-Vl'-r - l r Pr m 'it U r F-f- is nKATOH Cimtlntrta frem. rreredlng Tut rfNav. 18. Wlt.LiAH It. CAntl Jr , wfVrAnnil r5..Crr tn Brm ml jrt i. .. i.f.. lifrnett Crr. 'vt and friend, employee of Rell T II Tele- Co., Invited to.runrl service vra n J3W.'V.'TV9. el Cotumbu,. o. tnuinuv mm . . 1tA John am niiiunMin ". v ...-. i""-;- $.nov. ft. rnKDitnicK i.. clink. fVehd friends, Tort Washington Iodg. BJ, K and A. M.i IMrl Washington noi r?&sMr- N. 220. Btone Mason' Union, R(V tnvlled to serve. Cold Point. Ff... " f r" m. nervlee t noui. Int. private. tK.:Yi-CMMr;i ina nuim loif. biiu e. "2" ."" -i.TtT. 1 -t--... Af flhitrch 10 a. "TWKaCftr irdantonn. ,K. ... Flfi! (n Smith., wife of Edward tlatlve n friends Invited to sfEflillA Cie-llv cniii ettea 28, ni iftftrsit. parent' resldenc. FleldsBoro. n. J.. K.-J.. llAJWAU MAR.Y wlf Tol John '.V."n Condi., Relative, and friend. InvltM Iq, tun4taf. from husband' residence. Ml Holly KLynear beacon Station. N.J.., Wed.. 2 p. tn. int. Odd Fallow' Cem .Burlington, TVCOXi Nor, 10. JAIIES. hus,bnd or Ifle keeMaCox (residence Sunderland Ant",. SMh ?n3 W wJttV fc "n,,ntVBhVUnint1 SJlIHi" wn tJ.uf 1IIII .Cem Auto nertlct. "mTvEN"NirTio.;t 'EVSwni: W. .th'oot lfp oirmantoSn. EMMA. d; lr , 'WrJOnattiin and Barah J. Crayri. Uu nolle mln ma b viewed Wed., after B p. m. "WtSkKiMl Uor. IT. MAltr B... widow of irilllam C. baarln and ilauthtar of lata Pat rlci $ eathfrln. flre.n. "'"tl and frlfoda JnvUd to funral, Wd.. 8:00 a. m.. 01 N 81 at at, olf mn. nmujm hlah maaa Church of Our t Bolfmn, nKiuijm i idV of Vlotory 10 a. Int. Ht, hfnla'a Cm. mSk9 TTKL05ovJut itAri a B6 gSTcA -otf: vw Vm0.,wlf of. Charlea Ifvltl. of U'vori. I'a.. Bird 47, X?I?--?'- V"l V tiJ-l.i ... h.iiMH Hnt lliniiTvn ,'J,i . '4rn '"". ; mn raqol'm maaa at Church of Madonna flHa Aunt, Rtrarrord. fa,. II a. m. Int. Iirwn .DIXIE. Nov. 30. llAIirtnrr. wlfo of John UI. Blallve and frlanda Invltid to ervlefi, Thura.. 3 P m.. at S30 N. aiit at. Int. prUata, rNbHOK:Nov. 1. JAMi: ( IJONUHIIB. twfft of Mlchaal and klarnrat llonohuf. It'lj tlvta and frlenda Invited to funeral. Wail.. 830 ,' m.. parvnta' rMldenca. nniv.Cheatnut at. fjolemn hlah ma of requiem Ht, Jamea1 Church 10 u. m. Int, Itolr Crona Cem, KHKnilAIlDT. NOV. 20. Wlf.MAM P. KBEIlItArtDT. nalatlvaa and frlendi. Illrne roat. No. 03. O. A. It., and aurvlvora of S3i Sltat... renni. Vola.i U. II. C. and J. of A.. Ixwnl Union. No. 8. and Columbia Caatle. No. 10. X4' O. B.. Invited to funeral aarvjrVa, I "rl.. a ,.m., 8BI0 Comlr at., Wlealnomini. Int Mt ECKEUT-Nor, SO. T1IOMAS FOnn, nn of lata Chrlotlan and Sarah J. Hckart. rxealdenre, 714 B. 40th at. Due notice ot funeral will bo f-oi lven. ILMVV Aiiua, DWATtnsi At laland Kelihta. N. J.. Nov. 1M l.rwij RnwJItnH RII.. aired 00. Tie a s& mbM vgslftx . HEfta - mini s'lrreyi. rsMvr,Cr..cnt. No. 3. B.o 1.1 in , lfd W funeral. Thur., 10 a. ""rf.ESTi Itninil l). 8001 ftld .r. Int. llbrw Mutual 5oi.t.tiRNor, 10. CATHERINE, widow of rr CelffnT Rf.tlve. n5 fr1.no. Invited to tontraU Thor.. 8 JO . p.. residence ot nephew, rernftMOulem .ma 9'v-'.0,l".mthsn JPrn. Church j0 . m. Int. Bt. John Cem. Bn ran- K, ttrea and frlenda Invited to arrvlcea. Wed,, ti !30 p. m., at laland IleUhta Int. prlvale. ST llIitlBON. Nov, 10. OATHAlUNli IV. KI.I.I. )BON, wire ot waller i;iuon ami oauanier ra kfatlrfe and frlenda Invited tn funeral aervleea, TTed.-U p. m.. 157 Loverlnr at., itanayunk. Int. r(vate, IiOverlnpton Cem. Omit rtowera. KVANa, e Nov. 1H. PKrCK. huaband of Vatllda. Kvajia (nee Jordan), llelallve and frlenda Invited tn funeral, Thttra,, 8 a, m 1533 Emllr aL (K'th and MrKean ata.). Il flulem blah maaa Bt. Alnhonaua' Church 0'30 a, m. Int. Ilolf Crne Cem. Auto funeral. KAHLET. Nov. SO. nrtlDClRT KAIII.KT ne Morn. wife of John Ilarley. Itelallvea and trlenda, 1!. V. M. Sodality and Barred Heart Society of Immarulate Conception Church. In ud to funeral. Krl., S:H0 n, m.. liueband'a rral danco. ISO 13, Allen at. Bolrmn requiem man Immaculate Conception Church 10 u. in Int. .New Cathedral Cem Weet Cheater papers copy. FICntlKn. Nov. 10. nl Mt, I'ocono. WIM.IAM JC 'FIsntllSR. Due notice ot tho funeral will be klven. New fork papera pleaae enpy. . r).EMINO.Nov. 20. Mra. ItlTTA KI.I5MINO, oaushter of Ilnbert and laabel Hutchlnann. ot the Carteret, 0th and Waihlnston at., Cam den. Nl J. FOTEn. Nov. IS. KltANK C. eon of lata Titer C, and Ar.nle K. I'oetrr. Itelatlvea and frlenda. alao Cam a No. 04. P. (). 8. of A.t Phlla. ods. No. 01, I,. O. O. M.I Ilarlendera' Leaaue. IIS, of Phlla.: lied Flar Uoat Cluh and Puritan Club, of Franltford. are Invited tn fun era! aervlcea. Wed.. 1' p, in.. 1010 Womrath at.. iTankford. Int. Cedar Hill Cem. Itcmalni may X7 viewed Tueaday evenlnr. FniOAn. Nov. 18. EDWARD C. aon of John and Martha A. Frlear. aaed 38. Itela tlvea and frlenda. Ilobert A. Lamherton T.odce. No, 487. K. nnd A, M.; Jeruaalem Chnpter. No. 8; employea ot etulneerlnc; department of Fiitnklln lildr.. Invited to funernl. Wp.l., 11 p.. m., parenta' realdence. Doothwyn. Pa Int. Frnwood Cem . 2:80 p. m. Auto funeral. (!AI,I,Oili:H. Nov. 10. IIONOHA. widow of Jamra aallaaher and dauihter of late Jamea -and llonora Maronev. Itelatlvea and frlenda In vited to Xuneral. Thura., K::l0 a. m , 1H01 H Broad at. Bolemn maaa of requiem Church of Annunciation, 10 a. m. Int. lioly Croaa Cem, OAI.kAWAY. Nov. 'JO, HAHAir E.. widow of Charlea Qallaway, aced 70. Itelatlvea and (nenda Invited to funeral aervlcea, Thura., 10 ac ni., aon-ln-Iaw'a realdence. Cleora-e I Par aora, 710 New at.. Camden. N. J, Int. private. Enllncton Cem,, Clarkeboro. N. J. Itemalna Way ba viewed Wed. eve. .OrtANT, Nov. 20. JOHN, huihand of Cecelia Grant. Notice of funeral will be riven from 37o:r Oifonl at. HAMMOND. Nov. 18. FRED H. huaband of joicprur.e iiammona, nreu in, itelatlvea ami frlenda. Loyal Order ot Mooae, No, n4. Invited Ia fnnaral ..piI.m tVi.,1 n rn Iff K7 Ifl.t. t. Krlends may call Tue. Wmwood Cem. Automohlle " -IVr--". e ..--. ...-i.. - .w ....,.. ... ... iinenaa may can Muea.. a lo 0 p. m, Int ernwooa cem. Automobiiea HART. Nov. 20. UUZAI1ETII C. HART, daughter of lata Maaa nnd Harriet Coleman. Relatlvea and frlenda. Lady Montenare Lodge, Invited to. funeral aervlcea. Wed., 2 p. m., aon-In-law' a raaldenco. Hale dotllob, S203 N. 10th L Int. Mt. Carmel Cem. IIESTON. Nov. 10. ELLA C widow of Ed ward W. lleton. aged 70. Services Wed.. 2 p.'. m., St. Aiaph'a Church, Ilala, Pa. Int. Weet Laurel 1(111 Cemetery. HOLLOWAY. Nov. 10, auddenly, JOSEPH n., huaband of Nellie Ilolloway. Relatlvea and frlenda. Potter Lodse, No. 441. 