r s" HREMEN, UNPAID, STUDY HOW BEST TO AID HUMANITY , . Gaining School Important Adjunct to Philadel phia System JRAINS SUPPLANT BRAWN &'. Duties of Members '; of the Bureau of Fire i FIRST In ense of flro to protect lifo nnd, property, (o) MnklnB speedy rescues and com eying persons to places of safety, (b) Extinguish fires and prevent sprendinfr to other property. SECOND Whero buildings col lapse. (n) Rescue porsohs and recover ; bodies. , (b) Clear nway debris and remove weak nnd clangorous parts of buildings. $ The flymen's raining school In nn ad Junct of. the Ilutcau of Fire of which the , - renerat Philadelphia public has little It . ftny knowledge. ;Vj Yet tha curriculum of that Institution In . ' AjtmctB the fireman scholar In detail of his 4',iirorle that equip him In many linen of duty t,,'far mora Important than the extinguishing '.'Of flames and tha sarins of property; " Hidden away hack of the headquarters jiuT iSnglne Company No. 23. on SJeventh , ' - Jpirtit above N'orrlrf, the school of Inatruo .Stten, like the rest of the IlurenU of Fire, , Vattraclcs llttlo attention until Its tueniLers .re culled up nnd then It adequately rices 'J'to the occasion. " v' It Is open to the public, hut the public doesn't seem niraro of It any more than 3 i'i' bestowed attention upon tho fact that . "the firemen of l'hlludclphla nro today tlio poorest paid und most Intelligently trained i; of any body of men performing like duties i'ln the first-class cities of America. . Organized little more than three jcars ago the school already has transformed tha .. working force of the bureau Into a more ; efficient, Intelligent and capable body of, , Jnen. A nia rnoPErtTv saving . j' The saving accomplished In pioperty and ''lives elnco tho school was urbanized Is i '.Incalculable, and even greater cltlclenoy Is &9lMincd by those In charge. ij'A. The first Idea Inculcated In the mind of 5 the newly made fireman Is revolutionary If , js'ene measures by commonly accepted stand ards. 'i He Is taught that his first duty Is not to extinguish the fire to which he is sum moned. Foremost comes the saving of human life. How to rescua persons Imperiled In burn ing buildings Is the first subject In the flre A man's school. HIb own safety Is secondary. v Before water Is "laid on" ,the hoseman must , go Into the smoke and flame and assure hlm Yiself no human being, sensible or Insenslf . ble. yet remains Such a victim must be v carried to enfetyaj. all hazards and with , ao delay. The saving- of property and ex i tlngulshlng of tho flames may come next. Jbut t Is never paramount. & Timne teatis womc L J.iJX TJii training school In Its three years' ex- K T'jWenco linn graduated 8S0 memberH, It Is Mn charge of Battalion Chief George W. i JuOodle,' commander of the second, or ''flrp - belt," district, who has as Instructors Cap tains James Ullbcrt and Anthony ItcCJrann. r Sessions are held twice dally, at 9 a pi. and l p. m., except Saturdays and Sundays There nro two classes', one containing 'sixty and the other sixty-five men The Sjterm Is completed In forty days, covering a i period of three months. Every man In the ' service below the rank of captain Ih obliged 'to undergo Instruction, and most of the captains 1iao been voluntary pupils. The details are so arranged that not more than nno man from a company Is "at school" at tha same time. At the end of ;the course, which embraces rescue work, hose And ladder work, first-aid treatment, ; knqta and hitches and tools, the men are , iput through an examination. This test in ..olvea also high pressure, general knowl edge, proficiency as hose and ladder men, aptitude for Are service, as well as the ' subjects previously enumerated. A certifi cate rewards the successful student upon graduation. Thero Is no extra, pay no time off for (hU additional efficiency -work. Officers nnd men In the ranks donate their services ; that the cltiiena of Philadelphia may get ,- r , , , , EVENING LKDaBIPHIirABlPHIA; FBluDA, NQYISMBBB 47, 1016 M . M . . i i i , i i ii. j" ' ' ' - ' - ff A.. ,..,, ,i .i i - . t ;..' jKStSmtwjiBF j H Making sauce