Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, November 28, 1916, Night Extra, Page 5, Image 5
"H VOLENTI DIJELLI DELE ARTIGLMIEINCARNIA Gli Aufllriaci Portano in Aziono Nuove Bntteric Nella Zona ad Orientc di Gorizla GLI 1TALIANI A MONASTIR if" " I Rumenl Costrotti ad Abbandonare le Llnco dl IJifcsa sul Flume AH noMA. S Nov. II generate Cailorna nnmincla che le urtiffllerie nuatrlache l Bono accanlte nella glornata dl Icrt t'ollro contro le lnt Hal lane dlla Cnrnla, mntre net Trentlno le eperaxlonl ala delfartttrllerla che delle fantcrle sono atate ostacolale dal caltUo tempo. Kcco II tcMo del rapporto del Ren wale Cadornn: II fuoco delfe nos'.re batterle ha oMacolafo I movlmentt dl truppe nenvche nella zona monluoja a liord della Vnl dl Idro e nella Val d'Asa, Sul restn della frnnto del Trentlno plOBgle torrenilall hanno reeo 1m pofslblle qualslasl operazlone. Sulla fronts delta Carnla nella glornata dl Sabato II nemlco bombardo' vlolenle tnente le nostre poslzlonl nlla teeta della valle dl Depano, della alle del Hut e della valle del Chlarto. Alcunl prolettlll caddero In Palutza ed In PaUlar6, tenia pero' cau tare dannl. In rlaposta n nueeto bombardamento. le nostre batterle bersagllarono 1 postl nemtel dl Blrnbaunf e la atailone (errovlarla dl JlaUthen, nella valle del Gall. Ad eat dl Gorilla II nemlco, che ha portato In nilone nuovo batterle, ha bombardato le nostra retrovle, Ia noatra artlxlleria ha rls potto efflcacemento nl fuoco nemlco. HuU'aHoplano. del Careo non al Bono avutl avvenlmentl dl Importanza. In leuni ptccoll econtrl not cntturammo alcunl prlflonlerl. SULLA FIIONTK MACEDONH Bulla frontc macedonc lo truppe aetbe. franccal, Italinne a rusae contlnuanu ad avanzare r. nord e ad ocat dl Monaatlr. Franceal e aerbl attaccarono una importantr aerie dl nlture nella zona del Cerna, dl Importanza strateglca, e dopo un vlolento eombattimento le conqulatnrono. I'oco dopo esl rcaplneoro rlpetutl contrattaccbl dol bulgaro-tedeschl clip hI natlnavano a volcr rlprendoro le perdute poalzlonl II commttnlcnto franceso sulle opcrazlonl ohe nl svolgono nella Macedonia annunzia che gll Italian! contlnuano ad aanzare nella regions montuosa dl Dahova, a circa Quattro mlglia a nord-oveat dl llonaatlr. fiembra clio lo Stato Mngglore rumeno abbla afabandonato ognl aperanza di ar reatare la marcla degll nuatro-bulgarl e tedeschl prima che iiueatl ragglungano le tlnee dl dlfeau dl Ilucareat. I.e armate Jrutonlche hanno afoudato la linen dell' Alt ed I mmenl si Bono rftlratl crao la capltale. Le forze dl von Falltenhayn occupano ora poslzlonl ad orlento dell Alt, mentre le forze dl von Mackenaen, che hanno attra yeraato II Danublo, cercano dl atanzarc In dlrezlone dl Bucnreat dal sud-ovost. I.a cltta' rumena dl Alexandria e' caduta nelle rnanl det-.teutonl, 1 quail hanno ora con trollo dl grand! rlserve dl grano t Nella reglone dl Oraova 1'nrmata rumena che operava In qunlla zona delle Porte dl Ferro e' ora clrcondata completamento dalle (orzo teutonlche. SLIDE OF GRAVEL BANK &. ' BUK1ES TEAMSTJSU AL.1VK P, 1 ! Workman Killed as Construction Col- ' lapses and Piles Over Victim. y- Other Laborers Quit Job , Edard Huff, a teamster of 3200 South Seventh ntrcet. waa killed thla afternoon, rrhen a gravel bank In which he waa work ing at Thlrty-aecond and Maiden lane col lapsed. Severn! tons of gravel piled over Hult like an avalanche A man working near him escaped death by rolling out qf harm'a way. Laborers managed to dig Huff out after eeral minutes' hard work. Only a spark of life remained when ho, was found. A paaslng automblle was pressed Into service and Huff was hurried to St. Agrfes'a Hos pital. He died before reaching there. The Krael bank at which Huff was work ing. It Is said, has been In a weakened con dition for some