H ,. u BMImuijmii ffi IS BVBM5TG fflBIPHIIADBBPHIA'r jmiDAY, NOVBMrate 2d, 1910 . ia a," 1 iV v " F?J-r fr, k i 4?r un-, f '. k K , ':r Fltf ANCIAL NEWS A STOCK MARKET STEADIES ITSELF, WITH MOVEMENTS MOSTLY UPWARD i ' ptili States Steel Goes Up 26 Points Banks Seek to Make Loanable Funds More Profitable Money Not Offered Until Late in Day NI2W Tonic, Nov. 21. 1 After three days of bear pressure nnil liquidation, nt times In lnrgo volumo, tho ntock market steadied Itself and today's movements wcro In nearly nil cases to higher quotations. The advances Included Rains of 1 to 2 points In tho leading issues, with violent nclvancos In somo of tho specialties, Gulf States Htoof moving up 26 points to 181. ' Thoro was no buying In largo blocks, but most of tho demand represented absorption by banking Interests and by that r.tnss nf commission houso clients whleh nro nblo to pay for stocks bought In full and tako them out of tho Htreot. At tho same time many of tho professional traders who had sold slocks In tho last few days because of vaguo rumors about pending unsettling developments were anxious to buy their Rlocks back, but found offerings too scant to permit general covering. As tho day progressed this condition became moro pronounced, and In tho lato trading many Issues sold nt tho highest range of tho day. Attention has been attracted to tho money situation by tho fact tlint for threo days call monoy has loaned In largo volumo at 4 per cent, with nomo small loans made, nbovo Uiat rate. There Is a disposition on tho .Street to regard this higher Interest chargo as tho result of concerted action by tho leading banks to rnako their loanable funds mora profitable. Instead of sending money Into tho Kxchango around 11 o'clock to bo loaned on call, tho banks for somo days past liavo hold bark their offerings until tho last hour and at time Imvo called In loans, making somo of tho borrowers nuxlnus 'about rearranging tholr finances. This Is tho usual mothod pursued by banking Institutions vhcn they dcslro to obtain higher rates for tholr monoy, anil It often had tho effect of Inducing tho borrowors to maka tlmo loans Instead of depending on the call monoy market for funds. It was asserted In somo quarters that tho present action of tho banks was duo to a groat extent to tho fnct that tho CO days of over-mllllon-shtiro business had caused congestion In their affairs and that necessities for making aceotmtH Eood at tho end of each day had resulted In long porlorts of overwork by tho banking employes, and thoy desired to forco somo chnngo which would icllovo this congestion. Ono statement was mado that tho banks wero disposed to favor weekly settle ments Instead of the present dally settlements, but Stock Exchango authorities tnado positive statements that such a chnngo would not bo oven considered. They mado tho point that this Is tho only market In which business Is conducted on cash basis and Insisted thnt thoy intend to keep It ho. Thero was heavy trading In tho bond mnrket ngnln today, with tho largest transactions In Chill Copper 7s, which rnnged from 143 to 117. Tho Itock Island Es wero also traded In on nn cxtia large scalo, moving up from 72 to 7fl!)4- American Tolephono 4s wcro easier, declining from 02',i' to 31. Anglo-Frondi fJs sold at 94 to OS. Atlantic, Gulf and West Indies Declares Initial Dividend on Common x NEW YORK, Noy. 24. Tho Atlantic. Gulf and West Indloshmi declared nn Initial dividend of $5 on tho common stock, payable February 1 to stock of record December 29, Tho dividend Is paynblo from earnings" for tho fiscal year ending December 31. Itegular quarterly dividend of $1.25 a sharo on preferred