Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, November 20, 1916, Night Extra, Page 4, Image 4

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- J&lTorze Bulgaro-Tedescho delln
fffrtcedonia Sono in Fuga in
Dirczionc di Prllcp
"; Attaccnno lo Posiztnoi Italians nella
f a ' Vnllo dcll'Adlgo o buI But
!fys' lnutilmente
j $-. f .
:0hi- " ItOMA, 80 Novembre.
:,Hrl aeri II Mlnlstero delta duerra, pub
'Mleaca, II seguente rapporto del generals
Cadornn, circa la situations alls fronte
fj',f'Neila valle del'Adlge durante la
' '. notte dal 17 al IS novembre II nemtco
oombafdo' le nostra poslslont nulla
- piri'illcl del Monte Olovo, a sud del Itlo
Cameras o qulndl nttacco' II villa gglo
dl jEiano cho not avevnmo occupftto II
S8 ottobre. Vlgorosl contrnttacchl da
patte -dello nostra truppe resplnsero gll
' auatrlact dal -vlllsgglo.
' . . Sulla fronte dello Clulllo netla glornata
dt lerl, nonostante II cattivo tempo,
1'artlgllerla. 6' stata nttlva da nmbedue
la; parti,
. Nell'Alta valle del Hut nella sera del
,, $.1 novembre. dopo una Intensa pre
v parabiont dl nrtlgllerlo. forze nomlche
?W, ft,.--........... II ,...... ......... I- II
,Pat M'lecolo ed II Pal CJrande, II
'..), tjaitntoi ttlresse II iuo storzo magglore
;;. coiitro le nostra' poslzlonl nulla sonv
.mlta'del Chapot, it nord del l'nl l'lccolo.
' Dopo una vlplenta fanttaglln corpo a
A 'Cafpb' gll nustrlncl filrono .derlalvn
mente resplntl su tutta la fronte, l'lccoll
repartl nemlct die crnno rluscltt n .
penetrnro nolle nostra trlncee aulla
tommlta.' det Chapot furono cotnpleta. -iriento
dlstruttl, Nol prendemmo al
nemlco prlglonlerl, annl a munliloni
rhe esso nvova abbandonatl nella sua
7.a cltta' dl Monastlr, trastormata In una
formldahlle fortezza dal bulgaro-tdeschl, e'
cadutn nella manl dello force iillealf nerbc,
tusso, fmnceal ed itallana operuntl In quel
aettore delta fronts macedone. I.a truppe
atteato cr.trarono nella cltta' alia 8 unit!
ntertdtano dl lerl. la guarnlglone bulgaro
ted'esca chn presldlava la clttn' ' In plena
fiiga, Indcgultn dallo forzo nlleate, lerl
rlcorreva anclia I'nnnlversnrlo nlella presa
delta" cltta' da parte del serbl durante la
Kuer'ra del 1312 cotitro la Turcla,
llopartt dl cnvallerla serba e fianceso
aonq sta' a nord.della cltta' o st att'ende ora
Clio Ochrlda caJa rinoho nella manl degll
allcatl. Oclirl da a' a poche mlglla da
Monautlr. In quellii zona kII Itallanl ope-ravano-quasi
sul nanco del bulgarntcdegchl,
portamtovl una serla nilnnccla, mentie la
forze francosi n riiB.se attacravnno Monastlr
dal bu(1,o quelle scrbe oliernvuno sul nnnco
Inlitr'o del bulgnrl, ml est ik'lla cltta,'.
Lo forzo bulRare si rltlrano ora su I'rllcp,
elm e' mtlltarmente assal meno .lmportante
e fornttdnbllo' dl Monastlr o cha difendo It
' pas'io dt Uabuna, Con ta cnUtita, dl llonai
tlrvlene a rafforzarsl It collcKiimeilto delta
forze dl Sarrall con le forzu Itullana operantl
dll'Albanla morldlonalp.
