i m. w "VtfAtfTED Irt.illiiml from Prtreilno Page fFUFfoVF ' i.oTjrtNo shots td hn bousht. Ww J ' Mn,,1-n"n- l'oplsr it. vilSNITlii''- pin p nniiqws. entire l -t hniises lioutut for ran nrt mt er n'" - i .,....,., v. ;. ". " fcoer larse r.-inwiriii mji mviae are Xvnn T-.vfs inattiiJt r:.u .ri for rn h r" 1 ror. v1". ,1 v " JT"" "" Jir, semi tMtm ffnu iviiii t pinn mu i Master lit e- - - 7 HOOMB JFOR BENT ... . ks.snn MI.Hfllt lt1 t4 t A- . - ... rc,irA"?NT dirfSAsaiiSMf" ,,w"" l Kn rt3ci.'flT W Ontstds rooms, slnsls or en yiiH with runnlnr water. ' sir . -. ... fKphOcB I02J rum con,, rooms, rrl bath. lirff S sw-Well furnished front Hwni ohr. slelsn's home , lth Mm floor. escellent serr. itJYM ST, 9 41B a fur. room with rrlr. bath, alto slnslo room, steam heats sood service fiSfirNH I ItKSTNIJT Hsndsomelr furn rs t L" JrlVs Mlh 1 so from 1. Harm 1197 ft. hoarding KPHUCB. 12.JI 21 rurnlehed rooms, private bairs tsbte board Phone Walnut fifi. IMRJITTI.B THA BlMM IN THK f'l.r.llK. t J11'?-. ..... anil U'i mil Tl,a..w ,......... So old fashioned turkey dinner from Opm fa lV m TS cents hating 7.13J W B0AHD WANTED iOF.NTLBMAM' desires home In prhnte famllr: si nfinnm XI HIT, Ledger Csntrnl SANITAIUUMS tMAtmrUt.lOCATIOMi special scientific rn t persons. elderl)i every comfort) nutata, bo Ut. ur. nanoai. k.7 i.me uneamui mil. APARTMENTS UOIE'S" nACIjKIjOrt, ArAllTJtENT3 60113-83.81 Ludlow at. Blasts room. Private bathroom, 132.50; ooms. prljate, oath, 130! furn , dec. light. lAi-waier imt. jnor service, eic :or aftrvr Annie antlor. or phqnMaloner, Walnut 60S LLACll, lo20 Two rpoma, furntihtri, houao- Mplnx. f 391 also on Urea room ami trnth at ill Haverford. lifts good htat In both hm,n..- raflnadferaonaonlji fJIENOT. 220S2d-atory front. 2. lorcf room: bath, pr rata halli wjll hraladi plrnty hot wattr, tlro.l furnlahd or unfurnlahrd ! IPARTMEN'T. n rooma and bath. I.f Sf . Apply Janitor tOTH. S , 1I& floautlfully furnlahrdaultxa prP vata nwinm ftytiinn jM,iiiii K'nutmfn. llittri 1 kourn A I. roar , npnrtmfnta near thin of. B Mot Waldman inn nirnm ave i-op 1101 flKHMANTOW.N tiib ni:v AnniTiov TO 1'EMIAM COURT 18 Ol'l J'BN PEI.ltAM COUtlT waa not built to maka At apstal to ry ona but to you who demand tha belt and aro arrtiatomed to recolve It, at a cries which conalderlna whit you do rt. mand and receive, la moderate It will maka a atrnnr pompalltna appeal P6IJUM COUIIT la lorated Ht Tartventer'a Station Oermanlown Juat off lonull(ul Lin coln Drive, on the I'ennaylvanla llaltroad, 10 or io trains a dny, aurely tranaportatlon anough for any one Bultea of 2 rooms and 1 bath to 0 rooma and 2 hatha, tho alie to ault your requirements prlrea aro from IMi up PBMtAMCOimT la n nul-t. perfect APAHTMBNT HOTEL, and located In an ah olutely Ideal nnd exclualve suburban location In a word you may enmo tn rnLIIMI COUflT and find a perfect auburbnn location, with tranaportatlon uneirelled an Ideally con structed bulldlntr. quiet, dignified, elecani Tou may select an apartment of tho size tn ult lour Individual needs you will find nil your nouselteoplnr probloma solved and tken care of for you absolutely without effort on Tour parti you will nnd a tibia of tho utmnat irellence at a moat moderate price, and the tame courtesy, service nnd nttentlon nre uni form throughout the entlro establishment J,or lull uiiurfiiNiiui, uiioiirfrinciiiu ior in anectlnn and rescr.atlons call, phone or wrlta to NOnMAN 3 SKPRWOOD 1411 WALNUT ST SPItUCE 8071 RACE 8021 or to his representative on the promises at l'elham Court Appointments may be made for