Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, November 29, 1916, Night Extra, Page 13, Image 13
:. I w I WHEAT IS STRONGER ON BJSTTJSK BUYING fput chasers Include Several Large ana uauuous snorts. Advance Is Surprise ruttrAOO. Nov 29 There r belter . . the wheat market today, with norno K&od purchasing, anil It was believed that ir. . -..... ltmilrfntlnn hail been thnrnetirl, IIRC c,, ,,.. ., )tnhnlMl inlllA. !.. trenKinen,,ls "" "-v ""' """" fereai ...... ........ UhoURH 11 "an ocen ex.pccica mat. mere a..M hn further recessions during the ties- l.ion, duo to the sMerlty of oxcrplKht calls tvqc margins, the downward movement Mas lirrcsted and adi fences were substituted tor mf . .A. ,. .. ..m lin1irlA.l n ...im.!.. . S .1... rr and caullotis shorts, its well as ntrom; v..i. Thoro was even cvlrienro tliat f.i, raalt nrtlcle had been disposed ot In Ironslderablo volume from nit points of nr- Ifumulation. Sow M 65Wt dosing at $1 68 U bid, against 1168 at lno cloBO jetnoruay; me lop on It,. was l 77" and tho bottom Jl ;i. fending; al J1.77 S-77'4, compared with ftti jiu at tho end yesterday, tho best fon July was $146 and tho lowest Jt tl'4. llnlshlnB ai (i.mim'i, jcsierun) a nsi price Leading futures ranged as follows Wheal Open Yea'dai'a High 1 flou I.0W 1 (IV. 1 71. 1 41 . 7Jl IIO's MJi 61 Close clone ! IT IDS', 1 77 . 1 4") 181) jl'J'4 tl 53', l li I 71 1 14 8 Hl' HOV, r.2H Ml 4 1 7, "i IKl t 43. 1 41 L'Vam irmw riellYer -" cell tJil 8V 1J 81). HJJs 01. r.v B7 S3H DO . iTo-ls- ffiTr. tnlr B.'U Bail D'i Ij ird J... tin 7B' in no 11140 1(130 14 no II OT 28 00 J7 113 J7 3(1 10 7 in u II) ID in 77 111 IJ tlUSJ 1 I VI II 70 Bk nits . . iin .. 14 41 " y ' l0o 14 4U 14 111) 27 00 27. IU 27 12 14 II II H", 2S 0(1 27 m J7 3D .i.:. "MP 2 1(1 J7 (ID 27 3". gjin ,. 27 jr. KMajr. -T 2(1 Hid. TABKCU SECURITIES AT AUCTION lhe following securities cro sold nt auc tion todny by Uarncs & Lolland . .STOCKS SOehrs ItrliiEcport National Hunk Hrlilseiiort. r : par 1100 . Wl 40 ihrs American ripe and Construction Co . par J100 31' 4 thrs Houthwark National Hank, imr 1100 . . . 150' 11 ahrN Vntirlh Htrct Nntlnnnl IlinW. pur 1100 2S5'4 10 shrs rnnsylanla Co for Insurant p on Liven nnd Grnntlne Annuities par 10() . 72(1 3 shra Pennsilxftnlft Co for Insurances on Lives nnd Hrantlne Annuities ' nae 1100 72,'. lOOshrs I'enn Trnfflc Co par J." 50 l loshrs Hanlc ot North America par 1100 24 !1S 1 shr Corn KxchanRo National Hank par 100 , . . . 7 stirs Darby Hank par $".0 J4 shra Fnrmern antl Mechanics' Na tional Hank, par 1100 Sahrs HrU Nntlonal Hank, rhllailel phla l'a , par tlOO SOthrs Hrt National Hank l'hllailel nhln. Pa . par S100 377 r,3 205Vi 201'4 1 SO shra Fourth Street Nation il Hank par MOO 2SW er. ah Frnnk n National Hank, par . I10O 402 2 shrs Ulranl National Hank, par lino ITl'i .1 shra tllranl National Hank, par Jinn 174 . , m .,,- .. .. . .. tnn .n, ,rn.hpi. IVext lhllnilelnhln Hank, ttar lf.ll 43 23 shrs. Commonwealth Tltlo Insurance ami Trust Co par JIOO 212'i to shrs Mutual Trust Co . par "n 3U' 111 shrs Jlutunl Trust Co . par V1 .HI a shra Peonle'M Trull (Jo . par 10 40 c 4 shrs Philadelphia Trust Co , par JIOO 807'4 c 10 shra Philadelphia Wnrchuunlnir and colli moraco co , par iuo uu 13 shrs Philadelphia Warchousa Co . par JIOO 120 10 shrs Kirn Association of Philadelphia, m.p l.-,il .ll'i'l k 10 shrs I Ire Association of Philadelphia. bar 160 31ft laVira TlnnnNilitrih Ul m Inaiirnnra fn f par JIOO 417. 84 shra IHIaware ltallroad Co par J21 ll 2 shra Philadelphia and Trenton nail- road Co par Jll") . 2174 10 shra Amerlcun DrcdKlnK Co . par JIOO 110 20 shrs II K llulford Co par jr.0 (IHU 10 shrs De LonK Hook and Kyo Co. par JIOO .. 034 23 shrs American rpo and Construction Co.; par JIOO ... . 31H 10 shrs. Uerener A Knorcl Hreulni: Co preferred, par JIOO 7.1 3 shrs Hersner Ic KnKfl Hrowlnn Co common . . 20 2 shra. Philadelphia Bourse preferred. par 20 . .... -J" BONDS I200O Blrdsboro Stone Co . 5 per cent First mortfface. . 57i 700 Pocono llnes Assembly Hotels Co . H 0 per cent rirst mortvace uoupons t eoruary iu unu jiukusi IB Duo lOJIl . i 20 8000 Pocono Pines Assembly Hotels Co . 0 per cent First mortjtaKe. Coupons February 13 and Auirust 13 Dun 1U3I1 . . 18 2000 Chesapeako rnd Delaware Canal Co 4 jier cent First mortgage. Interest January and Julj Heu lstered Duo lulu . lt' 1000 SprlnaHeld Consolidated Water Co . n per cent 1 irst mortsaue Coupons .May nnd November Due 11)18 . . 80 1000 North Sprlmtflcld Water Co , 5 per rent First mortcaire Coupons January und July Duo lv.'tt -. 81 IrOn Co. Pays Back Dividends PITTSRimOU, Nov 2D Tho directors of tho J.a Ilclle Iron Works Company hato declared a dividend of ono per cent on tho common stoclt, pawiblg January 31, Tho regular nuarterly dividend of two per cent iton tho preferred, together with n. dividend of Hi per cent on nccount of back divi dends, was nlso declared, pajabla Decern- , oer 21. Tho latter payment Is tlio last for accumulated dividends. WINTER BESORTS ATINTIO riTV. N ATLANTIC CITY. Opcry ot pU seaaons J rocomusQd ..standaid. or excellence, Ctswoi UUUKRJ.BU2EYA KMM THE IEADIM0 RESORT HOTELOF THE WORLD !Moroikii-;!3!ai!iuiii yaxANTic cmf.iv.jr. OWHCRSHIP MAMASCMCNT. . ...tlOBtAH WHITE. J. JON B COMPANY rcuiuuuaLCr tor t0 tU Prlr t,ltn., nu'i Watr. 18 up wkly,. 12 up dally, Ctias. Dulir. J fjS m MKKHOOU, N, J. R !--- nakswood. N. J. Noted fsr W VJtTx3 R bomellts atmo.ph.ra. Wk -NryTyrS Golf privilege ; t rviicif -c - .: mj ,Hri-NB-'' i'- lt. , .wj-.. cw jm -r VT-TvT.! ) jS. MAvjd See. IT TZ E3II iv A . 'x . -.,,, A ISM ... AlC.yj. NNH WPETEY CSZZZ " --4t M imrK CsTo nUB I MtlLADELPHIA MAEICETS GRAIN AND FLOUR 4 lctViIs:il7r.n,'lrU. 5 tos bhels The mr aVd nJ.:idi,,J...T', toe,t.ePort demand In i.M V; ?"'" . uotationtv. (rim, '. rfjetiea 11. ii.rivi wh liht .iit i"'"". qw unei tirrerinsa were oflnl.?li'i.,", Jjsrket ruled steady thoush aulet ,?iil!,i. tr 'l. for loeai trade a to IH3l,.rr,M r"'"n MHCin new western. Snd weetW'j,roV7M 0'' MVr "outb(rn- t001 lihMlrnV,Bli ,0 w huthele Demand was white nl'i(l2e .standard white mfrni'irs boh. yrM", "n00'4c No 4 whte, 6S'4 S'l nita oat JU ni4c .PitJl-llfeelrts 20t"bltnd S8l Sit 11 UJ.."'";k" There waa llttln trading and the ViVii' V largely. nominal Uuotatlons per 11)0 IIm In wood Winter tlear. J7 S0A7 7S to, straight. JSW8 21) do patent 5 28fiili Kansas clear cotton mcV J7 DOBS IS- do straight, cotton sacks IS 4008 otii do patent dUfiP.sselti JS70BP20 spring, first clear J8S 110, do patent IS 7nl0 Jl, do favorite VWA. J" r"f 1 city mills and fancy nitent IB COtto 7V rity mills reaular gradea Winter rlear 17 30ft7 7,i .lu truihi. ltlKl ".