jjB1 ut L EVENING kEOGER-PHILADELPHIA. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 101G CITY NEWS INBRiiF i? SH( rt.K t. OOMJIIBKBT, elilf of tl.o ? of City Property, la raoldly ra- ESn Jo perfect health nt St Mary a Hoa MLro&Y ho ecenn brlshter than at 'ETiUsa dorlnt? his Btay In the hospital. L week aco hl condition was so grave SihU fellow workers at City Halt offered for Mm. HwflB ATLANTIC nrnnlnjr Company iiito tullJ ttn nutomoblle service station fZ? ,v. distribution of gasoline nt the SLhwest corner of Tortletli ami "xVnlnut 5v5: .imllar to tl ono of tho nulf Onso. KTconipany, Bt Thlrty-llilrd and Chestnut (. The reOnlntr company recently pur mmJ the Fortieth street lot from A. Kin mlkr, for S20.B00: tho asicssed Ration la 116,000. Tho lot la 81 by 100 ftet. avimKSKNTATIVK1 of the rttllfiilrl- lilsi Bourse will take nn ncthe part In tho Salons of tho thirteenth annual Illxert and ..,r Conrrcss, which will meet in "xVmti- ESiion from December C to 8, Inclusive Tho Br will seek aufTlrlent npproprlnlloni list WO CJirJ'i - - ..,.i..w.v i,vjcwia hn the most tdlclcnt manner. f tx. IS TItn AlSt.ri of (roll? rnr ut John Ik White, eighty enri old, ot GOOD jt,Mj Bvenue, to thft West Philadelphia Hospital. Buffering from n fractured tltlKh, n Mnrti arm nnd contusions of tho body Beeaoia of hi advanced ago pliyvlclans nay yi condition Is critical. WAVEBFOnn OOM.lSfTO wilt offer one jthoUrshlp of H00 or two scholnrcliliii of lj?tf 10 iucxican nmuuiiiB uesuriiiK vi. au Vine education. Tho plan lias been looted at tho Instance of the peace com- plttee of the Philadelphia Friends' Meeting. f 'i "Ifinr.TnAr'' l the deacrlntlnn elron Kf the Chestnut Hill public school bulldlnR ythe Chosthut I till HupIIioki Men's A"o- new bulldlne, nnd also wants the city In rntUx down or repair tho old fire tower on tks public playground. Mr- ...hw iftinvi, Rleclo bronze, one of tho mont beautiful irtmples of Italian renalssanco art, for rfIS.000. tiio oronzo an purcnaseil last MtK in iew xorit ni mo pnio oi 1'roiosior 'pll8 collection. 1. OUU, flCOlTTS of Anu-rlrn bnve nnpneil ftbtiaar In 'tho Hale Uulldlne. Toys, randy jfir-d cake mado by tho glrli nnd articles for ic&rlstmss are on sale. Tho proceed i of jftha bazaar wilt bo used to equip tho scout Iteit at Torresdale, whero 350 glrli cunped fdarlnff tho last Bummer. ".EMPLOYES OF llnllcy, Hanlc lllilillc mmoany held their third nnnu il banouet it, the Hotel Adclphla. last night The prln idpal speaker vns Joseph T lialley, presl rdtnt of the firm nnd eon of tho founder BTln dinner marked tho eighty-fourth tin- enlrersary or tno firm IKE BArTIST Ti:SIPI,i: ronsreirntlon ejllected JH82 72 yesterday towanl paylnR 6,1 the mortgage on tho church amounting tol000. A campaign to lift tho mortgage Fit started last Friday nnd will oncl next Thursday nlghL . inn trosrAN's jiktiicat, cor,i-i:on of Pennsyhanla -will begin a campaign on tPecwnber 4 to Incrcaso Its present $300,000 endowment fund by an additional (200,000 Jrominent Phlladelphlans aro among tho walkers In tho campaign, which will con Hau until December IS. Tho campaign Is novel In that It will bo conducted entirely jby women. ' IB A. PROTECTION ncnlnt hoof nnd faiwth disease, an embargo against llc stock from Nebraska and the Kansas City :ttocKyaras naa Dcen ucciarca inrougnoui. 