$ mmim mvatiitr--ii&ihAmhimiA Tuesday, hovismksb 28, ioic mv ii irs AH9 ,4.a!-m ' ltV.U AH - -,, ... ixlvekjirrtl friends, employei of th Bell Co . res ijonge,,vo. ouu. ir ana a. m . -Tiemni f.n f.w Tsmnlit. nil rsnlAf Inns of whleh j?Vr iv member..)nvlted to funeral services. '.v p m.i nryn Mawr ave., nam. int. Villi Ham. 8fJIfJil No. 2. WALTKTl P BE-HIAM. - 4r-0 no. Relatives anil friends, Palestina Ixodes, JsOs .70, F, and A, M. i Keystone Chapter No. iTS,. ii. A. M.i officer and director of Square eat tii nun &, oocieijj Diuccra iuu unrcinrs 01 V X. Bnhm 11. and .L. Hocletyl employes of f rSiilm Carpet Co., Invited to funeral, But., 1 . in., -4038 N. Hth at , Logan, Int. laurel Mill !?KTtCH5n. Suddenly, Nov. SB, WILLIAM ).. ttn of Kmll and Julia II fiercer tnee Jung), aged It, yeat 10 month P days. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral. Wed,, 1.30 p. m.. par H residence, 4B44 Llnmora at , W Phlla, Int. Northwood Cem, ltemalna may bo viewed 5fe after 6 p. m. . , , B15T8CH. Nor. . MARY MAODALKNA. Wlro of John Christian Detach (neo Ungtrnaeh), d 69. Relatives and friends, members of German Reformed Church and Ladles' Aid So. Weir, Invited to funeral, Wed , 1:30 p, rn.. rem. dene of son. 318 Ltndley are., Olney. services at the church, 8 p, m. Int. German Reformed Brounds, Brldetburg. . . 7 doxd. Nor, 20. rebecca Boxd. neia. Ivesj and friends, employes, Dept.. No. 86 of iehti Wanamaker Stores. Invited to funeral ettices Wed.. 3 p. m.. 1728 Ellsworth at. tnt. Arllntrton Cem, Remains may bo viewed Tues., S to fn ii, m. Auto service. BOYLE. Nov. 2.1, HOSE, daughter of Elli; sbelh and lata William lloyle.. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral. Wed., 8:10 at. m.i mother resld.nce, 2401 B. Clearfield at. Boi tmn rrqulm mass Church of tho Nativity 11 a. m. Int. New Cathedral Cem. tmfcWN Nor. Sri, ALMA, wife of . Chaflea Brown. Relatives and friends Invited to fu peral services. Wed.. 2 p. m parlors of William JL Chew, 1028 Federal at. Int. ML Morlah fcem. Remains may bo viewed Tues.t belwen 8 nrt lfle. m. ., ... .- , ,... LKONA, la of Dart, .tlullock and daughter of William. II- and lat; Mary C. McCurdy. aged ei. Itelatlves and friends Invited to funeral. , Wed., 7:30 a. m., residence of J. I. Connors. 81 Green St. Mass Church of Assumption II 'hKB.-Not CS"M?cTAmi. husband of ' Hose llurke (nes McOovorn) and son of Michael and lata Mary J. llurke. Itelatlves and friends. Active Democratic Asso., Invited to funernl, fiat.. 8:30 a. m., 21)3(1 Melvale at. Botemn re. uulem mass Church of Nativity 10 n. m. Int. ANNcf-iNor. SO. Capt. CIIAItLRS CI. CANNON, husband of llaraaret H. Cannon. Itelatlves and frlonds, Endeavor Lodgo No. IT, VT and A. M of Milton. Del.: SlUmni Chapter. No. 10. It, A. M.. of Camden, N, J.: employes of American Uredalns Co., Invited to funeral services,, 1250 Park Boulevard. Camdon. N. J.. Wed.. 8 P. m. Final services at Presbyterian Church. Cootsprln. Del. Thura.. on arrival or truln leavlnir Droad St. Bta 7iS a. m. Int. HBe'hEMAN.-Nov. .20. WILLIAM 0.. hus tand of Unnu daul Cheeseman. Itelatlves and friends, also all oraanlsatlona of which lie waa a member. Invited to services. Wed., 2 p. rn,, Itsldence, 09 llartram nve,, Lanadowne, Pa, nt. private, Arllnctnn Cem. ClumCHMAN Huddenly. Nov. 27. MAftT C widow of Frederick A. Churchman, aired 70. ?uHv:v!vm..'ri;sb!s?i,i'iv,.i:.r;vn.erA1,i7e.rv,rn: ''rjftteoy'uLIZAUnTU W d.urt. ter of William W. and lato Ada, L. Clark, niied IS, Relatives and friends Invited to funeral services. Wed,. 2 p. m., 2014 Falrmount ae. int. Northwood Cem, n!-nriK FNov. 27. sudden y. SAMtlBL. Hr.. tiusband of Marsaret Cook. Due notice of fu neral will ha Riven, llartram ave., Ksslneton, Delaware County. Va, COLKS. Nov. 27, nACIIIIL COI.n.t. widow of John Coles, aed 77. Hclnthes and friends In vited to funeral services, Krl,, 2 p. m., parlors of Martin Cvny & Son. 2809 Diamond nt. Int. private. Ml. Peace Cem COLL. Nov. 27, ANTHONY", son of Anthony and Sarah Coll. Itelatlves and friends Imltrd to foneral. Thura., S:30 a. m. parents' resldi-nce, 1044 N, 2Sd st. Bolemn requiem mass St. i:ilza beth's Church 10 a. m. Int. Holy Cross Cem COPB. -Nov, 25. UATIIARINIl SCIIUTLKR. wife of Daniel Copo and daughter of William K. and Dmma L. Krlck. seed 21). Relatives and Irfonds invited to funeral services. Wed.. 2 p.m., at her parents' residence, 30JD W. tiusquchannn ve, Int. private. .CRAWFORD. -Nov. 20, THOMAS J husband nt Carrie May Crawford (neo Bailsman). Ileln- tlveaand friends Invited to funeral services, Wed., 2 p. m., 2327 W. Lehigh ave. Int. Chel- : v Hills Cem. CUIIUAN, Nov. 25, Capt. JAMKS CtJURAN, husband of Katherlne M. Curran (neo llarvev). .Ueiatives and friends, enterprise Harbor No. 2. A. A. of M. M. and P., Invited to funeral, Thurs.. 8i3 a. m.. 2014 Melville st. .Solemn requiem mass Church of Nativity 10 a. m. Int. iloly Cross Cem. Auto funeral. JDBLANBX. Nov. 28, JOHN I DRLANIST. ilelatlves and friends. Loyal Order of Moosii. l.odco No. B4, invited to funeral, Thura , H:.10 , m., slstcra residence, Mrs, C, nverllnir. 120S N. Hancock at. Solemn refjulem mass St. Mlehaera Church 10 u, nu Int. Cnthedrai Com. . DOURINER. Nov. 27. PAUL1NU wife of Morris Dohrlmrer. Relatlvea and friends, 1'enna. .Lodee. No. 70, I. O, Jl. A.: Spring Garden Lodzs. No. 228, I. W. J. O. : Pennn. Lodse. No. 233. P. O. O, W.: Rebcrra lidire Jocheved yereln: Olrard Circle, No. 8, Lady Foresters of America, Invited to funrral, Thurs., 2pm, Jon-ln-law'a residence, n. Arlnnbere, 2403 N. ipal t. Int. Adath Jeshurun Cem. DONNBI.LT. Nov. 2n. 11R1DGKT DON NELLY. Relatives and friends. Hacred Heart Confraternity and 11, V, M. Sodality of St. Michael's Church, Invited to funeral. Wed.. 8 ft. m., residence of nephew. Thomas llyrne. 127 SLmCZ.- ft "'" UUICIIIII I T-lUlt3alt 111 ins 11 v wiiiri.Ii 'fnr.o Sacred Heart, 0.30 a. m. Int. Holy Cross Cem. 1JOI7SMAN. At Oermanlown. Phlla., Nov. 27, ROBERT STRONG DOUSMAN) Funeral serv ices and Int. Milwaukee, Wis. DUFF. Nov. 27, LAIJRI.'NCr:. Jr.. son nf JJiurenco and Alary Duff (neo Held), need 10 months. Relatives and friends Invited to fu peral. Wed,, 11 a. m., parents' residence, 104 Penn st Uryn Mawr. Pa. Int. Ht, Denls'a Cem. Auto, funeral. . EWlNG. Nov. 23, ROBERT, husband of Mary 11. Swing. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral, Thurs., 7:30 a. m 3100 Tulip st. Requiem mass Church of Nativity I) u. m. Int Holy Sepulcher Cem. Auto funeral. Lancaster paper" please copy. . FERGUBON Nov. 20, AVILLIAM D., hus band.of Emily Ferguson, aged 57, Itelatlves and friends Invited to funeral services. Wed.. 1 P. m..,140N. Dearborn st. Int. Arlington Cem. FIRMAN. Nov. 20. JANE M.. widow of Fell K. Kir man. aged. 84, Relatlvea and friends In vited to funeral services, Tues., 8 p. m , resi lience of son. Clarence E. Firman, 82 Church ft., Camden, N. J. Int. private, Arlington Cem.. Wed., 1 p. m FITZMAURICB. Nov. 27. ELEANOR, wife of James Fltzmaurico daughter of late Taily and Kllen Murray, of County Sllgo, Ireland, Itelatlves and friends, Married Women's So dality of tho Gesu Church, Invited to funeral, Thura., 8:30 a. m 1027 Bwaln at. Soltmu high mass of requiem Church of tba Gesu. Int. - Holy Cross Cem, FRTCOEHICK. Nov. 2l. 