automobile to call at our residence or business place and take you directly to PEL1IAM COURT at your convenience and pleasure FURNISHED APARTMENTS aaTiw. l viiiiliNUiN i'rivnio lions rooms uae W of dlnloir room nnd kitchen, furn . dcalrub'e W. JIT VEKNON Prlvnto liousv os cnniDFT room unu kiii J 733. Ledger Central HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS - YOII OANNOT TIND A UETTEIt AI'ATITMENT I N.E.Cor. 1 7th & Walnut (1 block from Rlttcnhouse Squaro) Tho houaekeeplne suites are perfect In their plan. S larss bedrooms each hav mid bay windows, fine large ll.lng room, dining room, kitchen: maid a room and 3 bathrooms as well Ideal winter and sum mer apartments. Also suite of J moms andbith: free uso of laundry on top floor. Tour Inspection cordially Invited Phono Walnut C'Jl'D MERTON W. GREIMS Liberty Bid,, Droad & Chestnut THERE ARE SEVERAL WAYH OF HECUUINO AN APARTMENT Rut suppoae, tnatead of trylnc all of these different ways, you Just call at this office the largest, moot attractive and beat equipped In Philadelphia, devoted exclualvely to securtns just what they want for particular people Tell us your roqulrements Thu leading nnd desirable apartments In Philadelphia arts listed with or may ba rented through us Our automobiles aro waiting to tuko jou to the Hit of properties you designate, su thut with tho least posslblo effort yoJ may secure tho ens apartment In Thlla which moat nearly approaches our exact Ideal NORMAN B. SlirilWOOD Mil WALNUT ST Spruco 8071 Itnco 3"23. FAnTY tsklng housolclnlty nf'aiith nnd l-ocust would Ilka to rent parlor and aecond floor, doc tor preferred Call for Information, Mil Locoat m , -. HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS All parts of city. 3 rooms and bath Io 7 rooma and bath, city, IS5 IS5 to 170 tw,p mnntn! rail. Dr month: call. phone or write. SAMUEL STERN, 1201 Chealnut at lrrir, S., 340 Unfurnished apartment. -I and bath Call between 10 and 3 WEST PHILADELPHIA i?iw,wr,nmi'r S5TH AND CHESTNUT STREETS , 8BVERAL MODERN HOUHKUEPINa APARTMENTS TOH RENT. ELUCIRIC LLE VATORS. PUDL1C DINING IJOOM APPLY EST. TH03 M. SEEDS. JR.. l-'Ut RACE ST. ESSEX. Slth and Chestnut. Ilelmont. 3''tan' Sprlnr Garden Inquire Janitor, or CRLS3E, . 808 Ifale Building , Furnlihed ,PLOBTDEN APTS,. 40th and Locu.";.""1,,".?: let apt., s rms. and bath, all Uuht, outalda roomj. 180. furnished. APARTMENT HOTELS ALDINE HOTEL i&tis? THE BEST ROOMS AND SUITES I With the best table, in Philadelphia .Pay, Week, Month. Season Year PARKSIDE APARTMENTS Miss Mary O McOlade, manager. Hucceaaor of Mrs Charles McOlade, mnEcrtL'YOslTE'FA'i'AMo'bNTPARK Pour direct lines to center of city. AH outside rooms, fumlahed or uufurnlahed. nilalna of peculiar excellence. Talaphon Rarlag 221 THE GLADSTONE IITII AND PINE STS, Absolutely FireDroof SEVERAL VERY DH31RABLH SUITES CANJ , rURNlailED OR UNFURN181IED TUB MONTEVISTA , 83D AND OXFORD BTS. ... ,cjptlonallir largo rooms, newly furnished, with Uth and kitchenette, at 132, to 40. Io- cudlng hotel service , . Publig diolrur room, elevator service, mall osuta and all modern appointments Pk- . fbono overorpoK auoa If HE CLINTON l.tVr 00 ROOMS EVERY CONVENIENCE. Purnlahed or unfurnished, ellber by jetsa or tranalently suites of on or lour rooms with bath. LHOTEL COLONIAL -.lOTr! aSLECT FAMILY APARTMHNT UOTISIe lPopEAN OR AMBIULATJ, "LAI PERMANENT Oil TIUNHIBNT. OUKS MTU WM P KKNNEY i"rr"vrrT:rdn m.nAur,i tlELMAU MORRIS West Lhelten ave Qarmantown 30 minutes from Broad Street Station furnlsne4or un- 'w.wi ana'tmeats, I i huusakeaptng room aou oatn or auua apartmaois A&V" vnln- d..,U .