r st&3&t&i ? re VIOLENTI BATTAGLIE SUL MONTE S. MARCO Gil Austrinc! Attnccnno Rtpetu- tnniento Ma Invnno lo Jfo- sizloni ItnlifUie di Cnsn del Due Eyhit h VOLO DI UN FRANCESE noMA. I. Novcmbre. .i um II Mlntolrro ilclla (liter pub- kllcava II prBilenle fapitorto ilcl generate CaSern." circa In sltimilona Mia fronto Un,-lo-atistrlaca. Vel Trenttno si fono avtite nztonl In-ttrrnltl-nU ill rtrll.llerlii e nella valla 'dH'Aili el ono muter, ntl movlmentl dl trtippe nomlctic Sulla fronto delle Alpl Cllullo Parti ellerla nemlca e' stain iiarllcolarmcnte Stlira nella -orm ttl 1'lrtva. apt Motile San Marco, nil est dl flOtKln. new Kinr-iimi ii ion ran- iinuarono accanltl comtnttlmentl. II inmlco opero1 tro vlolcntl attncehl a 'fondo le nontre posl-lonl ilolla cnsa del Due Plnl. nppronttando 1clt'ocirlta' tit iorpremlercl. Oil attncehl furono nero' resplntl complotamento dalle notlro truppe. Nella mattlnata, dopo una Interna preparazlono dl nrtlRltbrln, II nemlco rlnnovo' I mioI nttacehl contro II aallentc della Case del Duo Plnl, me rlii-Cl' KOltanto a prendero una trlncea gut-eat della casa. gul rlmanento dl quenta parte della fronlo dl liattnclla II nemlco o' stato ruplnto dcclalvamento dnppcrtutto a nn cravt nerilltc. I eltimxlono o Immutata -nU'nUo-piano del Carso. UN MEHAViai.IOSO VOLO Un capltano avlatoro frnnccoc. Do Doau tnamp. ha compluto tin tneravlniloso volo dilU Krancla nil Italia nttravcrso la Ocr mania. H MInlstcro della Ouerra frnticcno ta puhbllc-lo lerl sera II scgucnto cotnunl cato circa qiir-tn nudaco Impre.ia : II capltano nvlatore De Ileauchamp e' partlto questa mattlna alio 8 In itlrezl one dl Monaco dl Havlera dovo e' ijlunto a moMostorno. I.rII lasclo' cadero parecchlo bombo aula Btazlotio ferrovlarla In' rlnposta nl bombarda tntntd della cltta' npertn dl Amlenn da parte dl nvlatorl tcdcachl pochl Rlornl fa, II capltano De Ileauchamp pren dera qulndl terra In Italia, n San Dona' dl Plave, ventl chllomotrl a nord dl Vrneila, dopo river o nttra versato lo Alpl. II capltano ha coperto una dlatanza complcsslva dl 700 chllo rnetrl (437 mlslla). OM AM.EATI IN' CONSIdl.IO A P-rlgl ha luotro un conslgllci dot rap prtientantl dello potenzo delta Quadrupllce Inte.a. II connlKllo ha lo rcopo dl decldere M qul-tlonl dl online mllltaro ed ccono mleo. A ParW si trovnno I mlnlstrl Inglcal Asqulth e Lloyd Georgo cd 11 mlnlstro ltn.ll ano dello t'lnan-c, on, Paolo Cnrcano. Un altro nvlatore frntiCcHO ha nttraver cato parte della Germnnla cd ha fatto C-tdcre cople dl un proclnmn nulla capltalo ttdeics,, Ilorllno rTfortunalamctvtn pcro' till fu obbllgato ad attorraro, per gnantl al motors a menu dl 100 chllumetrl dallo Unco ruio dovo era dlrotto, o fu fatto prlclonlcro. &e forze nuntro-tedcacho ImpeRnate nel 1'otrenitva contro la Humanla hnnno avnn iito anenra In tcrrltorlo rutneno, aebbene lentamente, Inso hanno preao un vIU.ikkIo, sella vallo del Jlul ed un altro nolla rejlono dl CampoluiiK. Nella Dobruela la tltUAzl.no e' Immutata, 11 marescalatto von Uackenscn da' notlzla soltanto dl uxlonl dl artlfllerla. Le forze nllento opcrantl nolla Mnccdonla bjTtce contlnunno ad avnnzaro verso Mon aitlr mentro le torzo InRlesi upcrunzl d eat dl Satonlcco contlnuano nnch'csas ad aranzare nella vallo dello .Struma dovo tinno conqulatnto 11 vlllngRlo dl Uarakll. sWedesboro opens fine new town hall fFiremen Will Dedicate Their En gine House Thousands of Visitors in Town fiWEDEfinOIlO. V. .T.. Nnv. IS. nnenlnir tt a new town hall nnd flrehousc. In which - two new motor flrctrucka have been placed, u oeing celebrated here today by citizens, jWed by flremon and thousands of visitors from neighboring south Jersey towns. A parade of the local firemen, with n dozen Msltlmc companies participating, will M held at 2 o'clock this afternoon. Two prizes of $25 In gold will bo awarded to & companies making tho best appearance and having the most mon In lino. A gold piece will be presented to the other pro companies taking part In tho celobratlon. Bwedesboro firemen will march with two lands nnd their new nnd old apparatus. Following tho parade, tho hall will be dlcated, with Ilussell Duane. of Philadel phia, as tho principal speaker. Mayor Btone. head of the celebration committee, and four forniflr Mnvnrn wlfh mm1i,rn nf .Council and nthAI nfllelnU will nfirtlflrmt r to the ceremonies, Women will servo free rtireanments. The new hall replaces un old frame ItrUCtUre. It In nt l-nlnnlnt rt.-ln Imllf et red brick, with white marble trimmings nd surmounted by n tower, in which Is clock of the four-dial type, which was Mrchaaed by popular subscription. Besides Urge room for the Are engines, the Wilding contains a lock-up, Council cham Mr, firemen's parlors, Mayor's office and Quarters, and bath for tho night man. It was designed by Simon & Uassett, Phlla t!. arcnltects. Tho town spent about !J,000 for tho new building and fire op- Uratua. TROYOST COMMENDS PAPER . Bmlth Appreciates Public Ledger's Comirifr Intaglio Section All tit tVlM Tntn-Mi. DahIIam m nMniHAn.a - :- ,.... ,,, ucviiuii u iuiiiwmu" . fjiolla Ledger Is devoted to a pictorial witory of the University of Pennsylvania. I,.1' one of the most attractive Intaglloa Ju f.ub" I-eda-er has ever Issued, and this yLted by Provost Edgar Kahs Smith. iee? : ml,h '"W ol the Pictorial He- t;rij.' wniw paper to nna out Derore ithoills'J U what ,n University head !.u .;: . "' "uclDr amun answereai V9Ji, i?"or 9t oo Ledger: , itJ". .tt"'on has been called to the 5?.W Bcn of the Pubho Ledger t?W ', appear on Sunday, November LxLiJ flv" BUcn a uenerous space to tho FrBtfI?r",)r that l 'a'en to express to you FKt'XSfis, is?1? 'j ;.h.e;avo!'. i wn F h ua ui me university anu inose F Ifi? f""L f Bee Bomethlng of our plant k" ?e delighted With vour nresentatlon. rwmam 0ttt1 w,shc1 ha th'fP might be t v?rT,. . "' Y""c' wo couiu ten tne uni- tiSi.ll' " "loly tnrough the columns of your ,SW paper, Again thanking you, I am. i'rNov. v. .. "EDO All F. SMITH. November X6, 191S." Joaenh V. TTnltnwov I ifeh? ? Iloowy. of im North Flfty tl?m, ?"' "nlor member of the firm of tatV?..10". merchants bearing hla name ISmSw? d,tanc from hu pUce of Pf t BIshopsvllle. Md., In Mil. he rrih lti1' cl,y twenty-two years ago and IXtL cou,ln. Juy M- Holloway, engaged SvT c?mml'on business. Ho was widely aJZn..m ,ha wholesale district and was sfiy or commission merchant, He was PJ men,Dr Potter Lodge, No. Ul. A M arJ Worcester Lodge, No. 1. v la 1S0S he married Miss Manl- I weisgarber. by whom he U survived, as lllUF twu tlausihtiiw. fi.