'JONATHAN W. .FREDERICK, aged 81. Relatives and friends. all lodges of which ha waa a taembnr. Invited tp funeral. Wed., 2 p. m Upper tPrarlipnce, pel. Co.. Pa. Remalna may bo viewed ni, 1 to i 0 p. m. Carriages will meet 00th at. troth s at Orange St., Medial 11 a, m. Int. Newtown Baptist Cem. Auto funeral. , FRF.BT. Nov, 27. EDWIN L., son of Vnlen tins If, and Sarah R. Freet, azed 34. Relatives and friends, employes Car Ilocord Office of P. 11. It., 53d and Lancaster ave.. Invited to fu lieral services. Frl 2 p. m., 1330 N. Blth St. Int. Arlington Cem. GALIIIVAITIL Nov. 20. JENNIE OAT. SltAITII. Itelatlves and friends Invited lo fu neral servlcea, .Wed.. 2 p. m., residence of William A. Render, 5318 Jackson St., Wlsalnom tnr. Int. private Greenmount Cem. OASI. At Bt. George's. Del., Nov. 23, JOHN OAM. busband of Emma M, Ouro, aged BO. Relatlvea and friends, Protection Lodge. No. SO. A. O. U. W., of St. Oeorgs'a, Invited to funeral services. Wed., 2 p. in., St. George's, Dal. Int. St. Oeorgu a Cem. Automobiles will meet mornlnv train at Klrkwood, Dot, aAltWOOD. At Medford, N. J Nov. 23. ISRAEL GARWOOD, In o'd y.ar! Relatives and friends. Medford Lodge, No. 100. I, o. O. Y.. Invited to funeral. Main at., Medford, N. J fj. SS JM a' ,n' ,nt' ' - " v-'"-l Medford. N. J. ' DARWOOD. At Mdfnr,l w. T m on PANN1U 11,. wife of J. Maurice Garwood, Relal lives and friends Invited to funeral. Wed,. 1 B. m... Banks st, Medford. Int. I. O, O, F, Item , Medford. N, J. JS34,?NT?0V.' S5'JMARJ', V ' .Thomas Behan (nea Bbaa), aaed 28. Relatives and friends nvlt4 to leneral. Wed.. 8U10 a. m., 1828 D. ItiJiard at. Requiem mass Church of the Vlsl. tattoo 10 a. in. Int. Holy Sepulcher Cem. Auto funeral. OBRITT. Nor. 20. MARX (nee May), wlfs at Mward Gerity, Relatlvea and friends nvlted to funeral. Wed.. 8.30 a. ra., 220l Frsnkford &" solemn requiem, mass Church of Holy Hsmo 10 a. rn. Int. Holy Sepulchre Cera. Auto jperviee, aiUBONS. Suddenly. Nov. 24. JAMES, hus baud, of Marsaret Gibbons. Relatives ' and friend. Donegal Society: Dlv, No. 41, A. O Hi employes Wra, Cramp'a Sons. Invited to funeral, V4. 730 a. m., 2000 Tllton St., 23th Ward ligh, asa Church of Nativity U, V, M, UUJ0 a. m. Int Holy Cross Cem. . GINLKX. Nov, S7. suddenly. MARTIN, hus. band of Bridget Glnley, late of Schuylkill Cuuntr. Pa. Relatives and friends, St. Stephen's Holy Naojs Society, Polls'. J.odge, No. 44. I O. 0. M invited to funeral, Frl,. 8J50 a. m., ISl'fl Brimner at. Solemn high mass of requiem POLLY AND HhR :PALS -Ia'Parasol'. B Pr Jt iG&g&JriS R7 3jyaairafciSigplljjj " -m--' ' r -mw. I r l t r 11 nr.Aiii St. fitephen- Churrh If) a m fnt Holy Henmenee CTffn. Rrhnvlblll rvtitntv mmh mm. UOLDSBOROt'OH Nov. 27, LOOIHK. widow Of Major W. W Ooldsborougri, Confederal Army, and daushter of Dr Page, of Winches ter.Va Funeral services st Clement's Church, "" M" -nerry sis., eo., iv a, m. , UOULp.-Nor. 27. at llrlstol. la . after short Illness. JANK MARIA, widow of I.'iira P. Oould, arid 75 Due notice of funeral will be fclven. OKAV.v At Gloucester., N. J.. Nov. 25, O EOltGH W , husband of Luclnda Gray (nee A,brams). aged 40. Relatives, and friends, em ployes of I"enna Shipyard, Monmouth Club of Gloucester and Prosperity Lodge, I o. i.t.. No, IS, of Weatvllle, N, J., Invited to services. Tues.i 8.P. m., residence, 82.1 Market st Gloucester. N I Im Wenonah Cem., Wed, morning, at conjenlence of family, . 1IAFNKH. - Nov. 25, ANNA THKRESA, daughter of Casper and Mary Lane Hefner, aged 2.1. Relatives and friends Invited to fu neral, Wed . 8.30 s. in, 41.1 n. Venn st . Oln, Solemn high mass Immoeultle Conception Church Hi a m Int Holy aopulcher Cem , HALns. Suddenly, Nov 20, JOHN S, IIALKS, son of late Edward Jl and Mary A. Hales. Relatives and friends, employes of Ket terllnus Llih Co.. Invited to funeral services. Wed., 2:30 p, m . 2n Ashland ave West Mana Vunk. Tnt. orlvats. r.everlnston Cem. t, '. i, e HANNls, At 1817 Locust st Nnrrlatown, Pa., Nov, 20. Mrs. .WILLIAM II ItANNis. Itelatlves and friends Invited to funeral. Wed , n.so a m., Oliver II Hair lildg . 1820 Chestnut St., Phils. Services In 8t Clement's Church, 2oth nmt cherry sts, II a, in. Int. Mt. Vernon Cem, Friends may view remains Tues. eve. Atitn funersl 1IAIITNBTT. Nov. 27. MARV H., daughter of lata Michael and Julia llartnelt nuo notice of funeril will be given, 1511 N. Park ave. lIKFFntlN. Nov. 20. PATRICK, husband nf lata Catharine Iteffern. Relatives and frlnda Invited to funeral. Thurs 8 a. m.. 1nin Ft American el. Solemn mass of reoulem Church of Hacred Heart U'30 a. m. Int. New Cathedral Cem. HBNRT, Nov. 25, CHIttSSlM O. llnNRT, widow of Charles L, llenry and daughter of lata William and Annie Hwell. Itelatlves and friends Invited to funeral services, Wed , Jl p m.. 2318 B, 17th at. Int, prlvato Mt. Morlah Cl7ll.U Nov. 24. MAY I.WAT.D, daughter of John J. and Mary 1 III. aged 18. Relatives and friends, members. of Fallh Tabernaclo Church. Invited to funeral services. Wed., j n, , I parents' residence, 301 11. Cambria at. Int. North Cedar Hill Cem. ltemalna may to vlowed HOFFMAN. Nov. 20, lllveraldo. N. ,T., RA5I tll'.r, HOFFMAN, aged 84 ItelallVKe nml V-i..i. l urn. n-j Invited to funeral, Wed., 1:30 p. m.. Riverside, N. .1. Bervlres Asbury M 1.'. Church 2 30 p. m. Int. churchyard. HOPPER Nov. 27 EDMUND C son of late Zephanlnh and Anno II Hopper, aged ,u. Itelatlves and friends Invited to funeral services. Wed.. 2 p. m. precisely. 1023 N. 12th st. Jnt. private. HOUGH. Nov 20, ADA TIOOPER. wife of William C. Iloush. Relatives and friends, Women's Lenguo nf Ilothany Temple, Invited to funeral services. Wed., 1 p. m., husband's resi dence, 5125 Spruce st. Int. Greenwood Cem, Trenton. N. J Trenton papers copy, friends may colt Tues,. 7 to ll p. m. JACKSON Nov. 21. WILLIAM M JACK SON, aged 07. RiOntivea nnd friends Invited to funeral services, Wed. ll) n. m. residence of son-in-law, Pearson Dclancy, 5U50 Devon St., ilermantown. Int. private. Friends may lall Tues. eve. JOHNSON Nov. 27, tDA V , daughter of Sarah and late Dexter P. Johnson Itelatlves and friends, employes of William Mnnn Co . In vited to funeral. Frl . 8.30 a. m . 2111 Jerfersnn st. Solemn high mass of requiem Ht Elizabeth's Church 10 a, m. Int. private. Auto funeral. KELLV. Nov. 27, THOMAS II , huebnnd of Sarah J. Kelly (n-o llrudly). Relatives mid friends. Cnthollc Knights of America. Ilrnnch No. IIS, nnd St. Augusta tlencflclltl Society, in vited to funeral. Frl . K::in n in . yj.i W l.o. high nve. Solemn mass nt requiem St. Colum ba's Church 111 a. in. Int. Holy Crons Cem. Auto service KFI.KO .S'nv. S3. Mooreslnvrn. N. J. CATH ERINB KELSO, wife of William Kelso Rela tlvea and friends Invited tn funeral, 237 S. Church St., Moorestowii, N. J., Wed., 2 p. m. Int. Cnlestnwn Cem. .. KENT. Nov 23. ANN, widow of James Lent. Relatives and friends Invited to funer.il. Wed.. 8.3U a in, 3011 ,1 mney si Solemn re quiem mass Church nf tho Nativity lu a, in. Int. Holy Hepulcin.r Cem. KUEMMERI.E. Nov 25, RAYMOND, hus band of Catherine Kueminerle (nee Sottun) nnd sou of Albert nnd Into Louisa Kummerle (neo Illerman). ngrd 23 Relatives and frlcndi, emplojes of A. Elchler A Co., Invited to funeral, Thura.. 