-.,-k. n f... J ITUinthS. foia January 1, desirable furnished apart Rent roums. hall and bath, rutts "eon jWa Apply at the Morris" 311 13th t "IH TUB CENTEiTt?' EVKrTHINO THE 1 1TTLB HOTEL plNG HOffi - liWAl" a - 91S-.17 WAWUT SSSHSSS JBta-ItU . li4i . nnAT ESTATE FOR BAM! CIT X ' J R V L.N S l-CNS lSH N tin st MONEY FOR MORTGAGES TL'I.ANI pun Walnut at N W COR lOTM ANll MAIIKKT STS ' .OrpoV'e new Btnle Theatre ate a I'ATTKtmo.s' tsn nit, ii '"-."WlV'P'UOB roome. a.ta.l 4 flirt . . i .. . lnio :-. .'? jyi.pir imri ia "hi year WMf ttni na mm lLlsle - itqii wn.-ut Af a - VRRKLL 7in r anth tt PARKWAY SlTIlt A QUINN, Iflth ami Cherry ala FLOOD K34 .s mm ?T IVrfect cn-illtlon 8 bath TO, lot lotion, want to rleee an.eetnte .,.. u ui,Afl ioi j vo umltik ave. 4ioo Norm otii ipacino huntino park) TriVrr'. "1. ,wo remlnH homa THOMAS J WAIUJ, 4831 North nth lliillillnir lel factory miles, ele 0rA'n,!llSJ!.,?u9J?,C8', "I'll.UtNll SITE. 5U.'A.n "nWAD AM) HHOUN 4'. or do Iwt Jron', aa desired hy :a feet deep to rear llroad D M0"IUB CO. nidte at C,J?JSS.Ei ilU,iVDIN? "i" 7" '"" "" Kround In all prta rlty. alan over JOd mt. sites MeUIn iniS-tn Heal Kat Trust llldt. niVKIt.ritONT PIIOPERTIBS '.'i. I. .Maf;oi,l,UM ill! WALNUT ST. wiwt iiuuti:i.iiii, Colonial Residence . one of the moat tractive homea In let riealrahle and l wrat Walnut street A l,ir.Bfnrv mnt .III- .!. -,.. .1 .. of tolonlal architecture and uneicelled construction floor Plan la eaprclallr desirable l)y reaaon of decrenai In his family the owner, will not return to the houae and haa placed It In tho market at a price conatderably te1ow coat of pur chaalng ground and building houae at tho present time Wm. H. W. Quick & Bro., Inc. K SOttTH 40TH STREET PINE ST." Near 4Bth - ?& sur by r-atdences of nrfut-r alue Site Imp EUGENE L. TOWNSEND Si: Cor toth t tlalln ave Ph Wool S200 HAH(lAtN for coloreil home ankir 780 N. 4nth. '"lle'aehed 2 story twin, front ilwellln Sn.-m.",1trn fbnvenli-nre. 8 roomn large lot. iSl. fM?'li.ESP !" ought for amount of as ?r".;KT.r! ..82U)(" terms to ault. WHITESIDE k McLANAHAN 1.1th and Pine. nJFP,'.ns "LUXURIOUS" SPRUCE ?T EAST OP 44T1I description location uneicrlledVgarige prlvl- lege ""mine nouje fully fumlahed open EXCLUSIVE HOMES n. . . EXCLUS1 VEni OCATIONS TATIJ3R BON, 24 A L'O S 40TII HT T,n..C,in-T0f APTS 8111.321 Jf 33d at 5" of tenanta paying lnveatmnt price and ,"rm,"lJh, "' "ARRIS J CHILTON, own- . er 3135 Locust at , to 11 A M. SEE THE NEW BAMrLE $331 Walton ave 11)0 ft PNIU1RU nulld.r. HOUSE lota J3ft-.n WILLOWS AVE . 87lh to 08th furnlahed aanple I ouan open dally to (l p m KER- -JLU.AW AWOwnMloChestnut st THREi: story semi-detached 2 hatha, steam, electricity, aaseaaed IB100. will exchange for amill house Maginnlse C000 Jliltlmore ae flEUM NTOH N DETACHED STONE HOUSE ONLY 1.1000 5.1'TNDOV PJtlESTMAN SolOjOtn ae. IttOi: LIST OP OEIIMANTOWN HOMES Liberty Illdg r-,iui,i,r.n R HAllllx llroad and Chealnut OUR REAL ESTATE BULLETIN will be sent to Jou by mall on appllotlon (Irrmantown Truat Co Cheltrn and Germantown aes IF YOU ARE I.OOK1NO TOR A IIOME In Oer mantown Ml Airy or Chestnut Hill consult me A R Mehan. 0747 Oermanlown ave OUR NEW RENT and aale list of Oermanlown and i hestnut HIM properties sent on nppllca- tlon II II I.later A Son .1012 Oermanlown av Chealnut Hill SEVERAL DESIRABLE PROPERTIES MINTURN T WltlOltr CO .MORRIS BI.DO . Tloen , 1VE HAVE THE HOUSE YOU WANT IN TIOOA OR I OOAV KENNEDY A HAM HO 3740 OERMANTOWN I-ogan REAL ESTATE mortgages and conveyancing. WM D ClIAMULRS 4033 N. Droad st. Rosbo rough roil LIST ROXBOROUOH REAL ESTATE near beautiful Wlssahlckon: 8 miles from Market st Write CALVERLEY, 0100 Ridge PENNSYLVANIA hUIIURIIAN BROOKLINE Bungalow, bd. new, white stucco, 30x1. '5. hrdwd floors tile bath, wtr, ht.. fruit treea. con, loc. 14800. J. E. Watta, Ardmore DARBY 12800: single SH -sty dwell. 