EVBNIHG IBDaKE&-PHIGAI)BLPHIA; MONDAY, mYEMBm 20, s l; ADVICE TO HOUSEKEEPERS BEAUTY HINTS FASHION TALK OTHER MATTERS OF INTERlgg :NOW IT IS THE COCKTAIL INSTEAD OF THE CUP OF TEA "&.- ttwswBt1 JaB A prinking" on the Increase Among Women, Accord ing- to StatisticsIs Dancing- Indirectly Responsible for Some of It? fTUIOSI2 boresomo (lilnra called nlntlo. A Ucs show that tlio percontn&o of drink- fe(T mon In tlila country Is growing nppro Jelabiy umallor, whllo on tho other hand Jue Bcalo Is rlalnff on tho woman's sldo. M Whether It Is tho Increasod freedom at allowed to tho sex, tho "clubby" Instinct or ivliat certain It Is that where womon for jneriy waited until nftor their marriage ttnd thon thought themselves very devil 'lah When thoy ventured to take a. cock tall, now no brld so party neemi to bo complete without Its rounds of cocktails, "rickeys or oven highballs. Tho cup of toa is qulto passo, according to many young women. TStrftMf Irlrl mititt rnimt mtvlnr rlHntsn ... monc her accomplishments, and sho Is J"In tho know" when It comes to favor! to brands of champagno or tho moro ple beian red Ink. ) ... "T HAVE lately wonderod whethor tho Introduction of dancing In cafos was pot responslblo for much of tho drinking dono by very young girls of that class In life whoro tho chaperon Is ofton dis pensed with. Theso girls aro porsuaded to frcquont places of this sort for tho dancing, whlio their mothers glvo their consent, fondly imagining them to bo at a danco, when In reality thoy aro npondlng half tho eve ning gunllng. floToral nights ago I happonod to visit ft widely known roof garden, and the number of young, very young, girls, no eompanled In many cases by youths scarcely out of tholr teens, was appalling. Of course, thero wero tho usual numbor of habitues, on whoso facos was tho stamp of dissipation; but then, too, In tho crowd wero soveral girls llttlo moro than children. They looked terribly out of place, and had thoro been on older por- Two Dollars Given for a Letter Every Day A PRIZE of Two Dollars ($2) will bo given each day to a render of tlio Woman's Pago of tho Evening Ledger. There aro no conditions. Every day n letter will be chosen from tlio number sent In, whether It contains information of vnluo to tho readers of the page or nnls n ques tion, and tho prize will bo awarded to tho writer. Ho suro to sign your namo nnd address so that checks may bo forwarded. MY MARRIED LIFE By ADELE GARRISON A Flood of Memories son with them ono might havo thought thorn moroly "slumming" btit thoro wasn't. On first entering thoy glancod covertly around tho room ns If afraid of being scon, but as tho ovonlng woro on and thoy woro porsuadod to tnko some thing moro than llmo Julco and noltror thoy forgot their fears entirely, and at midnight could bn seen still hanging ovor tho tablo In a maudlin fashion whllo tho gay young blades with them woro on gaged In an argument with tho waltor. And from tho coolor undor tho tablo pooped thrco champagno bottles. Isn't It strange that tho younger men aro tho moro necessary Is champagno to tholr happtnevj? That, to them, Is tho sum and substance of bolng a real sport! But to resumo my llttlo preachmont. Dancing Itsolt Is harmless onough, all Puritanical opinions to tho contrary not withstanding, but when apparently ro opectablo girls from virtuous mlddlo class households mako theso cafes their habitat until early morning, Just whoro do tholr parents lmaglno thorn to bo? THE WOMAN'S EXCHANGE 1 Zstttra and cu'ifons ubmlttfd to this dtvortmtnt mm. is urUUn on ons (Id ot ths paper and tiantd with ths nam 0 lk uirlltr. Special aueris Ilk those olvtn btlovt art Invifd. It l undsrslood thai ths editor doss not neoearlli Indorse th ssnlimsntj ex trestsd. All communications or this department should tit aidrssstd as follows: THE WOSIAN'S KXCHANCli:. Evening Ledger, Philadelphia, Va. Tbe winner of todar's prlte 1 Miss Coellla M. Ioroshow, of E007 Arch street, wlioss letter appeared In Hutunlaj's puper. TODAY'S INQUIRIES 1 How can tobacta tains bo rrmored from upper or bras ash tnim? 3. What will freihen paniler ultra lb In to fcp chopped? 