'Pennsylvania by Dr. C. J Marshall, Stato veterinarian, cattle from Kcornsua nao mouthPfn(idlseftM. "!cmb,lnB hoof and Stared iT.l,on: nn'1 ,the embargo was do ciarel pending incilRation. for,?i!ir'orL'Jf V0'000 ''" " ellectd ni.StrbL,n hospitals and tho Mabel months Tho Serbian cemmltteo of tho i.mergcncy Aid i under tho chairmanship of Miss Mna Lea. OSK IIUNI)Ul: linMOOIlAT met nnd organized the SouUil'hlladelphla Dcmn- SJ?m, C,ub last "'"I11 nl Nineteenth and Miniln street. Tho club was formed to send a representation from South Phlladel 55 .. tho InuRuratlon ceremonies In Washington nnd to back John 1 Somers for the oHlce of treasurer of the port, mado vacant by the resignation of William Iloper. The olllcora of tho club are President, Jacob Hoffman; secretary, John McMon agta; treasurer, James Mullen Atf ANO.VlJtOUS LKTTr.R demandlni that she place 60 In a milk bottlo on Thanktghlng morning was rcceled today by Mrs Mary Rattcrlleld, proprietor of a clgnr Rtore nt BS17 Chester nxemie Tho letter was turned oer to District Detee tUes Qulglcy and Prlnz, of tho .Sixty-fifth street nnd Woodland avenuo station The writers of the missive, threaten death l Mrs Satterfleld unless she complies with Its demands Tho police bcllcvo It tho work of a. practical Joker IKIIIAV UOMI, tobacco poiirhrii.watrh fobn nnd bended bags, made by Indians' in HI Paso, Tex, hao been rcreltrri In largo quantities by the Montenegrin committee of tho emergency aid, to be sold at tho Monte ncgrin booth at the second Mndc-ln-Amerlca bazaar. News at a Glance CAMDEN nr,pitr,snT.Tivr.s or tiii. rnnirn County IVdcritlon of 1'iitrlotlc .Societies and llellglnus I'mternltles lslted tho tlo.ird of IMucatlou In lefeienie to its re fusal to permit tho Ilex 111 M It Ion to speak In the Camden High School Tho board does not feel II Ins tho tight l" open tho school tn Doctor l.on including to Ilnrrv C Sharp, lo picsldent of the Unird of Hducatlon Tllltlin CAMDnV IIOH who rnn uwnx 'rom homo received something today tb.it thc.v Indn't bargained for, nnd the police think that thej will eat their meals from mantel pieces for n few das Parents nf the boys went to Wilmington toda In response In a. message saving that the rhlof probation olll cer thtro h.id npprehended tlio runawnvs who nro I'ldrldgo Quicksnl, fifteen enrs old 926 Tern street, Mntthew llndgcr, thirteen years old, 530 North Tenth street and Ncl non Clark, thirteen -,ears old, fill Hay street MICHAr.r. OUUICIC divert from n nrrnnd story window at his home 1910 South Sexenlh street early today, nnd It Is feared that his hack Is broken Orrlck, who ac cording to phjalclans. was out of his mind. Is In a serious condition nt tho Cooper Hos pital Ho Is thirty-nine jenrs old W ltlt.T; SITTIVH In n clmlr nfler l.rrnV. fast today, William IT Cloddlis, seventy joars old, of 2181 York street, suddenly fell to tho floor dead P.iraljsis wns given us the causo of his death A SItmiT COM), whlrh dnvelnped Into pneumonia overnight, caused tho death today of Mrs Jamca rurmnn. eighty-four years old, of 32 Church street Sho wns found dead In bed by her son Clarence, who went to awaken her. CAni.ISt.K, r, Nov. zs Temperance workers throughout this section are plan ning for a big contention to be held here on December B Oliver W Stewart will be the principal speaker of tho day. .u')1.?'' v"' -NoT' T" "re fer the ehl dren of the town and keep them put or trouble, which has recently brought them Into collision with the officers, n wel J?,1"0 Jeaguo was formed hero last evening. The first ofTlclM act will be to stage a com munity Christmas trc$ celebration. .C'V,U'.1.SLn' r' " ! The