m F !- r !.- EAt ESTAlE-SAiyJ OR BtX 5VCor. 19th and Buttonwood B 70,000 ft. power tvwsrsRJoM w mu b harrow ' 1311 N 12th t. rtrirtt, A BT Hilly. "7i MAttkt.T ST R-tnrr.iMln vf ivM ' iiAiiiiuwi 130 N rr..'N1if'V.NIA sununniN excellent condition; rooms, bath: near room, bathi "Unl' t?! rT.m.i,il-. u. 2 bntha: all stone. .iw.lwe f"?1 tiDi!B..l!A '" rooms. 3 baton modern: 110, " enl: JAMES IV.DOLAN. CO. CTNWYD, PA RfiAL ESTATE WANTED " Wc Have Sold $150,000 -n-Tjr OF IIRAt. ESTATE THIS YEAH AND FARRELL, 710 S. 20TII ,vted. fop which a bonus of tfiO will will ha .aid a small detached cottage, or bunaaloie fn suburbs suitable ror voune marrl-d rouplji n.nt !'. Address full particular!, M 033. Leaser Centrsi. , . aril. ESTATE boiinht, sold, rented, rents eel. Teiedi mortgage loans for a term ot yesrs of "K.fe'TS-Ww.N.JMh at. tittiVbtir cheap real estate any section Phlta. ieletibi. Immediate answer. Rrokere pro- letted Chrsterji. Jlottner. 1420 Chestnut. tnTJTED-small bulldlnft suitable for foundry " fl, ;r suburbs, It 018, I,eJccr Onlral. BEAI. ESTATE FOR KENT city nU'ELLINOS J SOI Diamond at. lull niamond at. 15 Iha taNtpr st 1120 Oxford it. Zln a Iftfh '" " monr.a iu . , . CHEAP, 2138 MT. VERNON 11 roomi, modern conveniences new paint 'cfiirv'lXnVjSOl r.lrmounl .t? nTTBrnUCK ST 14 roomi, !iath. 4.Mtory batmnt kttchtnl excel- t... I.,,,, frtp tirlVAlA fATnllv. THE " I.ANH 11TI.1J AND TnllST CO. " Jiroad and ChMtr.ut ata. T7rr NBAl.18. 010 8. 12th St. aa ,19 fl. 21d Kt. 0 rooms, all conv 810,00 IJ18 N. 16th it.. 10 roomi. all ron. ... 80.00 734 Baca jt.. 10 rooma. all conr SO 00 lailST ST -Four-atorr dwelllnr. all con" TBilnctl suitable for private family. THE .AND TTTlii: AND TltUST CO. " ...I.t . rt,.slrti attai llrOltla llllll v.iirmuut ""' jo oxrbnn t , 1A vAllai . . . li a r i uuiiid tn 4itn Turntr St.. V rooms 1S28 Turner at.. t rooms ...it...... " n.nnti .Ton M 1K t. J, 1.. .J...v.4i ...-. -"" . IaMTvH ST.. 621 For rent. 2-storr bulldlnr. toitable for ofders and ahpp. carpenter. enl nr. etct 110 per month, ' irAZLETT A MOSHJUS Walnut It. 26Td-2n,12 NOHTII MAItVINI! HT. Three story. 11 rooms rnnrmrnres! nne 11."fl. "L. V...... t.- 1111 k M 1011, t. rderi rent rediiced, Kv ttal.il CHAVP.NH SOSHj jriiu n. 4i si. IJ1J DB LANCET ri.ACrr baths! rental per nnnum So". 1411 Walnut at. 12 rooms nnd 2 S11I00. Kdrar Q. llaslnese rropertles and S(ore BTonrs ron rent 807 Chestnut 1021, B. Rill. 114-ino 21S H. 11th, 114 N. r,th. 1001-1021 Market. 108 H 20th. 007-1110 1201 Wnlnut. PATTEHBON. 130 8. J. A ir.th. near niifi.vn AXh rrniNo n.A iikna ' ltTTO SALESROOM AND HIIIlVH'i; BTnl lu.i VfiL. ... 1....J..1 t.iiiMiti. ni70. to rear street autn eleiatnr. nteam heat. MORRIS I'O . Uldire) at llroad ' T7 NEAl.IH fllO 3. 12th st. . v.E. cor. 12th L Carpenter st. A n rms. $11.00 kv a llih at . Htorr nnd 7 rooms 30 0(1 Tt'wi ,11. n,l Vj.l.ln !. Jb 11 rffll. L'l. 1.00 n, rj cwr. .Kin .,. .......v. .... - -- - Ml N Franklin St.. store, A cellar.. 11.00 MARKET STREET. B25 mtlre bulldlnc to rear street: lot 23.3x200s lmmedlite noasesilon. Apply l'ennn Co. MT Chestnut at. . arnnw AND ItASBMENT. lion iiiesiniu st vl'll JOiiiSl largo wlndnim. whole store auide i.i:a khtateh, JTon Hfinsomst Stores nnd Dnrlllnaa K,,29I6 Ridge Avenue Will Suit You B -j Umltrn slnre nnd dvvcllliiu: low rent. Suit ' I Li" cn Ker -:'iB' ! 