time. The laborers at the Job were bo unnored by Iluff'a death that all quit work for the day. CLERK HELD FOR $75,000 THEFT Grocers' Employe Accused of Manipu lating Bills of Lading NEW YOItK, Nov. 2S. Defalcations said to approximate 176,000, extending over a period of several years, were charged against Adolplt J. Loeffler, clerk, employed by a big firm of wholesale gtocers hero, today, Loeffler waa arrested and. according to the police, confessed. He Is alleged to have manipulated bills of lading and receipts, adding to the amounts and pocketing the overcharges. ' I WB Support- FOR MEN . f For Golf, Rid' inc. Motoring, Gymnaiium or Fisld AtnUUca, W. R. SUP. PORT-U BELT is of tuuunct la men of any age, combining atomacn sp- nnrt and aolna- fnntral w 1 t h warmth and protection to kir and diaphragm! its extreme pliability permit utmost freedom of arms, fgaba, nd nfujiaa of the body. UNEN M?3H $3.B0 4Mm StyU ir to 112.00 J Jacob REED'S Sons .EVENING LDOBR-PHILADBLPHU TUESDAY, NOVI2MBBB 28, 1910 $ "SONG OP HATE DOESN'T SUIT ENGLAND'S VOICE'-JEROME "We Should Fight to Conquer the German Ideals, Not Gel-man PeopleSays Author End of War Will Bring Renewal of Trade Re lations and Putting Aside of Strife "England Will Be Buying From Germany in Ten Years" 'PEN years after peace is slfrncd " flin1 cv.cry ehoolboy knows it we shall be buying from Germany, sell '"" Germany, In twenty years we shall be playinjr tnnis with them and teaching them golf. Jerome A". Jerome, By JEROME K. JEROME (Coprrlsht 19U, by lnUmtlonl Nwi Senlce) Before we glibly denounce Clermany we must be sure that we have got rid of the Hun In ourselves. This glamour of every act of brutality that Oermany Invents what Is It but the renponse of Hun to Hun. It does not come from the soldiers. It cornea from our comfortable slay-at-homes. You call for vengeance on submarine cres, leaving our soldiers to pay the pen alty. What benefit have we gained by obedi ently Imitating Germany's use of poisoned gases? God's winds are neutral. There are those who would have us re taliate for the Lusltnnla by sinking Ger man merchant ships without warning. Our sailors refused to do the dirty work at the bidding of our Journalists "HATE 18 A.V KVIL THING" We do well and belter to play the game according to English Ideals, not German. We are not out merely to conquer the Ger man people We are out to conquer Ger man Ideas The German idea N that might is right, that there Is no law above the sword. One might, In speaking of fellow Chris tians, bp excused for suggesting that hate Is an evil thing In itself. History has proved that It Is something worse. It is folly and a blunder. It Is not a good business proposition. How long ago was It that Llojd George had to dlsgulso himself as a policeman to escape from a lilrmlnghnni mob? Ho Is now the idol of the Carlton Club We are fighting side by sldo with Krance. lUrnxla. that our Hon comlques snore should never hao Constantinople. Is now our heroic nlly. We have poured out our blood in Galllpoll. to open for her tho Dardanelles I am going to venture on a prophecy. I predict this war will be ended In one of three ways- In a complete and crushing victory lot Germany In that event I am afraid I shall go, down lo my grave hating Germany. It may be unreasonable, unphllosophlcal, but I shall not be able to help It. Hatred is the child of Impotence and fear. Unable to do anj thing against Germany, and fear ful of what Germany may choose to do to us, we shall all of us hate her Or. Instead of a crushing victory for fiermany, the wnr may end In a crushing victory for the Allies. Germany and Aus tria broken up and divided Into separate JEROME K. JEROME I rmtst have ho barred of Wttertuss toward hy one. "W, too, are standing before Ood and eternity and his