.00 213 K- nl. ,nr 2.1 oo OJON 10th. lor 24 oo 122 N rr'nk'n.f r 22 na tl Latimer, Or. 20 OO M4 I'arrlsh, Br.. IB oo 'JlnUhirlnn 7r 1 il ml 00 00 00 00 JAM N.Jeasup.'of isji piiT-r-t-f::. tio, in nrt nn loos J,mon, 7r..' is'oo ifonN, iting'ld.or IB.00 ADRLritlA atiop'wlfn. tlr I4S.0O 7.VI M inth ti nti 03S lA.on iOM a .WKST I'll) jIM 33,'i "r. aoo JM3 Bu. or.. 3r. 23'oXJ nwrst.LiNOs IJOO Poplar, lOr 4l (IT aiD Vina tn. s . TVi ft- sl- lr 40.00 IS!3 Oxford. llf' 30 no ISVJa ,20tn. lor 27.80 1001 Palrm't, Pr. 21 00 5!2UtdVl J.,r 2:i"0 WS til 3''' 8r- 25 00 JfJW- Ofd.0r 21.00 .nj1.-""."1' "r 2"W 512 lv fforrla.Or 2d 00 Hin S. 2.1, r . 2.1 00 417 rlreen 7e i nn 120 Houlh. 4r. .. 20 Ocl lioi-ti. s 2d, nr. ia 00 .,.u- sniper. iisa a, id. r Br 20 oo 18.00 201 Wharton Br IB 00 C1TT tiMni0 w.KI.MNas tn all aectlone of city. See our list In the Ledger Saturday. BA.MU1SL T FOX A CO . , S. K cor. Olh and Callowhlll. J4J2I2S ARCH ST. 14 rooms, tvard robes. 2 heatera. 3 good rspalr. luiicia. irasnstanos, Immetllite possession A HIIllTT, N R Ci Ilroad and Rao J2.1 N 17T1I Modern house, rOrinlnfel rlt,1Wnn rt-n. 12 rooms. -MVKIIS 1IAIITH. nidgejave and 10th a"- 8 1-1TII ST 0 rooms and 2 baths, rental per annum. JOOO i:d(IAK O OttOSS. lm ivninut at i2J?nnl'.c'VsTn ST imrrnved anT""tho7ouhl7 m'eSOTe-'Ti'lldrn'' " "pea'numlFoo4 r0"""""" b8. ""1.1 LJIPOAH ." CROSS. 1411 Walnut at conveniences. lowrent. seelt 213S MOUNT VKIt.NON. best order." nice. II rooms, ken 2201 t nlrmount ne. niilnesaI'ropertlennd Stores CENTRAL STORES FOR UKNT Chestnut St.. i07. .Market st , tool, (corner 10th) nml 102." Walnut st. 1)07. 1110. 1201. South nth st.. 311. 102. North st .114. South llth st.. 114, 130. 2.1S. North 13th st . 124. j South 2Uth st . ins. J. A. PATTK11SON, 130 H f,th et. Desirable Arch Street Floors l.l.i: I.nrirc. well lighted rhenn. elpntur. Meat; 1317 rirst tloor. nice; heat. 012 Third, ault any one. HMKHSON CONIIAD. S3 N lQTIt ST. OLUKSTAIILISIIKI) COAL TARI. Amerlcin st. corner, with aiding, otdce and stalls, now occupied, but possession can be nrrnnged. MtlRRJ.S. CO. Itldsn at Ilroad MARKKT STRKKT. B23 " Kntlrn building to rear street, lot 2.1.3x200; Immediate possession. Apply Pcnna Co , 517 Chestnut st Stores nndIuelltnf LIVK MAN wanted to rent 2010 Ridge: modern atore and dwelling, cheap rent. Seejt Open. Factories. Mfg. Floors Cohocksink Mills' "hil Floora. .1000 to IS. 000 so. ft . cheap power. 11 V McNKKI.Y. 17.12 Randolph FACTORIKS and floor space of eery descrip tion. Phlla and vicinity. FACTORY 17 V- CIIANOK, StephenOlrard Rldg Filbert 1700. FACTORinS A floor apaeo of ery descrlptlnnT Phlla nnd vicinity FACTORY KXCHANOK. Stephen Olrarrt Hide Tllbert 4700. Race 2073 400-410 N 12TII ST 3-atnry corner bullillna. 40x100; eloatur. heat, light, power, handy to freight atatlon , ornrES. iiusiness roohs etc. "UHIIXKL IILDO OFFICES Annual rentals Slnglorms. 