li r EVENIKO LEDaER-PHHIABEliPHXA; MONDAY, NOVEMBER 20, M6 T BUTTERMILK, A BENEFICIAL FOOD AND COSMETIC By LUCREZIA BORI ,. Donna of itio Metropolitan Opera WoMB Uiree months ago a friend Inter S Ut In " subject of self-Improvement rBd what normal womnn is noi askcu me tjli buttermilk ns a benultfler She ttald twrai . , , ,., I!- vir(., P!.v that sne . rtullil InntMix. tlom regarding the buttermilk treatment, which she followed to the letter" It ha made such n marvel ous Improvement In her complexion that aha begged me to tell my other readers about It. Buttermilk Is well known ns n healthful beverage hut In addition to being beneficial to the vtm It la excellent I mcnEZlA, nont for the complexion. Ik . .. u. -i,n im freelv ns water, nnd fS.Msult will bo a clear, transparent skin h to mv opinion no household Is complete B, In WW" T , ,,,h,.. nutrltlve. KX ulted and mcVt refreshing. As ft iSfwd wmrtic It Is beneficial at jilt iJSions of the year, but particularly de- hrtMe during ' ".""; .ir.nUlnr but- Lmiik. ip 't lowy "":',rrni1 "" K"'8 i""1" - i .l.i ...i nn rlrlnW mnrp i ' I. a cosmetic, use tho buttermilk an you' would water It In Inexpensive, a ract not ! Mr overlooked, nnd you need not feel that . w MD.n .n--inir nf It. Some prefer JTlrnVSi It with water, but I llko It better ' In its pure state Pour the buttermilk Into bAsm ana bop , ........-. ! KTln conjunction with the It I. t unnecessary "" " on... - - rare freed from dust nnd grease. Then LkiUie tho faco with warm water to which i-ibout a lenspoonrul or powucreu irorai 'has been lumen rrai "" " " i tatted on the skin This Is allowed to dry. r The most unpleasant feature of butter I milk Is Its odor which. I am frank to stntc. bl bleaching and refining n.ualltlci far ' tSttt thl undesirable feature. r BUttermiiK is nn mi ....... .". .- .... nr freckled skin, and Is soothing In cases of sunburn. In cases of tan or fcfrtcxlcs It muit be applied to tho skin frc lauently during tho day and tho last thing ?lfore retiring Always allow It to dry Irnto the skin In cases of sunburn keep BitrlP" of nntlsoptlo gaum saturated with the buttermilk wrapped about tho arms. 5 and lay cloths wet with tho liquid over tho i fice. Do not nllow them to remain on tho f tktn until dry. but chango frequently. You ewlll find this remedy soothing and cooling. ind your skin, when tho Inflammation has f'dtparted. will bo as soft and white ns It swu before being sunburned Water must Knot be applied nt any tlmo while the skin L. . t ti..i 4n ntlHi n omnrt aitltul It 11 tn Liuttermllki a PoothlnK oil or cold cream Hr . .abwv- M1 4 Ii1irtftl11p n Bhirnl. Drink three of four glasses every fitly, and ue tt on tho akin tin cxtravaant- t" iy 15 JOU n until Wiliei" ilia nn-imotu iwv lUiesj of your fkln will attest lta benutlfy- EJO( quamico U'epyriffni; , A Bmnrt trot-about frock of bluo sereo. ALMOST ecclesiastical In Its severity of Xl Style Is this one-nleco frock of dark llUS Krtrf Tinlncru nf .t Kt...Hn1ntl. kowever, relievo Its uomberness, and tha " inuicriui is useu ror mo nips, una frock clostu down tho center of tho panel XrOQt With flnrlr litiin linna lmtnnu Thm rt Is patted at the Bides, nnd a narrow 1 i """ea me ruuness across tno back al tides. (Copyright.) Brand-New Babies tbS?. Et"? !n I"" "111 print, free of tktlUl. "etlrei of went lilrthi nt In kVl""" hpnlf, Addrew 'llrond bS W- Kifninc Ledsrr. 