-.-lvaiv nine IBKI pv5v ? HE'S A GOOD GUESSER Francis Van Hook, of 1800 Arch strct, Rticssctl tho eyebrow which appeared on the Pictorial PnRo last Tuesday was Governor llrum baugh'8. In his letter ho says: "If I am rlKht, why not place my plc turo in nnd givo mo n shot." Fran cis was right, so hero is his "shot" Another Child Played With Matches Kvelyn Kennoweg, three years old, daugh ter of Mrs Mnmle Kcnnewcg, of Ualtlmore, Md was aeverrly burned last night when hrr clothing caught Hre while she wan play ing with matches In the home of Mrs Sel wyg Mowbray, B13 North Allison street. Tho child's mother and Mrs, Mowbray were burned nbout tho arms In extinguish ing tho fire. Mrs. Mowbray, the leaat In jured, carried thi child to the Weat Phila delphia Homeopathic Hospital. Mrs. Ken neweg nhd daughter wero guests of Mrs. Mowbray during a short visit In Phlla dolphla. . JDcntljs llAKCrt. Nov. 17, .u.ldenlr, SAnAIt. widow of Charles Iliker. al Til. llelatlvea an.t frlnJa ln)ltil to funeral, from reeldence of aon-In-law. .Harry rrnm. Iiwry lane, Itonemont. J'a.. 1 JO p. m. Tua. Servlci at Church of tho flmlJ Shepherd. lUuemont, I'a , 3 p. ni Int. private. IIAIMtT. Nov. 1A. WIU.1AM, on of Cath rlno j, iimt late Wllaon llallfjr. HeUtlvea and frlenda. cireble Council. No. 13, O. I. A.i Waah tnuton Camp. No. 703. p, o. a. of A., Invited to funeral aorvlrra. Mon., 2 p. m.. 2420 Oifonl ! lPl x" Vernon Cm. Ilemalna may be Hewed Sun , 7 to 1) p. m. HKX'Klct; Vnv io p.r.r.A r wie. ,e wn. Mam A lleneeke. ated 07. ltelatlvea and frlenda nviieu io lunrrni aorira, Tupa,, L' ju p m., luaband'a rraldrnre, SIM tith ave . iladdon invito,. ,-, u. im. private. i i.n.i.iui suourniy. ov in. jui.ia K r.nit.NAItT wife of William Ilernart Ineo Clrea ory). ltelatlvea anil frlenda. Ladlea' Aualllary, l.lnroln Camp. No. ay, K of v., Invltrd to fu neral arrvhra. Mon . "J P. m., SO W Wlldey at. Int. Mnntrasa Cem. Frlenda may view rnmalna Hun. nftor 7 p. m III lllOltAUM. NOV. 17, ADOLriUNIJ W.. wifo of Kllhu M. Ill IllRhaua (nrn Miprnl. ated r3. nelailea and frlenda. anrlotlra of whlrh aha waa a member. Invttd to funeral eprvlcee. Wed.. S p. m., SlUt N. Oratz at (Hull and York). Int Ml M'irUh Cem. Itrmalna may be Mewed Tni , 8 lo in p. m. Auto funnrnl. IlllAIJV. Nov. 111. 1411 W. Durham at. Ml. Airy. E.M1IA T., wlfo of John 1 Urady. Sot rmn hlsh maat Holy Croaa Church. Mt. Airy. Mon.. 10 a. m. Int. private. Holy Heputcher Cem. imi'Cir Nov. id. AI.nKllT O . huaband of Clertruilo M. Hruch (neo Uampher). ltelatlvea and friends. I'oat No. in, Mnna of veterana, In vited to funeral aervlo-a, Mon., 2 p. m 208 Fernon at. lnt private IIKUNKIt Nov. til. lir.I.t.R S . wlfa of Hen Jamin I,, llruncr and daughter of late Franrla H. and InaWlle Johnaton. itlatlea and frlenda InMteil to funeral aervlcea. Hun , H p. m , lata reeidence, 1407 N. lilth at. Int. private. IIUCKf.KV. Nov. 17. MAHT IlOSlI, dauh ter of Ooorae M. and lata lloaa Hurlcley and atepdauahter of Mary tluckley McKano ltela tlvea an, frlenda Invited to funeral, Tuea , a .10 a. in., from resident o uf parenta, 7211 K. Wll llard at Hiith mayta of requiem t hurclt of Aaeenalon HI ii. m. fnt. Holy Mepulcher UtTIlNirAntlt Suddenly. Nov. 15, JULIA M. nuitNtlAHDT (nee (IreKoryl. Ilelallvea and frlenda, Laillaa1 Aualllary. Lincoln Camp. No. Bit. 1''. of V., Invllod in funeral aervlcea, Mon,, 2 p. ni.. at late rvaldenue. Ull W. Wllday at. Int. Montrose Cem. Frlenda may view remains Bun. after 7 p. ni. CHAMIIUHS. N'ov. 17. MAHOAnET CHAM I:Klt.H. ltelatlvea and frlenda Invited to funeral aervlcea, Mon.. :! p. m., coualn'a realdence, Mra. Thfimaa A. McC'racken, 2U3I) N. 171h at. Int. private. CONCANNON Nov. 15. HDWAnD P.. broth er of late tleorss Concannon. aaed SO. ltelatlvea nnd frlenda Invited In funeral. Mon . 8.80 a. m., r,03() Hpruco at. Holemn mass of requiem nt. Franela do Sales' Church 10 a, m. Int. Cathedral Cem ,M m . COOI'CI'.. Nov. 16. ELLA B.. wife of An drew O Cooper and dauahler of Maraarat and ata John Sleen. ltelatlvea and frlenda Invited to funeral, Mon . 2 p. m . 1015 S. 17th at. Int. Ml. Morlah Cem. Ilemalna may ba viewed Hup.. a In in n m COt'K. Klaventh Month 17th. at R Ilradford township, MOIlltlH H COPG. axed 71. ltela Ihra and frlenda Invited to funeral, from Cheat nut St. Frlenda' Meetlnc Houao. W, Cheater. I'a.. on Bacond-day, Uleventh Month 20th, at 2 P'cu'oTJlEn8. Nov. Id. HAnRT WILDim. aon of Wm. D. and KIHs .n-othera, aaed 2i. ltelatlvea and frlenda, members Harper Me morial Church and Sunday School, Invited to funeral aervlcea. Mon.. 2 p. m.. fatber'a resi dence, S033 W. Buaquahanna avy, Int. Mt. reace Cem. Ilemalna may ba viewed Bun., 8 to 10 P' CULLEN. Nov. 17. ANNA M.. wife of John J. Cullen. nelitlvea and frlenda Invited to fu neral, .uon.. i a. m.. a. ;". "" ""u ,";'': ata. Bolemn requiem maaa Church of the Lplpn any S:30 a, ro. Int. St. Marys Cam., Phoenix, villa Pa IiAVIS. Near Hwedeaboro. N. J . Nov. 19. nLlZAHKTH A. HAVIB. aaed 86. Italatlvoa and frlenda tnylted to ,uneral aervlcea. real denca of oon-ln-law. Wm K. "aat. near Swedeeboro. N J.. Mon.. 10 a, ni. lilt Tjrldie. port. N. J.. Cem: Autoa will meet trains at llarrlaonvUle Station leavlns Balem at U 03 aijANS5.,l?7.Bi?AHOiajB. widow of Henry P. Day. ltelatlvea and frlenda Invited to fu neral aervlcea, Tuea.. SI p. m . realdanco of son-in-law. W. 11. U Atkln. 2123 N. 13th at. Int. "UEVRNET Nov. 14, JOHN, huaband of Clara Deveney (neo Tlelll and aon of John and Mary A. Deveney, ltelatlvea and frlenda. mem tira of Enterprlas Jdge. No. 78. H. of L. F. and K.. employes of Penneylvanla It. It. ltellaf Aasn. Invited to funeral. Bun.. 2 p. rn.. 2112 S. Frailer at. Int. Mt. Morlah Cem. Ilemalna mftcV:ilWtiBNoV.,Via. ANNA KLIZAUETH. widow of Christian Dlckel, aaed 03. at 2010 13 Huntingdon at, ltelatlvea. and frlenda Invited to funeral aervlcea, Mon.. 2 p. m., parlora of JUnry Scher t Son, 20UO B. IJuaquehanna ave, Int. prliata. Ilemalna may be viewed Sun. eve. DONNELLY.