", 1 a Si t i JUST GOSSIP ABOUT PEOPLE Biarity Ball Preparations filial Auair xiuiu eueiiiutjr oaie raKes riace &t JLAW - RlDlt. - -va on rehearsals for tho Clmrlty Hall feature rtow mom fw.in.nf , ifa qulto strenuous theso days to ' a. lllila ,1aK n tilt 1lli nl.lna Se.il, when tlio tt!o deb nnd her older ffi?.. ... t o'clock to gel oer tho fatigue 111 must ", be up and down by 10 op It o'clock nt the Walton practicing for Old King Le nt the Bellevue trying out the Intricate stops for tho 1'lower Princess, or ., th land's end of Arch strcot being t the lnJ'8 cnd oC A 8lrcot ,eln" K,7h w delight the oyo or tne nonomcr ua Morgan la busny tt.tor In his uaiitoi" M8.. .1 Cote and Ah nia j..o - Barton jusv -- f after nis ' B:3F,fel ' . of the heora " - : of those who are U. nrt In tho varl- Croups reproaontlnB Juries of tho Char- Kll (just think. Its IfiJotT th nnnual') BS? I ieve wo ehall sco St Ttry nno dancing. IKS' the set representing 1 Jefferson Hospital. fUri. V.. Kmott Haro, ,J ..- .H.I Mrs. M ha Air. "" mfca Kolff. Mr. nnd mi Bpencer Mlllor, 3d. iKridn Butler, i-BB K5c M.rv Scull. Gene- 13 .. .. T..tl.orlr,n Iter, I1' Jackson. fcjfU Oaizam, Corinne V.mh. Jean Jackson, Mull Barnes, Isabel ftire Katharlno Putnam, fgJUra Boyd. Elizabeth jBrlnton, Bll.aboth Sbta-tr. Alfred Barton. friM I-afc Sydney i&rwood. Robert Wlljton. JS'UlIler, Oeorgo liar- Hi ton, John iieyi, iCjCarter, Forrester Scott and William W" , ,, ,,,- TlnMon ITnM. mXat set roprrseiinua - Sit, managed by Mrs. William O. Wgrien, will conslat of Elsa Heath, Sarah KeUJon, I'aullno Denckla, Galnor Balrd. iC TiiomDson. Virginia Roberts, Mary f&hlen. Mary Denckla. Joan Lllllo. Thco 'fetlime, Edith Earlo, Elizabeth Wlstcr. traftrude Pancoast. Sarah Franklin, yiitatlne Mitchell. Elizabeth "Wheeler. ikirvl Ixmgstreth. Charlotte Brown. Ifhis Brocklo and Ethel Huhn. The Hn will bo Bryco Blynn, Jack Carpen. William Hopkins, Phlller Ie, "Warden KcLesn, Westley Greenwood, Howard liolufl. C6rtls Allen, Albert Kennedy, jk Kenneth Kennedy, Tom Rcath, "Wit- fiia Adamson, Tevis Huhn. Jack Pottor. &rts B. Barratt, Jr., nnd Sam Bis- tbun. Jr. Kleprcsentlng tho Polyclinic Hospital, Ktharge of Mrs Herbert Lincoln Clark, fell be Edith Bally. Martha. Bent, Eu ftlrili OaswUt. Dorothy DIsston, Hatty Tnlla, Ellse Hopkins, Cecllo Howell, ?Eus?nla Law. Cornelia Loldy. Salvadora -Meade, Angola Nnllo, Katharlno Thomp- soiVJIannali RanUolpn. uay iiiBiimmi, lan Morris Wain nnd Kitty Brlnton. Afeoa this set aro Mrs. Charles Brad ford FraU-y, Mrs Edward H. I-o Boutll B;Mrs. Arthur Nenbold, Jr., Mrs. Jo MtiJ'aKe. 3d, Mrs Sumner Hulon-Mlller, "Jlffi Hirry Thayer nnd Mrs. Kent Will- taf The other two sets, tho University Hos- plOU, to charge of Mrs. John K. amcneii. ifflwd the Visiting Nurso Society, man- r Personals Sir, and Mrs Illcharld Wain Melrs have mirA Invltntlnns for a bull, to be given on LWtdnesdsy, December IB, In the ballroom at JU Dellevue-Stratf ord Hr. and Mrs Josenh A. Jnnney. Jr, of CSdnut mil, took a party of ten guests to tteTTale-Prlnceton football game on Sat- KUl by motor The gueBts Included Miss SOT Jlrooke. Miss Kleanor Noble. Mm Wm Janney Mls Meta Janney, Mr Web W"r pougherty, Mr Daniel Dougherty, Mr. Ear, Stewart and Mr. Itoy Oaden. They )ttarned to tho Janney home for dinner l4 Informal danplncr. Among others who attended the game Jttt. sir, and Mrs. Charles A. Jiunn. who imatA. up; Mr. and Mrs. George W. El to llr. William McLean, Mr. and Mrs. C&rles A. Potter. Jr . Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Kciff. and Mr nnA Mr. Tnhn f Dlthart. Siir. and Mrs. John It Strublng, of jChMtnut 1IUI, took with them Mrs. Arthur wyranan and Mr. lTanlt 1'neips to me tiat. They were Joined by Mr a"d Mrs ,CUrles Porter and Mr. and Mrs. Frederick IKeaaedv. all nf wbnm ,lln.l at tha Thllll- jMfWa Cricket Club upon their return. w. and Mrs. John II. Mason motored up. iffswuuiwqieo. oy Alias ABnfa,nrocie. n- jfi muior party on aaiuraay inciuueu Mr, and Mrs. James Pequlgnot. Miss Helen jJMj, Miss Nellie Taylor and Mr. Herbert il If, and Mra. Ktnnlnv Pnnnnn nnd Mr. W Mrs. Henry Keller Kurts also attended tmme. !A&0ther nev InAliM.il Hfr unA fra toick Blmonln. Miss Kathleen MoDon- gn ana iius Agnes McDonougn. W n Mrs. Alexander Henry, Jr., were among me spectators. tOu Erneatlne nnMnm nrl Mlaa ifarv tP&kton Will ntl.nrf K& a.w mnA "MaW tetl tame