1evacuazlono ill Monastlr e annunclnta
ancho dal Mlnlstero delta Gurrra tedesco
chdlce cho 1c truppe btilKaro hanno preso
poslzlona a nord dellu cilia'. TeleKramml
dalla fronte niaccdone dlcomi die 1 tedeschl
fattl: prlgloblerl nttrllmlitcono la caduta dl
. Monastlr nl fattq vh" I Miiilftarl mat at
tcscro ordlnl dl attneenra o dl rltlrraral a
cho perclq.' ess! debbonu essora responsablll
delta dlsfatta. Alcune lintterla iedesclia
sono caduta ncllo manl del serbl a 'derll
Mentre dalla fronte niaccdone glungono
notlzla coal' buone, quelle cho si lianno dalla
fro n to rumona nou sono nltrettanto eccllentl,
Xm forzo nustro-tcdesche del generate von
Falkenliayn. nonostante la tenace dlfesa del
-rutpenl, sono rlusctta a. Hboccaro nella pla
' mura valacca, sulla fcrrovla Orzova
Crulova. 71 Mlnlstero delta Querra russo annuncla
pero' cho le forzo rumena oimruutl nel
la valle del JIUI lianno preso t'offenslvn ed
hanno rlcacclato Indtotro le forzo teutoniclia
liii)9.sae?jaidn3l dl una sorts dl Jmporantl
atturo. 1,'avanznla del tedeschl nvvlene
qulndl su dl uu solo rlstretto settore delle
Alpt dl Trausllvunla, o surII altrl rettorl le
fonte teutonlcha aono resplnte. Audio nella
( pqbniffla le forzo del maresclallo von Mack
ensen sono emencemento trattenute i
resplntp dalle, forze russo-rumene.
Cantlnned from I'ma tine
The first Infantry to niter the city, ths
jf communique says, was 'a column of French
nnd Russian soldiery
I.ONDO.V. Nov. 20.
. A dcclHlve blow was struck by the Allies
'when they captured the Macedonia fortress
'of Monastlr, a blow that Is menacing the
whole Gorman-Bulgarian Una In southwest
ern Serbia. All of southern Albanian may
fcavo to ba;eyacuated by the Teuton-Hulgar
Dispatches from Salonloa today say that
part of the Allied army has begun a drive
against Ochrlda, thirty miles northwest of
The remainder Is engaged In a desperate
encircling movement to cut off and capture
the German and Bulgarian forces that fled
from Monatalr- on Saturday night.
It l& now doubted here that the German
Bulgarian forces can make complete escape
from the encircling vise of the Allied Hanking-
movement. Desperate lighting Is pro.
ceedlng- na the Allies strive to close still
further on tha retreating Teutons. Roads
churned Into' a sea of mud from snow and
rain will, It Is believed, make It Impossible
for tha Teutonic forces to proceed with
sufficient haste In their retreat to accom
plish a complete withdrawal of forces and
.ITIlep, tg which city the enemy Is with
drawing, U about twenty-four miles to the
, worth, Tha way Is, for the mos part, across
,lavel ground, with very few natural de
'ferutlvet features.. Tha Allied occupancy of
positions along the Cerrm. bend gives them
a fulcrum for their lever to force clear
ance of tha plain.
Military crjtlls here today agreed that
Ashamed of her
bad complexion
II you, too, are embarrassed by
pimply, blotchy, unsightly com
plexion, try Resinol Soap and Rei
inol Ointment regularly (or a week
snd ee U they do not begin to make
a blessed difference In yotir akin.
They also help make red, rough
Iwnda and arms soft and white.
" '" ' f wmmiffl lUtnminiLnninni r nl n- .,.
raptur of Mdnftetlf Is of th greatest Irti
portanca. Most of ths credit Is glvsn, to
tha Bsrblans fof- the Victory. It "vrM thalf
splendid fighting along tha Cerna Bend
which compelled tha enemy to abandon their
southern defenses, enabling advance due
north of the French and Huaslnn troops,
ejected from their own country a year
hgo by Field Marshal von Mnckenaen's tre
mendous drive, forced to Ilea In disorder,
their, reglirienta scattered, their equipment
J-what little there was--for the mast
abandoned, the Serbians have been trans
formed In n brief twelve months Into a
formidable army with new arms and equip
ment, and tha splendid tutorship of French
troops operating with them as brothers In
Much booty was captured at Monastlr.