100. J120, jtr.o j-jmi. jmii. ir.r.o Suites a rms .1 14. Jl.lO. J 111 J 1200, (22.'!. (..Mi Suites :l rms.S27.1 I00. t42r, Htll t.lnn 17.10 Cornr Suites J to s rooms mo to limn End Suite 1-1-17. 27.10 eq ft .20 rooms I3S7B ELLI8 II WILLIAMS. .10(1 Ilrexel llullillng LIST Fuller Rulldlnc. 10 S. IBlh st List. Dnlaht Ilulldlng. 20 H. IS1I1 at. List. Smith Ilulldlnff Inth and Market sts Seeral sultablo offices; comenlentes; steam heat, electric light, elevator, otc. Apply J. C. FULLER. 10 S.inlh at, 1118-20 CHESTNUT STREET ENTIRE FLOOR. 2.100 SQITARE FEET FIREPROOF IILDO. REASONAIILE RENT JVIeara & Brovn,202S115thSt. FULLER ntllLDlNO 10 S. 18th at. All modern appointments. Suite 0x25 and Hx2.1 ft.. I30.0U month. II2TBO " HEED IIUILDINO " J15B0 Centrally located; all conveniences; rcnta at tractively low service contlnuoua. JI1B00 111-17 Filbert at. J22 00 WELL-LIOIITED" OFFICES, suitable for lllus tratora, architects, etc.. In new building 1027 Sansom st. Wlllla-Wlnchester Co.. 1001 Chest- nut st. . 20 S. 1HTII ST Desirable ofrlces. Including ateam heat, light, etc.; rent 1B and up per month. J. C. FULLER. 10 B. 18lh at. FARMER " ,nnS.i-' -u.t tSIiiSL..!,,,-.r RIMH) Mill IVinlae. I5 '? in ii mi n'j ,111 " " acK.tir SI. I I. JOHN D. AND THE TURKEYS I am going to talk to you this Thanksgiving season about the first business transaction of the richest man in nil tho world. We naturally think of turkey at this timo and that is why I have chosen this subject for your consideration. My dears, if you will look on page 113 of Mr. Rockefeller's book entitled, "Ran dom Reminiscences of Men and Events," you will find in tho chapter THE DIF FICULT ART OF GETTING, the following: "When I was seven or eight yenra old I engaged in my first business cnterpriso with the assistance of my mother. I owned some turkeys and she presented me with tho curds from tho milk to feed them. I took care of tho birds myself, nnd sold them in business-liko fashion. My receipts were all profit, as I had nothing to do with the expense account, and my records woro kept ns carefully as Iknew hov." First, I wish to call your attention to tho ngo of tho author of tho above. Second, I wish to call your attention to tho fact that his MOTHER helped him. Third, It cost nothing to feed the turkeys. Fourth, Mr. Rockefeller did not have to hire "help." Fifth, ho SOLD them in business-liko fashion. Sixth, the re ceipts were ALL PROFIT as ho had no expenses, AND last, but by no means least, HE KEPT A RECORD as carefully as ho knew how! If you are seven or eight years old, more, perhaps, look ut yourself and see if you measure up to the standard set by tho richest man In the world when ho was your age. This will impress this Thanksgiving season upon your mind and every time you see a TURKEY you can ask yourself: "DO I KEEP MY RECORDS AS CAREFULLY AS I KNOW HOW?" T nvino-lv. FARMER SMITH Children's Editor. 