judgment Is awaiting us. For us, too, patriotism Is hot enough. Our victory must be not only over the Ger mans, but over ourselves. We must have no hatred, no bitterness. "By no other means will peace be 'conclusive.'" Mackenscn 35 Miles From Foe's Capital Continued from rate On artillery bombardment tn tiom-iuija the situation v,as said to be unchanged. tttates something after the plan devised and for n time achieved by Napoleon . the Kaiser either hanged on a 'lamppost In the unter den Linden or Imprisoned In St. Helena. In that event there will bo hardly any need to waste much hatred on her. Or It may end In Germany being driven back to her borders of 1870 and there left to fashion herself anew. "Never ngaln" Is fool's talk One hears It after every railway accident, after every shipwreck, after qvery war thnl has ever been waged Hurope will emerge from this war, and the map. looked at very closely, will have much the samo appearanco that It had be fore There may be one color for t'olnnd Instead of three. Alsace and Lorraine will have returned to Krhnce. and thnt one last corner still held bv the Turks may. one hopes, have been cleaned out. Tho main features will remain. Germany, bruised and battered, her arrogance and her bom bant knocked out of her, but still alive and vigorous, will set to work to build herself anew. Ten ears after peacr 1s signed every school child knows It we shall be buying fiom Oermanv felling to Germany In twenty jears we shall be playing ten nis with them and teaching them golf, and thirty years Inter It Is quite possible they In turn may be our allies. This song of hate doesn't suit the English voice Our soldiers make fun of It : the only manly thing to do Hatred during war time may he necessary to a few poor crea tures Incapable of fighting for love of coun try. But now that the end of the contest Is coming Into sight. It will be well to get rid of It. There Is, we are told, "a time to love and a time to hate , a time of war and a time of peace " It will be well when we lay nsldc tho sword to lie prepared to lay aside our hato. It may in some quarters bn considered bad taste But In this matter I would per sonally rather listen to the voice of Miss Cavcll than to the most strident speakers of the Anti-German League IldKh Cavelt did a fine thing when she laid down her life for her country There are many who do that I'oor. feeble, evil men nnd woman have done that. Ilundrtda of our nameless lads do It every day. The finest thing sho did, not only for her country, but for the men and women of our lands, was when she put aside all hatred and all bitterness Standing as I do In view of God nnd eter nity I realize that patriotism Is not enough RUMANIANS MAY OFFER BATTLE ON NEW LINE LONDON, Nov. 28. Orderly retreat of the Humanlan army still continues and thla was the only satis factory part of the Humanlan situation In tho minds of military experts today. No attempt was made to mlnlmlxe the effective ness of the German drive, engineered by the weight of superior forces nnd directed by the eyes of plenty of aviators against troops lacking In both of there arms Abandonment of the Alt river line, frankly ndmltted by Bucharest, was forced by turn ing of tho left flank of that defensive posi tion by Teutonic forces, led by Field Mar shal Mackensen, which crossed the Danube from Bulgaria and apparently effected a. junction with the troops of General von Fnlkenhnyn somewhero below Alexandria. The German statements claimed envelop ment of large forces of rtumanlans In tho extreme southwestern tip of Wallachla, but It la hoped hero that tho major portion of the defenders escaped before the circle of steel was fully forged around them. It la expected hero that the Humanlan army will fall back to"1h line of the river