-, n, patent, is JTr 80 IIYR riAJI'll was In email supply and steady but quiet We. quote 17 D0S8 80 per bbl as to duality PROVISIONS There was a fair lobbing demand nnd the market ruled firm quotation City beef lHMf, In sets, smoked R4c, city or western lieef knuckle and tenders, smoked and air dried, Sles beet hams 28t30i pork,, family 13(1300311 ham H I" rvred loose tOH e.'(ir, do skinned loose, 20O20Hci do, do. smoked, 210al'4cj ether hams smoked city nireif as to brand and aeeaae 2lci ham, amoked western cured, 204c; do bolted boneless. Diet plcnlo shouldsrs H p. cured loose 14Hn, do smoked, l&Hc bN lief, in pickle according to nverage loose lntc. breakfast bacon an to brand and aver sge city rjred, 2201 breakfast bacon, western cured 220) lard western, refined, tcs, IS'toi do do. do tubs ISVic. lard pure city, kettle ren dered In tea, 184 r lard pura city, kettle rendered. In tubs ls'ic REFINED SUGARS Tere was llttln tralng and tlm market was unchsnaed Itenners ll"t price Ktrn One granuliled 7 4SU7i0e. powdered 7 Be7 70f iimfectioners A 7 33W7 GOc. aoft grades, 0 7U tr; 33i. DAIRY PRODUCTS llbTTHIl Dcmanl wa Until and prices de cllned 1c under loner outside advhes nnd In creased pressure to sell Quotations Western fresh solid parked creamery fanrv special 44c,etras IJSfUo tra tlrit 40WIIC rtrsts IStflllc seconds 37i renoted extra 3n tl firsts Arte do secon t ItV ladle packed Tt 11c packing stock aJUptli nearby print fancy I ik., average oilrn 11llc Urate HHf 4!n. secnnls 37(f.1fic speilal fant y brands of print Jobbing at 4SMr l.i.OH rinn new laid eggs were In good de mand nnd Arm under light offering Quotations are na follows Nearby extras 4Uc ter do nearby firsts J1J 80 per c-tse nearbv current receipts 113 20 per rase western extrns, 4Ho per dozen, do extra firsts 11180 per cse tin. firsts J13 20 per case refrigerator eggs p-tnragn nnd lnsuranro paid to January I. extra 111 70 per case dg firsts Jll to per case uo eeennos iiu au per rase tancs seieci eil randld fresh eggs weru Jobbing at Mtttllo per dot I'lILEMn The market ruled firm under lllht offerings nnit a fair demand Quotation follow New York full cream fancy 2VI W J3Vxc, specials higher do do, fair to good. 2IU CJI'ic. do, part aklms 13021c. POULTRY 1 IVK Trflo wnn filr nml Alurs wer wrll KimtHlne'l under mcKlfratf offerlngx (Juotntlun Kowl nil to nunllty. IMP I7i ronlrri lTtf He itprlnit rhlckn Hrrorrllntc to nuilliy invi" hltrt IKhornt arcorillnr to iiunltty llftPKtr iltick, an to nl;v nml iu.illt tt)rtHc lurkfy .StTJV. rpcs 15WlTc piROona. oUI per pnlp S4l,f do youne ivfr plr -,tfi-,,.c r)HKS3F Turkpyi notj loK nml wr ngnln lower CIioUp lotn nt otiitr kliul of pout tn vr ! ilrtnli liuld QtiotitUonn nr tin fol lows relhtHlet., ilr-pftckp. turkr) pp Hi Inncv nRrb, JSPJPl rx(nllonnl lots hlnh r fnncy v?prn 27W2Si fair to con,. ::Mf iSo tommoii. "09P2-'c Fowl 12 to box, dry picked fancy Mictf)l Jl'ir do welshing HbkP ft lb nplfcc J3c do -I Ibt nplrcc 2.14c do 1j lbs up tree, 21c do I lb aptfev 2(k Powls In bblri, lep packed fancy dy picked, wMirhlns -ij P& lb und or aplfip J2l4t wHirhlnfr 4 lbs aplrco JJc imntlfr tr 1HW 20c Old roostei-H Ur pUXud 17c roanttnc chicken western, dry plckeJ in boxes weigh ins S lbs nnd over per pair. -Ic ronatlntr rhtck ena, western elKhtmr 7 lbs per pair -Ml roRiitlnir cblrken wettorn. Ice packed, In bbls . wtdehlnff 8 lbs nnd oer pr pair. 24c roaMlrir chickens, western, weUhlnir 7 lb, per pair, .!3c, broiling chicken wpstJrn In Imxrs welih Inar Sty-I lbs per pair JtlO7c chickens elich Inr rWtI lbs per pair, 21o do mixed sizes, 2lC''-'c broilers Jerse) fancy. 30W3Jc, broil ers other nearby, wclKhlnc 1-4 CrJ lb plec. J8if30c broilers mturby. smaller fixe 2UWJ7, ducks nearby, sprlnr, 2J(P.'4r do w stern, JO (iJ2c irecse. estrn "iKtC.'Jc, so.iiubs per doz . whit?, wclclilnir 11 to 1J Ibn ped doz K 7.- fi, whtto. wslBhtmr to in lb Pr doz $4 H5 Wft TO. white welghlnic S Ibi nor do 94 I TV do, do, 7 lbs pr doz JT M)1 71 do. do 6H lbs per doz , $- 7A.' UU dark, ' 5U& 2 U0, small nnd No J, CUc'iPJl 23 FRESH FRUITS There wna a fair demind fop choice slock nnd value generally were well sustained under moderate, offerings Quotations Apples per bbl Jonathan, J4 50Wfi2T tlrlmea ilolden 14 ",0tf ."1 York Imperial, JJWI Hen Davis, JJS0CPI3. Paldivln No 1, J3 710 14 LI, do ungraded 12 ro3 SO, (Ireenlng, No 1, 14 Bnen do Ungraded IJ BOW I Kings No 1 I43 do ungradal JJ r,tl01 0 Stny man. No 1, 13 3005 du ungraded J.&0O3 30 OLD RELIABLE MALONE STANDS IinillVD Hit IIICYCI.t3 14 00, SIB 00. SlU 00. M0 00 CABll OK EAHY 1'AYJIJNM TIItES, 1 00 TO S3.1S Crest Slaughter In Trices of All Sundries. SECOND HAM) MClCf.KS. 3.00 UP W do nickeling, enameling, vulcanizing brailng. All kinds of repair work iiuaranteea. Vi are cheaper than tho cheapest ant our work 1. better than the. best. Call and be convinced. Open evenings. Daddy of low prices and high duality GKO, O. MALONE. H0J Clrard At.. Pop E243. Park C343 P PARCEL POST Duplicates ot Any hey Made Mime iou wan 2 for 25c Itazar Itlades Sharpened. Itetler than new. Mioy se earn . iruriiuM. ,.m.t. " All lllnds at (.rinding and I hhurpenliig. VOX till. O0H VII1IKRT ST.. PIIII. ItKl.lOIOPH M1T1CIM. , "" ' Haptlst Ttt:SMKI.I. II tONWKI.1.. Pastor, will glvi address Thanksgiving morning at 11 o clock. Th. Meaning of the HallroadtrUe." Proteetant 4plcuial ST. JAMES'S CIIUBCH 22d and Walnut streets flav JOHN MOCK1UDOE. Itector Thanksgivlna Dy, at. Andrew's Day Nov vnmber 30 Jloly Communion. 7 30 a. m. Morning Prayer with Sermon. 10 a m red SPFi'i'P,.".""!.". steamer ISO 2 - riTiaior mn ' rikrt tnai i 7SHII tm 1 nnv t.A- '- SBSL $M.OO Up .4MU&V- railSP xfrixytii" EVBN1MG LHDaEU-PHILADlilLl'HLV, WEI)Ix4DAY. NOVEMBER 20, JVInesan Nd 1 MOSt.rio ungraded 12 SO a 50. Apples per bbl fair tn good Jl 80M2 Bo do Nottrmratern, per lot. II Mi2 50i lemons, P'r ,t'. "if ' "range Klorlda, per rrate right J3 7.10.1 ruet 12 V)2 73 grapefruit riorlda rer.crale I.' Mitts B0. t'ranWrrles Can rod, per. bbl . Kancy late xarlettea Hftt. early black liwa "10. crantwrrle Oape l oi, per crate 2J 40. .do. Jerey, dark, per crate, 11 BlMO.rto do light, ii-crae 11.00(92 Pears New, Yotk. i-r bush Itamper Peckel 2 BOWSi Hheldon. i B0-' Pears, Kellers, per bbl jj VEGETABLES potatoes wer- outet, and barely steady Oltrer Jegetables nr generally firm with demand air Quotation White potatoe, pr bush l'ennylvania choice. II () 1 70 New York choice II a.i.no White potatoes, Jersey, per basket, 85c II Sweet potatoes, Kastern Shore, per bbl No 1. 