71 1IV v?y 'j4.-,n as Our llttlo girl artlsta are not too busy ylth turkajs to thjn$ of the WPrl ftsr&AWUH. Our I'ostoffice Box Following are brand new Ra Annla and J4iiian Cooper. North street: Hilda and David Iprow, Solot, North Thirty-first sSrat, and., Xw " EYRKiya LEDOEH-PHlLAnELPHlA, W13DKJ3SDAY, KOVB5IBI3K 20, " '""" i .i - i i , f . 1 I i mi I . ,.-.- .. im .i i ' '"I 1 . . . .. - I I. BEAL ESTATE TOR BENT foiittngM ront rrtetiing f ot.ntn tefetjin.t nraa "lYALNUt St Ieelrable efneee forpMal. ciana. etc . heat. Ilaht. lanitm iSSi -vc u"'"l light. Janitor aertlca, turn. fljipjr.the JPenna Co. (til Cheantut WEST wn Ann ofpkrino FOR RENT The lamest and beat aelecllen of houaea and anartmenta In West Philadelphia. Wtn. II. W. Quick & Bro., Inc. , SOUTH 10TH ST TltSjtdlifiitN STOHRM on the east aide oFSid at. at Market otter an unuaual opportunity to a lire merchant In a hustling neighbor howl. Pee MATTHIAS about it 40 N R.'d at , OEtlMASTtUVX ATTIIACTIVR Colonial home. I batha. large let; 17.1. Warnock k merrUI Trust. 12 rooma. 2 Kmien, i-om- I'iinxsIiLVAnia srniinriXN HA LA t'VNWVD 8 bedrooms. S bathe, atable. 1100 00 per month 11 neurooms. 1 rmtn.. i bedrooms 1 bath. 10 bedrooms, a baths 7.1 00 per month 7(1 un tier month n.1 00 per month IV! 00 per month 1 hen rooms. 2 baths. B bedrooms. 1 bath. . . 32 fto per month S3 3.1 per month 70 00 per month M.oo per month a oeurooms. 2 paths 1 bedrooms. 2 baths B bedrooms, 2 baths SAMUEL C. WAGNER, JR. . 320 CQMHEUCtAt. TRFST HUILDINO Et.lCtNfl PARK STONE FARM HOUSE 4H arrea. 12 rooms and bath, remodeled all conveniences and electric Hints Springfield water, etc . atable. chicken house! old shade nround house; meadow with running streami 1 mile from either Elklns Park atatlon or Jenklntown station, commands tine lew over large estates. Rent IB.-, per month. Herkness & Stetson LAND TITLE lit ILDINO JENKINTOWN HOUSES TO RENT AND SELL IN JENK1N toan. Wyncote. Oak Lane and Chestnut Mill. HERKNESS & STETSON 1BSI LAND TITLE UClLt)tNO MEAI)OWIIIlOOK REMODELED FARMHOUSE and 10 acres; living room 1730. den. din ing room, kitchen, pantry, second floor, fi bed rooms nnd 2 baths, thirl floor 2 bedrooms. Oarage and tenant house Old shade run ning atrram House has .1 open tlrepleees, eleitrlr light and modern heater 3 min utes' walk to station J7B per month. HERKNESS & STETSON land titm: nrii.niNO WVNCOTR t fsfiufirq from JenUlntnwn ntntlon. STONE HOUSE VHC HERKNESS & STETSON LAND TITLE 111 ILU1NO MODERN RESIDENCE flnrnpf nnl r nrre: firnt flnor. IHInr room. t.4n. hnll dlnlnir mom. rintrv. kllrhrti ntiI liundrs. Krioinl door 7 hftlroorn1' nnil fl bntni". numerous npn flrrnlnrM. rlwtrlr llitht. nil ionvenInrf: unrnKP for I cam nm, n liot fttnll for iM1e hnrsM. oM nhmlP. Itnnlx rourt. tnii k Knrln. nmnll womllawn. l!h runnlnr mrtrnin 3 mlnutn wnlk from mil rond ntntlon ,10 mlnutr in rlty. nrar coif irrid hunt i lull ST.'t cr mo Herkness & Stetson LAND TITLE lll'ILDINO MIV LINE, P. R. It VILLA NOVA Desirable 3 stor 13-room stone dwelling: Lan caster nve near Spring Mill roid. ri minutes' walk to train or trollej Apply the Pennayl vanla Compiny. .117 Cheatnut st. FOR RENT FURNISHED . .PENNSYLVANIA M'llUIIIIVX 0 IIEDIUIOMS. 