m 0XiAiffiCB7A. ami 1M II HT JUST GOSSIP ABOUT PEOPLE it- r- - hi l i 'Junior Ball at University Will Interest the fir AV& Au.uicuu vvuiiuju wont IOC the Bazaar at Horticultural Hall Middle of December AMONG th numerous b6cIM events . centering about tho Thanksgiving fcAson will x thB Junto Call of tho Tlnl verslty o Pennsylvania, to be held In yVelthtman Jinn on Friday ovenlng, De cember 1. Many of tho season's debu tantes and ft goodly number of smart Mrtons from out of town, who will come tea for the Penn-Cornell game on Thanks- riving Pay, will be the guesta of the junior class. The committee mm year inciuaea Kor t$ Barrett, Tristram Colket, Curtis Al len, Morris Freeman, William Q, Hop. kins, Gordon Konania, Arthur Jofford, Samuel Merlin McClure, Gerad Hula "tamp. Carl -Andrews, weaver Maw & a- TfAumntlrl TlfA.nl Tminif. Clfnrtrn TfAt- William Eborlc, Paul Welngarton, George VToUstoln, William Illtner, Victor Chi quolne, Raymond Riling, Harold "Webber and Jesse Wlko, with Arthur Trlol Bis tlBg as chairman. Preparations for tho hugo allied bazaar to bo held during tho week of December Jl at Horticultural Hall go on apace, and many groups of women havo been formed to work for this or that particular booth. Cretonnes haa such unlimited possibili ties that thoso who aro Interested In that table are making any number of fascl Dating nrtleles, curtains, pillows, bags and what-nots for tho big week. Mrs. Tintm-in nrlscom. who has chariro of the 1 cretonnes, haa organized a class which J' meets every Monday afternoon at the i home of Mrs. Percy Simpson in Over I brook, and tho prominent womon who P tn6l tncro win uu uius uw mu utuiur. Among them aro Mrs. 8. Lowls Zlog' jS efr Mrs. Chnrlton Ynrnall, Mrs. Robert Hugh Wilson, Mrs. H. Wobor, Mrs. Abram S. Vnlontlno, Mrs. Paul Thomp son, Mr?. Charles Starr, Mrs. Charles EcOtt, Mrs. Henry B. Robb, Mrs. G. C. purves, Mrs. Ell K. Price, Mrs. Francis Polls, Mrs. W. W. Potior, Miss Phoobo t Phillips, Miss Edith Peters. Mrs. F. R. K Packard, Mrs. Frodorlck W. Morris, Jr., Mrs. James Llneawoavor, Mrs. Burnett H. Landrcth, Jr., Mrs. J. D. Kcon, Mrs. Wal ter Horstmann, Mrs. Charlos Honry, Miss Hawthorno, Miss Guernsey, Mrs. John C. Groomo, Mrs. John Gibbon, Mrs. J. B. Davis, Miss Garrctson, Miss Evans, Mrs. M. O. Cook, Mrs. G. W. Cook, MrsKd . ward W. Clark, Mrs. Henry C. Burr, Mrs. W. G. Buehler and Mrs. Henry Baljey. I understand Torko Btovonson, who for . year or moro has boen driving an am- , bulanco on tho French battlo front, Is returning to this country Indeed, If not 1 mistaken, will bo homo in tlmo for tho proverbial turkey or boar's head or what ever Is proverbial In his family. I mustn't forgot tho very successful dinner given last night by tno Womon Writers' Club at Hamilton Court Miss Marls Bcllcn, as chairman of the dinner committee, arranged tho affair; follow ing tho dlnricr a vaudevlllo was given under tho direction of Miss Agnes Jleppllor, 2d, chairman of tho entertain ment committee. Thero wcro about fifty .treats present. Tho difference In the treatment one receives when one Is "some punklns" was (musingly illustrated recently when, while riding out Walnut street long after the rush hour, my attention was caught by a man Just across the aisle, a very prominent lawyer, as, tt happened, who Teas so engrossod In his evening paper that when tho car camo to Twenty-flrst ttreet, his stopping place, he failed to ft look up. The car gathered speed for that long f Jaunt out over tho bridge which takes It Into tho "unfashionable wllda of West Philadelphia." as one nerlodleal loves to i stylo it, when the man of law suddenly Ef came to. He Jumped up, rushed to tho JK conductor, who promptly and good-na K.turedly pressed the button, stopping tho Kcar right In tho middle of the bridge. I could, not help thinking of the times I ewer moro obscuro souls had asked for '. little Indulsence from the motorman or conductor, when It was' raining pitch forks, and of how their requests wero frequently met, NANCY WYNNE. Personals Mrs. Charles H. Howell has sent out In- ,Muuua iur a mncncan, kqiiqwcu uy euros, t Luzon Cottage, her country plaeje, at Torresdale, on Monday, December 4. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pease will chaperon a party to the Army-Navy game on Satur- B. Air. and Mrs. John ITrMlarlrJr T.awla. of ffl'H Spruce Btreet, will give a" dlnnerdonce oveyijur in nonor ot juisa juuriun a. I nuns, a ueuutanio oi mis season. L- Mr and Mrs. T .amnion E. Mitchell, of 2320 KV Lancey place, will entertain at dinner this evening in honor of Miss Katherlne C. I", oeoutante daughter of Mr. and Mrs. gentries M, Lea. Later the guwts will at- ww me aance to be given by Mr. ana sirs. Lews. A dinner will also be given before the Mac by Mr, and Mrs. Earl B. Putnam In mor of Miss Katherlne Putnam. Mr Geoffrey G. Butler, of Corpus Christ! ollesre. Cambrlilm. I'lne-limd- nhoss mar- ffB to Mlsa Elliabeth Jones, daughter of eMr. &nd Mm TjivArtnv .TnnAfi took nl&oa Utt night, will give a talk on International IftT at lQUston Hall this afternoon. Invlta Bss jiayo boen issued by Mr. and Mrs. rJonta, Mrs. Frederla Henstgv. who' has been inalnr the summer at tho Brighton, At- n"o ity, has opened her town House, 'l Da Lancey place. Mrs. Xi. TCehut!- Iir'nf sol South Seven, pfetath street, has Issued Invitations to the fctoMnbere of the Plastic Club for a tea on ancnioon of Tuesday, November if, Wm 4 until 7 o'clock. ,- "Wl Miss tTarrl n,av aiiD-htp nt Dp. and KJtra John B. Deaver. of Wyncote road. tiyote. who has been spending this month ft White Sulphur Sprlogi. Va., has re- I -..i.tu nem, poetor Reaver win 4ave w paorrow for Boston, where he will spend sev ral4ays. XrrH ,. . n . m .!.- -m -r. F T wm M, vurus, oaugoier u mZT" 'tarry a. uurtis, pi diw uim g4p Overbrook, has lsutd Invitations for, B lUMhepn nt Monday In honor of Miss T7 vATnsciy, WDQ5Q cjarnBfl J r- - ia Misses Sbortrldge, pf 17t Pine street, will be at home Informally on Friday anernoons during the winter. Miss Adete Bartrnm West, of Chester fj ,KUe,.ftnd M,M Mildred Dallas will motor to the Army and NiCry game this week, to .. J fV."1" "S Ml" AnM Phelps, daugh ter of Lieutenant -Arthur Phelps. U S. N.. .,S,W.lonr.FMn,, Mms- Ml, rhe'P wl I i -iS ?,h'laiIIPhla and spend the week end with Mtas West. ThS PlasUa Club, of 347 South Camao Vr .- -7."! cn? y-rday afternoon of an attractive affair when the president ?mv L c,S?,.iMlsf F'?"nc Fullon. gave a talk on "Intimate Notes of Scottish Life and Character.' Ml.s Bessie Philips gave ?rirl f "sn"1"! Scottish sonrs, while Mrs. Frederlch B. Mount presided at the tea table. Mr. and Mrs. Henry BL Blrklnblne, for- merl? of. thl" cliy but who ttf now living " "rtlhr;. aro receiving congratula ;!? , . J? ,h blr,h of ft "" John Longcopo Blrklnblne. Mrs. Blrklnblne will be remem bered as Miss Marjorle Longcope, of Lans downe. Th. tr'nai' of th Uptown Home for the Aged will glvo n sacred oonoert on Sunday evening, November 16, at Apollo Hall, m North Broad streot This Is the second of 2k"rJeAwh,ch thy aro We for the bene fit of the home. The committee In charge Includes Mr-David Schwarts. chairman: Mr. David Wasman. Mr. William Ralen, Mr. Albert Cohen. Mr. Louis Entlne, Mr. Benjamin dold, Mr. Charles Small, Miss Rose Koenlng, Miss Jennie Solodar and Miss Boso Klnderman The Qlrard Canoo Club entertained last evening In honor of the Tali Phi Club at the home of Mr. Fred Giordano, 1338 Porter street The senior auxiliary of the Jewish Shel tering Home will give a dance on Thanks giving night at Apollo Hnll, 1728 North Broad street A lucky number contest will be one of the features of the evening and n talking machine will be given ns a prise. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred P. Post, of 1130 South rifty-second street, who have beon spending somo tlmo at tho St. Charles, At lantlo City, hao returned home. Mrs. Ceorgo W. Shlslcr, of SOU South Broad street, will glvo a dinner-dance at the Illttenhouso on Thursday, December 7. Weddings FLAVELL WARD A quiet wedding took plnco yesterday nt 4 o'clock In Trinity Lttthoran Church, dor mantown, when Miss Edith M Ward, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Samuel Wnrd, of 113 West Pcnn street, became tho brldo of Mr. Albert T. Flavell The Rev Luther De Too omclatcd. 'Miss Ward was attended by Mlra Ella Coustabel ns maid of honor, and Mr. Flavell had his brother, Mr. Percy Flavell, as best man Aftor a wedding trip Mr. and Mrs. Flaoll will llvo nt 180S Madeira avenuo, Oak Lane. McEWAN CARPENTER A quiet home wedding took place last evonlng at 6:30 o'clock when Miss Ella B. Carpenter, dnughter of Mrs. E. B, Carpen ter, of 446 West Brlnghurst street. Qer mantown, became tho bride of Mr. William S. MoEwan, Jr. Tho cercmonj was per formeQ by tho Rev. Purman Shook, and was followed by a reception. After January IS Mr. and Mrs McEwan will be at home at C229 Ogontz avenue. Oak Lane. LYNN FINNEOAN A wedding of Interest, which took place yesterday morning at 9 o'clock, was that of Miss Kathryn Flnnegan, of this city, and Mr. Francis Lynn, of. Hudson, N. Y. Tho solemn high nuptial mass was celebrated by the Rev. Thomas Stableton. Th.e bride, who was given In marrlago by her fathor, Mr. Hughoy Flnnegan, was attended by Miss Genevieve Flnnegan ns maid of honor. The bridesmaids were Mrs Albert Wltman. Mrs. Hannah Lenalr, Miss Angela Flnnegan and Miss Hannah Taney. Mr. Lynn had his brother. Mr. James Lynn, as hJsbest man, and tho ushers wero Mr. John Francis Newell, Mr. Michael Jack Newell, Mr. John Kelloy, Mr. Francis Derby, Mr. Martin Coan and Mr. Albert Wltman. A breakfast at tho home of the brldo followed the ceremony. After an ex tended wedding trip Sir. nnd Mrs Lynn will llvo In Hudson, N. Y CANFIELD YOST The marriage of Miss Elizabeth Braden Yost and Mr. Joseph M Canfleld, Jr., took place at 5:30 o'clock yesterday afternoon at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Yost, S3S East Johnson street, Germantown. Mr. and Mrs. Can field will be at homo on Tuesdays in January at 634 East Johnson street British Novelist's Son Dies In War LONDON, Nov. 23. Lieutenant Cutliffo Hyne, of the Irish Guards, has died of wounds received In battle. He was the only son of Charles CutcIIITo Hyne, the nov elist and traveler, and was twenty-one years old. I'hourDh by llaretin. JIra, Louis Lewis, whose photo- fraph appears at the top, is preai ent of the Philadelphia Auxiliary of the Southern Industrial Educa tional Association, which is to give a dance tomorrow evening at the BeUevue-Stratford. Mrs. Howard Anders appears below. t&BBBBBBHp isW rlSSSSSSSSSSSMrafe-i'' l' '' iisssssssssH LBBBBBIBIBBBBIBIBSBBBBBBBBBirBBBBBBBBBBBBBM Ilia wife: "Charles, "I'm sorry, Isobcl, THE VACANT WORLD By GEORGE ALLAN ENGLAND CopyrloM, lilt, tnl Frank A, itunirv Comtanv nra SIORT THUS FAH BEATRICE KENDMCK. a tnotaprir. lowlr trnlDi conacloiuneia and opyni nr upon a ihiii ot utlr devastation ana ruin. Th orrlct In th Metropolitan "una Ins. New Tork. bn ihe had it at , the trpenrlter when en auddenlr (all ,I!P,..i now nothlnr but ruin. Onlr eufretructuro, trick nalle and Soon and pllee ot dual ana powdered wrecKase remain, Ueatrle hair reaches to her anklpa. , ,k. ALLAH STERN, her employer, one or. Ihe cltr'a sreateat enalneere In the ureter, mined paet, cornea to lit alao In bt 'JK torr. At each movement mor ot nla ae compoaeil cloUilna talla II haa a sreat ahock of hair and tons baard. Whan Beatrice and Allan fullr racorer their anaea they make a haaly aurver ot their alluatlon. Tho entlr city la a STtat foreat. wllh wrecka ot akvacreBera Po'JVr ln above the tra Kvrrthln la dead. Ther ar th only human belnaa alive. While on their trip of exploration, they find fura,, mineral water and aoma eannea food which had been preaenred In the , air tlrtt chambera ot th numaroua etorea In the arcada ottha bulldlns. From the; they clothe themaeltea and atock tneir Isrder ,, .. ih building-, thua aaaurlns a conaiani "up;"' f ft.iV ..i.r. whlla on ha way to tho iiar Diern uibco, m. -...