for a particular dish is tho art j , of arts in tho culinary i ,,.. line. Brains, as well as ' -,i flavoring, go into tha ft . lityt making" for thero are i- ( ., ih'M almost as many kinds of jj fe. ' -Mi sauce as thero aro of H t Hero vrhat is sauce for H i the Gooso is not always II sauca for tha Gander I n (TOrje -gt. 3aw& 1 I Walnut at 13th Street 1 DAtrawa ih thb uvantNa 9 law ss i i"'" ' - r-T- 1 Engagement Ring or Xmas Gut 26S Manralously beautiful and tfillngly brilliant diamond, full of tha "Are" that flashes only In atonea of high quality. Platinum setting. Superb vain One of a large mt jflngnlflcent stock we purchas ed before the big- advance In prlC4 Under our reserve plan, a await deposit will hold this ring or any other article for jou until Christmas- Xttrv UitcUll Dlme4 U nor (intui tiKitly 94 rtfrumlfJ. MITCHELL'S DwiTeftwd Stem I . S U 4H, SASt. ' full .value for the stipend paid to the guar dtah of their lives and property The campaign committee which is In Charge bt the movement now before Coun cils to secure a readjustment of hours and better pay for the firemen, believe that With A proper acquaintance on the part of the public with the firemen's school and the Other ndjuncts of the bureau toward greater efllclency their appeal for recog nition would meet a general popular sup port that would compel acqulcicenca by Councils. HIGH-CLASS HORSES GLAD SHOW IS OVER Stcam-Hented Stnlla and Un limited Luxury Well Enough in Their Way, but Lacking in Solid Comfort $1,000,000 ON THE HOOF Fashionable Frlyols More Than Dou- blc Cost of Madison Squnre Exhibition NHW YOrttf. Nov 17 Having Indulged Itself In n couple of mlltlnn dollars' worth of horse show this we k. Boclcty today got back to tho rigid simplicity of JS0.O0O din ners. There'll be a few minor pvetits today, but the honest-to-KoodttoMt part of tlip tiliow wm o er aflei Judge William II Moore, Winner, and three ulher roclnty whip In thi coach-nnil-four lunll gave an exhibi tion of 1250,000 on "lierlJ The liorc5 nre ery glad It's oer. Steam heated sltill and a grouni for each hoof H nil very well In lis nj. but In u common pul.lla place llln Mncllpon Kiiunre ttardrn nno nccr can t II wlrtt underbred horHo orie may !). compelled to associate with IlcHldcs, one misses the soft leithpi lining of onn's own box Btull. Kveu In thin high class public lenderous, whlro It costs an ordinary human lielng twrnty-flxo crntH nnd an effort Just to rest liH ovorcont. n colloge bred ciwtCnVtnllorod hrc Ih sulijecleil to much discomfort Htlll tlilH mllllonilnll.il aggregation of fotir-foutcd fiiNliloiiiibl h illiln't luivo It no rough. All tlio stnll lio-te nm young mat tresses on their elbons so they could bo hacked Into softly Mouogrnmmed bath, rnbett, ear uiuffx, hoof niltt.-ii, Kli-cpliii; luigx, maukure sets. Khoucr b.iihn fam-y plllous nnd n few other of tlio inmi'ion comforts of life In a fitublo wcio ptmiilril In prnfiiHlou 'Thure was Mr (lurreiibolm'N Knut, for lnnlnni'f. He hud a lii-wllcd mirror mid a special comb mid luuxli fur his fort-lock And ncroin the Ktu-et of stalls stood Con ference, , the high Jiimpiiig, high-living old girl from Jlye. N Y. uho asplrci to follow the well-known cow over tho moon Connie Is the champion high jumper of the world, llecord, eight fret thrcu Inches 8he rati n bucket of lurtots every day In addition to her regular food. .Most of K. T. Htotnsbury's horses, It Is said, prefer peanut nnd chopped feed snlad All this Information was gathered only nfter a lavish expenditure of twenty-five, cents per groom. No real groom would think of speaking to you for less. Altogether It was an exceedingly high priced, high-class show A million dol lars' worth of class on the hoof, JIBO.OOn worth of It owned by E, T. Stotcsbury. of I'lillndolphlu, and nn equal amount by Judge Moore. Twenty thousand dollara' worth of decoratlonn. Thirty thousand dollars' worth of prizes, Another million dollars' worth of jewels gracing society In the boxes on va rious occasions, Two hundred nnd fifty thousand dollars' worth of gowna doing tho same In nil. about S2.300.000 worth of horse