8. What J tho boit nnd almplest way to re to ore ihe ikln of n tomato? 1 When clewlnr tho tablo preparatory to den crt at dinner how mtiny of tho dishes should bo remOTeUf 3. Jf tbo caest of honor nt n dinner In n woman, where wlioutt. she bo placed? 3. What Is tha ennleit way to fasten n row of shank buttons when they mint frequently bo removed? ANSWERS TO SATURDAY'S INQUIRIES 1. To keep reait frreh pnelc na follow" I rut IU) Inch of tall In a half-pint Maion Jar, u cake f xeatt Trrappeil In tin foil, n half-Inch of anlt, another recut rnke, tic. until the Jar In full. Bcrow on the rover and plaro In Icebox. In thin war there nlll he no odor nnd tho reset will tP two or three trerki. 3 Salt fleh. If soaked In eonr milk before eeokhiff, irlll bo much enhanced In Uavor. 3, Copper and bra Tfieela can bo bright ened br unlnc Tlnecar nnd ealt In tbo water When wnehloc them. Is tho Vacuum Clunner Always Do- sirnblo? ro the Editor of Woman's Vaot: Sear Madam Juit a word for the old-faah-mad broom. It ihrii that wa woman h&v nal toned broom. It aeema tbat wo ivomen have not had enoush trouble In eolvltir tho labor-eavlnc QUMtlon, but now cornea the wall of tho vacuum olaaner. A friend bought a lino Wilton nil for whloh aho paid the hlcheet market pries (not a bargain anls prloe), and nt n reputable department .etore. After a year'a or dinary usago tbo nap Is stll! wearlne oft and aho fears thera will soon bo nothing left but the threads. la our pet aid to tlrod bouaewlvea to ro tbo way of ao many Inventions 7 Tbe question In my mind Is whether In tho homes of average housekeepers where the carpet aweeper Is used UaUy the atrone auction In the vacuum cleaner M not Injurious to the ruga, especially when sued on regular cleaning days. (Mra.) T. M. W. I cannot see that constant cleaning with the vacuum cleaner would be any harder on rues than harsh treatment with tho broom. What has the experience- of other readers beenT To Prolong Usefulness of a Scrubbing Brush Fo ffte JBdlfor 0 Woman'! rape: 2ear Madam X am aendlng you n suggestion 1. It Is not good form to cut vegetable with tho knife when It Is ponslblo to una tho fork for that purposo. 2. ringer bowls nr brought on with the des sert plate nt dinner nnd nra placed tit one shin of each caver. Uhrn the deseert has beon eaten the Augers, 0110 hand nt n time, should bo dipped Into the bowl und dried llchlly on ana's nupkln. 8. A tableepoonful of alum dissolved In quart of water will rellcro perspiring hands. They should be held In tbo solution halt an hour every night beforo retiring. ITor retting the greatest wear out of a whan the scrubbing brush Is worn flat Ida. unecrsw the handle, turn It In the direotlon. screw It on, and you have virtually a brush, on one In the oppoilto V, I'. now brush. Converting a Closet Into a Kitchenette Xo tht Editor of Woman's ract: IDear Madam tVo wero tired of boardlngi tree, of rooming, with the "prlvllego of dolntr lent housekeeping" 1 tired of rooming and "tak. nr meals out." Oh, yes. we had rung all the fhAnges.1 8a wa decided to take a house to 'een housei to cook on a real stave instead of B raa Jet or a chaflln dlsb, and to eat at our own table, alone or with ohoeen company. I have, only to shut my eyas to sea and hear and feel the wbeeay. aneexy old gentleman whose sat