Itagcchu. consolidating their forces and pre paring lo make a stand there in the meanwhile, London awaited confir mation of Copenhagen dispatches yesterday that Cxar Nicholas of Hussla was en route to the Rumanian frontier to confer with King Kerdlnnnd of Humanla presumably over Russian re-enforcements. ALLIES TAKE HILL 1050 NORTHEAST OF MONASTIR PARIS. Nov. 28. Led by Trench Zouaves. Serbian forces captured Hill 1050, northejiat of Monaatlr. dcbpltc the most violent efforts of Bulgarian-German defenders, the official state ment related todny. Four counter-attacks b the Teutonic forces were repulsed with heavy losses. BERLIN. Nov. 28. A grand assault by Russian, Italian, French and Serbian troops against tho Ger mans and Bulgarians In Macedonia was launched on Monday, but It failed com pletely, tho War Office stated today. The text of the ottlclal report on Mace donian lighting follows. Violent artillery firing between Pres ba XmUo and the Cerna River Intro duced strong attacks which wero launched between Tcrnova. northwest of Monnstlr, nnd Vakovo, In the Cerna ' BOOKS Strictly Limited Edition NEWPORT. OUR SOCIAL CAPITAL By. Mrs. John King Van Rensselaer Numerous Plates Reduced From $30.00 to $10.00 Campion & Company 1316 WALNUT ST 3iaaiIe- otj; fc IMjjjjMjl,,, (Of w WA $! V VOU can please ALL the members of your family this Christmas by giving to your home that pleasure, culture and touch of refinement which naturally follow the possession of a Lester Home Grand Although it occupies no more space than an upright, its great depth and breadth of tone enable any one to produce the same effects as a concert player does Its exquisite touch, graceful lines, superb finish and wonderful durability make it the acme of excellence and good taste. With all of its admUterJ superiority, it is as easy to own a Lester Grand as one of tho inferior makes, because, being sold direct, all "in-between" profits are eliminated. Just send us your address on coupon below and wo will gladly show you how easily you can gratify your ambition to own a good grand piano. BRANCH STORES WEST, PHILA. 302 South 52d St. KENSINGTON 3244 Kensington Ave, CAMDEN 820 Broadway TRENTON' 203 East State St. READING 15 North 5th St. WTi.KRS.liARnE 170 South Slain St. NORRISTOWN 228 West Main Street F. A. NORTH CO. ' 1306 Chestnut St., Philadelphia amtltmen Plissa tend m booklet 'and dticrlp lion c( rour Lester Grand Piano " (a dttslls of tssy-pajrmest P&a without lateffit or extra. Name ... .,,M.t,ittiMttM,titnMM A44MU .t B. I "-2S-18 Jllver bend and hr Grulst The at taeka $mr carried out by liuMlnn, Italian, French and Serbian noldlers.l Thla grand assault of the Kntfnta troops failed completely. The hnnthl ltln& firo of our artillery and Infantry caused heavy losses to the entmy and he was unable to score any adrantago whatsoever. Kteept for heavy bombardment by TUm slan artillery southwest of minsk, there have been no Important developments b wen th tlaltlo nnd the Dniester, ths War Offi.ce statement on operations on the cast erri front stated today. TEUTONS SHELL BRITISH DEFENSES NEAR YPRES LONDON, Nov. 28. Fl-htlns; activity-on tho western front Is extendlnr beyond the Somme sector. The Tlrltlsh War omca reported today that the Hermans have carried out a violent bom bardment of the Itrltlsh positions north of 1'pres, In Belgium. The English casualties were small, It was slated Southeast of Souchei, In Artols, the Brit ish exploded a mine nnd occupied the crater Afterward the position waa con solidated The Germans attacked three times In an etTort to capture the crater, but were rrpulscd each time. nErtM.V. Nov, 28 There have been no Important actions on the western front during tho last twenty four hours, the War Offlce announced today. PUEACHEfl, ILL AND IDLE, ENDS