4 baths, hot water beat, fur nlshrd, Winter monttis, If desired, owner utlt occupy part and makn nominal rent to re- sponsible party Phone Spruce 2217 for Thanksiililtig appointment. CHESTER ,U.H- U01tNK nfilces, lini.lowii" and 1524 Cheatnut. ROSEMONT JIOST ATTRACTIVE Whit a rttone nntl iiturco hotisn, rmitnlni SO rooms. r lmtht Htvl 10 chninltcrH. rlectrlo licht; opn llreplftcit. acrommo.latlon for 3 motors Hbout - arr. rx tended lew; this pro;rrty t fry attractively furnlnliml. thn location la 1 excellent, within I. mlnutea vraWt of tho rta tlon: ran tw rentrtl at a low tlsuro fir thn winter month HIRST & McMULLIN WEST END TRUST 11UILOINO MORTGAGES ADVANCES TO IIUILDER3 A SPECIALTY innn.nnn TO INVEST IN FIRST MORTOAOES In tho City of Philadelphia AT LOWEST MARKET RATES Apply to HAZLETT 4 MOSS SIS WALNUT ST. Main 173 Lombard 324(1. TO SECURE A MORTOAOE Re It first or second If jou deslrn efflclen nt mi service. nuicK and satisfactory results moiiernie cnarges CALL. niONE OR WRITE TO US "Your mortgaee will lie ns good as placed." NORMAN S. SHERyyOOD.14llWa1nut st MONET FOR MORTOAOES LAIUiE AND SMALL AMOUNTS QUICK ANSWERS W. H. HOOD, 812 W. NORRIS ST. SMITH'S RAINBOW CLUB T Thanksgiving Poem Rr HELENA UL1IBR West Oxford street, axe eleven years. Thanks Lanksclrlnir Day Is c-omlnr, Thanksitlvlna- Day ia near, on wa will he aaylnr. 'i nana Boon wa TnanKS(vins nay is nere. Thanks we will live our Qod this day. trim, eo aood and klndt MUU! a thankful tray Llxht. riiht. truth In a thankful way Like the ancela in heaven V fad- All of uj tn our land of Peace Under th Strip, and Stars, .... From North, and South, and West, and Bast, The JtalnUws will da their parts. Qod blase our daar fair PrUa. h. Father of thf land of the Free. Olv. htm vow'. y Wt'llli atrenith For m Land of tb Uoerty. FARMBR SMITH, I wish to become a member of your Rainbow Club. IMease send me a beautiful Rainbow Button free. I avree to DO A LITTLE KJNDNHSS BACH AND KVBHV DAV.SBltBADALITTLB SUNSHINE ALL ALOJjg TUB WAY. Name Addreas ...... ..,...,,...... AB ssejje set sa.ei.s.. ' .1 l l.f-ffijjlpni, 1 1 ' MORIOAOES Conllanrrl rent JVreerltso Colwmej LARGE FUNDS For lit mortgages Advance made to builder. JAMES D. WINCHELL 17TH AND flANBOM 8TS. $100,000-412 FLAT SPECIAL TRUST FUND FOR , OOOD FIRST IORTOAOES HORACE It FRITZ. 713 WALNUT ST. FUNDS FOR MORTGAGES Repayable In terms ofyeara er on Installment plan. Northern Trust Compnny TIIANM SPRINO OARI)EN $50 . 