-tv& v -ni ij :- t ' . .K- .t-l ISVEt&ma TjBDGB3R--lItIIiAl)ELPHIA FRIDAY, HOTfiMBBB 24 HML0 fPw j K J IW. GREAT RUSSIAN WARSHIP SUNK h.. I ill ll.n npi lllh. in Loss of Imperatritsa Maria by Explosion Admitted by Petrograd 200 SAILORS KILLED 22,500-Ton Dreadnought, Carry- Ing 12-Inch Guns, Built Two Years Ago TnTnoanAD, Nor. 2. rtusMa ofnclatly announces the. loss of the droadnouRht Im peratritsa Maria. A statement Issued here The Russian drcadnoimht Impera tritsa Maria has been Bank by an In ternal explosion. Two hundred of the crew nro missing. LONDON. Not. 24. The Russian Naval Staff, nya n Neuter dispatch from retro trad, has Issued the following statement: At 0 o'clock fire broke out In the forward masazlno of tho Imperatritsa Maria. An Internal explosion fol lowed Immediately and tho flro spread rapidly anil reached the petrol tanks. 'The officers and crew strove with the most bravery to locnllzo the effects of the explosion and flood tho macazlncs. The commander-in-chief, Vice Admiral Kolschak, went aboard the vessel and took personal command of the, opera tions. Shortly after 7 o'clock, howovor, the vessel sank. Tho Kroater part of the crew was saved. An otllcer and two first-class suboincora and 119 sailors aro missing. Sixty-four of the orow havo Blnco died from tho effects of burns, . Tho position of the ship, which lie In shallow water, Rives hopo that It may bo refloated nnd completely re paired In a few months. The bridge Is only ono yard below water level. Karly In November a report wan In cir culation that tho imperatrltra Maria had cone to tho bottom and that nearly all of her crew hnd perished. Later, on November 11, berlln reported by wireless that a Ilul carlan headquarters dispatch nnnounced that a fireman of tho battleship had reached the Ilulgarlan coast nnd confirmed tho de struction of tho dreadnouKht, which It was stated had been aunk by a. mlno near Sullna, or Feodossla Island, at the mouth of tho Danube: The Imperatritsa Maria was ono of the newest and larKcst of tho Black Sea fleot, She was 661 '.4 feet Ions, S9Vi feet beam and had a displacement of 22,61)0 tons. She was built nt tho Ivanoff yards In Nlcolaleft In 1913-1914 and was equipped with tur bines which Rave ner -u.uuu norsepowor, enabling her to mako twenty-seven knots an hour. Tho Maria's armament consisted of twelve twelve-Inch Buns mountod In four turrets, twenty flvo-lnch rifles In her belt, eight smallor pieces nnd three larger guns mounted on deck. Her complement Is not stated In avail able records, but It Is safe to say sho car ried moro than 1200 officers and men. RUMANIAN STRONGHOLD CAPTURED BY GERMANS CentUinea from row One lln claimed was being hemmed In about Orsova has actually boon encircled, was the question with which military critics hero wero most concernod today. They hoped that this force hart bcon nblo to withdraw with success and this hopo was sustained by tho rapldjty of the German encroachment Indicating, It was believed, an unopposed ndvnnco, duo to retirement of the Rumanians. Orsova lies just as -the Iron Gate across tho mountains. Tumu-Soverln Is nearly fifteen miles southeast at tho lower end of the gateway. It Is really a mgra Im portant city than Orsova, housing the ship yards and buildings of the Danube. Steam Navigation Company. One other development In tho day's of ficial statements lent hopo hero that the Rumanian army had successfully accom plished a retirement from tho vise. That was the Bucharest statement dotnlllng nn attempted dlsembarkmont of enemy (prob ably" Bulgarian) troops near Zlmnlcea (Slmnltza), which waa apparently unsuc cessful. Meanwhile, there has apparently been a resumption of hard fighting In Dobrudja. Both Rumanian and Russian statements today reported advances. Petrograd an nounced occupancy of Tashul, n town on the Karlal River, twenty miles northwest of Constanza. Tho German Btatcment claimed throwing back of tho Russians, and said the Bulgars and Russians wera In "fighting touch" along the Danube. Pastor Gives Free Lunch When Sqtoons Arc Ousted rAf CHICAGO, Nov. 24. SALOONS went out In Wmikcgan, ZI ,I,' ,M MaV. nd with them pC&hed ,tho frco I""' Then alone enmo tho Revi V. E hi I ft. University of Chlcnfro stujlont, who said he' would put In their stead something of n con- ?.:LUiCttv?1nnl.u.re' So h Planned frco lunch nftcr I1I3 sermons. It will bo nlli! Ul fitst timo Sunday In places crossed the Karlal," the statement declared. PARIS, Nov. 14. . rt.her Mokmm of the Allies west of m, . r "" announced In tho French oniclal statement today. The battla north east of the Macedonian city Is continuing. The Italian troop- under General Scrrall are also advancing, having reached Nazo poll. ., , SAt.ONICA. Nov. 21. Nearly 200 squaro miles of Serbia havo mn .rccoh1"I from thd Teutons In the Allies advance around Monastlr, according to tho Serbian oinclal statement today. violent fighting occurred Wednesday along the whole front north and west nnd east of Monastlr, tho Allies fighting against new German forces, re-enforcing the de feated German-Bulgarian army. The Allied advance northward continues, counter-attacks being repulstd. SOFIA. Nov. "24. The eapturo of trenches from the Allies by Bulgarian trooitt In Macedonia waa reported by tho Bulgarian War Offlca today In tho following official repot! Between Lake Ochrlda and Presba Lake tho enemy has retreated. An en emy attack east of Lake Presba failed. The Kntento troops tried unsuccessfully to capture Height 1060. cast of Pra , love. Wo Inflicted heavy losses. Near Boudamltz wero captured cnenly trenches. PETROGRAD REPORTS GAINS IN DORRDDJA; BOTH SIDES CLAIM MACEDONIA ADVANCE PETROGRAD. Nov. 24. Further advances In Dobrudja wera an nounced In today's official statement. "We advanced southward, reaching Tashul nnd IV! ANN & DlLKS 1102 CHESTNUT ST. Tyrol Wool U Knitted Fabric) Unequalled for Men's Overcoats $16.50 $18.50 $22.50 Warm, light, damp-proof. Wrinkle-proof, long-wearing, comfortable, econom ical. A general utility coat par excellence. Alao Golf Suita.Veota, Sweaters, Jackets, etc, Svld Bxelutbxly by This -Store - MANN & DlUCS 1102 CHESTNUT ST. Uixxvtfsutrt mi laftriirt FRENCH GAIN ALSACE TRENCH; GUNS ACTIVE NEAR SAILLY; lUUTISII RAID FOE'S LINES PARIS, Nov. 24. Success of a French surprise nttack on a German trench nenr Htisenhelm In Al sace was announced In today's official state ment. A number of Germans wero cap tured. Tho statemont detailed a lively cannon ading In tho region of Sallly-Sallllsel nnd recorded the destruction of fivo Clorman aeroplanes In a series of forty air fights. LONDON, Nov. 21. Successful British raids of enemy tronches southeast of Ofenay and at Kcs tubert and Boise do Orcnler wero nnnounced In today's statement from Gcnoral Sir Douglas Halg, British commander-in-chief. DEAD EMPEROR'S BODY LIES IN STATE IN CASTLE Will Bo Placed in HofTburg Chnpcl to Allow People to View It BURIAL NEXT THURSDAY Alt German Princes Will Follow Collin to Kestitift 1'lnco ot Hnpsburfrs URITISH ATTACKS IN WEST IJROKEN WITH HEAVY LOSSES, BERLIN WAR OFFICE SAYS TI13RMN, Nov. 21. Breaking down of British attacks, with heavy losses, was reported In today's War Office Btatcment describing tho western war theater. Tho statemont follows: At Tprcs nnd Wytschaeto bends ac tivity In artillery flro was temporarily revived. North of tho Aucro a strong fire was begun In tho afternoon, which extended to tho south bank. Severnl attacks by tho English nt no point reached our position, bolng broken down for tho most part under heavy losses. Violent artillery duels wero reported on St. Plcrro Vaast Wood, south of the Somma, and In tho district of Chaulnes. Trolley Victim Dic3 George Jennings, fifty years old, of SB00 South Broad streot. died shortly after bolng admitted to tho Methodist Hospital last night IIo was suffering from a fractured skull. Jennings was thrown from tho neat of a wagon which ho waa driving when It collided with a southbound league Island trolley car at South Broad and Geary strcots. VIENNA. Nov. 24. The official cause of limperdr t-rnncts Joseph's death was announced today as peritonitis nnd paralysis of tho heart. Just before ho becamo unconscious he received news of the Teutonic success In capturing Craiova, In Uumanla. Ills last words. It Is said, were tho lament, "I am tired." In tho working room of Schoenbrunn palace, from which for sixty-eight years ho ruled Austria-Hungary, tho body of Km peror I-Vancls Joseph lay In state today. Ills hands clasped a silver and pearl ros ary, which the dead monarch had always used during his lifetime. At each corner ot the casket were great candles, while his favorlto flowers, lilies of the valley and violets, were massed on either sldo of the bier. Priests Intoned constantly the vigils of the dead. Arrangements for tho nine ral wero com pleted today. Tho remains of tho lato ruler will IIo In tho Grott gallnry or working room of tho palace until Monday night At 10 o'clock the body will be car ried with tho solemn pomp of tho ancient Hnpsburg Spanish ceremonial to the chapel of Hofburg Augustlner. In this ancient structure, mnro than 400 years old and ono of the finest specimens of medieval ar chitecture In Europe, tho body will rest until next Thursday. At 4:30 that nftcr noon tho remains will be borne to tho rest ing place of tho llapsburgs. tho ancient chapel of tho Cnpuclncs, whern Francis Joseph wilt Join In his last rest tho 130 other Ilapsburgs burled there. PEOPLE TO VIEW DEAD HUI-EIl Monday's funeral procession will Include every member of the Imperial household, every court officer, every guard, every foot man, In addition to tho now Emperor ami Empress. Tho latter two will receive tho holy sacrament at the Hofburg chapel, and then tho I,ord Steward of fao Imperial household will shut tho door until tho next morning. Then the public will bo permitted uuntiK oiHiuiay nnii "iiiesdny lo lauo rnro welt of their beloved ruler. Admittance to Schoenbrunn Palace Is forbidden tho popu lace, so that tho transfer of tho remains from that placo to tho Hofhtirg chapel was mado necessary to comply with tho dead Emperor's wish that his people might view him In death ALT. OEHMAN PIIINCES EXPECTED The Hofburg Augustlner Church, on the nllar ot which tho Emperor's body will lie in state, is of plain Interior, hut rich In historical associations. Under tho magnifi cent altar tho showpiece nf the edifice, built 280 years ago Is the skeleton of "Holy Victoria," tho first nun In Austria, literally covered with gold-beadwork, much of It fashioned In tho eighteenth century by tho hands of Empress Maria Theresa. Op poslto Is tho gold-Joined skeleton and skull erf the first Austrian archbishop. Thursday nfternoon'a final bearing of tho body to tho gravo will also bo Impressive In Its somber pomp. All tho Germnn Princes, Including many from neutral countries, aro nxpected to attend. Tho Emperor's coffin will be Inclosed In a silver covorlng before tho Emperor Is burled In tho chnpcl of tho Cnpuclncs. ,- Good Football Weather Promised for Tomorrow GOOD football weather s predicted by tho Weather Bureau for to morrow. For Pennsylvania and West Vir cinin Wesloynn, on Franklin Field, prediction is "Fair and colder with lemperaturo near ,. freezing; raw wind." For Ilnvcrford nnd Swarthmoro, at Havorfordj Lehigh and Lafayette, nt Enslonj Brown nnd Plttsburfth, nt Pittsburgh "Fair, with temperature near froozinr;; raw wind." For Army-Navy, at Now lork, and Yale-Harvard, nt New Haven "Strontr, raw winds, with tempera ture near frcczlnK." For Hrown and Colf-atc, at Provi dence, K. I. "Similar weather." BELGIANS AT WORK MUST GET OWN FOOD Germnn Decree Warns Civilians All Will Bo Forced to Labor I.ON'DON, Nor. 24. A copy offt procla mation Issued by order ot the German commandant nt Antolng, Belgium, giving Instructions to workmen has been received here. The proclamation says that after re ceiving their wages, which will bo paid If their services nro voluntnrlly given, workmen must feed themselves, nnd adds! "Tho German nuthorlty notifies tho people that civilians may bo forced to work If there are Insufficient volunteer workmen, for ex nmplc. for work In factories, sawmills, workshops or on farms. In tho fields nnd In the building of railroads or roads. The population will never be forced to labor on works exposed lo continual fire. "In caso ot refusal to work tho person so refusing will bo condemned to penal ties of a fine. Imprisonment nnd enlist ment In tho prison battalion of civilian workmen, with reduced rations. Tho com munes also may bo punished, either by limitations of trndo or tho imposition of a flno or taxes, etc." Asked In tho Ilou.-e ot Commons If In view of the deportations nf Belgians tho Allies would reconsider their policy of al lowing supplies to go Into tho territory In possession of the Germans, Lord Robert Cecil. Minister ot War Trade, said there was no doubt that tho action of the Ger man Government constituted n "deep and conscious blow to the agreement upon which tho relief work rests." "It Is considered In that light by the Allies." added Ixird llobcrt, "and I trust also by tho noutral Governments: whoso representatives and subjects nro chtofly responsible for the work." Hneelsl lleRtilnr Price 3.30 FLANNEL SHIRTS .65 r.vrry mnn can ua ono. Tlit-y r jtunrnntmt nil wnol. l S. Army tlrnh. Milt, gray. rtr. Wall ni-ttto. 2 ntuY UpellM IKkrtfi. nltHrhetl collar. ir . mi mr- m .MAIL okih.iis ru.i.Kit Iteaquarterv for t'nton Made Ovrratl. and (ftouri zmm ViNEST. L rw 'Ggy ELABORATE 3IEM0UTAL RITES PLANNED AT WASHINGTON WASHINGTON. Nov. 21. Arrangements are being made by tho Austrollungnrlan embassy hero for n memorial servlco to the lato Emperor Francis Joseph, to be hold at n Washington church on tho saina day as the funeral services In Vienna. Presi dent Wilson nnd other high officials of tho American Government and diplomatists of tho Teutonic and neutral countries will be Invited, and the expectation Is that the Vatican will deslgnato a representative possibly nn American cardinal, to officiate. VT lovejtX U RATE" ON LOAN aS0""! 37 N.II2JT.(Bct.nib.rt&AKh) UV Cor. S&Buitonwood Jfct H Here Is a Genuine Cordovan for $7 Epjj ppl That cannot be duplicated now for $9 l H fc M Shoes and Hosiery wM M t0 1204.06.08 Market Street BRITISH CABINET SPLIT; MOVE TO OUST ASQUITII Probability of Coup to Put Wnr Secretary in Premier's Plnco f.n)ririr jA j . tai- m-i-m i- .!- j In the BrltUh Cabinet Thero are pirunK imiicauonn inai n powerful political faction Is about to attempt a coup by which It hopes to oust Premier Asqutth nnd put War Secretary David I.loyd George In his place. The parliamentary correspondent of the Dally Chronicle had the following to say about tha situation! "Humors are flying about of an Impending reconstruction of tho government They seem to spring from a state of mind rather than from reality, but It Is undeniably true that the House of Commons Just now Is very critical and dissatisfied with the Gov ernment Tho 'ginger groups' point to the Balkans nnd the submarine menaca as evi dence of the Government's Incapability to wage war with foresight nnd vigor. At the other extreme tho opponents of conscription assert that our shipping troubles and soma of our food problems have been caused by tha wholesale withdrawal of mon from pro ductive employment, nnd that as we enlarge tho army we mako Inroads Into our reserve and economic, strength." MASS FOB FRANCIS JOSEPH Ituthenlnns Hero Mark Dual Mon arch's Dentil A requiem high mass for tha repose of tho soul of tha late Emperor Francis Joseph of Austria was celebrated today at the Uuthenlan-Greek Cathedral of St. Mary of tho Immaculato Conception, Franklin nnd Brown streets. Tho ltev. M. Ourynnsky of- fielnfffl In lilnrlr l'.lmanl. n,,t !.- .!,. was heavily draped In black. It was announced today that an Imposing service will bo held nt the Cathedral on tho day of tho Emperor's funeral. Morn thnn thirteen societies will bo present nnd tho Uuthenlnn orphnns of tho homo of the Hlstera ot St Basil will sing the Impressive Kuthenlnn-Groek rlto. Tho Bev. Stax Klnash, rector of the Cathedral, said that Iluthenlans throughout tho city aro very much grloved ovor the Emperor's death. Thero nro about 10,000 Iluthenlans In Philadelphia. Wilson Knnsas Wnralltr 87,000 TOPEKA. Kan., Nov. St. Official figures on tha presidential election in Kansas, just completed nt tha office tt the Secretary of State, follow! Wilson, JU,tJ; Hughes, 277,S&e: Benson, 21,615; llnnly, 1J.8S2. "I tor tori, asiiforaU" fcOS ANOEt.ES, Notf, , Jc-BejA u Tumuli, rresldent WJIton'a atxjretarj',' selected "I lv Tou, California," tit played by tha Inauguration bands. Tr GetClothingNow Be Well Dressed $1 n Week Pays tho Bill There Is no aenso In payinp; cosh for wearing nppnrcl when wo will supply yu with overythlnp; you need and nccopt payment in small weekly, sums. Wo Ruarnntco to pleaso you In quality, stylo and pried. Tho values our Clothinjc Department offers nro not surpassed, by any athet store. Prove it for yourself, , vpjuimjLaamrmmmmmirt 1 M$& ' Men n Open 709 I Saturday Evening I & 's Suits and Overcoats Tho man who wnnts a de pendable, (roo d-I o o k 1 n fj stylish Suit or Ovorcoat wilt And it hero for- $15 to $30 Women's Suits, Coats and Dresses Wo show in jrrcnt assort ment tho most beautiful nnd nttrnctivo RnrmcnU, with overy touch of stylo thnt Fashion approves. $15 to $30 Shoes, Hats Furs, Millinery J JJ 1 '! WJ -724 Market Stv, GOLDSMI. BToitis orn.s'8 daily at niso a. m. t oi.osr.s at siso p. m. Tomorrow With the KffKSr Thanksgiving Need SSTtS Women's $1.75 KID GLOVES $ "White nnd black, throe-row backs. with I. It llrnlhrrs FIIIST FI.OOU. SOUTH HATS TRIMMED FREE OF CHARGE ONE YELLOW TRADING STAMP WITH EVERY 10c PURCHASE ALL DAY Market Eighth Filbert Seventh uwtvuvwiitvwvtv Men's $1.5fy GLOVES $ Tan capo nnd gray suede. One clasp. Lit llrotliers FIRST FLOOR, SOUTj! - -- A Thanksgiving Sale of Stilts & Overcoats That It Will Pay Every Man to Investigate Clothing that echoes the last word in good fashions and made for men of every taste, every site. Tho makers nro some of the best known to Philadelphia wearers of moderately priced clothing, assuring you both styles and qualities that you can wear with pride and satisfaction for tho holidays and throughout the winter. - v 4$ 1 All-Wool Overcoats Sinslc or' ' Doublc-BrcaJid k Loosc-nttinp;, form-flttinR and pinch-backs. y ,,,:,,,-, .S18.-.-S2 . :AllWool Suits In AU tp-"-rffe s'y'e Pinch-back effects nnd conservative models. $13.50UQ 7C $1G.501S1 I 7C $18 1519 7g Value' V' Value 11,0 Value ; - $20 l?10 7C $22 U1C $25- U1Q Value' '' Value' Value-' MEN'S FINE $25 FULL DRESS SUITS $18 BOYSN$65Tro!7 MACKINAWS Norfolk stylo. Sizes 7 to 18 years. JPOLO COATS All-wool blue or gray chinchilla. Sires 2 to 10 years, BOYS' $7.50 MACKINAWS & OVERCOATS $El Sizes 7 io 18 years J Lit llrulhen SECOND FI..OOH. BBVKNTH STnRirr " I CO -o o - o - Remarkable economies in newest untrimmed and ready-to-wear milliner ? Q. , Try -- r Mm -v r - m r w. jr VIUIL isMisunus for Thanksgiving. OLUTL tsllrlSlJJlU toWear Hats of WhitelS OR "ITnm Nnw Wonderful Values One Sketched And white now holds away for dressy wear. These are mailo of very good quality linUern' pluoh In newest ahapes facetl with velvet ana trimmed with ribbon or fur. $1 Ready-to-Wear Hats, $2.98 New Black Satin Models with High Aigrette Effects Cln nf ftalt!M Tl.ia S2 to S7 Values "OC Black, white, taupe, natural, pearl way, navy, rreen and sand 98c t0 $3.98 t Zzss Jw Lit llrotheri FIIIST FLOOR, NORTH P Hats Trimmed - Free Enjoy first choice from these fine, big holiday stocks, including fftott sands of attractive, popular-priced gifts.. All goods purchased from now until the end of December will lui linViYAt trt nnnnmhpi i II1 lV VAVU V VVVH1MV4 1 bill, payable in January. o o& fL t l Tomorrow The Saturday Preceding Thanksgiving! The Day When Thousands of Misses Come in to CHOOSE THEIR NEW SUIT COAT OR DRESS tncuHWiuvnco wo iwya mauis ununuBMuy targe jireparaiton numea tn new gooaa, sup- jrneu exirw ouieBpwiiiv mm acuevea umumeraoie, wonderful values. $16.50 Check Velour Coats, $12.98 In brown-and. black or cray-and-black. with belt, plaited (Idea and itorm collar. Also a number of mart wrapa in black- j ond-whlte mixtures, with cloth, fur orl Telvet-lnlald collars. ..i w $32.50 Fine Coats, $25 Plain tailored and dressy fashions, in valour plush, duvetyno, broadcloth, wool reiour ana hsi piusn, or aurirunay, Kretn, blue, black and brown. Many are, trimmed with baby limb cloth, soma others show huge collars and deep borders of seal plush. $19.50 Coats Many $lf o Fur-Trirruned ,,.... Flcturt Shews One Of velour, la brown, bla. green or Wack t also kersey, cheviots. Thibet oiotfcj, plusb end Scotdt mlitur4 fur twJlj.ru s many. $22.50 Velour Coats, $18.50 In brown, rreen. blue, black and Bray. Swattter style, with braid bound ,dge9. belts andblg- cape collars, Also attrac- j tive fur-trimmoa coats m mixtures, i.iwiwi w n ii il !! n mmmm mm ii m I mm 11 1 $22.50 Suits S147 Majority Fur-Trimmed J AS'J l'lcture ehow one very attrstilf e style. Of poplin, serge and gabardine, In Nu mldlan brown, green and blue, with belted or silently fitted Jackets and. nlco quality satin linings. $15 presses, $10,98 Of crepe, ds chlno, In nil newest shades, -with dainty cputraitlmr cqllarai otbera In navy and black: serKS, wlUi t'cru collw a ad Aft plaited skirt. o' 3UP WMQVM MMatjuL ffaieWKS: f"y mtismmtsimiemiiimmim