Before abandoning the city, tha retiring
troops set It an fire and blew up magazines
and artillery works.
It Is reported In a dispatch from Athens
that King Peter will Icava for Monastlr
at once, nnd that he will proclaim It the
new Serbian capital. The Allies have now
penetrated nearly twenty miles Into Serb
Ian territory.
The brilliant success of the Allies In
Macedonia was clouded somewhat by un
favorable neiya from the Rumanian theater
of war."
By a sharp nnd powerful thrust General
von t'alkenhayn has driven deep Into the
heart of western Itumanla, reaching the
Orsova-Cralova railway near Flllasu. Fight
ing In western Rumania Is now In progress
upon the Uiimanlan plain, about 120 miles
west of Hucharast. Tha uaiiman-Hiicri rail
road has also been reached by the Invad
ing army of Austro-IIungarians In Itu
niiltUN. Nov. 20.
, Unitarian nnd German troops that evacu
ated Monastlr have tnken tip new and
powerfully fortified positions In tha moun
tains north of tho Macedonian fortress.
Dispatches from Holla today say that
another great battle Is developing theie.
Monastlr Is under the fire of German ar
tillery. Military experts belleva that the new posi
tions of the German-llulgar forces are
stringer flian tho old ones, and that the
efforts of the French. Serbian, Itus.ilnu and
Italian armies to break through will fall.
Thi new lines offer fewer chances for an
enveloping movement by the Kntcntn fences
than, the old ohea did.
HKItM.V, Nov. 20.
Tha repulse of Rumanian attacks In the
sector northwest of Onmuulung during
fighting ' nloiig the southern edge of tho
Transylvania Alna wan reported by the War
Ofllce today In an official report on Ruma
nian operations. It states that the Ruma
nian army In being thrown Into confusion.
Artillery lighting has taken place In Do-
Hevera cold has 'limited fighting activity
on tha eastern war front, according to to
day's War Office statement. "Progresm as
planned" was . reported as iittritdlng tho
Archduke Oirl's offensive In Rumania.
"Northwest of Cainpulung," tho state
ment said; "the ItumanlanB uro exhausting
their Units, which are mixed up haphazard
111 unsuccoesful attacks."
. I'ETIIOGIUD, Nov. 20.
Frank admission of tho failure of Ru
manian attacks In tho Campulung region of
Transylvania, south ward of Drngoslavele,
was made In the War Office Htntcment to
day. 11 wns stated, however, that In tho Al
besht region the Rumanian had advanced
northward, capturing 100 lirlsoners, can nou
and two machine guns.
The retreat of tha HusHo-Huiimnlan forces
In the JIul Valley Is still In nroeivMH. ih
Wur Olllco admit ted.
BKIIUN, Nov. 20.
IJJeclton of British troops from the west
ern part of the vlllago of Grandcourt was
announced In today's official statement.
The ottlalal report says: t
Army group of l'rlnca llupprecht
The Kngllsh artillery fire yesterday was
generally leas strong except along tho
Ancre, During tha evening enemy at
tacks was launched between Sorre and
Beaucourt nnd south of Mlramount,
but they failed with heavy losses,
Our Infantry in a hand grenade en
gagement ejected the British from the
western part of Grandcourt. During
counter-attacks last week we captured
twenty-two offlcers, 900 men and thirty
four machine guns. The French again
triad to enter Bt Pierre. Vaaat wood
from the northwest. Although pre
pared for with strong fire and carried
out with fresh forces tho attack failed.
Tha Butta da Warlenoourt, a flat
hill commanding a road to Bapaume,
and which had been captured by tha
British on November 14, after enor
mous efforts and sacrifices, has again
For Golf, Rid
ing, Motoring;.
Gymnasium or
Field Athletics.
W. B. SUP.
i of assistant
to men of any
age, combining
stomach - sup
port and pins
control with
warmth anil protection to kidneys
and diaphragm) Its eatremo pliability j
parmiti utmost iraodom oi arms,
limbs, and swaying of tha body.
Qfhu Style up to $12.00
1424-1436 GhejtautSr.
o so so o ? jjittus .SMOMCff
An nnny composed mainly of French troops, but comprising Serbiun nnd
Russian detnehments, entered Monastir from the south side while Ser
bian forces developed flanking operations on the east, in tho Cerna region.