1200 TO " c flOOO Mortgage or note, real estate security! payabte easy termsi settlement aamo day. LEWIS & CO. ,2 v'Sb". ISO NOTE OR MORTtlAOB . Immediate Settlements. TO l!nsttled Estate Loans. Ilulldlng Association Funds. 1 1 000 D F:IPSEY A CO. . 21 S. 10th al. mortaagei large truat funds on hand and 20 building nasoclatlnna with ready money! quick ".V11"1 X W motto, try me. . ,. Jbiii- do Toung 40) West End TrusRMgi i,.... ., MORT0AOK8SEC0Rl".f HUILDKRS' ADVANCES A SPECIALTY llltDMllAldll A PARKER. INC. 1437 WALNUT ST MONEY Hill MORTtlAOES e want first mortgages, building association, either flret nr scond. H. E. OAlllilNER tilth and Wharton sis lloo.nim "TO INVEST In" first mortgagee In sums from ItOdO up also building association money for aectind mortgages tl C SEIDEI. Ik CO . Jth and Callowhlll sis TEt'ST KCNDS IOR F1RMT MORTOAOE ItEHKNKHM A STETSON LAND TITLE 1UMLDINO MONET FOR '1ST AND 2D MORTOAOKS T A IIEDDINO SON 71B WAt.NET ST 3201 SI'Rt-'CE ST. ALL AMOUNTS. 1ST AND 2D MOimiAClES "" Quick nnswer MAt'RICE II RI Est Tr llldg. FUNDS Hllf 1ST AND'C'I) MORTtlAOES " MORTtlAUEH COIl SALE THEO E NICKLES, 2.113 Oermantown ave. Ft'NDS Ml 1ST AND 2I MORTOAOES" ANY AMOUNT POTTS THOMSON. 21V21 Frankford ave. MONEY for mortgagee. Rucks County property. Alirilltll P rOWNSEND Lincoln Ilulldlng. Phlladelphls. 1ST and 2d mlgs . bldg and private funds, quick and satisfactory results, moderate charges, CAMERON ESTATE 2H1I Kensington ave. LOANS ON INTEREST IN ESTATES Reasonable Charges. .10IIN A. II.MtllY 307 Land Title llldg. 1ST A 2D mortgagee wanted, city or auburban CHESTER OSIIORNE. INC. Ofnies. l.anedonne and 1521 Chestnut st. MONEY FOR MORTOAOES IlUH.DINtl ASMOCMTION FUNDS HENRY S RF.Ell 11211 Chestnut st PRIVATE FUNDS for ItrM mortgages! ll and I. money for second mortgnges. no premiums. Jos At.EEN POTTS. IB01 llnltlmoro ave. WE HAVE FOR SALE a lew ?nnO rlrsl mort gages PEMHERTON ESTATES. 1102 Har rison llullillng FUNDS for first, second or split ' mortgages, rullftti-rni and short term loans AIIERNETIIY. 133 S IStli. 2724 N MONEY for first and second mortgages, private funds and hiitMIng associations WM URIEDIlll'll CO Sill N 12lll st. TlAVK SOME Bill e.lsed first mortgages for sale, dennmlnnlliins I'J.'.IIO tn S'.'nnii E II AIMI.EY CVth nnd Springfield ave FIRST AND SECOND MOIfKlAOU.S. building nssn's. C. R Ilhoail. 13th anil Susquehanna. FUNDS for first mortgagee In city: principals only. Addresa P 3111. Ledger Office. MONEY TO LOAN We Are Offering VERY EASY TERMS on $16 up to $204 Tlili Ufllnhti l.Uf lined nnd Ilondcd (ompany I offer. ne n nw tn rpnwnent plan, which IB pnsitiveo the ieiu in ui-i tu Ili monthly pax I Hi I J.r monthly xmyn J. I monthly pan 3it i fit monthly pays iya 100 lys 72 t i i..onuu pn in i J mommy pu nun .f, inlirent on our iainr onij ulll a No loan ou ll'JO, lU'.', J 1 30. II w, isii i ai -' inierm SECURITY LOAN CO. 1114 Chestnut Street llrll Filbert 3M Keatnni, Rate 1HS7 Nest to Keith's Theater. 