was also declared, payablo January 2. i Railway Stcol Spring Resumes Dividends on Common &EW YORK, Nov. 21. Tho Railway Steel Spring Company has declared a quarterly dividend of Hi per cont on tho common stock, payable December 30 to stock of record December 15. Also regular quarterly dividend of 1 per cont on preferred stock, paynblo December 20 to stock of record December B. This Is tho first disbursement on tho common shares slnco Jlnrch 22, 1913, when 2 per cent was declared. NEW YORK STOCK SALES I.nnt olmfo Acma Toa G7 AJax Itubber 7U Alaska Gold M 121-5 Alaska J Gqjd M 8H Allls-Chalmen Mfis XI AllU-Chal Mfg pt 00 Am Ac Chemical 89 Am Beet Sucar 103JC 100 Am Can 02)f 01 Am Caa pf 113 Am Car & Fdy 7:i Am Cat & Kdy pf, Am Cotton oil 6Uj Am Hide & Leather I0i Am Illdo&Lpf 755i Am Ico Securities 23 Am Linseed ?M Am Unsco-l pf .. G3 Am Locomotive 8'JJJ Am Locomotive pf 10SU Am Malt Corp'n 0 Am Malt Corp'n pf 48Vj Am Smelt & ltd Am Smelt & II pt.... I.OW. 075 i 71 12U BH 33M 00 89 104 02'f IKS.1; U3H ll.'l.'i 74M 2 74 High. 59 714 12H 8H 37 01H WHS 3.00 p.m. f.9 71 fiH sow 01 03VS 100 0J1$ .110U 117JS 1171J H7Ji 01H 17 771i -7J5 221S 005f 108 0J4 48 . 1 172 11DK 117 117 120 117 Jjl 1UK 70 27K nn & sou 10s 0H 4S 5U5 Ifij, 705 27JS 2215 !Ml 00i 103 OH 4S 110 11071 07 CO nan 127JJ 128li 2 S2'l noti 8J5 100 0'JJJ 0)I 05 SSJJ 80 9SI5 00 J i 08 0851 80 100 093J 81 08 18 -'3f 1C8 84 OS IS noii Am Smelt DfU 03 07 00 Am Steel Foundries 07 Ji 00 C74 Am Buear Heflnln ...11 1105f 11054 Am Tel & Tel 127I 123!i Am Woolen 53 S2U Am Woolen pf IWi 98H iir.1.1 ti r Dr. f!n AJa llliliuj: l y........ ij u ' Am Zinc I. & 8m MH AmZL&Spf 82 Anaconda Cop M 081i -Associated OH 00K AtnTop&8F 101)5 10 1 10l)f 1W!X Atch Top & H F pf 100M 10015 100H 100VJ Atl OnU & W 1 12-1 120)f 120W 122H AtlO&WIpf 72 72M 72H 72H Bald Loco Wks .'...82J &U-5 S3!f 84i Bald Loco Wlu pf VXIH 107H 107 107 Bait & Ohio 80H 805X 80Jf 80X Bethlehem Steel 000 050 05U 000 BrooldyaltapTr,...:.. 83Ji &l Butte & Superior 07)1 C9 Uutterlclc Co, 18 18 Cal Petroleum 21 24 Canadian l'adflc 171K 171 Central Ltather 112U 111'. 112U 113i Chandler Motor ..112 noil 110 110 CheaAOUlo tWU Oil! J 011U 00 Chi Qreat West HH 14H UH Uii Chi Qreat West pf 41 43! 43! 4VH ChlMUSBtr 0214 U31 KM 03Ji CM & Northwestern 12QM 127f 12711 127J1 CoIOis&Elcc 40H 47H 40) 40H Chi I & 1'ac ;) ai Chile Coppor 4... 32 'Mil ' Chlno Copper ,., 071 S G8V5 ' Col Fuel & Iron B5J( S3 Cfe'i Com Pro Itefpf., 107 108 i - Caba Cana Su:ir....,,. 70Ji 71J1 i Cnba Cane Susar pf... . 09 00 Deere & Co pf ,7. 03 DO DtlLaclcJE West 238 233 Denver & It la Or 18H 10 Distill Sec Corp'n 41H 45J1 Dome Min 22H 33ii Kite , 30H 373 J - General Chemical ...326 320 aenerl Electric 17U 1703X 170U 17UJX Geaeral Motors pr 1231(121 120 120 Ooodrich U V 70H 70 70 703 Qranby ConsoL ....107;f III 103 100 O Nets lor ore prop.... Ui 45. 44 H 45 ureene-Cananea 6114 OaU States Btaet 155 Qulf States d 2d pf ISO 'Illinois Cent ,.,..105 Imp Con Cop. ,,, COJi lut Con Cor T tc 10... 18 Int Agricultural.. ....... 23H 1st Agricultural pf..,.,, 0 Int Paper 02 J S lot Piper pf. ..,.. ,,102 lut Nick v tefs 46 Ictif M cof dp....... 421$ 32 323J 05JJ 55H 2731 33M 333J 073 08 2731 107H 1073S 80)1 S3 70H 70JX 08H ObH UU UQ 233 233 18J( ISJi 42 4&X 2-'U 2331 3UJI 37 320 SM 523X 181 175 105 70M 18 ll 23H 63K Olli 1 JatilM pf cof dp. ...new 118 62 62 1013J 10)1 175 173 104J1 103 0034 70 J 18H 18)1 21 23 613i 62H 023X 03 10IS5 103 10-Di, Uili 45H 4U 4031 453X 40 Jewel Tea 85H - KwClty Southern...... 