--Nov, 18. JANE, widow of Pat rick Donnelly and dauahter of late Jamea and Catharine Jonea. of County Derry, Ireland, ltelatlvea and frlenda Invited to funeral, Mon., S.3U a. m., 2412 N. 10thvat. .Solemn requiem mass St. I'Jward'a Church II) a, in. Int. Holy bepulchra Cem. . . . EVANS. Nov. IT. WIJ4.IAM P.. aon of lata Jamea V and Mary w, Evana. aaed 3. ltelatlvea and frlenda Invited to funeral. Sun., 2 p rn". Vork at.. Hatboro. Pa. Int. lUtboro Cem. Trelioa leave Willow Orovo 1 and 130 P,OAllDNEH. fluddenly. Nov. IB. at Quaker town, Pa., JOHN OAllDNElt, aon of lata Jamea and lloeo Gardner. Dua notice of funeral will Cialvan. from 003 B. 20th at. ,MMI OAHVIN lneeConroy. No, IT. ANNIB. widow ot Henry. Oaryln. ltelatlvea and frlenda Invited to attend the funeral VIon., 8.30 a. m, realdonce of naphaw. James Ilrannlaan. IIP, fc. I.ehls-h ava. lilah maaa Church of Visitation llT v. M Int. New Cathedral Cera. ' OEIOER tfov. la. qEOIWlK H. huaband of Carrie Oalaer and aon of Ida V. and lata Joaspn ti-ni .1, ) int. Fernwood Cam. r'rlenda may call Sat. eve, Auto funeral. ilLEISBn! Noy. IT. HAltnAnA. widow of Androw Ololaer. IleUtlvaa and frlenda lmlt4 to funeral, Mon., 1 p. m , Teatdcnca of aon In law. ami. Srhfndler: 22is U. opal at. (Jack, sen Ulaw sathL Int Northwood (5m. HAINES. Nov. 14. 120 iladdon aye., West, mont. N. JALFIIED. huaband of Elljabath F. Halnca. llelaUtes and frlenda, Mvatlo Lodaa, No. 274. I. O. O. Ft CoL John CUrk'a Counell. No. 01S. V. P. A . HatjFwabura .Lydae, No. 147. It of Pi Survivors of Co. K. 3d He.. Pa. oU unteera. miploycs ef John F. Lodaa A Son. In vltsJ to fun'ral aervlcea Bun.. 2 p. in . North nadir Hill C-m Chapel, Frhnkfard, Pa. Int. fo"?. ,,r. i"" or vlted to funeral. Tuea 8.30 .. ra.. 2318 N. lata at. Solemn requiem maaa Our Lady of llercy Church JO a m. Int. Holy Cross Cem. Auto funeral? Manchester. N. II.. and Jersey C,ilEL,jiBfAa,,-Suddenly Nov. H. EMMA !!ELuerrAU ine oauinw. wuww ui cvuwara Ulmetas aaed tit yaara. Itelatlvaa and frlaeda nvltad, U.ruMral 1 sarvfea .Sua . 1 P- .. ffSa tOO'lO lW tWaae ". r 4P-asa,a, ef9 aaVTVs H Vitv'rm' iJSmfflf Nov 17, oiRTKUDHSA, dauah- KVENING LTiJBGER-HILADELPHIi SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 18. DF-TH8 Sejr Snpndr Co.. Invited te funeral. Men., so a m. 140 N. Mar vine, al. Solemn Utah requiem maaa Bt. Malachya Church 10 a. m. Int- Holy Crete Cem. 1101.MAN Nov. Id. WILLtAM A. IIOLMAN. aaed 00 ltelatlvea and frlenda Invited to fu neral aervlcea. Sun , S p. m.. 03 U Maple ave., Merchantvilie. N J Int. private, Ulen Falla. N. Y Omit ftmvera HjlOt.LOWAV. Nov 17. auddenlr, JOSEPH E. IIULIAJWAT. 1IS7 N. B3th at. Due notice ef .funeral will b alven llt'NrEn Nav lo, IVIlXUlt C huaband of Julia K. Hunter, aareil 3d ltelatlvea and frlenda Invited to funeral aervlcea. Mon.. 2 P. m . rulora ot David II. rranaenrteld Son, S22 N 4,'d at lnt Mt Morlah Cem. Omit flowers Hmalna mav t viewed Bun, eve , HfNTINOTON Nov. Id (formerly of Waah Inatnn. I (' ' Ot'Y. huaband of Annie and aon of late Amlrew and Maine Huntlnaton, aaed 43. ltelatlvea and frlrnda Invited tn funeral. Sun., 2 p. m . nrta. of Wm It Itatteraby, 3310 N. Hroad at. lnt Northwooil Cem. , JONK! Nov lrt. AI.HKirr q. huaband of late. Anna Jonea llelatlves and frlende. Ilolxrt A Lamrtn t.ode No. 487. F, and A. M.. Col .Vucre in mil. No 27. H. of v.. Invite,! to funeral. Mon 2 p m .1431 B 2am at. Int. wi..WV.""'. '"I'. Cem. Auto fnnerali KKA'ION Nov IT. AIIATHA M.. widow of (eora W Krati.n a,l (tit ltelatlvea ami trlen.la InMted to funeral aervlcea, Mon., a Pi.m. reaWence of eon-n law. David Hilton. . , a Jackson t , ,.i, ,.i,tir. Int. private All vlnta l". I, Church ar "inds Torrcadale. Ite rtlm nit b vleael Sin after 7 p. m ', i it'll Nov 17. l'F.n-.It. tiuaband of Chris in Koch, aae.l 7rt Itoitiivea and frlenda In ,i.il to funeral service vinn., 2 p. m . 2S14 i at. Int. Iielvue Cem Ilemalna may be viewed Sun eve. J-AltE Sudlenly. Nov 13. ITtANK. husband J;,, "rliWel Lore, and aon of tale Joseph ami Klltibeth l.are IMatlvta and frlenda Invite,! to funeral Mon a .til a in. .111.1 N. Iftiirhln aen at. Illeh maaa nf requiem at St. Steptien'a Uhurch. HI a. m Int. private. Holy OeVulchre L.m....A."lB t'ineral ,,.!:',!?NE!! B,rwn,h M ,8h minebva W lillll widow of Joseph Ixiwnea. aae, S3, m n.'r,M J,'Mi.nr'' ''O twnea. Sprlnafleld. l"l P."-,, Pi,. 11th Mo. soih. 2 p. rn. Int. sprlnafleld Frlenda liurylna tlround. MCCI.1NTOCK - Nov. lrt. MAIIY C. widow of Thiima; McClintork ltelatlvea and frlenda In ,.,e,,..,n.'unr"1 afrvlcea. Sun., 2 p. m., B22.1 Woodland ave ntv prUala. MrCONNELL K'ov 19. PATIUCK J., hue !,.ni1.. of 'T .Maraarat McConnelT. aaed 88. llf'"'!'" AnJ. '"'"da Hoy Name Society and Illv. No t,i. At) II . Court llelvlew, No 107. ; '..A' Invited to funeral aervlcea. Mon . S-30 a m 1723 illenwond ave. Solemn requiem mass Church of Moat Precloua Illood 10 a. in. Int. St Denis Cem ..W.V'l&'hTrA1. Wlllmont. Ta.. Not. 1?. JO SEPH MKIIKEII. Sr . huaband of. Katharine. Merker (nea Hoppe). aaed 04. ltelatlvea and frlnd;, Kn-nlecraU Posten. No. . Vateranen iind Krleaer dsr.Deutschen Armee. Invited to funeral BorMcea Bun , 1 p ni., reetdenca of aon. Joseph ilerker, 2133 B. 4th at.. Phlla. Int. HIII alda Cem., via trolley funeral car. 2 p. m. He malna may bo viewed Sat., 7 to B p. m.. Wlll mont. la. MKTKIia. Nov. 17. IDA P. METERS, wife of Jacob P Meyers, aaed 33. ltelatlvea and frlenda Invited to funeral aerMcea. Tuea . a. m . residence cf Mrs. Holmes. 1331 Karl at. Hlsh maaa at Holy Name Church. Huston and tlaul ata.. 10 a m. Int Moat Holy Itedremer (em Itemalna may be viewed Mon . .1 to 10 P. m MILLEn Nov. 10, IIACHEL. wife nf (leorae C. Miller, aaed 07. ltelallas and friends in vited to funeral. Tues . t p. m.. l0t N. War nock at. Int Hillside Cem.. via funeral car. Iteinalns may be viewed Mon. eve. 3IOOHE Entered Into r-st Nov. tl, MAIl CIA PAIlKEIt, of Carlisle. Pa . dauahter ot late Johnetona and Mary Veasy Parker Moore, Mt'nilAY. Nov. 17, MAnv. widow of Patrlok Murray, ltelatlvea and friends are Invltad to attend the funeral, .Mon.. N.30 a m , from residence, of brother In-law. P, J. McHuah, 1K03 Wolf at. Bolemn hlsh requiem mass al St Monica's Church 10 a. m Int Holy Cross Cem OtlTLtP. Nor, in. FRANCES, wlfo of Ste phen Ortllp. aaed it. ltelatlvea and frlenda In vited to funeral aerMcea, Mon . 