'Jil floor. Room 20. QUICK LOANS TO HOUSEKEEPERS You run Bet rrnilv rnh from thin NEW Mf UNHi:il ANI IIONIini) COMPANY tUt k 1. privately anl without red tp If you nr1 liniiBokr'ptnK You i an borrow lift, 2T. 13d fi"i. Situ. J 7 'J and m) on up to lioil nt .1 per cent I ntcr put You ran borrow 91-0, II3J $IMI flfto or $201 at 'J pr ot-nt Interest. Tay mentn Hro pmall nnd within our Income W'o h.iv f. prUato oftlte for your conenlnr 3nnlC tm to exptuln our up-to data method I'hoiiP AVnlmit -t.iO.'i HOUSEHOLD LOAN COMPANY 131 South Broad Street Second floor Next to Forrent Theater. OpnHnin to (l Pjn 1uj'tlay(i.tljiii DO YOU NEED MONEY? Wa will loan to salaried people and others without security, low rate of Interest nnd courteous treatment D. I). Drake. Licensed A Rondeil !.oan Ilrokrr. Room 51)4 No. Ill N.4th St. TOU CAN RORROW MONET ON DIAMONDS. JEWELS, ETC. J AND til' 25t iffl AND 1)1' llfet ItOO AND UP 1 IIIEDER'U 123 MARKET ST. Ill DUE AVE. AND OXFORD ST. 22D ANDSI)UT:ISTS. MONEV LOANED tn heirs of unsetled eststes. 23 Stcphr; li-ic-n.n uiiu.lll. 'ihA.-n. I". .MAKII.i. 721 rn jn Irani Ilulldlng, 21 s, 12th at. THK CHOW LOSES HIS CHOW By Farmer Smith Hurry, liurry, hurry! From all parts of tho toy factory came tho nolao of hurrying feet Tho chimes were ringing In tho tower nml all knew that something wan going to happen, for Banta ClauH ntter liail tho chlmen rung without having a special object In mind. Hurry, liurry, liurry! 55lg '.ag wont downstairs so fast he fell and humped his none, hut he l;ept on going as did they nil until they ramo to the as eembly room whero Santa Claus always had tho good llttlo people of Toytown gather when ho wltlicd to speak to them. When they were ull seated, Santa Claus aroso from his seat and Introduced them to the crow and sold: "My good llttlo troubla maker, Fuss nut ton, has asked to hae a toy rooster made for a llttlo hoy down on tho Bpeck I mean, the onrth nnd so I am hero to show you how to make a rooster." " Everybody was attention. "I hold liore In my hand a comb-It has teeth, as you see, hut we do not need the teeth, for there never has been a rooster with teeth, but a rooster must have a comb and he muat also have a crow. Therefore I have on my other hand a crow who has been kind enough to offer his sarvio.. ir. has a orow, but first I must obtain his ner. mlejttnn tn lite tilt. nm... . . -' ,.,.Vw.v.. . -.,., ,M v.wn, o.-- niter I am through, there will ba no more crowlnir for Mister Crow." ' ,or Santa Claus took a large bag and Into It ho put the crow and the comb, "ity"' he exolalmed. "Carelese of me. I have forgot ten tha feathers. Never mind. Here is a feather duster." Zlg Zag was so excited he stood up on the baok seat and poor Professor Waddlepop hurt hUt neck from stretching t Into the bag went the eomb, the crow and the feather duster. I'UBSTO I Out of the bag came a ounnlug little rooster. The comb waif