2d ,;T XUy Burins Tire 76 - Xspntcott Copper G3 I&fedaQas 112 &kira!uu SUsel 10J -la4iJrli W pf 401i JU Bnbber Tt 3SU Litlgn VaJejr 81M MartayCos 85 ' iljetay Cos pf 83 MJtweHMo 74JX S Melon 1st pf. Slit MM Motors 3d pi, 40 83 20)1 70)1 6SH 113 U0JX 117 mt 60 20 20)1 70 701 67 68 112 W JOIK J033X 101 4U 4W 4U 391J 3911 3W, 83 8131 83 85 &5 85 G5i e6H 06H 70 73)f 74 8131 8l 81JX 4011 40 40 m mn urn ilex lvtroliutn ..,,W?ii 100)i luSli 100)5 iIJamCpp :mI 46i Uii 40M list 27M IB! AaaTei..... 7H J telmBwr.V,.,, 844 W . KtoA s c,.... mi ; Zl 1 Vi ilH ilii .iiji m m 1mi .1:00 cIoho. IIlRh. Iiw. p.m. Nev Con Cop i'83i 3031 28J 30)1 New York Air nrako....l7.ri ISO 175H 178 Nov York Central 100'f 107)5 107 107)1 New York Dock 10 2tVf 2i 21)1 NVw York Dock pf t') CO 60 60 N Y 0 & Weit 20W 303 C20J1 30)i Norfolk fc Wntern 138)1 110 139JJ 140 Norfolk & West pf 8J1 8531 83X 85'! Northern Pacific Ill 11HX 111 111J1 Ontario Sliver Mln 0!J 0J1 (i fi', Pacific Mall 2.".!1 26H 2."i) 2.r)51 I'enn Itallroiil 6031 50U ,r.03i 6031 Philadelphia 'Co 43(5 4.131 41 45 Pills Coal c of dp 121X 40M 42J1 40)5 Pitts Coal pf c of dp.... 103 109 10') 109 Pressed Stoet Car hH Ml Klb 85)1 Pullman Co lOOVf 100)1 lfiGM 103)1 Ity .Steel Spjs 6031 60'1 68 69 Ity Steel Sprlnus pf 102 102 102 102 llsy Con Copper 3131 33'1 31J1 33)1 Ilcadln: 100)1 10S31 107 10731 Ilepubllc Iron & 8 80!X 8931 87lf M)J Seaboard Air Line HI 10)5 lOHi 10 a bhat Arts Cop 323i 3331 323X 333i hloss-Shef S & 1 83H &G3X 81 8031 Sou thJra Pacific 09)1 100'i 09J1 100 bouthern ity 2031 2731 27H 2731 Southern Ity rf ,071 07)4 07 07 St Louis Southwoat 20)5 20)5 20)5 20H Studi-uaker Co 125 12551 12J)5 124V5 Studebjker Co pf 100M 111) 110 110 1 turn Copper 24)1 2531 21W 25M Texas Co 230 235 230 235 Texas Pacific 17)1 17H 17H 17)5 Ihlrd Avenue 49)1-49)5 49)j 49H TinCltyIlT 05 05 05 05 Union Das & l'apor 14H H'l 113X 1431 Union Ilaj & P now.... 119 120)1 118H UStf United Clsar Stores 09 0SM 03)4 03)5 United Fruit 101 101" 101 101 Union Pacific 147)1 148'i 117H 118 Union Pacific pf 82)5 83 83 83 UbOIl'sF 25"! 25)1 253X 2531 U fl lnd Alcohol ...132)1 135)5 132)5 135H united leys Inv 12)1 14 12 W 14 Unlteil Itys Inv pf 20 20!f 253X 20!X U S Itubber 0-1)1 00H 05 00 U8oraIt&M 7731 7811 77 77 U a Steel Corp'ii 121)1 120J1 12 1H 120J1 U S Steel Corp'n pf 121)1 12131 121)1 121M Utah Copper 120 122)i 120)1 122)1 uian Bccurllles 2I!i Va-Caro Chemical 40 Va-Caro Chemical of. ...112 Va Iron Coal fi O U2 Wabash 14)1 Wabash pf A 5031 Wabash pf H 2031 West Uuton Tel 101H West K & M 03 Western Maryland 2511 Whlto Motor 6-1 WUlys Overland 39 Willi's Overland pf , 03)1 Uvfottd ex dividend. 22 213 2131 43 40)1 47i 111)1 111)1 111)1 07 02W 07 1531 15 15)1 57Jt 50J1 67Ji 31H 2931 31 1033X 103)1 103)1 G331 03)1 03)1 20)1 20 20)1 6i)5 61 64)1 39)5 38JX 3931 09 09 09 LOCAL MINING STOCKS TONOPAH STOCKS Did. Jim Duller , .Uft MucNamara OT Midway UO MUpah- Kateoalon , ID Montana ...,, ,...,. .tlJ North star ..................... .15 Tonopah llelmonC ..t..,., 4 Tonopati Kxtonlon ,......,,..,,. B Tonopuh Mlnlnir ..........V O rttsous Kula Si Weal. End ,..... 71 QOLDFIELD STOCKS Atlanta . lllue Dull on i u " " ' ' " Combination 'Friction '.',.'!!!!)!"! niumondfleld U II,.,,..,,....,,,, JJat'y .,.,....,..,.,.,....,., Plorcnca .. OoUHeli Consolidated uomntio fiercer Jumbo Kxtcnaloa Kewunaa . Oro Hand Kn.. SUyr I'lck Aiked. .Ill) .09 .'J3 .M :n ill o 0 ,0T .03 ,08 .0 .03 ,U3 ; .01 ' ", '. .'to , .03 , .01 , .31 IHSOELLANEQUS' Kavada Hill ,.,.. .22 Nevada Wonder .3.20 Tceopa Jllnlwr 10 ,.,,..,, ... ... . ....... .........i ,,.,.., ss .3U .70 ,08 .03 .10 .01 .00 ,ou .on .27 ,53 ;SS :oS .21 3.30 .30 NEW YORK BUTTER AND EGGS NEW TOltK. Nov. 24 OlUTTBR Hlpti, 7003 lulu: market steady. Illal) irrades con linued light, ascaadary aradts slow and wsaker. No ctarura tn auotatlotu. SflS Rlpt, 4781 cihi; flaa freih, scare at flonr- wixod And lower qualities quit. E tro. 40850s-. extra Orsts. GfieoSc. Ors)s, 3 01Se Mads, 3Qi:c; no eban on ether grads. . No Change In Granulated Susjiyr NHW VOUK. Nov 24. Pijw srarmtatgd mgT w uwited at 7.75o and 7 SOe. The INK m a)M uuua luyvs was ai ouue. ' 1 1 1 ' i. i i i 'ij New York bond Sales I Sates in Philadelphia ' ' I JWrWiPH" HIP il I II mi i inj ina i ii .-aisisss. Jtth. I-nji iw Aiimny A bus a1... nin j'7 ,1000 Ainu uaM cv s ser A. 80)4 80' ,tn(N)(i Arnor Aitr deb Bs .. .10114 inlj; aimio ,m Forelcn fire ns... BS KOOOO Amer Hmelt v 0...1IJ,, 23O0O Amer Tel HI 1s.,....403)i 17nno do evt IV4. ...... .107 3000 Amer Thrend 4 ""i ssitoo Amer Wrll IMP fi. . HI,, 70DO Amour Co IHs n 200(i Alehlnon n Is- . . 0J,. anno do -v la inns.. mia .liiil tot. 100 lnni ti vi "'it Mil OtlH 7i OHM 804 07'i 7't 01 101 H7J4 R7'l 3S nrmri ri v jb inito . IjMino do cv tin 1017 . i ,!" Airn i rnni n i, ..... '' iiii yvimn ro Line iv... i"7 lr.n'io rto 1st fis 01 2000 clo rlt U J7H bimio Halt A Ohio a'4i. .. OIK l.toilO do lis 10tW 20000 tin in.., 02 r.000 do cv 4 ti on lnuoii iifto i l.Uwv 4s.. 74 loot) llMh Stl 1st R11 H'2H Bono do rfd n 102 anno Can Oovl r, 1021 . . .100 7000 do n 1020 ni 22000 do ns lnai loo 1000 f! c V ucn 4 "OJl 2000 Conl Par 1st -is .. 110 27M10O Chill (incr 7 .... .117.. 12000 Chrs A Ohio CV IV4 . V aonn do 414 n 02J, 2r,!ino do ronv Bs 0-.J4 20no do Un lon'4 1000 Chi A Alton H'4" ... B 11000 Chi fit West 4 7454 2000 Chl A Nwn kmi 4s 01 loooo do Ron atii Is 01 7000 rhl II A joint 4s.. I"',, liooo Chl II A Q urn Is.,.. OI'S .1000 Chl II ft u III Is .. ..V7 1 0 Chl HI I A Mlnn Os tin. r.000 chl Un HI 414s . .I"H 40(100 Chl M t H I 4s 102:.. O.V,l 1000 do rfd I'in oil 2000 do ronv fls 100 ajMOO flo nv lV4n moii 2HO0O Chl II I V Is . . . . fR 27000 Ark lV4n 7n 13HOOO rfd In 7y. .It.Viiio do fin 7fl" 17HO00 do r,s ct ons sin . . 1?.. 4SOOO do two sin ... looo Chlo Itwy r.s., 7OO0 Clnv St I.lnn 4'4 .. '.,ooo rr,i at nouio -I'-is ... nt niir.no City of I'nrls 1. HHJ4 looo romp Tnh Itcc Co (is. h7'4 ltir.ooo Cons (Ins of II1II0 lia.KIHti 2.1000 Con (Ins ronv Os ..121 loooo CumhTlnnd Ttl r.s...t()l, I looo IV11 A Itlo dr I Ni;i llooo Detroit United 4V4s.. Hi 1000 i;rle gen 4s 4W ijvi 0000 do prior Is .. ... RV, H.l HI r.000 flrciit Nor 1st r, loiiVl I00H lon loiin Hud ft Mnn In rs .. 211JJ 20U 20ji lii'iooo uo rfd r,i 71(4 71., 71J4 looo III nt,ol ilsli ls . ... 0:1,4 H04 O.lJ rooo lndl.inii Hliol r,s 101V4 103 l.T4 7000 Inwn Control rcf Is., no no nil r.ooo III c Ht I. A N () Us.. Id-'", I02W loJJ. 2000 III Out ixt 0'4b 8TA 14 gjlj 27000 III (Vnt 4n tO.ll HH., H7 BJt 1.1111)11 Intcrh Met (Ii liO'l I10K I'oS 20000 intn It T rcf r.s .. 00 on"; osS loooo Inter Mcr Mnr 414 .. 73 4 7.T.4 7.1J4 4000 Inter Aitr r.s 70(4 7H4 7iiJ4 41000 Jni nen tr 4s HIJ4 Ht Mil 1.1000 do new 4's HS(4 HH 1.8 14000 K C I't H A M Is 70 7H 70 mum do On Ill 111 . HI,, 1(100 Knn City Tel 1st Is.. RHVl HH'i HH)i 10000 l.ex A i: &! I()2j4 102 lOJH 17701100 l,ncl(.l Mtecl fit 11)30. lllOri 105J4 lnl 0(100 I.xrlnt.! (ins 1st BS...10I'. 10lJ lot. 2000 l.k Hh deh Is 1UJH . . On), llOJi OOJi lHOlin ilo dl Is 11131.,... Il.ljfl II.V .h 10000 I,eh Vol nf N V IV4" K1 lul 101 21000 I.Ik A M T Bs 102h 10J). IDJ'i 1000 I.IK A M T 7s 127l 127U 127 ) Bono Lone Island rfd Is.. Hll'i N'i Nli! 10000 Lorlllnnl Bs lol 101 Ji 10tJ 1000 Louis A Nnsh -Is 0.1 I'lli 05 looo Manhniun 4s H2 02., 1)2 10110 .Minhattnn Htn 0J 0214 02',i 20(100 Minn A M I. Is I1J 02 l!J BO00 Mn If (i Oltln Bs HO. 80 HO 310011 Mo I'nc w 1 4s 18(4 HH C'H 1000 do ev w sin Bi . Bl B.l B. niiiiil do c rl 2d sin Bs "17.101 , lot, 101, -non iln roiia Ha 10114 10.IJ4 loiH l.liion Mnnt l'onnr fia 100 no'J Oil1), l.iooo Nn i r.n.im & Htn ns ..101 1VIH1I1 'nl 'Put.,, r.M 10 2000 N Y C A Hud (.8 113'j 410110 do 414h liooo do con 4s HH'i 2O00 do n o 4s 83 mini N V City Is 11)10 reK.loi 11100 N Y City 4s ltlBO 102 IDoo do I m,k ioi 10.14 7000 ilo I'4h 11013 Ill) looo N y city i'i Nov 'DT.liii, :uhio N l i) Jl A i -tn. . . loooo do Bh 2O0O N Y I.aelt A W On r.ooo N' V N II A II lis . soon N Y Itwy ref Is 71 BOIIO N Y Itwy mil Bh. ... BnU lllilll N" Y Htatn Itwy l'4s..llB lonnil V Y Tel iren -lUs. ... on lilooo North I'ac prior Is... 04 liooo Oro H I.lti Bs 1011 1(100 Ore A W It A N 4s... JlBJi 1001) I'iicIOo Tol Bs llll4 rilOO IVnnn 4s 10 IH Mil ... Oil 1000 do Ken ct 44" 102 4000 do 4s 10 18 0034 13000 do rn IVjH 10(134 UIIIIOO rem Miirooetto Ktd 4s 31 2000 I'uh Hcrv N J .".H- .... 021 HOOD Iteiidlnir (tun 4s 0B(4 37000 HI I, I M A H Olf 4s. 82 , B2OO0 Ht I. A H V njs 4s.... H2 ,13100 do In Is B7 loooo in eon rt ho. 21000 do Her A 71(4 noilll dn Hiir II 80. Bono Bt Louis Swn con 4s ftOvl looo Henhnard A L rfd Is.. 70 2B00 Mouth Hell Bs 10.'., liooo Bnuth 1'ao cv 4s HHjl (HIOOiI do cv rrt f p Os....l(ilH 3MI00 do rfd 4a 02. 7000 South Itwy Ben 4s ... 7Bi 27000 do con Bs 10.'V4 13000 Texas Co rv 1 ln 2000 Tol Ht I, A W 4s.... 111 looo TrI-City Bs lnoti B0O00 IJ H Iluhher II' 102 1(1000(1 U H Htul f Bs ...107(4 (12 KlIJi lOIJi 13 Il.T1! 113 111 OBtm 11.1 H(l(t HllU B'Ki 83 83 8.1 01 101 101 02 102 102 0.14 10334 10 14 10 110 111) ij.lio lln lln . . 80 811 811 ..101(4 to.'.'! 1or, . 107(4 107 107 ..112i 1121 112J4 I 7 lit (lit 14 BO BO ll.-.4 11BS i tm JI un 02U 7B 102 10.-.11 01 100 102 107. L'aoooo tin Kb uf O II A LBs on 1-10 lit) ooou union iwik i- .is.... ., 51000 Union I'no 1st 4a ... Dl) .loooo Un llwys H p 4s . ... .17 21000 Va Car Chcm lot Bs..l00 4000 do lis I2S looo Vn Itwy Bs dii 3000 Wnbaah 1st Bs 10.1 1000 do 2il Bs 100 KIOO Went i:icc 9s 103 2000 U'ost Shore 4s tu lliiili) West Union 4s 02 3000 do 4 a 07 10.1 100 102 02 02 07 DIVIDENDS DECLARED Rtuts Motor Car, Incorporated, reanar quar terly of it. 23 a shnrs. payablo January 2 to holders of record December IB. Indianapolis Stroet Hallway Company regular somlanjiual of 3 per csnt. payable January 1. liuolts closu December 22, reopen Junuary 2. More Gold for South America NHW VOUK, Nov. 24. Qoldcoln to tho amount of fCBO.000 hrts been withdrawn from tho Sdlitreasury for fililpment to Ar Bontlnn. Tho Nntlonal Bank of Comm,erce has arranged to ship $100,000 In double, eagles to Uruguay. A November Investment List Sixteen high-grade bonds Yielding 5.00 to 6.75 Eleven short-term securities Yielding 4.70 to 6.37 Ten preferred stocks Yielding G.95 to 7.70 make up our November l List of timely invest ment suggestions. Ask for a copy of this List No. 2542, William P. Bonbright & Co., Inc. MORRIS WISTAR STROUD, Jr. Uaoaici 437 Chestnut St., Philadelphia Dstnll Paris lionbrlaht 4 Cs. Uotoa Sw Turk William r, Ilonbrttht Co. DiviDiwns TUB WEST j!gaj& AND Fblladslphla. November 3. 1910. Toa Hoard ot pttors has thU day declared a semi-annual dividend of Six (01 per cent. clear of tax, payabla Ocoembar 1, 1018, to stock, holders as reulstered on the booka of tha cuia. cany at cloie oi bualneaa November 10, U10, The transfer books will be closed from No vember loth to November -21st. 18 1U. ' lUZdH L WBVpRlriQ. Treasurer. THE AMEB1CAN GAS COSfPANV 101 Market st., Caoideo. N. J. v November SI, 119. A quJtrtarr dividend ot XVt (or i ptr share) baa. been declared en the capital etoclt of M company, para,tl Ueumber 1, 1818, to th stuckbofdera ct record at 3 p. m. November 22. 