Hev. T.,U win II Kellogg, pastor of tho Second Pres blerlan Church here nnd for several jears hel of tho Carlisle Presbytery, has ten dcred his resignation nnd will go to Hart ford to nceept n fellowship In tho Hartford Theological Seminary. COATr.SVII.t.n, Pn . Nor. Is. One thousand nnd flfty-clght new members joined tho Young Men's Christian Associa tion hero Is n rtvo-dny campaign Just ended Tho membership now totals 1789 SOUTH Iir.TItMIttr.At, Pn Sov. 58. i no nign cost of living has no terrors for Chnrles M Schwnb The sieel king gaxo a bnnnuet to n largo number of his fellow llothlchcmltcs last night, which cost him $10,000 The dinner wns given In the In terest of n consolidation of tho two rtoth Ichems. which now lmo n population of nbmlt "fi.OOO between them L'llir(10. ot. SS. Pfdernl Judtn K. M. I nnills today took steps to learn how Hunan nnd Abo Jackson, twins of fourteen, got Into the fulled States army A few weeks ngo tho twins were Inmates of nn orphan (isjlum here The superintendent sajs theli flo jears there brought nbout n iclgn of terror j ItllAnlNO. Pn, Nov, SA. Clmrles Orny. twenty-four jeais old. of I'hllndelphla, was arrested hero Imlav Just as ho was hoard ing a train foi Wilmington, nn a ch.irgo of stealing $U, fiom another roomer In tho hoiiso.Jti wlili M he wan hoirdlng Grav was roinmlttril to Mil nn a warrant Issued b Mnglatrate Wolff lti:tI0, Pn , Not. 3S. ftrr It liml been standing fnr almost fifty vears n gang of steeplelscks started work today tearing down the 208-foot steeple of St Paul's Cathelle Church here, of which the lit ltev Monslgnor llorhemann Is pastor. Some tlmo ngo the steeple wns struck by lightning While there wns no Immediate danger of Its falling, It has been con demned as unsafe. nrAIINO, P.. Nev. t. Ml" Mury J. Plnynrd. daughter of George Plnyard, of Philadelphia, and Charles Haag, son or John Haag, of Ilobesonla, Pa , were mar ried here today by the Itev. J. Franklin Cropp. After their honeymoon the oouplo will reside In Philadelphia, where the groom Is engaged In business. LA SALLE PAYS TRIBUTE TO BISHOP McDEVITT Alumni nnd Faculty Present Silver Cruet Set to Prclnto ns Ann! versnry Gift Itlshop Philip It. McDovItt was honored this afternoon nt a celebration In tho audi torium of t.a Salle College, llroad and Stiles streets, which will hold Its golden Jubilee tomorrow As a gradunto In the class of 1ST t he was welcomed by tho stu dents, the alumni nnd tho faculty and pre sented with a silver cruot set. lhnll Scherr, speaking for tho students, Frances J Maneely. president of tho col lege ntumnl association speaking for tlio alumni, nnd Hrother IMwnrd president of the college, speaking for the faculty, deliv ered addresses welcoming flic bishop Fol lowing tho celebration a private reception to tho bishop was held by the Christian llrothers of tho Philadelphia schools CALLEKY QUITS AS HEAD OP PITTSBURGH ROADS Buys Sent In New York Stock Ex clinnge nntl Enters Brokerngo , Business PlTTSBt'ItOH, Pa , Nov 8 -James V. Callcry has resigned tho presidency of the Pittsburgh Itallwajs Company to assoclnlo himself with M. K McMullln In tho broker, age business. Mr Callery will remain with the Pittsburgh ltaltvvajs Company as chnlr man of tho board. Ho will bo succeeded In tho presfdency by Sumner ii Tone, now lco president of tho Dunuesrio Light Company, ono of tho subsidiaries of the Philadelphia company, of which the Pitts burgh Hallnnjs Company nlso W a part Mr. Callcry's resignation