tfATURE'S BEAUTY SECRETS IN YOUR FLOWER GARDEN By LUCUEZIA BORI tvima Donna of It Metropolitan Opera . . -! tiAAIlll AArAll KtATt'nC " """ "- "v..o I'N wWlh nre being constantly xtlilnperetl I , , tho nortdlnff flowers, ha aro- rw .:. .....t,. nnd Iho sturdy vegetables. ITteW loilel M"K" "ly be Prepared by P efiontiifr inn crnms nt dried retl roue leave n ono quart of Or rani vinegar for ten 1n Rllr the mix lure about every day and on tlio tenth day i train ntid bottle. A f c w tahlcspoonfuls" Added to the bath Is exceedingly refresh-" niff, nnd In also excel lent for heallnit any Irritation of the elcln All flower vinegars nre made In tho name HAIU.2IA HOIH manner. . . - .1..... miipa la tnnitr liv rrnshlnir ,..Aw,.a netals In a little cnu do cologne m roea extract Let the mixture, eland 5r aeAeral hour, then strain through a rleee oi line mucin. .,...., ...... . pply It to tho cheeks with a mnnllplcco tf absorbent cotton. Orange (lowers placed In hot water and nmplemented by oatmeal or bran make. I ,irfiii lotion for whitening nnd aoft- t win- Uie km. ' Thyme anu Bweci iniirjurHin ciu uuuuvj- tiring herbs which grew In the gardens of every southern bello In the long ago. Take 55 grama each of theso herbs and add threo quarts At boiling water.' . Steep -...I .t.fllti A. 11 nnn.hDlf ntnt nt i, titl de cologne for proscrvatUo purposes. L Th mlxturo is an excellent skin tonic, nnd t-t . i,nir.nitit should bo added to your bath The" floweis of tho elderberry bush have i softening effect upon hnrd water. Tosn .1 l.AHttfnt rf tlin Kliauniiin torn rt . ICVCtill HHUu.a vs. .. w.ssimssmki a.ia-v. . " fcisln of -water nml your skin will not be- H . .I nnd onfiH frnrn iiilntr linrrl U'nfrr ; comcuij o".ij ...... v....n ".--. TnCro swui-cij u i:i own ii inivo inn kcow that sngo tea posacnscA tho excellent tlrtuopf rcatarlnR hair to Its Natural color, nd U a wonderful hnlr tonic besides. It i . WA,A...t..,a,,1 tir,,.,..'.. 4 tin I Blf-A L tta will darken tho hair, so It la not recom mended xor uiunu ur imun ircsnen. im for those with dark hair It Is ono of the l t Irnn.i.n If n l,1 1 i,1 vatrl 1 1 fl f Iv A f- iittlet packet of seeds planted In your gar- Ocn wiu lurnjsti tin iiuuiiumicu iu iiu plant Sage plucked directly from tho gar- M I- nttl nlrnntrnp niiil Imtfor tlinn whan It 1 purchased nt the druggist's. When It 9 u necessary o uuy mo bhko iry ta pro- E CUtD mU Kivcti oH "'" luuifttv. a iiu f following formuln for making sago tea Is irld sago 8trden -i rrea taa . By rum ounces ounces ounces To mako the liquid steep tho tea In elrht ounces of water, and In a separate ttssel add eight ounces of wntcr to tho use. Let each stnnd for several hours, then strain nnd take two ounces of each and mix with tho bay rum. Keep tho mixture tightly corked to prevent ovnpora tlon. Only tho leaves of tho sago are used. If your skin li In need of softening and khltenlng, thero is tho homely cucumber (-ln your egetabto garden. Cucumbers fore I pretended to delve into beauty secrets. Uy grandmother tells mo that sho had unbounded faith In their magic qualities, nd that her mother before her believed the amo There nro sovcral methods of Ming this friendly vegetable, tho simplest of which Is to pare It, cut In thick slices inJ rub It over tho fnco without further reparation The cucumber Juice Is left ito'dry into the skin. Later the face Is wwncn in warm wnier. nppiy ueioro ro Urlng nnd allow tho cucumber Juice to re main on tho skin nil night. Thero Is n splendid cucumber lotion that Is made In the following manner: Mnsh one or two cucumbers Into a pulp, plnco the pulp In a saucepan with a tablespoonful of water and set the whole upon tho stoyo to simmer for five minutes Cool and train. A half-pint of cucumber Juice Is required as tho basis for the cucumber lotlen. The