sxteigmsm BinBKiHa LlSBdOSB-PHlLADBIHlA; FRIDAY, H0VEM3BB It 1010 ' " - - - - -. - &1 f''i 4- ..Ml n. .I'Ti, ifiiT.i . in .ni.aHiM.lliaUv.n.nJH p,yyviviviljvwvflyvvv'Wvvv(yjvwvWV Gimbel Brothers Store Opens at 8:30 II Gimbel Brothers I! Friday, November 17, me II Cimbe I Brothers II Store Closes at 5:30 I Gimbel Brothers " """"" 'L'-'" 1 ,, miwmiii Ui-iip .1. MMMtiiiiniiii ji ii ' 1 1 W wwip 11 iiwn hm i ni wiitwiwin' W" wwwwwi i ii.i mwfwn i n im wx) , Jn ii n "" '" ' ' ""fi"11!" i w iwnn ' I rwm mum wii-wifiwi'iiiiiilnuiwwwfiHwrwtnwiwwni'iwjiiLllili Let Every Child Ride a Real Live Pony No Charge; No Tipping Just One Pleasing Feature of Toyland Fourth Floor. 1500 Women's Winter Coats Such Wonderful Bargains That We've Grouped Them on First Floor For the Quickest Possible Service w mw WUirfwkAwMNyw if I 1 A sale vc planned for, worked for, worked over for weeks and weeks. Almost despaired of accomplishing until the very stumbling-block the scarcity of hue coat-fabrics turned into the stepping-stone of success. ' For a very great coat manufacturer had contracted with a very i $19.75 Coats at $12.75 Krciit western siorc lor iiiuusimus upun uiousamis ui tuius. Couldn't get fabrics to make the coats on contract time. That meant cancelled orders those coats flung back on his hands. The maker believed quick turning was least loss. So He Turned to Gimbels Here Are the Coats Fifteen hundred. Every sire plenty of every size. All colors bur- gundy, brown, blue, green, black in the fine wool velours. Mack only (of course) in the fine English zibclincs and suedc-finish broadcloths. AH new styles stunning styles. And the wonderful, s'afe savings run: $21.75 Coats at $15 $23.75 Coats at $16.75 $29.75 to $35 Coats at $18.50 $35 Coats at $25 About sixty added to that flS.50 group are a fins UttU sample lot- the "best yet." And 4500 other Coats and Wraps at $15 to $175. Gimbels, The Thoroughfare, First floor. run. coi.t.aii DInck Ilroadclotli SIR. 80 irtm Wool Velour sss Woot Velour SIS. 75 Illack Zlhellna (It How About Moleskin for Her Handsome Fur Coat ? A perfect beauty at $255 is of finest Scotch mole, with deep, beautiful border of fluffy, full-haired taupe wolf; with a "glory brocade" for a richest lining. Or Caracal? A handsome coat of the fine flat, glossy caracal skins, with its great collar and cuffs of handsomest skunk, is $395. One of the very new, very handsome striped "pussy willow" linings. Or Nearseal (Coney) ? Very stylish Coats all of the one fur at $139. A very handsome Coat, with deep border of skunk, at $110. In Sets The Fluffier the Fox, the Better Fox and wolf, too. And color is a big feature suit your own coloring. Taupe Wolf Sets at $55 Grey Fox Sets at $39.75 Black Fox Sets at $29.75 and $39.75 Red Fox Sets at $21.50 to $42.50 Gimbels, Salons of Dress, Third floor. (terns of Interest in Misses' Suits and Coats In Suits : Samples and Clearance Groups And Remarkable Values in Warm Coats And KemarKaoie values in warm uoais Both suits and coats fashioned in the silhouette so becoming to youth To augment the Sample Suits we've reduced several groups of our owi famous suits. sk hi own Suit Prices Now $12.75, $15 - and $35 For Qualities' Selling at $20 to $50 Such savings bear the closest scru tiny. The Suits at $12.75 and $15 are of cheviots, whipcords, gabardines and mixtures. Some coats knee-length. The majority velvet-trimmed. Worth ?2Q to $29.71 The Suits at $35 represent the highest type of style and workmanship Of rich broadcloth, velour 'and velveteen, the majority lavishly garnished in fur. They're regular $45 to $50 Suits. Coats at $13.75, $15 and $19.75 Sturdy coats of tweeds, zibelines and velours; plain or fur trimmed. A host of styles. At $25 one of the many models is pictured. Beautiful plush coats at $21.75 and $29.75, with beaver