600 Chf.tnul IS1' , iina und itddreaa and, when poaal !ij;"'i"nf numbr of sender xnunt no t"Bnjr each oolite a itat. tnJX Mr" antl Mr8, j0BePh. 1510 South Ptiir """" u uaugnier. i B.' Mr nnd s,rB' Morris. BOO North fc American street, a mn lkwfSi.Mr nnd Mrs- Wtnuna U. 168 ln E alreBli ft uaugnier, inor- fKrrT "rurB'ia. Kit ,Mr- Bnil Mrs. Herman, 934 North !."" lret. a eon. t "W'jpii, Mr. and Mrs. Isadore, 807 vinJr. .;"" sireei, a daughter, Ktc,wW. Mr. nnd Mrs. Jacques U, J8J5 -j , .V.VCI, a duo, jacques u. vauciam, Edi?e Hill Pnstnr Tfpsltrns li2K realntlon of the Rev. Joseph B. C. ij, pastor of the Carmel Presbyterian Ik. S ot Ede H"' w88 announced by iu E" tor Peronally at last night's service. I4..k . fcB'6l the pastorate of the First gyterlan Church at Haddonfteld, N. J, TODAY'S FASHION TETLE India and Surprise Delight ELYSIA FOR YOU WHO BREATHE ARIGHT, IS MADAME'S PLEDGE ! -r. . L t.i . . .. ..- . . . .... MME. PILAR New Century Club Learns the Joy and Delight of the Pilar Morin Waved Wing Clavier Attained in Breath and Speech Control By M'LISS pONTUOr. Is tho word. It onco was vy "ureparedncKs": nnd beforo that "em clcncyj" nnd beforoi that "culture," but to bo cultured, to bo elllclont, to bo prepared la old-fashioned now. Aro you controlled? Tho latest Is breath control. Mirth con trol, girth control, birth control theorists have expounded their views und left us gasping. Mndnmo Pilar Morln Is hero to provldo us wllh breath. But It must be controlled. It Is not so much a matter of etiquette ns of llfn Itself. If you would haio dynamic force, you must sniff the oxono ns you would n blos soming roso; you must throw back our head nnd send out mental wavelets, elevat ing your diaphragm meanwhllo nnd agitat ing "a nostril, from which If you uro a successful breath controller, you will In tlmo becomo nn adept. llcforo a select and Interested audience at tho New Century Club thin exponent of scientific respiration demonstrated with a blue print that tho breath had moro dcgrvoH than tho past grand master of the Masons. Ilrcath In poucr. she declared, and by the scientific use of It the brnln of nn Idiot can bo vitalized and tho lungs of a consumptive mado whole. Hut few persona get beyond tho second or third degree: henco few per rons aro powerful In a costume somewhat approximating Maria Gay's In "Carmen" and Flora He valles' In "Cleopatra." nnd by tho use of n. chart MWiouhnt resembling u cross be tween n banjo nnd nn oyster, Mndnmo told tho members of tho club that nothing In the way of charm or vital force wcfuld bo denied to them did they but seo the value of her scientific discovery, which she calls 'Tho l'llur Morln Waved Wing Clavier for Breath and Speech Control.' "Ilreathlng is the scienco of life Do not havo a negntlvo breath," she told her au illcnco earnestly. And then with a gracious tilt of her hoad nnd u little wnvc of her hand, as though to corporealixo tho mental nnd breath waw let sho wnn taking. Mndamo I'ilar Morin demonstrated how very much more cour teously nnd charmingly n guest might bo greeted by a hostess who had her breath UP In her head than by one who merely had It down In her chest In tho regular way. It Is difllcult to understand. Madame admits It herself. Very dtlllcult to lectura about, too, she declared. A member of the fjewsrriWfNVw. . made nioM suaui-aiE gxTRfl FINEJ fc2g llstSHdSfdUfPWf thpTd'XmkliNI & StJn.n nv.iuiufl CO k vr?."lirir:.v'"sr - -' " ' -f- So!d in.2,5, 10,25 and 50 lb. cotton bag All cane All clean All dry the best sugar Franklin sugar tathfics Granulated, Dainty Lump, Powdered, Confectioners Ceylon TFiJS New Customers the Old Ones U Kir ten! "ii --N MORIN audlenco who permitted herself to be e Purlmented Upon. Who nllnwnil Mmlnmn In tlcklo her In tho ribs anil mnnlpulnto hor diaphragm, did much to mako tho breath control theorlns clear to