on Saturday. BlJft Vtr am Itisiim-l Invllntlnnn foi IStejh'on pn Saturday, December 9, at Uyaunungdon Valley Country CluD. in jr-' " ner sister, uiss Katnerina Nice. and Mrs. William Coleman Free- IThO hava been nrjMlnvtnfr their bum. eHf AOraa ! rV.ra.Al1a T3n lll r.wmw halr jtome, 831 South Twenty-second street, as:" Rssa In Kl." . "-".Mj aiDing wain win move ihw In?? rdlp "d will spend tho winter at tffii aSrUCa atrea Xflsa Wain -mill tl OBd by Miss Leila Plater, Hdolse M. Halsey will go on Sat- tO Florida, in ment tha winter with 84, William Itotch Wister and MUs Fan ister are spending a week at At llty. by Walter Xfaav antartalnat at ltmetl. flowed by lirtdgj at her home Sat ? at Torresdaie, H. Evan TavlAr nf 99tK fin A i B&9 MtllPTia nrt a cknet Btqii In iltni. " """ "'" "' Uld Mrs. Josanh Real Naff will enter. ln5i'h' theater, followed by supper a r"ue-atrattora. on Saturday, Novem- i. fOr MlSS niarfva tV.lla t.,FhtAr nt 4 Mrs Benjamin G ' Wells. The mmii be Mlaa Florence Freeman Brln- ' tvatnerioe c Lea, Miss Katberlne T MiftS Xtarla T ! LnlAo Hflatat , ,,.., irtaoAm rjwa-' " ' Ja kson Mims Harriet Benedict of a Mr Isaac R IJ.iilfl Jr. Mr. A, MMBtw Wjtjjrg? JPSii Ltao Mr cuytmt MeSlrWi U Go on Apace 37th An- - . I4U JLA.VJX VV ilj be In society It really means work! .1.1 .. a a a. . a sister would lie nbe.t In tho morning of dancing tho night before: but tmw mted Wr some extraordinary garments at all ll,e charity affairs of the season. ayHflsSviyBVaiiiflaS. Yi &, EST -K?.- ;;tfrgffi Photo bj Msrctau MRS. MAX YOUNG, JR. Mrs. Young: was Miss Edna Stcppuchcr. Her mar riage to Mr. Young took placo last Tuesday nged by Miss Mary Robert Coles, are not et complete. Tha University Hospital set will bo especially gay, lepresentlng Cnptnln Kldds nnd paqultas out of "Trcasuro Island " Tho "Arabian Nights" will bo portrayed by tho visiting nurso group, and unusual costumos will be. pos slblo here also, tho men as Aladdlns and tho glrli In Oriental effects. In tho Jcffurson Hospital group. In ad dition to tho members who win represent Old King Cole, hlB plpo bouror, fiddlers and bowl bcarors, tha dancers will be Cinderella and tho men I'rlnco Charm lngs. In tho Polycllnla Hospital set, which will represent "Toyland," tho men wlfl bo toy soldiers and tho glrla dolls Tho Babies' Hospital group will bo colum bines and harlequins. Faithful attention to detail of costume and color, following MaxQeld Parrlsh'a wonderful Illustration of Old King Cole, ought to mako a very gorgeous and in teresting spectacle. Ellen Newhall nnd Florence Moade are certainly two enterprising young girls. They have beon sewing like mad and are going to have a threo days' Bale Rt tho home of Mrs. Gcorgo Qulntard Howltz, on tho 22d, 23d and 24th of this month. There will be all kinds of fancy articles sweaters, waists and underclothes. Tho latter, J. am told, look good enough to eat. I'm also told If somo of the stronger sox put In an nppearance they aro bound to come away sans pocketbook and sans eyes! Ellen and Floranco linvo hosts of friends, und I am sure tho solo will be a great success. NANCY WYNNE. Wray. Jr.. Mr. John V. Hastings, Jr.. and Mr. Clarence P. Freoman. Miss Betty Drown, of West Tioga street, motored to Princeton on Saturday with a party of friends to attend the Yale- Prince ton football game. The Good Fellows' Club, of West Phila delphia, will give Its fourth annual dance at I. O. It. M Hall, 223 South Sixtieth street, on Thanksgiving evening Mrs. Edward Troth, of 3118 West Penn ntrert, Qermantown, has gone to New York to visit friends tor several days Mrs, Frank El Bland, of Logan, Is the guest of Miss Mabel Catherine Linton, of Washington, D, C. Mrs. Francis Ellis MacOrath and Miss Miriam Partridge have Issued cards for a series of dances tn the Junior Cotillon room of the Uellevue-Stratford on the fol lowing evenings: Monday, December 4; Tuesday, December "C ; Monday, January 29 , Monday, February 19, and Monday, April 9. Mr. and Mrs. Stuart McDowell, of West School House lane, Qermantown, have gone to Houston, Tex., to remain permanently, Mrs. Emma Haeberle announces the marriage of her daughter. Miss Katharine Carolina Haeberle, to Mr. William Matthew Pye, on Saturday. Mr and Mrs. Pye will be at homo after January 3 at (319 Boss street, Germantown, Mrs. Edward McGlnley will continue her series of talks