: ,-w ii.' f ,JI IpALMISTRY HELD AID TO jJTUDENTS Expert at Schaff Carnival f Says it neips unoose Right Vocations - - i " Bamous hands shown Pecturcr Says World's Loaders Lff ... . I .1 T m P pMwnitn1 m wouiu uk " """' " Other Fields of Activity .... .i(., hands nnd Minis In Hie public i..i in licln children choose their proper icnuvi .- .... - , nhrea nnd thus nvold "scores of. round nm In square noi - ....,.:.. .,...., .... M,ntt Carnival In Horticultural ltnll, l)'rod street below Locust, by Mrs. Penrl 'J Parker, prevocniionni expen. iie1..-!-- . lAnttirn Mrit. Parker showed Swures of hands of famous persons, ex- JLj said they wcro successful because they hid chosen their proper sphere. Some of tha successes would havo been glaring fall ercs. she said, If they had gone Into other JjL, of work. Sho advised mothers to ludy their children nnil see Hint they are trtlnCU HI "' UVUHuo ............... "J ..,.:. Lands. 7 Site said If 'prevocniionni' hand reading -- ..inhi iha, in tuning rnmn fiiprai titoM bo more success nnd greater clllclency i. lha wnrld. u The hand Is the only book we brine with 5S WOOIl U -UIIIW .VI. DUO DIU with emphasis In mUlrcMlnK n. large audi I" - ... I It b lint till Itn flirt ill-at nun wn learn to read. It Ih our history written In ad ranee, icnins wimi r, wjim ww j UMt nml olintva itu inntii' rtf fttn can uu utnii ! otiw.... .- j ".. .. fm-in events In life. Also It shown us our lircak points, wnicn ar nue nunner ninnum th we musi Know aim uvuiu u wo wish ii . . .amia If vn dn nnl 111 wtmt la UdAKB it nuvwvao -i - ..- ... (written In our lmndu we can change It. JCnowieugo is power. FEW SUCCI2GD f Mrs. rarker said but flvo per rent of the IT . i.ii.il.. flAi.tn -a tint uilnrtnouf 111 Kir to siaiiHuws. icui'io " oiiwuwiui Ik.mwi thev do not know what they can tao best, she said. She emphasized the ?.. iU.t tl,A llnna nf lintl1 TITItl lhn HinnA nf the figures nre the same to the history or w . lit-, na tiA crnn1nrrlr)il fumin t l(in re to the h!stor of the world. f 0. . ... 1 -..... nhnnifBd TtlB fl(llt t-TflO leil I1HIIU llCi l-ll' '" .- kind records tho things of onaa life. In connection wun imp, ira. r.uci cmu--i :ih Impression or aousas nana, anu iom V . .U- -..tln.f In AflillnP- ItiA liiind lm U01T BJIU iiun.c-i i, -... ..r ' resston that tho loft hand showed a reticent. K retiring -disposition, anu mac sno remnrucu ibout this to Sousa because ho did not have k .-,. llnov In Ihn rlcrht hnncl. She sata th great musician told her he had overcomo it to a ccriam uegree, nut mm uicuucu rettlnir un beforo an audience. HK Ot.. n1.nti.Dil Ilia 1l1t,,l rf f, mnh llin lln,1 ;H oa oitw... i,u - Kteen an Idiot until he was twenty years mQ, wncil mi IIIII1U lu:illlo iiiiiiu.i. kitic .U I. ...llin lit. ham) alia tlr.llintl ltd ll fl ,1 lie head line for a lone period and asked aim aDoui n -iu ineii iuiu uer uuuul iiuv- ingbeen nn Idiot all those years, '' t IfAN'D OF A BABY 'The youngest person Mrs. Parker has ever ttken an Impression of was a baby, fifteen -ntnftl. nlrl r Ihn nlrlnol n nprQnn nf 111. Ryears. JIrs, Parker has been studying the i-lccuon or vocation or various persons ny their hands for eighteen years. Mrs. Parker Is one of the attractions nt the bazaar of tho Schaff Memorial Week Carnival, The. object of the carnival Is to Miie money to erect n building In memory i'Ssf tho Rev. Dr. Schaff, the founder of the reunion of Christendom Idea. Civic orgntil- utlons, churches of more than n scoro of denominations, charltablo andVlvIo organi zations are co-operating In this week's car nival, which Is open to the nubile. There Is t different attraction for each hour of the diy, ranging from lectures to moving pic tures. The bazaar Itself will nrm-e .1 lionn to the ifll.hfri nf ffilu rn.l.f n-n. un-..