Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, November 21, 1916, Night Extra, Page 5, Image 5

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Gil Austriaci Attaccano Una Po-
flizlono oul Cnrsb nd Occu
pano Una Trincea
I Rumcnl Sconflttl Ancora Gil Austro-
Tedcschl Minncclano la Cltta
ill Craiova
nOMA, II Notembre.
II generate Cadorna nnnunclti net buo
boltettlno pubbllcnto lerl aero, clul Minis
tcro dellft Querra chs gll auatrlact hanno
roadagnato IcgKermento (erreno Bulla,
fronla del Carso. Eaal hsnnoattnccato con
grandl forie In poelzlonl 'ltnllnne sulla
Quota 110 rluscendo art occuparo un lrln
. earsmento. Ecco II teslo del rnpporto dl
. Cadorna!
Sulln fron(e del Trcntlno I'nrtl
gllerl e' stata nttlva da nmbeduo le
parti. ! nostro batterla hanno con
' noneggUto gTuppI dl opcratl mtlltarl
dl nemlco. La bntterls nustrlache
hanno bombardato Is- nostro noililonl
tul Pal Piccolo e sul Monto Frnlkofcl.
ma le nostra battorlo linnno rlsposto
efllcacomente al fuoco nemlo
Sulla fronte dsl Cnrso r.ahiVj sera,
dopo una Intensa prpnralonn dl
artlglltria II nemlco nttnrro' 1 nostra
poslilonl dl Quota 126, .Monto Volkovn
jak, con noteroll forzc. Dopo un
accanlto corobattlmento osso rluscl nd
occupara una trincea, ma sul recto dclla
fronts dl battaglla pll attacclil del
nemlco Bono atatl resplntl con gravl
ptrdlto a nol abbtamo nncha fatto
aleunl prlglonlerl.
It cattlvo tempo contlnua nd Impor
Tereare eu tutto 11 tcatro delta nostra
II Ministers degtl Affarl HBterl ha declso
dl non rllasclaro plu" passaportl n clttadlnt
Itatlanl che deslderano rccarsl nll'cstoro a
meno ohe esal non provlno che II loro viae-
glo a" In relatione alio esiRcnzo uci Rover
no, II cha alpnlflca cho color cho voRtlnno
recarsl all'cstero non lo ponaono a meno
che non alano mandatl dal govcrno per mla
, slont apeclall.
In conaequcnaa, dl questa dcclalona al clt
tadlnt Itallanl a' prohlblto ill vlagBlnre
all'Mtero. Coal' tutta Tcmlirrazlono Itallana
' arreatata.
Domenlca aera 11 maestro Arturo Toacanlnl
dlrlgova un concerto all'AURusteo. Dopo
arer esegulto dl vnrsl pezzl, l'orchcstra at
tacco' la marcla funebro del CrcpuBcolo
degll Del. Non appena lo prlmo noto detla
mualca wagnerlana si dlffuscro nella grnndo
ala al ebba un mormorlo cho ben prosto al
tramuto" In un vcro bnccano. HI grldava
Abbasso la Oermanla! Illcordatovl delta
vlttlme dl Padova, ed II pubbllco Inevla con
tro I tcdcschl. la muslca tcdeaca o Wagner.
II MaeBtro Toacanlnlnon foIo dovotto Intar
rompere la marcla, ma dovotto abbando
Bare la Bala o l'orcheatra non rlpreso plu' II
II pubbllco che ascoltava It concerto non
arera dlmontlcato cho I'll novembro aero
plant austriaci o tedeschl avovano bom
bardato Padova uccldcndovl 32 peraone
a ferendone II dopplo dl qucsto numero.
Tutte la vlttlmo ernno non combattantl,
anil molto orano ragazzl o donne, cd II
papalnvlo' a Vienna una protesta contro
queato raaasacro dl Innocentl.
Jjs forza allcato che hanno occupato la
dtta' dl Monaatlr, baso dl operazlono del
bulgaro-tedeBChl nella Macedonia occldcn
tale, contlnuano ad nvanzaro verBo 11 nord,
dlrlgendo.il evldentcmento su Ocrlda cho
deve essere occupata prima cho si possa
tenta.ro dl mnrclare verso la valto del
Vardar. L'avanzata delta forza atteata
lara" fatta probabllmcnto bu Prllep e
Kagotln, dalta quale ultima poilzlono le
forza bulRara del Ccrna possono csaere
freae dl flanco a costretto ad una uletrloro
rltlrata. Notlzle Rlunto qui dtcono cho la
rltlrata del bulgaro-tedcachl da Monnatlr e'
tata una vera debacle.