3c. and A. M ; Worctr Lodg. No. 18, I, O. O. K., Illaliop vllle, Md.: Mercantile Relief Aaso. Camden, N, J Invited to funeral aervlcea. Tuea., 8 p. m., 142T'N. ,85lh at. Int. Wed., illahopvllle; Mdl Train leave Broad St. Sta. 7:23 a. m. HOtiair. Nov. 20. MARY, A., daughter of tat Robert V. and Mary A. Hough. Itelatlvea anil friend Invited to funeral. Thura., R:30 a. p., realdenc of brother. Robert N. Hough. JPepnfleld, I'a. Solemn requiem maaa Bt. Dcnle'a Church 10 a. m. Int. Bt. Denla'a Cam. -JACKSON. Nov. 18, residence of alater, BIB J3lnon at., EVALINA EAUK (nee Grant), wife rf iUtthla Jackson, llelallve and friend. Telc-om Temple, No. II. U. A.. Invited to funeral services. Wed., 2:30 p. in., net Prin cess ave.. Camden. Int. private, llarlelgh Cem. Hrlenda may view remains Tue . 7 to 0 p, m, JEHHEnQER. Nov 18. MAnOARBT I!., Wlf of Wendelln Jesberger, aged 40. Relative 'and friend. Keyaton Lodge, No. 89. Shep herd of llethlehem. Invited to funeral aervlcea. Wed.-,.:: p, m., 3310 Knorr t Tacony. Int. Magnolia Cem, Auto funeral. JOHNSTON. Nov. IU. ELIZABETH, widow of William Johnston. Itelatlvea a,nd friends In' vlted to funeral, Thura., 2 p. in., 018 B. 20th si, Int. ill. Morlah Cem. Remain may be viewed "fed., afUrJ P. m, juwiin. nov. is. cl.i.aiii.111. widow or John Jones. Relatlvea and frlenda Invited to funeral aervlce. Wed , 2 p. m.. residence of on, Thomas Jone. B542 N. Lavrrnc t. Int. Oak landCem. Remains may b viewed Tue. v. KELLER. Nov. SO. HUaO KELLER. ged .?!...,li"v,". tna friends, employes of B. H. btl Dntml Works. Invited to funeral aerv. Ije, ,Thur parlors J. II. Sfanger Dro.. 434S Jrrankford av.. Frsnkford Int, private. Jle lilti maiw b vlwed Wed. ve "NSBDT1 Nov-.l0'LOTTII9. wldw of 7ranlc Ksnnedr and daliahfer nf llmr ..J I... Jacob .Adler. Relatlvea and frlenda Invited to Iimera ,rtev t aaaa.d 1 opw, lieu., o v, nit. dodi n. peral. 17U et. Int. vai. J5PLRH- Nov. 18. nntA H lf. .e vs if v?'?! nu U4iniar ui uaorva w ana AI,J'v:ucfc.,rrin; KeJ.M7-B-n W-ni in- rltit tn ninePdl Bavae Wail w. ' ae wttrn O- Kepler and daiuhter of dsorss W. and &8ff?SSi "- Prlv."y.r'n. KERBAUaH, Ner. 18. J08EPJT. hntband of lti!,Urf '..' iC,.rbSh' M ,(1 " rtelellve and irlr, Tnvlttd to fun.rsl ..rvlce. W.d.. 1 Jh'm , resldenc et n. 810 Cooper t.. Camden. , W. 3, Inc. private, Berlin Csm. Vritnd may "l!?mll'! Tue 7 to 0 p. m. I SiisIP-.T1?0."' A8' nUT." JtARTu oaughUr ef Id.'l'V 0,orJ,Ki Kl.d,, ileletlv. .nd IS' mplay ef N. Sn.ll.nburg h Co.. In. 14 to. funeral rvlce. Wd.. 1 p. rnT; reel. nee of moth.r 2544 Celumbla av, In. prl-JPf-'A Tsr.t Hill Cam. Itemalna may b vierv.d vAjJK'wT la 1 0 p. m, Auto fun.ral. Jge.t 8i. r.Utlv. and friend Invited to ifaef?:.'7t?' 7"- 3 P- "-. 6S Crowon at., Otn. Int. private J7T. Nov. 18 atAtlantlo city, V. J.. JfAJlY A., wife of W. Eugsn Klni.v.' Relat Uvee and friends Invited to funeral. Wed., 8 JO ?iP ,,t,. J,K... M rohi W. Call. ir2S a. Bread at., Phlla. Solemn maaa of Ti ZU V. ,Ll w, AL'" Annuncianon iv a, m. . i:f,";,..:'i d Catbsdral Cm .JiislSr. Nov. IB. MARY, widow of John AO JO 90LLY pcwt WDHhR IALS Therefs a Difference Between a Sneeze and Japanese & if EmM 1. I ;' t 1W nr-ATrtg Kn;ii. n1tlvt nd frlenda Invited to" funeral t'Jr 'Illl cem. npmalne may b viewed Tut o to 10 p, rn. IXJWflKJt. Nor, 18, JIBf.BN , wlf .of .i.-m'.nt ." Mwber. rtatatlvea and friend In li'M. I" fonaral eryleea. Wed.. 2 p. m., Church of I ha Redemption. 68ih and Market !. n jnajn my b0 viewed 81S0 Market at., Tue., 8 U-M Xor. 10, at rotUvllle. Hon. nonKJtT i'i.topof lle; piven and Catharine ,!.. Fu perai Thura . 0:tB a tn.. family reldene. .8 JJ,--d. .'i Holemn requiem maea fit. Tatrlek'n i.tRV." ,0 -. m IM Bt Patrick1 No. 8 Cem. I iS!.:.". """-.'rienni inviten ,,',R!''-R. Nov. 20, JKSHIR RAE. dauahler Of John w and. Mary J, l,far. aaed 2 reara 2.r"!nl!!!. netatlven and friend Invited to fu SnJ. V-lhur,1'' iJt0 f. m. parent; rejldfnce, 8Ut4l.fJt.u,ton ' "! Ardafey llurlal Park t 'tfi!"J'-. No.Y. "i Jl'li A M., wlfo of Hamul ilii1." ,n Wylle). Itelatlvea and friend In. !Tl ."" innerai aervlcea, .wea a . p. m.i mother- realdence. 81.11 Walnut l. . Int.. pri vate, remwoorf evm nemalna may b viewed TjhrAtitH'StJrW-JEREMIAH P.. ho. band of Catherlno lnahan Relative and frlenda. fltlMward'a Holv Nam Bocletr and Marquett. Council, No. 280, K, of C invited to funeral. Wed,, Sao a. tn MI7 Oermantown ave, Solemn hlh man Bt. Bdward'a Church 10 a. m. Int, New Cathedral Cem. Auto tunerai. l.tSTMANN. Nov. SO, FREDF.RICK. aon of 11 Aumiat l. and Catherine (I. Levman. Rela tive and friend invited to funeral aMlce, Ihiira. 2 p, m., I3.1 H. 01at t. Int. private. . I.ISSMAN Nov, 20, AMII'.nT. himband of J nnny I.lman, aa-ed 89, Itelatlvea and friend Hman lxde. I o. II A., Invited lo funeral, ...!!" .'P " Parlors Emanuel Aher Bon 1802 Diamond t Int Monlenoro Cem. New lork paper ropy. LITTLE. Nov. IP. MAnr flKMNA. danaMer Of late tlenree t ,, trm. I.1ltl llelallve! and friend Invited to funeral aervlcea, Wed , 2 "PUu?01- N- " at. Int, prlate. . , X'RCv,,,.?U'n "T-0- .17. auddenlr. fURENCB I-PCHNER. I'uneral aervlce. 40 liuan .ave., nienolden, P,. Wed.. 2 p. in, Int. prlvale. .lfn?..""V v'w rcmlna Tuea. eve, . MAHONkfr.- Nov. 2D. ItOIIBRT B.. Imehand or Anna, Mabnney (nee Caaeyl and aon of tier tnolnmew nnd late Catharine Mahoney (n Mc Cartney), ltelatlr nnd friend", fit. Annr Cnthnffe Cluli. .r.od No. B, I,, o. O, M. and all other organisation of which he wa a mem ber. Invited to funeral, Thur., 8.80 a. m.. soil Memphis at. Holemn requiem m Ht, Ann Church, 10 a, rn. Int. lioly Cro Cem. Auto tuneni. .McDONNEU, Nov. SO. CHAItr.EH, hubnd of Anna McDonnell (neo Mclluah) and aon of late Jame ami Marraret McDonnell Relative ami friend Invited to funeral, Krl., H 30 n. m.. 241.1 E. Huntlnicdon at. 'Rtat Ward), Holemn requiem man Hi. Ann's Church 10 n. in. Int HI. Ann' Cem McDONAMl Nov. 10, ritAItLRS, aon of Edivard nnd lot Catharine McDonald, aa-ed 12. Due notice of funernt. reeldenro of grandfather, Ilnbert Anderanii. 1033 B. tluenther at. McJfAIION. tiny, 20. ANNIE, widow of John McMation (nee rjood). Relative and friend In vited tn funeral, Ihuri, fl 30 u, tn.. 0(121 lleech vood at., am. Holemn requiem ma Immacu late Cn-icrpllon Church 10 a. m. Int. New Cathedral Cem MEDLAR Nor 10. TtRMSCCA, widow of fnhH f ll.ill.a P,.k..I -...Haaaulll. tl llelallve and frlenda Invited to funernl aervlcea. Tue , H p. m , a. W. cor Chelten ave. and Camae at. mi Drehcravllle, Ta., Wed., II MEREDITH. On T... n.ik 1018. CATII- EllINi: KEPPEl.i: MlirttlnlTif. dsuahter of the late Honorable William Morris Meredith and of Catherine Keppete. hi wife. ged 75. 