- "---. -.- ramalna of a hardwar store, ,'jhij be aa curea ravolvara. rune, ammunition and other uaaful artlc ea, be Onda a apear head. Thli la th nrat Indication that there are other human belnsa alive on earth, Htcrn la filled With faar. OIIAPTEIt IX (Continued) AGAIN he picked up his sledgo and, now Xi. more cautiously, once more started forward. "All I can do." he thought, "Is Just to BO right ahead as. though this hadn't hap pened at alL If troublo comes. It comes, that's nit. I Rues I can meet It Always have tot away with It, so far. We'll soe. What's on the cards has got to bo played to a nnlsh, and. tho best hand wins!" He retraced his way to the spring, where he carefully rinsed and filled the Cosmos bottle for Beatrice. Then back to the Metropolitan he came, donned his bearskin, whloh he fastened with a wire nail, and started the long climb. His sledgo ho care fully hid on the second floor, In an offlco at the left of the stairway, Don't think much of this hammer, after all," said he. "What I need Is an ar. Per haps this afternoon I can have another go at that hardware place and find one.. "If the handla'a gone, I can haft it with green wood. With a good ax and these two revolvers till I And some rifles I guess we're safe enough, spearheads or not!" About him he glanoed at the ever-present molder and decay. This office, he could easily see, had been both spacious and lux urious, but now It offered a sorry spectacle. In the dust over by a window somathlng guttered dully. Stern found tt was a fragment of a bev. eled mirror, which had probably hung there and. When the frame rotted, had dropped. Ho brushed it off and looked eagerly Into It ., A cry of amaiement burst from nun. "Do I look like thatr he shouted. "Well. I won't, for longV He propped tho glass up on the steel beam of the window opening and got the scissors out of the bag-. Ten minutes later, the face or Allan stern nore somo raaeuj blance to Its original self. "What will she think and eayT" he won dered, as he once more took up the bag and started on tho long-, exhausting climb. Sweating profusely, badly "blown" for he had not taken much time to rest on the way the engineer at last reached bis of fices In the tower, Defers entering, he called the girl's name. "Beatrice! Oh, Beatrlcel Are you awake and visible t" "All right, come lnf' she answered cheer fully and came to meet htm In the doorway. Out to him she stretched her hand In wel come; and the smile eho cave him set his heart pounding. He had to laugh at her astonishment and naive delight over his changed appearance; but all the time bis eyes wero eagerly de. vourlng her beauty. For now, freshly awakened, full of new Ufa and vigor after a sound night's sleep, the gtrl was magnificent. The morning light disclosed new glints of color in her wondrous hair, as It Jay broad and silken on the tiger skin. This she had secured at the throat and waist with bits of metal taken from the wreckage of the Cling cabinet. Stent promised himself 'that era Ions he would find her a profusion or gold pins and chains n some of, the Fifth avenue shops to serve her purposes till she could fashion reat clothing. The touch Of hr fingers, soft and warm, dispelled Ws every anxiety. The thought' that ho was working now for her; serving