2 p. m., 401 E. Indiana ava. Int. private. Mt Peixo Cem. Itemalna may be Mewed Sun., after fflT. m. OV'KHDECK. Nov. 10. llOHD 11. OVEIt TIECIC. axed 0. Ilelallvea and frlenda, Fred Tavlor Post. No 10, (I A II . Invited lo aerv lcea, Mon.. 2 p. m . Oilier II. llalr llulldlnr. lH2f Cheatnut at. Int private. OWENS. Nov. 17. ANNA E. OWENS, widow ot Henry C. Owen-, aaed 78. ItelnlUea nnd friends Invited to attend funeral aervliea. Mon., 2 p. m.. residence of her dauahter. Mau.ln A. Davlea. 024 B. 58th at. Int. private. Weal Laurel I'AITI,. Nov, lit. MAHT A., wife of IWP?Tr n i-aui. jiaiaiivee ann irienoa invited to runerai aervlcea. Mon., 2 p. rn.. 1020 N. ISth at. Int. private T , PAYNE Nov. 11 nnilEriT I... eon of Wil liam II nnd Addle I'a) no. ased Is Ilelallvea nnd friends, employes (I. O. I. the Hoy Scouts. Troop No. 33. Invited to funeral aervlcea, Tuea.. D a. m., at 2402 N. Mrrtlewood at. Itemalna may be. viewed Mon . from H to 10 p. m. Int. Hillside Cem Via trolley.. PKDLKY Nov. 10 MAIIY. widow of John Pedley. ltelatlvea and frlenda Invited lo fu neral. Mon , 8 30 a. m . aon-ln-Iaw'a residence. John P. Kelly, 8442 lllrard ave , W. Phlla. Hlsh maaa nt requiem Church of Our Lady of Victory 10 a. m. Int. Holy Cross Cem PEIlltY, Suddenly, at Alexandria. Va . Nov. 17, I.AVINIA It . wlfo of J. Lawrence Perry, dauahter of Anna It. and lata Hubert E. Paul son. Frlenda may view remalna, realdence Hob ert E l'altlaon. Jr . 321 Merlon ave . Narberth, Pa . Sun . after 7 p. m. Funoral private. Mon PIMIII.E Nov 10. SYDNEY T. PIMHI.E. ann of Thomaa and Elizabeth Plmhle. nacd 27. ltelatlvea and frlenda Invited to funeral aerv lcea. Mon . 1 p. m.. parenta' realdence. 3020 N. ralrhtll at Int. Montrose Cem. Itemalna may ba viewed Sin., 8 to 10 p. m. Auto funoral POMIIOV Nov. 17. LYNDA M FOMtlOY ltelatlvea and frlenda aro Invited to attend the funeral aervlcea, Mon., 2 p. m., 3407 llarlna at. lnt prlv.ito. PIIAIIL. 11th Month 17th. SATtAH PltAUL, aaed 73 Relatives and friends Invited to fu neral aervlcea, 3dday (Tuea ). 2:18 n m., real, denca, Bomarton. Phlla. Int. William Penn Cem. HEILLY. Nov. 10. CATHAIUNE ItEII.LT. dauahter of lata Patrick and Mary Jana Itcllty. Ilelallvea and frlenda Invited to funeral, Mon., 7.3H a. in., residence of niece, Mra, C). II. Mc- KEAIi E3TATE FOR SALE HEAL ESTATE TOR SALE SimURDAN 8U1IUU1I.VN NOW IS THE BEST TIME TO SECURE YOUR SUBURBAN HOME OR A SITE FOR IT IN THE LEADING SUBUMB 12 Minutes, 5c Fare, from 69th Street Terminal On the Media Short Line Where all improvements ARE MADE, NOT PROMISED. . Artistic Homes from $6975 up. Large BuildingSites from $675 up. Careful and discriminating pur chasers should know of the excep tional values offered at the prices . quoted to advertise SPRINGFIELD. The purchase price may be paid gradually. The trip to SPRINGFIELD is . short, and particularly interesting v just now. DEAtnn Coy, 400 N. 8!th at Weat thlla. Hlah nasa ef requiem Church el our Lady ot Vlcleiy . m. int catneerai cem, REILLT Nflv. lfl. FnANCIS. husband of O'Nellll, Relatives and rlenda. (len John M. Schofleld Command. No. Heaular, Army nnd Navy Veterana, th t'. 8 talvarr Aaaoriatlon and employee Parkalde ehop, S30 "P, P II It Co Invited to funeral Mon. 30 a. m . .1323 Wallace at. Bolemn requiem rraea fit Aaatha's Church 10 a. m Int. Holy rose cem. ..IlKILEY Nor. 14 JAMES T. huaband ot Mvryrc Itelley. aael .10. ltelatlvea and frlenda. Dlv No, (10. A. o. II , Invited lo funeral. Mon,, 3d a. in , ni28 llaiel ave. . Solemn requiem inaaa St Carthaae'a Church 10:15 a m. Int. Holy Crr.es Cem ..IIRlMRtt. At Ml. Holly. N. J.. Not, .10, MAIIY I. 1IE1MEII (nee Huston), widow of John J. Ilelmer aaed art. Ilelallvea and frlenda In vited lo funeral. Men., 1 p. m , tr ltelmer at , Mt Holly, N J lnt Tabernacle Cem. Ilemalna may be vlewe.! Sur.. 7 to p. m. IlKNTZ Nov IT. JOHN D. HENTr.. aaed 7.1. Itelailvia and frlenda Invited to, funeral aervlcea al Frleden'a Church. Shartleevllle. llerka Co. Pa,, 11 a. m. Tuea Frlenda may call at 521 liloomlnadale ave . Wayne. Pa.. 7 to U p. m Mon. IIOIIEIITS -Nov. 17. ISAttEl.t.A, widow of Charles . rtoltrte. aid TH Ilelallvea nnd friends invited to funeral, Mon., to .1(1 a. in., r-eldenco of nephew, Charles u Schumacher. Welah road and Proapcct ave.. Willow Urovs. Pa lit, private, llONllT Nov 17. CHAltLKS J. IIONET. hnst.and of lidna. St. Itoney (nee Fltapatrlck and aon of Charlea J. and Hanora Itoney, aaed 32 Itesldence ill Queen at.. 8. Phlla. Dua notloe will b alven. HOBS Nov. 18. Wtt.LtAM. husband of Jeasle W. Iloas (nea Mltchalll, aaed 87. Ilela llvea and friends, tlothlo Lodie. No. 81l. F. nnd A. M., Fame l,ie. No 778 r. O. O F. I Auall rlm I. o Ixxlse No. P8. and Taylor Hose Co.. No 33 Invited to funeral aervlcea. Sun., no p. m 110 W York at Int Lawnvlew Cem. Auto aervtce IUISS Nov. 10. CATHAniNE, wife of Jamea llosa and diuahter of John and Annla Mackel and alster f Slater Hose Cecelia, ltelatlvea and frl-nja Invited In funeral, Mon.. 8 80 a. m., 803tt Aaate at. Solemn requiem maaa Church nf the Nativity 10 a. m. Int. Holy Sepulchre Cem. Aula funeral KC1IMITT- Nov. t8 CATIlAHINK. widow of Martin Schmllt, aaed 02, ltelatlvea and frlenda Invited to funeral, Sun., 1pm. realdenra of dauahter. 2442 N. Orkney at. Int. Northwood Cem. Auto funeral. Hi'OTT Nov 17. 11EHKCCA. widow of Jamea T Scott, aaed 80 ltelatlvea and frlenda Invited to funeral eerMces Mon , 8 p m., real denca ot alaier, Mra. Elisabeth Sllhelmer. 711 N. 4th at. Int St. Oeorje'a Delaware.-Tuea. SHOLTS Nov. 1(1. RAPHAEL It . widow of Wm. II. Shulta, ltelatlvea and frlenda Invited to funeral aervlcea, Mon., 2 in,, Ill'O Chest nut at . Darby. Pa Int Fernwood Cem. He mains may be viewed Sun., after 7 p. in. STAnit. Nov 18. WILLIAM, aon of Julia and late Patrick Slarr. ltelatlvea and frlenda Invited lo funeral, Mon., 8.30 a. m.. mothor'a realdence. 211 E. Allen at. Hlan maaa ot re quiem Church of Immaculate Conception 10 a. m. Int. New Cathedral Cem. THOMAS, Nov 18, at reeldnce of son-in-law. J It. I) Eaaan. 8830 N 17th at . CAUL TON THOMAS. Further notice will tie alven TINNEY Silddenlj. Nov 10. st Polmvra, N. J MAIIY J. inea Woo.ll, widow uf James Tin ner Ilelallvea and frlenda Invited to funeral aervlcea, Tuea,, 2 p. m . at eon.ln-law'a real dence, Joseph llrown, 1021 8 2oth at Int, pri vate Mt. .Morlah Cem ltmalna may ba viewed Mon., 7 to lo p. m. TOMLIN Nov. 10. RtCICA. wife of John 11.. and dauahter of late Henry and Miriam Btauder mann. ltelatlvea and friends Invited to funeral aervlcea Mon . 1 p m . 420 S. I12d at. Int. Hill side Cem., via funeral trolley. Ilemvlna may be viewed Sun eve . 7 to 0 TWININO llth Month 17th. EDWIN, hue band of Hannah A, Twinlns and aon of late Croaadale and Mark Kirk Twlnlna. aaed 7I. Relatives and frlenda. Veteran Aaso . 1st Real. N. J. Vol Cav.. and Fisher Post, No. 101, Q. AUTUMN BESOMS ATl.XNTir CITY, N. J. SfotU. ATLANTIC Cljy. Open tot cxllacaaona 1 A racoardsad ataiaard ! or excellence. I THE tUDlflO RtSORT HOTELOr THE WORLD lariboroujUknftvim ATLANTIC OTY.lV.jr. owNtaaHin eUauuscHCNr, OOajlAH WMITRS. elONB COMPANY WpqtminqtPl K n,ar Reach. Elava. water. 18 up wkly , 12 up dally. Chas, Iiubr .LAKKH'OOn N. J. MMt. MMM. MM. I,. M, .(MM.. Ml. ,....,. (.,,,,, ,.,,,,,, AUREL HOUSE LAKEW00D, New Jcnoy ! A ditlthtful plact ta tptni j ris Fall mnJ Winttr Staton I ALL OUTDOOR SPORTS! A.J.Murpby.Mar. O.V.Murphy.Asst.Mar. j W Jf eyJ( sTMrgw c. rFTIIS , A n , Intlted to funeral service, Id-day (Mon.), list, m . realdence of Uavis Oroya, Hallowed, Pa , lnl private Conveyances will meet trolley at llaflnwell MM p. rn. . .. VOl.KF.llT Nov 18. F.tiWAIttJ, eon ot Mary and late Frank Volkert tn Krua). aaed 37. Relallyea and frlende. members of Dadlfher t'nt. Vereln, all other aortetlea ef which he was a member, Invited to funeral, Mon., ? 3d a, m.. residence of Edrr J tlenthert, 410 W Olrntd ave. llrqulem mass al V n. m. St. l'eter'a Church. Int. New Cathedral Cem. WKI.miN. Nov. IT, 112 t'orter at., riltl.ll' J , hushand of Ixiulaa K. ,Veldon In. a Cald well) Due notice ot funeral will he alven. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES RANKS BUSINESS ' COLLEGE A FEW HOUnS week In nlie Nl.ht Rehool will at von for that better position. Shorthand. Tv rewriting. nooaaeepina, secretariat U2S Cheatnut Street. and Spanish STRAYER'S I'osltlona auarar The Ileal llurlneaa School. Sill an.l Chestnut Rlreeta roslttons auaranteed. enter now Day or nlsht. SALESMANSHIP Another elaaa now torm ina. Coma In at once. LOST AND FOUND CKriTlFlCATIV-An application has been filed with the rolled flee Improvement Company for the reissue of iv new certificate for n shares to replace the lost certificate No. 127fl.S. dalr.l Aueust It. 1013. realatereil In tho name of Henri N I'llllnic. . PKMTIKU'ATB T.net or mlstald,"certllVate Np, 1H13.I. Philadelphia Kleclrlc A. per rent aol.l trust. Appliralloii has been made to the Land Title and Tritat Co. .for a, hew rertlKrate, Mary II. Van.learlfl.-153 Fillmore, at., frank ford. I'hlla . DOO lat. pointer "bitch. .1 jeara rid. anawero to name of Harah. Ileward for reuirn to tleoraa Malhlaa, 1'aoll. ra., or Trnnk Turner. Wllmlnaton. Del. . HllirtTWAtST Iiat. Thompaon'a retaiirant. liltt S. llroad, 2 a. m teatentay. newanl It re. turned to Misa Oarrlaon. Htmthmore, ISOS Walnul at. .. WATCH leaat. ladr'a open-facel anldVvvalch, with Initials n V It . Kolnit from 20th and Rusituelianna to Norrla. down Norrla t llroad, thence to Temple I'olleae. t lift of n ileceased father. Liberal reward If returned lo S!02 N. Mth it. PEttS0NAL3 WANTKO Old emplosera have poalllnn for lllb bourne, former bookkeeper, formerly llrnaon I)e Works. A.ldreaa at once. ) Sill. I.ediT Orf. HELP WANTED FEMALE ACKF.nS need ehocolata coalers, evperlence.1 and learners; cream iKinbon dippers, evpert ein'ed nnd learners; packers anil wrappere also acholoalrla after hours nnd Saturdays for worklns In confectionery, fncipry. . PINMCV ACKKH CO.. 121 N. 8th. ATTIlACTIvri roSITIONB for. youna women, vvho desire to learn telephone operatlnc and seciiro employment In eirhnnan nearest their homes. Apply between 0 a. m and ft p. m., at Kejatone Telephone Co.. MS H. 2d .t.. Iloom 40.1, or nt any of the followlna chanrea: '.'Si N. 18th at. 2211 N. I'ark ave. 21 11 Collonv at., Clermantown. 2"3T rrnnkford ave. l'reaton and Filbert ata. Weat and Derktey ata,, Camden, nm.T. TRi.nntoNn OPKUATINU Work near your home In pleasant and healthful surroundtnaa. with excellent orpor tunltlea for rapid advancement. There are twenty-elaht Hell Central orrtrea In I'liltadelphla; probably there la one vvlthtn a few blocks from your home. Unuadal oppor tunities for earnest. Intnlllaont youna women between IS and 22 year a of aae. New emploves are paid while learnlna nnd are rapidly advanced. rienaant dlnlna rooma, whern the hast of food la sold ntVoat. In every Central Ortlco. romforlahlo ottllna roma for readlna and relaxation. Comfortable alttlnr morns for readlna and Hupcrvlalnc poaltlona. Apply at tOd Market at., dally, except Run day. .in a m lnt p. m , or evcnlnsa be tween 7.00 and 0:00 at any of tho follm-ina Central offlcea: 2d W. Chelten avo., Oermantown. ntth at. and Woodland ave. 17ir, H. llroad at. 17th and Diamond ata. .ancaater ave. caat of R2d at. toil Market at. Hope and llerka ata., Kenalnaton. HOOKKKKPnit, experienced, wanted for a retail aroenry chain of atorea; reply In own hand writing, atatlna , aac, exwrl.nce. references and If emplned, u aood tmaltlon for n kooiI alrl.Addreas M niil ldaer omen. CIIIMINIIIINK.' colored? obllginn: "experienced? neat. t'honeMerlim ni l. COOIC, plain, while, wanled to work In town; wanes til- atvs referencea Addreaa II soil. Ledger Office Illn HTAMIMllt. nXI'nilICNCIlD. 12l"l AltCll MT . Tllllll) Kl.lKlll lllltl. wanted for clerical work In fnaurnnca office, knovvleduo of alenoirraphy and to do atrtet work, atnto aae. reference, aalary de sire,! and apply In own handwrlllnic. II 22.1. Ij'daer Office. tllltl,. exp.. white. vvanTed for aeneral houae- work;waaes J7 Apjily 2!12.1 H. 21at. lllltl, H wanted to work on folding paper boxes llrown & Ilalley Co., N. W. cor. Franklin and Wlllovv ats (illft.H, over in ArpTy fnternailonal Art I'uh J'lb'nSL Co., I'-'lh and Callowhlll, aecond floor. OIltl.H. over 111 years of aan, aood wnaes. Ap- pJyWoifj Co jiii n. iaih st. ItDMIiniY ToppSs and knitters on Hrott & Williams and Standard K machines; highest w-nacH and stesdy work. Hygienic Pt.eced lln rterwear Co , lloalsry Dept . 2tlB N. Howard. HOUsnwOIlK Neat colored "airl to assist with hous.vvork and with children. Mrs Ueorse II. llarvey. 32a K. 10th jt..Chestr Pa. IOUHi:WOHK While irfrl; onaln family! refer. once required. Call 031 N. Mth st. KKYHTONE TKI.nrilONB CO. An opportunity to secure employment In the exchange nearest your home; va cancies In both local and lonz distance fiftlces for experienced uparntora. Also In achnol for alrla to learn operatlna. Apply botween u a. m. und 5 p. in. at Ki'istonn Talephono Co.. 13.', 8. 2d st.. Itouni 10J. or at any of tho followlntf sx ihunL'es: 233 N mth st. 22IH N. I'ark ave. 21 K. t'ollom at.. Oermantovvn. 27.17 l'runkford avo. l'reaton and rilbert ats. Weat and llcrkley sis., Camden. MACHINE Ol'KUATOIttf. tl.10 per day of a hours, skilled laborers. Il.ld to II &2, hlaher Lointiensiilon when nn piece work Apply Krankfurd Arsenal, Philadelphia, preferably til parson, from n tu 10 a. m. un vvorktnv days, for appllcntloti blanks MOTlinit'H IIKI.PIJII Kxperlenced "whits aTrl or asttled woman; thlldnurss, assist chamber work, auod suburban home, other help, ref erences, wages II It 710, Ledcer Central. PAIltUItH AND KOMIRIIH, ' KXPRRIIINCIIO UN IlOfllKllV WANrKIl, B'tSinY WllllK. tlDOU WAUtS . APPI.V IIAUAIl IIOHIKUV 1'lNISHINlJ WOllKtf. WKHTMOlieUANll AND C H'ltl. .SOI.ICITOH.H FHo, aood-appearlna, lnlsllls.nl women on commission, salary basis after you prove capable. M 713, l.s,ler Central. STliNOdllAI'lIKIt, neat, accurate; preferably experienced In lira or liability Ineuranrv. knowlvdae of bookkeeplnc, refa. required. atate aalary expected. H UlO. Lsdrfer i ent. STOCK (llltllb wanted In all deparlmente, vood opiHirtunlly und money advancement to those wllllntf tu mak. tbwnia.ivea aenvrally useful, llewees Dry (Jooda Store, 1122 Ch.slnut atrvwt; sTitAWimiDaR cirriiiEit require the. services of sxperltnoeA salespeople In the fellowlne depart ments; HOSIERY UNDRnWKAR MBN'S FUHNIBlII.NdH OI.OVB8 I.KATHKH (lOODfl &nd varleus other departments. Apply ureau ot itoipleyrneat, tH deer, balers it a. in. TBI.EPHONE OPBhATOR wasted for private branch aachance: experience! preferred, should Le an afflcleot alrl with tact and Neaaant dls position, stale sip-, church srtlUattoua and salary eapaeted. M git, Ledetr peairal- WAlTitBSS. whits. S In family, no washlnc; aood reference raiulrd, 293 8. 33d st , or fbaaa Ijciist BTt), WOltANof aood addreaa and pleaalns ptraon- way. rauat be a aood assTatant ataoaraphsr iiunea (o mceiintf people , be a aood assistant al knowlsdas ef bookkeer Wlia soma anowieu splen- did future tor a brlaht womaji, 112 to start Apply aiarceau diwis, xwat inesiauc TOL'NQ WOMAN assistant la .a.hler a tiasemant "? in nt aara nr r peVlnc la taah work renulteJ. 41M. atataeas, accuraey tad iwd etui ratter el 1910 HELP WANTEDgEMALK Cealtaiieet rem rreeeoTlaff Celuran OllNU I.aTV wanted to assist on books; Jew lah preferrel P ItO, ldaer Ortlcs. nELPVANTED MALE tiANK CI.KHK for aeneral aaalalanli alale as;, eaperlence. reference, and aalary desired. II .112. Ledter Central. COOKKERrmi and clerk tor apartment hoteli room and meala fnrnlshedt must, be youna. artlvs. enercettc, well educated and have aood nppenrnnee. Write II 133. loiter Central lKHIKKHRPKU SettTed'man, 1 lo M years, cln stock lrdaeri atate experience and referenees, P 221, Idaer Offlce. BoOKKKftPKlt. experienced! whoieaala or manu tacturtna ncrtiuntlnai aalary reaaonable. M e.1,1. I.euW Office. CAIUNirrMAKKUP VICTOR TAUKIM) MACHINR CO. Ilaa vacancies for Cablnetmakera. Saw filers. Ktperlenced rubbers. Shsllackera, Apprenllcea. IK to 10 years, Window cleanera, Frelaht elevator operator (while). Office boys over 10 years of aae, Youna man 20 lo 23 years of are to learn rubblna. 4. tiour-wftk schedule. Physical examination heceeaary Apply Victor Tnlklna Machine Co.. application office. 3.1 Cooper at., Camden. N. J. CI.RItKHHIP Youna man for clerkship position In nulomalille repair ehop oftice: capable ef writing a anod han,l and using the telephone! ateady position for rlahl man. M tlSft, 1 .etlf.tr Central. COMPOSITOR AND PltKSS FRKDRlt wanted. 27 North 2d et. DAIRYMKN Wanted, experienced milking hands for dairy near Atlantic City. Address W. c. French. 303 Market st.. Camden. N. J ITIHKMAN Kvperlenred shop foreman en Palm Reach voate, catvable ot Inatalllna ahop making UH10 to 120U coala per week, with ability to Instruct nnd break In green belli; must be willing to go out of city. Addreaa, giving past experience and slating salary wanted, M. 002, ledger Umce. roHHMAN- forornamentnl and bulUHnglron work shop! alato anlary. experience, etc, P 233. I-daer llttlce. FltlJIOHT 1IRAKKMF.N. 20. wanted! expert tnced. Apply trainmaster a ottlce. P. It, It., 22Fedenil at.,l'arnden. N.J. OOltnoN PIIKSS FBHDBR wanted; ateady work. Apply Job press division, non Chestnut. 1I01BTINO HNIIINIJUR wanted, reliable; stale salary required; ateady employment. Tele, phono FaiilMniro 130. Foundation Co. I.AIItiHKIlH nnd machine operators, skilled. 12.21 day rate for H hours after learnlna, an opportunity t make 3.1 per day on piecework, cltlicos. Apply Jrankford Arsenal, Phlla., Ph.. preferably In person, from 8 n. rn. to 111 a, m.. on working days, for application blank. I.AllOlir.llS. akllled, sotderai 12.2? per day of h houra dav rate; more on pleco work; citizens age 20 to .13, Apply In person. Frnnkford Ar- aenat. Philadelphia, Pa. 1.AIIORKIIH for outside work, digging, eic. at 12.21 rer day ot H houra; cltl7ena. Apply In tierson. Irnukford Arsenal. Iirldeaburg, Phlla., l'enna. . i.AllAllKRS. vvhlfe nfid'coloriHli loir wanted, fir Pennasrove. N. J.; 2(1 ceuta per houri lodaluc and transportation free. Call 737 S. 2d st. UNKMAN wanted; steady work, aotx'l wages. Apply William Foster Co.. 120S N. 31st st. MACHINISTS Wanleil, nrst-rlass lathe, min ing and small grlndor hand for cutter and !o;?m.er.wotki cnl'r mn acquainted with this ini T V?i..MPrK required. Apply second floor. 11.1 I odcral at.. Cam.jcmN. J ''wot. I'll1"' wt . '" thnrouKhly familiar hill, . i 'nanufacture and ronstrurtlon of KnEie.1 J11'-nn,hr1 product! this position e5r. in! "IdHtyi In renlvlng atnto oge. expert- SrSt S5i1.e",Vrva,'.VV"11 B,v" fu" details In JLr"JL!'jril BOKjViedger Oftlco. MeWnffiT';lr;l,y',nk!r-" locernoTHfo IST . --..-. . . ,,,,,, .,, .. iiai laiiriari l. ""cnt.lA?!1!1.'. ?;..."'? '"''" 'nd sVel ,,V?.".V.Sllr. ."'. "'nee work-lloy." brlaht-eTnd 'iin',?lI::s't0br'nv;rr,l 'ears. I'enna. lermuda sis.. wmmm feK,vT,ra,7rr5..c,m,s: Person. IVaiikKril Aria .'p'i iff'P'1' in turret lathej, t""4, muip7Fi'V '" hanii nperators--:"evra'nd ltr,wm,lilV,urr''t .lHth hand turret latho 'operaYora V'K' i- -fn! hlaher compensation when A ' . ,.' ''H printers' htMr, i'""i i.hn?Jl ''J'e" w"rkl l'S5blKp--d raNor,oc.mo:iAPfPrymi-' han.i.vrltlng. M (Ull, iXr 1," 0Wn CAN HANDf.K Till! ! WORK Fllr.vi Tin: itobun to thh "iNim rii Itonmrr. must havVj n"tr AVii OP'MNOn'l1 CONTINKNTAI.. "MftuAul" HOT1.I. v"K vou AN aTTSant V.R want men arcuaiomed to earning weekly 130 or more to fall dlrelt to factories, storei. eto our new electric lighting fixture (not tii iho trade), lloublo the light, half cost for fSrr?n,,,.,""chcT '" a,,y nxlur "'I 1 mlnula. Hlrctrlsal experience unnnesaary. A flrat class proposition (commission or.ly) for llrst V.. ,man'...A.r'',reaa by letter only, rltranaky . Mfg. Co.. 1211 Anlijsjulwalphla" fleneral 2p WKUKIwY earned showing samples and tak ing orders or if preferred, mailing circulars for Ura Canadian cut-rate arcx-ery mall-order '.'.UUM-e n.l".'.,'.?,Vif wanted In all locall ties of the United Slates. Ouinta fr.e. 'a r ", " ;," '..Ir "" ins inuepan dent tlrocery Co.. Windsor. Ontsrlo. Canada -' -" - .. v.anaua. CIIRMIHTS (Iraduates, 1000; beginners, ton. Tut electrician, ll.1i clerks, tltf, 112 "nd ais liuslpeaa Service Co.. 1301 Land Title lildg.' SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE llOOKKBErER I-ady with IB years' experience K'y."nf 5rm lrea Doaltlon as bookkeeper. 11 o3l, I.eda.r Central. DAY'S WOKiv wanted by neat colored woman: N Itut at"' ,'f"rr1 reference. o3 HOUSHKmU'HR Cultured lady wlahes pes.; ref, sui (,hrlsllan ..n.1.1. JMr ,""rT-.s,'!JT S. ' " !", i.eii. cent. INFANTS NURSK. lone exnorlcnce. underaroT. IFANJ-a nuiiHK. long experience, undergrad uate dealrea poalllon. It USD. l.aAzmr P.nlr.l ltt)Y wishes position as inanaalng houaekeeuer In family) capable to take full charge, i'rsa toa 63111 NIIRSH. graduate, tu do hourly nursing; bats Kcka, massage, an ttrcompllstusd raudart also t urlyejagage ;nud. terms. j$e!J. Peftlar ititi. NORSK o governess Swiss, wishes position, speaking Kugllah Frsuili and (lermani best r.ferUM. Call 338S N. Saudis st. ' NOR8ERYaOVBIlNKH8. klpsrgarlsn'tsailisT. Waving or out of city preferred. 317 js. A,. J5li e?e.!jAu4ubon. N J. VIIOTOqBAl'IIBH I am tb r.c.ptlontit you need, clever obliging and hooest, saleslady A-l is my speed. I'll prove It you give ma a fair teat JL.M1. ledger Central. SBCHETAUY, aiperlenced corr.spond.ftce, ac counts. M-oofrcadlng Indealnu, maaoaerlpls revised. H 8M ledger Central 8TENOORAPIIHR for ulernal work; 0 years' eiperl.nce M ttSI. I.ed.er Central. TUTORINQ-:J nguages. tSnjrlUtv brajKbas), nut ale. aixeJal atteatlou tu ibUdj-.p SM Welxbt "n sT- - WOelAN oolwsd. bigbJj reincmnBdkal. vynjlta T&j&i&tS SilySS "-'! .'OJikCe". uLkKumibn, PA I ! ,l'J'ril'l 111 SiTTTAXIOlvTS WANTED.-KA, ArOOrNTANT e 40. married t-laqle st t). new nceauntant and effk-e rnaharer Wllh nvaj ufacturlng concern 1 hnve eervrd for past it years, excellent reaon ilesire to rhahcai til ary isiiai per year 11 sat. ledger Oleic. AUCIimtCT or enalnrr reflulrlna; "hulldlna-Tto perlntendent. all or part time J W teM Cfftt. iiv.i'r.'vr.r.t'Kiv asre a jrraouats or vvnnrrcn Hrhool (evenlna) with S years' eaperlence tit la ernce ann nnnoima erenus. want wnnert himself with large concern; can ern; en tu II 22... t rdah unusually good references un e flOOKS, POBtRfj. opened or audited a"t meX" cot by day er heur. It rllj. ledger tnlrt ClIAtllFUVIt Single man wahte poalllon (it rlty; drove. Pierce Arrow, Buper slg laitpeal Hon; flrat-elaes reference II 210, Id. Offtcis cTI.HnK Younr man, 10, wanta noaltlon wfth chance for advancement can furnish satlatae tnry ref , 18 montha' exp II 218, !,sd. Ofde-j FARMKR. alnala. avp., trtr.gentleman'a rounlrir estate or amall farm, beat ref. II 210. Led. Orf, tinNTI.F.MAN.of leisure. In aood health, with experience, desires a position to occupy hi llmsi beat of reference alven; amount of aal ary no ohjeet. II 737. Iadae( Central MAN. IS. tiookkeeplng and general-ntrlce work? Ilnallali, FTench and Dutch, correapohdent. wishes permanent altuatlon; beat references. II Mill, Ivlger Central, SAl.KHMAN Can you use an ordinary aalea man who la willing worker and reliable; refa. certainly) commlaalon baala preferred w ol, ledger llraneh. 21lh and Parrlah ale. HAt.HSMAN. IhoreugK knowledge of chocolate business) excellent, record, let's tet together) commission pref. 1 beat ref. 11 810, Ledger Off, ...li,.it.,l .A -t t- ...- .- - . -1 oAl.r.rielv.. ., rinsie. oi force nf established Arm Central. desires, to. loin aalea it 037, i.eaier t'UTQR Refine,! "yeifng man for boys hervmia children a specialty. It. ml. Iertger central. WANTF.D Ioalllon with matiufaclurlng concern in Phlla, by recent mechanical enslneerlnc araduatel has had experience of draftsman end transit man and experienced wllh pattern, foundry .and machine shop workt at present emploied. but must chanrn residence to Phlla. by Jan. 1 M IS. Itlgor Central. TOtlNO MAN, experienced tn "real relate" and conveyancing, II I0, ledger Central, VoUNO MAN. position at shipper, "ealeemari or manager, H HIS, ledger Central. AUTOMOBILES For Sale HOICK 8 rasa, touring! etectrle lights and starter: nne condition! Juat repainted! big bargain. S. tmwruiH CO. Used Car Department. 250 N llroad atj Walnut 73, CADi I.I.AC "n paas, touring; starter and eiectrlo llchta. fully rqulppedt would make nne hacking' car; bargain price. U B. nOwllRM CO.. Used Car Department. 230 N llroad at., Walnut f2, CADII.LAt; lt'l.t touring car, overnauled "and repainted, full equipment) price 1730. AtJTtl HAi.ks ('Olll'ORAyiONl liJ N. llroad at. CIIOW-IU.KIIAHT roadster, lull) perfect me? ihanlral coni aeM cheap, M 03J, Led. gent, fllttlMONS" Phaetona,"'roadaters and "cabriolets. fo,oiirfiRf.scIIteJ,.VSV.n'lSrok"drr .HtrilHON O-to. WIS. mechanically perfect; shock nbanrbera; tlrea good. USD Manning et. . ?.lF.,.,rJ?).,,2,f 3-paasenger touring' ear. UAItHmt) n.n Tpasseuger lour ni car. C 11. HAHVBt', 8301 Chestnut st.:l OI.pH.MOHt!.:. ihiil. slightly used, must aell ta rinse ealate H2i3, l.eitex Orflee. PACICARI) llmouslna 1010. 7 pass.) motor and all-around appearance fines fine renting can '.'Sk.,f.t.,,.,!!,! .'.'"".rt'T re-iaonablo. ).OCpjipilIl.i: ,,,3314, Market.. Locust 410. F. M. MAI. I.10AN. Mar. Kxchangn Car Dept. PACKARD I cyl.. .30 If. r.. 7 paaaengar limousine nnd Inuring bodies, 1330. U 1!, O'NKAL, 2IU N. llroad at. PIRIlCB-AHItOW 7-pass. toiirTnit carl slsculo llchta demountable rlma. Wcailttghouaa shock absortiersi aeneral .condition fine) will aell right to flrst real buyer, lcpMOlII,K ,2.114 MarVet St.. TeMliat 480. K.M. HAI.t.lO,VN;lMgr.Kxchang carDepl. . liimiitr.en i-nlfr?i'JHiiiS,7-.91,r. I'OvlJj.'vKAUnOrirT 1.l.iuc.'f "sT (I. IVa tona. l:bo) is a mtanty attractive low-priced, economical and depend- able to you tinuiuirt bruiwsiiioni win tirive n our lcr It. ou'.l like to look It o HlnoiNs iiitDS,. 4ji. rin:sTNi HUPM0BILE PARTS SCHOllKR 3330-3 MARKET AUXOLIVEnY AND QARAOES " INDEPENDENT TAXlCAB CO. 1313 W SITSOUF.HANNA AVE. . SUPER-SIX IIUDSONS TO HIKE LIMOUSINKS. TA.X1CAI13 A TOURINO CARS WanwnddlOll. Never cloaed. Park 73. TO HIRIJ MMOtlSINRI AND TOURINO CARS FOR FIINK.RAI.H, WnilDINQS AND AL!. OI'CASlbNH IIANDSOMUST CAI13 A IN PHli.A. llRIOIITON UAJIAUH, 1'6p. 4S34. m HiTfiousTniT. oaraoi: A rireproof building, first-class atoruget auto. mobllo rrpalrlim and supplies 2H3II ItlTTKNIIOUSi: BT. Tcjeplionnjtacn 2tr,. Spruce f.8. l'OI'I.AR. 11117 Tu. hire topsn" day and" nfahtT ,.,ir ism. i.b...i n.u n. ....... . . r -- ..-- ...vb, .....( , ..-u,,Bv. luuiiiE rare. 1.23 hr. I alsn ltrnnd.neu, T-nnaa ll.n.. a, n. mn ,.,? uiauti ,,n,T .(.uitaa. in 11.00 hrt vveddlnga funerala, ' 1. H.. .: ..."...-- !-" ' ,r-: .!.".. "e. iiu uirar-j. to" iiiitr: n 7 pars n "cyi. cars; bpiS uWiJOIHTKIl portablo"araaTi. steil nrstuccot 0.1 dlapfay 31)31 W. oth. Tioga 2i)B. ""-1' !LVn ROOM, several rare, private garagei heat, conva, Poplar 4807 1011) Sydenham, .. , I auto hepaiiung w , I ur, -14, AltllAia Uri.fl. JlAL'lL'll BPKKDOMKTKH TROUHLRS Bee HILLY, at hla new location. Bill NORTH 1IROAD ST. ATJTO SUPPLIES IF YOU WANT lo aell Jour old car. or want any parta to repair, call, write or phone ..I'-.."- 4l)T0 PARTS CO. 818-17 N, 12th at. Park 11J0. l'ARTS to buld or repair any car, Phlla. Auto Parte Co.. 823 N. 1.1th. Park 1411. TIMKUN-IIKAIIINOS HYATT New Departure Service sin. The awllllam Ce.. 1314 Arch st. Ph. Walnut 311)7. Race 3043. AUTO TIBE3 PULLMAN THU-U Guaranteed 331)0 mllea. Compare prlcsa. qitlM'8,2.il fl. Jlroad st. IIRRCUI.KS TIltl,:a Ouaranteed 3300 miles. , in, , lire. HBROULF.B Tlllll CO.. 013 N, Rroad at. 80.3V4 NONHKH) TIRES m soik ifva lien 1 iinee. Kiln. RUDOLPH TIRE! CO., 1233 Arch st. POPS, BIRDS AND OOLl) yiSBy FINB-RRKD lcOWI-S Plymouth JtockY Rhode Island Rods. Wyandottes, Light Rrahma. Hurt Cochins, Leghorn und all other vsrlell.s. Call and see our Immense stock, U. C. Vahla. SIS Market St. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ntniuKR rAVv All Tim: MANUFAirrutiiNii r'nif; AIIOIIT TO .OIT.N A HAI.WH AND l.KS AN DlH.Pltl HHRVICK STATION IN PHII.AI)i:i.lIlIA WISHKS TO SKCUHD THH Sb'llVICty Ol? A FIRST-CLASS SALKSMAN TQ TAKH t'MAlttlK OF SAMK. A SPLKNDID OPPOR. TUNITY. WITH PIUVILKOK OF HEINO IN. TKRIISTKD IN THH PAItUNT COMPANY. ONLY TIIOSK AIILD TO QIVK ItBKKltr.Nf'Kg AS TO CHAHACTnil AND FINANCIAL, STANUINO NU1U) ADDRliSS II 214. LED OKR OFFICB. PATiilNT? 8and for our frsbook. I -.'l,l lO -Fatanta and Trade-Marka.75 We will help you develop your Invention, Ad. vico . free. Iteaaniioblo fees. Of en Monday evenings untti a:30, FOSTER & WEBSTER Bvmz l, 1011 Ch'sstiiut st.Ilsll phons. Walnut 1884. nAlllinns. TAKH NOTICE s7e. cor. Thiye? and "F', ats.) 2-story store and dwelllngi established barber shop, doing an excellent business; boo, I reason for selling! will make price rlsht for business and property and tsrma altrarttva. 1H5NIIY aiSERl JR., 1018 N.J I h at. FOR BALB " Rare opportunity to buy a first-class apart menl house, nicely furnished, well rstsbltshsd, doing profitable bualncaa. tilled .with, rsflnei permanent gueati! worth Inyeallgatlng.ceae irai no agant. 3I BtoLedgeiCsntjal. Itooil TO 181100 To" INVKSTT wllh services of an active business man. In eatendlng the manufacture and aalea of specialties now In, operation. Addreaa. with particulars, confi dentially,. H 744 Ladger Central. WANT TQ'sKLlj my printing plant, locate? In the heart ot Phlla., equipped with cylinder und Job press, doing good business good reason forselltng. II K17. ledger Central TTFTY-ROOM hotel In clly of. 00,000,. ou beat buameaa atrcci. doing profltabla bualntaaj price 130.0011. Room 1. Woolworth Uulldlng, lletblebem I'a. ., PA'f BNTS-our four "iwnka sent free. "How to Obtain Patents." Victor J Evans & Co.. 1.21) A Chesmut st . Philadelphia. BUSINESS PEasONAXS T" DRKSS SUITS TO IIIIlH latest style full dress. Tuxsdo. Prince Albert, black and gray cutaways, for morning wei. tllnas; ulau silk hats. fiAMUBL 11XJPBR1010 Olrard ave. " DIAMONDS UOUOHT '" Bank re.fsreMes. Appralssmsnt. I per au IlAllRY W SMITH. 717 Hansom st. m latest atyl.s. phons Poplar 33. tHO vs. .ISli.-V-alV 1VIH SHU UIISIU B.... - W if SUl'r.Rg'l.l'iil'M HAIR remuv.d by electrohiilsl i oaiy iH-rmaiieni way cyeurous ar;aa. MS 3JLHT11 .03 Kellb Thsslvr lluilillug. UKNT8' CAST-OFF CLpTIIINl. JjtH'llHT li3 B'LDINC- MATeBA3UBT-ItBgAT.BS - . . ., i 1 ' - ""-, IVuntrd 130,000 URI.'KS 4S lllecas 318. 14 Ii ; IS pL.ee baa 12 (t .22 Eleees gala UH ft dl3 Kuiku at P-lhuw l'Souu Utu 5077 W DHESSMAKINQ ANB MIIjItlNItSy UKI-SM.tK8. j.peri-a ls-a 1 uatuiv pries roaSuBt rs lenutx v7S Va. Ctbtr Otaeeaafjrtiaeriietatf, ofi Jie . "Wr a at ag a anawer- ;$&" IfeKfiSSSbSs