will become ef fective January 1, lfllj. Mr. Callery has Just purchased a scat on tno New York: stock l.xchongo from Washington II. Sturgls. of Now York cltj. Mr. Callery holds executlvo oillces nlso In th'o other subsidiaries of tho Philadelphia company. Lessee Loses Suit on Option ATLANTIC CITY. Nov. 28 A Jury hero beforo Judgo Cnrrow decided that IUchard Molt, liseo of the Hotel Over brook, nt the time It wns destroved by tiro In February last, with n toss nf six lives, waived an option to buy the property when bo nccepted n ensh pajment from Warren llldgwn), tho owner, for "1000 Jtldgwny has sold the slto to tho Hell Telephone Com pany, nnd Mott Bticd for a part of his profit. Police Court Chronicle Tom Sentlerthwalte, lAborlng under" ft heavy delusion since election day, was re Hexed of his load todn After a night on a stone bench the effects of another and more tangible -load' will bo gone, the police think. Tom unconsciously began his enlighten ment around Front nnd Dauphin streets, when he grnbbeil nn Indignant citizen by the sleeve "Poll that peanut," ho demanded. Tho I C brushed Tom off his sleeve nnd threw him Into the gutter. A onso of blind staggers occupied Tom for a few minutes, so that the I. C had walked two squares beforo Tom could touch his sleeve again "lloll that peanut," commanded Tom again Tho I C let Tom hotd his sleeve until a policeman came along. The cop took Tom beforo Magistrate Diet at the Trenton ave nuo and Dauphin street station "What do j oil mean by nnnojlng a citi zen 7" asked tho "Judge" "Judge, I'll explain It to ycz," sobbed Tom "1 wasn't annoying him This man bet me n. peanut roll from Front nnd Dau phin to City Hall that Wilson would bo elected. Ho scz, sezco, that ho'd roll a. pea- ?? ai ij i4u-ii(PiTiiw? nut from Front a.nd Dauphin to City Ttall If Hughes wa elected, nexee. And I wants him to pay, I do. He lost" "Before I decide not to send you to) Holmcsburg for ten days I'll whisper come thing In your ear," nald the Judge. "Hughe was h ws s-sws- " After which the -court had a Rood laugh. Baldwins Get Order for G2 Engines The Baldwin IcomotIxe Works today rccelxed orders for llfty-two locomotive, according to Alba B Johnson, president of the firnt. The new orders follow; On 2-4-2 typo for Llghtsey Brothers, Inc., of Hampton, S, C u six 0-6-0 typo for Beth lehem Steel Company, of Sparrows Point. Md i twenty-five 2-10-2 type for the South ern Hallway; eight 4-8-2 type for Southern Hallway, and twelve Mallet typo for south ern Hallway, .tf. Y. Women Mourn Mrs. Bolssovnln Ni:V YOUIC, Nox- 28. A memorial scrxjeo for Mrs. Incx MUholland Bolssev&tn, who died on Saturday night In Los Angeles, will bo held on Sunday afternoon at the Church of tho Messiah, under the auspices of tho Congressional Union for Woman Huffrage. a Potatoes Barred in Coaldalc COALDAI.E, Fa , Nov 28 Housewives haxo decided to cllinlnnto potatoes from tho bill of faro until tho price Is lowered Tho miners oxpect to plant their lots with po tatoes next year. PURE FRESH PAINT Believe Me There is one way to judge paint ing how long it lasts, lioxv fresh it keeps. We urge comparisons of our work any time any where. Get our estimate no obligation rmmmmmmmMmmmMmmmmmmmmmm i jsemstirnxstt s ornen-rerm ana Tne G Kiiii n ooijoajj jamo SCuehnle PAINTER 28S.l6thSUAcuBcS,7v" Everything; in Apparel at Reeds' which is dc sifncd to contribute to your comfort and satis faction in seeing the game. Elaborate variety of all the