waa next to mine at Mrs. Y.'s boarding pause, or to flinch from the rasplnr. fault flnctnr voloe of the dyspeptlo lady opposite, , bo in rsfuilng a dish always eiplalned In detail Just Why and how the said dish disagreed with her. "My dootor forbids me," she would tSTartablr (tart out with, and then but. then. If tt bad net been for her and some others, and h sum total ot the whole annoyance, perhaps I wooid not today be ths owner of a kltohenstts, fully equipped for "heavy," really-truly house keeping. Tee. we deoltlea to keep house. We coma cot aaora ana aia not neea a wnote nousa wa waatea mm in a gooa neigaooroooa! No Consideration Shown to Mother To ths Editor of Ifoman's Pane: K Dear Madam I havo often been puizled by tho lack of consideration shown to the mother In regard to hsr health on tho part of her family. This does not occur, as we would suppose, In homes where little thought la taken ot others, but In families of refinement and culture, whero every effort la made to train the child to Uo considerate. 'the other day I heard that a very dear friend of mine, the mother of a family of elx, hud undergone a serious operation Vpon meetlnis hor oldest child, a girl of fourteen, on tho streut. I stopped her and made Inquiries, "Oh" sho rspl od with an almoet flippant toss of her head, ''jnother'a all right, tins camu homo yes- Nor 'is this Indifference confined to the children alone, I havu among ray acquaintances a cer tain hardware merchant. Mr, I, ia pros. peroue and happy and Is, tho father of u largo family. Yet those who know him tMtat r.nll.. '(ftl "Is success is not so much due to hla own skill and foresight as to the Intelligent manage ment and Induetry of his wife. Hut at present -,.0 I DIM.V..UJE i broken! In fact, by denial, I recently asked M Ri she. Is euffeilnit from a run-down condltl t naru woric ana 1 Mr. I. how a Sick WtfM WAr. tha I.., hHn.lu..l.U nn..l km;. 'iih t ""- ..- -7r.i -.-'"''""."" a run-down condition. yeara of hard work and aelf- "Oh." he replied, emlllng benlgnantly as "7-Ot-f want dot hot water now?" X Katie nut her head In at the iloor nt I .it In the living room finishing: th Dhetllnfr of tha almonds Dicky and I had spent no much lima In our discussion of tlio personality of tho gucits who wero to como to our chnflnirdlsh supper In ths eve ning; that I had hurried him out after tho flowers I "tinted, not wishing to wait un til after dinner, when thero might not bo bo good a selection In tho shopt, "Hlght away, Katie. I havo Jmt fin ished the last ono Tome and help mo tnko them Into tha kitchen " Kallo enmo toward mc, but ns she caught sight of tho shells strewn all ovor tho rug she stopped short nnd pointed her finger drnmntlcnlly nt tho disorder. "Who did dot?" Her tone was Injured, almnst Indolent, but I ltnow that sho wnn Justified In hor nnger. Bho had worked hard the day be fore to put tho apartment In Immaculate order. "I nm cry norry, Katie, but Mr. Ora hnm upsot tho paper of shclli n ho was bringing It In here. If you will sweep the rug I will help you duit nnd polish ' the furniture over ngnln. You will not havo to tpond much time on them Juit see that no dust romalna on any of them nfter tho Bwrnplng " If Kittle bo easily nngered, sho Is nlso Just nB easily mollified Sho caught up my hnmt nnd held It out admiringly. "You not get dot hand all hlnclc for to night," sho said. "Mccstor Urnliani, lie always upset tlngH, I used to dot Hut when folks como you not want your hands lllto maid's; you ho lady" "All right, Katie: thanlc you," I answered, going Into tho leltchen with tho dish of shelled almonds. Kallo followed, frankly curious. "How you tcex do-o almondi?" sho asked "I no know My other lady shn always get