on "Current Events" at tha Twentieth Century Club, of Lansdowne. to. morrow afternoon. Mrs. William A, Mo Ewen, chairman of club classes, will have the meeting In charge. Mrs. Samuel L. Kent will be the hostess for the club's mov ing pictures at the clubhouse this evening. A fair for the benefit of tha Western Homo for Poor Children will be given, un der the auspices of the Auxiliary, at 2010 Walnut street, on Tuesday, November 2. from 11 until 6 o'clock Tea will be served tn the afternoon. Weddings , HinST REDHEFFER An Interesting wedding topk place on Sat urday evening at C:30 o'clock, when Miss Elizabeth Graham, Hedhefer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John C. lledbeffer, became the bride of Mr. Charles Egar Hirst. Tho ceremony, which took place In the Swarth mora Presbyterian Church, was performed by the Rev. William 'Redheffer. of New Haven, Conn., an uncle of tha brUe, assisted by the Rev. Dr, John Ii Tuttle. pastor of the church Tho bride wore an exquisite gown of white satin with a court train and a tulle veil. She was attended by Miss Grace Redhtffsr as maid of honor and her bridesmaids were Miss Susanne Redhefter. Miss Dorothy Ktd heffer. Miss Josephine Turner and Miss Elizabeth Kennedy, The maid of honor wora blue taffeta. vhl!a tha brldemalds' gowns were of pink satin. Miss Eleanor Hirst and Miss lEIIxabeth Hirst, tha small nieces of the bridegroom, were flower girls. Mr. William Ambrose Hirst acted u bast man, and the ushers were Mr. Clarence Red heffer, Mr George Redheffer, Mr. Wilbur Cross, Mr Louis Bremer. Mr. Charles Thompson and Mr Julius Keppler A reception at the home of the bride's parents. . Cleveland avenue. Morton, tal lowed the ceremony Mr- W Mff, ! wMe mmtut W la 8wf EVENING LEDGEBr-PHHiADEL-pHTA MONDA SUFFRAGIST SPECIAL BLAMED FOR DEFEAT Cnlifornia Women Didn't Like Plan to Influence Vote, Con gressmen Sny WASIIIN'QTON. Nov JO Senators and IleprtentaUes returnlnK to Waehlagton for the seMlon of Congress aro exchanging; Mews as to the causes that led to the Democratic victory In the election of No vember 7. None of them overlooks the fact that the ultimata result hung by a hair "A horse race" Is the common descriptive reference to the contest between Woodrow Wilson and Charles K. Hughes, and tt Is n general opinion that the winner won by a nose In the struggle for electoral Mes Was there any particular circumstance that changed In Mr Wilson's favor some thing more than 1000 votes, a ridiculously small number In an electorate of nearly 1 000,000? Some of the Senators and Hep reaentatlvee now here have agreed, accord ing to what they say, that considerably more than 1900 votes wore switched from Hughes to Wilson by lbs resentment felt by California women over the activities of certain enslern woman suffragists who loured California In Mr ltughrna behalf If these political students hae "slsed up" the situation correctly, tho presidency wan lost to Mr Hughes becausa many Cali fornia women were Inconied over what they regarded as the effort of n coterie of their sisters from the Hast to tell them how the should bestow their suffrages Not only In California, but In other parts of the western country, did the Uolden Special" have the reverso effect of that intended, If returning politicians have gauged the situation correctly. Stories woro circulated that tended to place the campaigning suffragists In a ridiculous light It waa suld that In mis city they complained that their car had not been nllod with candy and Mowers, as In other places. i SEND EUROPEAN GUTS NOW Postmaster Advises Hurrying: Money Orders and Merchandise Sand your Christmas foreign money or der early "We expect considerable dcl.y," mid Postmaster John A Thornton this morn ing, "tn the transmission of mall matter to European countries during tha Chrltt mas season this eur, duo to tho v,ar and the strict censurshtp among tho win ring nations " "Germany and Ureat llrltalu," he con tinued, "aro about the only countries with which a money-order bueluesa luu be done. International money orders to Norway, Sweden and Holland aro limited to 1100 a week from one person Nona ut all can be sent to Austria, Uelglum, Portugal, Turkey nnd tho lialkans "The best udvice we can give la to mall your Christmas gifts to foreign countites before December 1 You can In this man ner avoid u groat deal of trouble