-... I.i.h.. llrtlclcs, dolls, perfumes, home-made articles -.Dll hnn,l fmhrnlllnru ti n nil thn.n In n..inl , .. .. b.tiu wtui. mj ,u .,, ,,i;,u ,,, f),,,i array. Plaiafs! for flic t Home Palms, Ferns, Rubber Plants, etc., for Thanksgiving decoration. Choice Cycla men, in bloom. Large assort ment of other plants, prices reasonable. Fern dishes refilled. Bulb Catalog free. 9g seed house SI i Market St. 7g'A i 'j',j:I COMPO BOARD 'lllU ORIOINAt. AND ItKAL ineaikfr and IktUr than Lath anil 1'latter flf ItiU board brfore burlnc unr other Hue ustent.gn U to VOUK .Jr.ntuio. HOWARD KETCHAM .i'MSST Looh for (As Wood Cor The Burglar ?V'ifiSi iWiri1, Si!i'iL?.?s7v,?-' mPJ WJ HOLMES EUECTRIC PROttE CI1VE COM EAOT mMmmm&waitmt&Mz -a PENN STUDENTS CHARGE TICKET FAVORITISM Privileged Members of A. A. Get Pasteboards, While YearRountl Hooters Must Wait, Is Accusation Students nt the University nf Pennsyl vanla continued today to voice, their ilcnun. elation of the system of allotting tickets for the Pcnn-Cornell game The wave of pro test even reached the sanctum of the Perm sylvanlnn, student dally, nnd uttered Its criticism In nn nttlcle thnl appeared In the Issue this morning. The itudcnts nre nngry over the manner in which A. A. Pickering, of the Athletic Association, is handling the tickets. Al though Pickering himself would say noth ing this morning. It beenmo known that wlPi nn' rc,iuests from members of the Athletic Association nre honored, tickets am first grnnted to trustees, conches, var sity club membeni nnd players. All through the season, tho students sny, the lowly members of the A. A.t who pay 110 dues, go out to Franklin Field and root for the team, even though It bo n poor Pcnn eleven. The students ileclnro that none ot the favored trustees nnd others to whom Is given the preference In the ticket question, wnstc their time In going tu the minor games. Then when the tickets for the Penn-Cor-licll game are handed out. the trustees nnd favored friends gel tickets by the score, while the student who has been out nil fall Is allowed tho honor of wntchlng tho game from behlml the goalposts. "Pigs Is pigs" Is the slogan the students nre uilng un tho campus. The Undergraduate nlro chargo that the largo majority f . tickets In tho liandi of speculators arrived there through tho hands of tho favored few. Scalpers were treated roughly yesterday when the sale opened at the I'nlverslty because the stu dents hnd this In mind. MR. AND MRS. ATKINSON FIFTY YEARS MARRIED Celebrate Their Golden Wedding in Presence of n Large Company of Relatives Their golden wedding ninilversnry Is be ing celebrated today by Wllnier Atkinson, president of the Pennsylvania Men's I.enguo for Woman's Suffrnge, nnd his wife. Mr. Atkinson Is nlso the president nnd editor of tho Farm Journal. More than eighty relatives unit friends. Including flvo of the original six members ot tho bridal party, have nsscmhled at the Atkinson residence. 4101! Locust street, in honor of the occasion. Hundreds of congratulatory messages from all parts of the country have been received by Mr. and Mrs. Atkinson In ad dition to many presents. Including a golden basket, filled with yellow chrysanthemums, n gift of the Philadelphia women mem bers of tho Suffrage party. Mr. and Mrs. Atkinson arc lifelong mem bers of the Friends' Church nnd were mar ried In this city. .Mrs. Atkinson Is tho daughter nf the late cx-ltlgh Sheriff of Philadelphia, Samuel Allen, nnd a sister to the late Dr. Harrison Allen, of tho Uni versity of Pennsylvania. Following the dinner, which will bo given tonight at the Atkinson home, tins relatives, who represent three generations, nnd friends will view nn exhibition of the original wed ding gifts nnd regalia. Tho origlunl mar riage certificate will be read to tho ns seniblnge. While