13 7S43: No..' II Bo J. Bweet potatoes Delaware and Maryland, per hamper, II 2301 Bo Sweet potatoes, Jersey, per basket No .1, 7,P0e No 2. 4ntROc Onions, per 100 lb. bag No. .1, 13 7SC4i No 2. llwS SO Cabbage, Danish, per ton ttlfg ?l! do. domestic, per. ton I1I1&31 Lettuce, lorlda, per basket, Jl BOtlJ Bo do Itglnla. tor basket, BncWII do North Carolina, per oaeseT, iucxf,i iiran rioriua per lissxet II BDtf 3 KggPlsnt h lorlda .per box. IJ . J. Peppers, f lorlda .per box, IJ B0M4 Squash Florida, per twi, I1.7BOJ23 I'm, Florida, oer basket 13 BliOB REAli ESTATE FOB SALE VICTOR AND HOME VICTOR Multiple System Water Hcntcrs for House Heating Ifeata Hath nh,t Kitchen nailer, too fine love nn nil one fire year ronnd. So plres to disconnect There is noininx iiko ii vcr- Send for booklet i i ijy. 5. V. Keevcs, Mfg. 43 NOKTIt 8FCOSD ST Patented cntfjfi ADMS iiiddnl)' at Wet tlerlln N, J. Nov 27 MAMLKI, M , husband nf late Mary Adam, aged 7J lteiafltea and friends l,odge No 412. V and A ,M of Phtln rultnn IkIsc No 34, K of P empluyea Phllx Postofflre Veterans of Hrstnna llatlery ornclxla of Her lln township and all other nrgsnlsitlons of which tie was a member Invited to funeral services Thur 8 p m residenco of daughter .Mrs Oeorge Palmer West llerlln N J Ma sonic services at Ml 1'rua Lem Charel In, It a til ANSON Nov 20 JOIIV C husbind of Prance Anson, aged 00 Helntlvea and friends Phlla Ililge No JO. Shepherds of llelhlehem Kensington t'ouncll No ,1 American Order of Hieain Knglneers members uf 4rankford Haptlst hurch ani N W Haptlst I hurch Htnnemen's Peiiowshlp 28th Ward Invited to funeral services 4rl J p in J"J1 N Hlanley at (near Hat and Cumberland) Int. private I rlenda maj rail Ihurs eve after a o'elocr AllMITItnNn Vov 2 (IPOIlOi: ll bus ban I of late Utevnor Armstrong tnee llerhlell aged at, llelttlves nnd friends Invited to fil neral 1t1 2 p in son s residence 022 I (n den at , Camden V J tot Arlington Cem 1 rlenda may tall Thura eve llAKEft Nov 27. WILLIAM tlVKKIt aged ftp Itejatlves nml friends Invited to funeral services Prl 2)p m, 4101 I'enn at , Frank fort Int OremwnnltK of P V c-m HAItlt Nov J7 JOHN II ilAHIt bus banit of srv (I)lxy) ami thn lato Arnlella Kussett. of Phil i aged (1 The relatives and friends emploies of Keystone Wntih Case t o lodges to whlrh he bclonvrd Invited to funernl Thurs J p m Pllmore st Illver side, N J IlilLL Nov 2". JAMHt I1RI I. nged BT ltelatives and friends employes of tho Dell Co Progcea I edge No LOT r anil A M Oriental Chapter No IX i St Albin a Command"rv No 47, I.u Lit Temple all organisations of which ho was a member. Invited to funeral service Thurs , J p in llrvn Mawr ave Ilala Int. North Cedar 1 1 til Cem IIKNH VM Nov J7 WAITER P rtllNIIAM nged 00 ltrUtle nnd friends, I'alestlne tadge, No 470 K nnd A M lestone Chapter No 17S It A M officers and directors of Stuire Deal H and I. Sorlets , officers and directors of W J llenham 11 and I. Society employe of Phlla t arpet Co Invited to funeral. Sat I P m 401 N 11th st , Logan lnt Laurel Hill 'llLHYI.Ln Suddenly Nov 2 ANN M wife of Harry J llleyler aged 11 ltelatives nnd friends Invited to funeral services 132T W Thompson at . Crl 1 P m Int private IIUKKrf Nov 27, MICHAEL husband of Itose Hurke (neo Mctlovern) nnd son of Michael and Hte Slary J Hurke ltelatives und friend Active Democratic Asso Invited to funeral. Sat 8 30 n m 29111 Meltala at Holrmn re nulem mass Church uf Nativity 10 a m Int Holy Crors Cem CANNON Nov 20. Captain CHAIU.nt O CANNON husband of Mxrgarct II Cannon Helntlvea and friend Endeavor lodge No 17 V and A M , of Milton, Del . Sllonm t hnpter No 10 H A M of Camden N J , empinyen ot American Dredging Co Invited to funeral services 1230 Park Ilnulevnrd Camden. N. .1 Wed , H u m lnt llarlelgh Cem , Thura , at convenience of family USUM Suddenly, Nov 2 LOfIS husband of Annlo Chum, nged 0 I Dun notice of funeral will be given from apartments of W. II Hut tershy 3110 " Urn id st CLAHK Suddenly, Nov 27. KMZAI1BTH W daughter of William V nnd late Ada I. Clark agd lpi ltelatives and friends Invited to funcril Thurs, Ham residence of aunt Mrs U Ksher, J01 1 I alrmnunt ave Int North wood Cem Hemalns may be viewed Wed . 7 to 0 Colts Nc 27, hachel roi,rt widow of John Coles aged 77 ltelatives und friends In vited to funeral services, I rl J P m . parlors of Martin Evoy A Son. 2S0J Diamond at Int. nrlvate. Ml Pence Cem COLL Nov, 27. ANTHONY son of Anthony and Sarah I'nlU ltelatives and friends Invited to funeral Thurs X 30 u in , parents reel dence 1II4I N. 2Jd at Solemn requiem mass St Elizabeth a Church 10 a m lnt Holy Cross Cem Auto funeral COOK Suddenly Nov 27. SMDEL. Sr husband of Margaret Cook ltelatives nnd friend Itobert A Lamberton Lodge, No 4S7, and A il Jerusalem Chapter No 3, It A M Invited to funeral services Thurs , - p in , llartnim nvo , Lexington Dela iro Co Pa Int Mt Morluh ( em llody may bo viewed Wed , between 7 and Opm Autn funeral CIIAICJ Nov JS MAUY widow of Itobert Cralir Kuneral Sat 8 30 a m . 84 1 N 44th st Solemn requiem mass Our Mother of Sor rows' Church 10 a m Int Cathedral Cem Itelallvea and friends. Our Mother uf Sorrows II V M Sodality Invited CltAWIOIlD Nov JO. THOMAS J husband of Carrie May Crawford (nee Sellgmanl Itela thes nnd friend Invited to funeral aervti-ea Ihura , J p m , .'0J7 W Lehigh ave Int Chel ten Hills Cem Cl'IIItAN Nov 21 Capt JAMES CLIHlAN husband of Katherine 31 Curran (neo Harvey) ltelatives and friends Enterprise Harbor, No J A A of M M and P invited to funeral. Thurs, 8.30 a m 2014 Melville at Solemn requiem mass Church of Nativity 10 a, in Int. Holy Cross Cem Auto funeral CUItltY Nov JB ANNIE daughter of the Hie Michael and Margaret Curry ltelatives nil I rrlends II V M Sodality Altar nnd Itn aary Soitotv of Church of Our Lady of Victory Invited to funeral. Erl HJ0 a in , parlors at Ihomaa C Ilrogan fi4th and Mne sta Solemn requiem mass church of Our Lady of Vlitory 10 a m Int Cathedral Cem Hemutna may be viewed Thurs eve DALEY Nov 