entlro list of Ingredients is printed bolow: xsreed Julco of cucumbers. au (to roloa-na ,H pint la ounces 3Vi ounces 8iret almond oil . Bharlns cream (or melted castlle oap) i . t dram Blanched almond P.. l!i drama Apply thla lotion at night or during the day to your face, neck and arms If you dealre to improve tho texture and clear ness of your skin Ivy poisoning Is both disfiguring and painful Thero aro several well-known remedies for It. but none better, so I have been asiured by many persons, than tho despised plantain leaves which we seek, often vainly, to exterminate from our gar dens and lawns Plantain-leaf poultlcca are ia ro -kih" ivy poisoning in twenty-lour hours. To prcparo the poultice crush and brulie the plantain leaves so that they are pulpy mass, First take the precaution , to wash the leaves thoroughly so that thero wilt be no danger of further Infection. Thon tpreaa them upon a. layer of antiseptic WMe and apply the noultlce to tho nol- i ?" 8,'n Change tho poultlco every hour. ; -ins aespisea weea Is saM to relieve Ivy pwaoning wnen other remedies fall. (Copyrlaht) Boy Scouts Will Give Play The members nf Trnnn K7 Tlnv R-mit Vlll reveal their thpunlnn nttnlmiiAntn In , Arcade Hall, Fifty-first street and Baltimore ' avenue, on December 7 and 8. "The Spy of Gettysburg," a four-act comedy-drama, is ; If. nam ' '"a P'ny they have ch03en. - They will bn nRRUtpH hv ffe- r an,,m 6 libs D. Harr and Miss J. Dev'lne. All-Weather 'Heaters Jl Why be annoyed by a heater that "";" oumuieai nenv jur otuy '"atratelt cold weather when at 'lie anme prfc you enn Install a fleck Healing Systm7 No matter V 1!;..'s.on, moderately chilly or poaltlvely freezing, you cn reou Jale a Fleck Heating- System to exactly meet your every need, In comfort and In dollars It will pay you to install a Fleck Heating Sys tem. Not only adaptable to every k nd of home, but suited to every Uln.4 . ...L.ik..L ai ..-,.... .-l... I -. v, liWAGIWUN UI1U UHCtlUaiOU u -inipuciiv ana cieanunesg. In- VeatiRate today. jTlecpcjBizos. Co Bhowrooma 44-46-48-80 N. Wfth Street A Christmas Gift H L Wile refliununt. cjrefully -H c a iu satufy ih. moat dlacrtmlnat I Kj '! lK"utilul bolly box conuln- fcW1' '. F"'? " Powder n4 a "! .Antolneite Toilet Water 1'riee It.M. i'roJ)aro4 only by It f i Cooaieila Maaofr o ftae Toilet -yepratlaaa 704-lfll FUorft UbJUIss- Kat. )f r pm. um (AlTweather lil$1 iioty stvif. $$ sil ! J "BIG SISTERS" STRIVE TO AID JEWISI1 GIRLS Mrs. J. Marcus Polnk, President, Tells of Aims nnd Methods of Organization WORK OF JUNIOR ORDER Unusual succesi has crowned the efforts of the Illg Sisters Association, an organi zation of -Philadelphia women who have been working during the last year to provide ttholcsume amusement and In struction for the joutig Jewish girls of tho citv ' tin the drgnnlzatlon's ten clubhouses, scattered through ut tho city, young glrli between the ages of tlfteen nnd twenty nro not only being provided with many forms of Instructive nnd entertaining amusements, but nt the same time aro being educated on the mot modern lines Tho organization baa a membership of moro than ion; each member willing to bo nn avowed "Hlg Sister" to any young girl who should need either comfort or advice, or whose home conditions or environment aro not sultnblo to the spirit of young American womanhood AIM OF SOCIETY Tho aim nnd plan of tho organisation wero explained today by Mrs J. Marcus I'olnk. president "In the lant fifteen year," sho said, "there has been n big Inim gratlon of Jews who have been persecuted In ltus sla, I'oland, Hungary and Itumnnla They have not been inert to the privileges of liberty, and we found them nltnoM of n, different race entirely. As n rule, ono Jew accepts anollmr, but here we suddenly found a class that we could not assimilate. "These