0 rms, laundry, bath heater, terrace, large lot, 23xK0 SWOPE A SONS. Darby. KLKINS PARK New Colonial dwelling. 10 rooms. 2 baths hot water, big bargnln .1 minutes from atatlon McCOItMICK A Mc- CORMICK.tullCheatnut.and Elkina Park. OLbNSlDE 110MKH and bunding aitea, evtrx deacrtptlon RENNINQEH A ItENNIKOER, oiensioe, k-a. COUNTRY HOMES general farm hiilldlnr altea etc . and Imnroied in tne White marah Valley and In the aectlon between Norrlatown Doylestown and Itatboro. II J DAIIEB L0 Ambler Pa SUBURBAN TOWN COUNTRY Send for catalogue I)R01VN4 CLOUD. Norrlatown. Ta SUBURBAN REAL ESTATE Any price All locatlona Sale or rent- CllARLI!8J H0OD4CO. Morrla Illde SUUURI1AN RESIDENCES KOR HAI E OH RENT ATTRACTIVE IXICATIOVH JT.JACKHON CO jjheatnut and lath SUIIURIIAN RESIDENCE'! for aale or rent: attractive locatlona. prlva rltht. Maurice J Hoover, Real Eatala Truat Uldg LAROE LIST OF SUE'JP.nAN IIOMPS aale or rent on the Main Line or Readlnr R It WM. II WILSON A CO. Morris Bulldlnr. C FARMER CHRISTMAS IS COMING Dearest Children I want you to get ready for Christmas NOW. t want you to make a list of ALL those you wish to remember. Then I want you to make a cross mark opposite the names of thoso who aro to receive something which you have made yourself. I have found out where you can buy a Christmas 'present for one penny, including; tho delivery of it. At tho postofflce you can buy a postal card for a cent and that will pay for delivering it. On the back of the postal card you can write a nice little verso or just "MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY NEW YEAR" and sign your name. I would rather have one of these homemado presents than an automobile which some one went in debt to buy for me. First of all, put down mother and then on down the list. Find out what mother wants, not by asking her, for that will give tho secret away, but he will tell you nnd it will be something which you can make, I am sure. Let this be the happiest Christmas you have ever had, Make up your mind to that fact NOW. Tell everybody that this is going to bo tho happiest Christmas you have ever had. This will help them to make it their happiest holiday, as Do your Christmas planning NOW. And oblige, yours lovingly, FARMER SMITH, Children's Editor. The. Witch's Adventures By ELEANOR ORINNAN Onca there lived- an old witch In o town called Yellow Horae. pay after day ahe tat nt the splnnlng-wheal spinning- thread, until one nlEht aa she, was eating her sup-. per sho thought she would eo out and seek her rortune. About half past ten ahe started out, U was very cold and as she walked on through the snow she met a smalt child. bo small sho could scarcely sea her. After asUng the child a few questions she took her with her and continued her journey She had not gone far when she met a fairy ry prettily dressed In lavendar satin. She had a beautiful wand and rolden curls. 