those present But even nt that thero wero some who went away with only hazy notions as to how they wero to control their breath, drsplto the fact that Mndnmo gnp scleral mono logues and u silent drarnu further to eluci date her method. Uoforo her lecture Mndnmo told mo tho story of her dlscoery. "When I was n llttlo girl," sho said In fluent l.ngllsh. although sho Is a Spaniard who was brought up In l'.irls, "thero camo to our homo In Spain a very wonderful toy -rii horse It was made In I'hllndclphln. too. by tho way. For that day It was i ery marvelous horse It did everything but speak I thought that such a horso ought to speak nnd so my llttlo brother and I cut a llttlo Hilt In his chest nnd ocry night wo would try and breathe some speech Into him. Nothing happened nnd my llttlo brother gavo up, hut I didn't. Slnco n. Pry early ngo tho breath has been very won dcrful to mo. and when I wont on the stage In I'urls nt tho ago of fourtcon and later at Brussels at fifteen ns a pantomlmlst, the critics wero unanimous In their prnlse But they said I had something which no ono else had. Tbcy did not know what It was. But I found out nfter a great deal of pain and study. It was breath." Eyon In pantomime and tho silent drama. Mndnmo declared, tho breath Is supremo because It is llfo. But It must bo con trolled. ROBINSON & U, i'A St J AE.Tr.nclveXj,r TT.-J.T &-. x. fl - "s-vjwwssrTr f IlfHileIKeyMtf. WE HELP YOU To lower your cost of living and advise our cus tomers to buy liberal supplies at present prices Gold Seal Bread if 5C "Gold Seal" is a hearth-baked loaf of tho finest quality. Bread from the standpoint of quality and economy. WHOLESOME and ECONOMICAL FOODS GOLD SEAL RICE Mb. 8c Rice is one of the most nourish ing, healthful and economical foods, and Gold Seal is the hlghcBt grade. CHOICE RICE lb. 5c-7c Seasonable Goods at Gold Seal Oats, 2-lb. pkg 8c Capital Brand Oats, pkg........ 6c Cream of Wheat, pkg 15c Cream of Barley, pkg 13c Aunt Jemima Pancake Flour, pkg.lOc Cane and Maple Syrup, bot....,10c 5-lb. Bag GOLD SEAL FLOUR, 28c ROBFORD BLEND COFFEE ib. 20c In quality, flavor and aroma, Robford Blend far surpasses the average 20c Coffee, It's "The Best" 20c Coffee sold in this city, Try a pound, vre know you'll like it. FRESHLY BAKED SPICED WAFERS, 13 It pay? to boy cakea and crackers "Where Quality Counts." When you deal at "The Stores Where Quality Counts" you are prp tec ted both as regards Quality and Price. Robinson & Crawford Tfa Stores' WW Qwlij Cmili HIANKSGIVING TURKEY IN LAP OF THE GODS Higher Prices for Monarch of Holidny Fenst Expected to Rule DEALERS IN THE DARK Decline- to Predict, But Venture- 38 Cents n Pound na Prob- nblo Quotation Tho Thanksgiving turkey la In tho lap of tho gods. That Is. the turkey situation hangs fire, decidedly unsettled, with guesses that predict turkey ment nt thirty-five nnd thirty-eight cents n pound It Is pure conjecture. Healers, put on the defensive by a volley of questions ns to what Is going to be what In turkcydom when It becomes time to buy the Thanks giving dinner, plead ns follows: "Ask me rather It It will rain next June 17." Turkey ment now Is sold for between thirty and thlrty-threo oents wholesale nnd thirty-five and thirty-eight cents retail, with the lower figures predominating. Healers nrreed that these prices, with the higher figures proalllng, will remain for the Thanksgiving market perhaps, Buyers for Philadelphia today aro round ing up their purchases in Virginia, Mary land, Delaware and the West, scouring tho countryside for the gobblers and often times riding for miles cross count ry through tho