7:.ll) ii. in . 17l'.l N Maaoher st. Serv ices St. Mlchael'a Crunch ft. m. hit private. KULP. Nov. 20. JIAVJir, T , wife of Frank Defoe Kuln and diughter of Anna ll. nnd late Jclm II. Tunnlclirro. nied 30 KoUtlves nnd friends Invited to funeral acrvlees Wed., 1 F. in., huebantl's resilience 3740 N. tltll St. nt. Hillside Cem via funeral trolley LARKIN. Of 20111 N. lljd st . Nov 20, BER. NAItD. husb.tnd of Anno smith Lnrkln. aged 8S. Relatives amffrlends Invited tn funernl. Wed., 8.30 a. m Oliver It. Bnlr lildi.. Ihjo Chestnut st Mass nt Our Lady nf Lourdet Church, Overlirook. Pa , 1U n in. Int prlvato Please omit flowers , LAUElt Nov. 2T, FRANCIS JOSEPH, hua bund nf Isnbcll i Lauer (neo Nixon). RelatlvrH nnd friends, emtilnws nf Fnx'M (Hums Itnua,. In vited to funeral. Thurs.. Ha m . 2830 Peltx st (20lli and Ellsworth sts ). lllnh mass of requiem St Anthony's Church D:3U a. in Int. Holv C'rnns Cem , LEACH. Suddenly. Nov. 20, ALtiERT, son of late Joseph and .Mary A Leach Relatives and friends, Stoncmen's Fellow ship. Coopers' Inter national Union, employes John M. Smith & Sons, invited to funernl services, Wed.. 2 p. m., brother's residence, Joseph Leach, 1043 Francis "t. int. private. Remains may bo viewed Tuee.. 7 to 10 p m. LO WRY. Nov. 25, MARTIN LOWRY. Rela tives and friends, Iloly Name Society, Altar Society. Leagun of tlio Sacred Heart of St Ilrldorefs church, C M. B A.. Brunch No HIP. St Vincent de Paul Confcrenco nnd nil other societies of which ho vvns n member. Invltl to iiiritLi, jiiurn., n n. m.. .hum juus mp , ' " of Schuylkill. Solemn requiem mnss Ht Brid get's Church 0:30 a. m Int Westmlneter Cem MacNUl-f. Nov. 25 HAM DHL A. MacNUTT husband of Mabel a. MacS'ult (neo Crawford) nnd aon of Emma L. und lato Alexander Mac Nutt. otced .13. Itelatlves nnd friends. Welcome .Circle. No. 3. B. of A., Invited tn funeral serv ices. Wed., 2 ii. m., residence of father-in-law. John Crawford, 401 W. Maple ave, Mernlmnt vllle. N. J. Int. Arlington Cem. Remalna may bo viewed Tues. eve. Remains may also bo Mewed Man. eve. 5010 Broomall avo.. W Phlla MAGINNIS. Suddenly, Nov. 25. MARY, widow of George W. Mnclnnls Uelatlvea and friends Invited to funeral services, Wed . 2 p. m , 1421 N. Hobart st Int. l'ermvood Cem. Friends may call Tues. eve. MAGUIItE. Nov 23, NICHOLAS P . husband of late Allrd M. Momilre (neo Mofrlsl. Relatives und friends. Holy Name Society Father Shar key, No 1138. I. C. II U.I Granite Cutters' Union of Phlla . are Invited to funeral. Wed , HMO a. m.. 4701 Lancaster nv . W. PhlU. Solemn requiem mass Church of Our Mother of Sorrows 10 a. m. Int. Holy Cross Cem MAROERIJM. Nov. 25 MARGUERITE B.. widow of William W. Mnrgerum. daughter of Mary and latu John Young, need 02. Relutlvea nnd friends Invited to funeraT. Tues . S p. m.. spn'a residence, William II. Mnruerum, Bor mndale Moylan. Pa, Servlcea and Int. ltelglera vlll". I'a.. Wed.. 3:15 p. m MARKERT Nov. 211. suddenly. LOUIS G, son of Christine and late Louis Marker!, agod 21. Relatives and friends Invited to funernl services, Weil., 3 p. m., Baltimore and Leamy aves., Springfield township. Delaware County. Fa. Int. Arlington Cem. Media trolley leaves O.'d and Baltimore ave. on tho hour and half hour for Lenmv ave. MCCARTNEY. Suddenly. Nov. 20. JOHN, husband of Mary McCurtney (nen O'Neill) and sou of lato Henry and Ellen McCartney. Rela tives and friends, Dlv. No. 44. A O. H.T Loom Oxers' Beneficial Ass'n, Invited to funeral, Wed.. 8:30 7a. in.. 2830 N. Folrhlll si. liu St. Edward's Church 10 a, in. Int. New Ca thedral Cem. McCORMICIC Suddenly, Nov 27, ALLBNA P., wife of John F. McCormlck, daimhter of late William C. and Mary A. Neman. Due notlco of funeral will be given from 383S N. 13th st. McLAIN. Nov, 20, JANE, widow of William McLatn. Itelatlves and friend, also members of First Presbyterian Church, Kensington. Invited jo services. Wed., 2 p. m.. residence of son-in-law. Charles Thomas. 430 Memphis st. Int. private, Mt, Peace Cem. MICitEL. Suddenly. Nov. 20, OEOItOE W., husband of Margsretta Mlckel (neo Rougher), aged 73. Relatives and friends, members of Wlsslnomlng M. E. Churrh. Invited to funeral services. Frl,. 2 p. m 0140 Marsden at., wis. slnomlng. Int private Hillside Cem, Remains may be viewed Thura., after H p. pi. MILLER. Nov. 20, EMMA C. MILLER (nee March), wlfa of Rev. J, P. Miller.' Relatlvea ami friends Invited to funeral services, at Park erford. Pa,. Wed., 2:30 p. m. Trains leav Broad st. 11 07 a. in. and 1:18 p. m. MILLER. Suddenly, Nov. 23. WILHELMINA M. widow of Jacob Miller, aged 02, Rela tives and friends Invited to funeral servlcea. Wed . 2 p. m.. residence of son. Joseph H, Miller. 1521 N. Dover at. Int. Mt. Vernon Cem. MORGAN. Nov. 27. BELLA A., wlfa of Ed. ward Morgan. Itelatlves and friends Invited to funeral. Frl., 2 p. m., 2223 Bridge st., Ilrldeo, burg, Int. Lawnvlevv Cem., Fox Chase, Re mains may b viewed Thurs, eve, MXER3. Nov. 27, suddenly. ALBERT P. MYERS, Relatives and friends. Harmony Lodge, No. 17, F, and A. M.i employes of p. It. T, Co., invited tq funeral services, Wed.. 2;30 p. m.. 813 Main st., Darby. Pa. Int. Ml. .Ion Cem. Remains may be viewed Tues., after T P'NEV1LLK. Nov. 20. ELIZABETH NEVILLE (nea Kelly), wlfa of George Neville. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral. Wed . 8 .3U a. m , alster's residence, Mrs, Harry Price, 1300 N. Marshall st. lilsh mass of re-gulom St. Ml- Iliad's Churcti iu u. m. int. iioiy cross cent. I jOS ffes Tut Sfftlx-' HiBvis. wrj JUICK,. VoUtfL e4AlOfH2:Slb.U W) ? 'K, , YW airvWL . V JI a ill I ' I ma. ur h t5Cci' I 7 ; a . izrp! -:n DEATHS OWENS Nor. 2 FRANK A,, f.hftn of nianchi Owens (neo Winters) And" .'f..KJ2 ana inie vnaries ll uwenw, n . ' ,v iV V and friends, member of Oreble Council, No. l. id friends, member of Oreble Council, wo. i, n and Daughters of Liberty. L'ourt I'reedpm, o. 220, IVof A i Fidelity Local, United Car en'a Association! P. H. .T. Co-operatlvnene- nons N.t.i ..,.. i. i-.iaA n Vnnrsl services Thura., 2-15 p. m , 1720 N. Grals at. Proceed to Northwood Cem, Remains may b viewed Wed., 7 to 0 p. m, PIIILLER Nov. 20, GEORGE , ntlLLEn, llaverford. Pa. Services and Int. private. . ROIIINSON. Nov. 20, THOMAS S son of John .CI. and Isab-lla Robinson. Relatives and friends Invited to services. Wed., J! p. m., par ents' residence 1715 Wolf st. InL.rtlvate. HAUERWI.tNB Nov. 21, CATHERINI. B. RAUKIIWKINH (nes Schuster), wlfa of Harry Hauerwelne IteHtlv-es and friends, .Altar and Holy Family Societies of St, Ignatlus's Church, Invited to funeral. Wed.. 8 a m., 4525 Wallace si. High miss St. Ignatlus's Church, 43d and Wnllar sts Int. Holy Cross Cem, . SCHAFFKR, Nov. 2T. JACOI1 HCHAFFEn, husband of Frances Bcfiaffer. Relatives and friends. Holy Name Society, Ht. Ludwlg a Church, Catholic benevolent l-eglon. St. Alban's t OUnCH, NO. ,41U. lnliei lO lunrrni, xiurn. n.m b .m Any v f-nitr at. Snlemn htsli requiem mass SI. Vlncenfa.de Paui Church lu:45 a. m, int. private. Holy Cross Cem, Auto funeral. , SCHNEIDER. Nov. 27, JOHANNA (nee Mis elhorn). widow of Auaun Schneider. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral, Frl. 2 P. m, 20(11) Atlantic St., Tlnsa, Int. Mt. Peaco Cem. RCHOI'lELD. - Nov 20 MARY ALICE RCIIOFIELD daughter nf late James and Mar- tna Kent scnonehi. Relatives and menus in vlted In funernl services. Wed., 2 10 p m.. 4313 Main st . Manayunk. Int. Si. DaMd'a P. 15. ChSHAlv. Nov 28, ANNA STEWART, widow of Prank Shaw, aged H7. Itelatlves and friends Invited to funeral, Wed., 10 a. m.. 0011 Lorn bsrd st , West Phlla. Services St. tleorgo'a Church, fllsf st. and Harel ave., 10 30 a. m. Int Calvnry Com., Rockdale. Pa . 12.30 p. in, Friends may view remains at cem. .... SlIELLEXUERGER Nov 27. HENRY MAR SHALL, hunbnnd of Agnes Sneltenberger. aged 01. Relatives and friends Invited tn funeral services, Wed.. H p. m 4288 Viola St., West Phlla, Int. Union Cem , Itlchfleld, Pa via trnln from 32d and Market ats. at 4.25 a, m. TISHERLOCK Nov, 27, r.LIZABETH THOMP SON HARNETT widow of James Sherlock. Due notice nf funeral. SIIOllElt Nov. 20. SARAH EMMA, daugh ter of Daniel I), and Dorothea 11 Sliober. Rela tives and friends Invited to funeral services. Frl . 1 ii m 510 K. Olrard nve Int. private. North Cedar Mill Cem. Friends may call Thurs. ' sTlUlEL Nov. 25. WtLLlAM CARL, son nf Oscar and Clara Slegel (nee Ketlllng). need 21 sears Relative and frlends.alio Camden Lodge. No. 8. Jr Order of Moose Invited to funernl services. Wed, 2pm, residence of his parents. 1110 vine at . Camden, N, J. Int private, Arling ton Cem Friends may view remains Tues., from 7 SMITH. Nov. 20, WILLIAM I.. SMITH. Aged 01. Relatives and friends, members nf Mt Airy Lodge. No. 235, I o. (I. F , nnd Per severnnco Lodge, No. 40. K of P . invited tn funerjl service Wed., 2 p. in., residence of son-in-law. linivarn a. uoeip, 411 vv. Ml. Airy ave, Mt Alrv Int. Ivy .View Cem SO.MMER NoT 20. JACOII 11. husband of late Elmyrn 11 Sommer thee Illnkle), aged 85. Itelatlves nnd friends Invited to funernl services, Wed. 8 311 a m., 2100 W. Ontario st. High mass of requiem Church of our Ladv of the Holy Souls 10 a. m. Int. New Cathedral Cem, AUtn unernl Sl'ltAUUE. Nov. 20. HANNAH S . widow of Wlllliim Hprngtin, nged 74 Relatives nnd friends Friendship i.oilxri, No, 10, D. of St. CI.. Invited lo funernl services, Tues., 8 p. m , residence of son-in-law, William '1'. Rockett. 1535 Contain st. Int. private, at convcnlenco of family. SIEIILE Nov 27 CHARLES, son of Into William and Elizabeth Stehln Relatives nnd frlonds, P.ilentlne Lndie, No. 470, 1". nnd A. M. , Jerusilem Chanter, Ni ,1, It A, .TI ; Mary Com mandcry, No. 30, K. T. , Phlla Sovereign Con alstnry. S P. It. S, No. 112, Lu Lu Temple, in vited to funeral, I'rl , 2 p m , 5010 Penn st , Frnnltfonl Servlcea St. Mark's P E. Church 3 P. 111. int. St. Jumes the Less Church Ground. . HTILLIL Nov 20 EDMUND C . husband of Lvdlc Stllle (nen Shoemaker), son of Robert B. and Anna B. Stllle, aired 20 Relatives nnd friends Invited tn funernl Wed , 2 p. m., par ents' residence, 732 Division st . Cnmdeli, N. J. Int. Evergreen Cem. Remains may bo viewed i lies nve. STULZ Nov 20, -BENJAMIN, non of lata Louis and Jlerthn Stub; nged 51. Relatives and frlnds Invited to s-rvices. Wed., 3 p. m Oliver II Hair Bids., 1620 Chestnut at. Int. Mt. -Morlah Cem .'iOMPKINS. Nov 20. REUECCA M., widow of 'Ihrodoro I' Tompkins Relatives olid friends. Anna M Itosi Auxiliary Camp. No. 1. S of V , and nil societies of which she waa u member. Invited tn funeral servlrea. Wed 2 P. tn , residence of daughter. Mrs. II. K. Schock, 011 I alrmount nve. Int. Mt. Mortal! Cem. Ru mnlns may be viewed Tues.. after H p tn TOU'NSI.EY Nov. 25, JOHN IOvVNSLKi". son of lain Robert nnd Mnry Townsloy nged 20. Relatives, and friends Invited to funeral servlcea Wed. 1 p in . resident u of Matthew .MiL'lellnnd. 101 W. I.luplncott st. Int Orcen innunt Cem TUASIIKH Suddenly. Nov. 20. CARRIE ai . wife nf Cephns D. Trneher Itelatlves and friends lnvit4Ml to funeral Wed , 8 30 a. in. MH7 Lyons ave . w. Phlla High mass ht. Clement's I hurrh I'nsrlinll HI n. in Int Holy Cross Cem. , HtA VERS. Nov. 25. JAMES J., husband of .Johannn Trnvers Relatives and friend Invited to funeral. Wed , 8 30 a m 2501 N. Colorado ", .Solemn requiem mass Church of Our Lady of -Mercy 111 n m int ji0j. Scnulchrx Cem. wv-dAlirailAl.IJN. Nov 20. AI.I ni.u .1 . husband of Fannie Bnjer Vnnartsdalen. nged no Relatives and friends, l'ort Wnslilngton Lodce. Nn :m8. K nnd A M i Itoval Arch Ihnpter, No. 220, Philadelphia Consistory. Ileth uny i-omniandfry. No 3D, knlghta of Malta and emnlojes nf John 11 stetson Co.. Invited to funeial. Wed . 2:30 p. in . Somertnn M. K hurch. Somerlon, Plilla Int. Wm Penn Cem. iv7!!ainamny ho Mewed Tues, 7 to u p. m., "."!-" Uber st VITA. Nov. 25, LUCIA, wife of Frank A. Mia und daughter of Marv Mllano und lato Rocco v. Mllano, aged 311. Relatives and friends Invited lu funeral Hat., 8 a. m., from till S. 8th st High requiem maa at St. Mary Mnsdolen Church. 11 a. 111. Int. Holy Cross Cem. WALTERS Nov. 20. ROXANNA. widow of John Walters (nen Stewart). Relutlvea nnd friends Invited to funeral. Wed.. 2 p. 111 . residence of son-ln-tsw, Thomas Gear. 1030 S. Frozler st Int Mt Morlah Cem. Friends 1110 v vIpw remains Tues eve. WIJIIll Nov 27. ESTHER ELLIS, wife of Charles F Webb at 1U3'J N. Broad sts Duo nu tlis of funeral latr WENT.. Nov 27 JOHN WENTZ. nged 01. Due notice of the funeral will bo given. WEST. Nov 20, JOHN S.. aon of Isabel and lato John S West, aged 17 years. Itelatlves and friends, also Lower -Morion High School, Invited to funeral services, mother's residence, 842 Old Lancaster road, Bryn Mawr. Pa., Wed , 2 J. m. ,nJ...,.,1,lni"' 3I K- Cem ..WILDE. Nov 20, JOSEPH WILDE Rela tives and friends, Kearney Post. No. 55. G. A. !V;.Co!. Jnh Clarke Council, No. 015. Jr. ci, U. A M : Wnslilngton Camp. No. 101. P. O. S. of A., invited to funeral servlcea, Wed., 2:30 P. m . 4S24 Frank-ford ave. Remains may be viewed and lodges hold services Tues eve. Int. private. WILLIAMS Nov. 20. Elmer J., huaih.ni! of Anna Bell Williams. Relatives and friends. Covenant Lodge. No, 4"ili. F. and A. M.; Har J3on..c,.,nt,,'r' R. A. M : Mary Commanderv, ','..! .!! Southwestern Assembly, No. 18. A' .M,..Ii' Whiting Paper Co.. Invited to funerul. Wed., 2.30 p. in. 43211 Westminster nve Int. Mi. Morlah Cem. Friends may c.ll rH!!.;JiJLo ,0 " ,n. Auto servlre. . XOUNfl- Nov. 23, MARY ALICE, wife of Al . rf. " Younir, aged 07 Relatives and friends Invited to funeral servlcea, Wed., 2 p. m . 221 L, bomervlllo ave , ulnry. Int private. Friends mav call Tues , from S tn 0 p. m. KANt:.Nnv. ' win.l.M ir v.. ..... .. lata Sarah Zane. aged 50. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral. Wed., 1 p. m , brother's residence. Thomaa Zone. 1C07 S. Ringgold at. Int. Hillside Cem. Remains may bs viewed T-uca . 