Sembra cho la forza rumeno operant!
tulta fronts delta Tranallvanla abblano
tublto una nuova grave aconfltta e cho le
annate nustro-tedeicho bI avvlclnlno a
Craiova, cltta' prlnclpato delta Valachta
occidental. Per ora la notlzla vlono da
Berllno o Bucare.it rimano allenzlosa. Certo
che la Bltuazlone In Rumania e grave.
Dlspaccl da Atene dlcono che rammlragllo
tx KouVnet ha Informato 11 governo Rreco
ehe alio 7 dl lerl sera al doveva awertlra
I rappresentantl diplomatic! delta Oer
manla, dell'Auatrla della Turchla e della
Bulgaria che esat ed II loro personals dl
legazlono dovevano lasclare la capltale
greca nel termlne dl 48 ore. Gil nlleatl
hanno anche chlesto alia Grecla la consegna
dl tutto II materials dl Rucrra In csaesso dl
quanto ne occorre alia truppo dl Atene. SI
parla dl un vero a prorlo ultimatum conscg
cato dagll allsatl al govcrno greco.
"- pressure whleh la now admitted eonrtl-
mure m graveet menace to Ilumanla,
The numanlan- army la In th greatest
fe.r of bln,c outflanked. If the German
omclal atatemeralpeclfrlng near approach
or the Teutons tfftralova la aecurattx The
Ilutnanlana are being forced back down the
valley of the Jlul Meanwhile Ton B'alken-
ifii" wln a force eatlmated at half a
minion men. la sweeping around their rear,
steadily lessening the gap through which
jney must retreat, and circumscribing that
line of retreat bo that Its direction, appar
ently, must be due east. Unleaa there Is a
inversion somewhere else In the Balkan
campaign to atop von Falkenhayn'a thrust,
it appeared almost certain that complete
evacuation of the western part of Ilumanla
would be neceieary to aave the Itumanlan
army. This diversion, It Is admitted, can
teat be made by the Russians.
IIopo was afeo expressed here today that
the pursuit of the Teutonic-Bulgarian army
thrown out of Monnatlr would be sutTlclently
hot to halt Von Falkenhayn. Berlin of
ficial report admit reinforcement of these
forcea. Meanwhile experta believe General
Sarrall, of the victorious Allied forcea, la
hurrying on to Prllep. to which point the
Teutonlo forcea withdrew, and plan to
throw out hi column In a thrust east
ward against Negotln. on the Vardar River.
Huch a blow would be a menace to the
Bulgarian position, and, If successfully
maintained, forcing withdrawal of the Bul
garians would open the way to further for
ward movement by the British expedition
operntlng northwestward from Salonlcn.
An Amsterdam dispatch today quotes
Major Mornht. the Berlin Tageblatfs mili
tary expert, as admitting the "great stra
tegical Importance" of Monaatlr. He waa
quoted aa saying "Of coursa retreat Is
unPleaiMint. but the Alllea' real succeea waa
political because the Serbians retook the
city. Monastlr can't help Rumania "
Amsterdam also quotes the Berlin Vo
alache Zaltung as characterizing Monaatlr'a
loss aa "regrettable,"
BERMN, Nov. 11,
The Entente forces that captured Monaa
tlr are trying to "feel" their way ahead
with vanguard operations toward tho now
uuignr-uerrann positions, eaya tho War
Otllco todny In n report on Macedonian
fighting. In tho Mnglena Mountalna, Serbian
attacks woro repulsed. On the Struma plain,
part of which ban been flooded by rains,
thore have been small ongagomantA,
Tho toxt of tho of!lclnl report follows:
"Between Presba Ijiko and tho Cerna
River tho enemy la feeling hi way ahead
with vangunrd operation toward tho Ger
man and Bulgnrlnn positions. Serblnn it
tacka at aomo potnta on the Moglena front,
which had been preceded by strong bom
bardment, fatlod. On tho Inundated Struma
plain there woro engagements between
rcconnolterlng detachments."
TARI3, Nor. SI.
The continuous and violent bombardment
of tho French position at Fort Douaumont
by German artillery on the Vardun front Is
believed hero to Indicate that the Germans
will mako a tremendoua effort to recapture
the work.
Thcra was heavy cannonading along ths
Sommo front during the night. The British
are opening tho wnv for a. rilront nttnrlc
upon Mlraumont, ono of the chief bastions
In the aystems of defense on the weatem
side of Uapaume. The Germans nro striv
ing desperately to hold this point of bup
port becauso of its strategic Importance.