fur cloth trimming. At $35 to $55, real gems.' Coats of velour and bolivia, many with deep square fur 'collar and "muff" cuffs, at $39.75 to $65. Gimbels, Salons of Dress, Third floor. t I ?i Little Ones' 7 11 They're Wearables Knitted And Savings, Too! Part of a special purchase that's the "why" of the. lowered prices. Sweater Suits They look so cunning on youngsters and arc very warm. Suit consists of sweater, toque and leggings. In white, tan, Copenhagen and rose. Choice at $2.35. Infants' Knitted Sacques at 50c; value 75c. Infants' Toques and Caps at 25c; value 40c. Blankets for the crib or coach at 55c and 85c that arc worth 75c and 95c. Blanket Bath Robes, in pink, blue and dark colors; warm, comfortable gar ments for little ones 2 to 6 years. At $1.25; value $1.75. Gimbels, Second floor, and some on First floor. For Women and Girls Skating Sets at $9.75 For Indoor and Outdoor Skating They arc new and smart looking. Ex tremely warm without weight and allow freedom pf motion. Set consists of sweater coat, cap and sca'rf. Of brushed wool.. In rose, Copenhagen, pur ple and green.' At $9.75 a set. Women's Sweaters at $3.75; Values $5 to $7.50 Discontinued styles and Sweaters that are mussed and soiled from handling. Of fiber silk and all-wool. Choice at $3.75. -Gimbels, First floor. Women's Evening Dresses at $20 But Only Seventy-Five, and They're' Prettiest $30 Grades Jet or metal and tulle over satin in contrasting color. Black over burgundy, or plum,' or purple, or blue. Pale tulles over silver metal tissue. Fur adds its soft touch to some. Metal "brocades" others. And soft folds vie with daintiest colors to bring out the beauty. of Milady's throat and arms. ' At $20, value $30. But only seventy-five. 75 Afternoon Dresses at $15; Value $22.50 Of charmeusc or taffeta. Dark colors and blacks Besides These Two Specials At $10.95, smart tailored dresses of serge. Blue and other colors. At $20, a copy of a Jenny model, of Georgette and serge. Black or blue. Gimbels, Salons of Dress, Third floor. omen's Suits at $15.75 Are Not "$15.75 Suits" By Long Odds ! Regular $25 to $40 Grades Not a suit was made to sell for less than $25. ""-" A goodly number of them especially those wonderful vel veteens arc $40 grades. Any at $15.75. All sizes 34 to 44. Every suit true to fashion's latest style-tendencies. Yes, many are fur-trimmed. Fine wool velours, broadcloths, wool poplins, serges, whip cords, velveteens. Black, blue, brown, taupe and green. Gimbels, Salons of Dress, Third floor. - Men's $18, $20 and $22.50 Suits and Overcoats at $15 Three thousand of them sold at this quick $15 price as friend-makers an entirely logical and proper step in busi ness building. The Overcoats Melton, kersey, novelty mixtures, black, Oxford gray, blue, brown, heather mixtures, Chesterfield, plnched-back or Bcltsac; double-breasted form-fitting- and box. $15. The Suits Worsted, winter serge, casst mere, tweed, silk mixtures, flannels, plnched back, close-fitting, ultra-styles and conserv ative. Plain and patch pockets. Sizes for tall men and short, heavy and thin and normal. Nearly two hundred styles at $23 and they're 'finest worsteds'. "Kuppcnheimer" and "Society Brand" ara the two foremost ready-to-wear lines of the country. Suits, $20 to $40. Overcoats to $60. Evening Clothes that are right, with ex actness. It might be hard to say just where a wro'ng dress suit was lacking, but, lordyl how it looks it.l For carefulness and abundant readiness, Gimbels CoprrliM.lSlt The flout, ct Xuppuh.laM MUiet. loat Far-Trimmed, at S25 Coats for Young Girls Of Smart Simplicity : Incomparable Values Coats that fulfill their mission of keeping the young girls warm, even the coldest day. Varied styles for school and dress wear. Featured Are Coats at $5 to $25 The $25 Coats, of imported