her; striving to preserve and keep bar. thrilled htm with Joy. And as some foregleam of, the future came to him, his feara droppad from him like those outworn rags he had discarded. In the. forest "WJJ, aa we're both up Ra3,rj,tt again," BBTJTE Coprrliht, Life rub. Co., reproduced by pc!al arransemtnt. dear, you nro crowinK handsomer oory day." but I'm rather hard up nt present." he exclaimed, commonplacely enough, his voice a bit uncertain. Stern had walked narrow glrdcro six hundred feet shoer up; he hntl uorkcl In cntston under tidewater, with the air-pumps driving full tilt to keep death out. Ho had Bwiinc In n bourn's chnlr down Um fnco of the Yosemltn Can on nt Cathe dral Spires But noer had he folt emotion such an now. And, greatly ho marolod. "I'vo had luck," ho continued. "See here, and here?" He showed her hit treasures, all the con tents of tho bac. except tho spear point Then, Kllnc her the Cosmos bottlo, ha bade, her drink Gratefully nho did so while he explained to her the finding ot the spring. Her fnco nglow with engcrncsi and bravo enthusiasm, she listened But when ho told her about the bathing pool an envious expression came to her. "Ifa not fair," Bho proteitod. "for you to monopolize that If you'll show mo the plnce and just ntay around In the woods to seo that nothing hurts me " "You'll tako a dip, too?" Eagerly she nodded, her eyes beaming. "I'm Just dying for one!" she exclaimed. 'Think I I haven't had a bath now forvX years 1" "I'm at your service," declared the engi neer. And for a moment a little silence came between them, a silence so profound that they could even hear the faint, far cheeplngs ot the mud swallow In tho tower stair above. At tho back of Stern's brain still lurked a haunting fear of the wood, of what the rN the interest of and to encourage Electricity in retail of our celebration trical Week, we are offering a premium to all retail storekeepers who will equip, their stores and shop windows for electric light amounting, in round figures, to 1 5 per cent or 20 per cent of the cost of the nec essary wiring. The offer is good only be tween November 1 st and December 9th, and those who take advantage of it must agree to use electric service on or before December 31, 1916. This unusual offer applies to any already-built retail store located along our existing lines and requiring no other than the ordinary service con nection and is subject to a few necessary quali fying conditions, , which may be learned upon application to the Lighting Service Department. Or we .will be glad to send a representative who will .give you full information and furnish you specification sheets free of charge. M Remember, thl offer h good only until December 9(i. More than SSO etorea have already asked for specification and estimates, Don't delay investigating thl offer. Phone Walnut 4700 or Main tOO, assagai point might portond, but he dis pelled It. "Well, como nlong down," bade he. "It's getting Into already. But first wo must take JuU ono moro look by this fresh morning light from tho platform up above, there?" Sho assented readily. Together, talking of their first urgent needs, ot their plans for this new day and for this wondorful, strange llfo that now confronted them, thoy climbed tho stairs again. Once more thoy Issued out on to the weed-grown plat form of rod tiles. Thero they stood a moment, looking out with wonder oAir that vast, still, marvelous prospect of HuG-tn-death. Suddenly the en- Rlneer sDoke, 'Tell me." said he, "where did you get that line of verso you quotod last night? Tho ono nbout this vast city-heart all lying Btlll, you know?" That? Why, that was from Words. worth's 'Sonnet on London Bridge,' of courso," she smiled up at him. "You re member It now, don't you?" "No-o," he exclaimed a trifle dubiously, "I that Is. I never was much on poetry. you understand. It wasn't exactly In my Una" Stern looked nt her, amazed. Was this, could this. Indeed, be the girl he had employed 'In tho old days the other dayn of routine and of toil mm, or orders and specifications and dry as-dust dictation? As though from a strange spell he aroused himself. The poem?" exclaimed he. "What next?" "Oh, that? I'd almost forgotten about that; I was dreaming It goes this way. I think: 'Never did the tun more beautiful steep In hU first eplendar valley, roefc, or hi! J, Nfer taw J. never roll a calm so deepi The river glUletk av his own axceet tolll. Dtar U oil! the very houses teem asleep. to celebrate America's Electrical Week better store lighting, the universal use of stores; also as apart of America's Elec ttttB - 6!i8 flnfthtaa tmnendots Wao fcl mosl In whisper. They both stood ailent moment, eastnir out together on that atrange, Inexplicable fulfillment ot the poet's VIslen, Up to them, through the crystal morning hlr.'rpse n faint, small sound of wafers from the brooklet In tha forest The nest ing birds below were uvsy 'in s6ng and solace," and through the golden sky above a swallow slanted on sharp wins? toward some unseen leafy o. Far out upon the river faint tpecks of White wheeled and; hovered a flock of swooping gulls, enowy and beautiful aHd free. Their pinions flashed, splraled and sank to rest on the wide waters. Stem breathed a sigh. Ills right arm slipped about the sinuous, fur-robed body of the girl. "Come, nowl" said he. with returning practicality, "B.th for you, breakfast for both of us then we must buckle down to work. Comef TKrtnon N 'OON' fouhd them far advanced In the preliminaries of their hard adventure Ing itrA-i.iHn. .. - . - . ,..,.,,, ivi.mtr in a strong ana rrnnK companionship the past temporarily for- .. -uu um lmuro stiti put rar away half a day's labor advanced them a long distance on Ihe rood to safety. Even these few hours sufficed to prove that, unless some strange, untoward acci dent befell, they stood a more than equal chance of winning out Ilenllilnr. to begin with, that a home on the forty-eighth story of the tower was en tirely Impractical, since It would mean Uiat most of their time would have to be used In laborious cllmblnr, they quickly changed their dwelling. . They chose n suite ot ofllces on the fifth floor, looking directly out over nnd Into the cool, gTeen beauty of Madison Forest In an hour or so they cleared out the bats and spiders, the rubbish and the dust and made the place very decently presentable. "Wlt. that'll IL MmI h,-1nMlM- bmI...M remarked tho engineer, standing back nnd luuKinK critically at me nnisnea worn. "I don't seo why we shouldn't make a ... ....... v. ...... w ..v...v wufc Ul nun, ivr Pb while. It's not too high for case, and It's mi," ciiuugn tor rataiy to Keep prowling bears nnd wolves nnd and other things from exploring us In tho night" Ho laughed, but memories ot the spear head tinged his merriment with apprehen sion. "In a day or two I'll make' some kind nf nn nut, itinp . Knrln-it n.., t ... .... w... ..wv. u, UMMV-UU, UUk iiini, I need that ox nnd come other things. Can you sparo mo tor a wnue, nowr "I'd rathor go along, too," she answered wistfully, from the window sill where she sat resting. "No, not this time, please!" he- entreated. "First I've gut to go way to the top of tho tower and bring down my chemicals and all the other things up thero. "Then I'm going out on a hunt for dishes, a lamp, eomo oil and no end of things. You save your strength for a while; stay here and keep house and bo a good glrll" "All right," she acceded, smiling n, llttlo sadly. "But really, I feel Quite able to go." 