ut leant " CRICKET EXPERT MARRIES Harold A. Fumoss Makes South Da kota Gtrl Ilia Bride Announcement has been made of the mar rlagn today of Mini Charlotte Olander, of Aberdeen, South Dnkutu, nnd Harold A. Kurness, of Moorestown, N. J., one of the best-known of American crtiket play ers Tho ceremony was performed In Aber deen Mr Furness's name Is well known In ath letics In Philadelphia, while lu cricket he has attained almost an International repu tation. He was captuln of the Huvorford team which went to England In 1910, nnd wan pronounced Its best batsman What cricketers term his mot remark nblo feat was accomplished when he made a "great century" or 100-scoro. while play ing at the Manhelm Cricket Club ngalnat tho Australian team, which was making a tour of the world Members of that team said tt was tho best and most sclentlllc score made against them during their whole tour, FOR SUGAR CARDS IN PARIS Subcommittee Reports Favorably on System in Force in Suburb PATHS, Nov. 20 A subcommittee of tho sugar distribution committee has reported In favor of sugar cards The cud system has already been adopted In the Paris suburb of Neutlly In order to prevent hoarding. What's Doing Tonight Milk commission mute, Chamber of t'om merca Christian Kmloavor rally, Mutchmora I'resby tsrlan Church, Klihtretilh atroet nnd Montgom ery avenue Lecture, "Latin Clvllliatlon " by Arthur Stanley illsss. Wltherapoon Hall. Apollo Olee Club. Eater Hall. Hose and Taddermen's Association meets to discuss nremen'a pay and houra of duty. Vet eran Firemen's Association Hall, Tenth street above. Drown. AN EXCEPTION aBBLHaem. sk II'oSnRls TlirvrV! Hjll jKRJafHHffl SHfiiv Coifflht. Uf "She1! fond at evJja,oJf antoal, 'IPf w - THE VACANT WORLD Dy tiEORCSE ALLAN ENGLAND Votyriaht, 111, v FmnU A. Muntru Comronv THK STOUV TIIU8 TAP. lluttlm Kendrlrk. a stenesTspher. llow lr rrrona confcloutntM ana owm upen scene of utter devtllon i The ofnre tn the Metropolitan hex ye And. ruin. liuuuinr. rw KorK, eat at the trPf writer when ihn auildenly I fell aeieep, , now nomine mil ruin unir "u'""I,l.r'Jc.'"v TJ brkk walla an.! Coora ana piles f duet and aupetitructure. lmaerea wreckae remain ieiri- .. tearhea to her analea , . ,. Allan Stern, her employer. on ?.'" eltj a createet enalneera In tha, undeter mined vt coraea to lite alio In hla lalwra torjr At eaeh movement more of hli o"; eomroee.1 clothlnr falla He haa a sreat ahorK of hair and lona beant , ,, When Jieatrlea and Allan fully recover their eeneee they tn haety eurvey of thlr lluatlon The entire rlty l ,fli foreat, with rki at ekyecrapeta rrotrud. Ine abora the treea Kterjthlns (a dead. They are the only human blna tl-e. ClIAI'Tint tV Continued tC)KE tho Flattroii Building over therel" KJ said she, "What n. hideous wreckl" From Stern she took the telescope, ad Justed It nnd gated mlntlely at tho shat tered pile of stono nnd mctnl. Hlotched as with leprony stood tne wans, whence many hundreds of blocks had fallen Into Broadway forming a vast moraine that for some distance choked that thor oughfare In numberless places the steel frame peered through The wholo roof had caved ill, crusning tiown tno upper mortcn, ui 1 tiiii.!, ni,H fnw atuhAA itteituhtllniT tnetnl beams rrnmlneil The. glrl'n gate was directed at a cer tain spot which sho know well. "Ob, I can even see Into Home of tho offices on the eighteenth floor1' cried she. "There, look" And sho pointed "That ono near tho front ' I 1 used tu know " Sho broke short off lu her trembling handi tho tolcvmpu sank. Stern saw that she waa verv pale "T.tko tun down"' nho whispered. "1 can't stntul It any lutigtr I cant possibly I Tho Bight of that wrecked otllce ' Let's go down where I can't sco that' ' Gently, as though nho had been n frlght olicd child, Slem led her rnunil tho plat form to tho doorway then down tho crutn bllng statrH nnd so tu tlio wreckage and dust-ntrown tuiifuslon of what hid been his oilier And there, his hand upon her shoulder, ho badn luT still be of good courage "Listen, nuw. Beatrice," said be "t.ct'B try tu reuvm this thing out together let s try to'jnlM, thli problem like two Intelligent human brings. "Just what's happened wo don t know, wo can't know ct n while, till I Investi gate Wo dont even know what yenr thlH Is "Don't know whether nmbodv else Is still allvo, .injnhero In tho world Hut wo can tlnd