8h changed the child Into, a beau tiful woman andaJeft the wltoh us she was. The witch did Ml get cross, and the sec ond night sheFtteclded to go out again. Sua had not gone far when she came to a little white luiusa, where a large ball was being held At the door were two farlas. They changed her ntu a young girl. Th king those her for hSj bride and they lived happily ever after , Our Poatoffice Box; ilartuer Saatt M ?A HM mk.I SKL FUSSiF have a, TjJy Ifcftjt i BVI3KINO I,EDGER-P1'J11.AjD1SLPHJA, TUlflSDAY, KOVBMBBR KEAfc ESTATE E01t SAt.fi pfHn nj tnt nuv Conlmirttl nn Prterrlhtu roltmii Jtn-m j , ., vjt IIOt'SF s-h'e H acre shsde" J. "I. ,' J&VFl nrT B-ldvstone. photo t V PI-TRflS t SON flil5 CIIEBTNUT 8T MIN 1.1 NR P It. II PiJl.V M.UMt New .ln.nir.ea ar,1 hulldlnit altea S 'A" tmatHWi MAPI A V lIHUVU) N K corner Itmiid ail Chestnut Nrw JKRsr.v sinsiiiini: rXTVOItMiXt htilldlac lota .Vltloi) ft . con enlflt to brarh and Tirol ey (MM W State rt Tr-nlOh X J MAINE V MA1.VK COW ISIANIW II ACRES loo T.'i.'n'!il"c,it properties apleinlld Wctlon rtSMiiciiniN KSTATB3 llarrleoa Hl.wt ITSNNHM.V.lNt I'AllMi I hut. firm and country horn for every buyer In sun HI' AtM-trM tn t'hlllrif Inhla u ai rrt'i?,KKir;i.ii v ajne i'a - . "-:;-; ...t--; -:- .'. ' ------.--- SO AC'llKt on nicadamlted Stale road: 1 mllo io station m?n J II THOMPSON West Chesler P. KEAL ESTATE SAT.E OR KENT CITV AND SUtlttltnAN pruoetlles for sale or rent Lower Merlon Realty "'onipany, Land Title llulldlng. Pblladelphla Pa tITV pon HAf.K or rent II room house: price Itsoni rent 111 front anjinik inrch deep: case terms, n 0 i RJ-fTS N K ror RMh nnd 4. "" CEVTHAI. PROPERTIES t-n ..I. Hml rr rent JAMEH I) WlNCHEI.l. 17th and SaniOam ats REM, KiiTVrB KOR A1.1! OR RENT THE I.AND TITLE AND TRUST CO. llroad ami Chestnut ats iT-NNtll.VAMA Sl'llt'IIBN ULA-CVNWTH Lari -. it., nniia.i aaia rem ni a itirtces. Samuel C Wagner Jr., Commercial Trust hid 1.1th wnd Market. MIV MM-:. P. II R MAIN MSBRest line of Main Line housea either lor LVIST A either for sal or rent. t !! ,rli- w'esl End Truat Uldg Mrill'LI.IN HEAT, ESTATE TO EXCHANGE OWNER WILL EXCHANGE HIS TIOOA ItKSI flKNCR. equity I5MI0 mortgage I20M" tor ;. equity x'j ,iki mortgnge t cottage nt entr,o cottage nt entr.or and near the liearh A.ltitl lIIV furnlahed Aildresa J Wirt Led Cen IvEAE ESTATE WANTED Wo Hsivc Sold $150,000 WORTH OP REAL ESTATE THIS YEAR AND WIS CAN" SELL YOURS FARRELL, 710 S. 20TII REAL ESTATE houaht aold rented rents col lected, mortgage loans for a term of years or on hulhllnr nrenrtntlon P,ftn ARTHUR UOSWELI. 233 N 11th at. WF'1.1. nt'Y AVY PROPERTY THAT RE QtriRES IMPKOI EMESTit IK THE, PRICE 1H tlClHT. SPVO PCI.L PART CtlLARS M IlEROEit A CO 7TII AND IIREEN STS " Till OPR METHOD HEN I" COLLECTIONS R. D. CLOW, JRyTN'T WILL HUY ihean real estate an aecilon Phila delphia Imni'dlite nnawer llrokera pro tected Chester 11 Roltner. 1420 Chestnut REAL ESTATE FOR RENT IITY STORES AND DWELLINGS In all aecllona of city. See our Hat In the ledger Saturday, BAMI'hL T POX ft CO H E cor lith and Caliowhlll. mo s t.vrit ST 11 ROOMS AND 2 BATHS MEARSA BROWN 20J H If.TII ST 233 fi. 10TH ST 14 rooms and 2 hatha, rental per annum llhOo EDOARa CROSS 14111Vnlnut St. IlTOltr, nnd dwelling steam heat, aultable for fllma, pawnl roker druga genla' furnlahlnga H wcorner ISth and Race 7"1 N 17TII Modern hnuie 12 rooma, all convenience hardwood floors 5IYERS k IIART1I Ridge ale and 10th 2s '.?:?. I -mH'lY.L "BJ.ir,,r?,U.,,,i,i IV renovnie,! i- ,..,11111. - .,..