28, IlODEItlCK D VLEY aged 80 Ilealdence 224 Mt Vernon at , Camden, N J Duo notice will be given DAFtLEY .Nov. JH. JANE U widow of tho lata KelU O C Darley. aged 87 Funeral uervices Thuru 4 p m Myrtle ave, on the Phlla pike, Claymont Del lnt Mt Auburn Cem Cambridge, Muss DHLANEY Nov? JO, JOHN P DELANEY ltelatives and friends Loyal Order ot Moose Lodge No S4 Invited to funeral, Thurs , H 30 h m sister's residence, Mrs c Everting 1108 N Hancock st Solemn requiem mass St Michael's Church 10 a. m Int Cilhedral Cem DOUItl.NEIt Nov. 27 PAULINE wife ot Morria Dohrlnger. ltelatives and friends Penna Lodge. No 70, I. O. II A Spring Harden l.odge No 2J8, 1 W. J. O . Penna. Lodge No :M P O O W . Itebecca I-odge. Jocheved Vereln Glrard Circle. No il Lady Koreetirs ot America Invited to funeral, Ihurs, i p m , son In-Iaw'a residence, II Arlnaberir 24(13 N Opal at Int Adath Jeshurun Cem DOUmiL'ltTY Nov. 28 MAKY J wife ot Cornelius Dougherty, ltelatives and friend Itoaary Society of St. John the lUptist'a Church Invited to funeral. Sat 8 3U a tn. 117 Davis st Myk Solemn high mass at St. John Hie llaptlst's Church 10 a in Int bt, Mary a Cem Itoxborough .... ESOEL At Heverly, N J , Nov J7 V.IA. AUETII. wife of John Engel ltelatives ami friends Invited to funeral services rrl J p m residence of aon-ln-Uw, (lev (1 1. Cowen Church at , above I'arnum, Heverly N J lnt Monument Cem, KW DKAtltB. .KWINOi No rtOfiRttf A hJban,l ft( Mary U kwlng ItelatiTr and ttrid invltejl to xunerai Thura itin n m aim imip bi ltequlem ms church ot Nativity a.m lnt Holy Sepnlrher Cem Auto funeral Lancaster papers rdrasa copy PtailRit Nov, SS, DANIKL K husbsml nt Pmma llhr Itelattvea and friend rrstr nlt No 30J, K (1 K . and P and It Veterans' Association Invited to funeral Frl to tn , 2207 E Harolit st Service Lmanu-1 He formed Fplscopal t hrtrch, V York, ani Sepvlva st. 2pm Int North t edar Hill Cem He main may b viewed Thurs after " t m. Heading and I'ntKvllle (Pa ) pnpera copy PIT7Ml'niCK Nov 27 ELKANOP. wife of Jnme Klttmaurlre. daughter of lata Tadr and Mien Murray, of County Sllgo Ireland, llela lives and rrlends, Married Women s Sedxllty of the (lean Church, Invited to funeral. Thura S 10 a m 1B27 Swain st Solemn blah mass of re qulem Church of lha tlesu Int Holy Cross cem Auto funeral , FP.KET Nov 27 EDWIN I, . son nt Valen Una H and tarah It Freet aged 3) Heli live anil friend, BmnlAiM, l!,A.t nn. Jf p It. It, BSd and I-nnrnKer ate Invited lo funeral services rrl 2 p m 111(1 N Blth at. lnt Arlington Cem ltemalns may be viewed Thurs . OlNl.fir, Nov 27 suldcnly. MMtTIN Inn band of.ilrldget tllnley late nf Schuylkill County, Pa ltelatives and friend, st Stephen a llolv Nan,v Society, Phlla Lndae, No Bl, I.. Ji invited tn runerai, tri 8 30 a m 128 llrunner st lolemn high m1 of requiem il Stephen a I hurch 10 a m int Holy bepulrher Cem Schuilklll Coimty pspera ropy .OODtllElt Nov 27 WILLI tt II liubnnd of Satlle P (lotlbler need 70, ltelatives ani friend. l.ennl t.enap trllie No 1 I I),. It M of Phlla Invited to funerxl service Frl 1. I' m residence nf sister. Mrs, Mary. II Poster Jl ork st Cnidn. N J lnt North Cedar Hill Cem Phtln Itetnatns may bo viewed Thurs eve HAND Nov 2 EI tAIIKTIt Wife of James T Hand Due notice of funeral will !e given from her lato residence 131 I'alrmount ave HAIlTNrTT Nov, 27 MMIT E daughter nf late Mlrhnct and Jutla Hartnett formerly of Mkton, Md, ltelatives and frrend Invited to funeral Sat, 8 30 a m I ill N Park nve solemn reiuiem mass St Malachv a Church to a m lnt Holy Cms Com Auto funeral Elkton Mil,, paper copv 1IEI ri.lt.' Nov 20 PVTIUCK hlKbanil nf late talharlne Heffern Itelattvea nnd friends Invited to funernl Thur s a m. 1110 s vnieriren ! solemn miss of requiem Church of sared tletrt 30 a m Int New Cathedral i em tiiHNsoN Nov 27 1DV V daughter of Sarah and late ti.xter P Johnson IMitlw and friends employes of William Mann Co In ltrd to funeral Prl 8 ID n in Jill lerterson st Solemn high niss of requiem St Mlsalieth s Church Ilia in lnt prltxtn Auto funeral JONFS- Nov J7 nt uni le residence, lolm A ( lew ell MM Chestnut st HEClil, II JONFS ngM lu ltelatives and friends mas view remains Wei artrrnoon an! evening at Ollvtr II llvlr llulldlng I82U Chestnut st Servlie ut residence of John Jones Summit Hill Px Ihurs 1 p in Int clrand Army Cm summit Hill KEI.t.V Nov 27 TIIOMAM It hustinnd ot Sarah J Kelly (neo Hradlv) llelitlve and rrlend ( alholle Knights of Amerli i llr-tn.h No 111. and St Angusia Item llrlnl so. ,n m Mled to funernl, I rl , 8 In a m 2JJI W Lr high nve Solemn masa of rciulein si c'olum In t hurrh 10 n ill lnt Holy Cross Cem AUto aervlce KIM -Nov 2 ltl'LEN V daughter nf jonn xi mil Marv '1 King (nee llviler) ngeil .() tieiuive nn I friends, Class lull nml Mt loseph s Vlumiiie of I ithnllc (llrl High Si hool lnlted lo fuinrnl, Sat 8 lu il III parents residence JllJO Ii Lehigh live llh "aril solemn requiem mas st Ann a Churih lo n m Int Nw Cnthrdral e'em iciitKPv-iiitcu Nov j ri.iAiir.nt wife of i hrles V Klrkpatrltk llelatlven mil frlnil Invited in funeral, Sat, 1 p in, B'lld Marki t SI W Phlla Int Montrose Cent It' -ninlns nm be viewed trl nftee 7 p in KtJEMJlrill.E Nov J", llMOND hlis band of ( nlherlno Kiirnnuerlo livo Sottung) nnd son of Albut ant Into ln.x Kummerlo Ineo Hlernmn) ngrd Jt Kelnttxes and frlen Is, employe of A 1 Irhler A ( o ItHltcd to funeral. 'Ihurs 7 111 a in I7tli N Masiher st Serv ices st Michael n c'hurch li a m lnt private. I.AMHHIT Nov J7 SAItAH J LVMIIEHI widow of Wlltlnni M Lnmlier. ngrd 7n Helallve and friends Invited In funeral etrvlte Prl J p lu son n residence J'l'o c nlumbla nve Interment irlvnte II, mains may bo viewed Thurs ive 7 to ll LALTIt Nov J7 ntxNCIS JOSIH'H hus 1X111 of Isxbclli Illler (neo Nlxnn) Itilatlve nnd friends employe nf I ox h lllass House In Mled to funeral Thurs 8 n in JSJll Pells st (2Hth and Ellsworth sts ) lltgli mas of requiem St Anthony's church I) In a m Int Holy Cros Cem IjAI'V Nov 2S JOHN husband of late Carrie Lxux (neo Wulil) aged ill ltelitlvis nnd f rlen I I nnkford Coumll, No 1711 f I' V Drill, sliurir I niinrll Nn 17 I O II 1' ot Pu ilmirlo Irlbr No jsil 1 o It, M ot S Iretbli hem l'a Invited to funeral Sat J p m JiiH Itrltge at lnt North ccdir Hill Cem s Itethlebcm piitxra copv LEONAHD Nov J8 ltltV LEONAHD, wlilow of XMlllani l-onard ltelatives and friends st llltu II Siidallty and LcacUV of tho Sacrrd Heart Invited to funernl. rrl. Mill a m I IJ( S I MH st Solemn requiem nine St llllii a I hurch 10 n m Int cathedral Cem LOWP.Y Nov 21 MAItTIN LOWttY Itelx Uvea and friends Holy Nnmo Society Altar society league of tho Sacred Heart of Mt ltrldjefa Church, C M 11 A Hrunrii No 140 M Vlmrnt de Paul confeniiro and all oilier so letles of which tio was a inemtier Invited lo Itinera! Ihurs , 8 a m . 