out -aftur we've made provision for the luiinidlate piesent and rurmctl some ration il plan of llfo "If all the rest ure gone, swept away, wiped out I'leiin llko tlguies on a t ate. then nil) we nliuuhl have luippimed to sunlvo wlntever It w.ih that struck tho earth Is still a rlddln far bejond our com prehension " !! raised her face to hN tiubli- tlespltn all Its grotennun dlellKuriinonts, he looked Into her rsty us though to lead the very soul of her, to Judge whether sue couiu sharo this light, could brave this coming struggle "All these things m.iy et bo answered Once I get the proper data for this serlet of phenomena I can Ilml the solution, never fear' "Somo vast world-duty muv be ours far greater. Iiillultrly moro vital than nnything thnt fltlu'r of ir hat ever dreumud Its not our place, now, to mourn or fear' Huther It Is to read this mystery, to meet It and to conquer" Through her tenrs the girl smiled up at him. trustingly, confidingly And In tho last declining rays of the sun that glinted through thu window ptno her cjes werp very be.yitlful I'HAI'TKII V Kxpiortloii CAME now th evening as the eat and talked together. UUd lung and tar nestly, there within that rulnid place loo eager for some knowledge of the tiiitli, they, to feel hunger or to think of their lack of clothing. Chairs they had none, nor even so much na a broom to clean tho lloor with But Stern, llrst-off. had wrenched u marblo slab from tho stairway And with this plank of stone still strong enough to serve, ho had scraped all one comer of the onic lloor free of rubbish This gave them a. preliminary cumplng place wherein to take their henrlngs und discuss what must be done "So then," thu engineer wns saying as the dusk new deeper, 'to then, we 11 apparently havo to make this building our headquarters for a while "As nearly as I can figure, this Is about what mum have happened. Some sudden, deadly, numbing plague or catutbsm must have atrULl. the larth, long, long ago "It may have been nil almost Instan taneous onset of sonm new anil hlghlj fatal mlcro-organtsni, propagating with such marvelous rapidity that It Bwept tho world clean In a day doing Its work beforo any resistance could be organlxed or thought of. ' Again, somo poisonous gas may have de v eloped, either from a fissure In the earth's crust, or otherwise. Other hypotheses aro - Oe-. reproduce & s.mnissiat. Wtsher s,w"' - NOVBMBEB 20, possible, hut of what practical value are they nowt "Wo only know that here, In this upper most office of the Tower, you and I have somehow escaped with only a long period of" completely suspended animation llow long? God atone knows! That's a query I can't even guess the answer to ns et " "Well, to Judge by nil tho changes," Ilea trice suggested thoughtfully, "It can't have been less than a hundred years. Great heavens!" and she burst Into n little satiric laugh. "Am t a hundred and twenty-four years old? Think of that!" "You Underestimate." Stern answered "But no matter nbout the time question tor the present : we can't solve It now. "Neither can we solvo the other problem about Europe nnd Asia and all the rest of the world. Whether London, Paris. Berlin Home, nnd every other city, every other land, havo shared this fate, we simply don t know. "Alt wo can havo Is a feeling of strong probability that life, human life t mean. Is everywhere extlnot suvo right here In this room I "Otherwise, don't you see, men would havo made their way back here again, back to New York, where all theso Incalculable trcasurea seem to have perished, and" Ho hroko short off Again, far off, they heard n faint re-echoing roar. For n mo ment they both sat speechless Whst could It boT Some distant wall toppling down? A hungry beast scenting Its proy? They could s&W& i-'-i"cs; Thoy started on thoir trip of not tell But Stern smiled "I guess," tin said, "guns will bo about tho first thing I 11 look for, after food Thoro ought to be good hunting down In the Jungles of Fifth avenue and llroadwav! "You shoot, of course? No? Well, I'll soon tench you Lots of things both of us have got to learn now. No end of them!" Ho roso from his place on tho Moor, went over to tho window and stood foi a mlnulu peering out Into the gloom. Then suddenly he turned "What's the matter with me, anjhow?" he uxclalmod with Irritation "What right have I to bo staying here, theorizing, when