'e-t;,V v- TnTi! ht m linflMH. ALT. f'OVVH. j.r.tvl.Y IIIIN'OVATED. NAOEI. k SNYDER. 1107. fllRARl) ,VH. Factories. lVnrrhou.ee. Mfg. Floors 1214 ARCH STREET New. modern fireproof Imlldlnz. suitable for llllit minufncturlng. oleintor. steam heat, iltetrla light The Land Title & Trust Co. RROAD AND CHESTNUT STS Cohocksink Mills AbtNoDconib,a.!3- Floors, f.OOO to 18 000 sq. ft.: thenn power. R. P. McNEEI.Y. 1732 Randolph. ' 1211-23 NOTlI.l: ST 70.0011 snusro feet: power . plMI railroad elding: splendidly ilnyllghtcdi also for sale, HARDER, IIARTMAN & CO.. 150tChetnut st. Factories and floor space of overy te- scrlptlon. Phlln. nnd vicinity Factory Ex chsnge Stephen (llrsril llliltf Filbert 4700 FACTORIES, sites unrelinusrs. floor space ex clusively, J. Alan M ddleton. t'nctorv Spe clsllilni.il Engineer. OoO 11 Wldener Hldg. 01'Fli:l'.S. llt!SINi:HS ROOSIH, ETO, DrtEXF.L 1ILDO. OFFICES Annual rentals. Bingle rooms. ino. Jl.'li f lnii.t'jin.i inn.inno. Buttes. 3 rms., 1111. 1130 ilili t20ii,2J3. J2'.o. iulles. 3 rms , 1273 lino iisii Inno jn7.!.i7SO. End suite, 1-1-17, '.'730 s.. ft . 2II rooms. 13373. Cerner suites. 4 to H rooms. 81110 to 111130. ELLIS I) WILLIAMS r.iio urexei nullum, ling. Arch St. Rooms 1332, 1317 first floor. i ell locntcill heat. second floor; elevator: heatl cheap, third front suit nny nns. in EMERSON CONRAD. 33 N 10th sL 1118-20 CHESTNUT STREET TINTIRE FLOOR 2.100 BOIIARll FEET FIREPROOF III.UU. REASONAIII.E RENT Mears & Brown, 202 S. 15th St. FULLER IIUII.DINO 1U a. 13lh at. .All modern appointments, .Bulls OxiS and Kxjl ft.. 1311.00 month. I1S.B0 tit: I'll I1UII.DI NO nlem IIS DO 4ntrally located, nil convenlencssi rents at . tractlv sir 11 eervc luntlnuous. 118 00 in 17 1,-iua.rt at innn is oo EsctWo FIAIOR rear offices, with skylight In bulldlnr. faclnff Independence Hquare: rent ISO iMiisri vr uionjn, apntr JIAZi.ETT &k IJtA.i.r.i-i- a :uM. oin ivatnui st. i wJITl-Hqhtbd OFFICES, suitable for lllus- r A asiors, grcMiecia, etc.. in new uuiuung hut Lnsom at. Willis-Winchester Co.. 10U1 Chest nut t. to"HTl8TH 8T Desirable ofllcss. Including steam beat, light, etc. rent 113 and up per . month. J. a FULLER. 10 H. 18th st. Professional Offices ITM WALNUT ST. Desirable offices for phyel. flans, stct heat, light. Janitor service, . Apply the I'enna. Co . B17 Chesnlut st. (urn. wf.st pnii-ni:i.piii. STyRTi porch-front, semidetached, II rooms ana bath New paiwri good condition. 133.00, ltr Cltr Realty t'o.. 147 H, Hroad St. RENTAL LISTS MYERH A HARTII IT ilS, ETC. i IV.'a.R'BSi Lulldliitt-i tlaors. upper Hoofs; 2Uxi1B, ra and Lssemenl linm Hiu,i S lllll anoava 1..I a - --- ... -fmt "r-M -, w.a VM .JL ; Sferrr . o-siorr punning. 0 9 Callowhllil bus I nans rooms. m) Callowhlll: 1??N. 10th... ....Sac 12ilN. loth ...ijf wviJWt. ?:ii ma fh;.... ::: ii? 10th.. ! . Dwno JZi wiJi.iriun All'a'l La U4t1 iVMi lillri.ll taeWn uth.. file,;;:::!1,! in ltidg ave. iVrJS- jutn.,.. t.iviei.r. iiin, i.ir .ion IB N 17th. ISr 1 lam, isr. j6lh. 10r. 1837 N. 12th, 3r. ;, ; Sit N. uih, lUr.,.J ; Bib lie allowhlU i&MWfr Air .. . . v' ' " "" 1 Ulll, nr , ilH&Vwhrr::t vJ7on-r- iCajllon. Br ' iwu uasier. Or Hji ii larlao, Br., E. COR. IrTHDLlllLI. 8T8. yTA. M .!lmal a a, A kASk PuUonwooii, storo an4 U room.... iirmgunt. atur and 1 room rooms. 2Uitbs 1, iwuie, uwuvisnisncsfl rooms, convenience. Si suia, i If'TUl A auto. 11 rooms. convenli.nu.s ai morris, 11 rouins, cuovenWuccs . 