Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, November 23, 1916, Night Extra, Page 4, Image 4

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y. U
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phperor Kafcl t .'Gives- Up
uommana oi AJarpatman
Group of Armies
iVew Emperor's Proclamation
in Ascending Austrian Throne
I WILL continue to the completion
the Into Emperor's work. I ascend
the throne In stormy times. Our nlm
has not yet been reached and the aim
of tho enemy to crush my country
and my allies has not yet been
You know mo to bo in harmony
with my people in my inflexible de
cision to continue the strugglo until
a peace is assured that Hill guar
antee tho existence and development
of tho monarchy. I will do all in my
power to banish as soon as possible
tho horrors and sacrifices of war and
to obtain peaco as soon as tho honor
of our arms, tho conditions of life in
my countries and their allies' and tho
dcflanco of the enemy will nllow.
IiOnSoN, Nov 28. Kjnperor Karl
Francis Joseph, of Austria, will Immedi
ately give up his command of tho (front
jirroup.of armies operating aKnlnut tho Itus
' elans and llumanlans In order to looto nit
Ills time to affairs of State, according to a
dispatch from Vienna today.
The twenty-nlnc-year-old nmporor of tho
Dual Monarchy, who Is nt present In
Vienna, has already assumed his Imperial
duties. A Germnn Rcner.il may succeed
tho Emperor as commander of tho Carpa
thian troops
Whether or not a new Government for
Austria and Hungnry will follow the change
of rulers Is not yet certain
Tho body of the late Francis Josopli will
bo Interred In a Cnpuchln mausoleum norm
time next wcok, probably on Thursday. On
Monday tho body will bo removed from
Bchoonbrunn I'alaco tq tho Ilolfburg
Chapel, where It win lie Jn stnto during
Tuesday and Wednesday,
The reign of .the new JSmperor-Klnir be
gan without any ceremony othor thnn tho
proclamation that he had become the ruling
monarch through the death of the iikciI
Francis Joseph. He was proclaimed
"Kaiser and King Karl tho First." It Is
possible that the coronntlon ceremony may
be delayed for n considerable period per
haps until the end of tho war.
The Austro-Hungarlan court has gone
Into mourning.
An Amsterdam dispatch says that tho
sustention has been mado In Vienna that
memorial services for tho loto Emporor bo
held on all tho fronts where Austro-IIun-
garlan Soldiers are flelitlnff.
Bitter comment marked tho editorials In
British newspaper today on tho death of
Francis Joseph. Tho general trend of opin
ion Is that the change of Austro-Hungarlan
pulershlp will not chango the war situation
and that the Influence of Germany over
Austro-Huntrarlan affairs has been
strengthened nearly to complete domination.
No Agreement Reached as to With
drawal of Pershing
ATIANTIC CITT, Nov. 23 The dead
lock over plans for General Pershing's
withdrawn! and the 'working oilt of a plan
for protection of the border remained un
broken when the American-Mexican Peace
Commission went back to work today. If
nn ultimatum from President Wilson hnd
been presented to the rrtnlrt envoys, Chair
man I.uls Cabrera was ery cheerful
about It.
Representatives of mining syndicates are
here In consultation with the CarranJa en
voys, endeavoring to reach nn understnnd
Ing rotative to production taxntlon which
can bo Incorporated In the ngrecment which
the American commissioners hopo to put
through before tomorrow night.
The Amerlcnn commissioners snld tho ro
port that Chairman Cabrera hnd been or
would bo asked to resign ns a means to the
removal of his objections to the acceptance
of the Amerlcnn plan was "siuy"
Chnlrmnn Cnbrern waved his hnnd when
tho mnttcr was broached "Not worth dis
cussing," he said.
Destruction of Britannic
Prompts New Measure
by Allies
I Giornall Italian!, Frances! cd
Inglcsi Rftcngono Che Non
Influlra' Sula Guerra
II Cattivo Tempo Imporversa Ancora
su Tutta la Frontc di Hal-
taglla Itallana
and Mary
toula Htnaon. SOJO N. Alter t., and Lillian-
M. Fountain. 1030 N. loth at.
tTttrstea SUchens, 20U H. 10th at, and Sophia
llaron 2481 w. Norrls at.
JToaeph Itnbln. 04T N. Franklin at , and Mary
Mltosky, 2340 Richmond at.
MWl' lilK"l'!,ld,.P18. N oth ' . nd Dlaneho
Detn, 053 N. 7th at.
Edward Chlnholm, New Tork city, and Hebecca
. Drown. 1W2 Oreen at ,
ffilir..UN.,hV1,h " nd M"y
Maurice J. McNallly. 1RII1 H Slat at , nnd Cath
arine McWIIIIame. 2020 Carpenter at
William O'Nslll, 4181 Frecdland at., and Francea
V. Monaahan 4142 Phln at
Ceorss M. Hushoa. 1821 8 Stlllman at ,
Grace K.Andraon. 2011 Carpenter at.
Jlobert McCracken. 10411 E llarolil at..
Italen E. Molllncaworth. 2814 Amber at.
Plmar W. Danielaen S13S N. 18th at .
Ethel Ilelaie, 8382 N, Sydenham at.
William J. McSparrow. 11330 Morrle at .
Ulrv .T. nllplti UK W fm.l.... ..
ATreiicQ iucL.iain, mo iimDaru at
E. &fanlv nnvlHtnwn t.
' McF. Harris. Colllntrdale. Pn
Harrr F. Hume. 20S3 Federal at , and Ellen if.
Wallace, 20S3 Federal at.
te.1.,X.Jl5.Te,r' B,s 8- 1B'h ' and Ella dorddn.
1837 BllaKrorth at.
Samuel K. Ilopklna 122(1 N 11th at , and M&ryi
J. Cox. I22(f N. 11th at w
IVIHIam J. Irvln. Jr., 2101 8. 67th at., and
Ethel Dixon. Cedarbrook N. J. '
Sdwtn J. Lomie. 1G80 N flth at., and Ellen V.
Mallon. 1018 N. 3d at '
Frank W. Schumann, 83.25 Maacher at., and Tau-
line Splerllnr. 123 W. Allegheny aye.
OMmui Lalbovlti Cheater, l'., and Iloae
fcopf. Cheater, Pa.
Ifatrnaw Deeaan, 2-' (II N, 21at at., and Mar en ret
Henry, 027 Dakota at.
IVIlllam J, n Vance 122S B, Markoa at., and
Atce I.. Hlller, 2230 Jefferaon at.
Peifnla F. Hojfle, 3023 Stlllman at., and Alice M.
Turner, 2400 N. Hancock at.
lea Herrmann, 1828 Victoria at., and Mary E
q'elkel. 1823 Victoria at.
Jownh A. Cunnlnabam 1B48 8 ISth at,, nnd'
Rena M. McCloekey. 1007 N. Hlth at.
atamuel Budln. 8140 Diamond at, and Itosa Hal
pern. 3244 N. 10th at
Charles Goldman. 1010 N. 10th at., and Pearl
Lfndley ave.
la. t4JA Dleklnenn at., nnil
.m. e 1...1. tt a k.a.ia .
Btanylaw Nadolaky. 832 N. 4th at , and Itenryka
Mlcbalaka. 120 New at.
Blaine Emanuel. 2234 Diamond at , and Ada M,
Rhimll. 'll&i niatnnnd at.
Bamiui j. Kalalnnr.ZSOB N Philip at.
Alice Lfania.
umsii. a .T. mni.r hi,,
Drliflnll. Wllllama. 2428 N Alder at., and Nan.
nlA lHvane. 111H Dnillev eve.
PaeUno B Cololla. t4.'S Dlcklneon at..
130 N. 2d at.
Earl J. Melvfn. 107 N. Felton at., and Beatrice
Enoa, 221 N. Alder at.
LONDON. Nov 23.
Armed convoyn from tho Ilrltlali navnl
ttttloti nt Malta probably will accompany
Allied honpltnl ahlps plylns In tho Mcdltcr
rnnonn and AcBcnn Sens as a result of the
sinking of tho 48,000-ton British hospital
ship Britannic
The Britannic was carrying no wounded
when she wob sunk In the Acucan Sea TIiIh
was olllclally announced by tho British Ad
miralty today. It lu understood that tho
Britannic carried 121 nurses, and 390 of
ficers and mon of tho Army Medical Gorpn
Although tho Admiralty states that thn
mighty tcBsel was destroyed by a mlno
or torpedo, unolllclnl dlspitchcs from Athens
decInTo that sho wns sunk by a submarine
Iho Athena correspondent of tho Clironl
clo telegraphs that two submarines were
lying In wait for tho Britannic off Ken
Island, and that two torpedoes wcro fired
nt her from opposlto Bides One missed,
the dispatch says, but the .other obtained n
direct hit.
Press and public alike today unlto In
bitter condemnation of nhnt wan termed
another example of German "frlghtfutncss "
Frequont reports from Germany hao In
dicated consideration by tho Government
of resumption of nn unlimited submarine
warfare. It waa pointed out hero that
there could bo no mistaking tho character
of tho Britannic. No submarine commander
could have failed to identify tho ship, not
only from tho fact that sho carried the
usual hospital emblems, but bocauso sho
was the biggest ship of her kind In tho
world. That the vessel was, therefore, tho
victim of a deliberate attack was tho ver
dict here.
Tho smallness of the loss of life the Ad
miralty places It at about fifty Is at
tributed to the large number of lifeboats
an board, tho discipline of the crew and
the completo absence of panlo. Tho
Britannic remained afloat nearly nn hour
after tho explosion occurred early Tuesday
Tho twenty-eight wounded are being
cared foron Zea Island by members of the
staff of 121 nurses carlcd by the Britannic
So mo of tho wounded aro In such a serious
condition they may die.
Autoist Injured in Effort to Avoid Hit
ting Polo
rtEADING, Va, Nov. 23 DnUd Huns
berger, well-known farmer of near Boyer
town, was driving hlu automobile today,
when the machine swerved Thinking It
would strike a pole, Hunsbcrger put out his
arm, with-the result that It was caught be
tween the car and tho polo Flesh wns
stripped .from his arm and he Is In a seri
ous condition.
ItOMA, 23 Noombro
fiebbeno da tempo si fnreese strnda net
glornnll la ocn ilclle gral condlrlonl hello
quail al troan 1 Impernloro il'Austrln, la
notl?la delln morte dl Francesco Giuseppe
ha destnto Impresslonc In rpipstl clrcoll
Naturnlmotilo nel clrcoll polltlel o sul
glornnll se no dhcuto nnlnialnmetitc
II Glornale d'ltnlla Inslcmo con nltrl glor
nnll rltlr-ne che II ilomlnlo politico o mlll
tnro della Qcrmnnla sult'Austrla o ora
completo, o fa notnre che Francesco Giu
seppe ira non soltnnto Consldcrato alta
mento dnlt'clcmento tedepco ma era per
flno popolnro presso parecchle delln nrle
nnx'nnnlltn cho formnno 1 Impero d'AURlrla
Unchcrln Su qucste egll ao.i pntuto
esqrcltnrn una fortlsslmi InflUenra npeclal
mento per Riindngnnro la loro lealo parte
clpaxlono alia gurrrn
J.n notlzln delln morte del cochin Im
perntoro fu coniunlcata al tuna nolle prime
oro della mattinnta dl lerl Alio C cr.i
glinilo nl Vntlrnno tin tclegrnmmi dl mon
slgnor Mnrchettl, nuncio papule n Vienna,
tho nnnuiiclna la morte
11 papa ronferl' col suo segrclnrlo ill
Stnto canllnnlo Gaspnrrl, cd Istruzlunl fu
rono Imintc ntiblto n monslgnor Maichettl
o condogllnnro all nrclduca Carlo l'ran
tesco Sebben II pnpi nbbln lnxlato lo file con
dogllnnp, rI credc rhc II scrvlz.n rcllgloso,
cho ordlnnrlamente si eclcbra nella Oappclln
Slstlnn otto glorni dopo In morto di nn
monarca cnttnllco, non nam" celolirato
(picsta volta so non dopo la gticrrn
i aiortNAM riiANcnsi
Tclcgramml da I'nrlgl dlcono the I com
mcntl del glornnll frnnccsl alia morto dl
I'r.inccsto Giuseppe non sono terorl Alcnnl
glornnll si ilnmnndnuo so II ccchin monarca
hn vlssuto troppo o troppo poco per scntlro
11 cnstlgo ill suol nttl Altrl illconu cho Fran
cesco Giuseppe proldo II fnto cho pesnn
nulla Riia (.asu
II Temps illco ihc "la sua opern ultima
sara' slata la dlHtru7lono dcH'Auslrln
I'nghorln," cd nggluiiKO cho con I ruoI crrorl
egll hn preparnto la dlstrtizlonc del prlnclpio
n oplnlono gcnernlo cho la morto del
vccchlo Impcrntoro il'Austrla nra poco
lCRsun effetto sulla guerra II Mntln Hcrlc
"I.'uomo slnlstro ciie per Ressnntotto nnnl
ha portnto la doppla corona Hpnrlsco troppo
presto, nouostnnto I suol ottnntascl nnnl,
has overcome the
high cost of delivery.
We can afford to give
you ever so many
more flowers, since we
deliver one hundred
orders in your direc
tion instead of six,
every Wednesday or
Saturday. We deliver
flowers from $2
wortli up. Try it.
Enter your order on
our Preferred List.
Special, $2 Dozen
T&o ef&e tfpae
221 South Broad Street
In fi middlm of the block
Cheese & Cracker Dish
Sterling Silver tray and
lid, with engraved glass
dish. The tray used
separately makes a
pretty sandwich plate.
$13.50. , .
S. Kind & Sons
Diamond Merchants
1110 Chestnut Street
raniwr wj vvw
jHB Jf II The cry of the ages I fiT'$?t ,l02 CHESTNUT ST.
HeaBt miti llllll of men the wr'd if I 5 "j 7j rrt 1 11 f 1
Hfc H" li you como to us. We ore I Y Y a( 1 XTVf lA rf
BC3L" S3 Bpecialists in correct Y?$A I VlOl VVUOI
BaSsHSK ' 11 tyle fpryonpr mem ,Wa I 2C?i V, , ... , , . x
Wffl W; illlll otfer no, bizarrtf effects ,, I ITVl) In a knitted fabrto)
WOt---- II perfwSoJKlnshtp S llllll " ' . NeeJs No PrcWnU
Wffifc K fi HI the chief reason vhy our ll' "
msM-t W'J:- f I II patronsT; ?9 ra e to ud f " -xr 1 ttt
BfeC1 1 111 II steadi1 yar fa 8n(1 . llllll Mens and Women s
Wwi.i & i J llJ TJTTTa' ttt? a HI I '
iHljE llllllj XX,U VjrXlJCO I I' ' i
ffipj-'l'l- i III jj . , AND ' llllll Coif Suin, Top Coat.. Motor
Kjj.ll' ' , . Illjll "ftTTT T T7T? I Qoali, Jackets, Veti
BkBL f II m NlUXJLdSss, 1 t sweateri, etc.
feft.;fr III 1527 Walnut St - . flflANH & DlLKS
B i M I .ii-.-.. J02 CHESTNUT ST,
BpMPV fB.....CZ.rrii I r ' - Maivfatunr, oad Import
ulacche non aeva vlsta antora t'avrJoInftral
itell'ora dell'esplaalone del dellttl ill cul egll
portera' nclla storla una schlacclante respon
sablllta'. Ma lo upettro della punUtonft deve
avem amnriggtnto I auol ultlml glornl g
quest'uomo, coal' moslruoeatrttnle IndllTe
rcnte, era acceAMbllc ad un aentlmento quat
slasl, quost'uomo che ora stato tesllmonlo
f red do ed Impnsilbllo delle ptBfilorl cata
etron che It fnto aeva gcttnto nulla sua
fnmlgttn, e mil alio parse Ironla del fato.