people were slow to become Amer icanized, but their children, however, wero Americanized nt a pneo unusually fast, and soon grew far beyond tho control of their moro old-fashioned parents "The girls soon drifted nnay from their home environment nnd missed the proper homo training. Ninety per cent of tho Im morality Is among the class of peoplo I have Just referred to, nnd tho almost direct causa Is tho lack of control which theso parents havo dver their children." FOR AMteHICANIZATION One of the Ideals of tho Dig Sisters, Mrs. Tolak said. Is to Instil In young Jewish girls tho American Ideals. Tho first move of the organization Is to form n Junior girls' club In tho selected neighborhood nnd elect ono of the girls president nnd other officers. The, club meets every week nt tho presi dent's home. Tho membership of each club Is llmltod to twenty members and each Is under the direct supervision of a Dig Sister. "Wo first train their minds, or start to do so," Mrs. Polnk said. "One weekly meet ing la devoted to open discussions on Inter esting and Important subjects. "Then wo hnvo a business night, with lessons on hygiene, social conduct nnd how to behave so ns to both command and de mand despect. On other nights we nrrango debates and party nights. "Our Idea Is not to Rtop tho girls from nssoclatlng with boys. tVo encourage them and make arrangements In certain cases for them to rccolvo worthy young men at their homes, and discourage any possible meetings with young men on the streets. So on party nights young men nro Invited Tho mothod has proved to bo a great suc cess. Many Interesting games aro In dulged In. Of course, kissing games are not allowed. "Thoro aro moro than 400 Ulg Sisters In tho organization, and each Is moro than willing to do as much If not more than any real big sister would do Moro than 160 gills nro members of tho Junior clubs of tho organization, and these form one big family throughout tho city Inoculated with some of tho finest Idcnls of American womnnhood." SMALL ASSESSMENTS Tho organization virtually Is Independ ent. Each member of tho Junior clubs pays tho 'small sum of five cents weekly, while ench IJIg Sister contributes a ery nomlnnl sum annually. This money Is used only In paying the expenses of those who In vestigate cases called to tho attention of tho organization. To date forty personal cases havo been Investigated, as well n".i ten cases from the Juvenile Aid Society and one from tho Eastern Penitentiary. Tho Junior clubs of tho Big Sisters nre located as follows: No.28I2 Diamond street, 2041 North Ellventh street. 1012 North Second street, 2000 North Thirty flrtit street. Twenty-fourth and Cumberland streets. 322 South street, 611 North Sev enth Btrect, 3133 Montgomery avenue, 2102 N,orth Front Btreet nnd 2428 North Sixth Btrect. Headquarters of tho organization Graces ANTISEPTIC SKIN FOOD At $1.00 the Jar Thla exdulalte preparation CONTAINS NO MKKCUUV or othar harmful Ingredient je ueauune anu imiirotta bad ramnlfixlona ami lire rrr the moat iltllciite kklnn. RemoTe wrinkle unu othrr facial blemUtiri, U jour dealer la unable lo up ply you, we will send post paid on receipt of price. The Regallotto Co. P. O. Ilox 41.07. l'hllmltlphla t Superfluous Hair Remover 'he only treatment which will remove permanently all fcUDertluotM liulr from the face, neck, arms or an part of the body, leaving- no marK or blemish on the most dell- rata akin. Norelectrla needle. burning- cauatlo or powdera used. Orlelnstiip. Rnl nn ami Reg-. U, 8. Vat.Off. used cxclushely by me. Dr. Margaret Ruppert "M-aW".'. su Salts 10-73-73. Est. 23 yrs. rtune Walnut 7031 1 CownM of Distinction for Woman of Taste CHAPMAN ' GOWN BUILDER Sulie BIT, WeUblman Balldlna lStl Chestnut Street f. U. Remodeling Artistically Dona Safe Milk 'orlnlanU Inralidi abgtitutea I Coat YOU SaiuaPrfca A Nutriticua Diet for AU Aese. f v "vy kL Js&l' I'oDnlar Icuatyss vtlutiJk'fL t'rrum Now at a i h?Mis& I'opular Trier. 3 $j Uecnuie of Increased ialea J YvX. and lower coat of production 4 iS you can now obtain 1 m Charm 0' Graces I m, t datuhi gBf ..SmmS filli hi IV- ! ?B M.U MF inavfeva - sr s- .MifskfaTsTn SI ttWn73xM'M.S Xmp HorlMs's Always qp EVENING IEDGEE-PHILABEHPHIA; WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 22, BIG SISTERS AND The sucrrse. of tho Mr Sisters movement for Jewish Rirla owes much to the clTorts of Jlrs. J. M, Polnk. whose portrait appears In tho circle. nro nt tho resilience of Dr .1. Marcus I'olnk, 2407 North Slxtornth Btrect. Mrs I'olnk Is president of the orpanlrn Hon. Other nilloera nro Mrs II O Hlfcii. first vice president , Mrs Mux IterR. second lco president; Mlas .Innctto Opponhehner. secretary: Mm Minnie Ilppmnu. tlnnnelnl ccrrtnry ; Mrs Solomon lloRnsner, trenn tirer, nnd Mij. .!n!oph SternhcrRer, record In secretnry. MAIIUIKI) FIFTY YKAKS nnd Mrs. Hayes Will Cclehrate Goltlen Wedding Tonight Mr. NnW CASTMI. nel Nov 22 Mr and Mrn John T. Haves of near Hcnr Stntlon, nouth of thla city, will celebrate, with their elRht children, ten Krandrhlldren, sona-ln-law nnd daughter,, M 1UV. their Bullion wedding anniversary tonlRht nt tholr homo. The party In addition wyi cotnprlso Mrs. Thoman K. 'Hum, of Mlddlctown, n sister of Mrs Hayes, and Miss Mary Mcrrltt, of tho snmo town, th latter having been tho bridesmaid nt The marrlago Theso two nro the only living witnesses of tho affair, Fifty guents will be entertained. Early Day Mirrors In the early Anglo-Saxon days mirrors wero Uaed by women slung to their girdles The sanio custom obtained In tho tlmo of Illlzabcth nnd James the Klrst. They formed tho center of many fnns nt that period nnd Inter. Heforo glass was Invented horn nnd metal ucro used. Brand-New Babies The Hrrnlnr lclfr will print, free of rluircr, notlrrs of rrrrnt l.lrllm sent In ttirnuth pruiirr rluinnels Address "llrnnd etr llillili'N," i:rnlni: Lrilgrr. lion rhritnut street. nnte nnd mlilri-NM mid. ulirn postl-a kle. telriition iiiunlifr of ftu!rr umst ac comi,iny each notice so sent. 1IAZAH, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel, El 4 Watklns street, n daughter, seven pounds flvs ounces. KTSCIIMAN, Mr. nnd Mrs. Kdwln. 2t27 North Twentlctti street, n son. mmilY, iW and Mrs. Nelson, 18 North Con pstoga stiect, n daughter. noon.MAN, Mr. and Mrs Samuel, 3907 Pop lar Btreet, n son. OUIIMAX. Mr. and Mrs Ilnrry. 430 Durfor Btreet, a daughter, seven pounds eight ounces. I'lNOMAN. Mr Itnd Mrs. Berno, 2743 Bon sall street, a daughter DRY .CLEANING I'lush roats anil Velret Hulls inmle to look like new by our Special I'rocess. 'Jry us. Get Our Tries I.llt EMPIRE CLEANERS vSBr.rM"' DLAYLOCK & o BLYNN, Inc. Furs Altered m PJZESSJBJ XMPORTBIZ. SUITS COATS DRESSES WAISTS FURS , , jllllllllllllllllllM 4iV & THEIR FOUNDER THANKSGIVING PUT ON CALENDAR BY WOMAN Day Fixed by President Lincoln at Suggestion of Mrs. Hale, Who Lived Here While shouting at the football games jind Indulging In their turkey nnd pumpkin pie, residents of this city mny remember that It was n Philadelphia woman who caused tho establishment of tho last Thursday In No vember ns Thanksgiving Day. Sho was .Mrs Sarah Joscpha Hale, n wid owed mother of children, who supported her family by publishing tho Ladles' Magazine and writing poems Thanksgiving had been ceicurated ns early as 1623 by tho I'urlians. It was not until 1864 that n dcflnlto nnd permanent tlmo was fixed for tho holiday. President Lincoln then Issued a proclama tion determining tho date of tho celebration, In accordance with Mrs Hnlo's suggestion. She had ngltntcd such action In the ndmlnls tratlon pj sovcral provlous Presidents