'I he order for th burial of the dead will be snhl at Christ Church on Thursday, November l!.1ri. at 111 n'rlnck. Interment at Christ Church tlround. 5th and Arch st. It I earnestly re quested that no flnuera he sent. MIDIH.KTON. Nov, 10. MARY B wlfo of !,oul Mlddletoii, daughter of lata Amos C and Tacy J. Albertson. Relative and friends In vited to funeral aervlce. Wed., 2 p. m., resi dence ot huaband, SS07 V. Venango at. Int. private. NACi:. Nov. 20 WILLIAM, husband of Anna Nacn. aged 00. Ilelntlve nml friends Invited to funeral, Thtir . " p. m . 40J Lemonte st., Hox borouch. Int private, l.evcrlngton Cem , Rox liorough. Itenmlns may bo vleweil Wed , 7 to 11 p ru OOTKRRtllDat:. Nov 10. JAMEfl II , hus band of Catherine Outerhrldge. Funeral aerv lce to which relative and friend are Invited. Wei),, 10 a. m , 1825 H 17th t. Int. private. North Mt Morlatt Cem. Remain may be viewed Tue. nrter w p. in Aulo rutieral. PALMER Nov 10, HARRIET ADELAIDE WONDERLY, widow of Henry Palmer. Rela. live nnd friend Invited tn norvlc.es, Wed. 2 p. m.. nt 113 Chestnut el Colvn. Pn. Frlenda may nil Tue., 7 to 0 p in. Int private. IIADCLICKI:. At Busllrtnn. I'hlla.. Nov. 18. ACNES PIIICi: widow of Jnme Radcllrfe. In 7.id yenr, itelatlvea and friend inviten to fu neral. Wed.. 2 p. m. St. Stephen' Memorial cnurcn. luversiiie. n J. int. uivrrsiue uem. RANDOLPH. Eleventh Month Ifllh, at Hal tlninre. ANNE duunbter of lato Edward Taylor Randolph, of Philadelphia REOAN Nov. IS. MCHARD. huaband of Ellzule-tli Regnn Itelatlvea and friends, Arnerl can Transport Co Hen. Union, Invited to funeral. Wed . R a m.. 121 Durfor et Solemn high man of requiem Church of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel o,3t a. in Int. Holy Cross Cem. HEIU'USB Huldenly.nt rreldenco. ns:i(l l'alr mount uvo . Nov. 20. EMMA E.. wife or (lustave A. Rehfuss. Itelntlvc-f nnd friends lnlted to service. Thur , 2 p in.. Oliver II. Hair Ilulld Intr 1H20 Chestnut st. hit prhatc ROUSE. Nov 10. JOHN. Br., husband of Annie Rouse Relatives and friend. Jenlcln town Lodge. No. 470, K, of P Invited to funvrat service Wed . 2 p. m,, Jenklntown ril. and Ogontz ave,, McKlnley. Pn. Int. private. SCO IT Nov 10, IJoWITT CLINTON, hue. hand ot II Mary Hcott (nee Aldrcd). aged H2. itelatlvea and frlenda Invited to funeral. Thur.. S 30 p. m., Churchvllle, i'a Int Churchvlll f'em. Carriage will meet train leaving Heading Terminal 1:23 n. m at Churchvllla Sta. HEIDI.. Suddenly, In Phlla Nov. II). ANNA jiAiioi.ji, wiuow ot Anton nciai, agea .. uein tlvca and friend Invited to funeral, 333 N. Massschusettn ave., Atlantic City. N J.. Thtirs.. 1 JO p. m Services German Presbyterian Church 2 n. m Int. Pleaaantvlllo N. J. SIMPLER Nuv. 18. CHARLES T.. aon of Charlea T and Itobecca O'Hrlan Simpler, oged 0. Rolatlves and frlenda Invited to aervlcea. Wed.. 2 p. m., S330 Vino at. Int. Fcrmvood Cem. Itemalna may be viewed Tuea eve. SMITH. Nov. 17. FRANCIS Pi. husband of lata Hannah T. hmllh (neo Dudley). Relatives and friends. Enterprise I,odge. No. 73, U. of 1. r. and E., Eureka Lodge. No, lis. Ladles' Auxiliary and membera J'rnna. R. It, Relief, in vited to funeral. Weil,. 8'80 a, in., son-ln law' residence. Francis W. Mack, 4.107 Urown at.. West Phlla. Solemn msss of requiem Church of Our Mother pf Borrows 10 n. m. Int. Cathedral Cent. SMITH Nov. 10. HELENA MARY, daugh. ter of Thomas O. and lata Heren A. Smltn. aged IS Itelatlvea and frlenda Invited to funeral. Wed . J p. m,. father' residence, 8321 Krnll st.. Fall ot Schuylkill. Service In Church of St, Jame the Less 3 p. m. Int. Laurel Hill Cem. STACKl. Nov 20, MARY A. STAOO, widow of John L. Htagg. Relative and friend Invited to funeral ervlce Thur., 2 p. m,, 2021 8. 68th st , West I'hlla. Int. prlvale Friends may call Wed., 7 to 0 p. tn. HTIEF Nov. ID, CLARENCE If., husband of Helen O Btlef, aon ot Ilulxlnga M. and late Husanna C. Htlef. Relative and friend Invited to funeral ervlce. wd,, 2 p. tn., resi dence of sister, Mrs Ilobert U. Baxter. 1732 Monument ave Int. private TIllllLIN. Suddenly, Nov. 10 nERNARD, son of lata Hernard and Cecilia Tlmblln. Rela tlvea and frlenda, St. Anthony' Holy Name Hocletv. Invited r,. fnn.ral w.t a n . 1'inii S, 24th t. Solemn high mss 'of requiem Ht. Anthony Church UJ0 a. m. Int. Old Cathedral T61IRONT. Nov. 20. FLORENCE, wife of :?JfIT.nc.. l TT.'.OC1 "" daughter of William S52 .c'herln.. Richmond, aged 20. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral, Thura., 8 a. m . 8 aiubone Court (23tli and Christian ata,). Hol- nV.i.l 1 'i'T,",.,m ni. Antnony Church B'S;!.f.,P..,n'- "oly Cross Cem, n.TnJEx.u:n.;-TN? 18' JOHN, husband of Sal lie Trexler. llelallve and friends Invited to fu- Fnr'NoVtbwooS c,mm- " I5 "Uh "" a,n' v.'ilUDS.uT0,'t M., LOUISA P.. widow of Naclis, Trudel. helatlve. and friends Invltsd f? i02er);.iThur,'l 8'80 "! realdence of aon-M'fl'- 1Um B, tlordon..6811 lleedland at. (OJd and Elm 1 av .. West 1'htla.). Bolemn mass ?, HU n Chureh of Bt. Clsments, 10 a. in. ,n!: J.0.1?. Cross Cem. Tr,VJi?ttn'Noy.,,t''..KjL'rl'AniNB A-. wife of Frank linger. Relative and friend. I.adlea' Auxiliary of Phlla. Lodg. No. Bit Ollv. Temple. JNO. IB. Ia fl. 19.. invilarl tn funarel ..!.. Thur., 3 p. m.. Oliver II. Batr Building. 1820 Che.tr.ut t. Int. Montrose Cem. Friend may view remain Wed. ev. . VON FpRIENOER Nov. 1. lit, Holly. N f,'.J;U.aUSTv?N FOIIIENOER. hutbind of JifJIi" y?.tt r?r.'.nl,er' e3 J8- Helatlve. and rrlenda. ell aocletlta of which ha waa a member. x7,viifa ,? 'S?."'.1. rrlj're. Wed.. 3 p. m., 15 Mifflin t Mt. Holly. N. J. Int Brothtrbood Cem. Remains may be viewed Tuts,, 7 to V rJW.FLte0&T.Fov) ITPf,Ltp, J" hu.band ef iS?i ri.y,11Sn " C'i,.w.'1)- Relatlv end iKik A,Ur P!;'? i KplPhany Church, In Jf"V'l.S"lr, .w,d" 8 80 'm-- 14 Porter in . rai! Jal,.n.m5? ,' Epiphany Church r mt?!Ml"-ovs '? HAttAfl II.. widow of vtHl' xWU,n,,n' d5UJS,.,r0'. 'eo I. end invi.."'.""' M,d 8- Hjlatlvea and frlenda r.II.10 ,.Hnrl fynjeee. 2 P. m., aon-ln-laWa F?"m,,",l "W ". Kitchen 29 Rhode av.. cV.,.',n5d.!f- D,'- County, Pa. Int. private. TEI mTuJii'.ST,E,5J'T;NoV' 8" AUSTIN WAL. It 1 " nhV,.b.and of let. Jns Wlnterten. ad 7B, Relatlvea and frlenda uvlted to funeral RfC'-niT""-.8.?- m- re.ld.nc. of wn-lS; law. William II, Dawson. 8415 N. 18th at.. Ttofa. Int. Thure,, MlfBlnvlll. Columbia? Co.,' 'BXlFLt THC OiW ttfteP u. CUB utP CbLTS 10 otTR ETTs ? JlwjfiFZM I i irru t-r i s r " S " mksM. 7; f lii5 fc J $rrtil 6t r v ' X i ' ffih $b !