Mlraumont lies upon high ground on tho
north bank of ths Ancre. A rnllroad and
numerous highways pass through It. It Is
five miles from Bapaume.
Fort Douaumont, about whtoh there Is
now much activity. Is ono of tho defensive
works northeast of Verdun. The work
was Berlously damaged by the explosion of
three slxteen-lnch sheila In the very center
of the fortifications while the Germans
hold It.
Wounded men from the Verdun front
can tno Dattle-swopt ground around Forts
Douaumont and Vaux a vast cemetery. It
la deep with mud and dotted with nhetl
craters filled with water. Numberleas
corpses are floating upon these miniature
lakes or are sticking half burled from the
LONDON, Nor. 11.
Raiding of enemy trenches at Oomme
court, Ttoollncourt and Yprea waa reported
& 5f
s.w- Sl " .1 VI
Noto to U. S. Aascrta Rowan-
more Survivors Owo Lives to
U-Boat's Precautions
Tho Imminent enpturo of Cralovn by tho forces of Field Marshal von
Falkonhyn emphasizes tho Krcat peril now faced by tho Rumanians In
western Wnllachla. Tho fall of tho city would ncccssltato tho virtual
abandonment of western Ilumanla to tho Toutons. It would greatly
Jncrcaso tho monaco to Bucharest and would glvo tho Toutons a victory
of far greater strategic importance than tho enpturo of Monastlr by
tho Allies. Today's sUtcmcnt from Berlin asserts that tho Teutons nro
nlrcady attacking tho dofenses of Craiova and that only a rapid retreat
can savo tho Rumanians defending It from envelopment and capture.
by General Sir Douglaa Halg. British com
ma nder-ln-ch.ef, today.
Ilia atatament said the Brltlah lines had
been heatlly shelled by the Germans south
westward of arandoourt. British forces
captured a German night patrol.
nP.RI,tN, Nov. 21. Artillery duels but
no Infantry notions were reported from ths
Sommo and Verdun fronts by the Oerman
War Office today. On both Bide of the
Ancre River and in the sector of St. Plena
Vnnat "Wood the big guntlro was especially
The official report read aa follows:
Army group of Prince Rupprecht
Our artillery liaa been ongaged ngalnst
hostile bntterlea and haji also bombard
ed tho enemy's points of support. Good
cITecta wero noticed. Heavy gunfire wan
directed against our positions on both
aides of tho Ancre River and at St.
Pierre Vaast wood. There were no In
fantry engagementa.
Army group of the Crown Trlnce
(Verdun front) In Champagne and on
tho Meuse River during a few hours of
the day the nctlvttr of the artillery
was revived.
'envoya of Germnny, Austria, Bulgaria and
Turkey are being deported. A new ulti
matum la reported to have been sent to the
The Entente Powers could easily enforce
their decree If they took over King Coru
atantlne'a Government, aa their troops
patrol nearly three-fourths of the territory,
while all tho const la under the guna of
British, French and Itallnn warships.
A dispatch from Rnlonlca to tho Times
quotes Eteutherlo Vonlzelos, head of the
Greek revolutionary Government, as say
ing: "In fighting this fight wo wish to wipe
out tho atnln placed upon Greco by the
dTaregard of trenty obligation to Serbia.
"We wish to play a part In the freeing of
our territories which have been Invaded by
the Bulgarians. Wo cannot bo accused of
being antl-dynastlc If we have como Into
open conflict with the crown on account of
the system of despotism set up In Athons "
ATHENS. Nov. 11.
At a meeting of the Crown Council today
It waa decided to protest ngalnst tho de
mand of the Allies that all Greeka shall
surrender their arma oxcept 'a portion of
tho army and the revolutionists.
LONDON. Nov. 81.
A Central News dispatch from Athens
declares tho Greek Cabinet has refused the
demand of Admiral Fournet, representing
the Allies, that German, Austrian, Bulga
rian and Turkish Ministers leave the capital
bofore tomorrow.
The dispatch states that another meet
ing of the Cnblnet will be held before the
matter -Is definitely determined.
On account of the national unrest In
Groece and the political Intrigues, the
Allied Power are on the point of assuming
control of the Government at Athens, ac
cording to dispatches arriving here today.
All tho country, except tha revolutionists
and a smalt taction of tha rtgulan pillltary
force. Is being disarmed. The diplomatic
Err Snndwlch Up 100 Per Cent
HAHRISBURG. Nov. 21. Tho high
coat of living hna hit Harrlsburg'n res
taurant and nearly all have raised tho
price of an egg sandwich from five to ten
Engagement Ring
Distinctively Different
Onn of our peclftl
ImrtrAlni. Cn't ba
duplicated Inter nt
tha price, tarce full
cut. brilliant dia
mond tn nil platinum
Rottlmc We bought
this befor tha btr
ndvftncft tn prler.
hrncn our low flRure
Vnder rtur rrirntu nlnn. n intnll rfVtintff
it' Hi hold thin rino find otiy athtr article
for vou unfit .Tmni, Every itltchilt dia
mond guaranteed exactly oj rrpreirnfrrf.
7 i
37 S,
KitablUhed 1K7A
Diamond Stores
8th St. SG N. fith St.
BERLIN, Nor. 21.
The German Government has handed a
note to ths United States. Embaasy flatty
denying that It haa violated Its submarine
pledge to the United States.
The note was a. reply to an American
communication relative to the sinking of
the British steamship Rowanmore and three
other steamships which were lost In Sep
tember. The German Government admits that a
submarine sank ths Rowanmore, but denies
that lifeboats containing survivor were
fired upon. The reply declares that It wa
to precautions taken by the Germans that
the men on the Rowanmore owed their lives.
Admission Is made also that one of the
remaining three steamships, the Antwarpen,
waa sunk by a submnrlno. It la denied
that any of tho principles of International
taw were violated, however.
In respect to ths other two ahlpa tha
Germnn Government says that they were
not sunk by a submarine.
In the absence of Ambassador Oerard the
note was received by John Grew, secretary
to tho Kmbaany, and It was prepared nt
onco for transmission to ths State Depart
ment at Washington.
The British ateamahlp Rowanmore waa
sunk on October 26 while bound from
Baltimore for Liverpool with a cargo of
cotton. There ware two Americans In the
crew. Survivors declared that tho sub
marine continued to shell the ship while the
crew was taking to tho llfeoatn. A Bhort
time nfter the ship wns destroyed the semi
official Overseas Newa Agency, of Berlin,
nni:ounced that a German aubmarlne had
aunk the Ilownnmore because she was an
enemy Bhlp carrying contraband of war to
the enemlea of Germany.
Minnesota G. O. P. Lender Dlen
ST. PAUL, Minn., Nov. 21 C. A. Cong
don, Minnesota member of the Republican
National Committee, dloil at hi St, Paul
Hotel apartment today. Heart disease
caused his death, which wn expected.
Teutonic Envoys Must Bo Oust
ed From Athens by Tonight,
Entento Dcmnndn
LONDON. Nor. Jl The situation tn
Greece Is of the gravest Importance, says a
Reuter dispatch from Athens dated Sun
day. I
"The nature of the Allied demands formu
lated Saturday," said the correspondent, "it
concealed, but It Is Inferred that they took
the form of an ultimatum expiring tom;or
row." The Dally Chronicle' correspondent says
that Admiral Du Fournet, commander of
the Allied fleet, notified the German, Aus
trian, Bulgarian and Turkish legations at
7 o'clock last night that tha MlnW an
their staffs must within forty-eight hour
be aboard the steamship Marlenbad for As
portation ta thalr respective rourrtr),
otherwise they would be taken forctfetsv
Reuter dispatches confirm this notlfleatfoiv
The Greek Ooverrimen "in ordered tt
the University at Athena oe 'dosed owing Mr
disturbances on the part of the students.
. , SilLZS
J ' 'a.
jM No. 1 Maine
$3.50 a Bbl.
Oct prices elsewhere antl ota if
these are reasonable.
You can reduce your living ex
penses by trading at
Wholesale & Retail Grocers
1232 Market SL & Branches Wff
F I o w e r Vase
Sterling Silver and of
a pleasing design
eight inches high.
S. Kind & Sons
Diamond Merchants
Jewelers Silversmiths
1110 Chestnut Street
Continued from 1'are One
Oredovo. Vrancel. Rldarle. Bltlanlk, Novak
and Suhadol dcaplts reslatanco by re-enforced
columns of the onemy. This re
sistance Is more stubborn aa fresh troops
are being brought to the Teutons' aid.
Serbian cavalry entered Monaatlr from
tha eaat, swimming tho Cerna River. In
the meantime the French, Russian and
Italian forces entered the city from the
south. Those of the people left in the city
met their liberators and covered them with
flowers as they made triumphal progress
Into the city.
LONDON, Nov. 21.
Another Russian offensive along ttys Una
from Constanza to Cernavoda Is now ex
pected to Increase the Intensity of the fight
ing In the Balkans. Military experts here
today agreed this was the only step which
could be relied upon to lessen the weight of
Oeneral von Falkenhayn'a tremendous pres
sure of the Waltachlan frontier of Rumania
The New
Georgian Room
of the Rosenbach. Gall
opens tomorrow
Wednesday, Nov. 22nd
It is designed in the Adams
period, and contains English fur
niture, old silver, rare mezzotints
in color and porcelain from Cele
brated collections.
The Rosenbach Galleries
1320 Walnut Street
1 PjisrU rVliaB
H 'gUgegeHPaBiisssssssssssOTgSL
A Few Users of
Adding Listing
Computing Machines
Distance Shrinks
to Nearness
Distance today is no barrier to business.
Minutes have replaced miles.
Day Letters and Mght Letters
expand the limits of your selling territory to
the margins of the seas, Wherever Western
Union goes, business may be had at little cost
S. L. Allen and Co.
A. B. Kirschbaum Co.
Alexander Bros.
Logan Trust Co.
American Gas Co.
D. B. Martin Co.
American Ice Co.
Pennsylvania R. R.
Barrett Mfg. Co.
A. J. Reach Co.
American Pulley Co.
Union League
Brown & Bowers
John Wanamaker
Cramp & Company
S. S. White Mfg. Co.
Curtis Pub. Co.
Thos. H. Wilson, Inc.
Drueding Bros. Co.
Ryan's T. T. Office
Girard Nat'l Bank
J. G. Duncan, Jr., Co.
Wirt Co.
Elec. Stor. Bat. Co.
U. G. I. Co.
Evening Bulletin
Otis Elevator Co.
Fiske Rubber Co.
Penn Nat'l Bank
Franklin Nat'l Bank
Phila. Elec. Co.
Board of Education
H. K. Mulford Co.
N. Snellenburg & Co.
J. J. Griffin & Co.
Wm. W. Wood
Enterprise Mfg. Co.
H. Evan Taylor, Inc.
Franklin D'Olier & Co.
These Companies are only a few of thousands who have
recognized the Barrett Desk Machine as the most useful
and economical machine on tho market. Be guided by their
judgment and save time and money. BARRETT Portable
Machines are priced from $75.00 up.
Relieve that mental strain In your
office today. Phona at onco Walnut
Barrett "SSf"
Bulletin Building
Barrett Demonstration
Ledger Central Window
assort & De
1 1 15 Ckestnut Street
(Opposite Keith's)
At These Low Prices
Hundreds of prospective fur buyers will be in town tomorrow, Wednesday, and
every one of them will purchase a Set or Coat if the price and quality are right.
We offer no inducements to attract those desirable patrons other than the low
priced tags on our furs and the reputation of seventy-seven years of our good-will. '
We want your patronage, yes, but more than that we want you to be satisfied.
Fur Sets
Natural Raccoon 32.50
Black Fox 33.50
Kamchatka Blue Fox. .39.50
Red Fox 49.50
Fisher 74.50
Slate Fox 84.50
Dyed Blue Fox 84.50
Cross Fox 89.50
Fur- Coats
French Seal Coats, 54.50
40-Inch Modal Skunk Collar (Select Sklae)
French Seal Coats, 69.50
DIack Opotium Collar and Dorder
5. Inch Full Model
Natural Muskrat Coats, 74.50
Itudaon Seal Collar. Cuffs and Belt
IZ.lncK'Full Model
Hudson Seal Coats, 84.50
40-Inch Flar Model. Skunk Collar
and Border
Hudson Seal Coats, 98.50
4). Inch Full Mode. Exceptional value
Hudson Seal Coats, 145,00
4). Inch Flare Model
e.tnch Border and Collar of Skunk
Scotch Moleskin Coats, 245.00
45. Inch Flare Deelgn
Inch Border and Collar pf Skunk
Natural Mink Coat, 375.00
4-lnch Full Model, Flnl.h.d with Sable
Pawa and Mink Tell.
An Extraordinary Millinery Clearance
Eighty-five new chapes. Formal and informal wear.. . , .
Hata for every mood and taste at a price that doe"jnot even coye'r,
the cost of materials. Formerly 8.50, 10,50, 12.50. ' i . , f;:V
WeyRe8erve Your Purchase Upon a Small Deposit or Charge It
Subject to Bill of January 1st.
Mail Orders Receive Prompt Attention
Purchasing Agents' Orders Accepted Furs Repaired and RmodU4
iv i
jawwiwu-m rjjw