show. DR. CHEVALIER JACKSON Pittsburch specialist chosen to fill chnlr of larynKolofjy nt tho Jeffer son Medical Colleirc. HOY ACCUHBI) OF MILK THEFT Ruhr Away From St. Joseph's House Only to Land in Jtiil A slxleen-vciir-old liov. who snlil lie bad been living fur tho Inst two wrckM nil whnt he could pick fiom garbage lunHs, vmib hi rusted nt Spvcnleenth and tliiiislend utrcttH today on the nciiisntlon of stealing milk from doorsteps. When Acting Ser geant Oreer senrched tho boy, whost. name In Thomas Mcf'nnn, at tho Klfteenth and Vino streets police station, he tried to ron-i-NiI several pieces of dry In, ad he had In IiIh purkct Ho wanted .In suvo them, lis biihl Tim boy told Strgeaut Orrcr hn had run awny from St. Josiph'H Home, Hoventh nnd Hpruco streets, whcio he had been placed nfter his p.irenti died I'ollco of Ihe Fif teenth anil Vine strnets station suit him to Sergeant Joteph Shin, at tho Dctectlva Utnc.ui In tlio hope Shea rould llnd rela tives for the boy or got him soma work I'hilndclpliiuu Dli'H I'islUinfj in France Chillies Allen Donovan, who left Phila delphia lant spring to enllnt In n Canadian regiment. Ii.ih been Idlleit while fighting In I.'rniicc. nicoidlng In word rcLclwd hero jestcrdny Donovan was n natlvo of Iro lst ml. but came to this cauntiy as n. child, DON'T BUY Metal Weather Strips Until you see our equipment and examine our reference list Our Prico Will Get Your Order CHAMPION CO. 1233 Ludlow Street rllONK W.I.Nt3T 1400 Oil WltlTB I il Over KrespVs o i r-i ElevntnV I Ullllt I I Be & 10c Store Second Floor Or Stafrs 1 The Leading Cut Price Shoe Store Places on bale baturday 1400 Pairs Women s Smart Boots The most wanted styles. Black and white, with pat ent or dull kid foxincr. with covrnvI nr iiiiri, inni, neeis, gun meioi cnir, patent and 1 - I 1 J I I ' I k iki I. B Clnvprl 1lrl nlcn TnrvltaY. --, .--- "I "" .-""KlU" wniKiiip; snoea in uull loather; welted solca; till size3 and B to E wide. Se45 Other Styles, $1.98 to $4.95 College Girls' English $ft 95 Walking Boots Inches high, gun metal calf and black suede welted solBh. ill sizes and to JJ wide. A x. 11 'msW k. 1 Vk ' ?k. Ti. en's Trade-Mark Shoes, $1.98 to $3.95 Boys' High-Cut Storm SHOES $1.69 The nova' delight la Tan and Black, with Htrapa nnd uuckics. Hlze.i 9 to 1 and 1 to 3. $1.98 I it r i i Open Saturday Evening! Ramplea , and surplus stock of welNknown makers. In Tun and mack. Ilussla Calf. Patents and qiased Kid. Welted and Stitched Soles. All eoa in ilia UI Our New Branch Store, 2434 Kensington Ave. w Gold Pocket Knife Solid 14-kt, gold, thin-' model, engine turned design two blades. At- . tractive gift for a rrtari.' ' $5.25. . ' : S. Kind & Sons Diamond Merchants Jewelers Silversmiths 1110 Chestnut Street .I ill , . II! B tMtito&ttfoigtJkAatf3&Aafcwti i LTWMssMs.MMs.as.iMBsisfisiMsBM r i m 'iifltlTitfprfliiiiiii i nimii i ii ii i wifl l H CHAMBER OF COMilERCE FOR STATE, IS PLAN Howard G. French Calls for Meeting in Hnrrisburg to Consider Project Plans for a Pennsylvania Chamber of Commerce, to be formed somewhat on the model of Chamber of Commerce of the United Stales, already are under way. Howard II. French, president of the PhlN adelphla Chamber of Commerce, has sent a circular letter to chambers of eoinmerce, other leading builness organizations nnd grnngei throughout tho Stale, asking 'co operation In the plan for nn Initial meeting on December 1G at llairlibiirg loohln'g to tlitt formation o( comm!ftJfl to work out the lda The letter In part follows Your experience In business has doiibtleni led you to tlio same conclu sions which many other progressive hunlne men are reaching today, viz . that It would be to tha advantage of our fate otir Industry nnd our agri culture if thi business men of the State and the I.eglslnttirn could be brought Into a nioip Intelligent and sympathetic co-operation than at present exists. Thero has been a lack of harmony be tween the representatives In tho legis lative halts and the Interests which thrive, or die, as affocled by such leg islation Tho letter continues to sny that every line of business Iiiih suffered