LIFE DY HANGING Former Utlca Pastor Leaves Note for Wife Bemoaning His Inability to Help Church UTICA. N. T, Nov. 2. The Hev. Charles II. Walton, sixty year old, retired Methodl-t minister, hanged himself In his home at New Hartford yesterday after noon. Alt of hla ministry had been In hAfifcAfrt & Vnrtr 11ft torttti Dryer Memorial Church, Iftlea, tmtiili to Jaet April, when Ill-health, forces. Mf resignation. Thanksgiving Feasts Stolen iiYNN, Mass., Nov. 2S. itdra than sp thousand pounds of turkeys were bCoIb from a freight car of tho Boston and Wain IWIIroad In West Lynn last night Swt A Co., to whom tho ear ir consigned, ay tho theft wilt not bother therrt, because the? have birds In reserve to supply the do rnand. nOBEKT STnONG DOUSMAN Trndlc Auditor for the Lehigh Valley Railroad Itohert Strong Don-man. auditor of traf fic for the Lehigh Valley Itnllroad. which position he held for the Inst twelve years, died yesterday nt his homo In tho Fairfax Apartment- In Uermnntnwn He had a parnljtlc stroke on Friday night shortly nfter he arrived home from his ofllce. 228 Houth Third street. 1'revlnus to the t.me he becamo connected with tho Lehigh Valley Itnllroad he waa with the Chicago, Milwaukee nnd St. Tnul Itnllroad, The funeral services nnd Interment will be held some day this week In Milwaukee Ho Is survived by hla widow. Ktlzabeth Juneau Dousmnn. Ho was sixty-one years old. -mm ImL m w5viwFt V 200 Pair Sample Evening Slippers $4-95 Including Satins, Brocades and com binations of leather and satin. H$$W E00 Pair Slightly Soiled Satin Slippers $2-95 Including ten differ ent shades tho most wonted colors. Week of November 27 SOROSIS SHOE CO. 1314 Chestnut Street Philadolprua SliJilirXkbUilitXiirfllJJIiiiQHiWHiTKiiM'fc'jjlllBiS Furs Millinery Mavteon & DeMarvy 1 1 15 Chestnut Street (Opposite Keith's) - Our Furs Are Sold Direct From Our Own Workrooms To You Thereby Saving You the s Middleman's Profit And please bear in mind that we still afford you even greater savings by our foresight in buying skins in the early part of the summer, before the present high prices prevailed. We emphatically state, without fear of contradiction, that whatever the kind of fur you want and whatever the price you haye to -pay for 'it, we can give you better value for your dollar than elsewhere. 1 Fur Coats French Seal Coats . . . ..- 54.S0 (Genuine Skunk Collar French Seal Coats ...... .69.50 (Black Oponum Collar and Border) Hudson Seal Coats 84.50 (Dyed Muskrnt, Skunk Collar and Border) Hudson Seal Coats 98.50 (Dyed Muskrat; 40 and 45-inch Flare Model) Hudson Seal Coats 145.00 (43-inch Flare Model; 6-inch Border and Collar of Skunk) Hudson Seal Coats 245.00 (42-inch Model; 3-yard sweep; 6-inch Collar and Border of Skunk; Full Design) Scotch Moleskin Coats . . .245.00 (42-inch Model; 6-inch Border and Collar of Skunk; Full Design) Natural Mink Coats 375.00 (42-inch Model; trimmed at bottom with Sable Paws and Mink Tails) A Scarf Special We offer a most unusual Inceptive to purchase a lux urious and picturesque Fox Scarf. Values $42.50 to $50.00 Tho collection includes Dyed Blue Fox Scarfs Slate Fox Scarfs Pearl Grey Fox Scarfs White Fox Scarfs Cross Fox Scarfs Fur Sets & 5lack rox oets 7fioxix"p'iiisarwixs 33.00 rvea rox oets . , --. r.-s.x...;;Exsrri4950 Battleship Grey Fox Sets. .,...z.ij.r.3.i. 42.50 Natural Fisher Fur Sets . .Wi.T.xr..:.c. 74,50 Dyed Blue Fox Sets p,T.:.E.T.;.s.r.T&T. 84.50 LTOS3 rox oets . r4Ms;T7i:rz 89.50 Slate Fox Sets k.ikm :o;:;im 84.50 Moleskin Sets ,.;;o-E-;s:.;.;.,..r.r?i.r90,00 We Reserve Your Purchase Upon a Small Deposit or Charge It Subject to Bill of January 1st Mail Orders Receive Prompt Attention Purchasing TgenU Order Accepted Fun Repafri,ail RasotlWl , A, -Hal 1424-1426 CteitautS. f -Twei -. . - .-dassrat -