1910. Checki will ba mallad. "" 4- U. TOWN8ENO. Sd. Tr.asurar. mUKCTORY OV ACCUPMTAMT8 Certldtd fublla AtcannUBta 10 09 flDVft V4 80 57 0014 40 S3 is in ti nv, 20 (10 00M 41i 42 2004, 20 2 70W Hlch. 780 Allla Insur 20 1100 Allls Chal SAtt 10 Anne Cop. 00H 37 n ft S t o. otYt 800 Corn Prod. 2V4 0 Crucllilo St B7W 10 Chlno Cop 0i R CatnwIiuMi 1st pref, A3 BUS Klcc 8tor. 70 240 a Asphalt. 32 US It ft TJ T. 18 200 Kenne Cop SR lROSS Lk Sup C. 20",; 128 I.ch Nav.. 210 Lch V Tr. 1340 Nov Cons 428 I'enn It It lto Ta Salt M 138 Phllft Co.. 100 do cum pt 42 331 Milla 111 aoy, 33 do cash. $0 102S PUT tr cts 28 22 I'hlla Trno 70 10 I'ltts Coal to 47V4 110 H.iy Conn 33 loo Jlonrtlnff. .103V4 1138 Ton Ilel . 8 loo Ton Mln . . (I 20 Union Trao 47 110 Un O Imp. 0114 3803 11 H Ktccl..l20 70 War I ft 8 0 40 W .Tcr & a 80 1050 W Cramp anil Sons 04 14' nx dividend. iinNDS IllKh. Iw. fooo a aftnt us 0014 o 1000 Choc rii Bh. 101 101 1800 i:iee ft Pco Tr (b ., 83 8214 1000 I.oh Vnl 4b 01 m OIK. r.ooo ilo o 4140.10014 100 8000 do cons 4 'Ah .,.10014 1000 Pa Co cons IVin ...10014 8000 Pa ft Mil .Sit fiH...107Vi 4000 Phlla Co conn Sn. 02 1000 I'hlla nice 00 8000 Ilcad-Jcr Cent Is. 08 2000 Un llwys t c 4s ..'.. 72 Close, 20 814 90 SVi 28 8714 8814 83 70 32 18 88 20 20 22 30 8014 00V, 48 42 20 2014 28 7014 Net chite. ..... SH 1 i i W 14 1 8 1 2H '114 y i W 14 IMM H 4714 33 V4 108V, 414 0 47 01 11214 0 SO 01 4714 83V 108U 4 18-10 1 0 47 01 120 0 SO 4 1 10 V, 2 financial Briefs Tha Northern States Power Company re ports gross eftrnlngo for tho year ended October 31, o( 16,907,704, an Increase ot 3023,108 over the previous year. Net In creased $512,141 to $3,275,387. Gross earnings ot tho Commonwealth Power, Hallway and Light Company during October were $1,468,379, an increase ot 13.84 per cent over tho corresponding mdnth of the previous year. Not earnings trained" 8.66 per cent to $731,380 and the net profits Increased 4.29 per cent to $231, 867. The American Telephone and Telegraph Company subscription rights liava been admitted to dealings In the New York Stock Ilxchange. Tho New Tork Subtreasury lost $S63, 000 to the banks on Thursday, making a cash net loss slnco t'rlday of $7,664,000. TiATCB SUFJiiKlUJtl BTUUJ JLO JSiUTiViff ;.- Aivm AnVAMP.Tilfi TlsJ T.nnAT. iir a -nJJi4 -"- riw- w w.xj AUUajffByj Price Movements Are Mostly All to Higher LevelB Phiigl rioinln'n F.lnntric Sells Ex-Dividend, hnf. Pi. 1 Does Not Fall Pull Amount of Distribution 04 Close. 0014 lot 3 chite, V4 14 8214 0114 100 10014 10014 100" lOOVi 107 10714 02 00 02 00 2 08 08 72 72 Cotton Buyers nnd Sellers NHW VOIUC, Nov. 24. December Hentz, Cohen and Hartcorn bought; Kelfter, Cone, Mundn nnd llosenbcrg sold. January Wilson, Clearman, McFaddon, Mitchell, Nordcn, Cone, IVcnmnn and Abra ham bought; Downs, Shutt, Waters and Schlll sold. March Ilelzcnntotn, Urooks, Wilson, Recran, Newman and Wlggln bought; Ilngedorn, W. Gumoon'j, Cone nnd Mitchell sold. May O, Oumoens, Shutt, Dcardsley, Itnrtlott, Durnett and McFaddcn bought; Wlggln, CasH.ird, C, Illihts and Guild sold. July Morrison, Cnrpcntcr, O. Qumocns and Kelffer bought; Fllnn, Ilyman nnd Wilson sold. August ltoscnborg bought; Fllnn sold. October Itoyce. McFaddcn and It. Ilub bnrd bought ; Kelfter sold. City of ontreal B Gold Bonds Due November 1, 19S6 Montreal is the largest and wealthiest city in Canada and the principal commer cial and financial center of the Dominion. Price 99 and Interest Yielding about 5.05 Descriptive circular PE-73 on request The National City Company 1421 Chestnut St., Philadelphia New Tork rittbarh Boston Chinese Loan Oversubscribed NCW YOItlf, Nov. -24. Applications tor new Itepubllc ot China $6,000,000 0 per cent three-year treasury