theie's work to do.' I ought to be busy this very minute' "In some way or other I've got to Hud food, clothing, tools, arms a thousand things And above all, water I And hero I've been speculating ubout the past, fool that I am I" "You you aren't going to leave me not tonight?" faltered the girl. Stern seemed not to have heard her, so strong tho Imperative of action lay uposi him now He began to pace the floor, slid ing and stumbling through the rubbish, u singular figure In his tatters und with Ills patriarchal hair and beard, a figure dimly seen by the faint light that Btlll gloomed through the vvlndow. "In all that wreckage down below " said be, us though halt to himself, "lu all that vast congeries of ruin which once was railed New York, surely enough must still remain Intact for our small needs Enough till wo reach the land, the country, nnd raise food of our own!" "Don't go now"' pleaded Beatrice. She, too, stood up, and out sho stretched her hands to him "Don't, pleuse! Wa can get along some way or other till morning. At least, I i an! "No, no, it Isn't right! Down In the shops and stores, who knows but wo might find" "But you're unarmed I And In the streets In the forest rather " "Usten "' he commanded rather abruptly. "This Is no time for hesitating or for weak ness. I know you'll etand your share of all that we must suffer, dare and do together. "Some way or other I've got to make you comfortable I've got to locate food and drink Immediately Got to get my bearings Why. tlo ou think I'm going to let you, ... fnr una ntirht. go fasting and thirsty. sleep on bare cement and all that sort of thing "If bo, jou'ro mistaken' No. you must spare mo for an hour or two Inside of that time I ought to make u. beginning!" "A whole hour?" Two would probably be nearer It I promlso to be back Inside of that time." "But," and her voice quivered Just n trifle 'but suppose some wolf or bear-" "Oh, I'm not quite so foolhardy as all that l" he retorted. "I'm not going to ven ture outside till tomorrow. My idea Is that I can find at least a few essentials right here In this building "It's a city In Itself or was. Offices, stores shops, everything right here together In a lump! It can't possibly tako me very long to go down and rummage out some, thing for your comfort. "Now that the first shock and surprise of our awakening are over, we can't go on In this way, you know h'm! dressed in well, such exceedingly prlmltlvo garb'" SIVntly she looked at his dim Jlgure In the dusk. Then she stretched out her hand. "I'll go too," said she quite simply. You'd better stay. It's safer here." "No, I'm going." "But If we run Into dangers?' "Never mind. Take me with you." Over to her he came. He took her hand. In silence be pressed it Thus for a. moment they stood Then, arousing himself to ac tion, he said' "First of all, a light" "A light? How can you make a light? Why, there Isn't match left anywhere In thU wools world." y Jbut-herr etbr iW?s;e, SSM'H'i'i5 ' Clears- ,. eJ'" i, -AJr wtSHfifvC WBaM(MWy?M!)aaaa j?m,tmifflMlesssKiL liiilllSillir illiilil;l;;:: i in .in miItiTmi niWilrGiMiffflWtnwM nlHIff .iiStEI sSbW uBiMt&sliiarJJglUTO!Wx"''i'.i r SKaMslHKiaHHl''' tilvt FK-ji rrr i l?glfi:h"nfriTj:yl'17nff' 'i ip!wlSlix t r rfflllWitl Na W( I-.W5? I ';j.',v :."'. 'pTrWw-1' "".n MClfll I ' - - i.l,,'l'"i ' . r "". I r -, -. si s .i-a ' ,iO lURSH 1916 Probably rar fcherpical flasks and vl! nrent injured Glass Is virtually imper ishable. And, If I'm not mistaken, thy bot tles must be lying somewhere In that rub bish heap over by the window" He left her wondering, nnd knelt among the litter For a white he silently delved through the triturated bits of punky wood and rust-red metal that now represented the remains of his chemical cabinet. All at once he exclaimed: "Here a one I And here's another' This certainly Is luckt H-ml Shouldn't wonder If I got almost all of them back " Ono by one he found a score of thick, ground-glass vials Somo wero broken, probably by the shock when they nnd the rnblnel had fallen, but n Rood many still remained Intact Among these werp the two essential ones By the Inst dim ghost of light thtough tho window, and bv the sense of touch Stern wns nblo to make out the en graved Hjmbuls 'I" and "S" on these bottles "Phosphorus and sulphur," he com. lueuted "Welt, what moro could 1 reason ably