&. 'i-iii .a fan - ijw Ti-y 1 w v .-' . & . i .till i i i i immmrm&m '$? &?? w&k$mm gm&2r mmm jmm ., si smmrmw I re?1" -4BP " JteaW 1 miiii iw '"naifl ' -i r MdSe ,& - . " . "wi 11 1 ley -sup- . ,jj5; . x .,u ' ' ,vT - ttmk&rmutt r ' ifl.JeaaBslBsss.tMlfal f -ll i'TIbW- Iftinfff EVENING- LliDGEB-PHILABELPHIA, TOESDAf, NOVEMBER 21, XOBT AND TOUND ln!8lIKnniRn nmed -rt"" lot. heturn to 128 S 22d t. Reward Phon Sprue 4018. NKCKTIB Mlra-ii, Mon morn . 20th. mtal necktl rlnr. bet, Chet and flnruc at , 18th And 18th jtt ultjrewv 1729 Cheetmit at rtiSB-l-,t. ''-'" hand, puree, contalnlnc diamond brooch, 0 tone ld'a dunlin ra C5d watch, alor coin and um of money, between 20th and Cherry and 2lat.and Race, Jfondai; mornlnri. reward,. 21 82 Vln ft, SWEATER !.oit, between ltth and I,ocut and Rroed Bt. Btatlon or1n Rroad Ht. Btatlon. a brown and blue Scotch wool aweateri aullaht reward If returned to Cherle Diddle, BOS Chetnul J. ''TrTn.-'llwln7TeMirKl bv beerTToetl Northweatern Elevated 8 per cent coupon bond No 8080i low Central. Railway re JUI!!!lnr .tier cent, bond, lORt, No. either Booo or r.12.. AIo the followlnr Mock certiorate;! 25 Penniylvanla R. R.i 80 Union Pacine: 2 Tetlll National tlanlti 80 Emptr ""f.U . Irnn nref.i 12 Ilrotd fltreet Hank) eertlrleate of A. n. Ineh Co for BO00 SVS'V.'.i.Flnder tilea notify Harry B lllabee. 718 Wldenr lltdM and receive eicestlonally liberal reward. , PEHSONAI.S I-1' . WOOD, formerly. of Ilrletol, Oermanlown. Philadelphia, will writ to M. Wood. 32 Bum. njr at.. Clreat Ilarrlnaton. Maaa . ah will hear ofaormthlna- to her advantage. HELP WANTED FEMALE ATTRACTIVIJ POSITIONB for young; women, who de1r to learn telephone operating and aecure employment In echang neareet their home. Apply between 0 a. m. and B p, rn., at Keyaton Talephon Co.. 188 B, 2d t.. Room 403. or at any of the following ex. cnaitaeat 283 K. tflth it. 2218 N. Park ar. ovSl 5. c?.l!("n. ' O'rmantown. 27Bi Frankford nve, Preeton nnd Filbert ata, Weil and Ilerkley at,, Camden, mHmlth0rr(.!;.lrK 'rr1' 0." 'nHIIr with ?hli...Vrjnll"r niachlno preferred, and retail arfer nSd.Mi"rf,',un.l",furn,,h.?'fi f" r. Ti't-ndabilur. beaeea. 112J Cheelnut. tlETTON BEWERS T Ml-1 1 1 1 P a Mutmaei . innis ',"-"" wom.n to on but. ton Apply Runt nrfl-. f...t. e. - a" .. "' ""HUH ,U einw DTI Dill MSr'ketbeof,- fo.'flrS: fUr'h """' 8M JILAUNEUB ULAUNERS C1IsanntKn'rrlD,lnM,,7j,ln'1' V" tmrt Prot on st.r f!irS,'l--.N' w' r.?S- Own and Jsck on sis., (lermntnvriv.hnn. Oermtn. 2081. CIIAMIIERMAID nd .ewlnr-dlrl. hslf tlmsl Tioga 4088 V. """ Uun Mon' or Tuea- Cirm"ClMV'i.lf wlne."7i,o wattreTsTa - giri. 18I2Rlttenhouse ti Locust 1257. C,for"NchiMr'in ,'Jn",',",n!, "rrlnr.d. to car rln XSJ.iLrW..ii "" A",1'" old; references . -- .-. jui,,1f ur iviunuay, jnt rv I7th CIIILDNURBIV-Youns; clrl "to aeslst-nltl,(h" caro of children. on3l Vayne Vv'.tgjn. r.t fiu... -.. ' l "ItJ '..'.I.J. ve. rnrn.. Hm.)....!. . . and city ."i". " Mwii-ij.cryrooK ..tisw. JOSEPH n IVArfr.tvn-riM y rn m2!ilr"irn.0r.V"!.' v.lth "on" knowl'edg. ot anndl'lr27r8n0.ro1m 't'.PPly "u'"'"nt. 1125 0,iV "HHSfi? "A en;111" and downstair work: "run?rVrfc,.T?,r Wk- """' 0 r"h,r.rrn-M n'"ry- C-an. before noon? 4812 "l,,.V.,r. .:'"' J,n'"nJInJ,5"'.';?.work; bl to -r.:.u" fLi'i" ' tri' ri, larairer Lniri . 'vnor-k '3" l'l';tL.dger0"o'f'nce.W''h "'"iTr'' "ynfellfftKlV"-" (Jini.H WANTED to work on folding-raner bpxe. Brown A Bailey Co., N. fv car Franklin and Willow at. w" cor' atii.l;?..Tr ,P.V..Apt,i1' Jq.ernatlonaTrt-Pubt - ll'i'OfCojLjIhanOCallovvhlll. aecond floorT OIRLS wanted, handy vvJiiT tho"needle:"Apply Frank Schoble & Co..jnthanil Oxford. my "nortIn'Sll1 work; 3 In family: wages jit aweek: rer.r. ence. Wyoming UP. B025 N IStri at. er r ..,.,-r,., INSPECTRESSES niAIINERS require Inspectresses: thoroughly experienced. .Apply Superintendent's ornce. fourth floor. 833 Market st before JO a in llLAUNEltrf J" a" m' JOSEPH O DARLINOTON aTcO require stenographer, with some knowledge of mall order work. Apply Supt.jJieygTH'.n;' - KEYSTONE TELEPHONE CO. An opportunity to eecur employment In th? exchange nearept your homo: va." ranclea In both local and long distance pfflcea fpr experienced operator. Also In school for girl to learn ouniinr Apply between 0 a. m nml 8 p. in. at l.extone Telephone Co.. 133 ST 2d at. I'oom 403. or at any ot the following ex. 233 N. 18th at. 2218 N. rark ave. WM n'.',.a"m-"- Pres'on aYid Filbert at. West and lierLley t., Camden. ..iil.T'" "'""If,;1 '""J' with tact and pleasant manner, over 30, for an agreeable position In our business; to the right woman, raro pros' !'.",'" ,Sf "jowly advancement, If satisfactory, Buiidln1"" mf"ln. Mr. Couiton, Drexei LAUNDRESS Experienced Protestant Taiin dress In private family: sleep out: best refer ence required, I 310,IdgerOffice. MACHINE OPERATOR. 1 10 per dny of 8 hour, skilled laborer. II. Ill to SI 02; higher compensation when on piece work. Apply Frankford. Anrnnl, Philadelphia, preferably In peron. from 8 to 10 a. in, on working day. Jnr application blank NI'RSERY OOVERNEBS A younr ldy7r'ro7 estant. hng lah preferred, to take entire charge of two little glrli best reference required, tat age. and salary wanted; live at Brju . Mawr. 11 323. Ledger Office, NURSERY OOVERNESS wanted, icrench. to leave cltyr teach muIc. French and assist car of children. Writ 11 32.1. Ledger Ofhce. OFFICE WORK WE IIAVD VACANCIES FOR YOIINO WOMEN AND OIRLS FOR OFF CK WORKl EXPERIENCE NOP NKCKS? HARY. APPLY KMI'LOTMENT BU REAU, lit brothers; Ol'ERATORH wanted, experienced on Singer power sewing msrhlnes. Apply Frank School L Co.. 10th and Oxford, . SALESWOMEN TART TIME BLAUNERS require experienced aleswomen for part Urn only; good opportunity for women who can work only part time. Apply ready for work. Superintendent' offlc, fourth floor. 833 Market t.. before 10 a. m, BLAUNERS SALESWOMAN, for qutfkia work; limit hav ability and experience; ISO per week to atari J 310. Ledger Central. SEAMSTRESS, colored, and chambermaid, also nurse, sewing; children 3 and 5 years; ref, 300 Highland ave. I'Uon Cbettuut Hill 01J. vWaIt'VWaJ MOV AlEEvicVlH KiaJ J fjiT TrM DQiFT & 3fL.$dl5iI I c. HELP WANTED PEMAM Conllattedyrom rrecedlne Colwna BTENOaRArilER and typewriter ,'ptleneid alary to start IS, Apply Wet Electrla litlr CurlerCOj Hancock and Columbia are. THIMMBRH, etperlenced on men' hH. Apply FrnkBcho!l t'o,. loth and Oxford, TKLEpllONi! OPERATOR "wanted for print Miii:u r-j,rnijBei exr-riepceq preierreoi anouia b an ertlclent girl with tact and pleaeant dla pojitiont atato eip. church affiliation and . 