gone, but a crow hopped out "Caw1 Caw!" went the erow. "Coolwy-doodle-doo I" went the rooster. "Isn't that wonderful 1" exclaimed Ftaehea and Cream, dapping her hands. "Quick I" shouted Santa Ciaus to Fuss Button, as the rooster was about to fir out of the window. For the Postal Squad Edna Rodeubaugb la having a very hard tune thece 4ye. b being occupied with sometatag vary unpleasant THK MUMl'SI a aoitwevs ia Uletuude. What little juFTf The Yotintj Lndy Across the Way Tho oung laily across thf nay anys It doesn't deem fair for the h.ilthaolt to get nil tho credit for the spectacular Plnj.i Just because tho crowd can fro him better, nnd In nine cares out of ten tho wholn team In equally culpable. A Manly Woman "Dosn't It liumlllato you tn have tn go through llfo this way?" nnkcil tlio Bympntliottu womnii aa hIio pnrcliascd a photograph. "Yen, nm'in," replied tho Hcnrtlcd Tiily. "If It watn't for tho wlfo nnd tho khls I'd throw up tho Job today." Cincinnati Knqulrcr. CIcttinfr to the Point Lawyer Do you drink? "Witness (quite litiffy) That's my huslncsH. Lawyer llnvo you nnyVither busi ness? Cornell AVldow. Tactics The .Sketch. Dobby Oh, I say, how did you man ago to get that bowl of cream? Tommy Why, Just told ma I saw the cat put her nose in It, FKIENDS WE faatp'tys'a.i! f ff&ABww "II ,. UT alaxer office -- TiitrwAN-i "fOUTa wowrnlvuiioir f Wr.i crrrc.iTi GREAT COYTSI IW 30Et I vV (,? VJHOJ. number I OENKCa I $fj3t&2 0k L y m. M) oh Hwyeh&ri f HELLO'. HEUOl " f o VES ri NTV s I in.kuv.iii.i.kwi i ut.i i a dnup. i Y yll VWATIF j,fHlt. BUTTtRUuT W& IS ALEC v ' H . I- I I WAi t 3 6C8? ,WHV-M- u. YOUROU) tVUJM- JT I K? .WISB. D-D-DlO A PARTY I dUSTARRlVEplMTOWM. TaWM!? - II iTiu lAaCo-nWOM -rHCRc- WISH TO yPjL JXttllJW.jS&l " Y fA i t"'Ji y I I ki A. CPCAVL T. To I fS)h TO UJrKH Vl Tn ME --' 1910 - " SCRAPPLE THE PADDED CELL -a J f a ' ' yT " -" aaae' jf- i rRTyg'aaiJ-1fawa I I 1 I MAVvVA,tf I THIS IJUNK OF A BUSY DRAIN EIGHT-HOUR SJ3Ja3JSSSl,' A r-S "W AVar C.iddlo Yor can give over now, Social Uplift "I'm asking a ralso," said my pretty stonog, "For I'm planning a regular Bpree." "Very well," was my nnswer, "I'm never a hog.'' And I raised her right up to my kneo. Purplo Cow. NEVEU FOKQET sJlr MM 3ffi5Cr i wbtt&iti,mmimt44iammmiik DAY -o raaalni Show. guv'nor there goes tho tooterl With the nenglish in Heurope Corporal of tha Guard I say, 'oo shot this man? Sentry I did, sor. I aays, "Oo bows there," three times, I saya, an' as I geta no bloody answer I shoots tho bloomln' bloke. C of a. But e's only a peddler an' e'a deaf an dumb. Bentry Oh, well, why didn't o a'y ao? Cliaparral. ILDDOt? STRiNGINCj A BEAN A RARSBIT DROU rViuyn mi lr w fi. ' TM'! ' mii.jliii-''l"' "fc '' r '""""jjJCl aaaasaMaaaaisaeaisHeaaMaiaafeiMNc isr nar 3F . H0NE5Y T"v f Martin. JUrio.rspurjr. Ba ut y iw wewti m to 4 be a ialT IWJPUMf WeHfW- T tr- " I '1 , " - ' rrajr" v - '