dem by tho delicatessen. You fcox yours youisolf" Her tone was ndmlrlng I felt my self roapect ai a hostc-ii and hoiiiewlfo coming back to mo T1II3 SIUCHN SQUATin "First put thorn Into a bowl of boiling wator," I directed Katlo brought out a VAllnu? fnrn (tnwl nnd offered It tO me. "That will do nicely Put tho nuts In nnd cover them well with boiling water." Katlo did so. pouring on tho water with tho utmost care. Her nttltudo was that of a llttlo girl with her first cooking lesion I roflcctcd that this was ono reaion that mado so many of these raw Immigrant girls so cHlclcnt, tholr childlike, cntliuslas tlo Interest In any new problem of their work. "Vbt wo do now?" sho nsltcd cngerly "Thoy hae to stny In tho boiling wator ,itii tim i.rmun routs will rub oft easily. In tho meantime got uomo clean glass towels and put them on tho tablo hero Hy tho way, can you get along without this tablo7 Tho nuts will havo to stay hero, flriit to dry after tho blanching and then to cool nfter thoy nro browned " "I no need table I can fcex dinner nny whero Chairs, sink, stove, anywhore," de clared Katlo proudly "Sptead tho towels over the tablo and call mo when jott llnd that tho brown coat on tho nuts Is looicncd, I nam, as 1 icic tho kitchen nnd went to my room. I had resolved to sao Katlo ns m.iny steps na posllblo, for I realized that thero would bo much moro work for her than usual. I looked around my room, and, woman lllfo, decided that I would get out my best things to display boforo tho eyes of tho women, who, of course, would lay their wraps on my bed Ono of my most cher ished wedding presents was a beautifully embroidered bedspread and set of pillow taNos and sheets, the gift of a aeml-lnvalld friend whoso lonily lelsuro hours wero brightened by her skill In embroidery. I had another Bot which I had ombroldored myself, hut which was much less beautiful This I decided to put upon tho bed In Dicky's room, resenlng tho exquisite gift for my own bed I reasoned that tho men whom Dicky might tnko to his room would noer notico nnythlng, whllo womon would ba 1 th moro critical and more apprecia tive. A cedar chest, one ot tho fow extrava gances of my llfo boforo I met Dicky. Btood under my window I raised tho lid and took from the chest tho bed linen I treasured so cnrofully. Tho sot of nap kins and the centerpiece and dollies which I Intended to uio upon my tablo lay next below. As I lifted them out I saw a. qticcrly figured square of silk which Jack had once brought my mother from India. MCMOIIICS OF JACK I laid down the linen and picked up tho Oriental fabric, my hands trembling, The sight of It brought the memory of my mother to mo with overwhelming force. How precious this gift had been to her, and how she had trensurcd ltt It had never been a secret to me that my mother's dearest wish had been to see mo Jack's wlfo boforo sho left mo forever. I know that her last years had been shad owed hy tho knowledge that neither Jack nor I had any other feeling for each other than Hint of tho oloso friendship, almost relationship, In which we hail been reared, t had always been glad that Jack had never wnnted to marry mo, I did not loe him, hut I liked him bo well that I know In my heart J novcr could hao resisted the pres sure of my mother's wlshos and his com bined. f A sinister llttlo thought crept Into my brain "If you had married Jack you would nnvcr havh had to meet any of theso prob lems which so compllcato your llfo with Dicky Jack would novcr havo urged you to do nnythlng you did not approve, Ilka smoking a cigarette. He would havo kept j ou from meeting women of tho 'typo you must entertain tonight. Ho would havo thought you perfect. In every way, whero Dlrky seemi to