'H "peeled. II 844, ledger central. . . .... "TOCK OIRLS ni.AUN.ERS reoulrn thorouehly etperlenced Stoek alrl In. cloak nnd atilt home. Apply uperlntendent' ofrtce. fourth floor, 833 Mar et at., before in a. m. IlLAUNERB TRT.RPIIONR OPERATOR ToonrFroTMtant elrl for operating and miscellaneous clerical worki reference and lary xpected. I.edrer nranchB24,JapeirandIIuntlngdont. WpMAN","eiprreneed, for general" housework) 3 !",. 'ilm,LTl l"",l, waei reference required. 108 w. Jorineon at. Phone Otn. 8S2 TOUNa WOMEN AND Oini.S .TO WRAP MERCHANDISE! EXPERIENCE NOT NECESSART. APPLY EMPLOYMENT RtTREAU. LIT I1HOTIIEHB TOTJNO LAD1EB WANTED FOn OEN ERAL OFFICE WORK. TYPISTS PRE rEHRED. AITLY RY LETTER OR I'ERRO.VAT.r.Y. II. Iv. MULI'ORD, OI.ENOLDEN, TA. FILINO On December 1 we will open a hraneh chool In Phlldelphli thin will h under th earn manarement and dlrectorohlp tn New York school; arrangement for Jolnlne the first class may be ni.i by commanlcatlng with us; wrlto for rartlculara, Newrprk Bohool of Filing, Blnger llulldlng. New York. . JOSEPH DARLINOTON t CO. , . reqirlre fttenngrapher with ome knowledge of mll order work Apply Sunt . 1I25-J7 Bansom. HELP WANTED MALE ROY Wanted, bright younr boy to learn broker age business; exceptional opportunities. Call 8J5 Wldener Ilulldlng.between 0 and 4. ROY wanted to nsslst In running stock quota tion board: about 10 year ot age. Apply Room 48. Hours Rulldlng. nOY. bright and Intelligent, for messenger and office work. Tenna 1'nrge Co., Wakellnr and Ilermuda t , Ilrldeburg IlOY over 10 year of eg for orflee position. Apply. In person, hefnro 0 a. m.i Tuesday, 1442 Widens Rulldlng. IlOY 10 yearn of ago wanted tn main orflco nf large coal corporation; must wrlto plain hand. Apply 224 S. 8d t. CARINET.MAKER'4 VICTOR TALKINO MACHINE CO. Ha vncnncles for Cabinetmakers, Haw filers, Experienced rubbers, Shellacker. Apprentice, 18 to 10 years, Window cleaner. Trelght elevator operator (white), ' Office boy nvor 10 yr of age, Young men. 20 to 28 yers of nge. to learn rubblnr, 48-uour-vveek schedule. Thyslcsl examination necessary. Apply Victor Talking Machine Co, application offlc, 33 Cooper at.. Camden. N. J. FITTERS nnd helpers on Iron chandelier work. lllddle flnumer t'o . 8840 Lancaster av. FUR CUTTER On accustomed to hlgh-clnss work. Apply I'ur Deportment, necond floor. Filbert at. HTRAWHRIDC1E & CLOTHIER. Hinil-ORADE MAC1IIN1BT3 are wanted, by local company. New shop. New machine tools, t Eight hours. All safety precaultons. Permanent work, Highest wnges. No labor trouble. Apply J. T, M,. P. O. Box I3.!, Phlla.. Ta. HOSIERY Hoarder on men's and children's cotton hose. Hgienic Fleeced Underwear Co., Hosiery Department. 2415 N. Howartl LARORERH nnd machlno operators, skilled. ...! aay raie inr n nours aiier learning; an opportunity tn make f,t per dny on piecework; citizens. ApDly Frankford Arsenal. Phlla., I'a.. preferably In person, from 8 a. m. to II) a. m.. on working days, for application blank. LARORERH for outside work, digging, etc.. at 12 24 per day of 8 hnuta. clllrens. Apply In person. Frankford Arsenal, llrldesburg, Phils., Penna. LABORERS, "white and colored: 100 wanted, for Peunegrove, N. J . 20 cent per hour; lodging ana irannponaiion irre uau tot n. ja st. MACHINISTS Wanted. Ilrst-class lathe, mill In? nnd smnll grinder hand for cutter end reamer work, only men acquainted with this cIsbm of work- required Apply second floor. 11B Federal St.. Cani(liiL N J. MAN vvontod who I thoroughly familiar with the manufacturn and construction at hlgh-grada furniture, cabinet, etc., from the rough to tho finished product, this ponltlon 1. quires a .man who ha tact an well as executive ul.llll). In rephlng nuto age. expert enui and salary expected give full details In Ural letter M Sol. Ledger Ofrlce. MAN Elderly man for mcsenger In factory nfneo. light wurk North American l.aco Co., 8th, corner of Allegheny. ... MAN wanted aa nlcbt vvatebmun. J 230, Ledser Contra I MIJ.V WANTED Bnllerinaker. locomotive ma ihlnlnts. enr repair men, laborer, locumotlv ilranera. Penna. R It., 1741 Filbert st, MESSENOER Elderly man e "messenger in fuctory office, light work. North American l.aco Co . htli and Allegheny OFFICE IlOY wanted In wool housed Reply In own handwriting, stating age and extent of education. P 312, Ledger Office. , nucniviNO CLERK RI. MINERS require rerelvliik' clerk, experi enced In cluak and suit homo. Apply Supt.'s Offlce. fourth floor. 833 Market at., before lu a. in. BLAUNERS ROLLER wanted, B-ln. mill: competent, aaber, for night, work, Apply John Illlngwortb Steii t 'o .. Lewie end Tacon y t. SALESMEN Oo South for th winter. Th Sear Roebuck edition of the Ency clopedia Brltannlca Is th greatest sell ing proposition ever offered by salsa men. We train you thoroughly, pay tranaportstlon and allow a drawing ac. count. Work exclusively on lesda. Rapid advancement to those who mak rood. Can use a few more cily men. KnctclopedU Brltannlca Co., 180 t). lBtll at. SALESMAN A man of experience, strong per sonallty ana with ab llty to earn ISO per - week. J 340. ledger Central. " , , SALESMEN 1e have open Philadelphia territory for flrst-rlsss specialty men; territory exclusive; remuneration very high, proposition ha wide n,,.,i1'.,lc? "iwclttlty men and ayatematixer well suited for work, no advance; civ full particular and reference, also telephone num. n"rV.hi1ub"friVlr "'". "". n,e" hi ePPolntment In Philadelphia Wednesday. Apply at once. Hull 004-8, IDf Broadway, New York city, ' 5U0DlTi.l ITS 1?MlT ttlOUGH IF 6J .SbDDrf Jt (foLT tJRSEtH - V HEtP WANXEDKAlfi CKepd from Prttetttni) Column SniPPINO CLERKS. wanted to bem trrfffl mancersi we aurpiy necessary training ana cp-ODorst with every man lo ucceed. rhon eporat with every mn to ucceed, rhon iplar SS4, or writ for detail. National 'aftlo Bervtc Ilureau. ltth and Spring Oar- jr'opiar 23. or wru aftlo Bervtc Ilureau n ata, rui 'ill a Tiiir-n w-..n u man, experienced ood orportunlty. Apply 811 Denckla Rldg. BTKNOOTtAPTIF.R Young mn tnogTpher . and office work, P 81. Ledger Office . . . . 8TOCK ROTfl JiLAUNERB requtr atock boy, experienced In cloak and suit house, Apply fltipt,1 Office, fourth floor. B33 Mrkt t., before 10 a, m. IU.AUNERS BTRUCTURAL STEEL PAINTERS WANTED ..at once. Apply 28 S.ISth t, TooF.irAKERS. 5.24 to IB per day of (Thourii rnchlnit J.I to l.li asslilant msehlnlet. 24. to 12 80: toolkeepv', 12 to 12.52. all bated on experience end eapsetty; machtns operator. 82: om with eiperlence on hnd turret Isthes. 2.84i automatic turret lath operatora Cleveland, Drown A flharpe, 14.50; band turret lath operator, 1.1 lo J3 lflj higher .oomnensatlon when on pleca work: printers' helper. . 12 3i. laborer for outside TTora. i.xs .sppiy rrnKrorn Areni, runs., preferably In r'rson. from 8 to 10 a. m, on worklnrday for application blnk. vj-.iy-riri-eis male dmonsirlors dur ing holdjn for blrgeat selling sdvertlsed toy Apply Wednesday. II J. Phillip, Hlngliam Hous. whqiTwSnKEn First rise iitorrobir""bod7 builder; 14 for 0-hour day. Stewart Steven- 'onllouston. .Tess. TO.lI;Ni0 1AN' llnt buyer, for refaTl grocery nrm; good futur for Industrious young ...rnanipleasestste. reference. 11 B2Ij Led Off YOilNfJ MEN. 2, to mske themselves KenrrsMv ujefuj eround photogrphlo studio, splendid opportunity to lern high salaried business, f.V,.J' .,,., "rt- Apply Marceau. 1000 Cnestruit.st . f!ennrl HIffnr.vr.i rtr nn.1T i:l' '" . invitn. e. , Phil., . 15 I IIOOE- r?AVi',?.',-!!...,.DCk broke'r exn . 8100 monlhi BOOKKEEPER, alao CREDIT MAN. Olll of ni.oV...;.,.'uJ.it: ..moi! other positions open. BLBINKsa SERVICE CO., 1801 Land Tltlo II. TUATI0NS WANTEP FEMALE BfS?w?-EJSPB"n- ir'."rrl'nrcapnbi of tskln(rchirce JJ8i. Iedeer Central noOICKEEPER desires posltlonrih "yea'ra' et- .sjiui i'Ei ."i. r.is j f o i.eiiger entrai CIi'i''P-vun!".5 or chambermaid, young girl wishes good, steady position: Overhroott or Merlon preferred refs. M t.00, Ledger Office C'wK.,!n!', "jlUon where other girl nr kept: best reference Apply r.034 Iloyer r . wi.hr.. T:."11 man-Amerlcan women wlshesjw.ion, ref. J 144, ledger Conors I. C0.0ri;.w.1"'vTfl2',1 pn?k wl'h Position ; good" rererence. 2II8 Lombard, CO,nI""i2r0,-S'D,BNf' 4 J,-.""" n. headco7Tes: KnJ.'n., ln UTt" PUldlshlng house, familiar wiJ! t" mngement, desire a pos'n which gyechanc forjidy. J 841, Ledger Central. CCiViI.' roTTfl7at class. wTshespo' coiintrv, private, family; no whlng, II 424, Led. Off. DAiT.,f. wonK aaBiJ' Mon., Tuea. i good laun- dress orwashlng Jiome. 2134 Itodninn st. DRESS.MAK1NO remodeling, designing )2..in Mu7"w """' 38M Hamilton. Pribn OIRL. reliable, 'colored, aouthern. wnnta ponl tlon any kind: no washing. B10 H. loth sr OI;l.'i'3il'"vA. ylb"" Sundry work or'chsm herrnnld 748 a.10th t OIRL wishes day's work; "reference. JnirTpenv nerton st 1 ' ?r! S,X rl 7" nrtrkTn ar wanted by"?lfnbie w nman: good reference. J 34s. Led Cent ,"l3.':NKr"l,:,,Br7niI"r'r"inced aefithern launrlreM ?!''"f.wa"Jlln't "' borne. 213.1 EllsMorth st. sll after 4 p. m Dickinson SBJi.l SI NKi'.?f2'. '"ferlenced" coinpe"ent. Protestant. besjl references II 044 Ledger Central. N 'A'. "''''' will do'houriv nursing; baths; packs; massagei Toplsr 403O. SE-Vr!i?Jnr. " ,nr' "e."xpcrie"nco alon en-f-.kl nB i'.V..' ant ponltlon with opportunity ii.h,.w."b'.,").' not offered In present position. - irytoirt, J2.1 J5r..Idgeri'entrnl ST.1hn''l?2riAnP,,Kn-T'''0,,n,r,,"dJ'. W'h secretarial ?. ivt:.J" "" experience, desires position private secretary or assistant to executive. t i.i.i. ledger Central Vi.;Ll'"Al "F".i SECRETARY. confldentl-il clerk, general offlce work. J 342, Ledger Cent. JniSH'?"a.T'','nfa- withe "ponlllon with waPirIhBlT' ilSmiir, "" chnmlurmald and waitress J34t. Ledger Centrai. W?N'' ""I'lo.,, middle-aged, nsslst chamber-1 e"n'ce,nS"o$5rilij,nhtf;?Utl"' "" "" "'' WOMAN, colored, wanr situation, cook, chain bermajd or housework. Phono Dickinson 474". TO,V.rf"i'itMl.'AP'ne,-. " "Pcrlencod, would like poe lion In filing or general office work. J -'38, Ledger Centre I. TOnV:N!. V-V5V wishes clerical position uToT. nee: quick and accurate; best reference; J8. J 231. Ledger Central. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE A?F5Vn:STAaTfi ,'!' nd auditor desFrcs evening and Saturday afternoon work: audits. ...Oit."u.oprn"1 ?.nrt 'oed. sjstems Installed. Lnh0. Dly.-0IMir'l!lneMt!t,'m""'' n balanco sheets compiled; all classes f work under- taken; terms reasonable. P 303. Ledger Cent. Ali:7JilJ.T,'VT.ori?n'lnr "nulrlnc building su perintendent, all or parttlme. J 40. Led. Cent. BOOKKEEPER, age 28, "graduate nf Wharton School (evening), will; 8 yearf- experience In . inanaglng offlce and hnmlllnc credit, vv.vnt to -,"?'". fu"i-ci, ..mi targe concern: tan fur- nish Ledger Offlce. ' """""'.iiy boou reterence. u 221, BS.dE&r5U' . """-"""hly , experienced, will "i1 J.'.r"n' r' n.l write up books day "snd 4ln"lCMm0 B '"""' "'" phon Wo"1- IMJOK,,5.Ki':i!1'"- l"','" mn' can handle cor- respimrlenl nd.tak charge of office: under- - "l"n,'"''.J"Hlbols..SL751JlgjyVn"ral. nf),mui.0:EliI:i7 a?l'V ';!,r!',,, work to"do at 'lfme J 47. I-Jg.p t Vntrsl BUSINESS MAN, familiar with the Orient nnd who make continuous periodical trip to China. Japa" una Corea, Is open for commission of all kind. Is a goad nnd nucccsiful buver In many lines Ha tile best of references fir antnuou buslni. This 1 an oppoitiinllv l"u ."."mi w"." ,"Ju're the part e?vl.V if an Intelligent business man with ycuw of expcrlonce at the cost only of commissions Commission vary from 5 per cent for ordinary merchandise to 3D per cent fir buylnrc ceramic, art curios, embroideries. Pearls, etc. No selling done, but coiid of firms introduced ut n ilxod rhareo, accord ing to the nature nf fh. I rn... ,, . n,. ... commission 1 thought too urn ill nrtoolurge. and ronsclentlou attention Is given to all Jn?'!"-. H""" 'hot buio nu resident buyer will find good advantage In the foregoing. Correspondence Invltod J 237. l'dger BUSINESS MAN. active, energetic, executive and managerial experience, denlrea to 1 onnect wlih reliable house. ll 302. Ledger Offlce. u"(VM:'F':unL.unml,rl'l, white mnn; .10 sears old: thoroughly acquainted with city and sub urbs, havo toured New England Stales, honest, (ourteous ap.t strictly -temperate, careful driver Call llelmont S180 ..."ju. L'llAIIITIJtm. white, married, age 80 sear. T krare practical shop and road experience, de sires situation. Phono Poplar 1031. COACHMAN Reliable, all-around man. under- ..m. ..eaiii. wan.s pos , rei. n ;im j off COOK and steward, first clan, Japanese, want position: private family or publlo house; best references. Noro, 808 N, Bth at. """"' COOK, Japanese, wants position: private family: reference. Aksshl. 