3001 Ridge uve , I all of Schuylkill Solemn requiem mass St Uriel get s t hurch ll 30 u m lnt Westminster Cem MiCOHMICK SuiHenly Nov 27 AI.LHNA C wife nf John r MtCormlik and diughler of I iln William C and Mary x Ntmnn Hela the and f rlen Is liivlttd to funeral, Frl, J p hi 183 N IBlh st Int Central j.aun'l Hill Auto servli o MlCItEA -Nov 21, MVUY J. wlfl of Ixto llobert J Mitrra llilatlve and friends In vltcd to funerxl Frl ,8am 11.11 Christian st High renulMii muss St Paul a Church u JO u m lnt Hoiv Cross Cem MiElrtOY Nov J7 I.XIIRx daughtor of lxlo Wllllnm und Louisa Mcl.lroy Itelallvea and friend Invltid to fumrnl Frl 1 p.m residence of Mis Itena McCartney 271 (Ireen line Mxnnyunl. Scrvlii Munnyunk Haptlst Chunh J p m lnt prlvile MlNALLY Nov J7 CATHLHINE wife of lato John C Mi Sully Inei O(lxru) Itilalhea and friends Invited to funeral, I rl 8 lo u in . ion's residence James J McNally 1018 1 ol snm st '.lltll and llrown Snlrnin high mass nf requiem St Irintls'a churi-h 10 u in Int New Cathedral ('tin MICHEL Suldenly. Nnv 2(1, nFOIKir. W. husband of Markarotta Mlckel (neo Houghcr) ngeil 75 Ilelitlvia nnd friends, members of Wtsslnomlng M E Church Invited to funeral services I'rl . 2 p m ill ID Mnrmlen el Wis slimming Int private lllllsldo Cem Itemulnx may be viewed Thurs after 8pm MOIlflAN Nov 27 IIELI.X A wife of Ed ward Morgan ltelatives and friends United to funeral, Frl 2pm JJJ.I llrllgo t . Ilrldes burg- Int lawuvlew (em, I ox ChnBe Ke lunlns may bo viewed Ihurs eve Ml IIPIIi Nov .8 PHILIP liuslnnd or tho late Hrldi.it Murphy ltelatives und friend In vltcd to funeral Frl 8 30 n m 3174 Almond st Solemn requiem muss Church of Nallvllv 111 a in lnt st Ann s Cem NEWTON Nnv Jl LOUISE 8 NI5W10N, wife rf (leorgo II Newton nf Lincoln, Neb NOHTII Nnv J8 at W likes Parre Pu THOMAS CI F.MSON NOUTH I Ideal eon of tho lain (ieorgn W and Calherlno Clemson North, aged 77 Funeral services at Wilkes Harre Nov Jl! Int private ut Wet laiurel Hill Cem Philadelphia Dec 1 Now York and Pittsburgh papers plexse copy O'llllILN Nov 27 PLTEIl J husband of Theresa M D llrlen (m Harrett) and son of lato Hernsrd nml Mary O llrlen Itelallvea und friends also St (labrlel a Holy Nanm Society and employea of (leo II Newton Coal Co,, In vited to runernl Sat 8 10 a in 10j4 0ikrord st Solemn high muss of requiem St (labrlel a Church lo a m Int Holy Cross Cem OWEN'S Nov 2d HtANK A husband of Illincbo Oivens (neo Winters) and eon of Kate and late Charlia II Owens uged 11 ltelatives und friends members of (Ireblo Council. No I. Sons and Daughters of I llerty Court I reedom No 2J0 F of A . Mdelity l.ooal United Car men a Assoilntlon P It T Co-opcruttve lleno Hil.il Association Invited lo funeral services Thurs JIB p m . 17J'I N tlratg t. Proceed to Norlhwond Cent. Ilemalus may Iw viewed Wed 7 to u p in PEAItCE Nov 88 Mis EMMA daughter of the late John and Catharine Pearce Itela llvea and friends Invited tn funeral services Thurs , 8 p in , J')I4 Richmond st lnt Poliu lown Px Cem I rl , on arrival of 8 41 u in. train from Phlla SC IIArhER Nov J7, JACOlt BCIIArrER, husband nf Franeea Si naffer llelathea and friends Holy Name Society St l.utwlg'a ( hurch Catholic Uenevnlent Legion, st Albait'a Council, Nu 110, Invited to funeral Thura till u m . IJ7 V Coulter at Solemn high requiem inasa HI Vincent' its Paul ChurLh 10.45 a in lnt private. Holy Cross Cent Auto funeral SCII.NEIDLIt Nov 27. IOIIA.N.N (nee Mis selhurn) widow ot August Srhnelder Relatives and friends Invited la funeral, Frl , 2 p m, JtHH) Allllllli st Tioga lnt Mt Peace. Cem SKLSKll Nov JT JOHN WENT 8EISEIL aged 1)1 Itelatlv.a und friends St Paul a !.odge. No 481, F t A M , .1 H Freeman Chapter No 24J If A n Mary coin mnrufrv No 3ll. K T meilllura Ot l.U Temple, A A w rt ai v aiariuiuviurera Club of Phllxdclphla Ocean City. N J.Yathl Club, und utl other organUallona of which he was a member Invltexl to funeral servient, Frl ... -- - -j. --. -., ., .. . ; -, ttATi1"V Hum t h Ollrer fr nolMIh, 1S20 lei!nutt lnt private at Laurel UiH Cera SHFAIN Nov it. MMirr wife of Walter I Shealn and rtaushter. ofllnrrlsotl W and Hannah A (llenn, aged Relatlvea and fflemts Invited to funeral Kfl , 3 p m. Bolt lteaumnt ave (30th and llaltlmora ave I Int Ml ym Cem siiLLLKNnEnaKn -m 2T.1iF.NrtT mau SI1ALI Ihiiabatid ot Agnes Shellen.berger nged Bl ltelatives and friends Invited, to funeral s-rvlces .Wed, 1pm 438 Viol M West Phlla lnt I nton r em Richfield Pa via train from 32d and Market sts at 4.23 a. m Th8nEHtDCK-Nov. 27 ELIZAnirril THOMP SON ltVHNrSTT, wtdow ot James Sherlock. Due notice of funeral. .,. ,,.,, A. w SHOIlRIt Nov 20 SAItAH EMMA daugh. ter of Daniel D and Dorothea 11 Shober llela. lives and friend invited to funeral aerrWe. Frl . 1 p m, B30 K Olratxl axe Int ..private North Cedar lltll Cem, Friends may call Thura " SN"EK Vov 27. MA11V. wldnw. of Michael Snee Relatives and frlenda inviteo lo iiinerai Thurs , 8 30 a hi . 2Ulh st off Church latie tttn High mas Immaculate conception Church 10 a m lnt New Cathedral c em SPlEtll.ER -Nov. 2. I.EONA daughter of lleorge and Emllle Splegler. ageil. t Due no lice of funeral will bo given from pnrente residence 21 Jfl N 30th st , KTA VMIltlll V M,.e. 5H. ANNA f. wldOW Of Henry O Htanst.ufy (nee anwort) Uelatlvr and friends luvlleil to funeral services, Krl . J v m . residence of son-in-law. Lewis Smith, inSI N Joth lnt private. Cedar Hilt Cem. Remains may l) viewed Thurs , after 7 p m ' sTbh'lK Nov 27 CHARLES son ot late William nnd Elisabeth Htehle Relative and friend Palestine Lodge No 470. F and A M i Jerns!em Chapter. No 1 It A M i Mary Com mander! No 111 K T , Phlla Sovereign Con slstory S P It S No 32 Lu Lu Temple, In vited to funeral, Frl 'J p m , BO10 I'enn st , Frankford Services St .Mark's P E Church 3 p hi Int st James'the Less Church (Iround THOMPSON Nov 28 OLOIUIE, husband of Sarah J Thompson, aged 8 J Formerly of Darbv Pa Relatives and friend Invited to funeral services Frl, 2pm. SI VI Spring at . West Phlla lnt lit Mortal) Cent Auto fu- "'toRIN Nov 2 JULIA McNAMEE widow nf tohn Tobln llelitlve and friends Invited to funeral Sat 10 a m, residence of son In law John J Yeaaer 2814 Wlshnrt st , nesr joth and Allegheny ave Requiem high mass Corpu Christ! Church 10 a in lnl New Cathedral Cem TRUTH tllll M4 28th, EL17A11E1 It T, TROTH daughter nf late Simuel F Troth and Mary Troih nged 83 Relatives nnd friends In vlted to funeral 1-th Mo 1st J p in . 