right things in Overcoats, Fur Coats, Fur-lined Goats, Mack- Sweaters, Angora Jackets, Scotch Wool Silk or Woolen Mufflers, Lap Robes, Gloves, Flags, etc., etc. inaws, Vests, Warm Closed All Day Thanksgiving Jacob Reed's Sons" 1424-1426 CHESTNUT STREET Tniuua'uamjiiiiiiiiJuiiuitJittSiii.'iuiTBRnr.iffiiTniitifr E!ic&rtinr't:niuT.TUiGfE;iu;IwijiHMt:inihm!ii!j!i!Ji!iniijffia"i:T;u;r;;j:T u. GHA i$f 1 , ' ,, a Vi Vs "j'.a ft jn, 4l Second to None Recognized for Their Superior Construc tion, Tone and Lasting Musical Qualities MKUTiViDVtjai t IlllifflHJ h m K'l- ki . "' ' i i.n I wtis&gmmkwi&js&rss ! .,jr,WiPi n t i x hi. &- nr"- I lM IT PAYS TO THINK ' xWfFWJ hf 1 ' ' K II H MwMHlftii np i I ff if a m&fod&& Md&$ & WwWa m IT Tlff'ffTTffMiWrTiJMrTrw -r T"-L-, & eW- HH kV lnkkPBWl i .dsr '. JSS- 111 B S M si f Xf S Ftr ft JS ftJ iff Ar B fr ft ,& arJ&SrB WLxml&-H?wmfSf Asa JIHJlJKlnn B ill WH i m J Wf PllC ' " I P , , 'a Prirte II Chestnut and Eleventh Streets I Hmm . Art cuw, o( I ffiS '23 "I": :--jB UK MA'ftt'k TIT. 77, Factory BOth and Parkride Ave, 'l "' ypni WFmfmfl 10-1 " " ZZZT--zz-m.. am sBstV- llorifhfs. $233 Ma Up p1"- 3mWtm&32lM ?n-3 -- SZZ rIZ:-sWmmmmmwi iE ARE NOT philanthropists; we do not try to make you believe that you aro getting anything you do not rhy for; but we do claim, and we can prove it, that we can give you more piano value, more good piano value, than any dealer can offer you in Philadelphia today at a price 25 more than we ask. We are aggressive in telling you what we know to be facts and what you will believe if properly explained. We make our Pianos, make them through and through. Who else retailing pianos in Philadelphia can make this claim? We sell them to you direct, the same as the makers of the other pianos sold in Philadelphia sell them to the piano dealers, at the wholesale price. If we had to buy our pianos from a manufacturer we would have to add to the cost of selling, our profit and freight. This extra cost is what you pay any piano dealer, but it is eliminated when you purchase from us, the makers, direct Comparison is the truest test of superiority and to substantiate our claims compare our Forrest Piano at $250 to any upright sold in Philadelphia at $300 to $350 or our Special Player-Piano at $450 to any player offered at $600 we'll leave the answer to you. Now, you piano buyers who are going to make this Xmas one to be long remem bered by giving your loved ones a piano, come to us, the makers, who have earned an enviable reputation for piano value; see the instruments, see the prices, and it will, prove an economical Xmas, as well as one to be remembered.. Easy Monthly or Weekly Payments Without Jnterett or Extra ' mm WmMW 111 ,4x .-g55S- 334-sa i m vi &. r IS You can keep any room Gas Heatinj Stove Quick Glean , Odorless Economical Gas Heat makes a saving in your fuel bill, because you pay for only the little gas that is con sumed when heat is needed no expense when the heater is not in use. Reznor (as Heating Stoves $3.85 to $11.85 Other Makes of , Heating Stoves, $3.10 to $525 Easy term payments if you "desire. Order a Gas Heating Stove to-day at a "U. G. I." Store or from one of our representatives, r The United Gas Improvement Company, rm 1 -X 4 9flF jg4 -n ' Q3 Stores Open Evenlnge UntU Xn ,jl . ..... rrt WmmmmLLSL ' ksiMamridi K ' jH - MWJBlllBliLLiii i. J ' i". n r FiirTiiTMiilMMr'tffciiftaEhMhrtflBIHIMMBMBWlil & iff all
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers