Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, November 24, 1916, Night Extra, Page 4, Image 4

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Ropslngono Attacchi Bulgnri e
Sfondnno le Lineo Nemiche
in Direzlone di Ochrida
Lc Batteric Austriache Bombardano un
Ospcdalo da Campo Italiano.
' Sett? Ammalatt Uccial
noMA, 54 Novembro.
Mcntr le tano nerbe n france! urtano
polentmcnto eonlro le formldablll tlttemj
v dti bulenro-tcdcnchl nella reglotio n nonl
dl Monnntlr, lo form Italians opcrnntl nul-
' l'ala ulntetra dfll'annaU dl sarrall tiel
-' Ualcnnl RundaR-naliu le prime rlttorlo dopo
11 loro collegnmclito con IVncrclto dl Snlo-
nlcco, collegamcnto nvvenuto un meso fa.
OH Itnllnnl combattono nolla redone del
lago dl Oclirldo, facendoal lari;o tra urilndl
dimcolta' o portando le loro llnio qunnl
ftll'altezza dl quelle franco-serlic. lsl nil-
rano nlla conqulMa dl Ochrlda, die o' n
Ventlclnque mlRlla n nord-overf. dl Hon-
astir e oho fu gla' capltale ileH'nnltco im-
)ro bulnaro.
Ecco II comunlcato umclale Italiano circa
' le opera2lonl dello forze del scncrale Pin-
oentlnl In Macedonia:
In Macedonia le trtipne Itallane
combuttcrono lunedl nella reclone
montuona nd ovest dt Monastlr o ro-
. splnsero un vlolentu attneco dnt Monte
: Mum, SUbito dopo, lanclandonl ad una
,.' raplda avanzata, esse occuparono
utraiipandolo nl ncmlco le altliro ill
: llrantlnol, a nord-ovest dl Monastlr,
nella clomata dl mercolnll'.
Per quanto rlguarda la Mtuazlono nlla
( fronto Italo-aUHtrlaca, II Mlnlstero della
comunlcava lerl ecra II fRUcnte rapporto
del Renerale Cadorna:
Non vl e' nulla dl Imporliuite nulla
fronts dl battaRlla, nd eccezlone dl ut
tlvlta delle artlRllerlo. nttlvlta1 die o'
etata ancho ostucolatn tlnl cattlvo
' Nclln zona dl Gorlzla II ncmlco ill
i resne II fuoco delle suo battcrle con
tra un nostro oipcdale da campo. nori
oatnnto II fnttn die la bnndleru delta
Croco Itosna nventolavn iiu dl caro In
' modo vlslblllanlmo, Bette pnr.lcntl die
il trovavano rlcoveratl nell'ospednlo rl-
i niaaero ucclsl cd undid rlm.iucro fcrltl.
' 11 Corrlero della Sera annuncla die un
. ttrosso sottomarlno tedesco o' Bin to cat
turato dallo navl ItiRlcsl tiel Mcditerraneo.
Una nave Inglctio drairamlne rcccntemente
ibarco' In un porto ltallauo tredicl marlnal
duo ulllclall del sottomarlno, accondo lo
tnformazlonl del Corrlcre.
La sltuazlone nella Humanla rontlnua
ad essere grave. La forza rumens cho apern
veno nella valle del Jlul sono stnto rlcliln
mate ed occupano ora lo loro vecchlc pohI
ilonl. Nella glornata dl lera non el sono
avuto azlonl Importantl ueppure nella zona
dl Craiova dove nil austro-tedcsdil hanno
ottenuto I rmtgglorl Kuccessl.
II Mlnlatero delta Guerra gcrmanlco
annuncla die rlnforzl niBsl sono glunttViilla
fronto della TratiHltvnnla per alutnro I
rumen! contro gll nustro-tedeschl. Non Hi
a pero' In qualo nilsura la Itusnla ntibla
mandato quoMI rlnforzl. In tan to a Ucrlino
1 fanno rilevarc le dlltlcolta dello operazlont
nolla zona montuona ilclla Transllvanla, e
lecomo questo camplto n' nllldato nd
tin'agenzla neml-uflltlale. e' probablle che il
voglla preparare II pubbllco ad un nrresto
dolto operazlonl. I tcdrnclil avrobbero
saurlto per ora l'energla della loro otfen
elva sulla fronto rumenn.
II nuovo Impcratoro d'Austrla lia lan-
clato un proclama alio popolazlonl del nuo
Impero. Kgll affcrma la sua Incrollabllo
dcctelono dl contlnuare la guerra slno nlla
flne o dl contlnuaro II lavoro laaclato a
meta' dal defunto Imperatore. Evldcnto-
i mente cgll aglaco sotto la fortlsalma In-
' fluenza dl dugllclmo dl Gormanla.
II governo grcco lia ridutato deflnltlva
.rncnte dl cdnaegnare agll alleatl dell'Intcsa
le a rm I e le munlr.lonl die sono In huo
possesso. la connegna era utata chleata
daU'ainmlragllo du Fournet, comandanto
della equadra nllenta noll'ICgeo. Si tratta
,dl 18 batterle da campagna con un mlglluto
dl prolcttlll per clascuna, dl aedicl battcrle
da montagna con nltrettante munlzlonli
dl 40,000 fuclll e 140 mitrngllatrlcl.
I rappresentantl degll Imperl ccntrall o
loro alleatl cho si trovanano In Atone sono
, pnrtltl da quella cltta' forzatlvl dall'ninml-
rogllo du Fournet. Kami vl euercltavano lo
plonagglo a danno degll alleatl.
Whitney I n v c n ti o n Used.
Bridgeport, Conn., Company
A submarine shipbuilding company on
the banks of the Delawaro Is a possibility
In the near future, according to K. W. Law
rence, chairman of the Industrial Durrau of
the Chamber of Commerce,
"Negotiations have been going on for
some time." said Mr. Lawrence toilay. "to
have a submarine construction company
along the Delaware at a point which would
be the most advantageous for such a
project," He said that a company was now
being Incorporated for this purpose,
The boats, according to Mr. Lawrence,
will be built In line, with recent Inventions
In this connection by Fred Rrown Whit
ney, Ho Is chairman of the board of di
rectors of the Lake Torpedoboata Com
pany, of Bridgeport, Conn, Ills submarine
invention, It Is said. Is receiving considera
tion by the United States Government.
Mr. Lawrence also said that negotiations
had been going- on with the company men
tloned with a view to bringing Its entire
plant to this city.
Deciaion to Sink Greek Vessels Tanta
mount to Declaration of War
PAniS, Noy. 34 A Havas dispatch from
Athens says that the warning by Vice Ad
miral du Fournet to the German and other
Ministers of the Central rowers that they
must quit Athens was the result of the
German decision to sink all vessels trans
porting Greek revolutionary troops, which
the Knttnte Powers regarded as a declara
tion of war against the Greek revolutionists,
The dispatch says the Turkish Minister
- asked the American Minister to take charge
of Turkish interests Jn Athens.
The train on which Prince Pemldorf, Rus
laii Minister to Athens, was going to
EaJonlca was fired on by bands, of reservists,
uncording to an Athens dispatch to the
Petit Parlsien. Oq the return. Journey the
train was derailed by a criminal band, the
dispatch says, close to Lltochorl, but no one
was hurt Jn either attempt.
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Home Saya Austriana Killed Patients
Despite) I?ed Qrosa Flag
HOME, Nov. 24. The following official
eomMUiucauon was uwuea lan nigiif;
in ute wtkz SH4 ne
ar on a, n
that Itw
MRS. AHimitinUB (H'lLTY
Woman Admits Aldinu; Ilitsbntul to Ks
enpe From Cnmdcn .fail by Smug
gling Revolver Into Prison
Mrs. Marlon Axhhrldge pleaded Rtillty to
day before Judge Hoylo In famden to tho
charge of aiding her husband, VIIn Ash
bridge, to vscapo from the fnnitlcti County
Jail on July 17, when ho klllpil nno keeper
and wounded nnothcr. Hhc will bo sen
tenced next week,
Mm. Ashbrldgg Is aroused nf HmuKglliiK
tho rovolvcr Into the (irlson with which her
liualmnd did tho Nboottng. lie win being
hold for trlnl on the charge of killing llllz
nbeth Dimliar, nn aclreM, on tho corner of
Ninth nml Market streets, t'umden, cm
January 22. AKhbrldgc nml fioorgo Tliomp
ron, a fnrger, who inado IiIh o.capo at, the
imrao time, were both cupturvd, though the
latter was not apprehended until September
12. Aahhrldgr wan caught In Clictor with
his wife,
IIo was tried for thq murder nf tho act-rcs-'n,
that case having precedence over tho
second killing, and w.ih found guilt v In the
first degree. The dato of his execuin will
bo set next week.
Wc3t Virginia Lcgislattva Committee
Bctfin3 Inquiry of Alleged Bribery
CltAltLKSTON", W. Va., -N'ov. 21. Tho
House investigating commltteo today began
a proho Into lmrgoH that liugo minis of
money were offered and p.i3cd to members
of the lower legislative body In return for
their votes against pending legislation.
Outgoing trains were loaded with legis
lator, lobbyists and othor persons.
To Launch Second Chester Tanker
CHBSTKR, I'a.. Nov. 21. Hecauso of the
mall of buslnes.M of 'the Chester .Shipbuild
ing Company, little ceremony will attend
tomorrow tho launching of Its nccond tank
er. The Clolaa, contracted for by Nor
wegian mcrcharitH, will lie Kent down tho
ways at noon. Tint vesoel Is 100 feet long
nml cost $1, fiOll. 000. The (lolna will bo
used In tho oll-carrylng trado betweon this
country and Norway.
Standard Oil President Suffers
Sudden Attack of
NKW VOIttf. Nov. 24. John X Arch
bold, president of the Standard Oil Com
pany of New Jersey was operated on for
iipiendlcltls at his home In Tarrytown Inst
Vew of the operation was given uut nt
tile otllitfs of the Standard Oil Company
Mr. Arehbold passed a comfortable night
and his condition Is reassuring.
The nttnek on tho oil magnate's health
was midden. He wbb nt his oillce during
i ho early part of the week and apparently
was in normal health. That ho had been
htr'cken wan known only to bin friends.
Mr. Arehbold has played an Imporlnnt
i:nt In the building tip of the gigantic1 oil
Industry controlled by the Standard.
ttiPiiklm; nwny fiom home nt the nge of
sixteen, wllh only $100 in his pocket, he
has. rrt-iited for himself ono of the grenlest
fortunes In America.
Barge After All-Night
Taken From
NHWI'OltT. It. t., Nov. 21. CJoVernnient
life savers took four persons from the
linrge Newmk toilay after an all-night
battle wllh n heavy tea. The rescued are
Captain and Mrs. (). II. Anderson, of Jer
sey City I Ilenjanilii Kolcy, of llostoii, and
Paul Vngt, of Jersey t:ity. They wire
In a weakened condition from exposure and
wero hurried to a hospital.
Tho bargo Is owned by the IJoslon ami
New Voik Transportation Company mid
lost her rudder in a storm. If her anchors:
hold alio will be saved, otherwise the rocks
wltl tear her lo pieces.
Inspect This Splendid i
Engagement Ring
Specially brilliant,
full out diamond In
ill platinum setting.
A ring of extraordi
nary ntagnlilconce.
See the gorgeous
assortment of dia
monds we bought
before the big ad
vance In prices.
Kvcry stone guar
anteed exactly as
r's'lrr our rr.irrv irnti. a tmatl
itrimsit will hattt (hi? rdip or nnu
olhrr article lor ioh mitil .Ymnj,
Write fur UlamonU Itooklet
I 511
ff I
i Katnbllilinl IBIS J
j Diamond Stores
t 56 N. 8th St. 37 S. 8th St. $
fy lUWtwtwtutuvtvuwntuvM'
I Alone With I
i me ma
You enn enjoy an evening with Wagner, Chopin, Verdi and
Paderev3ki by playing their soul-Btirring compositions with
all tho skill and depth of feeling of tho masters themselves
on the fampus
Its deep, mellow tone is the ultimate in musical perfection.
Its easy and quick action is a constant delight And it will
grow fonder in your regard as the years pass by.
Sold to you at imnufaatiircr'a prices. Our easy and
confidential payment plan will interest you. Why not in
vestigate? Your Old Piano in Exchange at Full Value
jl X.0
1306 Chestnut St., Philadelphia
Gentleman I'leabe vend me booklet and complete descrip
tion of your s '
v Lester Player-Piano
alao detail of gany-payraent plan without Interest or extra.
I Name ,.....,.., ....,.,,., J
Addrcs K. I tl-Sl-6 jS
"jT3 30 Hootlt 0d HI- J0 Ureadwar IS North Silt Bt. ff -
fjSTH S;n Jimulnttvn Ave. !09 at State St. S8 U.tMla8t. 1
perny artu- gijl wjmmw-u-iijujs, ijw poutu aiain oircei , iiz
lint Pi I'll U f- ""' 'H
VM-em SsssSsxsmfOmmsaOK!IJMMMM0AMXIM MMmAAWXS&ntt fegg
rrlWlMf Hf jmSi flaMiE'alflflisffi'JIUnHHHUm Hii!wt4uMwS F
- ; ' v
Holiday Gift Buying Has Indeed Begun in Earnest at
trawhridge & Clothier's
and To-morrow Will Be Another Great Day for Wearing Apparel
Thd last Saturday of November should be greater than the first! There's no lessening of the demand for Winter Apparel
lor Men, Women and Children, and besides, the Christmas shoppers are eninuaiusucany uuy. n. yUU nvu a cnarge account (or
open one) you will not pay until January for the merchandise you buy now. Try to be here early to-morrow.
Women's Suits and Dresses for
Thanksgiving and Afterward
Thanksgiving and Christmas festivities will be the more
enjoyed if a woman is the possessor of a new Suit or Dress
especially if the holidays are to be spent out of town. The pur
chase of a new Suit or Dress is no extravagance, when such
vnluca nre obtainable.
Suits at $15.75 g ;.".;
black, navy blue, tjreen nml brown. Smart
tailored model, with velvet collar on the Kilk
lincd coat.
$22.50 to $27.50 Suits, $17.50
A npccial lot poplin, serge, Rnbardlne,
wool vclour and colored checks, in black, navy
blue, brown nnd dark green. Some fur-trim-mctl,
many plain-tailored.
Suits from $20.00 to $30.00
Great vnriety Suits of sorEc, gabardine,
whipcord, wool vclour, broadcloth and vel
veteen, in blnck, navy blue, brown, plum and
green. Plenty of plain-tailored models, which
permit women to wear their own furs. The
model aketched, of gabardine ?22.50.
Other Fur-trimmed Cloth Suits up (o
Fur-trimmed Plush and Velveteen Suits
S.'JO.OO to $190.00
W - Second Floor, Market Street
Women's Serge Dresses at $15.00
Of serge and sergc-and-silk, in black and navy blue. A variety of
models at tnis price straight-line, plaited and bolero effects, embroidered
in wool or silk, nnd braid-bound $15.00.
Dl'GSSGS Jit S18 75 Serge Dresses and Scrge-and-Silk Dresses,
, principally in black and navy blue. Wool-
embroidered models, with silk girdle, surplice front or in bolero jacket effect.
Serge DreSSeS, $22.50 n Wacknntl navy blue-Bomo com-
bintng the serge with silk; embroid
ered in Oriental colors. Surplice-front and redingotc models.
Dance Dresses from $15.00 to $65.00
Silk Afternoon Dresses from $15.00 to $100.00
Second Moor. Centre
Seven Special Lots of Women's
Winter CoatS Wonderful Value;
This Store undoubtedly has the best values in Women's
Coats, as to-morrow will be the fourth successive Saturday for
which we have secured hundreds of Coats all new and in the
season's most approved styles at very much less than regular ufclces
Somo of tho lots consist of Coats in styles not shown before; others are
duplicates of best-selling models, re-ordered because of their popularity
Fancy Mixed Coats now $15.50
In favored colorings somo in over-plaid effect;
full rippling back; body and sleeves lined.
Seal Plush Coats now $16.50
Heautifully lustrous; loose, full back, collar clos
ing well at the throat.
Wool Plush Coats now $20.00
In gray, brown, green nnd blue; lined body and
sleeves; side belts holding in fullness; deep, Bquare
cut collar, with band of fur. '
Wool Velour Coats now $22.50
In two-tono effect; belted, and lined throughout;
deep, squnre-cut collar, with band of fur.
Wool Velour Coats now $22.50
In brown, green and blue; side belts; body and
sleeves satin-lined; fur collar.
Seal Plush Coats now $25.00,
With collar of dyed opossum, full rippling back;
lined throughout.
Bolivia Cloth Coats (Si'trheu"1 ) now $27.50
WONDERFUL VALUE worth n third mpre; in brown, blue and
green; lined throughout with self-foned pcau do cygnc; fur collar and cuffs.
Handsome Wool Velour Coats now $37.50
In plain and diagonal effects; fullness on each side, with belts back
and front; deep fur collar; elegantly lined throughout.
Coats in Our Regular Stock Coats of fancy mixtures, ?lo,00 to
$35.00; Cheviot Conts, ?10.00 to $20.00; Wool Velour and Broadcloth Coats,
v$20.Q0 to ?45.00 tho higher-priced models fur-trimmed; Seal Plush Coats,'
?35.00 to 5G5.U0; Bolivia Uotn goats, $;io.uu.
ftocoiw Floor, Centre
Precise Watch
, PRICE $15.00.
have won a reputation
and prestige most gratify
ing to us. We 3cll more
and more each year, and
hundreds are carrying
thorn with pleasure and
This Precise Watch
A triumph in watch
making. Such a Watch
has never before been sold
at so low a prices $10.00.
The narrow bezel, large,
clear .dial, invisible joint
ed back and flat low-set
crown are new features in
Watches at this price. It
is made by the same high-
class watchmakers who
produce the, higher grades
of Precise Watches. Each
one is tested and perfect
ly adjusted at the factory.
Tho ease s 25-ycar gold-
filled, plain polish. War
ranted to cive cood serv
ice. The movement has
fifteen ruby nnd sapphire
jewels, compensating bal
nnce, Breguet hairspring
and micrometric scrow
Other Precise Watches
up to $75.00 (solid gold
& V AUle 9, Market St.
Our Winter
for Men
We Could Use Page Upon Page
of Space to Tell You About It
We could picture it in the most glowing terms, tell you about'
how it is made, its smart style, what goes into it, where it comes
from and the service it gives. But when all is said and done
there is 710 argument that can speak so forcefully or so convincingly to tho
modern business man as the thousands of Suits and Overcoats themselves,
which are assembled here for his inspection.
Men's Overcoats, from $15.00 to-$65.00
A very comprehensive collection of correct styles and fabrics. At $15.00,
$18.00 and $20.00 there are Overcoats which will appeal particularly to the
young man. Hosts of men, however, elect to pay $25.00, $27,50 and $30.00,
realizing thut nt these prices it is possible for the manufacturer to give tho
best of tailoring at his command. The Stein-Bloch and Hart Schaffner &
Marx styles at these prices are very distinctive quick to appeal to men of)
critical tastes.
Men's Winter Suits, from $15.00 to $40.00
Those at the lower prices $15.00, $18.00 and $20.00 nre really remark
able value at tho prices, considering present co3ts of materials and workman
ship. Tho styles arc exceptional, too and will appeal to the young man or
the man who feels young. Among the hundreds of different styles ure thoso
from the Stein-Bloch Co. and Hart Schaffner & Marx $20.00, $25.00 and
$30.00 seem to be the prices most favored.
Ilf a gyWTaffffffgyipCMaM yYr
Men's Suits
$12.50, $18.50, $25.00
Somo special lots, others taken
from stock and reduced. They
are all smart in style and desir-
. able the $18.50 and $25.00 lots
containing many Stein-Bloch and
Hart Schaffner & Marx models.
Suits worth $15.00, at $12.50;
Suits worth $20.00 and $22.50, nt
,$18.60; Suits worth $27.50 and
' $30.00, nt $25.00. All regular
$16.50, $18.50, $21.50
Conservative styles. Those at
$10.50 and $21.50 are in black
and Oxford. Tho Overcoats at
$18.50, in Oxford only. The Over
coats at $10.50 have seams piped
with satin; the Overcoats at
$18.60 and $21.50, full satin-lined.
At present standards they aro
worth $20.00, $22.50 and $27.50
respectively $16,60, $18.60 and
- Thanksgiving
IF A DOZEN pieces or
so or an entire pattern
is desired, she can choose
here from a very good
assortment of patterns.
Many of the most beauti
ful designs are to be
found here exclusively.
Sterling Slluer
Teaspoons $10.00 to J1J.00
Dessert Spoons 523 to JIS
Table Spoons ?28 to $36
Dessert Forks 23 to $!8
Dinner Forks J28 to 134
Coffee .Spoons $G,75 to $9.3$
Bouillon Spoons, $12.50 to JU
Orange Spoons $13 to 19
Oyster ForksC$12 to $15
Butter Spreads $15.50 to $20
Dessert Knives $20 to $26
Dinner Knives $23 to $29
Silver-Platcd Ware
Teaspoons $2.00 to $5.00
Dessert Spoons $3 to $
Table Spoons $4 to $10
Dessert Forks $3 to $9
Dinner Forks $4 to$IO
Coffee Spoons 2 to $5
Bouillon Spoons $4 to $1
Orange Spoons $3 to $6
Oyster Forks $3 to $6
Butter Spreads $4 to $7.10
Dessert Knives $9,60 to $11
Dinner Knives tlO.60-tlS.EO
JJ Aisle 8, Market St,
Santa Claus' Reception in
the Toy Store To-morrow
We shall expect you and the
the children early to-morrow. Toy
land ia a wonderland. Every good
girl and boy ia invited. Only four
weeks until Christmas Eve, you know!
Better let the little ones see Santa Claua
and whisper in his ear, so that he may
make full provision for everybody,
THE TQY STORE is more attractive
than ever extending all tho way from
Market to Filbert street, on the Fourth
Floor, Filled from wall to wall with ,
wonderful Toys, Games and Dolls-r-and
more constantly coming from Santa
Glaus' big warehouses as fast as the
jolly old fellow lays aside the thinga or
dered from day to day.
Great Quantities and great variety more Toya than ever I But
we'll need more than ever. And some of the lota may not last until
Christmas. NOW IS THE TIME to make arrangements with Santa
Claus to insure YOUR CHILDREN'S happiness on Christmas Day.
Santa Claus will have a little souvenir
for each boy and girl to-morrow
-.- Fourth Floor. Market to Filbert Street
You'll Find Real Pleasure in
Choosing Your FURS Here
This haa been a week of wonderful activity in the Fur Store.
Furs are in universal demand, and each of the seven ages of
woman haa been provided for. An unrivaled assortment will be
found here, all exactly as represented, all moderately priced in fact! much
lower than they would be if wo had not made early provision for a heavy
demand; t-
Natural Wolf Sets ,. $15.00 to $20.00
Natural Red Fox Sets $22.50 to $50,00
Black and Kitt Coney Combination Sets.. $20.00 to $25.00
Chinchilla Squirrel Sets. . . , $35.00 to $55.00
Taupe Fox Sets. $35.00 to $65.00
Persian Lamb Sets , $30,00 to $47,50
Natural Leopard Sets $25.00 to $38.00
Slink Muffs $15.00 U 150.00.
Black Fox Muffs $15.00 to M
Taupe Fox Muffs $32.50 to $50.00.
Natural Skunk Muffs $220 to $55
Hudson Seal Muffs $13.50 to IIWO.
Moleskin Muffs $33.50 to $55.00.
Opossum Muffs $9.00 to $15.00.
Sfuskrat Muffs $7.75 to $12-00.
Coney Muffs $6.75 toi$8.50.
Raccoon Muffs$13.50 to $35.00.
Beaver Muffs $20.00 to $45.00.
ffeuind Vlaor, Filbert Street tW IHW
Natural Blink $15.00 to $50.00,
Black Fox Scarfs $11.00 to $52.50.
Taupe Fox Scarfs $33.50 to $57.50,
Natural Skunk Scarfs, $13.50 to $55.
Hudson Seal Scarfs $8.50 to $ J 7.50.
Moleskin Scarfs $13.50 to $50.00,
Opossum Scarfs $9.00 to $20.00.
Muskrat Scarfs $6.75 to $13.50.
Coney Scarfs $5.00 to. $12.00.
Raccoon Scarfs $9.00 to $25.00,
Beaver Scarfs $10.00 to $38.00.
. iniiuii. m. OAUU -, i ., --
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