1001 llarlnit at lnt private I TI Nov 21. LUCIA wife nf Trnnk VIII nu I daughter ot Mary Mllnno and Into Ilocio Mllami nged 3 Relxtlves nnd rrlend Hulled In funeral, Sat , 8 n m . from nil S 8th st High requiem mas at st Mary Magdalen Church, ll a m Int Holy fro Com WAIt.x Nov J nt 0IJ Drexel ave tlanlle City N J JULIAN C son of Julian C nu I Julie Martin Due notlie will bo given WEIIII Vol 27, ESTIILR ELLIS wire of Charle I" Webb Itelallvea nnd friends Invited tn funrrxl services Frl 1 10 l ill . tllW N Hrnnd st Int Westminster Cem Frl limit tlower WI1ISMAN Nov 2d, IKANETTH II dxugtl ter of Mr. and Mrs William V. Wolemun, aged " Wit HE Nov J. HOHERT son of late Rob. ert and llnresa Wilde Relatives nnd friends nlso i mirt Pride of Vrankfnrd, No I J V of A Invited lo funernl services Sat J v m resldiiice of slsler Mr E Knorr 1111 Sollers st 1 runkford lnt Fast Cedar Hill Cem Re main max be viewed Frl eve WRIflHT Nnv J7 MOSKS A husband of Put lie Wright aged HI Relatives and f rlen 1 officer ot lllh District Police Station, Invited to flllierxl services Frl J 11 m Helhel A M I, i hurch E Rlttenhoiuo st (Itn lnt Mile town M 1. c hnrrhvard Rimulns max be viewed Thurs 8 until 10 p m 31) E Wood lcwn at tltn LOST AND FOUND ltxil Lost from Ford car at Lllh nnd Filbert sis blaik bag caiilnlnliiR pnnra or value to owner only Return to 271d N llroad st. Re wxrd nnd no question asked I1AUP1N laist platinum bnrpln set with dl . innnils liberal reward 17J1 Erlo ave EAHRINO lost, between 3 and 12 on Chest nut st a am til lnnp earring Reward It re turned to lJt S llroad st INSURANCE POLICY I os or mislaid ter petu it polbv of Insurance No 121 Issued by the Aetna Insurance Co of Hartford Conn on the premlsi situated No JIHJ Mt ernon si Phlla , Pa xny person finding the anna will pi. use return It tu SIMON KAT. tt CO. 411 Walnut st Phlla INSlltVNCE POI ICY lost perpetual lira In surance policy 1800 No IIMl'l III tho Sprllla. (lirilin Insurance Co In name of Ilesslo ocallnKhm. owner Return to Wm I. Cra ven Sons 11 III N 7tll st PIN lawt old hand wrought Nnvajn allver pin blunt B pointed alar green turquoise matrix centered n vicinity of Mirket Arch 11th and t heslnut Including llogklns (Umbels first Moor Phone Muorrstnivn HMl llewnnl PURSE lost alligator purse containing nbnut 110 It It thket Hew ird If rctuni'd to 1KJII N Cnnnr UNCLAIMED TELEGRAMS WESTERN UNION TBI EORAPlt CO tl.nl heslnut st Mrs Frank Harrison Mrs eleese Sherman I. Smith loin Luthnin, Mr 1 rnnk Paylas .Mis Fannie Norman 11 I. Mitchell t E t leielnnd II Mihlfflln Mrs 1-redt llortsh I 1 i oilman Meyer llrown Miss Rose llrown S Davie Wnriield Jnmes I sher W II llorton William Owen U Mpevlor l D Westoruelt Mrs AIlio Sloken renn Motion Picture Co Rumsey John Mc 'lnkgnrt J C l.urkln Mrs laiulse J Slur iny A Lglln Ldward A Foy, Rev C 11 Dean Mrs Renjamln Harrison Clan neo Ride nut Cnriln llamrlik Louis .Fleck F W ( ns Buii Stokis E, Lowber. I' II. I'oat trunk Hover, Mrs Elizabeth Knrch V A flay lor, Mrs MacDonnld Sheridan Morrn Cowu, Miss Irglnla M ir.Nell, Miss Katherine Shepard POSIAL TLLLdRAPII CO South Pcnn nquare Mrs Win Irvine Mrs M 1 Dornsim En elgii cl IV Summers Mrs Robt 1 lemming, 1' A Smith F C Ilindaliot, Major 11 Hush. Fairfax Lanthy HELP WANTED TEMALE DELL TELEPHONE OPEIt.VWMI W'ork near your home In pleasant and healthful surroundings with excellent oppor tunities for rapid advancement. There are twenty obtht Hell Central Offices In Plillxdelthlu, probably thorp Is one within u fiw bloiks from your home Unusual oppor tunities for earnest, Intelligent young women between 18 and 2J years of age. Now employea ore paid while learning and aro rapidly advanced. Pleasant dining rooms where the beat of food Is sold al cost In overy Central orflce Comfortable silting rooms for reading and relaxation Opportunity for advancement to Se nior and Supervising posltluiis. Apply nt 40fl Market at , dxlly, except Hun day 8 JO a tn to 5 p. in , or evenings be t we'" 7 00 and 0 U0 at any of tho following central offlccB 20 W Chellen nve . acrinanown. Bit), st and Woodland uve, . 17th und Diamond sts Laniastnr ave east of 52d st. 4Utl Market st, ' 11I.IV1 Cl.hltK experienced, about 111 it for filing revords nnd letters In un atria rura for filing revords nnd letters In un ofrico. of A textile limnuiuiiurcr riuiiu . tsuii tv , D Thompson and Clearrteld sib. tllltl. Proteafant quick and and accurate ut tlgurcs with knowledge of stenography and typewriting, state age, experience and salury Ueslre.1 J Ota ledger Central UlltL wanted, 10 years, for general office work luri,o retail grorety business center of, city salary to start 15 per week Addreaa P O Pox IJMi (HRL while for aenerol housework, family ot J Phone Oerinantown 1801 UIRL wunlitl for kcnerul housework Cull 30J7 N 21st sl llllll. 8 over HI Apply International Art Pub lishing Co, 12th and Callowhlll. second door. HOUSKWORK (llrl, colored, gen I housovyork, -nod look, neat beat ret I'll Locual 1(115 MOTHER H HELPER und companion tn family of (.hll.lre.il over 3 years assist with sewing, reference C 1J8, Ledger Office V-XWOplPEnFUlv-J 18.10 HELP JtfAjNTBIWrBMATaE CoKlManf frxn JVrfrrHi rolirixtw MACTtiNR .opSnArrort. .Xi ,. !!srt,i5.th.! hours, aktlleil lahorera. 