'This afternoon, perhaps; not now. Qood-byl" And he started for tho door. Then a thought struck him. He turned nnd camo back. "By tho way," said ho, "If wet can fix up some kind of a holster, I'll tako ono ot those revolvers. "With tho best of this leather here." nodding at tho Gladstone bag, "I should Imaglno w could manufacture some thing serviceable." Thoy planned the holster together, and he 902 - 04 XMAS For his K ome f ' '""" """.- Hosktns Sectional Book-Cases. This Stack New Bandlcss Standard Quartered Oak or Imitation Mahogany $19.20 Genuine Mahogany $25.65 Other cases in Chippendale Engravers Printers The Passing of The Great Race By Madison Grant "When a man of profound mind and great learning seeks to peer fuither into Jul lory than other men have done, when he uses the facts he believes himself to iiave discovered to protest 'with vehement and passionate conviction against tendencies and move ments he believes retrogressive, he should be worth while listening to. Every ardent friend democratic ideal should read this Baltimore Evening Sun "Mr. Grant's book teaches a profound lesson resting upon & well-established foundation of anthropological fact." Philadelphia Public. Ledger "'The Passing of The Great Race is likely to excite wide spread interest. Madison Grant' work is a profound study of world history from the ethnological standpoint." New York Herald tr3 53r CLarlej ScrUmer'i Sons CoprrUht, Ufa Fab, Co. AS IT LOOKEDiTO THE PESSIJIIgT cut It out with hs knife, while Bhe,tEl!t leather thongi to lash It with, rrescnlly It was done, and a strap to tin It round his, waist with a crude, roujh thing, Hit just aa useful aa though finished with thd ut most skill. 4 "We'll make another for you when t get ' homo thl, noon," ho rernarked. picking Up the nutomatla and a haedfu: of cartridges. Quickly he filled the msgazlne. The sheila wero green with verdigris, nnd many a rust spot disfigured the one-time brightness of Ute arm. Aa he stepped over t the window, aimed and pulled tho trigger, a sharp and welcome report burst from the weapop. And n. few leaves, clipped from an oak In the foreat slg-iagged down In tho bright warm sun light "I guess ehell do all r!htr he laughed, ' sliding the ugly weapon Into his new hoi stor. "You seo, tho ponder and fulminate, sealed up In the enrtrfdges, aro virtually Imperishable, Here, Jet mo load yours, too. , (CONTINUED TOMOIUIOW) f What's Doing Tonight Ituaalan Ilallet Metropolitan Opera llou-e. BrmpoMum onfZlonUm. t,u I.u Tainelo. . Snrlnr Oariltn ttreet caat o( Uroad, 11:15 o clock. Dinner of Prnnylvnnt State Society, Belle-vus-Blratrori), T30 o'olork. lecture on 'Sfhe Gtertrla Blfnith cf Air and Methmla of Mweurlnr High Voltat-," by John II. Whitehead Franklin Inatltute. 8 o'clock. Philadelphia .Tasehera" Aeasclktlon, Aaaomblr Iloom, 1'hlla.tolphla Normal School, Thirteenth ami Siprlns; 'Garden afreets, 8.10 o'clock. Krr, Lccture.on "John Fitch. I'annaylvanlan. In- , vntor or th Steamboat." by Dr. Oeorro Flowera Stradlltur. Norlheaet High Bcbool. , r.lahth atroot anil Lehigh avenue, 8 o'clock. Tree., Unltnt lluBlneia Men's Aaaoclatlon, Bingham Hotel, JH.30 o'clock, free. Clover Club dinner, HeUoyue-Btrattortl. . , . "onlna- Philadelphia.1' by Ilernard J. Ne'er- nan. I tlghthouao Forum, Lehigh avenue near . Becond atreet. "Cauntrr Fair," Mater Dolorosa Church, ' Frnnkforil. Yoang Women'B "Union. 4S8 Batnbrldre ilreet. ' Concert for bonent ot Church ot Our Iady ot tta Holy Houla. Immaeulato Conception Hall Cheuen avenue and Chaw atreet. Military to Bury Johnstown Boy JOHNSTOWN, Fa., Nor, 23. William Carr, n Johnstown boy, killed In n quar rel with United States regulars whllo on duty on tho Mexican border, tylll bo given a military funeral today. 3. - 06 Chestnut St. GIFTS convenience and Art Mission designs Office Outfitters pCV' Msmmm i!fej& 3 and every earnest foe of the book." WilhMapu $2.0QntU Fifth Ave., New York nl r4' 'frtyMfilt- Si' PffS , - i ft 4 fit -, i, - - - r K3r,U