308 N. 18th st. HOUSEMAN and waltar. colored, want sTtua JloirfjnJjryatefam. ret. 1531) ThonipsonTst. MAN. experienced, deslr new bus'lties con nectlon: IB yesr' experience, clean cut: 42 ear of r;e; good education: married ahd pre pared to locate or travel If necessary; thor oughly acquainted with general office work .. and correspondence.tBJ0. LedgerJOfllce. MANAND WIFE, young Clernun. went flri7 class positions aa butler and rook. B8H4.ldger Office. MA.N..,'0,or,l5 wl"he work of sny kind. 807 H. lth et. Phone Locust 8134 W. MAN. 27 eers. wlshee position of trust: good reference a to Integrity. J 440, Ledger e'en- tral. M4N, colored. delr position Janitor, carpers ter. ell-around man. Nelson Samuel. 413 p IBtn et. MAN. colored, wlshee place as'cfcok orhouse. man; refined. I'bone Dickinson 3121 W 1711 lltzwater et, Av.Gjt M Wooyfe TifcviD, - pJjiitSJ:. ' Hr tiwi LtVe. 41 fMUOil ry 101C BITtJATldNfl WANTED-MALB Continued from FreteMta Colfunn PRINTEn V ch. . . op.. proofreader, make-up ln admlnntratlvo or exec, ability. M oio iiir. in " 'yj ledger Offlc BALESilEN'. 4. thoroughly qnallfled. with ren trally located office, desire to represent rnnu fscturer on siralght cotumlssloni no bous canvass, n 322. Irfdser OfflLe. TOUNCI MAN, 27. wishes, position of trust good reference a to Integrity. J 440, LedgerCentral, , TOUNCI MAN wishes position evening, -bookkeeping: clerical flrt-el. Jl 320. Id. Off. rotiNO"IAN. experienced" in rel estato and conveyancing. J 238, ledger Central. EMPLOYMENT A0EN0IES MRS. NICIIOLLS, 1B20 lUlnbrldge. h romp. Ensllsh, 1'rench. llermn, Bwedlsh, Irish butlers, housemen, roupIei Scotch, Swedish, Russian. Herman cooks; several 17 cook for city: wait , parlormaids, chambermaids, kllchenmalds. etc. .vacancies butler;, wait resses, rhninbermsld and combined for city: nurses JionseinsWs. Phon locust 21.10 BCOTCII Protestant cook, loung.wage 18 lo 10; cook nnd chambermaid or waitress, sisters: Oerman-Austrlan chlldnurs. other first-class help, male and female, with referencei wish situation, city or country. Mrs. Kane, Bll B loth. Spruce lUul NICIIOLLS. 1020 llalnbrtdg st . ha, competent butler, id men, housemen, couples, cooks; Irish, fined, (ler rh'md,. Hwlss Isdrc mds . .,.,.. ai in,i far hutlers Sri men. waits . nurse, h'workern. with refs Ph. Iic 21.10. WANTED Cook, chambermaids, chlldnurac. housework girl, rook for Instltu on. '"'tlr and hnuemen Mlns HOSE DOUOIILItTY. 1313 W nirard nve. MRS. IIAIlVEV, IDIU Rlllenhnuse.nq Rellabl help aup . Inrcn number wanted for every cap. POB SALE BILLIARD. POOL, combination, second-hand, bought, aold, rented, exchanged, repairing; aupplles I.nfo Keifcr. American minufao turer. 320 Ulrard ave Phone Kens 2313, UILMARD AND 1'OCKET TAIILBS AIM bowling alleya; easy payment. 1IIUIN3WH.K-BALKE-COLLENDEit CO.. 1002Arch r.II.I.lAUD, pool table; new. aecond-hand bowl ing alleys, enay psiment. lloalto-narrj-Street Co., 22J B. 8th t. Phono Wl. 2484. CASH REOISTERS bought, cxclijnsed, repaired replaled, auppllea, how and fpttory rebuilt; new total adder n low h I3f. '"'Ljl!. uV . our new model Register sold by u o esy piment nnu muy 5."e;e'!ir,v,': THE NATIONAL CASH Tll.CI1flT.Jll CO, 780 CHESTNUT BTIIEKT HEATINOtntoye. lot pipe clmrrnal broiler, go stoves, chandeliers, UilO Sydenham, mornings. M1MEOORAPH lin.cosl 1 10, cunpanleed. Phone Lombard 4linOfi!ce Specialty 'o , Bourne. MULTinitAPlr. 10.1. cost ."JO aunrnnlced 2 ye-vrs Phon Iimbnrd 4D0. Ofllco Hpeclalty Co ,B0ure. . SAFES, fireproof; cloning out, HO. slightly used: all ixe and makes. Me bargain 210 N. Fourth st (between Race nnd ltie) SCHOOL DUSKS, II 50 EACH Hlpnto and double, nnv le. CItAin nxf'llANOC. corner Kth nnd Jne. USED OFFICE FURNITURE Everything Imnglnahln In this line and Plenty nf It: best assortment and best alue 1 rblldelphl: free ndto delivery anywhere. llllCHIES, llth and llutlonvvood. BAROAIN 100 sh. . fl 4x3 0 1.2 : lie hi ""'j; 7 2l 1. nnd other nlrcn CENTRAL HOUSE WltEt'klNO CO 8dO N 7TII ST. sq ROt.F net and ntlckn, romplclo golf et: made bv Cnmpliell. nllle 122 ....,,, -, WALTER'S PAWNSHOP.' nnl VINIJ3T. ., BARriA IN WALNUT OLASS DOORS. SUIT; ABLE rnit OFFICE IM'.NTRAI. HOUSE WRIJCICINll CO . 880 N. 7TII HT HEATING SAVE .WS, or YOUR FUEL Install the Anmld Automatic Damper WE IIUARANTIJtJ OUR CLAIMS Send postal for demonstration ECONOMIC JIAMJ'EIIJJCJ JJced lUlllTlltlB. MODERN "HEALTH HEATlNO-f Frenh. warra Mr with normal humidity. MAKIN-KEWJEY 1827 Filbert t 20')0 Phila. ref rairjphlet. MACHINERY AND TOOLJ3 ISN'T IT OOOD common business nenso to Use YOt'OM ANTI-FRICTION METAL for .lining machine bearlnT IRON and BRASH I OUN- UIIVH, n; .-orin eronei JAMES YOCOM 4SON. POWER PLANT EQUIPMENT "" Dynamo, motors, boilers, ateam and oil -glne pumps nlr compressor. FRANK TOOMRY. inc.. 131 N. 3d it, DYNAMOS, motor's nnd mncnlnery bought. old nnd rented, armature repaired... Main 01. Market JOBS. Yearsley Co.. '.,24N. 3d st. ENOINIJ lathes metnl-nplnnlng Inlhe. nped lathrn. unod-turnlng lathe Fox lathes, turret Intben. Nullnll, 1718 N 5tlK HYDRAULIC' PRESS. 330-ton "11. Hoe"; ex cellent .ondlllon. .... . L F HEVFERT'H SONS, 437 N. 3dnt. WOOD Pl'LI.EYS Itlllbertl:thounnd ln"etockl nil dlsmeter CHARLES BOND COMPANY. .ISO Arch st . PIPE FITTINOH. nil sites. TIIILA. 2D-IIAND I'lI'U SUPPLY. 1003 N. 7th Both phone. BAROAIN Steam ra.ll.ilnr. CENTRAL HOUSE WRECKING CO., M)0 N 7th at. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 1S.3 CHICKERINO UPRUlIIT 1'IANO HOWARD VINCENT. 838 N. 0T1I NOVEMnlJR VICTOR RECORDS NOW ON BALE. IIEI.LATC. 1120 CHESTNUT ST. OLD GOLD n. rlt T ,..!. ...(.. ..H ..trl n.l,. VII.U UUl,U v-,..l. !, ., um u,u. antique, clock, send pontal, will call. sliver, ltou- ERS. 27 H. 17th st Bell phone. Locust121u OLD OULU. silver, platinum, pluted ware old stsle Jewelry, tectti plates bought for cash. Eat. 187U. J. L. Clark, refiner. 807 Sanenra I AI.SIJ TEllTH'old imbl silver nntlqurs; high est prices paid. L. Burns 012 Walnut. STORAOE FIDELITY FIREPROOr WAREHOUSES lall-181U-HAiUCKT SI'. TENN STORAOE AND VAN CO. S130 MARKET ST. WEST PHILA. AUTO SERVICE MONARCH STORAOE CO Parking Hnd Shipping. 3S70 LANCASTER AVE. TYPEWRITERS AND SUPPLIES I S3 for one month, 17 50 for WHY NOT I toree months. Our uuarantee H1!NT I iroes with every machine. A BUMINOTON ( Rentnl pujment opplie on purenn. iir;sn.i. rti.v TYPEWRITER COMPANY. 1.NCOI1., 110 H. Oth st. WANTEjD ANTIQUE FURNITURE. 