from hastily evolved laws and lack of conitnictlvo legis lation and that therefore It would seem ilcslious. In view of these facts, that on organisation he formed within tho Com moimralth "fien from alliance with any polUlcil p.trtv through which men of ubll Ity may endeavor to icmedy these condi tions by expressing then thoughts to those who are charged -with the responsibility of making, enforcing and Interpreting these laws." "II Is thought," the letter continues, "that nt present the organization should ho mod eled after the Chamber of Commerce of the tthlted States.) composed of """"St tlvVJ I 8f commerelM and Industrial Organi zations, associations of tabor, agricultural erganlzatlons and oilier agenele whose ln tercets would be thereby affected." llr, French, In commenting on the plat) last night, Mid that he had a favorable responses tven ttias tk expected many more The imS.J a SUt Commerce Chamber' hi LTCS been Incubating for some Um -us Wl rtiambeY officials. wu i uy Your Clothing Herei Pay For It in Small WeeKly Sums NOW is the time to get acquainted with our clothing depart ment, where you have opportunity to select seasonable apparel the sort you can absolutely depend upon at prices as low, and in many instances lower, than are charged by cash stores, with liberal credit on any purchase. i i Men's Suits and Overcoats Snappy models for the young fellows, conservative stylos for the mnn to whom ex tremes do not appeal. Excep tionally good values at $15 to$30 Women's Suits, Coats and Dresses The woman who seeks ap parel that combines dressiness with moderate price will find her every wish gratified. Prices: U52025$30 Shoes, Hats, Millinery, Furs Standard Qualities. Lowest Prices. Liberal Credit Open Saturday Evenings GOLDMITHJ 722-724 MarKet Streefc m Ullill L (linll 'A MS i . M i !l'JilglgJBH?i.g'SSBFiia:CTjMVr aWson & DeMany 1 1 15 Ckestnut Street Opp. Keith's Here Are Twelve Exceptional Fur Items Representing Hundreds of Others of Equal Quality and Value for Your Week-End Shopping V The firm has been known for aim ost a century and it is not only possible but probable that your mother and grandmother are today wearing a coat or scarf purchased from Mr. Mawson back in the years of the early inception of this business. Cash purchases of skins as far back as last February manufacturing in the summer, when labor is at its lowest cost thereby eliminating the middleman; our policy of many sales-small profits are reasons why We Solicit Your Business on a Comparative Basis Only Fur Sets HUDSON SEAL Barrel Muff and Novelty Scatf $24.00 BLACK FOX Barrel Muff and Animal Scarf $33.00 KAMCHATKA BLUE FOX Barrel Muff and Novelty Scarf $39.00 RED FOX , Barrel Muff and Animal Scarf . $49.50 NATURAL FISHER Barrel Muff and Animal Scarf .,.' $74.50 CROSS FOX Barret Muff and Novelty Scarf $84.50 ...i Fur Coats RUSSIAN PONY 40inch Flare Model, Contrasting Fur Collar Moire Marked Skins $34.50 FRENCH SEAL 40-inch Flare Model, Skunk Collar $54.50 HUDSON SEAL Skunk or Lynx Collars 40-inch Model $84,50 HUDSON SEAL 45. Inch Model, Seal Collar and Cuffs $98.50 HUDSON SEAL 43-inch Flare Model, 6-inch Border and Collar of Skunk $145.00 - SCOTCH MOLESKIN 43-inch Flare Model, 6-in. Border and-Collar of Skunk . . $245.00 rnnrmreiraznrRRstfivraznui Uundreds of $10 Hats Are Special Tomorrow at $6.50 When we say hundreds we mean literally hundreds and in the smartest and most charming styles imaginable. They completely surpass in value everything this department has ever offered before, It's impossible to give an adequate idea of the magnitude of this assortment. There are hata for every occasion and 'every age. ) Stunning large sailors with straight or drooping brims. Smart hats adapted to most faces, Smart Sports Hats in Velours, Bqavers and Hatter's Plush Models. ivwNMwrwmfiswsimtsm1 We Reserve Your Purchase Upon a Small Deposit or Charge it Subject to Bill of December 1st Mail Orders Receive Prompt Attention Purchasing Agents'. Orders Accepted' Furs Repaired and Remodeled lsiaiaEifcij HJ- A . " 9 il 'ii - i liiHift " 111 "pMiiiiiMiMiiiii ii I mmummmmm mmmmm mmM2mjmmta