3D An tfH'SL Market 9r 20 Mil K JIuul'n' 9r" tfl !!l "?Bnl,cf ' tor and 9 Boors. . , , . ao.nn JH '.!.: k'rV'! ::::::;; g Hot rw?TYnii9 g,A" .DWKUWOS ton V nak M rtlWiN Jldi t erJSi41N l'rc; r .13 rWll- Iwuseksejiioi- asarUuaau I33.0Q -REAl ESTATE T'OR BE'NT ftRMTAI. t.llTS PoxJfnaMrom rrrrrrfc-ff Cotamn For InmTnrSf 3'?7WrAN,A COMTAMT -. ' RiP.?! J'." KM arntln Annuities. zi.t n ..: ,.",s"' IMttl PhMIt 5a "Rrfa Ml H. SM, SOr.1150.00 a IS 8 22d. Ur, Jill 07 J9fi w lin.,.t i tnnnn Mao rin. 111 Ool IV, i'.'l ; "reen ins an ur ?1 "OI142I1N lfllh' ifirTnno no no s.oo no oo so Oil 51 on 511.00 nt Art Or. M.lMi.OMVIno. llr... 31 nil "r 31 oo iniSN. th. or... 3l.no r 3S on .id v Randn'h.nr 31 no SU.i N. jessup. Or so.no M1 Parrleh. Jr.. 18.00 910Vhn.lnn. 7r 10 00 ifw:cB ll.Ofltlooi Irfmon. 7r... 18.00 Hi NrliA,.1, flr J"-00 toilrinrlna Br., ini "a ftMtarln.8r J8.00lt800 U. Illii'ld.Or IS. mi 00 WMSf 1'lttLADEt.rilIA 484 V'SS:- WHSO.00! assoiirown, Or.. 2S oo .1110 P'wll'n 11r.llS.00 llr. 81.00 .7.10 M. 40th, 8811 Sn. Oar. jr. ai.w 3741 Drown. Or, 1B.UV BTortns and Dwr.Lt.isaa 1(100 Poplar. ISr. 111. 07 .ltd Vine. I2r... 3.1..1I l12 Oxford, ilr. n.oo 101ON. 20th, lflr SJ.f.o imn i'alrm't. Or. 2.no 818 W. Nnrrls. Or 2.1.00 83(1 H. 2d, nr... 23.00 4l7()reen. 7r .. 21.00 120 Pouth. ir... 20,00 1301 0 H. 2d, tr. 18.00 Jul Wharton, Or 10.00 soiSff' Wh "' so.no "?i2 IVX.''"- ir 80.00 Blares and nwrtllnia 8000 TtAI.TtMORR AVE Mlora and cellar! ault" able for rorrr, confectionery, bakery or deli catessen store. TIII3 LAND TITT.n AND TTtUBT CO. II road and Chestnut sis. (IKItMANTOIVN 8TENTON Beveral desirable houses (or rentl r?n.''ry osyi trains to menton station. A1 UAURAN DOLJIAN A CO. B cor. liroad an'l II hestnilt Tlei. 2010 VT. ONTAtltO BT 8 story. 14 rooms. 3 baths, side rani, rent 110 per month. .. INHISTIUAle ThUHT I'O , 10BO N Ifronl.st. rr.NXsri.vANiA BimtmriAN Rt.Kt.VR I'AIIK STONE FARM HOUSE 80 erreti 13 rooms and batlu remodeled, all conveniences and electric llshta, dprlntfleld Water, eto.i stable, chicken house) old shade around houiei meadow, with running streami 1 mile from either Elklns Park station or Jenklntown slatlom commands fine view over larre rotates, llent 103 per month. Herkness & Stetson LAND T1TI.B ntlll.tlINO J r NK I NTOWM HOUSES TO RENT AND BEI.I. IN JENKIN loan, Wyncote. Oak I.ans and Chestnut Hill. HERKNESS & STETSON 1831 LAND TITLE I1UII.DINQ MEDIA S.1U MO 1.1 rm. nouse. steam heat, ctc.l slablei 1 acre: shadei fine vlewi photo, c.ivrj: riJRH asqnl npii'i I ehtnut bt. MEIDOWHROOK REMODELED FARMHOUSE and 10 arreii llvlnat room. 17x30i den, din Ins; room, kitchen, pantry; second floor, fl bed rooms nnd 2 hnthsi third floor. 2 bedrooms, Onrnce and tenant house. Ol.l shade, run nlnu stream. House has 0 open fireplaces, eleilrlc llaht and molern heater. 3 min utes' walk to station 173 per month. HERKNESS & STETSON liAND TiTi.n iirn.niNO ROUTU twins AUDMOnfv 8 ultyrm houMfl fl-torr lonjr Arilmor trolley, all conv i 10 IS.I, Wm H Davis offlr nt Mtntlnn. Suburban Homes for Rent In every section within A radius of 20 mites from the Philadelphia City llnlli we can offer you properties ranalnr from comfortable sub urban homes at HO per month to luxurious country seats on all divisions of the Rendlna Railway nnd the l'ennn. ft R.I n, number of choice orferlnas In the Oermanlown-Chestnut Hill sections n few furnished See photos at our office or write, sintlns your requirements. WM. H. WILSON & CO. 700-01 MORRIS IIUII.DINO FARMER ll Oxfar.1. it. niixi ?