turke) farm dlntrlrts When the buy ers report on the number and condition of tho turkeys mora light will bo thrown on tho sltuntlon strips point to mnii piuci:s t'nles'i nil signs fall, however, tho prico will be several cents higher than last year's. It was said. Tho wholesalo prlco this fall reaches up and almost equals the high mark sot by tho retail dealers last January when turkeys wero exceedingly scarce. The rate then was thlrty-tlvo cents a pound for tho best. "It Is dlulcult to predict Just how tho Thanksgiving turkey market will stand," snld It. C. (lerhnrt. voternn poultry dealer "Hut I bellcvo It will bo firm. The supply, which with tho demand regulates tho price, will depend upon tho West. N'cnrby tur keys nro scarce, the farmers say. If this cold spell lasts long enough to condition tho turkeys, which I doubt, tho supply will bo fnlr. Hut ocn nt that, I'm Inclined to think thnt tho market will not drop much And becauso tho householder will not pay the fancy price, comparatively moro turkey will bo enten In hotels and restaurants " Tim high prlco will check thn demand, nccordlng to tho view at John Hnag & Cu. NirCT WKKK TO TKI-Ij TAI.1J "What peoplo nro going to pay for ThnnksgUIng turkey"! enn't bo told until the middle or end of next week," It was wild. "But It stands to reason that tho .iwirngo man Isn't going to pay 3 80 for n ten pound gobbler. Of course, thero nro twenty-slx-eent turkeys, but the'rn llttlo moro than framework. "Wo understand that this was a dry year, a good 'turkey' year Hut mi far they've been pretty scarce. Lots of farmers killed off nil their birds to get the fancy prices last winter and they couldn't afford to keep nivn tt the rich, dull finish now! seen on all handsome furniture To havo this work dnno by an expert would bo expensive, but! you can do It yourself In thot one operation with CRAWFORD' mm -i T"ss " ?.. . V T .. . . The Ideal CHOICE PRUNES ib. i2 New California Prunes of very choice quality. Big value in this wholesome and economical fruit. Fancy Large Prunes lb. 14c Reasonable Prices Choice Apple Butter, large can.. 13c Choice Peanut Butter, glass 6c Pure Jelly, assorted flavors, glass. 8c Fancy Cranberries, lb ge. White Heather Codfish, cake. ...13c Beardsley's Shredded Codfish.pkg 9c KAMELIA TEA ib. 29c J-lb. pkg., ISci pktf., 8c A Tea of very choice quality at a very low price, far superior to Teas usually sold at 29c the pound. Your choice of Black, Mixed and a very fragrant Old Country Assam. Include a pound In your nest order, TtoR1 $? " SvimU THE CHEERFUL OTO we yawn nd yetarv "toFcol IiFc more. But vested hopes tKo. vetkrj fcJl brmo And yat varc- ener fc.3 bafore. OK, brJt life tke $r&rd Jtxa thincjl them on nooount of th high nrlc of corn ntu! othor fred It looks like we'll out mors chicken thin ThnnkeftlTtnir thnn Innt year." Tho rhlrken mnrket In very hrluk, tho fowl mnKlnfr In prlco from twenty-two to twenty-eight cente n pound, according to the grade. Housekeeper, alito And encour agement In tho abundance of cranberrlcn from New Jerrey and Cnpe Cod, which nro selling for eight and ten centn a quart. A plump rooiter, fattened for killing and dis guised with cranberry aauco, thoy nrguo, can with ease masquerndo as a gobbler. GO TO SIIORK, BECOME BRIDES Two Vounp; Women Moot Finnccs on Fcrrybont nnd Wed Miss Miie IJkers, dnughtrr of Mr, und Mrn. Heorge U fkera. 