ask? Hero's alcohol, too, hermetically scaled Not too bad, eh" While tho girl watched, with wondering admiration. Stem thought hard n moment Then he Bet to work First lie took a pleco of the corroded metal framework of the cabinet, u steel strip about eighteen Indies long, frail In places, but still sutllclentlv strong to serve Ills purpose Teurlng off somo rags from his coat sleeve.be wadded them together Into n ball ns big as bis fist Around this ball he twisted the metal strip, so that It formed at once holder und n handle for the rag mass With considerable) dllllcultv ho wotked tho glass stopper out of tho alcohol bottle, exploration out into tho unknown. and with tho fluid saluintcd thu rags. Then, on a clear bit uf thu floor, hn spllltd out n small quantity of the phosphorus and sulphur This beats gittlng flro by friction all hollow." ha .hoci fully remarked "I've tried Hint, too, und I guess It's only in books u white man ever succeeds nt It But this way. ou see It's simplicity Itself" Very moilei ate friction, with a bit of wood from tho wrtikago of thu door, milllced to set thu phosphorus nbluzc Stern heaped on u few tiny lumps of sulphur. Then, cough ing an the acrid funus arose from the tputler of bluo flamu, he applied tho ill-cohol-soaked tolcll Itifctniitly u puff of lire shot up. colorless and clear, throwing no very batlsfactory light, jet capable of dispelling tho thickest of thu gloom. The hluzo showed Slorn's eager fuco, long-bearded and dusty, us hit bent over this crucial experiment. 'I he glil, watching closely, felt a strange new thrill of confidence and solace. Some realization of tho engineer's resourcefulness cume to her, und In her heart she had con fidence that, though the whole wide world had crumbled Into ruin, jet ho would find u way to Binooth her path, to bo n strength nnd rofugo for her But Stern hnd no time for nny but mat ters of Intenseat practicality. From the floor ho nrosu, holding the flambeau in one band, tlio buttlo nf alcohol in the other. "Come now." bado he, and raised the torch on high to light her way. "You're btlll determined to go" For nu uriHwer sho nodded. Her eyes gleamed by the uncanny light. And so. together, he leading out of tha room and along the wrecked hall, they sturted mi their trip of exploration ut into tho unknown. ( CONTINUED TOMORROW ) The roncladuix Installment of "Heart of the Sunset" appears on 1'aie 17. Russian Calf r " an At Its Best in Endless Variety Rich, deep Mahog any shades; Cherry Tan; combinations of Calf Vamps and Kid and Buck toppings; pretty patterns; va rious heel heights. In fact, we're showing the greatest range of fashionable tans in town at prices a dollar or more under the market. 6.50 to 9.00 3he Harper Shoe Go. WALK-OVER SHOPS I0S2 CHESTNUT -ST, IB nAwaVl,irVi1iffWiiiw IIOWTOAYOIDTIIAf GROUCH ON MONDAY Don't Overcnt nnd Underexerclso Over tho Week-find, Snysr , Doctor Dixon ItAltlltSHt'llG. Pa., Nov 20Ilow Ho get rid of the Monday grouch Is the theme of State Health Commissioner Dixon' weekly "little talk on health and hygteitei" Ills tip Is to maks Sunday a day of rest, neither nverexerclslng, or overeating and underexerclslng, He says: "Is II n, habit of yours to get out of bed on tho wrong foot on Monday morning? Do you start for the office with n frown on your face nnd a look In your eye that sets the office boy hunting for an errand utttslda nnd starts the whole force with a grouch that lasts for the better part of the da)? "Salesmen who make use of psychology In their business are very apt to postpone their .Monday calls until after lunch, lir that time the atmosphere has cleared a little. " "When ou come to think of It the week work too often slips off tho ways with con siderable friction. In office, school an household, If thin la nOt tho rulo It Is at sutlklenlly frequent occurrence to make the picture famlllnr tu nit. "With many people It Is not because their dally taska are distasteful, or that their real ntlltudo toward their associates Is ag gressive. It Is more n matter of rattier III lom'rlvcd Ideas of what constitutes rest or diversion "It Isn't possible In n fow words to de scribe tho Snturday-untlt-Monday habits of every one. Tho majority of people, how ever, aru very upt to fall Into two general divisions. Ono class tries to crowd too much Into tho time between one wcok's end and the begtnnlng or the next week's la bor, nnd tnke up their business on Monday morning exhausted and overtired Instead of refreshed by tho 'day of rest. Tho other class goes to extremes by overeating and underexerclslng, and the result Is equally uuhnpp) "Thy to Btrlke a happy medium, Re member thnt tho cheerfulness which almost Invariably begets Its tike Is well nigh Im possible tn ono who Is tagged out or dulled by overeating" PLANS INCREASE IN FEKS Controller Wnlton Wants to, Rnlso Charges on Issunnco of Public Docu ments by City's Departments Increases that can bo made In present charges tu tho public for services rendered by city and rountj' departments will be pointed out tu the members of Councils Finance Commltteo todaj" by Controller Walton, who behoves thnt the city's rave. iiues In jeurs to coma can bo materially Increased by thu changes he has In mtnd. Tho discussion Is planned with a view to cutting down thu $1,770,708 shortage tn revenues for 1917, exclusive, of tho $1,000, 000 additional that wilt have to bo found If the Mayor awards street cleaning and garbage removal tuutructs nt tho prices naked by Senator Edwin II. Vnro and other contractors As u part of Controller Walton's cam paign for Increases In tho fee system, (lerkH having charge of permits, licenses, etc t for which charges are mado will op pour befora tho councltmanla llnnncters and will give their prisout rate of charge's to gether with their views" On possible In creases Tlio Controller In a' recent report to Councils declared that- a million of dol lars bad been added to tho revenues by a revision of the fee sjstem, und while mem bers of tlio Flniuut Committee aro Inclined to doubt this passlbllltj', they will go thor oughly Into tho plun of revising upward all chatges to the public, wltll tills end. In view, cloiks attached to Recorder' of Deeds liaxlett's ofllu- will be examined, as will nlso bo clerks attached tn tho Mayor's ' department and other bureaus Issuing docu ments to tho general public. When tho members of tlio Finance Com mltteo met for it final revision of-revenuea und expenditures the budget for 1917 to taled ,36.943,115, lis compared with reve nues received ut the present tax rate of Jl of J3I.1C3.357 Dependent upon tile result of todaj-'u session will bo the tax rata that will be llnatly decided upon before the ses sion of Councils scheduled for Thursday of this week TODAY'S MARRIAGE LICENSES James J McMennmln. STIT Hamilton St., ant Marsaret A Mellon. 181U Mellon at. .. Charles J. Jones, hi! N lOtli at., and Bertha I.anuton, hj fairmount ;. Max Hher. 213 1 anion al and unt Korsonskr. Xllsa Tauusl1 SJT Louis Simmons. HUH Houlh t . and Virginia Driver, sill Hamilton at Harry l', Uallsr. floa W, Thompaon at,, ana urare .vi uaeis jiu i- i'i 4 Tliumua liaussoer, omw jroun ,., ...... .I.... AttlUl (llu Bt "and Mar- I'redus V C'Uavor. riwetnut illll. and Laura, 1) llsrsoahelmer Chestnut illll. ,. Andrew II Lawaon Hla t'aidiol t and Kllsa J, Uurrwaihtor, 1!07S MartUa, at. lCuaene 1 Hurk, SI3S Knlni at., and Lorstts, M, Hlegol aiOS Kelm at. , Mar nu vosnone 1S01) t. 7th at., and Ida Ales- san.lrinl. HIS H. Utn st , . ... Morris Adelman. fllB Ureen at,, aud Berths, Kamerllnif. 818 N 7th at lVanlc Marrlante, 7J8 Wharton at., and Marr Murtlno. 701) rf loth st Churl's J. Jjowds lii'3 Creeae at., and l.rma. U Smith. .'331 8 13th at. Lewis S. Itosenbora-, Baltimore, and Matilda A, llolslier, 23UJ Ureen at. . Harry flteruberr, iaiO H Parey at., and iron- rletta Handel, 1608 U. Moyamanslnr aye. Vredorlclc O Tretilt, raulsboro, N. J., and Anna M. Hardy. nOJU Taeluwanna at. Max Uovlln. 18 H. -1st at., and Leah Hchlech- Ho'rry J,3"lIoir.S!!"ls"'N. 10th at., and Jvnnls tnfton, '-'-'30 Dickinson at Donlil tVUeafa. 1.17 N American St., ani Kllon Mulholland. IHOJ lllslr st. , . J Abraham llrodaky, 4 JSW. Ontario st,, an4 Pauline UrodsUy.MS H. tlth at . Jamea M Burns, llryu ilawr. Pa., and Anna w Domr. 'f 1",v', f " LTn.eiiu lrrye. ww Holly at , and Berths Sears. -.--..T.-... . ... JuTliia llevlll. Sit H I'd st '. XT am -, and Eather Wp- Walter II. Belch. 1U N 10th at., am K BrqwnUck, Uuflryr. Mswr, V, yruhk C! Martin 4... W Norrl-st ner. iium M ,,, . . . II 'Wa vtg saliva .Mata tJM-4vt and Kath- .",- .... '.tart M T.l, ., jVw .' JiT.ils;',irif.selhav... Masulra, 0833 Westminster aw, and Margaret IE28 MARKET.St, "."laaSS.