notes have been mado to nn amount threo tlmos In excess of tho totnIOffcrcd, according to nn official statement mado by Contlnentnt and Com mercial Trust nnd Savings Hnnk ot Chi cago, nnd Chandler & Co., Inc., Now York and Philadelphia, ns syndicate managers. Tho public talo of tlio securities has been closed. Extrn for Ornssclll Chemical CIiHVK!,AND, Ohio, Nov. 24. Tho Clrag sclll Chemical Company ban declared an extra rash dividend of 6 per cent nnd a slock dividend of 10 per cent on tho com mon stock pnynblo to holders of record De cember 15. The rcgulnr quarterly divi dends of 1 14 Per cent on tho comnian and profcrrcd btocks wcro nlso declared. It has been tho dally custom In tio trac ing on the Philadelphia Stock Exchange to lake somo Issue' In hand and make It tho feature of tho market This custom was not deviated from today. With tho opening demand appeared for Lake Su perior Corporation and during tho first hour It had ndvanccd a full 2 points to 29 W, as compared with the final of yesterday, tho Issue blng tho most nctlve throughout the list Part of the gain was lost. Tho whole market was very much better today. This Improvement, however, was mostly as far ns prices wero concerned. Business wnTi not on n, very largo scalo In the whole list There was an early advanco of 3 points In tho price of Huntingdon nnd Ilrond Top common to 16, nnd fractional gains wero recorded In Electric Storage Ilattory, Philadelphia Itapld Transit trust certificates and In the nrbltrago group. The arbitrage Issues generally mado the largest Tho nctlon of Philadelphia Electric throughout tho day was very pleasing to tho Strcot Tho stock Bold ex dividend to day. The nearcit fraction representing tlio loss of tho dividend Is H, nnd with this nmount off yesterday's closo tho price to day wpuld havo been 2914, but tho lowest the stock got was 294, and for tho greater part of tho day It was 29 . Adding the dividend to this amount trouM -.J mo siock senrnt 30, Thu X. J four per cent bonds were also ..?-Wn'l ing up 2 points. "u" i The Street regarded this firm.... 1 "P X" as being duo to th, faTffi? ! omcr step has now been taken In it hI financing plans of the comnanv f!ii application having been madj ,u, .h.WI Ilo Service Commission at Hai?lhJ the Philadelphia Electric Company rrfSL1, sylvan a to take over all of th, eler8;! properties controlled by th0 rnffi'J Electric Company of New Jersey elt,hlM Tax Free in Pennsylvania. Federal Income Tax Exempt Borough of Tyrone s Pa. School District 4 8 Maturing January 1, 1940 A. B. Leach & Co. 115 South Fourth Street NeV Tork Chlrng-o HuTsIa. Hoaton Ixndon, Ens. naHlmJrJ l French Municipal Loans $20,000,000 $20,000,000 $20,000,000 City of Bordeaux City of Lyons City of Marseilles Six Per Cent. Three-Year Gold Bonds t Due November 1, 1919 INTEREST PAYABLE MAY 1 AND NOVEMBER 1 Principal and interest payable without deduction for any French governmental or municipal taxes or other French taxes. Principal and interest payable in New York In United States gold coin, or, at the option of the holder (to be exercised as to principal thirty days before the date of maturity) in France in Francs at the fixed rate of Francs 5.60 per Dollar. Coupon bearer bonds in denominations of $1,000, $500 and $100 each. The Government of the French Republic is to undertake to furnish and permit the exportation of gold, so far a9 necessary, to permit the Cities to pay the interest or principal amount of the loans in gold in the City of New York. Wc arc informed that these loans are the only external loans of the above mentioned Cities and are to be made to provide for expenditures for the alleviation of suffering