- .......w .. LEVIS Real Eatate Truat llulldlng Iliialnexa Pninrrttea nnd Stores OLD ESTABLISHED COAl. YARD American st corner, with siding, office and atnlla now nnuplrd but possession CHn bo arranged MORRIS A 1 O Rldl," at llroad Fietortea. Wnrehoneea. Mfg. Floors Cohocksink Mills A'?rm,h8lT8- Floors 10011 to 1H 000 an; ft cheap iKiwer, ft chean It P HcNEELY 173.3 Rando loipn Te.irTOUttts and floor apace of ever descrlp- Hnn IM1II1 ami vicinity FACTORY K CIIXMIE. StcphenOlrard Bid Filbert 4700 HAVE PARTI" who will erect building, central or ether locatlnn. for aatlafnctory tenant. DIEri'ItlCH "17 Walnut st FACTORIES A floor space of every description Phlln and vl.lnltv KACTOIIY EXCHANOE. Stephen Olrurd tlldir Filbert 1700 Race l'tl73 4TH RT N 110-23 Manufacturing floora, steam heat and power. Apply PennayhanlaCo 317 Cheatnut at, OFnrKHjjiB'iiNKsq itooMs.irro. DREXEI. IH.DO OFFICES Annual rentals Single rms. lino 11211 isn Ijiii. Iliii. im Suites 2 rms 1144 It.m Jlim l.'Oit. U21 1210 Suites 3 rms Jj7r. J400 llj.l mo J.mo 1750 'ornr Sultea t x rooms "10 tn limn Fnd Suite 1-1-17, 2710 sq ft 20 rooms I337S ELI.jIS l WILLIAMS 380 Urexrl llulldlng 112 BO HEED IIUILDINO 113 00 Centrally located nil conveniences rents at tractively low service continuous IIH00 121! 17 Filbert st L'2 00 CHESTNUT ST 0JI Scioml floor, large aky light, good space for archlttct LEA ES TATES 700 Hansom st WEST PIIILIDEI.PIIIA IVB ARE OFFERINO FOR RENT Thf. Imntest nnd btat iclcrtlnn nf housea and npnrtmtnta In We at rhlladelplitn Wm. H. W. Quick & Bro., Inc. 8SOUTH40TH ST THE MODERN STORES onthe eaat side nf ,12d st at Mnrket offer on unususl opportunity to a llvo inenhant In a hustltns neighborhood See MATTHIAS about It 4U N SJd st SMITH'S RAINBOW CLUB $25 in Christmas Prizes For tho best Bvssixo Lxuoeb scrapbooks the followlog'prlxes will be awarded Decem ber 2U. Plrst prise, 15, second, J, third. $2 ard fifteen prizes of II each. As the s rapbooka are to be eiblblled from December 10 to December 20 st tho Cbrlstmis Rainbow Exhlblilon, to be held at OOe Chestnut strost. they must be sent or brought to tho club before December 10. HOW TO ilMll'. THE HCKAPUOOKH (let tt ronmoeltlou book or make one out of pieces of wryppias paper cut the slJ of a reniiwsltloii book aud (led ut tho ",!i ribbeu or striae. Then, nre Ureo fireut sue for ou 9 msks jrear scravbeuK First Cut stories pr. talks from Yarnisr Smith's lUlnbow i'lub Nowrs sod Illustrate them itltli pictures cut from anr part of (he Eistixo. LiDOBB of Tho Kvimxi Leous or from the Inside noses and rl stories. twom r onwsl Itsu Taboo these pictures. SeCOIUl till piruifp IIDO US PSCI. Third C ut htorie or laUa from iho Bain ; ," x- - ait I it It !!. a. ah . avltla wtE in bow klV IIUU M.rMS)-tiii illlit lUUy Komiriuis draw tti piciurff KOttt IMPORT vr Scrapbjwka must ba at eat un oaces Isu ond each pate must b rr..i a duersn ' ail e of the Eyasnu Lsiwis. -, - -Li-L --- -... - -- --,.;-.. Thp d'ta irsm vumi svu ut, rn'ir jiciun and slob uust appear at the ta of 11 Is Ml secaosorr la bur the B'sxiaa ri. .?. u,m2BSmcft.nitS!f?. IJUIVH Jr W'sssses-sj str, fB REAt. ESTATE JFOlt RENT CAntlnnnl rem Prrccdlitfl Coloein HKRM INTOIVN ATtHArrtVH couivivt. HofflK, 13 rooms, t Istla large lot 7,V . . .-. WARNtlCK KMLEN tVimmerclal TruaL Tlogi 1IM N 2lt till 171d M 1l me P"1 imm n, ji ai 131 .in ,T4i N. inn . J CllUll.ES V Itl'KTFIt IJfW Tloan st, MORTQAQES ., . TO SMCUttM A MOHTllAOE Be It neat nr MramU If Inn ilfalre service, nulciS and satisfactory results moderate charges CAM. rilONK OR WIltTE TO US "Your mortgage will t aa good aa placed " NORMAN H SHBRWOOtl. 1111 Walnut st. $IOO,000-4,2 FLAT SPECLU, TRUST FUND FOR .. . noon ptnHT sin"Tnnrs ItORACK II FIttT!. 