1 IB to lltOtl rd'yi rpmreniaiion wren on ,,P'r"t,"I,l"lf.i; Frankford . Areni. Philadelphia. P rf"t JJ in person, tram R to 16 a, ra. on working days. for application btankg OPERATORS, female etp on facing Jnarhlnes. goo.1 pax, light, glry workroom Cheltenham Knitting tii 2x0 E Collom at . tlermantown OltlUNIST, oxl, wanted for ft West lMIjlL nhla church, stale aalarr expected M I8, ledger Central BALRSOIItll wanted, thosa having "Perlene In (l and 10c stores preferreili goo.1 chnne for adiancement 1 001 W Susquehanna ave;, 8ALIWWOMRN , , MT rmOTlPBRH requlra experlenceil saleswomen Tor various departments. Ap ply Employment Uureau. SKAMSTItHfs wanteil In private boarding school best reference. Apply In person, Dan' croft Training School, lladdonneld, N. J. HTENOtlRAPllRlt. well educated, competent, for sale department nf automobile, mnniifncturlna Planti good opportunity) state age. experience and safary desired to start M 1I4 Id Cent. WANTED tllrls over 10 years of g. .Starling new machinery. , flood wagea paid wlillo learning Apply Uriswold Worsted Company, Darby. lOUMI LADY about 24, accural at figures, stenographer, steady position, good salary, for stote Apply HUl Chestnut FILt.N'O On iyeremter 1 we will opn a branch school In PhltadclDhla. this will bo, under the same management and directorship, as the New York school: arrangements ror Joining the first rlass may lie m-i.e hy rommunlcatlng with usi write for partlciilnra New York Bcnoot or I lllng Singer llulldlng. New York. TERSONALS WILL PARTY who remoied Usrk bag from Ford iar nt 13th nnd 1 lltert ss return same to owner nt 2730 N Urosd all papera nf value only lo owner reward and no ques tions asked HELP WANTED MALE THE HAILEY HANKS AND DIDDLE e'ompxny havo several position ot advance ment for ttoya and young men 10 lo 18 years nf age holiday and permanent position, with out bustniss experience nvallable, nrsl class reference only Rear entrance 1JJ1 Sansoin st. HAND SUV FILER, first clasx 1. HIS. Led iter Pftlce HOY over 1(1 to maleo himself generally useful. must lie honest an I well recommended ller- mnn s Physical Training Institute. Keith a ihexter llulldlng HOY fplendld thane r. bom st bof iearnS and too buslnesa lttoi W Susquehanna ave lto wniiled for light work 14 or uier. J sisldger Central HOiS for nutomobllo service and general work In shipping department The lialley. Ranks und niddlo4'n l-'Jl Sansam st CAHLNI-.IMAKKIIS VICTOR IALKINO MACHl.NU CO. tins vacillates tor Cabinetmaker Saw filers Experienced rubbers, Sheltnrkers ApprrnlKe. 18 to It) years M Indow e Icunern l.xchmnnu mm bine enncrs Freight elevator eiperxtor (whtto), Hough rip aawyers Machinists familiar with wnodw le g machines, young men fot clerlnil work, 111 to 18 yi nrs nf age nung men. 2n to J", years of nge tq learn rubbing 1H hour week sihedule Physical cxiiniltntion nciossnry. Applv Victor Talking Machine Co uipltcnllan utile? 11 Cooper st Cam len N J, CLERK oung man nbnut 111 a stock clerk In wholesale tnllor s trimming housoi roIerenc( required t 201 Iadger Office CLERK Active youtiM inir n nslst In stock taking Paper Mill, llrldgo nnd Iheimpson st llrldesburg DRIVERS wanted for milk wnrutl, good wages Wills-Jones IM-, N .lllh at ENailAVEHS It, H. JtACY ft CO. HHOADWAY AND H4TII ST.. NEW 10RK. HAVE SEVERAL VACANCIES FOR THOROUGHLY EXPERI ENCED E.NORAVEItS ON JEW ELRY, SILVER AND CELLU LOID. IIH1HE3T SALARIES PAID 1-OIt COMPETENT .MEN. APPLT AT OFFICE OP UENERAL MAN- Aauit. ENORAVER wanted llrst clxss, for up to date Jewelry store. Address Jacob llcnnelt, Nor folkVa. JANI1UR nluhlf sohe-r Industrious with i.nnd rcfereiwe. state ull partliulara us to uge. eta. J nil I eelrfer C ntral LAIIllTtEltS rur outside work, digging, etc , at Jj 24 per day ot 8 tiours, citizens Apply In person frrankford Arsenul Ilrldeshurc Piilla., Penna ..AlieiltLRS and machine operators, skilled. f J 21 day rnto for H houra after learulngi an opportunity to make ?., ner dav on piecework, ritltens Apply Krnnkforit Arsenal, Phlla . Pa , preferably In person, from b a in to 10 a. m , un worklnc days, tor uiipllcatlon blank MACHINIST Wanted Drat clws lathe milt ing nnd ainall grinder hand for cutter und reamer wurlc. only tneu acquainted with tills class of work rcq llrcd Applv second, floor. tl8Ideral at Camden N J MAN wunted le tiveeu 10 nnd 41 yinra of liteuslni, personality who his hail rxporl ence In meeting iicople Apply 11IJ ltle'ner luilldlng MANAOEIl WANTI II A RUIlllKIl riRE ( OIU'ANY AIIOUT TO OPEN A SMFS AND SERVICE STATION AT PHILADELPHIA HEOtllltLS IHESI.RV ICES OF A MAN TO TAKE CHAHtH! OF SAME. MUST HE MIllElt HONEST AND A WOHKV.ll. AI1LL TO MAKE LNVESTMLNf OF IJ3U0 ADDRESS C J07. LEDUER OF I ICE MECHANIC WNTED FinST CLASS TALK1MI MACII1ND .ME CHANIC I.M'EltlLNChll ON AS SEMIII.INU SOUND IIOXES AND MOTORS 31 Ula. LLDUI.lt CL.NTRAU 3ILCHANICAL DRAFTSMAN uuntcd, state ex perlenco. etc Address Ijibor Suiervlsor Slm- plex Automobile Co , New HrunswlckNJ MEN TJ brljht tnergellc who haift. good at uiitlntance and understand tho working of building ussevUtlons w lined nn umwiil iliamo In maka money, udiunceinent M tlui ledger Office MEN WANTED Ilollermakers locomotive ma. chlnlsts car repair men laborers loromollict clearers Penni It It 1711 Filbert st OPERATORS wanted for steel die "Walts'' power embossing presses The Evana-Penfold l'n L8,7J Court st t llu!falo,N Y PAPER 1I0 MAKI.lt thoroughly Ifamlllur with trade, exiellent oppeirtunlty . for yuuior .man Apply Henry Duealon & Some. Inc .Tacony.Phlla PlIOTOORAPIIElt (lood retouchor. who can operate, ureal opening; for right man, pertu Pnoto-Crufte-rs studio IJth lend BanMOi sis SALESMAN to ill the best and , cheapest changeable electi.e alsn on tit. mark.i, dem onstration create, sensation, sell! at sight tor 13: big money to live wires OltoWN CO.. 701 MARKET 8T c-i V4;iXcf l.A I iir V' r v - lN. sTsfr.xs isrr a t rmfixjBi.r t. i. ti .mnii'm p-fi ti ,aa.- SALESMAN . with, experience nt gelllne ''WJ' good deprtment.f the dry eood Job bera and department atorea. Splendlif position In deslrabla tetrltotr for capabl. man Answer ty mall ohly. stating In fttll detail I eipeflenea -and former line car' vied, also references. s b. a n. w. PLKisrtisn. SOT Chestnut street. Philadelphia 'i .i 8ALK8MAN , , w Ambitious young man to take, etiarir ot . elusive territory, representing-.rnanaWurert ol high-grado otflca appllancea: liberal corn missions: pernianent proposlilon. J 930. A Irfjtgxir central . SALESMAN of better class to call or. hrlJr nnd dentists In central Pennsy-lvanbx and Hew jerseyi average men mak; .. g'ato ag and experience. I' O. Uox Ul. Phlla delpntSjl'i ,, i SALESMEN Oo South, for tho winter. The Sears Rnetiuck edition of the Knoy clopedla llrltannlra Ig lha greatest gell ing proposition ever ottered by gales men xv.traji you thoroughly, par tranaportit on and allow a drawlntr ae riunt Wlork exclusively on leads. t llapld advancement to those who mak. food Can use a faw mora city men. ' tncyclopedla Urltannlca Co., 1S 8. i IGth at. i SALESMEN, whole, or part ..tlmei clean-cut proposition) JJ0 advance allowed) must no Bfquotnted In Philadelphia fil J Llbertr . llulldlng llroad and Chestnut . SALESMEN Three, heat, ambltloua men to sell a high class article from housei to house. Ap ply 4DI)") Frankford ave STOCK AND IIOND SAI.ESM.ANi "rwfl."'" not necessary Apply 010, Stock Bxchajigo llulldlng TOOLMAKUnU. 13 24 to IS per day nf B hoclrsi machinists J.I to 13: assistant machinists IJ 24 to JJ 00. toolkeepers. 12 to J2.02. all baaed on experience and capacity!- machlnj operators, JJ. some with experience on nana turret lathes. JJJ41 automatic; turret Jalho operators Cleveland, llrown A Sharp. jLjat hand turret lathe operators. 13 to ja.lo! tilgher comp-nsatlon when on pleco work! printers helper.. IJ 24 laborers for nutald work. JJ 24, Apply Frankford Arsenal. Phlla.. preferably In person, from 8 to 10 a. m. oa working dajs for iippllcxtlon blanks UTILITY MAN, about 2fl"jrar of a.. of neat ai'pearunce, for general store work: holiday situation, may Im permanenli nrst'class refer encn only Thn Ilallcy, llnnka Dlddl. Lo., l'JJI Sansom st WANTED SUPERINTENDENT I OR. LAnOfJ MANIIFAI-IURI.NO PI-iNT' .. MUST Hfj I'AMH.tAU Wl HI MANUFAirryUINt MKTIIOIIH FOR PRODUCINO SMALJ. IN TKItCIIANnnAlir.il I'AIITS. MAD- OH" 1IHASS SI EEL AND IRON; STATE. AOB. KDUCATION. EXPERIENCE AND SAJ.AIlY DESIRED ADDRESS M 033. LEDOEIt OFFICE WOODW OIliCI.lt "rlrst class automobile,, body Inillderi Jl for 0 hour lny. Stewart Steven eon llyuston, Texaa lOUMl MAN wanted In factory office of largo manufacturing concern: one with soma knowl edge of operntlng Elliott ITsher bllltng ma ehlno preferred: nnswi r, staling ago and sai- . ury expected reference. U 208,Ledi:er Office. YOUNtJ -MAN wunted, 20 to 24 years pf ag. to net as collector and Investigator: ilva full particulars, stating wages expected. C 12. ledger oriice . (leneral , cost CLERKS J J21 and Jl, clerks. B. North Phllmlelphla Jill, hank . clerks. J8f other positions oin for clerks, bookkeepers, stenographers oifleo managers etc tluslneso Servlee Co 1301 Mnd Title llulldlng. SITUATIONS WANT-JD-OEMALE 1100KKEEPER wishes first-class position, tak"- lug coinpleie charge. C 123. l-'dger Oltlco. COOK anil wallrer,. whllo. l'rolestanta, xvlah positions together. Call or write 828 N .JOthj, DRESSMAKER, high class, formerly of New ,ork wishes engagements, evening gowns spo e inlly lelnut (1458 4 COOK ytiunir Swede desire position, best ref erences Phone Spruce 302. M'RSE French "ndy's "nurso nnd chlldnura. wishes position) referemo. 12JT NJ'rajikllnj. NURSE young, good refcrenco wishes engage ments Phone Jlermantown)41M. NURSERY GOVERNESS, Protestant, wlsheo entire churgo of young children: thoroughly lapnble, B ytar In present position! physi cian s reference, elementary English ana French. frenDei . 1 3d Ledg. llr.. Jlst ft Vino STENOORAPIIER and typewriter., thoroughly competent. 0 years' experience, desires poal tlou, llrst class refs J 014, LedeerCentral. STENOaitAPHER- Exp all around ottlce. clerlc elealres position) salary 12. JB53V IjLCeru TTACIIER of (lertnan. French English: rjfer- , incea Miss C K Lo.'ens. 313,1 Walnut r.t , TEACHER French desires school work, prlvat. pupils eonversutlnnu method P0 llox -OP-j WOMAN, colored wishes day's work. Phone Dickinson 3071M . COLLI-OE (1RADUATE vvTshea secretarial vyo.rki proofrendlng research work; experienced lit erary worker C 31, Ledger Offlro. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE UOOKKEI.PKR 31, thor bus train's; grad. ac count's course) tut II . alert., tromn.! 13 yra. exp as booUkpr-offlce mgr . poss. tact. Inula Hie and exte ability O 34. Ledierorflc. HOOKKEEPER thor, experienced, will audit- open cioso unu wrue un i ,,"r frti nliiB mod terms Hell ph Woodland 4103 M. HOOKKEEPER. D K . thoro'ly exp. In corresp.. pnat nniinnl rreilltH payroll anei an unico ae. tills, best rcf ngo 31 C 201, Lodger Oltlco. HOOKKEEPER hmnll seta books. clerical work, moderate ratesu c 130, LedBBrJMflca HOOKKEEPER, S yours' exp . good rer.. desire, permanent position, Address U3t llltner. CI1AUF1 EUR thoroughly exierlencod on flryt class cara wishes position with prlvato family: il years old single best ot reference, i. O. llox JIB llerwyn Pa CHAUFFEUR 20 slngio. clean habits. T sears' experience high-grade cara. Including 4 yearg shop good mechanic. A-l references.. C 133. ldger Offlcei , CHAUFFEUR wlshea losltlon! willing and xlT" liun also capabla horseman Addreaa 1, 1 D, llox; 401 Ardniore, Pa CHAUFrHUR 8 yeara' experience, desires po sition, rererences U 13Jt Ledger Offlco CIIAUI "1 EUR, whlto, S yeam' experience, drlvx) any i ar Chnrles Curryt Fox Chase. CIIAUI l'EUIl." whlto. 5 yeara' experience; drlvo any car Daniel Work, Fox Chase, CLERK, good ut !lure's, wants position. C 131, Hdg'r Office COACHMAN and gardener, understands car ot gentlvnian'a place, alau can run Kurd car, can furnish best references from past m ployers, slngls man, will bo open for position December I CJJJ Ledgor Office. COxCHMAN first" claas. strictly sober single man with A No 1 reterence. ApolyjJJf 20th, DRAIi-SMAN. mecnanlcat: young man with 4 years' experience (J 103, Ledger Office. FIREMAN wishes position flrtnff hard or soft loal, day-tlmo only) 0 yeara' experience. Ad dress J10 Ledger ilranch OJd and Vine. -REMAN, also systematlxer. wishes a position with a reliable electrical firm, best of rafer rnira C 2UI. ledger Office MAN A thoroughly experienced offlcemaii- ago 21) good iienman, wants work afternoon or evi ning: could also act as salesman, beat rofervliie C 114 Ledger Office MAN llespnnalblo gentleman of ah My dtalrtva tioaltlon o( trust with reliable corr ration, will give services all or part time J DID Led Cent HAN. oun married --. experienced tn bank Ins nnd Insurunce. willing to start low, being conndent ot ubllltyjo rise O J03 I-ed. On, OFFICE MANAUBR or confidential clerk, sya. lemlxer, poasusslnc . stenographic experience ileslrra permanent situation M 833, Ledger Central , PLATE AND SILVER CLBANINO Work etono by tho el.iy by exp Englishman Address T. Jeffarls 1U0I Sansom at phona Locust 1009 jr. YOlFNO MAN aa cmok or houseman. refer.ncciT 1711 Fllswat.r phono Dickinson 342,4W Other (Taiivlfird Ads on eit Vaia QH HOa STOP R KlDDlWt. PCTEVi 700 KNeVt ere rr was ail TMeTlHii rrT- ' FV H. " Tfii- Ay H i p K , i , ij, gUa-JK'J-J-' "'c-m-i. )'' .!i..-f.Px..w-'iiiiit.i-'-j.'L.j',Mi..CT..1.. -t - "',ii f ' r BljiafflBBili-M Bl