caused by the war and for other municipal purposes. We arc advised that BORDEAUX, one of the three leading French seaports, has, according to the last enumeration, a population of 261,678 and a funded debt of Fes. 43,500,000 (approximately $9,000,0001. LYONS, next to Paris tile leading trade center of France, has. according to the last enumeration, a popu. ' lation of 523,796 and a funded debt of Fes. 97,000,000 (approximately $18,000,000). j MARSEILLES, the foremost seaport of France, has, according to the last enumeration, a population of 550,619 and a funded debt of Fes. 122,800,000 (approximately $23,000,000). THE UNDERSIGNED WILL RECEIVE SUBSCRIPTIONS FOR THE ABOVE BONDS AT 98 PER CENT. AND ACCRUED INTEREST, AT WHICH PRICE THE BONDS YIELD ABOUT 6.75 PER CENT. ON THE INVESTMENT Particular attention is called to the small per capita debt of these Cities, to the attractive yield of the bonds and to the possibility of a very substantial profit in .exchange, in view of the option to collect the principal and interest of the bonds at the rate of Francs 5.60 per Dollar. Thus if at the maturity of the bonds the rate of exchange should be Fes. 5.18 (the normal rate before the war) the principal sum payable in France would equal a redemption price in dollars of about 108, Subscriptions will be apportioned among the three issues of bonds and allotments will bekmade on the basis of equal amounts of each issue, in so far as feasible. The subscription will be closed at three o'clock p. m. on Tuesday, November 28. 1916, or earlier, the right being r.eserved to reject any applications and to award a smaller amount than applied for. The undersigned reserve the right to close the subscription at any time without notice. A first payment of $50 per $1,000 bond subscribed for must accompany all subscriptions. The balance of the amount due on bonds allotted upon subscriptions will be payable in New York funds, on December 6, 1916, at the office of the undersigned, against delivery of temporary bonds exchangeable for engraved bonds when prepared. If no allotment be made, the first payment will be repaid in full, and if only a portion of the amount applied for be allotted, the balance of the first payment will be applied towards the amount due on December 6, 1916. No interest will be allowed on such first payment. If any further balance remains, such balance will be repaid. Failure to pay the second installment, when due, will render the previous payment liable to forfeiture. All allotments will be made subject to the necessary official action to complete the transaction and to the opinion of Counsel as to legality. KUHN, LOEB & CO. New York, Novemberf23, 1916. 'w $5,500,000 CITY OF SAO 'AULO (STATE OF SAO PAULO, BRAZIL) ". 6 Serial External Gold Bonds Interest and principal payable In. UnltetTStates Gold Coin At The Equitable Trust Company of New York Dated December I, 1916. Due January 1 of each year from 1919-1928, inclu ive, in equal instalments of $550,000 each. Denomination $1,000. Register able as to principal only. Interest payable semiannually January 1 and July 1, , except that the first coupon payable July 1, 1917, shall represent interest for seven months from the date of the bonds. -:, ? n- Free from all Brazilian Federal, State and Municipal Taxes ' . Price on Application Descriptive Data on Request . f r '4 '9? ", e , V- Delivery will be made ori or about December 1 in Equitable Trust Co. temporary certlfi cates. ' ; WILLIAM MORRIS IWBRIE & GO. , THE EQUITABLE THUSWebr New York CASSATT & CO. Philadelphia S ' of New York E1EILLY, BH06K a CO. Philadelphia ' tuetUM oi s p,wit3 item Tmirsuaya 8W8Jh'mS'iSLDW I WtBS. f '