71S WALNUT FUNDS FOR MORTGAGES Northern Trust Company SIXTH AND KPIUNO (1ARDKN 130 TO Itonn NOTE OH MOHTllAOE Immediate Hettlrmenta, Pnsettled Estate Loons Building Association Funda USMPSPY L CO 27 S lflth at IC1Vl-V roil VORTOAOFS LAIUIS AND SMALL AMOUNTS iv.ii hood su w norris st I,Ulr,!?,,f!l.?...A,'vANCES V SPFCTALTY IIRUMItAI'OII PARKER. INC. 1417 WAI.NPT ST 1100 000 Til INVEST In flrat mortgages In sums from lluoo up alaj building association money for second mortgages O C SEIDFIL A CO Ith nnd Caliowhlll sts -.... "n" l!u" TO 11000 TO LOAN S50 LEWIS A CO V"" 1527 West Olrard ave TRUST ITNDS FOR FIRST MORTOAOB 1IEHKNFRS ft NTirrSOV LAND TITLE IIUILDINO MONEY FOIl 1ST AND JI1 MORTOAOES ,. ... . T A REIIDI.Sd SON 700 WALNl'T ST ,1201 SPIIUCE ST. ALL AMOUNTS 1ST AND 21) MORTOAOES Quirk answer MAURICE It MATStNCILR 111 Eat Tr. Uldg FUNDS FOR 1ST VI 211 MOltrflAUES ., .MOIITOAOFS FOR SALE THF.O 1: .SICKLES 2,113 Oermanlown ave FUNDS FOIl 1ST AND 211 MORTOAOES . AVY MIOI'NT POTTS ft THOMSON 2.121 Frankford ave MONEY for mortgagee Rucka ivnnty property ARTHfR p TtlWNSEND I Inroln Building Philadelphia. ISTandOlmtgs hldg nnd private funds, quick nnd satisfactory results moderate chargea CAMERON ESTATE Jill Kenalngton ave. LOANS (IN INTEREST I.Nr ESTATES . Reasonable Chargea JOHN A BARRY 107 Land Title, Uldg 1ST A 2D mortgagee wanted rltv or auburbtn CHESTER OSIIOHNE INC Offliea Lanedonno an I 1121 Cheatnut st ADVANCES TO 11111 DEItS A SPECIlt.T HAZLETT ft MOSS BIS 1VVLNUT ST PRIVATE rrVDS for flrat mortgigea II. n I. money for second mortgages no premiums JOS At.EEN POTTS 4PH1 Ittltlmnre me WE HWF FOR MILE Rises PFMI1ERTON fev ;niio nrat mnrt ESTATES 110J liar- rison llulldlng FIRST MORTtllon FUNDS In amounts of l"nno m no non ciias 1. nnowx co 217 s rilNDS for first secon.l or spill Broad at mortgages. cnuniersi anil snnri lrm loans AIIERNETHY 131 H 12th 27JI N Blh MONEY for first snd secon.l mortsities bulldtnc sssAclatton and Inatnllment mortgages IVlllls- Wlnrhester Cnmpany 1001 Chestnut st MOVFV f"- flrs and second mortgnges private funds nnd hulldlnir associations WM FIIIEDHICH CO Rill N 12th st Fl'NDS for first nnd scion.l mnrtgssa any nmnunt. nulck anawer CHAB W. MII.LLR, 401-t07 Commonwealth llulldlng HAVE SOME gilt edsed first mortgages for sale. denomlnntlnns I2inn to Jjooo i: If APSLBV r.Rth nnd Springfield aie ALL AMOUNTS Io loan on 1st and 21 .lues Chos. 7. De Young 400 W Fnd Trust Uldg. MONEY TO LOAN We Arc OlTcrincr, VERY EASY TERMS 911 $16 up to $204 Thin U'llnhWv J.tcM.mxl nrul Itondrd Com pany t offerlriB' nw rny repasment plan, which in pofiltlV(l3r tho wat In the city 12 monthly pays Ml J 1 monthly pajm I Art IS monthly payn tV I A monthly pays I7J M monthly ph t4 1 17 monthly pns 81 Plus 3T. Intprfiit on ynur hnUnrn only Wo will h)io nftii ynu 1J0. tU2, I1Q0. I1B0. 5 JO I nt 'i Interest SECURITY LOAN CO. 1114 Chestnut Street Bell, Filbert .11)11 Keystone. Race 1087. Next to Keith's Theater 2d floor. Room 20 QUICK LOANS TO HOUSEKEEPERS Ynu can get ready cash from this NEW LICENSED AND BONDED COMPANY .julclt. ly privately and without red tape If jou are hnusekveplng You can borrow tin, 127. 130. 191, InO 11- and so on up to 4100 at S per cent Interest Vou csn borrow 1120 118 ". liifl, I1H0 or 1201 at 2 per cent Interest. Payments are small snd within your Incoms Ws have 5 private offices for your convenience. I'ermlt us tn esnlalu our up-to-date method. 1'hono Walnut 4301 HOUSEHOLD LOAN COMPANY 131 South Broad Street IHtconrt floor. Opn Ham Nlt tn Fnrrcat ThatstP !i ,fl r w y-1''.! ft p m. TOO CAN nORROW MONET UN uiAaiUjjua. juwuui, i s :, AND TR AND DP ... . 00 AND UP... .... , !i.ui.ii'a lis MAnKirr sr HI DUE AVE. AND OXFORD ST. 2-iD AND SOUT;i ST3. MONEY LOANED to heirs of unsetled estates. Interests bought FRANK P, MARTIN 721 23 Stephen Olrard Building, 2l a 12th st. Wc Need Stockings for little folks who have no stock ings!! Will every Rninbow, boy or girl, big or little, run to mother this vory minute and ask for ono pair of old stockings? Then SEND THEM TO FARMER SMITH, CARE OF THE EVENING LEDGER. Sixth and Chestnut streets, Philadelphia. Sond them right away, because We Need Stockings!! i llVH J-' l"l " -Mfe. , 4 " fesJSBB, ISADEL ANO ALLL'N McDEJlMOTT Isabel and Allan lIcDermott, ara two llttlo North Vodgea street Italnbowa whom wa may thank for many happy moments Ko, little boys and girls, w have never bad the pleasure of roeettAg these llttla people, but we &4a racaived nu.b ty dear lattsfa t&at w H't hli at feaUng lpiy as Birjyi, aiF ttj wa rajsd gel .. . . . , ..!, 11 1 . 1 mi 111 1 - urn 11 1 'mi 1 in -r 1 11 -ir '- ' - - ..--. ItS C RAP P LEM ' the YouiiK I.mty Acrois the Wny THE PADDED CELL P &$ I K A ' yV A "y efnclent i'TV w t . and 'T A " - ' I Vi' t'WV. some, body's If WV- j OFFlCP. FORCe. S Sg, rtft . y-ii IT. K " ) c.chZ uihppr $01 uSTgn, ) ?& ' "t ' V w,yCA- I ,5. xa 1 Boons VCO0NT6S9-) lfS OTMffl 1 SV S Rap.MBD soil KAnNvWl e Wp nlinrricil to tho otinc Inily i sglHaiggeV --3 I , " ncroBB the n Hint tnxutlott n lie- (gggggggggBn CjC V l comlni n Rrcat liurilcti. niul alio unlit lgggggggggH vL s- j fIio rrnllzcd that niul llwro tlhln't I tgggggg&S ---'S5- Ss- ( ncrm tn he tiny cmuso for It v. lieu It I gaggggH ms'i so rnny to liiun lionils niul not JSmKKl Imio It cost nniliocly nnjtlilnit. SBT SuKRcstlonn of noth v ."Ss r "l enn't ntilto nuiko up niy tnlnd 'i irOv xiliothcr youtiB Works Is toltiR to bo If " n tleapprndo or n moll coddle." (y haywaRO I "N'clthor.i He Is conscientiously ctnlcorln; to rcHeiilble tho hero of. A- "- '" " - n tho novel his liest Khl Is leading," f yr .yr . s Wnslilngton Slur. 9S Y V Y w LIGHT OCCUPATIONS fTRYIHCaTO LOOK. ( la t voop..oN(r 'i Mtvtir S DARNINtr The OARPEN HOtC AROUND TNC WORLD A Guaranty of Safety Tho Sketch. The nenous old lady You won't run away with me, will jou? The cabby Lor' bless )ou, mum, no; why, I'va a. wlfo and eight kids at 'omo a'ready. C32?Q2S- - xC ' Ar' 'M. I J&ZZ IllUMIlMt IN 51N&SIH& sWKDoy Jr35 " no! 1 '"it'i ! L. '' nyrrsrw "K4 JsTJ' ' .'V' '?? " "' r-fc- , , ,, H tx l4iS4ljJ WATCHINCTHE END OP A ROPE riAHtIN(rA.VMe.SHIKGfOMA.l.lMt ' " r$P. S octhou&hY STl OS5 v ENDEAVORING TO RID HIMSELF OF WARTS BY SUDDENLY SPINNING TWICE AND HEAVING A PIECE OF PORK OVER HIS SHOULDER, WILLIE ADDS A FEW HLISTERS TO HIS COLLECTION 'tf lei Ml Mw f 28. 191G " " ; " J n ,tl1ltl - -rn. 1 1 ir " ' " " ' ' ' tt--pi iaiii) st -i ri r ' -" i",J-r ' " ' "" ' ' ,. .- AMATEUR DAY TRY1HG TO UATCH TIfJBFISH IN EFFICIENCY NOTHING TO The Passing Show. "Johnnie Fltzherbert Is always boasting about his ancestors, grandpa. "What Is on ancestor?" "Well, for Instance, jour grandma and myself wilt ba your grandchildren's ancestors." "Crikey! That don't seem much to boast about," iWtzaeM. GizxeM. Porky, workv. WU-2eH,TUZZEM, PORKY, WORKY. y i-Vi-Us &6 Most Men "Sclontlsts aro now generally ngrccd that drunkenness Is a dts case, nnd that tho man who drinks should bo treated by a physician." "Oh, well, most men who drink don't caro wlio treats them." Titbits. When Dad's Away London Opinion. DRAG ABOUT But Not in Football Princeton Tler. love thy neighbor as Thou tiyself." shalt Missed I sW fe'fl -yr-i JHnfTi '&$ K 'iSt VI "! nat Wv.uJ Tbi sure I luc mat kte& HdlcUl, f a Wf ' L jp -SP w sptf irpt ' . J IU44KNJ mgar- - !TnnrlilngS iJBPJs'-nSfs?1 cft - ., --