''So egll Tome rpnrtlto dalla Bcena tre annl
prima, 11 momlo avrebbe dlmentlcato la nua
cntcolata codardla, It auo fi-roco rgolsmo,
la sua Ipocrlsln, o st narebbo rlcordnto boI
tanto dtllo dlegrazlo pubbllchs o private che
hanno offuscato Kll annl del nuo regno, nenza
rldettere cho ciucsto dlpgrnrlo erano merl
tntc I'robnhllmcnte egll sirebbc utato og
gctlo dl compasilone. Mn la glUBtltta non
ha perinetiao cho ogll rubaase nl mondo
(Uesto nmngglo supremo Mn tramutato
lomagglo In orrore o rlpro.i7lono "
Ancho I Blonnlt Inglcil rftcngono che la
morto dl I'rnnccsco aiimeppo avra pochln
almo peso sulla guerra e sulla sltuazlone
tirl sera II Atlnlstcro delta Olicrra comu
nlcaa II segucnte rnpporto del generate
Cndornt sulla sltuailono nlla fronte ltnlo
Sulla fronto del Trontlno II nemlco
ha fntto deboll nttacchl nella valto
dell'ABttco, attacchl cho sono statl
Sulla fronle dello Alpl Olulle c' nil
mentntn 1'ottlvlta dell nrtlgllerla. II
nemlco ha fntto cadcro IfOiuba mi Go
rlrla c Monfntconi
II cnttho tempo lmpcrernn nncora
mi tutto II tcatro dello operazlonl. In
iilaine delle reglonl plu" nlto nl hanno
Zt grndl ccntlgrnill tit sotto zero
I'n nottonmrlno tcdencu od nustrlnco ha
dnto una luun iHilma proa del sentiment!
dl umnnltn' cho domlnnno ncgll lmperl
(Fiitrnll lln sllurnto cd nffondnto ncl Mnre
I'Boo II Plu' Rrando plrOscafo del mondo,
I'lngleao Ilrltnnnliia cho sposlaia BO.000 ton
iii'llule ma iho era ndlblto nt scrvlzlo ill
nae-ospcilnlo o tra.jiortnn oltro 1DO0 sol
ilall ferltl cd oinmnlntl procnlentl dalla
ba'jo dl Kalonlcio Circa mm clmtunntlna
dl (UCHtI nmmalntl o ferltl sono nnncgntl
li pol el pnrla dl umnnltn' o dl generosltn'
In Ocrmnnla
Cor. 13th nnd Sansom
Wc Appeal to Smart Dressers
Suitings, Overcoat-COCirn
ings to your ordcr'PJlO'POU
Ready Money
United Stales Loan Society
117 North Broad St.
Ill S. Mb at. 2318 flermantown me.
Contlnnfil from Tare One
be of teet, but built In such large quantl'
ties that tho cost of production -wlft bo re
duced to it minimum. Following- the meth
ods of Henry Ford, he w lit net! them at tho
lowest prices.
Ths company recently bought the plant
of tro H. K. Howe Company, at Now Lon
don, Conn , on the east bank of the Thames
ftUcr It will hae a waterfront of 2200
feet and a thlrty-acro tract of land, tt Is
six miles from the company's Interests nt
N'onnk, Conn TIic new plant to bo erected
there will coit (1, 000,000 It Is expected
to start the construction of tho plant the
nrst of the jenr and begin producing tho
ocean "fllwers" In the spring
Considerable material for tho construction
of the plant nnd tho making of the ships
may be bought In Philadelphia. It would
bo mainly an assembling plant, where the
nrIotis parts would bo gathered together
and oBicmbled Into nntshed ships. By fol
lowing one model a great saving -mill bo
made In tho cost of designing.
The first pipc'smokc
to produce MILD'
NESS without
sacrificing any of
the natural RICH'
NESS of its tobaccos -
' B duttnef tttnds I
ojmoorteciat,JF. 1)
'i ..:....- a i v- ,
kind aim, I. '
a. dc!,o) r.t"Z'"3 i
I J -- , Wlllll II
una Tiarun-,1 tr
' u,,H.Z7i..'V!,Vr
cream telorti
nut crdtonm
Very Important Dress Sale
Chestnut and 12th Streets
Exceptional Sale for Tomorrow Only
$25 to $30 Women's Dresses, $15
For Afternoon and Dance Wear
Afternoon dresses of navy serge, satin and charmeuse, em
broidered in wool and metallic thread; dance dresses
of nets, satins, taffeta and lace in white, black,
maize, pink and blue, with trimmings of
silver braid, ribbon, fur and rosebuds.
Regular prices, $20, $25 and $30
No Exchanges
No Approvals
t Know"
1 Don
1 1 ' v.i'WPHKW i jw4&
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