want to break down your prejudices and Ideas at oery turn" Memories of tho past como rushing over mn; momorlos, most of them, connected with Jack's unvarying kindness to my mother and myielf Tho son of a distant cousin, ho unci been ndopteil In Ills orphaned babyhood by my mother's sister Wo hod been brought up togotner. ah our clilltlliood Joys and horrows wero shared, nnd after Jack grow up and established a creditable place for hlmielf In the engineering world. It was to my mother and myself ho brought all his triumphs and disappointments .Vo brother nnd sister could havo been closer In affection Tho fnct that wo were not related except so distantly ridded just tho necessary filling to mnko our associa tion a most Interesting one to both of us. Jack was tho only man of any consequence In my llfo. ns I was certain I wns tho only woman In his Then had como his long Journey to tho wilds of South America, whero ho could neither receive mall nor got nny mcsiago out for so long. And I, utterly forgetting nlmost his very existence had met Dlclty and married him during Jack's absence. With a little Btnrt, I remembered that Juit a week from today ho would bo homo again, oxpcctlng to greet mo ns of old Tho loiter rrom lilm was In my desk now, tho letter which had occasioned a quarrel bo tweon Dicky and myself. I felt n sudden ncnso of guilt. Tor my mother's snko. If not for Jack's, I should hno waited for his homecoming nnd approval before I mar ried Dlclty. (Copyright.) (CONTINUED TOMORIIOW) Graham Pudding Two cups of sifted graham flour I dredge ono cup raisins, deeded and chopped, with a little of tho flour, and sift with tho re mainder two tnblcspoonfuls of cream of tartar Heat one egg very tight nnd add ono cup of sweet milk. Stir In the flour and mix to a smooth batter. Add on teaspoon ful of soda dissolved In a. llttlo boiling water, nnd lastly the raisins. Steam In a covered pall or dish two hours nnd a naif. Servo with hard sauce, Apple Croutes Pare, hatve nnd coro good smooth apples cut slices of bread without crust to fit tho flat side of each halt npple. Dust the npple nil over with surar. a llitu .... namon. Arrange these on th. J'.? i bread In it pie plate, baka t . . . The Apples will retain .t..U ! ""' QfttA Lie . i n,t l Haats.l I4- . " ::.,." tr"""'i "V r W"4 llteti; luncheon, besides being ,mp, nij. shells or other fanciful ihines T.?7 1 very presentable dish for tea 0i ?& Paris Butcher Shops In Paris tho bronzed hono's head donotes tho loratlon of "boucherles hlppophaglquoa," or hono-meat shops. Since tho early sev enties of tho last century hlppophagy has grown ho In popultrlty that thero la now no considerable town In Franco that has not ono or moro shops for tho sale of horseflesh. Sh M 'C-fpl Desk Clock $9.00 it 1 yiUr''fkTrr " " " '"ank you. The more capable, the more l( self-sacrificing the mother may the Indifference her family shi e "lore capable, the raoro Ion able, the moro us ino greater mvn tnwnnl ha.. wmi uniui iMiu vuuuun. cit courso, in ttlO case of a .child wo. can lay this neglect to Ignorance. In all their happy self-centered little lives they have never known tha sharp pang of a physical vant. and the. Idea that "something's no manor wun inotner" Is auout ns hurd for hem, to .grasp as tho fact that tho world Is ouna. uut, really, a man 01 fifty ought to tho matter tJ n unaw better. .fcI.i,hU '"" then, to be regarded as tha sign of an indifferent training or merely us the sign ot a good mother? it. U. One Who Has Lost Faith in Mankind To ths Editor of 'Woman's Paasi Dear Madam There is 0, lssson In every experience. To ono who baa lost faith In man kind, your lesson, while a sad commentary on ...mi. yiHWIMI '"7 Ueil Bent to learn