Tho allied line now runs north of Monastir and Iven, with n salient
on tho Ccrnn north of Nogocani.
been ' conquered by the Hermans In
Isolated attack's.
tlKttl.lN. Nov., 20.
The latest great thrust of tho Allies on
the KoiiiMiu front Ii.'ih been brought to it
complete standstill, u rllpn the military fic
pert of tho Overacns News Agency today.
Ho declares that the llrlllsh In their mighty
stroko on the Ancre used 120,00(1 fresh
troops, but uerp ntilo to gain only unim
portant nilvntitnges.
'I'lni Itullc lie Wnrllncfiuil, which dnini
iialfH nn. ,if Hie lti;iiiiiii- lilgliwayM. has
bei-n recaptured by tint Hermans.
'flip rcsunio in full fullmrs:
"The great uniform thrust lias como
complttf ly to a stiiudKllll and the geuernl
battle has boon split Into Isolated attacks.
.Small local successes of the attacking en
emy cannot be expanded, and for th most
part they havo lust ns the result of CJcr
m rui criiiiitcr-nttacks.
"Tho fae't that fur wridta Hie same v'.l.
IngcH liavf been itieiitloni'd :ir:Iii nnd ngnlii
In tin' oiriclnl reports as well ns tho reports
of tho Kntcntc Is thu lirht proof thai (lie
liiittli' on tin' gi'iieial Soiniiie fimit lias
come lo ti KtnuilstlM, and that the Hrltlnli.
hs well as the Krcncli. are now llmlteil to
Iniprnvlm; tliclr posltlnus.
"Hrltlsh uttnclCH on the Ancre could not
be carried beyond the positions methodi
cally occupied by tho defenders (Oornians),
dcsplto small local successes southwest of
Serro and Grandcourt.
"Tho coveted heights of Serre, after des
perate attackH by the enemy, remain In
Herman hands. Krom Herra Itself the Her
mans weie compelled to retire.
The objective of the grand assaults
delivered on November 13 and 14 by three
fresh Hrltlsh coips (120,000 men), assist
ed by extraordinarily strong artillery Arc,
was not limited to tha villages of tlcnu-mout-Hamel
nnd llcalicoiirt, but llapaume.
Tills has been proved not only by orders
found, but also by tin- repented reports of
llrltlsli war correspondent, who have often
pointed out that the Allies nrc now within
sti Iking distance of Ilapumne.
"Tho failure of these massed thrusts was
to ho cotiiiler-bnlnnced by tenacious and
repeated attacks along tlui Anrra llapeclnl
ly stubborn assaults were launched there
again and ngalu ngalnst' our positions on
tho .Mallly-Kcriu road and southeast of
"These were repulsed In violent hand-to-hand
lighting and with hand grenades.
After all the Isolated attacks had remained
fruitless for a week, the Hrltlsh, on Novem
ber IS, ngnln attempted tu obtain their
objective by attack on both Hides of the
Altera. In splto of the most powerful artil
lery lire, this new attempt to break through
our front proved a lint failure Tho enemy
on the whole of the twelve-mllo front of
lighting was repulsed nearly everywhere.
ItiNlgiilllcnnt successes at Home angles of
the Anne were paid for by the Hrltlsh with
heavy losses on other parts of the front."
Carclli Brand
The pure yield of Italy's greatest olive district.
Tested and guaranteed. Packed full measure in
each can.
Gallon $3.50
, rlalf.Gallon 1.8S
Quarter Gallon 95
E. Bradford Clarke Co.
1520 Chestnut Street
UAl-'U H37
The Metropolitan Life Ins. Co. owns 109
portable Barrett machines. This remarkable
endorsement of the Barrett machine can be
summed up in
This company is only one of thousands who
have recognized the Barrett Desk Machine as
the most useful and economical machine on the
market. Be guided by their judgment and save
time and money.
BARRETT Portable Machines are priced from
$75.00 up.