being congratulated today Mr. At kinson cheerfully said: ' "Wo expect to have n diamond anni versary. Iloth tho parents nf my wlfo and my parents celebrated golden wedding an niversaries, which Is rather unusual." Mr. and Mrs. Atkinson havo threo daugh ters. ' 'I l Mill V I iih il m The Flat-Opening Feature nf a IllanU Hook Is necessary to the proper hand, ling ot accounts by your book keeper. THE MANN LEDGER Opens Perfectly Flat In addition It will be perfectly seasoned for J917 If ordered now will be well mado by experts from tha finest materials. In fact. It will be the best and most economical Ledger you can buy. Mav wa send you a Mann Flat-Opening Blank Book merely for you to Inspect? Phono Market 160 WILLIAM Mm COMPANY IllanU Hooks Ioe I-'af Stationery I'rlntlnc and I.ltliotraplilnc 529 Market St. V MEN'S TAILORS 'V ' Cor. 13th and Sansom Tailoring That's Distinctive Suitings, Overcoat- t)H ijhv ings to your order PD-'POU "Wires" Us when ho tries to break into prop erty we nre protecting. He doesn't know that lie does,Tut the jcsult is that an alarm is sounded in our central office. Our men respond immediately. The burglary is prevented, and your property is protected. This is but one feature of Holmes Service. May we tell you what the others are? EVENING LEBGER-PmLADELPHIA', TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 28, DOPE VENDER TRAPPED BY DISGUISED "FIENDS" John Henderson, Himself a Hopeless Addict, Arrested ns Trader TRAFFIC IN LITTLE ITALY tvtccllves disguised ns dope nddlcls ar rested John Henderson today ntter buying three packnges of heroin from hint In the southern section of the city. Henderson, who deplored the fact that he, too, was hopelessly In the grasp ot heroin and. other drugs, wns trnlled from tha Italian district to Tenth nnd H.tce streets, where he was captured. He made no resistance, nnd, In fact, appeared to wel come arrest when he saw that the evidence ngnlnst him wns complete. The prisoner, who showed traces of re finement, smiled slightly when he was held In 500n bnll for n further hearing by Magistrate hither nt the Second nnd Chris tlnn streets station. Henderson's arrest was due to exception ally clever work on tho part of District Detectives Comedco, Mnrtlnelll and lsoln. They knew that considerable dope was be ing sold In l.lttl- Italy. Finally they got on the trail nf Henderson bpenuse of his suspicious ncilnns. "Cll'tCK CI.KANt'P" The slcilllm donned old clolhes nml walk ed nbout tin neighborhood of Ninth nnd Christian streets much after the fashion of tho dope Uher. Comrdco saw Henderson in n doorway. Saying that he was des perately In need of heroin, he nskeil where It could his purchased. Henderson said he hnd some for $3. BO a package. When Comedco pleaded to sell him n smaller amount, Henderson refused. "There's nut enough money In small amounts." he s.ild, "and business Is bad I wnnt to make a quick clean-up." Comedcu then handed Henderson the "tun necessary. The three one dollar hills which ho gave the alleged dope peddler were marked anil also the sllvei; half dollar. At Intervals of about nn hour, the other detectives who kept on the trail of Hender son also bought similar amounts. They followed Henderson tn It.ice street, where It Is believed he Intended to get another supply nnd then nrrested him. PltlSoNini CONFFSSIIS At tho stntiou house Henderson. In the presence of Magistrate Imbcr and Lieu Phila. Distributor. 11. II. Clifton Co. Your living rooms will be as artistic without carpets as with if you have hardwood floors. For cool comfort and attractive appearance they are without equal. If you are building or renovating, you should learn how eco nomically they can be perfectly laid by PINKERTON 3034 West York St. Iloth riionti -(&. HARDWOOD fSi yaffil FLO0RS .Jftgi Ancient and Modern Chinese Rugs Make Wonderful Wedding and Holiday Gifts We invite your attention to our selection of these exquisite mastrrpieces of oriental art, which are the essential floor coverings for use with Sheraton, Adam and Chippendale furni ture, having always been identified with those period furnishings for more than one hundred years prior to their introduction into this country. Our Chinese Rugs, in small, medium, and room sizes, in the various unapproachable shades of blue, Imperial yellow, peach-blow, etc., must not be confused with the ordinary Chinese rugs which are but poor imitations of these classic rugs, and have no lasting qualities. There can be no more lovely or enduring gift than one of these beautiful rugs. The bride-1 to-be or other recipient will find never ending pleasure and satisfaction in such a remem brance, and addition to her home. Fritz (k? La Rue, Inc. 1124 Chestnut St. Overcoats for Thanksgiving A display which will make you really thankful if you take advantage of it. tenant rJchtenneyer, mado a complete con fession. Behind his arrest Is tho story of failure nnd misery through fondness of drugs. The prisoner said that Henderson was hot his right name. "I was a prosperous druggist In n town In Illinois," he said, "I had heard n grent deal about tho effect of drugs on persons and out of pure curiosity I decided to try what effect It would hnvo ott me. I started to n-e It In generous uunntltles nnd prac tically defied it. Suddenly, one day like, n Hash, t found out that I t6 longer craved the drug through curiosity nnd that It wns ns necessary ns my mcnls." Here the prisoner tried to stifle n sob. Continuing ho added, "1 went tn my folks and told them I was no longer lit to bear their nnmc. "At my own request they disowned me. That was several jenrs ago. I have wan dered nbout the country earning Just enough now nnd then to get tlte drug." Seeing a Bible on the Mnglstrnte's desk. Henderson opened ll by chance nt Psnlm 101: "I will sing nf mercy In Judgment." 'That's n coincidence." ho remarked, "for now I only ask for mercy." When the police searched Henderson they fouiid thirteen packages of heroin In his s!eec. IJnch package was worth from twcnty-fHo cents to 3.R0. IJaby Smothers in Crib VOItlC, Pit., Nov. .S. Clifford, six-month-old son of Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Mnrkley, wns found dead In his crib, having smothered In a pillow when he turned his fm-p during the u.ght CANDYi Montague Specials AT ALT. OfU MANY fltl't I. Ml STHIti:s 4lo llnulll) Cornnnnt l'lllrd Assorted Buttercups in tti:u scotch w.M'r.its lb. Nut Bars ' m? Assorted Nut Candy lb. lir.ADUt'AUTI'.ItH CHRISTMAS CANDY Sunday Schools liar Nrhonl-, t'liurrltr-. Sncletlr., elc. SPECIAL PRICES SWA. 9 S. 1 5th 1 0 S. Broad I in oTiimt itnTAir. ktoiu:s 1 ifAirrtmv. S3I U HANSOM 8TS. , I'ifj Hark on Uooih fluamiiUei the Siile, Quality and Value. IS ib- 4 W!m Vri $20, 22 and 25 Values 15.00 There is not a garment in our whole line which is not in keeping with the holiday spirit of good cheer. At Thte Addttttct Only I 926 Chestnut Street Widener Building Arcade 1338 and 40 So. I'snn Sq, jjinjper and fijberf Strata. CIGARETTE VENDOR SCOLDED Severe Reprimand for Dealer Who Sold to Minors - Policeman "Hobby" tCelm, of the Thirty first District, had n suspicion which devel oped Into a hunch that Henry Arzp, who conducts a cigar and candy store across from the ttudolph Walton Public School, nt Twenty-eighth and Huntington streets, wns selling cigarettes to small boys. The oilleer did n little "detecMvltig" nnd on the evi dence ho gathered nrrested Arrp At n hearing this morning before Magistrate Me clenry In Central Stntiou, he produced three boys under fourteen who testified that they bought "smokes" in the store. Mnglstmte Meclenry nsked them where they got the money, nnd they snld In n chorus, "Bobby gnve it tn us." Arzp wns discharged with n seere repri mand, nnd the policeman went back tn his station house. (11-," r.".Wj&" . 9 &MW tKK.1 -!'. itflfK . 'M3 The Thoughtful Host will brinj; his Kiicsta to tho Hotel Adelphia before or after tho bit? Ramo for our New England Thanksgiving Dinner a feast you and your fricnd3 long will remember. iiiNsr.u snitvr.n ruoM iii.in A. M. Tit. I. man P. .it. The Mnitte d'Holel is nt your service for tabic reservations. Hawaiian Orchestra FOOT COMFORT I'lrnl, thru enjoy your nleitMircv I'tHiilr A.i.lfi.lr Inrtrni.f, HANNA, Chiropodist S. V. i or 13th nmt Rnnnin Invrr Crune'n). Alftn PJMI rhfMmit Street rorn rrmrtir.l. 'JTr ench. Mnnlftirltiir. 2r(. HWavS J. E. Caldwell & Co. Chestnut Junipet South Pcnn Square Diamond Ornaments Brooches Pendants Bar Pins Necklaces Finger Rings Br acel e ts Earrings S out oirs tv-'S. "Faultless" Bedding The reason for the superiority of our bedding is the worth and work we put into it. The materials are the best, and our mattress makers are specialists chosen for their known ability and their desire to exercise it to their utmost. They take pride in their work, as we do, and insist upon making truly Faultless bedding. Dougherty's Faultless Bedding Hair Mattresses, Box Springs, Metal Beds, 1632 CHESTNUT STREET "-' -'y' 1910 Fire Chief Hurt When EnRlno Upsets MAUTINOAI.M. Pn., Nov. 2. In rush ing to n fire nl Terre II III, tho engine of tho Mnrtlndnle Fire Company turned turtle Just outside of the town nnd Fire Chief Isaac. Wcngcr was pinned under tho engine nnd received Injuries which may result fatally. The fire destroyed the dwelling nnd general storo of J. J. lllshcl. nt Term Hill, nnd for n time threatened the entire town. The. loss IS $5000. "We're Distinctive" DIXON Dependable Tailor SerViee since Elghlccn-SUlySlx Noah Web.ler Knew What "Distinctive" Mennlt 1 "Impressing n distinction or difference " Dlron-Tnllorlng Is Just ns dif ferent from other tailoring ns you nro from other renders ot this advertisement. We'll express distinction for you. , J8 3.1 11 11, Walnut Street "We're Reasonable" Eat Your THANKSGIVING DINNER AT 0cmscom's Tnblc d'Hotc (iOc 85c and $1.10 Iteul Home Meul nnd more Krnttonilrnl thrin Hume. 1221 Chestnut St. 1232 Market St. H 029 Market St. Mann & Dilks 1102 CHESTNUT ST. Tyrol Wool In a Knitted Fabric. Ladies and Misses Suits Best Hand Tailored 22.75 to 38.75 Lined or Unlined Distinctive refinement of atyle 'with Service and Models for all outdoor ueej. Models Here Exclusively Mann & Dilks 1102 CHESTNUT ST. 1 A Man said to his salesman the other dpy At Perry's "And do non-know, a pressing today, and it looks mighty presentable after all these years!". am if w jxi ut Perry's NEW "OIIPAT COAT" MODEL 31S nig comfortable TJIiter-coat cut on stylish lines for men of bone and muscle. Regular pockets and mnff pockets s loose half belt with buttons. Tho storm coat of excellence. J He had just bought a Suit of Clothes, and at the end of the trans action he told the sales man who had waited on him that the Suit he was wearing had come from Perry's several years ago. He took a special pride in telling how his liking for that Suit had seemed to grow on him "The best Suit I ever wore! And do you know, all I have to do is get it pressed today, and it looks mighty present able after all these years!" J Such daily testimony makes us happier than many dollars in the till ever could at the same time being the reason why men are glad to exchange their dollars for clothes that give such satisfaction. $15, $18, $20, $25 ( for Suit or Overcoat PERRY&CO, 16th. itttilMtimt 1. f.-'l v-.1l. tr-t ,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers