?fK EVENING IEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY NOVBMBEB 27, 1916 & MK)YISUCCESSIDEfiLI : ITALIANI NEI BALCANI Due Acroplani Auatriaci Abbat ' ' ttiti' Sulla Fronto Italo-Aus-triaca da Aviator! dt Cadorna LIB ARTIGLIERIE IN AZIONE GU Bscrdil Teutonic! GlunRono a Cin- quanta Mljrlla dalla Cnpltnlo della Rumania kV - V F3& , , ROMA, 17 N'ovembre. ' Telegramml da I'arlgl dlcono cits II Mini 'lUro delta Querra annuncla In tin comu 'n lea to umcale nuova avanzate degll Hall 'anl ad ovest dl Monastlr, sull'ala sinistra del generals Sarrall, mentre a nord della ellta' si sono avuie sottanto azlonl dl ar tlglleria a Is operailonl della fnnterla sono stats ostacolate dal cattlvo tempo, Ecco II tcsto del rapporto del generals Barralt: Nella regtone a nord e ad fist dl Monttr l sono avute vlotentl azlonl dl attlgllerla che, pero' non nono stato , accompagnate da azlonl dl fanterla a causa del cattlvo tempo. Sull'ala sinistra Is truppe ttatlaito lianno rtallr- . xato nuovl progress! In dlrezlone dl Trnova nella vlclnanze della strada del logo dl 1'rcsba. Un comunlcato bulgaro dice die le forzs utgars hanno rssplnto gll attncchl dl un cattagltone Itallano sul vlllagglo dl Trnova. Sulla fronts ltnlo.auitrli.ja crll avlatorl nuttrlacl sono stall attlvtsslml, ma git ltallanl tono rluicltt a pararns I colpl, s dus dells raacchlne nemlclis sono state atterrate. Ecco II testo del rapporto del genorale Cadorna, pubbllcato lerl sera dal illnlsterro della Gucrrn: 81 e' avuta attlvlta' dalle nrtlgllcrls su tutU la fronte dl battaglla. Le nostra batterla hanno dlstrutto dlfese nemlche nella zona del passo dl Tonate, In Val Camonlca, cd lianno ostacolato I soil tl movlmentl dt truppo nella valtl dell'Adlge o deU'Astlco. I nostrl can nor! rliposcro efllcacemente dapper tr:tto at fuoco dolls battsrle nemlche. Aeroplanl nemlcl hanno tentato una Incurstono In dlversl puntl della fronts dl battaglla, Dappertutto esal furono resplntl dal fuoco accuratlsslmo della nostre batterls anttaereo s dal pronto Intervento delle nostro squadrlgllo da eaccla. Una squadrlglla dl avlatorl nemlcl, che era rlsuclta a lasclar cadere bombo au Tolmezzo, nenza pero' causarvl dunnl, a' atata attaccata s dlspersa da una nostra squadrlglla dl noropln.nl da eaccla. Un aeroplano nemlco o' atato atterrato. Del due avlatorl uno era morto e l'altro e' stato fatto prlglonlcro. Un altro aeroplano nemlco o' stato atterrato durante una battaglla aerea svoltasl net dlntornl dl Blg-lla, a sud est dl Gorilla. LA SITUAZIONE IN RUMANIA La sltuazione mllltaro nella Rumania o' aempre pegglore. Mentre l'armata dl von Falkenhayn, cho aveva gla' conqutatnto Craiova o le Porte dl Ferro, ha avanzsto ulla ferro via dl Craiova In dlrezlone sud- . est un'altra armata bulgaro-tcdesca co mandata da von Mackcnncn, che aveva ftttraversato II Danublo a sud dl Ducarest, ba pure a'vanzato In dlrezlone nord. Le dus armata stanno per operare II collega mento effettlvo, che forzo a quest'ora or gla' awentito, ad una clnquantlna dl mlglla dalla capitals rumena, che sembra sla sa stata trasformata In un cranile campo trlncerato o che o mtnacclata anche dal nord dalle ,forzo austro-tedescho operant! , nelle zone dpi Fasso dl Fredeal 0 nella zona dl Klmpolung. E' probablls che at preparl una nuova rlplegamento delta forzo rumeno verso le lines defendentl dlrettamente Ilucarent. For ora Is armata nuetro-bulgaro-tedescho ttaccano le borgato rumeno dl Alexandria Itoalorl, mentre Romnlo Valcea, cento mlglla a nord delta capitate,, e' gla' caduta nelle manl degll Invaaorl. t SOCIALIST! K LA PACK La Camera del Deputatl al rlaprlra" tra Una settlmana, e al avra' una anlmatlsslma discussions aulla guerra e Bulla pace. II leader del socialist! utnctall, on. Turatl. ha preparato ed Invlato al presidents della Camera una Interpellanza nella quale st Invlta tl govsrno ad Invocare la medlazlonn degll Stall Unltl e dl altrl govern I neutral! per convocars un congresso dl belligeranti. Net circoll pollttcl si rltlene che questa Interpellanza avra' per rtaultato un mag glare consolldamentp dt tuttl 1 partltl per la continuations della guerra slno al rag Vlunglmento delta vlttorla.- L'on. Turatl aara' certamente attaccato vlolentemente, si prevede, per la sua Interpellanza che non raccogttera' che t votl del socialist! ultlclall WHERE INVADERS MET IN. RUMANIA 'ly 'n)iv jiimmmm nw "l r:.... ( JURNU WttVEKNOT m WPULUN& m BUCHffRESTx JEKtZW ) C&1OV? x. the report detailed artllWy combat in the Tablabulzl and Prahova Valley regions, also In the Dragoalavele sector. In the direction of Swardlosa there were violent engagements. BUCHAREST) Nov. 27. Retirement from the Alt and also from Tolpolos, a llttlo eastward, was announced In today's official statement. POLITICAL LIBEL SUIT OPENS Damages Asked by Ex-Judge Heed of Brookvlllc Paper BHOOKVILLE, Pa., Nov. 27. Trial of the libel Suit against tils' Brookvlllo Re publican Publishing Company, In which 1100,000 damages are asked by ex-Judge John W. Reed, was commenced this morn ing. , Tho suit Is the outcome of an article published by the Republican during the judicial campaign last year. Judge John son, of Union County, Is hearing the case. The armies of Generals Fnlkcnhayn and Mnckensen joined forces at n point' south of tho town of Alexandria, which thoy have just taken, and nro now within forty-soven miles of Bucharest. The arrow Indicates tho position of Mnckensen as he crossed the Danube. The semicircular heavy black lino marks approximately the advancing front of General Mackonsen. Mackensen's Troops Occupy Alexandria Conllnord from Pnitn One clat statement nnnounces the repulse nf Italian attacks In Macedonia. The text of the communication follows: Rumanian front Artillery firing and patrol operations have taken place In Dobrudja. Bulgarian detachments, co-oporatlng with the Germans, crossed the Danube near Svlstolav. After some lighting, Slmnltza wan taken. We cap tured largo stores of grain there. Qer- man troops that crossed tho Danuho near Samovlt occupied Islacsut and Rakovltzaz. Detachments of Bulgarians that crossed the Danube co-oporatcd with the German force that tools Turnu Scvorln. Macedonian front An Italian forco that tried to counter-attack near Tar nova was repulsed, After n bombard ment tho enemy made a futile attack against our position on Hill 1050, cast of I'aralovc. SERBS REPULSE FOES AS ITALIANS ADVANCE PARIS, Nov. 27. Sanguinary repulse of a Bulgarian counter-attack made on Serbian forces In tho Cerna sector of tho front near Mon astlr Sunday night waa announced In to day's onlclal statement. On the Allies' left wing the Italian forces continue their progress In tho mountain:) of tho region about Plhovo. LONDON STILL HOPES FOR RUMANIAN ESCAPE We Will Crush Foes, Falkenhayn Predicts Cannoned from Pass On Little Wallachla, although It will tales several days to clear out the Rumanians hidden In the forest and cities. Between seven and ten battalions are believed to be bottled up there. Officers declare It will be Interesting to see what ths Rumanians will try to do ' whether they will fight or'surrender. Report reaching von Falkenhayn' head quarter today Indicated that the German operations ara progressing splendidly. Tt Is believed ths Rumanians will be forced to chooss a new line, aa far back as the Alt River, thereby giving up the entire western part of their country, with its v.iimhi. stores, most of which are owned by Eng land. England originally purchased these to keep them out of German handa RfMi.-, Th,a Important success achieved by von Wrt.' Falkenhayn will open the Danubs for many ?. ,iiiifi mo ucwimus important trans Donation facilities. A far as comment at von Falkenhayn's headquarter I concerned, tho situation of the Central Ppwera against Rumania la re garded a excellent All five passes are now in German and Austrian handa LONDON. Nov.. 27. News from German sources caused a renewnl of hope here today that Rumania may, after all, extricate herself from the precarious position In which her Wallachlan forces have been placed by Von Falken hayn's concededly brilliant strategic, cam paign. Of prime basis for this hops was the utter laak In all tho German ofllclat "reports of any claims of largo captures of prisoners of war and munitions. If tho Rumanian army had actually been trapped by ths encircling around Orsova and Turnu-Sev-ertn, reaching over to Craiova, It was re garded ns certain tha Berlin onlclal re ports would have chronicled big captures of men and supplies. Furthermore, It Is known hero that the Rumanians succeeded In removing all of their artillery from Craiova before that city felt Into the hands of the enemy. One other source, of hope was tho report from German correspondents at Von Falk enhayn's headquarters that further progress beyond the Alt was delayed becaiise of the condition of the roads, Both of theao bits of news led military experts hero to reconstruct a story of an orderly retreat of tho Rumanian forces from tho angle on which two arms of tho Teutonic forces are now exercising pressure. There waa no disposition, however, to dis guise the fact that Rumania la still peril ously placed. Reports hero say that a number of allied aviators have reached Bucharest. It Is believed also that Russia has by this time poured heavy reinforcements Into Ru mania, probably Including a largo number of cannon.. The greatest handicap which the Rumanians have had was their lack of aerial scouts to seek out and report the sort of encircling movements which have formed tho basis for Von Falken hayn's success. Their artillery also has Deen outranged by uie Germans, As near as can be estimated here from official statements on both sides, the battle Stop Stat Aid to Jersey Counties TRENTON. N, X, .Nov. !7. Counjlea de pending upon etato aid for road work will h edeprlved of all assistance until ths valid My of the Egan act for a 17,000,000 bond Issue ha been tested in the courts. This procedure may Utte as lonr a two years and Colonel Edwin A. Stevens, the State Road Commissioner, said today that no ta.n ?SW ba d'-r-Med until the status of the bill was determined. vd fs mmmms 9 antes fiTu- xso. 'V'tAn'i'G fW Dining at the St. James mean comfort, service, contentment a far cry to Damocles, who dined with a sword suspended above hU precious heed. Damocles seldom waited for the demi'taitc for well he knew there' many a slip 'twixt the talad and the coffee I fj cSt. SffllUEfl Walnut at 13th Street DANOWO IN TflB BYBNINa a jpjfv ''Xi Majiogi J IrmV s Fl oor any juampe tor Holiday Gifts - Table, oudoir NOTE A special feature of our Lamp Department tf that lamp and shade can bo purchased separately. jFias assortment of shades in all size ' WrirflbLQS&gUsSfera ILpdecu Incf lino In Rumania now runs approximately from the Transylvaulan Alps north of Cam polung southwestward to a point a little north of Curtcn do Argcs nnd thence lo the Alt River, probably somewhere nbout Romlcu-Valcu. Following southward down tho AH. tho Rumanians apparently hold It In n point slightly cast of Hlatlim. Kast ward nguln this line runs to a point a llttlo north of Alexandria. Here tho Rumanians uro at grips with the forces which crossed tho Danube In an effort to turn their (tank. Still further cast along this southern front Is Olurglli, where attempt haB been made to force a crossing of tha Danube by tho Bulgarian-German forces.' This point Is a baro forty mlIeu?Hue south of Bucharest. Russja Is making a tremendous orfort to savo Rumania from complete domination by tho German Allies. Fresh re-enforce-monta of Russian troops are on their way from the Carpathians to central Rumania to relievo the hurd-prcssed Rumanlun armies between the Alt Valley nnd Bucharest. Tho Dally Mall, which Is the most out spoken of tho London newspapers on mili tary affairs. Is apparently rendy to con cede the doom of the Balkan kingdom, It paints tho situation there In tho darkest colors. GUNS ROAR AT VERDUN; TEUTONS HALT ATTACK PARIS, Nov. 27. Cannonading at vari ous places along tho front, particularly In tho sector of Vaux and around Fort Douaumont, on the Verdun front, was ro portcd In today's French onlclal statement. BERLIN, Nov. 27. Attempt by Fronoh troops to force an entrance at the south part of St. Plerro Vaast wood, without ar tillery preparation, was repulsed by German machlno gun fire of the trench gnrrlson and a curtain of flro by artillery, according to today's olllclal report. RUMANIANS OFFERING STUBBORN RESISTANCE PETItOGRAD, Nov. 27. Tho retiring Rumanian nrmy In .western AVullaclila Is taking advantago of all the natural features of that terrain to resist tho enemy's advance, according to the War OMlce statement today. Having crossed tha Danube near Slmnltza, the Teutonic forces have placed observation posts on tho River Vcdo, occupying positions between Vnlent nnd Rusedewade. In the north Wallachla zone of fighting Wood to Fight Plea for Receiverships Continued from I'ste One nnd tho amount of reserve liability of tho Pension Mutual Life Insurance Company or the capital stock liability, nnd In fact all other liabilities, and your respondent given full credit for all hssets which It now owes. Wood, In his onHwer, concludes In part ns follows: This respondent avers that by rea son of the construction of said con tracts nnd of the status of affairs of tho Pension Mutual Life Insurance Company by the Insurance Department or Pennsylvania that It la erroneously charged with reserve liability nnd with capital stock for a large amount ; this respondent believes nnd therefore, avers that upon n proper construction of said contracts and a fair and reasonable examination Into Its affairs that the conclusions arrived at by the court will result In writing off a reserve liability of approximately $ U0. 000. This respondent further avers that the rcservo liability as calculated by the Stnto Department of Insurance on tho policies which tt has Issued as dis tinguished from the reserve liabilities mentioned In the preceding paragraph, Is greatly .In excess of the rcservo lia bility as calculated by the actuaries of this respondent and greatly In excess of thn amount provided for by the statute. This respondent furthers avers that at the time of tho examination nf its affairs made by representatives of tho State Insurance Department aa of Sep tember 30, 1916, It had In Its posses sion several thousand shares of Its capital stock, the certificates represent ing which were exhlbltod to' the repre sentatives of tho Insuranco Depart ment, who were notified of the Intention of tho respondent, pursuant to resolu tions duly adopted by Its board of directors, to surrender said certificates and cancel tho Issued stock,, thereby re ducing tho capital stock of this re- mum Hi 88-NOTE PLAYER PIANO 50jo Including 25 music rolls, bench, scarf, year's tuning and delivery. $2.00 WEEKLY VICTROLAS RECORDS mwmm 30R CHRISTMAS'" v: GIFTS PHILADELPHIA "The ChristmasStockvis nowcompleted and out-rivals in mcjaitude and dedancc allpreviou s efforts of this House diamond and precious stonejewelry Silverware-Watches-Clocks China- glass -Leather Goods lamps-mattoganyandnovelties ' EarlK selection is advised owing to Ihe iaotthat duplication in magHnstattcea will be impossible V Purchases maybe reserved for Christmas Delivery- .-. ??3ANN & DlLKS 1102 CHESTNUT STREET 1 Wool lvroi wool (In a IfnitUd Fabric) An out-of-the-ordjniry fabric that gives a tone of distinctiveness to the wearer and absolute comfort to the body. Light weight yet warm, damp-proof, needs no pressing always dressy looking; very serviceable, Mens Overcoats For Street and Motor A ear $16.50 & $lc?.50 Also Golf Suits, Vests and Jackets gponrfent to a gum now presently 1 aued and outstanding: of SESO.SSS. SCOl'B OP BUSINESS Pursuant to the- central plan of acquiring; cither by purchase or con itolldatlon nnd merger, the asseta and business of other life Insuranco com panles, this respondent has entered Into a contract approved by the stockholders, officers nnd directors of a corporation In tho .State of Pennsylvania, Under the terms of which contract In exchange this company's capital stock amounting to par to $72,000, It would acquire Insurance In force to an extent of ap proximately a million and three quarters, assets representing: reserves which are In fact, of approximately 1800,000, and other assets valued at 1100,000; that under tho terms of afore-msnltoned cntract certain of the shares of this company's stock have been heretofore Issued to parties en tiled to receive the same. anB that a sum approximator more than 160,000 of this company's stock at par tins been Issued In purl performance of said con tract nnd no credit given on account thereof by the representatives of the Insurnnce Department In examination of this company's affairs made a aforesaid. This respondent avers that It Is .entitled to such credit, nnd It be lieves after a full hearing nnd when passed upon by this honorable court that such credit will be allowed It. Following the filing of the answer. Wood was followed by several policyholders lo the street. These persons, he assured everything would turn out "O. K., event ually," an he expressed It. COUNSEL FOR BREWERS WANT CHARGES QUASHED Argument on Motion to Do llcnrd on Dntc Agreed Upon by Both Sides in Suit PlTTSUX'KQir. N'ov. 27. Attorney George 12. Shaw nnd Attorney Xtlchard Mur tln, rrprcsentlng the United Slates Drovers' Association, mnde a motion In tha United States District Court today to quash the Indictments pending against the association. United States Attorney E. Lowry Hume op posed the motion, nnd Federal Judge' W II. S. Thompson, beforo whom the motion was presented, said ho would hear arguments on tho case nt any time agreed upon by coun sel. United States Attorney Hume took tho papers In the case and, after reviewing them, wilt agree upon a time for arguments to ba presented. In alt probability the Ar guments will be heard late this or early next wetk. In an order granted by Judge Thompson . . . " "KO' ln" orewefe ac quired to Appear In the FedlAt r'!, morning and enter a nt.. iz ". I quash waa on this order of Court WTTrinTpTiTWTTrTiyitlMWlfUTlfTllHIFIVTHHllmnmjg HARMONY (APIPE blende tejju.,, The first pipri'Smokc to produce MILD' NESS without sacrificing any of the natural RICH' NESS of its tobaccos i 522iy fix rfitfntf 3,t.. Jl i I TIL.- . V H.I'liS I 'fn ' A,w:ri"'-"jw i adcliohtfi.t :,:"? ' a.wJ ;y ''w i 4itu nnrtitotsi . 7 Yff .. . at A. ' '733Sffi 'r'3Q fteen, 'cents-w. creamcohrti eSt' Corn on the Cob "Golden Bantam" A real taste of summer for the Thanksgiving dinner tender and sweet. 40c per can of eight ears, $4.50 per dozen cans. iitiiiir anocEnh i.vironTEns JE. Bradford Clarke Co. 1520 Chestnut. Street srnucia ssj RACE 17 iiMMiimal progBaMmausaiUiM ,MUBuauEuaiMMMftfla& " $ Furs ' Millinery Mason & DeMany '': 1115 Chestnut Street (.Opposite Keith's) We Have Not Advanced Our Prices. To the Contrary. They Are Lower .;. 'Almost a century of honest, untiring effort to serve hns earned for us "the generous public support which has made this mid-seaso'n profit-sharing possible. We have not taken advantage of the popular idea of raising prices and increasing profits. , We purchased hundreds of raw akins last spring and made them up when, labor" was, at its lowest cost, and as a result you have the opportunity to buy high-class Furs at the lowest possible prices. We are making hundreds of new friends and patrons, all of them satisfied, and, in turn, telling their friends of the values they have received. We Reserve Your, Purchase Upon a Small Deposit or Charge It Subject to Bill of January 1st Fur Coats French Seal Coats 54.50 (Genuine Skunk Collar J French Seal Coats 69.50 (Black Opoisum'Collar nnd Border) Hudson Seal Coats 84.50 (Dyed Muikrat, Skunk Collar and Border) Hudson Seal Coats 98.50 (Dyed Muikrat; 40 and 45-jnch Flare Model)' Hudson Seal Coats , 145.00 (43-inch Flare Model; 6-inch Border and Collar of Skunk) Hudson Seal Coats 245.00 (42-inch Mode; 3-yard aweep: 6-inch ColUr and Border of Skunk; Full Design) Scotch Moleskin Coats 245.00 (42-Inch Model; 6-inch Border and Collar of Skunk; Full Deiign) Natural Mink Coata 375.00 (42-inch Model; trimmed at bpttom With Sable Paw and Mink Tails) Fur Sets . Black Fox Seta 33.00 Red Fox Sets 49.50 Battleship Grey Fox Sets 42.50 Natural Fisher Fur Seta. ...... .74.50 Dyed Blue Fox Sets. 84.50 Cross Fox Sets 89.5Q Slate Fox Sets .'. 84.50 Moleskin Sets .,.,.' ,.'. . .90.00 .:Sh( ' HI-, II I For Tuesday I A Scarf Special I B We offer a most unusual Incentive 1 1 I to purchase a luxurious nd picturesque 1 1 I Vox, Scarf. Values M2.50 to 150.00 1 The collection Includes g I Dyed Blue Fox Scarfs 1 I Slate Fox Scarfs 1 I I Pearl Grey Fox Scarfs g )M White Fox Scarfs 1 1 Cross Fox' Scarfs ( I i Final Sale of Informal H&ts for Street or After noon Wear is reflected in the value, not the price. Values 12.00 to 15.00. 5.00 e New Dress Hats for Formalities &very woman must have one Dress Hat, Our unusually mart collection of quality model wins your heart the minute you try them on. 12.50, 15,00, 18.00 a t 3 i Ell ANN & DlLKS fit? CHESTNUT STREET MatgmfatiKi mf Imtorlttt 9 nustcw ,,-;-:. ,,- ,,,- ill u .-: - 4 ' - "7- -flfc '4 !,-. m&AF3M ii - , '- i- - ?PC?H-!W?!5?S agSwiKigi1 . j-ji .. ' i 4. mi u i 1 " WWit7- illiMewg-isaaw n-ii-'I it I iKl lai i3 I II 3 . Ifeiatll