Relieve that mental strain
your office today. Phone
once Walnut 6734,
Barrett Addf e
Bulletin Building
Barrett Demonstration
all week la
Ledger Central Window
General Public, However, Inter
ested in Any Effort Wilson
May Make
Feellngr Against U. S. Ambassador
Abating Germans Confident of
I Victory
HiniM.V, N'ov. 20. The German publlo
regards skeptically, so fnr as Immediate
Rctlon Is concerned. Washington reports by
Nvny of Switzerland and London that
President Wilson may soon take some kind
of steps for peace.
The Government Itself is having nothing
lo do with the peace talk, nor Is the army.
The army Is concentrator Its efforts to
ward winning:. The Benernl attitude, toward
American Ambassador Clernrd Is changing.
He will probably nnd himself more pop
ular when he returns than he was six
months neo. There Is n seemingly well
founded report here that before tlernrd de
parted, odhilals asked him to rtturn, oven
In tho event of President Wilson's defeat,
nnd to remain as long as possible
Hut so far as the general public Is con
cerned, the repoits of peace steps aro
cnuslnir universal dlscirailon, The growth
of sentiment for an International agree
ment to prevent other wars Is evidenced
by effoits of Herman newspapers to ob
tain from Isaac Wolf, president of the
American Chamber of Commerce, Informa
tion nnd Ideas of tho American League to
Knforco I'eacc.
The newspaper Ormnnla and Its ulster
conservative onran, tlie Tsge zelluntr, both
say that "Wilson should make peace. But
these View hardly represent publlo senti
ment or the offlclal viewpoint.
The- fJerrnanla article declared that If
Sir Edward Drey, for England ; Chancellor
Bethmann-Iiollweg, for Germany, and Tres
Ident Wilson really wanted universal peace
after the war, now was the time to get
together. .
With all this discussion of pence, Ger
many Is n unit In casting aside any fears
of defeat. Every one declares there Is
stilt "considerable punch" left, and the suc
cess of the Uiimanlan offensive and the
German t!-boat cruiser warfare Is par
llcularly cited.
The Rev. James 11. fcjr Tell, Jm tt
Being a Christian f
"When you die you nln, y .,
winner: that Is, If ,ou are Chti.1
trine to more than twelve hundred !.
.l,n nll,nill Iho Ttv,nn it,,. , P'TOMIS
TflA TtSV. .TflfYI Tt V.V h..l... ..
";:;::;. "."cnta uu do.
i attended the Lemon Hill Asnri.n
.Ice last night In the o.Ui.iMVWw
He said It was "rank heresy"! i" ,"
"Asleep In Jesus" at a funeral" 4S i'B
ever goes to sleep In Jesus," ha t.. J1
"It Is only then that he Is awtvllV4
llvlne." aw"Tm
In These Colorings:
All-white Kid
White kid top with dark
blue kid vamp
White kid top with dark
tan kid vamp
Price $15.00
1 420 Chestnut St.
"Where Only the Best is Good Enough"
Xi rm
ST' smw
ITA llf.t
Buying Furniture Is a Lifetime Invest
ment in which the name "Van Sciver"
stands for Absolute Security
and Satisfaction
There you have the reason why this great Store, devoted
exclusively to furnitilre and furnishings, is handling a volume
of business that taxes even our unequaled facilities to the
utmoat. Furniture buying is with most people a carefully con
sidered investment rather than a hasty speculation and care
ful consideration inevitably brings one to the Van Sciver
Store, for it stands to reason that, being makers as well as
retailers, and being so conveniently yet inexpensively located,
we can supply the finer kind of furniture at lower prices. The
same logical reasoning is making the Van bciver Store headquarters for the wiser
Christmas shoppers. Here are to be found, in great profusion, gifts that are both
useful and beautiful, the sensible sort of gifts that give lasting pleasure and comfort,
at smaller cost than many of the worthless gewgaws which as Christmas presents are
rapidly losing their vogue. You will be heartily welcomed, whether you come as a
visitor or a purchaser, and the suggestions you can glean from a trip through our
five spacious floors will of themselves more than repay you.
A Few Examples of the Kindest Kind of Christmas Gifts
Lack of space prevents our showing more than a few articles which, besides
being generally useful, make such acceptable Christmas gifts. In our all-corn-)rehensive
stock you will find a price range of 25c to $2500.