for a purposo. I hava a friend who aiyi "there Is nothing that happens which Is not meant for some good.'1 A mahogany ense of flathln design and a French 8-day movement that will keep time. 4 I C. R. Smith & Son 18th and Market Streets fW Cfe uc .eaBI Yes. tho little nnco is a higher, but CMIlllMlMlllIM ta , .VvJ TW'v ,a "anaina just Because one Individual "has been wilahed In ths baUiico and found wantlngl" Faith In mankind is too beautiful to loss. ?rhs "gama would not h worm uia canine" to irive tin nna not too far from tha office where my sister works. 11 stay at seme ana writ ecsnartc aoruetunea sold to the Phunt-Vltorra "Booms Wanted I" "Rooms To Let fate took the matter la hand an and led us to the very spot to a h M.fashlAiiad hone on a broad. ftreet. in a quiet residential part of the city. Moarauur nouses, .rooming nouses, mesas a is ind write the Phunt-Vltorraft Compan: ''Rooms TO Letl" A klni ttter la band and us In ti tul Jet omlng houses, raes idl Tha Chinese hav far behlndl Tha Chinese hava a one- Ktionen, ana of bouses, .rooming houses, meals a la 111 ii ffil ay 1 not crui Boor coysrsd.wltS linoleums a range, kitchen table, small fold- god who presides over the r our kiici lllawa my tne..an tmtuisd Aetl one door, on wtadowi walls and celling ;st" a cuti ecrui noor .oovsrsa .who u; truly oar kitchenette seemed worthy of one. miinrntm mv ett.mnt In txilA Its. ca da It Impossible feat. Room, four by seven bousekeep- 11 ana -.uriushitum. gas range, kitchen table. .51Svshi,S?D,,toaWihilntK ' i u V J.mII .I... xn la h. nd aaa. .ual Ml tha eitrtina left endt at the right side ot Uur door s.s you enter sits the quarter meter, on the Boor, beside the stove- the Oeni. and rightly tao. caving tores too corners ana a one me opposite siae 01 toe r tne room) the window 1 afiace. but csmTMnsates hm jtoodlnr the room with bright light, and we v sww wii ai te.t U4 nang- cook- siate on Mnmli. ita; to cioip cnair wnen not in use u folded V11 and "Mens its place " under tha window. TSs north aide of the room la tha pantry, tha covcrea u most pan or soeivea two-burner otsh. In f$eqa iui west siae doul personality ible-deallnx for anything so unworthy iot give up to morbid thoughts and feel Get a new viewpoint, upon the matter. 1 Do not give up tnrs. det a new chime of heart and you have found It out evening ot sun ue ewpolnt upon the matter, a sing a little sonc of lov thr have found It out In the dawn and not In the Ing of your existence after yeara of trusting being tooled, lie brave, 'Your lest years to come and the -future holds very bright are things for the person who want wnone worm Ale of the bitter cup. he person who wanta tn dn whose worth baa been empanelled by aood and Bringing- Ufa. ow ajratn Vnnwll (Mrs.)V. O, A Sorrowful Damsel To t Editor of TVoman's Pags; pear MadamBeing a constant reader of your column, I thought I would ask you to please Viva me some advlco on tha following! '"a8 ' I met a young man In May I llki v.n. miinh inn whnm T trnnv rami . m.,,.u a-.!!' t7 ;"- . , r. : -, r"T " -.- m Fresh from the Farm Deerfoot Farm SaUSage the sausage with a distinctive taste. Farm at Southborough, Mass. HMlMMMMIiim I MERIDALE BUTTER costs more to make and is worth more. On our own 2000 acre farm, all tho cows aro pure-bred Jerseys. Wo buy some milk, but only the richest andpurestanditall comes from cows whoso health is vouched for by New York State Veterinarians and our own inspectors. Wo pay moro than tho market price for all tho milk wo huy. rejectlna all that is not up to our standard. MeridaloDut ter is never touched by any hand in tho making, AYER & McKINNEY (Makers of . . , , , Mcrldalc) Thlladelplila Hell Phone, Market 3741 Keystono l'hone,MiIa 1793 look for the "Merlotl" irapptralr-ttsht. duit-and odor-pnojat your srottn. was called to Mexico. ma evurv aav s return to this c sa much for me. mil pac being Had?; these shell mm leaBaeHy, O fMMtftg twonty-1 Mmm nu and -WWf-'ff uvea, an the Coor. atand the flour mm icapaeityi nny pounasi ana ice eugar can RKStwa iweniy-nre puiuuui tue grioan au em ul u BuuaLr ocsiae bawls. lie bangs the flour amtialv hatAm tl bread and caka and pla f.u ,air reaaruea -as w, .. BOur.T. ?if.Ht"x iaa "as a iiv Mil.