140 V.nH littvnt direct, and her counln, JIIm I.nura Hergei helmer. daughter of Mr. nnd Mra. Albert HergwOielmer, of Uolf Dairy Farms, ad joining the l'hlludolphla Cricket Club, wero on 11 fen- boat, hound for Atlantic City. Saturday, when they mot Itnrry I Clatter, manager of the Security nnd Ixian Com of fiermantown. As 11 result of that meeting they both aro now brides, on their honi'Miinoii In Atlantic City Hatter had said to Miss Ukcrs thnt her trip In thn ehoro ought to be a honeymoon nnd after lornn argument aobut "what would ho done with Ijiurn," Krodeus CIeaor, said to havo been engaged secretly to Miss Ilnr gexheliner. was telephoned to nnd later met ill l'hlluileiphla The ItevJ A D. Deist, 989 North I-'ifth nlreet, arranged matters so thnt they could go to Atlantic City ns Mr. nnd Mrn. tlnller nnd Mr. und Mrs. Cleaver. They will be back In n week and welcomed by tho folks. & 1 niaii rr Ir nxnenu axoxuxn SHOP HERE DRESS SMARTLY SAVE Our To the Femini The m is isgi 'mM M tea is iMIIIBlli Just an Introductory Word to give the simple truths about our methods and our merchandise and to oirer you a cordial invitation to come and inspect our beautiful Winter Fashions and mako note of our exceptional values. Becauso wo aro one of a great 'chain of dependablo stores with an enormous outlet Because we buy for cash and sell for cash, eliminating all unnecessary expense Becauso wo virtually con trol some of tho largest tailor ing plants in Now York, we aro ablo to sell tho very new est and most fashionable out-; or garments at prices which, upon investigation, you will find to be unmatchably low. And not only will you find tliia u storu for smart fattilom at economical prices, but you will find It it store of the most rullable and straightforward methods, protecting your every pur chase with u guarantee for satisfac tion or money refunded. Introductory Specials For Tuesday Fur Trimmed Silk Plush Coats at $25 One model sketched of a luxurious, hlgh-grado plush, fashioned in cape collar' model with trim ming of Kit Coney and lined throughout with rich satin. Also Genuine Bolivia Cloth Coats, peau de Cygne lined at $25, edcond vfjoon $2 to $4 Silk and Lingerie Waists at $1.00 Groupings from our own stocks. Georgette Crepes, cxcpe chine, washabjo satins, voiles, etc All eizes in tho lot, , fibst vzJoon, Exceptionally Beautiful Trimmed Hats at $6.95 Hand-made hats on hand-blocked frames; of gold and silver laces, .fine Exquisitely trimmed with genuine furs, bright winter flowers, etc. DUTCH IDEALS IN ART C. W. Collin, Critic, Finds Thrift nnd ' Industry Emphasized in Hol land's Paintings The "Dutch Masters" were discussed nt an Illustrated lecture yesterday afternoon by Charles W. Coflln. nrt critic, before, tho Boclallst Literary Society In the South Broad Street Theater. Tho Ideals of Holland, nccordlng to Mr. CoOln, nro characterized In her nrt. "Her masters," ho said, hao not mado war tho motif of their paintings, despite the fact that their country had Its period ot stren 5 jBljL 2 iHH. of BLAYLOCK & 1528 BLYNN, Inc. Chestnut St. Furs Altered and Kcpnircd ELEVENTH AND MARKET STREETS WOMEN'S & MISSES' OUTER APPAREL Debut Evenin ;es, ot I m mi wa Ria kwiw i i ; ijrfti " "" : uous turmoil. In (railnjr. upon the works' ot these men one feela that nn effort has been made to set forth Ideals of thrift ohd In dustry. rf ASK FOR and GET HORLICK'S THE ORIGINAL HALTED fifllLEC Cheap subitltutsi cost YOU tame price 1 Highest Quality To mnlntnin quality nt its highest level is our effort. This, and this only, means depend ability in Furs. m MONEY nxmuiuuixuuLp,i Readers Ledger : iHsiia 11 Piii : This Fur-Trht' ined Silk Plush Coat as art. Intro ductory Special Tuesdau at $25. panne velvets and satins. PAXuqm! augoNr t -w? J r ? m iT7 .& "sJi i ill in irfrffWilitW I wmmammmmmmtmmmsmtsmmmmmmmm nmTriniiiiiiiiiiiiiiirj1W"i'ffn1!