'fale teeth, feather beds, broken Jewelry, gold, silver, diamonds bought. I'hllu Antique Co . U'.'tj Chestnut at. Established 18011. ANTIQUE furniture, old china old gold. etc. Antique Bliop,4tII. 17th t. Pb Spruce 2018. ANTIQUE solid ellvsr. lea set, odd pitcher? sugar bowlsL leapolsetc. L 447j LedxerjCent. BROKEN JEWELRY, antiques, pistols. colnT coin liook. vvlth price I nay. mailed 15c. J. 11. Bos (I'oopto'a Store), 280 r) llth. Wul. 4480. CAST.OFF clothing bought at the highest cash prices. I will positively pay more than any other dealer for gentlemen' discarded cloth- ins, ui.u mil,, snues, .ur., eic , lame' street and evening gowns, full-dress and Tuxedo suits. Let me give ou my cellmate before other. Personal and polite uttentlou given to all order, city, or country day nr evening. Call, wrlto or phone Bell Pop. 5771. Keyaton Jlttik. 1)003 BLACKER, 1230 Poplar t" CAST-OFF CLOTH US WANTED " DO NOT HELL YOUR OLD CLOTHES until sou get our price. We pay you much more for men' summer and winter overcoats uii"'. !c : boy' suit and overcoats: also ladles' Btrest suit and evening- gown Writ. 1 all or pbon Market 3538 Av7 call city or suburb, day or night. UNITED CLOT1IINO CO.,806 Spring Qarden. ''"'""vu CABT-OFb' pLOTIIINO Ilfghest prices paid Tor Sentlemen'a suits, overcoats, send postal: call ay, evenlny city auburba. any v. here anv CASIVOFF CIA)TIUNa ' 1j pey full value for men's sulta" overcoats, full Ureas. Tuxedo suits, she, etc. W'rlt or phone Walnut SU3. STARK. Sll N, lit 11" CAST-OFF clothlnc: highest prices paid; ladles1 and gent emeu' old clothe: send poatal; call alnbrldg.";..' S"- J' """"-""on,'' 1333 R S?2e4rv(J D HMITIST IffUSe-. I DOE. OWl 4- wAntbd Ciiirf rom LerflsaCo7r7" " 'irwiWKsigB FURNITURE. Piano, carpet. anil-T" or part . biriiHT,rV1n,,'i n lr, bow Isr.e. J Rern.tefn. YlsPMit .mit2 Kftt?- . KOOMB gQR nENT CHESTNUT, 200 DE9IRARLR -nnTZ MANENT OR TnANBlByTf" n0I8, ftlU CHESTNUT, 1004 AttracilrTe" T BrRUfJB. 2022 Forn. com. roomaTTT lBTlfTN., 18i8 ZdnooTTrrnflrr522- 2 mninewly furnished phon ' ",n' enT? 40TII AND LOCUST Ncwtr-turnl.!,. - with running wafer. Be jjp, while J JT00"'. tendent of Ploeyden Apartm.ei. ,a 3Brii.. BPRUllE running jwateri elevator aerviVSI' w"n boarer ..r.. iiiiip lies raftie ,m. zrr-t . WALNUT. 46SrgercomfoTttirfrSS foSs'wT 2 mtnl ,ou,n"n ""sur.7mn.rrh5J BEST horn cooking, table bwtta it -.. pcll. dinner. J.S0; business lunlsEM V! unexcelle.1 In city. The wiiiiVuff!!M?! ! ! - -u cisnsnm SANITAniTJMB BEAUTIFUL LOCATION! special ael,ii. T AUCTION SALES furnltur 18,'room houiT .i.ettin 2 ., USED nr-n.,..7.0.11 TRUCKS 3-lon MACK Van body. " 3-ton OARFORD Chassis onlr 'lon aiSiSSS.D- ""'-fw wh,.,b.H fion5pitWiT,:Vv'ych...1. .4 -ton OARFORD Chnnsls e.h!,ll. I -ton ABnOTT-DETROl T-Chassl'.-, ONE SI-rASENaER'lftJS RODY. 1018 nTRfVoiI'nB7r"A""''"r " iS BU?CI?lroad7nTe"r"n,tfr ,0,"," OARFORD WliWlMcOMAH, uned Car Department V. It. HARVEY Locust -10 33 Ch",nut Street i-ocust .10 n,M MJ COLE -1010 8-cyllnder roadster; perfect condl. T0n4 ''XlJWsbW- "0,1 guaranteed. "naI I. S. BOWERS CO., Used Car Densrtment. 250 N Brond st Walnut 782. w I'ORD 11)14 touring; good condition; full eaule- ment; nnrgaln, L. S. HOWEIIS CO . Uaed Car Department. . 2.1O N Broadt JValnut 702 IIUDSONH Phaetons, rosrister nrid rsbrtoleu: equipped with electric lights nnd starters. OMERY-SCHWARTZSJWN. Broad it. MAXWELL 1010 touring: like new: boostil A"",!.1, .,r,: must "" "u3s Merket it. 8ee ir. w int on. I'A CK A RD I cI.. .10 h. p. T passengerl llmouslno and touring hndle 155) i.. 11 ti.M.Ai,. -in ,-. iirotd st. PIEIU'lf-ARROW 7-pas's touring car. electrl light, demountable rims. Weetlnghous shoex nbsorbers. general condition fin, will sell right to llrt real buyer; look It over: 1850, LOCOMOBILE. 2.114 Market St.. Locust 450. . '' " HALL1UAN. Mgr. Exchange Car Pest. PIERCE-ARROW llmouslno. T pas.; motor end all-around appearance fin; flno renllnr ciri look nt this buy for 1800. LOCOMOBILE. 2314 Market t. Locust 450. I' M HAI.I.U1AN. Mgr. Exchange Car Dipt CADILLAC PARTS Schober 8330 MARKET AUTO LIVERY AND GARAQE9 INDEPENDENT TAXICAB CO. 1315 W. SUSQUEHANNA AVE. SUPER-SIX HUDSONS TO HIRE LIMOUSINES. TAXICAB3 TOURINO CAM Diamond PICO. Never closed. Psrk 71. TO HIRE LIMOUSINES AND TOURINO CARS FOR FUNERALS. WEDDINGS AND ALLOC CASIONS. HANDSOMEST CARS IN PHILA. BK1QIITON OARAUE. POP. 4333 I'OI'LAIt 1017 To htro topen day and nlint). Park 1482. brandnew B-pnes. touring cert. S1.S3 hr.; also brand-new 7-pass, llmousinit 11.00 hr. : weddings tuners Is. 1713 Ulrard.. TO HIRE.'. & 7 PASS. 0-CYL. CARS, SPE CIAL RATES FOR TRIPS 1 25 PER Hit. A UP. POP 231. ALWAYS OPEN. RACE 3J41. BUY MOIbTER portable garages, steel or itUCC. Oa display 30J1 N. 3th. Tioga 2084 HAVE ROOM, several cars, private garttsT heat, ronve, Toplar 4807. 1010 Sydenham. AUTO REPAIRING SPEEDOMETER TROUBLES See BILLY, nt hi new location. B10 NORTH BROAD ST. AUTO SUPPLIES AUTO SUPPLIES OLD SOL SPOT I.IU11T . .. .... . Hootle spark plus ... .WJ .lacka .43 Mirror. .1x7; French bevel plate ,. l,&u Foot pump . ,83 Extra headlight 3.23 Moblloll oil, I-gallon can .43 Mobllnil oil. 3-gallon can .... r 2-pO KOLIICR AUTO AND HUlf'LY CO. 020 NOnTH BROAD OT. Open Sun la) a and evening. . IF YOU WANT to sell your old car or want aj patta to repair, call, write or phone, P A It, AUTO PARTS CO 818-17 N. 13th st.l'ark 1143. TIMKEN. HEARINGS HYATT , New Departure Service Sta. Th awllUgm.Ce . 13J4 Arc-lLjJ. Ph. Walnut 34D7. Use. iatl. ' PARTS " to build or repnlr any car, . .... Phlla Auto Parte Co.. 823 N, ISth. rark Ut. AUTO TIRES PULLMAN TIRE3 Guaranteed 3300 mile. Compare price. PRIM'S. 288 N. Broad at HERCULES TIRES Guaranteed 8800 miles. Hoeclal nrlces. HERCULES TIRE CO.. 813 N. Broad st. SOi-IU. K'nv.avffn TIRES. ...W. auxa Red Tubes cuarsnieea DOLI'll TIRE CO.. 1235 Arch t. DOGS, BIRDS AND QOLU gISH FXNE.BRKD FOWLS Plymouth Rock. Rhode Island Red. Wyandotte. Light Brahma. Bu Cochin. Leghorn and all other varieties. Liu and ae our Immense atock. E. C. Vahle. Ill Market at. . BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES PATENTS B,a& " our '.. tSih H ...l.a "Patent, and Trade-Marks." We will help vou develop our Invention. A vice free. Ressonabl fet. Oven Mead evening until H:80. FOSTER & WEBSTER BUITB MU 1011 Cbeatnut at. Bell phon, Walnut 15(1. So Htt? m mto 1-S.E. flUi. ItffrRLOS1 vwEAii Mm nj 4: I rnltura.cojjol 80fl fcR'IfJfiow'iTRniK.a M BOAKDINQ ' LEUtatl AVE, 1818 Heeond-fione . v -Jhot-water heal.nrt.bo.?7 IfE ffft BPRUCE. 1224.20 rurnlsbsd ee. "T bsth: table board. PhonXli!mA.TlnU , UK, "bin; tV!,rer" "n' "weeper, rare SfS".ff 12.11) p m.. Klen car B riiJ.Jnli,,T,l equipped: 13 31 p. m RO.feef 'ILlTr' fl 28 llobe engine. fullyeqiVlpped? a'ft eoi?eM be examined or bougnt rS$if&FS&5& ATJT0M0BILE3 "" - - Tor Bnl