-'.. C. noun mu p i.. uir. 17 823 luri ,. r i!-,0l'o Diamond. .llr 43 Mil s R.uV.' 1.noll(ij.' oafoM. Ilr 1.1 IlllOxfarU I8,'- 15.J0 781 Corln-n. Ur, 87. tm! " .Ilr. .17 30 T.ln V ion.. I2r as 2141 N liih'nl 2WI5N 'ish"iir i ' .I liiak. R?.N.ioth. JiJJJj M. J-.. 23.00 ,U5 VlHT1, ,'r- s"-00 U38 H. 2J, Cr.. 18.00 WHAT CAN YOU DO? Do you know that wo hnvo received for our CHRISTMAS RAINBOW EX HIBITION tho daintiest, cutest, llttlo bonnet you can imnfjino nnd it was mndo by n llttlo girl EIGHT YEARS OLD? It will make somo other littlo girl very, very happy. What can YOU mnko thnt will Klntlden some other littlo girl's heart? Of course, you can j?o to tho bit stores nntl buy something, but that will not bo half so nice as MAKING SOMETHING YOURSELF. You know the old saying, "A thought in every stitch." I am extremely proud of ono of our boys who has sent us some beautiful pictures mndo with leaves. They nro going to ndorn our walls when wo havo our PARTY. I KNOW it will make mo happy and it will mako you happy to havo something you mndo put on exhibition so that our visitors may know thnt tho Rainbows nro DOERS and WORKERS-. Thoro will bo somo Children who will hnvo no Christmas unless 1 OU give It to them. Begin NOW. Lovingly, FARMER SMITH, Children's Editor. p S 1 Bo suro to ADDRESS your packngo in your bestest writing to FARMER SMITH, EVENING LEDGER, PHILADELPHIA. p g 2 f you don't understand about tho Christmas Rainbow Exhibition, writo nnd ask. Our Postofflco Box .rwrtt-K... her how .orry th.y r-7 Mnrunrot ih Hood Night TnUc linvPH nBiuBiuiiivt --- about town, HKcil own' "K ",'. .. n wonder .ho l a ""sfdXoiirSir. Jr.. Ardmor.. h- b..n on tho sick list. Ho hat, had nn nb.ee.. In his ear. Wo tru.t that tho doctor ha. It all -"...V ..' t .. n ndiilo by this time. x.Tiii.n iiertha nnd Samuel Cllbson are .. ti.ini.Mtf. T.llllan and Hamuel I ciit th. summer In tha country and I ImU most wonderful time cllmblmt trees, pick InK cherries and strnwborrle.. These lit lie members hnvo n dear llttlo nephew who taJE dom PUMlM and horses. We wonder If he would love a llnlnbow button! The Wonder Clock Ur vinniNtA HAIINHURST, Aiieniown Pa. nn. dnv Jeannetta at down beldo the -areat arandfather Clock." The old clocK which hod stood many a long- year, ticked on and on, Jeahnetta fell asleep I She d?"atned that a fairy stepped out of the clock nnd that she herself was rJvlne The fairy al'l. "Why are you cty"er Jeannetto nn.werl. f,My father :'I"f. what I wanted when he went downtown, nnd I said I wanted Ju.t one downtown, n nddea fj wlu eet t Kill. i come In.' When ta e.m. back he said that the ship had gunk," The fairy "aid, "Never mlndl cheer up; look at yourself." Jeannette eot up and looked at herself. There sho stood with a rainbow dresa on I And who do you Ifctnk ent this fairy? Farmer Smith himself, because Jeannette hnrt a nalnbow pin on) , hajannVtte cried In her sleep, "look at m" and her mother ran In Slid she woke uo "Jeannette," cried her mother, "father ha. brought the Italnbow dress I" Then the little girl told her dream. The Falthrul Friend ur UBSSIB ORBBNIIBRO, Cherry Btreet. nuth lay lck In bed, Hover, her dog, same UP to Iluth's bed and lleked her hands and face. She ivae glad to see him. She told never to bark for her mother. Ruth's mother came .up to her Immediately Iluth ..m .h wanted to se Florence, one of her Dlaymatee. Florence oame and Iluth eald:. "Yesterday I was standing near the- shore when a bit; wave came up to me and dashed a Tain AH iifAiif tiAaHA nttJ me in His OCeau. w.w . v..v nuitig aiuu Barked and mother came out and Uortr Showed her tne way tvocn moy gei near the bjar. Rover dashed In and pulled me out " ,K Florence old, "I think Rover a, very fauiiul mend. EVENING LEDaim-PEILABELPHIA; SATURDAY, NOVEMT3ER 18, BEAI. ESTATE FOR RENT rUNNSTLVANIA BPnUBRAN Continued from rrrcfdfstf r'"!" MODERN RESIDENCE Osrnre and R areesi Arst flywtr. llrlna- room. aen nai i nnr dlnlna room, pintry. kitchen nnd laundrvt second floor 7 bedrooms and 8 baths numeroui oprn flrrplairs, ele. trie lljtht, all conveniences cncita for 4 cars and 3 but stalls for sa Idle horeesi old shade, tennis court trurk anrdeni small woodlawn. with runnlna strram 3 minutes' walk from rail ros.ii station no mlnutrs to cityt near olf muii mini I inns. Herkness & Stetson LAND TITt.K nim.UlN'CI WTNCOTJ5 t sdare from Jenklnlawn station. STONE HOUSE S! HERKNESS & STETSON , sANO JJII'I RI'ILDINO 31I1N MM II. r. r. n. ARDMORE nrij.MK iintTRR near atst om 10 . rooms, 3 hlthsi hot-Walee heat. ltrlM llshll I mo. J'rnock A Kmlen, Commercial Tmsl lllda, . ROSEMONT MOST ATTRACTIVE Whlta stone and stucco houeei contains 30 rooms, 8 baths and 10 chambers! eleetrle llaht: open llreplarei accommodation for 8 motorai about 2 acres, ettinde.1 view, this property Is very attractively furnished: the location Is excellent: within 8 minutes' walk of th eta tleni can be rentid at a low flru for the winter months HIRST & McMULLIN WEST END TRUST nt'ILDINfl FOR RENT FURNISHED t:niiANTm n 111 MO, I'NTIL MAT 1ST 10.rnom house. 3 baths, water heit etc.: fully inrnisnen, renirsi. near nrnlshed n, i r-niini, nrir Bin nnu vrii 8i vihi 110 In H2.1 Otn A Mt, Alrv. fee l.lsl. a.la.l .-a - . 41 rl.t.1,.1 Pink timers , .n . i a.-. n.v C. P. PETEIIfl A'PON. rim CliESTNUT 8T, rRNNM'i,VNI srilt'RRAN' BEAUTIFUL DETACHED STONE HOUSE LARGE LOT 0 hrvtrofimn B bntri In nnrbr nuburbi nn jtauArs from rllroil ntntlon. nominal rnt for wlnlr monlhn, ornr rfrvlnc milt nf rK)mt for own u it uao. I-lfr OntrM. MOnTQAQES MORTGAGES First and Second 1 place them quickly; trust funds on hand for 1st mortgages for any amount on 20 building associations with fun,1 on hand. for 2d mort- gsges. lame nnd small. try me. Quick Action Is My Motto CHAS.Z.DE YOUNG Ml?X TO SECURE A MORTOAOE Tie H first or second If you desire efficient service, quick and satisfactory results and moderate charge CALL. PHONE OR WRITE TO US "Tour mortgage wltl be as good as placed." NORMAN S. SHERWOOD, lilt Walnut at. WE CAN PLACE " jnonr flrtt And Mcand mortnncp. cltr or ub urbt unquftIonbl nervlco nrnl rfMutts throuch thU office, "pruonnl Attention. SMULLEN & BARRY DIIOAD Ik CHESTNUT. (Liberty Wit.. LARGE FUNDS ror Int mortrftr? A(lvnncri mat. to btilldtrs. JAMES D. WINCHELL 17TH AND SANROM 8T8 $100,000-412 FLAT SPECIAL TRUST FUND TOR oood rtRiT MnRTAE HORACE HrillT7.. 713 WALNUT ST. FUNDS FOR MORTGAGES ItepArAbl In term of jmm or on tntntlmrnt plnn. Northern Trust Company f.TH AND SPRINO OARDKN FIRST mortgage and bldg nssn funds, any amount. Jas V. Smrth. 2433 Kensington ave. SMITH'S RAINBOW CLUB IIAPPV. HIRTHDAY from the Rainbow Club to mibb iiutii .iiii.i.r.ii Who Is eight years old todayl T, S. Ruth Is having u loiely masquerado party at her home In Roiborough. Christmas Rainbow Iiox THE following articles wcro re ceived Thursdny morning for tho Christmas Rainbow Exhibition to bo held December 10 to December 21, at C08 Chestnut street. A llttlo flannel petticont, mndo en tirely by hand .by llossio Carr, Idlo wood, N. J eight yenrs old. A woollen hood, two pairs whito stockings nnd n suit of tindcrwoar, sent in by Esther Grob, Frank ford avenue. , Throo pairs of white stockings, sent In by John Dawson, North Fif teenth street. Ono pair shoes, sent in by Cath erine McClnln, Mervlne street. P. S. When will YOUR name bo hero? Things to Know and Do WHAT NEWjERSEy TOVU71 &ve-SlE CLhiQencm ceofy'tf avc. ?! Honor Roll Contest The prizes for the best answers to "Things to Know and Do," for the week ending November 11, have been won by the following members) Beatrice Ackley, Danville, ra., one dollar. Julius Feldman, Woodbine, N. J., fifty cents. Anna Welnstock. North Marshall street, twenty-die cents, Bessla Oollrlb, North Marshall Btreet, twenty fire cents. Gordon Blair. North Front stfe-et, twenty five cents. Christian Wlrst. North. Front tret, twenty-five cants. IT.." ' ' AI l.at' M0RTOAOE3 Cnf(8tiril tnn rrfcedlag Coliwnn advances" fo"nTm.i)fcRa a bPEciaivtt nifesr in riRST MOlfJoAQKS tn the Cltr of Philadelphia LOWEST MARKET ItATKB Apply to IIA2LKTT A MOSS SIS WALNUT 8T. 178; Lombard 3218. Main 50 " too. :oo to S5000 Mortrag or note, real estate security! payable easy terms, settlement same day. T.P.U'TS X. nn 1227 w. oirard AVENUE ISO TO 11000 NOTE OR MORTOAOB Imme,lllo fietllements enter llnseitled TCstata Mans, llulldlnr Asseclallon Funds, DRMP8KT A CO. 27 H. 18th St. OtLT-EPOE .SECtlRITlES NonTHEAHT IIOULBVARD SECTION 11SOII Al IA!"IU , 14S1 IM.'li TlTLrt llll.tINO "Ml .'il.WNiW 1S17 COLI ) 1.1'. II 111 A AVN. , .MONET iron MOrtTrtAOEB lRUM AND SMALL AMOUNTS ALL AMO inivriis (JUIl'K Al" . W, H, HOOD 812 W NPItRIB ST. MONEV FOR MORTOVOKS We want Aral mortgages, building assoolatlon, either first or second . M. . IA 8. H. Jl A rmiNTjrt lOlh and Wharton. sta. MONET for Industrial moftgagesi large or gmatl amount.. riVRROW . 130 N,12th st 1100.000 TO INVEST In n.al mn.lf.tei In sums rrom jiutiii up also bulldlnr association I1IUMT 1T .-il MIUII,".,"! . . kill ... U C 8BII1HI. A CO . Itii and CallnwhlUsts, MORTOAOES wanted by private Investor: no com charged, small mties up to ISnoo anil dugs rref i Int a 4-10 p e. Write, giving full particulars, 43 l,ed llr . 2t2nj1ernianl'iiav, IP YOU'VE MONET FOR SArll INV'KSTMRNT R. D. CLOW. Jr. N.m1dc!!r,Nrt7r' ........ ... ...... ....M.-B TRUST rt'N DM KOR 1'IIlT l QlifflAUB ' rt'NDS KO jlERKNF.1l' LAND Tl rl. S A STKTSpN R II1TIM11M1. MONET FOR 1BT AND 2t MORTOAOK8 T. A REDDINO A SON . 709 WALNUT ST 1120.1 SPRUCE 8T ALtTAMOUNTS, 1ST AND 2D MORTOAO.T.9 Quick answer. . . .. MAURICE It MATrllNHKH Rl. nstrrnldgi PONDS FOR 18T AND 2D MORTOAOEa MORTOAOFS FOR SALE , THEO..E NICKI.ES 23(3 Oermanlown av. FUJJDa FOR 11T AND 2D MORTOAOES ANT AMOUNT rOTTS A THOMSON. 2321 Frankford ave. tnNKV fne mnrlansea. Iliirks"7,0lintv property. . AIITliril 1 TtiWNSK.ND. I PR Hull. Lincoln tiling, rniiaii'ipnia, 1ST A 2D mnrtgsses wanted, city or suburban. CHESTER OSIIORNE, INC. Offices. irfiniiiowne, ani i.i rntitmii mu MONEV FOR MORTOAOES Rt'tl.HINO ASSOCIATION FUNDS HENRY H. REED 14211 Chestnut st. .. 1ST A 2D mnrlgss.es wanted city or suburban, CHESTER OSIIORNE. INC Offices Lansdowna anil 1S2I Chestnut st. LOANS ON INTER EST" IN ESTATES Reasonable Charges JOHN A JIARRY, 307 J.ajid Title Rldg 1ST aiid 2d mtgs , bldg. and private funds: quick and ssttsrsclnry results, moderate charges. CAMERON ESTATE, 2811 Kensington ave. MONEY f,ir flrst and second morlgages, private funds and building associations Wll FRIEDHICH A CO . 8HI N 12th St. FUNDI for flrst second or split mortgages; collnterai and short term loans AREHNETIIY. 133 8 12th, 3724 N. Bth. PRIVATE FUNDS FOR FIRST MORTOAOES Money for building and loan second mortgages. JOS ALLEN POTTS, 40O3 llsltlmore ave. HAVE some Btlt-eiUed first mortgages for sale; denominations 13300 and 12000 I! It APHLEY, BSth and Springfield ave. ALL AJim'NTS to loan on flrst and second mort gages quirk returns, reasonable charges. Max M Arnold. 1.107 W Tioga MONEY TO LOAN TOO CAN RORROW MONET ri uiAiior!U3. jt,iYiba, uiu'. .V,,. ,1,, AJD UP. AMI! IIP isob r'il in UKira 28 MARKET ST. RIDUE AVE. AND OXFORD ST, i'JIJ AXl) MOUTH BT3. MONET LOANED to heirs ot unsettled estates. Interests bought FRANK P. MARTIN. 724 23 Stephen Oirard llulldlnr, 21 8. 12th at , nn.IiY I1RIXGS THE ROPE By Farmer Smith Jtlstcr niephnnt had shut tho top of tho woll nnd closed Hilly Rumpus In the dnrk. dnrlc hole, nil because ho would not proml.io to bring up tho big fellow's lopo so ho could get somo wator from tho well. "I giicii this In a mighty good place to get nciiualntcd with one's self," thought Hilly, nn ho began to stir his foot around Ho was hungry. "I wonder how these cobble stones would taste." He bit n piece off one of tho stones nnd said: "My. my! I don't like the flavor. I ncier knnw ono could get so hungry nt the bottom of n well. Still. I havo seen the stars by daylight nnd Iitmn wise goat now tho way will open, It nlwnys does wise or otherwise." Then ho Inuirhed nt his Joke. Suddenly his foot struck something .oft "Ah. tho rope '." ho cried, ' Then his henrt sank. If ho nte the ropo, how would ho cor get out? His heart sank nnd ho became hungrier Suddenly ho looked up nnd saw Mister niephnnt'a eyes "Close thnt top." shouted Billy. "The light hurts my eyes." Hang! went the top onoe more. Hilly walled nnd wnlud. "It mn.i i, nny niter tomorrow," thought Hilly. Ho iwin so hungry. Ho kicked the ropo with his foot nnd. then and then ho beenn slowly to eat It. And what do you think? Inch by Inch foot by foot. Hilly Rumpus, tho wine coat! nto Mister Klcphnnt's ropo. Then ho took n drink of wnt and sighed - "My but that was good. I wonder whnt my patient tvlfo li doing today. I wonder If she missed me?" A small streak of llcht entered the dark well. "Aro you thcro?" asked n voice. "Yes," answered Hilly, meekly. "Are you ready to bring up my rone now?" "Ves." answered nilly, 'still very meek. "Como up!" commanded the bis fellow. Hilly scampered up the slda of the well, even ns ho had gone down. When ho reached (ho top Mister Elephant not seeing tho rope said, "Hero you, where Is my rope?" "I am n wise goat now," answered Rllly "I kept my promise I brought mi your rope. " ATR IT I" But before Mister Hlephant could swing his trunk at Rllly, the wise goat lllllv Humpui was OONH! ' (Ves, the Klephant caught nilly Bumnus and you shall hear about THAT.) nranch Club News fleorge Bell announces the formation of a branch club In Reading, ra, His letter reads as follows i "We had our first successful meeting at our house Friday. I was elected president The following boys are members: Robert Karle, Nathaniel Ooldblatt, Chester Miller Stuart Henry, William I.urla, Daniel Jin. stein and William Flrglneon. We will L9 known as the "Reading Rainbows." Please send us partlaulara about what to do." "Particulars' were sent br mall, and by this level A wu hitla ilatAr alja m, TXit l-i I j nn. J- '.".' w hoM ClMf-ir nnd hU comridM r- .. WW.B 10 - off out Ulroeuoi sim ara wall on tha way prKianiiv eriinisauun. - Brl. M The Young Lady Acro,s the Way The young Indy ncrosa tho way says she overheard her father say that fnr sighted men rnlher deplore the nmass Ing of so much of tho world's gold In this country, nnd bills nro certainly morn convenient to carry. Papa Excepted Bella Don't worry about Jaok, dear. All tho world lovci n lovor. Stollft Yes, Uut papa nets so un worldly nt tlmos. A Light Meal Lnfly of tho House You say you havon't lind anything to ent today? Tmmp Lady, tho only thing I've swallerod today Is nn Insult. No Doubt of It Tho Powder Mnnufncturor Fanoy old BUI, of nil pooplo, going Into tho gunpowder shed with a lighted candle. I should hnvo thought thnt thnt would be tho Inst tltlni; ho'd do. Tho Workman Which, properly spoaltln', It wcro, nlr. What's the Answer Ho For two cents I'd kiss you I She Can you change a nickel? FRIENDS WE J.jeawtatV cl252rnr I Will.. T. "ATI 8 this tuvrA.ii.r- - -1 I. ' , ' " I ciwnii ai'TH-inn COteiy in" 'TTI lievss pawieeejienveregr T"'" rv jvtf" rUTTNQ rncsn i , .jniiu. I.I. a mM itv3 wa-tpr into A 1 v ak ft OCNTirir oB wy ,,a,'s..w-iy.v "tl"-'.3f' , I. MWViCy I TUrWwiNojTrlBlrfWIlBW fceirwrSMipiti UTIU tlil'- Kajirts.. V I bcfOvA -a. auin 6H A. PSNNf COaVOUNDlO fTr.aNTix " 5poTnM& BAU.&" Ml l7v-,fOvJ JGr tyS&it J:c.r.'.!?ti VXi&. hmb otAtArts. I a seas ise -, IHnl I 1L"N. alaxaSCsyojL "" '" '" 1 AriCMUtER ' vy vi ' ".Hj.-., .17 I . i mi I ' lUst-Mat II ' 1916 SCRAPPLE THE PADDED CELL Somebody's 'OWN THE. yfKaiA Road. I I v ' j oom'T tuR.' J nan LT Do I v J 'Tba v.ok Tjint' -v i, I art I LIGHT OCCUPATIONS AMATEUR DAY CAN'T YOU G07 OrNru- Passing Shojr. His Senior Oflloer (to rlvnl In the lady's Affections) Mls.i Murgntroyd IS afraid that sho forgot to tell her father that shs might be lnte. as she was going for a long wnlk Oblige me by Just running baok to camp and tell the major, will you, Mr. TubbaT Mokes n Difference "Ahem, my lord, tho carrlago waits," Wns once tho rago. With tho most dignified of galls He left tho stage. "Ahem, my lord, tho taxi waits," la now the shout. My lord, displaying thrifty traits, Goes hustling out. Kansas City Journal. NEVER FORGET If eJ. C vl'll' laatsrT i jsali sn MUST YOU ST0P7 The Ideal flsSflSi m Cornell Widow. .First Saleslady a race seems to be full of Ideas. Second Saleslady Welt, you know she work at the notion counUr, Quite AM Right WllUam Purple Cos Mis Ignorauoo illut Is It really ptoper to go to the Winter Garden? Bliss- -Oh, yea. Indeed IVa consid ered very good form. Hltea1iei4ajskttaM MM 3WW-...-i-3.rr , ..& 'efflMg: 3- fee-sT Ilia tm a