A Floor
Lamp in
gives tone
and color
to the room
A Mahogany Sewing
Table Combines Beauty
With Utility
This Mahogany Sewing Table
Is a present that will delight
uuy woman, not only for Its
usefulness, but because It Is such
mi attractive piece of furniture.
There's an In
imitable dignity
und grace In a
Kloor Lamp, and
Its soft, pene
trating light
makes the room
cozy and comfy.
The one shown
Is In solid ma
hogany with
fluted column
and heavy base.
Two e 1 e o t r lo
ITlco, II.1S
silk shade In old rose, old gold, blue
and green. 1 15.00.
An Adam Writing Table in XVIII Century Ma
hoganya Gift That Is Pretty and Purposeful
This Writing Table in. 18th Century Mahogany,
Adam style, is eminently suitable for tho Living
Room, Library or even the Bedroom if it be fur
nished In mahogany. Note the graceful lines,
characteristic Adam decoration and excellent cabi
net work also the very modest price. Size 34x33 in.
ill 3
Pi W ii
A Dainty
Boudoir Lamp
Will Please
Either Maid
or Matron
This Solid Ma
hogany Boudoir
Lump makes a
charming acquisition
to Milady's boudoir
or bedroom. Com
plete w 1 1 h lamp,
cord nnd old rose,
old gold, blue, mul
berry or green silk
Lamps $2.25 to $05
Sewing Tables, $7.50 to $27.75
Serving Trays... 60c to $13.75
Candlesticks.... GOc to $10 pr.
Smoking StandB...85c to $15
Humidors $3.25 to $26
Christmas Suggestions from Our
Drapery Department
Handsome Portieres, Delicate Lace Curtains,
Drapery Materials in large vnriety, Table
Throws, Silken Comfortables, Handy Waste
Baskets and Work Baskets are among the
many items suitable for Christmas gifts that
are to be found in our Drapery Department.
You'll find a visit very interesting,
Price $17.00
Stock Is Moving Quickly in This Semi-Annual
Clearance Sale of Rugs and Carpets
Very quickly, indeed, for we are closing out many of the season's choicest patterns at prices
that would be worthy of appreciation at any time and that are truly remarkable in view of the present
high market. But perpetual motion is the law of business here, at least, and we must make room for
heavy incoming shipments. We quote merely a few representative values (which will be of interest
to the better class hotels, steamship companies, etc., as, well as householders), and urge you to take
advantage of this Sale at your earliest convenience.
Fine Royal Wilton Rugs
no An ii r t ie ei ' ctc aa i 0f o ,. a..
?O.Vl, 41 It, U ill, Jk Id II,,,,, ,,t,IU.UU
$87.00 10 ft. 6 in. x 13 ft. 6 In $69.50
$80.00, 10 ft. 6 in. x 12 ft.,,...,..., $61.50
$65 & $60. 9x12 ft i S16.50
$60 & $55, 8 ft. 3 in. x 10 ft, 6 In ..$13.50
$35.00, 6x9 ft , $29.50
$55 Royal Wiltons, 9x12 , ,$39,75
$52 Royal Wiltons, 8.3x10.6 ,,..,..,$38.50
$45 Best Grade Axminsters, 9x12 $31.50
$42 Seamless Velvets, 9x12 , ..... ,529.75
$40 Seamless Axminsters, 9x12 ..,..$29.75
$40 Seamless Velvets. 8.3x10.6,,.., $24.75
$24 Best Tap. Brussels, 9 x 12 $19.85
$22 Tapestry Brussels, 8.3 x 10.6...,.,.,,. $18.75
1000 yds. Blgelow Best Body Brussels Carpet, reg. $2.50, for $1,65 yd,
When You Shop Here, Be Snrt fa Ltlnen, at the Van Seiver Reataurant,
You'll Find the Cuistne and Service of the Best and Prices Unusually Low,
Stars CUm
e 5.1 II. tlaUs
Manufacturer. Importers and Retailers
Market St. Ferry, Camden, N. J,
Market St. Frrr Hosts
Lasi 0siftc Sisr
ts Z-A