anil also petitioned tho Ooornors of several flutes with that purpose, but without avail. While MrR. Halo could not bo called n suffragist with complete necura(Sy. sho wns noted for her nctlvltles to obtain tho In tellectual nnd political advancement of women Sho was ono of tho tlrst Americana to advocato tho general employment of women as teachors In the public schools and sho urged In her writings tho establish, ment of scmlnnricH to prepare women for careers In pedagogy nnd othor professions Mrs. Hale wns born In Newport. N. II , but she lived hero for many years nnd died In this city In April, 1879 She wnB presi dent of tho Philadelphia branch of tho Women's Missionary Society for Heathen Lauds and founded In this city tho Ladles' Medical Missionary Society Removes superfluous hair and makes sleeveless jjowns tnd sheer hosiery possible without embarrassment. Fashion and goad taste demand it. Sold by Drurr and Department Stores Furs of Distinction Distinction in quality which means depend ability. Distinction in style which means ex cliisiveness. 1528 Chestnut St. and Repaired m Special Offerings MANDO 1 $mart Ready-to-Wear Models for Women and Misses During' November We Offer Special Prtces in' Our Custom, Order Department VIENNA. SHOP 1531 .JJiST STRICT MANNIKINS MAY SERVE ART; MODELS DWINDLE Louie, of Trained Shoulder Blnde, Disappears With Other Notable Figures ACADEMY HAS BUT SEVEN Whnt Aro Eight Classes to Do With , out Poseurs and I'oseuses? What has becomo of the models of yester year' A ear ngo tho tlne-up for tho classes of the Acndcmy of the Fine Arts filled the little room where the models met and I'loggeil the corridors outside tho life class Today eight monitors of the life, sculpture Illustration nnd portrait classes eed ulth ejes of mlnotnurs the handful of models sparsely sprcitd before them. There noro seen The lolibv oft the Chcrrv street entrance of the Academy has nhvnjs been the strong hold of the models In the days of plenty a mob Jostled Jealously, striving to Impress tho innnuors or mo classes w th the r hidden chm ms Now It Is tho monitors who nurse lorwnru and wring their hands, be wailing the scarcity of models, male nnd feninle Hven the old standbs have failed to re turn this car Tho siren call of tho ammu nition factory has smothered tho twenty-live cents nn hour luro of art Louie, famous for bis flexible shoulder blade, on which he would piny n tuno during rest time be tween poses. Is among the missing. Ilegglo, whose black hair even tho buddlng-purc colorlsts could not brighten, Is gono but not forgotten. "I remember." said an ex-monltor who had come back In tho hope of picking up the left-oxers of the Academy, "when tho average on Fridays wns from twenty to thirty models, standing around In graceful poses. In thoio dajs thero wero profes sionals nnd nolccs Tho latter usually brought photographs: lllustrntlo of their charms behind n bunclKof American Iteautv roses And tho meni'ex-priicllghtcrs nnd others wore kid gloves on their hands, their mustnehes gracefully curled over their rouged lips " Tho picture the monitors present Is pathetic. Monitors to right of them, monl- toutaafe&iMM5a22S22gg Fi urs Mason & DeMarry 1 1 15 Ckestnut Street (Opposite Keith's) We Find There Is No EM to the Demands .for Quality Sets and Coats This Season Every day brings us new friends some through advertising -others through recommendation, but all through the womanly desire to purchase quality at prices where satisfaction is paramount. We could not sell the many hundreds of new patrons on persuasion of type or mere recommendation. The excellent reputation of the firm, plus the. economical opportunity behind this advertisement, is the "reason why" of our record-breaking business this year. Fur Sets , Sk " ' Natural Raccoon . : . . . 32.50 P?mPu .Black Fox.- 33.50 rfOlisMh Kamchatka Blue Fox . 39.50 ( ujHHkk S Red Fox 49.50 hi WBKm . Fisher ; . . 74.50 q 1 VVcll? Slate Fox 84.50 i p" Dyed Blue Fox , . 84.50 Cross Fox 89.50 - TjT J4 I sUa We Reserve Your Purchase Upon a Small Deposit or Charge it Subject to Bill of January 1st 3 u n j Millinery Sale Extraordinary The balance of this wonderful purchase of distinctive and charming Hats 5.00 I NoCO.D. k I , .1 PurchasinAgenU' Order Honored- Qjdtf m Lwg'Mi 1910 THE CHEERFUL OTO Tke. tkm$3 in life. fc.ll symDonzs. A tKrilhrvg secret, vst ind. true. Tke voly Va.t I bought- todt-v L .scase. xK'fc.l: ht some. me.MMnJ too. tors to left of them, the models stand pcr ploted. Threo girls, one colored, nnd four men, completed tho atircy, One young lady broke the news that after this month she wns going to Washington lo pose. Now there nre two girls. And reliable. Tlmo wns that when a model held n clnes up, failed to appear ns nrrnnged, thnt model wns blackballed for tho rest of the year. Uove It Is likely the class will bo blackballed If It gives the model too difficult n pose. Hi-students hover nround tho entrance of the room In which the models nre nbout to bo nlgnod up for the coming week. A tnll, prim young monitor, his heavy-rlmmcd glnssen marking him down ns n coming genius, warned thoso nearest the doorway not to try to poach on tho preserves of tho Academy. Mnny artists In this tlmo of strcsa lmvo been coming to tho weekly ses sion of models In tho hope of engaging the left-ovors. Uut nfter seven models havo been spread over four life classes, two sculpturo classes, two Illustration classes and two portrait classes, tho Impoverished nrtlst knows tho worst has como The prlco of models has gone up nnd fam ine Is stalking abroad In tho land, Morgan, tho god behind tho doors thnt sepnrato tho nrt school from tho Philistine world, line n solution. He, too, remombers tho dnys of plenty when beauteous dam sels Implored embryo geniuses to give them an opportunity to servo nrt nccordlug to their limitations. But the scarcity today .i I wya, ww:yMMB Fur Coats French Seal Coats 54.50 40-Inch Modsl Skunk Collar (Select Skint) French Seal Coats 69.50 Black Opoiium Collar and Dorder s 5-Inch Tull Model Natural Muskrat Coats 74.50 lludion Seal Collar, CufTa and Belt 42-inch Full Model Hudson Seal Coats 84.50 40-Inch Flare Model, Skunk Collar and Border Hudson Seal Coats 98.50 45-Inch Full Model. Exceptional value , Hudson Seal Coats 145.00 43. Inch Flare Model 6-inch Border and Collar of Skunk Scotch Moleskin Coats. . . .245.00 43. Inch Flara DelgnJ 6-Inch Border and Collar of Skunk Natural Mink Coat 375.00 42-Inch Full Model. Finished with Sablo Paw. and Mink Tall. eL Formerly 10, 12.50 and 15.00 Charge Accounts 'Opened v lfe- , MM has recalled the method of! other d$fc VhIeh Morgan, In all his wisdom, w&ftp mends It the stump in models Ik not coon . abated . N "Oncupori a time the? didn't have mod els In art schools. Manrlknt u what thr used," roys Morgan. "Wooden figures with w joints at the knees and hands. They did anything you wanted, sat down on a red cushion or stood up on a yellow stool Fact. Iots of people never went near a life class. I remember some. But they learned W ' draw. Use mannlktns, 2 say," 86 since nrt must be served and model -aro becbmlng extinct, mannlklns may fol , lOW. ' j K U iv. made nwi avtMHiAse a pZB&E&tj 0 1 21 KIT: MVB172 Ptandnrd offWH ThpTd'AmkliN I $ 3UpAH REFIMIMO CO- - Sold In 2, 5, 10, 25 and 00 lb. cotton bag Ask for Franklin Granulated Sugar. It is the best sugar you can buy. Franklin sugar tathfie Granulated, Dainty Lumps, Powdered Confectioners Millinery - No Approvals ' Fyr HctwaMiTii . ' ifT I 01 l -r- 'mi4irialiMEmiTllfflgniiTJllrillil'JCsMMM!JM.' iMSklHfeaB WB 'Quick fatiWO J4ac- v 'm. 5$ s