7 to 10 p. m. Auto funeral. LOST AND FOUND nAO Lost, from -Ford car al 13th and Filbert ats . black bag. cnntolnlns papers of value to owner only. Return to 2730 N. Broad at. steward and no questions .ae.nl COAT Loat. brown fur coat, lined" with brown brocade, from motor, 12th and Walnut, Mon day morning 11 o'clock. Reward 110 If re turned to 2034 De Lancey st. ' DOG Boston bull, brlndle, whltB nose and breast, answers name "Tango": reward, Avon Garage, 2uth and Pine, llavern. PENDANT Loat. diamond and opal pendant, between 31th and Arch ats. and West Phila delphia Station Finder return E, S, Harris, 1830 Wldener Building. Reward. FIN laist, old hand-wrought Navajo silver pin. blunt 6-polnted star, green turquoise matrix centered, In vicinity of Market, Arch, tltll and Chestnut. Including Hosklns, Glmbels. first floor, Phono Moorestown 100. Reward. PURSE Lost alligator purs, containing about 110. n. It, ticket. Reward It returned to 1820 N. Camac, PERSONALS WILL PARTY who removed black ba from Ford car at 13th and Filbert ats. return same to ovvner at 2730 N. Uroad at: papers of value only to ownvr; reward and no ques tions asked. THy 6fMMEl(MTlRlCr ?. 1 , ,MRO, 1 a C't T. HERE C3mE3 -.fcV. !5HUR. ! r MPpnapafpttapb GcKY&--km HELP WANTED ffEMAIiE COOK-White, girl for cooklnir ami rfownstalrs work, small fam . good wages 1525 Poplar. GIRL. Protestant quick and and accurate at figures, with knowledga of stenography and typewriting, stale, age experience; and salary dcslred J 048. Ledger Central. OIRIj for general housewomi steep outt must bo good cook reference required. Apply 602 A, Building, Hamilton Court. UII,t-yh,". 'ftf general housework: family of . Thone Oermanlown 1801. GIRLS over 10. Apply International Art Pub Mahlng Co 12th ami Callowhlll, second floor. HOUSEWORK rtlri. colored, cen'l iiouseworki gooilcook jiat,bestref.Ph Iocuat1010. MACHINE OPERATOR, 1. Ill" per, day . of 8 hours, ski led laborers. 11.10 to tt.52; higher rompenjatlon when on ..plecs work. ..Apply Frsnkford. Arsenal, . Philadelphia, preferably In peraon, from 8 to.lo a, m, on working daya, . ror application blanks. ORGANIST; pood, wanted for iPwent Phtladel- phla churrh! atato salary expected, M 048, lrfdger Central STENOOliAPHEn TO EXPERIENCED STEN P.y..,1!"1" wn CAN OFFER A PERMA UJ?.NJ..r.a,"T'0V' WITH EXCELLENT OP PORTUNITY FOR ADVANCEMENT, WHITE. PHONE OR CALL ELGIN WAIST CO., 1003 , r lijifi.iw til. . TELEPHONI1 OPERATOR, prlvato branch ex chnnrei salary J8 per week! nildreas stating . experience. P315,Ledgerpt flee, TELEPHONE ORDER CHJRKr experienced In clerlcolwork Apply 102 B, 12th t,. , TYPIST, rapid nnd accurate, for"charltoble wnrki.salary moderate, Call or wrlto at once, 11024 Frankford ave. WANTED Girls over 10 ears of age, .Starting new mnchlncry. , Good wanes paid while learning. Apply Urliwold Worsted Company, Darby. HELP WANTED MALE ADVERTISING SOLICITOR, high grade want ed at mica on exceptionally good proj.vsltloii', nppl) Man . 2 lo 3 o'clock D. II. O'l.oughlln, Orstfloor l,lberty llldg, Ilroad andCheatnuL THE BAILEY, HANKS AND RIDDLE Company havo several polltons of advance ment for liovs nnd vming men, 10 to 18 jinra nf age, holiday and permanent positions; with out tiulncss oxperlenco avnllable, first-class referetica only. Rear entrance 1221 Sansom s I . BAND SAW FILER) first class, ger Office. L D18, Led- HOY. larce, about 18 sears old, tor auto calling; to be stationed In front of store. DEWEES 1122 Chestnut st, BOV. age 10, for errands nnd general work; permanent position. Otto Elsenlohr & Bro., 1 ni 0324 Market at. BOX wanted to learn florist business. Apply A V.Saxer. 4415 Frankford nve. BOX wanted for office work. Apply 0 n. 1 Tuesdav nt 1105 Wagner Building. ,UOY, 10 enrs or over, for atoreroom work, ply Mr linker, 13.111 Cherry st. Ap- BOV wanted for light work; 14 or over. MR. Ledger Central. BOYS for nutomobllo nervlce nnd general work in shipping department. Tho Bailey, Ranks nnd lllddle Co . 1221 Snnsnm at. CAlllNETMAKEHM VICTOR TALKING MACHINE CO. Has vitcnncleH for c'nbtnetmnkers. Saw fliers, Experienced rubbers, Sheltacker. Apprentices, IB to 10 yeara, Window clenners. Young men for clerical work, 10 to IS yenrs of ngo. Young men, 20 to 25 yenrs of age, to learn rubbing. 18-hour-week schedule. Pluslrnl examination necessary. Apply Victor Talking Machlno Co.. application offlco 35 Cooper st., Cnmden, N. J. CEMENT HELPERS wanted. Pavlne- Co.. 2031 Parrlsh. Apply Drcbman CORNICE MAKERS wanted: steady work nnd good pav. Apply New llrunawlck Cornice Works. New Brunswick, N. J. (can apply by null nlsol. , DRIVERS wanted for milk wagon, good wages. Wills-Junes. 101.1 N. 2(lth at DYER Experienced man to run oxidizers. 1320 N Lawrence ENGRAVER vvunted. first class, for un-to-dnta Jewelrv sturv. Address Jacob Bennett, Nor- f9lk. Va . ENVELOPE machine adjuster wanted by larro papeterle houso in Miineachilaetts. best work ing conditions. M 001, Ledger Office. LAItORERS nnd machine operators, skilled, f2,24 day rato for 8 hours after learning; an opportunity to make II per day on piecework: ciilzcne. -Apply Frankford Arsenal, Phlla. Pa., preferably In person, from 8 a, in. to 10 a. m,, on working days, for application blank. LAIIOKEHH for outside work, digging, etc., at S2.24 per uay 01 n nours; ruixens. Apply in person. Frankford Arsenal, Urldeaburg, Phlla., j'ennn. MACHINIST Wanted flrat-claas lathe, mill ing und smnll grinder hand for cutter nnd reamer work: only men acquainted with thla clnaa of wnrk rcquirid. Apply second floor, Mil Tedernl at . Camden. N. J. MAN vvnnted by national bank, around 30 yearn nf ngo with Bomo experience, to take charge of Foreign Exchange Depnrtlnent, to be estab lished P. (I. Box 1 5110, Philadelphia. MECHANIC WANTED, FIRST CLASS TALKING MACHINE ME CHANIC: EXPERIENCED ON AS SEMLINU SOUND BOXES AND MOIORS. M 'J HI, LEDGER CENTRAL. MEN. 2, bright, energetic, who have good acquaintance nnd understand tho working of building associations, wanted: an unusual ih.inco to make money; advancement. Jl 00J. Ledger pff Ice , , MEN. rmplo)ed all or part time, can earn extra money on the aide, experience not necessary; no capital required 11 310, LedgorjOfflce. MEN WANTED llollrrmakora, locomotive ma chinists, car repair men, laborers, locomotive clenners. Penna it It.. t741 Filbert at. JIBV WANTED FOR WAREHOUSE WORK? APPLY TUESDAY. 7 A. M II. J. HEINZ. 12TH AND SEDOELEY AVE MEN wanted, practical In handling1 sheet metal and nngle Iron, those who can read drawings Applyiunl Buttonwood stj MEN Wanted, who have had some experience as helpers In building machinery guards. Apply 1001 Hutlonwuod st OPERATORS wonted for steel dlo "Walto" power embossing presses. The Evans-Penfold Co., JJS-72 Court at., Iiuffnlo.N.V. PAPER BOX MAKER thoroughly familiar with trade; extelletii opportunity for young man Apply Henry Di-ston A Sons. Inc.Tacnny.Phlla. PHOTOGRAI -IF-E Gnod retuueber, Who call npernie, --1-1 uiiiin iur rinoi mm,, i'ciiii Photo-Cra Iters' Studio, loth and Hansom sts. SALESMAN with experience of selling the fancy goods departments of tho dry goods Job bers and department stores. Splendid position In desirable territory for capable man. Answer by mall only, atatlng tn full detail experience and furiuer lines car rled, also references, S, D, t'B. W. rLEISHER. 807 Chestnut street. Philadelphia. SALESMAN to sell tba beat and cheapest changeable electrlo sign on the market; dem onstratlon createa sensation; aeil at sight for 13; big money to live wires. -HOWN CO.. 704 MARKET BT. SALESMEN do South for the winter. The Sears Roebuck edition of the Encj. clopedla Britannic la tha greateat aell Ing proposition over offered by aalea. men. Wo trVi you thoroughly, pay traaportatlon and allow a drawing ac. count. Work exclusively on leads. Rapid advancement lo those who make food. Can use a few mora city men. Encyclopedia Brltanulca Co., 139 S. 15th at. MUST B SoMIhaJ' TFil HTter.) MWI VlTCHE A0 WIV 9lTCHE? DoeiV (Tick it tyST'- JESS -,! c'ilMk 60OD STtDD' PRSS mot iTumjUjii HiwriiiMi)ligpagpgiP HELP WANTED J.IAI1E Con Untied from rrceetlitio Colunm STliAM ROLLER man first-class, wanted at Swarthmore, 7 o'clock Tuesday morning, cor ner of College avenue and Cheater road. Taka Darby car. IS minutes' ride. 3TOCK AND BOND SAITesMANi experlen e not necessary. Apply 010, Stock Exchange iiuiimng. TAIlf.BT MAN Wanted. Al tablet man to take charge of tablet department of Pharmaceutical hourei must undratand thoroughly the rnanu. facture of tablets In all departments. Incltidlnt; coating: none but high-class applicants con sidered! state experience and references, u nzi, imager uince. TOOI.MAKERS. J3.2I to 5 ir day of 8 hours; machinist. 3 to 131 assistant machinist". 12.24 to 12.00! toolkeepers, 2 lo 2 52.. all based on experience and capacity machine operator. 2( some with experience on hand turret lathes, 2 24: automatic turret laths operstors Cleveland, Brown & Sharps, jLoo: hand turret laths operators, l, to 13.18; higher compilation when on piece work! printers' helper., 12.24; laborers for oulsida work, 12.24, Apply Frankford Arsenal, Phlla., preferably In person from 8 to 10 a. m, on vvorklng dais for annlieatlonblanki. . WANTED 'traveling men covering TMEin TEltttlTOH V. FRKQUENTLV TO SELL LINT. OF NnVRI.1V ITOATINOS AND I'HKSa GOODS riMAI.I, KAS iiiiii:iiai. "iV.Vt. CHAItACTER AND AUILITX AIII. IJSBK.NTIAI, . It M. STORY. DEPT 1, . 8lWORTH ST,. NY. WANTED SUPERINTENDENT FOR LARGE MANUFACTURING PLANTl .MUST BE FAMILIAR WITH . MANUFACTURING METHODS TOR PRODUCING SMALL IN TERCIfANnEAIlM! PARTS. MADE Of BRASS STEEL AND IRON: STATE i AGE. EHUCATION EXPER ENCB AND SALARY DESIRED AUDRESS M 533, LEDOER .M-ClRI- WOODWORKER First-class automobile body ouiiuer. 11 ror :i-nour day. hwwbii oiaYcu son, Houetnn, Texas. YOUNG MAN for entry nnd general office work. Frledb-rger Aaron Mfg. Co., 4000 N. 18th at. near Wayne Junction, XOUNG .MAN wanted, 20 to 24 years of age. to act as collector and Investigator: give full Particulars stating wages expected, C 124. --,iiFr uince XOUNO MAN In large flnanclnl Institution In Kensington, must have banking experience: state ngo and salary expected. M 003, led- i:er onlfe XOUNO MAN who has had experience making and assembling small mechanical parts. The A tlrnctuci!21 LifLrnockj , , YOUNG MEN . , .... Wo have positions In many departments for competent young men for slock and onlfe work. Applv Bureau of Employment. 4V floor, Ijefora 11 n m STRAWURIDaE & CLOTHIER COT CLIIHiCS (2), J25 nnd 115; clerks O). N. I'hlla.. lid; hank clrk. IS; other positions open for clerks, bookkeepers stenographers, nrnco managers, etc BUSINESS SERVICE . CO., 1.101 Land Title Bldg, MEN WANTED "to fill 'posltlona as trafllo managers, we supply training necessary and (o-opernto with every nmbltlnus man: write or phone Poplar 2.11 for details. National Traffic Servlcu Bureau. 13th nnd Spring Oar den ats. ' MEN wanted to qualify for hrnkemen. flagmen nnd firemen lo nil vacancies caused by eight hour law. beginners earn I10O monthly; posi tions secured Box 731, Norfolk, Va. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE BOOKKEEPER wishes first-class position, tak- tng completo charge.C 123. Ledger Office. DRESSMAKER wants .ngagementa; lndlea' or children's work: fa day, llelmont 030 W. OIRL wishes pos . chamberw'k or ch'work.nnd waltlngsclty preferred. 23U8 St. Albans st. GIRL, colored: general housework; . I'hono2407Chritlan st. Bleep In. LADY of refinement nnd education desires a position In secretarial work or assistant In office, very capable; tho beat of reference. c 18l.Lcdser l)fflre. , NURSE, maternity graduate, as Infant's nurse; doctor's references. Ledzer Branch, 617 W, Ulrnrd ave NURSE, .outis. good referice wishes engage ments. Phone Oermantown043 M. PRIVATE TUTOR or governess Young lady with college education desires such a position, I'hlla. or vicinity. M 0UI,Ledg.r office. STENOGRAPHER and 'typewriter, thoroughly ininpetrnt. 0 years' experience deslrea posl- . Hon, tlrst-clnsn rofa.J 044.Lcdger Central STENOGRAPHER Envelopes carofuhy address- Oil nn ..nnur'r, nlun nn,... -.-.., V- K ,..., Building. STENOaitAPIIER Exp. nlTaroundoirflcelcrk delres position; salary 12. J 5.13, Led. Cen. STENOGRAPHER desires permanent position"; experienced: references. J 830. Ledger Cent. WOMAN wants day's work, first class; can give reference 1517 S 18th st. WOMAN, colored wishes das 'u 'work. Dickinson 3071 M. Phone SITUATIONS 'WANTED MALE ACCOUNTANT Young man, reliable and ener getic, deslrea a pusltlon of responsibility: graduated tho Whnrton Evening School of Accounis and Finance. J 740, Ledgor Central. AD WRITER, business building correspondent? extierlenord nlile. nrltrlnnl vmitl.f,,! ..,...- ItSV results; fair salary. C 2S, Ledger Office, BOOKKEEPER 31, thor. bus traln'c; srad. ac counts course: Intell., alert., comp.; 15 yra ixp. as houkkpr-offlca mgr,; poss. tact, Initia tive and exec nblllty C 34, Ledger Office. BOOKKEEPER, thor, experienced, will audit. open, close and write up books, day or eve nlng; mod, terms. BcM ph Woodland4103I. BOOKKEEPER desires work In tho evenings. Addless L 3. P. O. Box 3300. " BOOKKEEPER Small sets books, clerical work: moderate rotes. C 130, I.edger Ofttce. CHAUFFEUR, thoroughly experienced on first-' class cars, wishes position with private family; 23 sears old, single; best of reference. I'. 6. Box 215 Darwin. Pa. CHAUFFEUR. 20, single, clean hablta. 7 J ears' experlenin high-grade cars, including I jenrs shop; good mechanic, A-l references, C 133. .Ledger Offlco. CHAUFFEUR Mr Emory McMlc"hael. 400 Chestnut al . wishes to And a place for the winter for his assistant chauffeur; best ref- crencea. CHAUFFEUR wants position In private family; good, careful driver; strictly temperate, A-l references. R Gallagher. 1815 N. loth sL CHAUFrEUR. 8 jearo' experience, deslrea po- sltlon, references C 132, L.dger Oftlce. CHAUFFEUR, white: 5 years' experience; drive , any car. Charles Curry, Fox Chase. CHAUFFEUR, white; 5 enrsrexperlence, drive any car. Daniel WorkL Fox Chose. CLERK good at figures, wonts poaltlon7"cTl3TT l..uer otneo. COACHMAN and gardener, understands care of gentlcman'a place; also can run Fora car. can furnish best references from past em ployers, single man; will bo open for position -c-im .. nu ,, cmiyii, I a, COACHMAN first class, strictly sober single man, with A No. 1, reference. Apply 0 N 20tb. COOK, Japanese, wants position, prlvato fam? lly; best reference. Tanl, 308 N'.Jsth DRAFTSMANr' mechanical; joune man with G jeara' experience. U 105. Ledger Office. FIREMAN wishes position "firing hard or soft coal, day-time only: 5 years' experience Ad- dress 2IO,LcdgerBranchL0.'d and Vine. GARDENER wishes position in country place: experience, with vegetables frults and flowers; will go South;. ref. ti 113, Ledger Office. MAN" of executive ability, experlencedTond suet ceaaful aa manager of aalea and credits and assistant secretary of largo corporation, wlJe and valuable business acquaintance, ablo tor respondent, Proteatant, desires position with some prosreaalve concern: highest references us to character and ability, U 021, Ledgsr MAN. educated, reliable, 23. yeara' bualness ex. perlence,, deslrea position of trust; best of ref. erencea, bond If wanted, J 042, Ledger Central. MAN Responsible gentleman of ability desires position of trust vvfthj'allabla corporation! will glvo servlcea allorjarMlme, uJi-i.Led. Cent. MANA-ER"-- Thoroughly reliable man of 23 years' buslneaa oxperlenco kdilrea position of truot and responsibility; best reference; bond it desired. .,C 101. Ledger Off lce; SALESMAN, drugs, machinery or textiles, open for position; any territory; last reference. STENOGRAPHER Xoung man. 18 n, 18 yrs. of age, lgrad.,dealrcs posl. 1745. Ledger Cent. quicg, accurate, nign scnooi Hon offering advancement, J STENOGRAPHER Xoung man !0, competent. good ref., desires position. J 047, Led. Cent. OJ I SEE (WdrCfM -iMZAtl M0l5vVi So J Tivfc.j IIIMi-slllMt WisiO 1 1 J , . V- I '. - "y"' t3ftPZfc. ?- ' " l"'jL"' 'lu iiniiiii.iiii.i,,nnjn,i u 1 1 ij j, rijiiiiim-riii.MiiiijjnunnliU.J'H StTCATIONS WANTED MALE ronlfaaerl froM Prcrcrftnfl Cofiima XOUNO MAN, roltces education T J-f' ex rerlences capable of holding responsible office or sales position,, deslrea permanent .eoijnec lion with repuUblo firm. J 742. Led. t-ent. XOUNO MAN.over 80"coTieire ediicatlon. gen eral, business experience, .especially good at handling correspondence, desires any position where absolute conscientiousness and re llsblllty wlllcount C 127, Ledger Office XOUNO MAN, experienced in real estate and conveyancing J 8J3, Ledger Central. XOUNG MAN, 21. deslrea clerical work; best reference. m C. 12ft. LedgerOf flee GENTLEMAN,, now employed . here, sneaking English. Italian, French anyt Spanish, has family In Cuba, sailing next -week, wishes to represent good .house; salary1 or commission. Alex. Dupln, 412 S. lBlh st, ABLE EXECUTIVE , Wide experience, capable advertising writer, alert, energetic and .resourceful, clesn char acter and habits, desires position of trust and responsibility! highest, references and bond. J941.Ledger Central GENTLEMAN, few hours afts. or evgs ; clerical or sales: quick and accurate. J 748. Led, Cent EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES NICHOLLS, 1020 lMlnbrldje at Comp. help. an nationalities, supplied vacancies cnnui feurs, hnutemeni 17 10 $10 cooks: waitresses, (lermsn nnd Prot chambermaids, laundresses. .houseworkerawlth ref, Phone-lacust 2130. WANTED Cooks, chambermaids, ohlldnursjs and housework glrla; girl for Institution work; wnltreses, chnmbermald and woman with child want poltlons, Miss Rose Dougherty. 1313 W Cllrnrd ave. . WANTED Competent, lady's maid, butlers, houeemen. chauffeurs, Protestant and Catholic wnltretses, cooks, kltchenmalds; reference. JII1S llllb. AMERICAN. Hvrrilish. English, Irish flrnl-clas cooks, chambermaids, chlldnurses, laundresees wish situations. Mrs. Kane, 611 S tilth st. 1'honSj COOK nnd Inundrea wanted for small private fam.i ref. required, Mrs. Miller, 1510 Cherry AUTOMOBILES For Hala DUICIv, 1014, 5 pans, touring; In very fine shape; lights nnd starteri fully equipped, bargain. L. S. BOWERS CO. Used Cnr Department. 230 N. Broad st. Walnut 702 , CADILLAC 1011 touring car. overhauled and repainted; full equipment! prlco J700. AUTO SALES CORPORATION. 142 N. Broad at. fiUDSONS Phaetons, roadster and "cabriolets. cqllippeu witn electric ngins anu si.rrn. (IO.IERJ8CIlJi'ARTlJI.WV.Jlrnada, JEFFER-. IU15, touring; oTectrlo. llghta and starter: full equipment; like new, biff bargain. L. S. BOWERS CO. Used Car Department. J!50 N. Broad st. Walnut 702. MERCER mil n-nnosenger tnurlns car GARFORD. 0-00. 7-pnssenKer touring cnr. C. II, HARVEY. 2308 Chestnut st. PACKARD I ryl., 30h. p.. 7 passenger, limousine nnd tourlnc bodies J330 L. If O'NEAL, 210 N. Broad at. . FIERCE-ARROW 7-pas touring car; electrlo llnhts. dcmountabla rims, Wcatlnshouso shock absorbers, general condition fine: will soil right tn first real bujer; look It over; to.,0 I.OCOMOHILE 2314 Market St. Locust 450. F. M HALLIOAN, Mgr Jlxchnnge Cnr Dept. P1ERCE-ARROW llmoualne, 7-pass., motor and all-round appearance tlno; lino renting car, look at this buy for 800. ... LOCOMOBILE 2314 Market st. Locust 450. F. M. HALLIOAN. Mgr Exchange Car Dept. AUTO LIVERY AND GARAGES INDEPENDENT TAXICAB CO. 1815 W. 8USOUE1IANNA AVE. SUPER-SIX HUDSONS TO HIRE LIMOUSINES. TA-CICAUS J. TOURINO CARS Diamond 0100. Never closed. Park 75. TO HIRE LIMOUSINES A TOURINO CARS IX)R FUNERALS. WEDDINGS & ALT. OC CASIONS: HANDSOMEST CABS IN PHILA. BRIGHTON GARAFG. POP. 3109. POPLAR. 1017 To hire (open day and night), Park 1482. brand-new 5-pasa. louring cars Jl.2.1 hr.: also brnnd-new 7-pass. Ilmouelne. 11 50 hr : weddings, funerals 1715 Olrard. TO HIRE PACKARD LIMOUSINE TO ANY PLACE AT ANY TIME FUNERAL WORK SOLICITED. P0PLAR52I2. PARUIUI5D. TO HIRE LIMOUSINES TAXICABS. AND TOURING CARS Jl.2.1 PER HOUR AND UP. SPECIAL RATES FOR WEDDINGS. POP. 213. ALWAYS OPEN. RACE 2211. BUY MOISTER portable garages, steel or atucco. On display 31131 N 5th Tioga 2US4. AUTO REPAIRING SPEEDOMETER TROUBLES Eee BILLY st his new location. 610 NORTH BROAD ST. AUTO SUPPLIES IF YOU WANT lo sell your old car or want any parts to repair, call write or phono P. & It. AUTO PARTS CO. 815-17 N 12th st. Park 1140 TIMKEN-BEARINaS HYATT New Departure Service Sta. The Owllllam Co.. 1314 Arch at. Ph. Walnut34t7.Raco3U2 PARTS to build or repair nny car. ,. Phlla. Auto Parts Co.. 823 N. 13th Tark 1418. AUTO TIRES PULLMAN TIRES .Guaranteed 3500 miles. Compare prices. J ORIM'S. 230 N. Broad at. HERCUI.lfS TIRES Guaranteed 3500 mlleY Hn.f-lnl nrlcea Hercules Tlra Co., U12 N. Broad at. . 30x.1!4 NONSKID TIRES 30x"H4 Red Tubes, guar RUDOLPH TIRE CO J7.50 guaranteed 1.75 uu . .i-aa Arcn at. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES AN AUTOMOniLU AGENCY An opportunity tq Join forces In agency for distribution of uatlunally known motorcar In l'enna , New Jersey, Delaware nnd Eastern Shore of Mnr land, tho holder of nils option has big following In this territory, having been Identllled with aamo for last 5 wars nnd has now n largo number of subdealers ready to algn up for territory. In addition to a big local following, vvo would welcome either active or tnacttvo participation In the bualness, with our tnwstment fully secured; this la a bona lido opportunity to identify youraelf With a clean-cut. lucrative organiza tion on 11 small Investment basja, full details aladly given upon Interview, Address "U, A, II.," 50JO Pino at. PA'TTNTC! SenJ for our free book. a-.j-1.o "Patents and Trade-Marks." We will help vou develop jour Invention. Ad. Vice free. Reasonable tees. Open Monday evenings until N.-ll. FOSTER & WEBSTER SUITE 1011 Chestnut st. Bell phone. Walnut IMI, PARTNER wanted with 15000 as nucleus for new invention, every one. rich and poor, will eventually uso thla product. Phono Spruce 4007, between 2 and 3 p. m. Mon.. Tues and Wed., : stenographer will make appointment. TWO-STORE business property, on principal street of thriving city of SU.OOO. near booming rlty of Bethlehem, !.: price 110.000 to quick buver; a bargain. Room 1, Woolworth Build ing. Bethlehem. Pa- WANTED Party wno has k few hours a day leisure, to act aa treaaurer of Incorporated manufacturing company: Investment, J2000 to J300O. O 0, Ledger Offlco. PATENTS Our four books sent free. "How to Obtain Patents." Victor J. Evans 4 Co., 1420 A Cbrstnul at., Philadelphia. BUSINESS TERSONALS DIAMONDS IIOUOIIT Bank references. Appraisement. 1 per cent. HARRY W. SMITH, 717 Hansim at. EVENING CLOTH Tn 1IIIIM Latest atyleat phone Poplar 233; open is. LEIDNER'S 10th and Glrard ave.s. W. r SUPERFLUOUS""HAIR" removed by electrolyslaT the on y permanent way. Eyebrows arched. MISS SMITH. 40.' Keith f Thekter Jiulldlng. VJENTS' CAST-OFF CLOTHING BOUGHT. 12J N. OTH ST. PHONE WALNUT 18-8. DRESSMAKING AND MILLINERY COLUMBIA SCHOOL. OF DRESS-TAKING- 1730 Columbia ave. Day and ovenliur claases. Up-to-dala twentieth century antein. w&'Wsti hbu WotLtti. ' HWDEO ttOUtX'l 1 roa SALE RILLtARD. POOt romblnaiion t.TTT bought sold rented, exchanged lS:rnJ aupplles l.nfe Keafer. Amerlein ?ilrlnl . turer,12f) Olrard iw' pnmS'SHS, "J' IHLL1ARD AND POCKET TAIlLPn - 7,- Illt.LIAhD pool tables, new. second.bjtT." ..S-treet-Co; Oft. 8 Swg new total adders as low as ji ,"!( JSS1!1 our new models .Registers sold ... V' easy iiavments and fully ruarsM..!! M " TUB NATIONAL CASH RCfllSTFit rn 730 CHESTNUT STREET. C0' . DESKS. S.,rEsr ETC " X .Hd ttond-hnl. Dullnr Central B...- linnnrurnnure 10 , UOI-B00-UI4 CairoWhlir m. REFRIGERATORS and fixtures for meal ,7.? IttUS. flfrtPlc rhr.nna.t-tt ?! il,S "M tnr . Fourth st tJiJ'iwecjRajanilVlrie); 19 N" USED OFFICE FimNlTUnn" n,vrf.,nB.lmftl(,n"bl, " nl" lln and w!.u of It: best assortment and heif ., ""oty Philadelphia), free auto "dellv-ry nn".M " . iyiaiH8.lHh aSd'1BuTtomf5d!re- 500 TABLES. 24x30 CHAIR EXCHANGE, 8. K. cor fllh . ,: ONE-GREEN- ENGINE. !, , 1?, "it P.at5.C?.n'x"4n4.1.rU"y '-M AiSSi ".: Itoc All HEATING THE ARNOLD AUTOMATIC DAxrm ' saves one-third of your tut! T Send 1 viflF.1 . Uemonstratlon. 'n4 Ptal for i.conomioDjimper Co., IleedJJIdr '.. i'KALT-H IIBATINO-Fr..T'r MODERN ODERN HEALTH HBATINO Pre.iT .irn,w.!fl,norm"' ""tidily. iiiN"!.'" 1827 Hlbcrt at, 2000 Phlla. r,r' il.' MACHINERY AND TOOLS nave n roou Oral of irit ., ; rnusi uNij,i.'n?N&3r j "waa jajii... YOCOM unv r, V9wJs$:V''"7. HQUIPMENT ,.i,iu., inuiorn, do lers. ttteam an All .. gslneei pump. olr compreasora d 11 " lA1;-OMEY,IncH127 N. 3d at. 3000 FT. LIN PIPE 4c FT fl.IV mtin"T 's'Ja'ns 8,.K"WA,BFffir tt 1VRECK1N(I CO.. HW N. 7T1 ht! llU8H AMERICAN pressure blowers. American . Jn.Nu'iAl,lVS!ji D?fA.' 'noto and machinery bought, snld STEAM PUMPS-Slnglo -nd'auVlScrTursta" WOOD PULLEYS (Gilbert I; thouTndlinn7c-i 520 Arclf's "' CUAltLU3 "ON" COMPANxl 1,y.,ffJgp.r,i'lr,!"55- MUSICAL INSTKUMENTS FLAYER-PIANO. Aeolian. J39.1l payable 12.5J weekly: this piano, made by the great Aeolian Company, has better value than many piano! fold In soma stores for JB0O snd even 16001 f II " pt'r'ect Player-piano, fully guarantMj IIEPPE'S UPTOWN 8TORE3 Cor, Uth and Thompson ats. A NUMIIER of nearly new upright planes all woods; Buarontecd; on tlmo payments It de sired. If you coll at onco you can make a sa nction from tho following makes! Cblcker Ing. Knabe, Story . Clark, Hampton, Stela way, Fischer. STORY CLARK TIANO CO. liOJ Chestnut St.. Philadelphia PIANOS 15 high-grade piano by Ileppa. Mar. cellus. Jules. Hihomacker, etc.. returned from autnmer rentnl uccounts; good as new: fully guaranteed for 10 years and containing lleppe patented it sounding hoard-: prlcts from 5(l to J150 below tho regular new prices: ainull payments' aicepted. Call or write for completo lint and Illustrated catalogues. IIEPPE'S UPTOWN STORES Cor. Bth ifnd Thompsun sts. , J330 B8-NOTE PLAXER-PIANO Including 25 music rolls, bench and year's tuning! Terms, J2 weeklv. IIELLAK. 1128 Chestnut st. I LAILU-PIANO, mahogany, J203: 88 note, with 20 rolls of muslci cost J450 new; only 8 monthly. Write for full Information regard ing this spec'l Instrument, as It la excep. value. IIEPPE'S UPTOWN STORES . 5-J ' l h and Thompson ats. , 83 C1HCKERINO UPRlaUT TIANO HOWARD VINCENT. 838 N, OTH PLAYER-PIANO, nto manual. J375: 8S not.! -0 rolls of mulo free; cost 1050 new: terms only J8 monthlv. Write for full deecrlptlon, IIEPPE'S UPTOWN STORES . Cor. tith and Thompaon ate t OLD GOLD OLD COLD, silver, platinum, plated ware, old- atylo Jewelry, teeth plates bought for cash. I Ll H70; J L. Clark, refiner. 807 Sansom, OLD .GOLD Cnah paid for old gold, allver, antlquee. clocks. Send postal, will call. ROO ERS. 27 S. I7th at.v Bell phone, Locuat 1218. PRINTING BUY YOUR CHRISTMAS CARDS EARLY Make sour selectlois frbm 123 deaigns. -. I rico. 30 to 00 centa per dozen. Tho Curd Shop, 1001 Chestnut at. Open ovra. STORAGE FIDELITY TIREPROOF WAREHOUSES lSll-lBll) MARKET ST. PENN STORAOE AND VAN CO. 2130 MARKET ST. WEST PHILA. AUTO MONARCH STORAGE CO, Parkin- und Klilcnlnr. SERVICE 3870 LANCASTER AVB. GIRARD STORAOE CO.. 018 Glrard ave. Mov'g. packing, storage; safes moved. Pop. 5204. TYPEWRITERS AND SUPPLIES .., .. I applies to rental machines. nEMINOTON f Visible Models 13 a month; SERVICE J7.5U for 3 months. Rental .. I payment applies on purchase. REMINGTON TYPEWRITER CO.. lNCOIt., 110 S llth st. WANTED ANTIQUE FIIIlNITIIIll' false. teet t all fsfe teeth, feather beds, broken Jewelry, go bought. I'hlla. Antique tV Ul aiamonas Chestnut.. BROKEN JEWELRY, antiques, pistols, coins, coin books, with prices I pay, mailed !5o. J. B, "o J I eople a JItoreKJiaoJiM lth.WaL.4169. CAST-OFF clothing bought at the highest cash prices. I will positively pay mora than any other dealer for gentlemen's discarded cloth ing, also hats, ahoes. furs, etc. ; ladles' street and evening gowns, full-dress and Tuxedo suits. Let ma give you my estimate . bafora others. Personal and polite attention given to u oruera, city or country, aay or evemne Call, wrlto or phone Bell Pop. 5771, Keystoas Par rk U0U3. BLACKER. 123! Poplarsi , nAST-m.'!. ..I rvriii.? winthp We Pay vou much more money than others for men's clothing, also ladlee' dresses and eve. ning gowns; writs, call or phono Market 35391 we call anywhere, any lime, SELIOSHON , . , B. W. cor 8th and Spring Garden r , CAST-OFF cEbTHINQ "all kinds; ladles' ova. fowna. street dresses, furs and men'a clothing, ull dreas and Tuxedo suits; cash .prices paia, our auarautee. Est. 20 yeara. Looke. 13.0 BalnBrldgB.Phone Filbert 3115; CAST-OFF CLOTHINO Hfgheat prices paid: gentlemen's aults avercoata, send postal, can day, evening, city suburbs: anywhere, any time. Friedman, 1441 Soutti st. Fb, Dick. 6155. oss mb. ami A.o UiT,.ite I nJ I J- I - ll-Wa, ;Mf(s!j i -4
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers