Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, November 17, 1916, Night Extra, Page 9, Image 9

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    "xtl i
Pump Dealers Deny Faulty
' Apparatus Causes Short
rfct0rpt IUotriln UtU article ap.
' p.onsylranlA nutomoblllsU lx 200,000,
IM jiom of ipolln every year through
Um airtUf and aoraetimn unjcrupuloun
wndUn of measures and gasoline pumta
fcr denier nnd Rarage employe. According
w an wtlmate of Chief John Vlrdln, of the
. Bureau of Wclhl and Measures.
If tho aatontobtlUta lots that much, tho
tramp martufactnrera reply, It Roea oft In
' minor la upltled out In automoblla wrecks
it la drunk by rlotoun chautteura and their
onipanloiM on Joy rldea.
"Don't let Chief Vlrdln ciro you," wild
' a riilfc'delphln, agent of n hump mnnufac-
torer today. "There la no doubt soma losn
if e-aaollne to nutomobllltta, but It h qua-
tlonable whether Urn nmoont reaches any-
where- near that much. At any rate. It la
net lout through tha patented pump. It
may vo aioien oj bih !&.,. uut it
Is doubtfnl If they could ret away with that
"I bellerc," nld 3. P. OTfell. manager of
ti local Bates olUcn of 3. F. llowner & Co.,
tumt) mantifncturcra, "that Chief Vlrdln'o
Svures are cxaggerntcd. I like to aeo thu
chief show tho pcoplo that ha Is on tho Job,
but In thin cano I bellem most of hla Ac
cr and reporta are principally for that
"There la a loss to tho nutomobltlst of
from ono to 4V& cubic Inches of gasoline.
Ber gallon.' aascrtcd Chief Vlrdln. 'an
II M. K per cent of tho gasollno sold was
abort aeven cubic Inchea per gallon. That
was probably due, however, to tho fact
that for thirty . yenrs prior thereto thero
wsa a lack of Inspection. Now that there
b more auperrlaloti. the loss una been
"greatly diminished; but not ns much aa It
will b. especially ir I can (jet tho help
of tha nutomoblllatn themselves."
Th help that Chief Vlrdln wanta la n
rfport from each nufomoblllat whenever he
finds himself gottlnc nhort measure He
can tell when ho la being cheated. Chief
Vlrdln roya. If ho will always carry In his
car a measuring stick marked off to accord
with the quantity of gasoline his tank will
hold. I3y dipping this stick Into the tank
'after the gasoline has been poured In he
can seo whether It cornea ono gallon high
or fifteen gallon high. And when he 'j.i.i
'Jess than what ho la naked to pay for, he
should call up tho Ilureau of Weights nnd
Ktasurea Immediately nnd nn Inspector will
be sent out to nettle the question.
"He should report tho shortage," Bald
Chief Vlrdln, "nnd not merely request that
at get full measure."
"Another way tho automobile Is
cheated," said Chief Vlrdln. "la when Kaso
llno Is pumped Into his tank from a point
below It. Ho loses tho nmount of gasoline
that remains In tho hose between tho pump
and his tank. Ho should see that this Is
drained out each time.
"Still another accounting1 for loss la In
the faulty Installation of pumps by garage
,Trners and dealers. Sometimes the pipes
,;cennectlnB tho pump with tho tank back
;tnJer the garage Is Installed ao that there
.'are several JotntR In the pipe line as It coes
, 'up and down and around Joists nnd walls.
'The pump nnd tho big tank should be con-
.back from tho pump to tho tank."
.- iChlef Vlrdln explained that this pipe
irtould never be laid so that gas pockets
j,lll bo found In It, causing tho nutomo
bllUt to pay for vapor Instead of gasoline.
,If the pipe lias sections that are laid up
nd down, llko tho loiter "W" for Instance,
.'(is pockets will form In tho parts of the
'pipe corresponding to tho left hand strokes
.of that letter If the movement of tho gnso
'Jlno Is from left to right when It Is being
'pumped. When the pump begins to pull tho
gasollno from the tank these pockets of
gas are pulled along with tho gasoline nnd
etcapo Into the nlr when they reach the
'automobile tank, while the pump' resistors
. .tho gas.
"The gasoline purchaser," said Chlot
Vlrdln, "shoutld also see to It that the .man
handling the pump turns the crank until
tha cogbar hits tho top and comes down to
'hit the bottom on each gallon pumped.
When tho cogbar docs not go nil the way to
the bottom or to the top, the purchaser gets
only a part of n gallon, while the pump
registers for him and he pays for a full
Manager O'Xell. of the Bowser Company,
and E'M, Denton, director of sales of tho
Wayne Oil Tank nnd Pump Company, are
( among tho local dealers In pumps who
deny that the loss of gasoline Is through
Us use of the patented gasollno pump.
"Wo are manufacturing and selling
Pumps now," said O'N'ell, "that are as no
eurate and as proof ngalnst.loss as the
lUeet cash register. Wo are Installing
mpt of them ourselves. If there Is an In
clination on the part of dealers to cheat
Which I doubt Is as extensive as Chief Vlr
dln believes It Is they cannot do It by the
Manipulation of our pumps. And If the
Pump should happen to be faulty, the dialer
nearly always the one that loses, and
not the consumer.
-i'i?,un,ps nre now ma(!e ,hat a sallon
nl,n.t reslter' unless theo rank la turned
until the cogbar touches the top and the
-bottom of the shaft.,
"They will register even a quart, and the
niira amount of gasoline pumped la shown
? ,reltr such as the one that shows
" mlleago covered by an automobile.
i? 1UMt,on whether or not the patented
Msoilne pump Is strictly a liquid measuring
ostico Is now being considered by tlto At
torney Oeneral. it waa referred to him by
i?t?'nl23ylvan,a Association .of Inspectora
fi .y '"" nnd Measures at a convention
Harrlsburg during September,
At the first signof
n trouble apply
That patch of eruption Is not tucti
tartly A serious matter Even fn severe,
well established cases of eczema, ring
worm or similar affections, Resinol
Wmtment and Resinol Soap usually re
Jve Uic itching at once and quickly
sSvercomehe trouble completely. How
;?wch more, (hen, can thtj simple, In
f f ipensive treatment be reiid onto dis
pl kin troubles in their isajlier stage.
All articles purchased
tomorrow or thereafter
will not be billed until
January 1; 1917.
The Woman Who Aims at True Economy n
Shops at Blauner's Experience Taught Her That
Balloons for All Kiddies
Who come with tfieir Parents between 9 A. M.
and 1 P. M.
Saturday You Will Buy the
Children's Coats
We have one of the largest and most com
plete stocks in town. Wonderful assortments
$2.95 to $10.90
for the school Rirl down to the baby. Sturdy
zibclincs, corduroys, nstrnkhnna and mixtures for
school, and fancy velvets nnd plushes for best, nil ap
propriately trimmed with fur, .velvet inlays, plush nnd
Young Girls'
Velvet and Serge Dresses
$12.90 to $16.90 Values
Charming littlo "jsood" dresses in velvot nnd serro
nnd tafTcta. combinations. Russian nnd Empiro models
in sizes from 10 to 16 years.
Serge School-Dresses, $4.89
Values up to $6.50
Well-made, sensible little dresses for school, for tho
G- to 14-year-old girl. Lonfj-lino nnd conventional
waist-line effects.
Infants' Bonnets and Caps, 3c
Values up to 75c
Dainty white silk and bcngalinc caps nnd colored
corduroy bonnets prettily trimmed.
Infants' Short Coats, 89c
Value $1.50
White cotton cashmere, in G months-, 1- and 2-ycnr
Poiret and
Kamchatka Blue
$15 1
Regular $35 Values
demand iust now.
The skins in these scarfs nro exceptional, and their
coloring is equally good. One sketched.
Saturday Morning
That Will Save You Many
$ (Jj
P P p p P
From 9 A. M. to 1 P. M. Only
Tiger Coney Sets,
Value $7.50.
dood looking barrel muffs and
(ult animal scarfs' Set pictured.
Children's Velvet $f .49
"Best" Hats .... -
$5.00 Values,
Diminutive mushroom hats.
One pictured.
Third Floor
Box-pleated Poplin Skirts
v $3.50
Rtgular $1.30 Values,
Exceptionally Smart
at Cost. ,
Regular $5.00 Values
Up-to-date all wool worsted
and (iber silk sweaters in rose
and cefpen.
833 3S Market Street
inm $15 .
Plush Coats that display
the. newest whims of fashion
$19M to $25
Exceptionally dressy arc the full flaring
models, with large collars of coney or beaver
plush and deep cuffs, selling for $19.95.
Others will prefer a smartly belted effect
with edgings of opossum on collars and cuffs,
priced at $22.50.
A third model has a rich, deep sailor collar
of soft moufflon, with cuffs of tho same fur.
This is one of the coats at $25.00.
Of course, you will find a great variety of
other models at each of these prices, and still
others priced higher. Each one offers typical
Blauner savings. .
400 New Wool Velour
Coats, $15.00
Smnrt flaro models with large sailor collars of
kit conoy. Triplo belted.
Style and JVarmth
Are Two Features
of These New
$6.90 to
For service and smart
ness these coats will
surely please the woman who insists
on getting the most for her money.
Whether she wants a wool velou'r,
boucle, frieze, pebble cloth or silk
plush, she can satisfy her wants here
without going above the price named.
These coats come in Redingote,
Empire and raglan models, with the
. newest Napoleonic sailor or convert
ible collars. Trimmed witji Seal or
Beaver plush. Colors' are Mustard,
Burgundy, Havana Brown, navy and
Coats of Seal or Esquimette Plush
$1330 to 25.00
and Retailers
Velvet Suits
Which Wc Have Marked at
The values, conservatively stated, are
from $29.50 to $35.00
Wo cannot emphasize too strongly the im
portance of this event, which places within the
reach of many women a collection of velvet suits
which, for style, quality and value, stand alone.
Belted, pleated and scmi-straight-lino effects,
trimmed in many ;iovel ways. The colors are Bur-
"" gundy, bronze, green, navy, brown
and black. All suits are Interlined.
Exquisitely trimmed with opossum,
mole, nutria and Hudson seal.
Attractive Enough to Please
the Most Particular
$9 to $14.90
A splendid collection, stylish and up-to-the-minute
wool poplins, serges, gabardines, whip
cords, wool velours and cheviots, with the popu
lar trimmings of fur, velvet and fur plush.
The much admired flare models are plenti
ful, and many novel belt effects add to their3is
tinctiveneBs and style.
Other Suits, $6 to $17.75
This range of prices includes everything
one could wish for, from serges, gabardines
and wool velours to the most beautiful pop
lins and velvets.
Comet and see them -
Smart New Suits
Courtesy helps to make
shopping at Blauiier's a
pleasure. Supreme value
giving makes it: a profitable
pleasure, too.
The Blouse Department
Is Brimful Just
Now With
Exceptionally 4
$2.95 to $8.95
Crepe Georgettes, chiffons, washable nets,
laces and crepes do chino in flesh, white and
all tho new suit shades. Beaded, braided and"
frilled effects. Some with the new puff sleeves.
The. Blomc Piclurcd Is the Nero
Paisley Waist at $4.95
which is a combination of paisley printed chiffon over
whito chiffon in surplice style. They nro "juat tho
tliinfr" now in Now York.
Lingerie, Crepe de Chine and Net,
Blouses, 95c to $1.95
Fine voiles nnd organdies, laces nnd embroidery
trimmed. Crepes do chino in tucked effects and
dressy laces nnd nets.
Fashion's Favored
Gold and Silver
Lace Hats
That are worth at
AJ' lion ma vairat. 1. fn.M ft.. Q.llttulnii -tlml'.
Villi nicy uu A4B1U .11 bllllU XU1 MUVUiUUJT jJK4B
tncatre trip, wnavs moro. amau ana meaium sizcu
modified mushroom shapes of gold and silver lnco
with rose, coral, nilo green, gold and black panno volvqt
crowns. Ono sketched.
lily I v$$P
n j
Marabou Boas and Scarfs
$2.95 $3.95
Valuta from $5.00 tot $10.00.
Long fluffy graceful boas nnd fluffy capo shaped .,
lined scarf pieces of marabou in solid black, natural, .
and natural and whito mixed.
It's surprising, the warmth and durability of '
mnrnbou, and it's so soft nnd becoming. " ,
Youthf ulness Predominates in
These Handsome
They are just what
you always yanted, fpr
they are good, serviceable dresses,
suitable for shopping and afternoon
Well made of French serge, serge-and-satin,
combined charmeuse, satin,
crepe de' chine, taffeta and velveteen,
.in those graceful straight line bojc
pleated models, Redingote, Russian,
blouse or Empire effects.
Contrasting collars and cuffs of
silk, Georgette, taffeta or broadcloth
All sizes in brown, submarine
blue, green, Copenhagen, Burgundy,
navy, and black, .
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