- of oar "Uht" hsusekasplns days), tha apjti'n beuar and our three-tier tsaicar each aprolM iU own (Pot en. the top ebelf On the mhf shelves naaeaal tha veindw ar nmA d'.ilitj and giaaewarsl.at the end ceir ths supplies icac can o Kept xa tin d uoffw canisters, cocoa box, salt takers undernaath tha lowest shale above tbe floor bin bans (h Sour sifter and r -Gsc&BXMMa znade of wire which bulda the tin suura ass aivera amau irat ana pot Bs raciamniST was oi toe roam ttne aoutn areas, irymr nt a jutcnen tanis. res. ivi'M wsy tun. ana iu.ewis oa ."'""'.'P11 whl' bere wrota and often twice a day. Upon bis city six weeks arn h Atl.TVA .. KJP !? .4r,t ,WB we.,J'l as ardent hla attentTona as could be eipegted. "'""" Wa were to io to a mjLalraii nnrtv tncr,ha he failed to cau for me and baa not caTltd on me since, I wrote him, asking- the reason for his . wu, (cvfitm i.w reply, suddsn Changs. 1 see him a comes Into the office I see him. about once a week, and when ha I 111LU IUI uiiauaj lies uuiga ini tb pthr witi vuvfji a n.K. ana wnen n IQsl D.m IlBJisiJs, ths timet n 4o,u lth thtfe OtJsalJP Klrla. but ImoMi m aW--tlT.V I kuoiv ot U9 roion Cor tEJf, a ad would tharaZ ltkt you to &dvjiji m a to what to d. lUiUA im wrvi.u u( IUJ4 IUUCLK QlcVn 1 n brcucan-aearUa ovor UtitruJd J rttain bit )ttt ovr hit younu man anj ha axtklnx JKk.'X i wl fHpar M .JTfcVit., tMBISUHBJ ftflsK. Mtpwrew Bim.rai.Kei MlM I S'jrsfRw1 IIBART-BHOKEN. Certainly from hla attentions you had vary right to expect and exact better treat ment Was tbera not an understanding- at least of future marrlasoT If not, it Is never wis to receive presents other than books, candy or flowers from a man nor to write nor allow him to write every day it coeapens a em in a man's eyes It she aq. cepta many attentions so soon after first meeting him. A you havo demanded an explanation yar jo; na uruiar aa. careful JraJaJV , lS.a. fc - -ww y Wonderful, isn't it, what an influence a good, cheery, comforting cup of coffee has in the morning? Even if you got up on tho wrong side, of the bed, one cup of Morning Sip COFFEE puts you right with the world and with yourself! Try it and see! i rOlt BALE AT AIX OUIlCKltS Itoasted and Vucked by Alei.Slieppard& Sons, Inc. S 1'hlladelphU, LTlHil'rr Motiiii Oi mmmmimmmm WStifiJLJfJtXfSS J A n '" 1 1 'l'aiVilssjy 'JJA floll tHJjffc: jp'isaamaa.' n'-ffV I Pfc bpqqqm I As vou ba.va demanded a.n itvn.Bnatinn mm& mmm. sm .-fe sffga -ara? jfflR &. JJ)a iFrunlIft.JVili m mMmMSm& AJUVWCt2lW&4 I .. E 3 " S n aeaaailgBSaC IMBII I I 111 SHI IS I ! I II S llll ' ' ifmMmmm w mi i n.BHil - liHr LarWnil . j.Jll .S6I OS! t ! B i!ia . . rf a WiSj JE.bS3- - J , lwyMiiiii ntrJWssgg?c:y ffUt vi,wnetrsilMM,.s,,nataaMaa-Mrr fTiTiwrTrniiriiiiciitfssia iiifiiniriiiW" mff i i iii i, ill ti -, niiiiiiniii.. ii in i innr rsfWSllJ 'iJ-?iMMJBHCMBMMii jBgf MJMMUMWMBWitUMMUIiiMi ajr- 3 -- "" -"aP-" s "" w " iff""' A ' " " "- " ' "" - X: ' " 3v'Vace oV a veccvt aAVavxcc o"aVou 7-0 v)c.f cevi!t (XlXcL) UWkLtoxhxI ( JaVvWna and ca-vAvndjavc. seVHa as usvao at 3cxiJV)iori0c 0 uwu. PRESEUT STOCK """"" " e S EXHAUSTED asaasMMMaWaaiaeajsWa((VJBHtMt Three Famous Coffees Each one exceptional value in its distinctive grade; each one so satisfyingly good that if we sold nothing but coffee, we'd still have a veiy large and rapid-growing business. Coffee has always been one of our largest activities; and in every pound we sell you'll find that nicety of proportion which counts so largely in a perfect blend. Childs' Cafe Blend c lb. A pleasing blend of well ripened coffees ao surprisingly good you'll wonder nt tho small ncss of tho price. In GUILDS STORES only. Childs' Special Blend lb. Smooth, rich nnd of very de lightful flavor. Really, the most exceptional quarter-dollar value we mow of ANYWHERE. Childs' Winner Brand 29( .c lb. A perfect blending of tho finest coffees. Sixteen ounces of contentment in every pound; and critical drinkers aro tho judges. 2 Large Loaves of Bread, 9c With advanced prices coming from the bakeries, you should find many crumbs of comfort in getting such delicious bread as this at such a price. Ifa pure, fresh? well-baked and carefully handled. How About Butter Are you buying from every Tom, Dick and Harry; and missing sat-1 isfaction at every turn? Your housekeeping is judged by the butter I' you use; and thousands of women in four States turn to the Childs Stores for this necessity. Listen and you'll hear this: "Ws alwaus pure and fresh; and we're better satisfied when we buy our butter there." ' y Again : "No use in going elsewhere, CHILDS' BUTTER is so su-1 premely good; and they quickly give you the advantage of every turn i of the market." t And then, this : "I've tried all other brands, and I'm simply wast- & ing lime in experimenting. 'SWEET BLOOM BUTTER' is deliciously ' good." f And so golden opinions accumulate, and our butter business grows I ana grows, it you are not butter-wise m this respect, you'll expen ence the quick thrill of satisfaction in the first pound you buy. I "Sweet Bloom" iT Tlin tipTi rrpnm nf Al j derney stock turned into niu illUOl, ucutiuui UUIVK It's possible to make. 6C LB. And "Sterling" An exceptionally choice Krndo of creamery butter tho highest quality second-grade in America. 40 C LB. fr Those 60c Teas for 35c Theso wonderful teas appeal to very exacting taste, and are the very essence of pru dent economy. They aro DISTINCTIVELY CHILDS QUALITY; and that means you can search near and far, and you will not find their equal at anything near tho price. . If yu re havimj trouble in getting just the "tasty" tea you want, try tho ono which will probably best suit your taste and fancy; or, if you're paying too much for your tea, just remember that 35c giyes you unapproachable value at a Childs Store. Childs' Princess Blend The combined best qualities of five of tho richest teas grown. A Royal Blending. c 1 Childs' Straight Ceylon It brews a pleasing, delicious cup, of unusual richness and strength. c33C. IDo Childs' "Old Country" Assam "Old style" tea of particularly fine flavor and very superior quality. 35c lb. A Little Free-hand Talk on Eggs ,. handling eggs we particularly believe there's but one best In anything; and that there's a whole lot of common-senBe in serving one's customers well. Putting this into practice, we find that CHILDS QUALITY EGGS are sought and bought by careful, dis criminating people wherever we havo stores. Our standard of egg quality is strictly high, and you take no chances in dealing with us, Each egg ia guaranteed. SweetBloom'iAc The fullest, largest, meatiest and richest eggs obtainable. doz Selected Eggs Smaller, but of assured qual ity, and very carefully selected. Ofoz New California Prunes, 9c, 12c, 14c lb, Economical food, and very delicious when properly cookeoV Priced according to eke, CHILDS & COMPANY THE STORES OP OPPORTUNITY Where Your Money Goes the Fgrtlmf i - -i &&&l Iii M t .- SJaS -