corduroy, collared in seal; of velour with shoulder capes and handsome broadcloth, garnished in beaver plush, Sizes for d2 to 16 years. The $19.75 Coats of velour deep collar, finished in moufflon. For girls 8 to 14 years. "Sample" Coats at $7.5.0 and $10 That Would Cost $10 to $15 Ordinarily Of zibelines, chinchillas, mixtures, corduroys and velveteens. Belted and simulated Empire models. Some fur-trimmed. All sizes 6 to 14 years in the lot but not in every style. Gimbels, Salons of Dress, Third floor. Underwear Jj In Winter Weights Different men hold various ideas as to what constitutes "winter weight." At Gimbels varied weights for every need, Men's Union Suits of white cotton, long sleeves, ankle-length, at $1.25; value $2, Men's Spring-needle Gray Merino Shirts with long sleeves, also ankle length pants, to match, at $1.25 a gar ment. Save 50c on these men's Spring needle Union Suits; medium weight; choice of long or short sleives. At $1; value $1.50. At $2, $2.50 and $3.25 are men's fine Union Suits of gray merino and fine worsted mixed. Long sleeves and ankle-length. ' Just arrived from Europe Mor 16 Cashmere Socks well liked by men. Priced at 50c and 75c a pair. Gimbels, First floor. The Cutest Plumage Tricorne-Turbans at $1.65; Value $3.50 Tricornes becoming any way you tilt them. Dark, iridescent colors day time hats. White all white or white with little black touches,- Day time or evening hats. We sold their duplicates at $3.50. Some other stores are asking vwre than thpi, These about two' hundred at $1.65. Gimbels, First floor. Blankets and Comfortables That Outwit Jack Frost Early buying secures for you these low prices. At $6.75 a pair; value $9. Extra size Blankets of fine wool, slightly mixed with cotton. In white with pink or blue borders. Plaid Blankets in block design priced as follows: $5.50 a pair, value $7.50 size 68x80 Inches. $6.75 n pair, value $8.50 size 70x80 Inches. $7.50 a pair, value $10.50 size 72x84 inches. $8.75 n pair, value $12.50 size 72x90 inches. Down Comfortables at $5.95 and $6.50; values $7.50 to $9, Sateen covered. Discontinued patterns so they are reduced. In sizes for any bed. Gimbels, Second floor. .. Full Dress Suits, $20 to $60 Dinner-coat Suits, $20 to $55 Cutaway Coat and Vest, $20 to $35 Dress Trousers, $3.75 to $10 Gimbels, Second floor, Ninth strcetf Think of Waists of Really Good Crepe de Chine But at $2 Instead of $3 and $3.50 Oughtn't to have to say "really good," but some of the crepe de Chine waists sold under the name of crepe de Chine elsewhere even at fS and if 3.50 are a disgrace I These are remarkable doubly so at $2. White, flesh, peach, maize, rose. In the same group; same $3 and $3.50 values, tub silk waists at $2, Pas tel stripes and all-white. Other as Remarkable Values and Samples $3.95 to $6.90 Waists at $3. Georgette crepe and striped silk marquisette. $5 to $6,.90 Waists at $3.95. Georgette crepe and crepe de Chine. $5 Waists at $3.95. Chiffon-and-lace. Gimbels, Salons of Dress, Third floor, and some on Aisles, First floor, ca Boys' Clothes of Merit Good, stylish suits for boys of 12 to 18 blue serge, fancy tweeds and ssimeres yes, stout bcys fitted, $10 $12 and $15. . And overcoats for these big boys $15. Pinch-back, belt-back and loose fitting, single and double breasted. Norfolk Suits for ages 7 to 16 $5 to $16.50. Clothing really tailored, of real wool fabrics; hold shape, color and general good looks. All other sorts lack something. Specials $10 for $13.50 Norfolk Suits, for ages 8 to 18. $6.50 for $8.50 Norfolk Suits, for ages 6 to 18. These have two pairs of trousers. $6.50 for $8.50 Junior Overcoats for ages 2 to 10, Boys' Mackinaws with skate pocket and shawl collar, for ages 6 to 17, $5. Gimbels, Third floor. The Subway Store Did What Everybody Said It Couldn't " f .l 1 AAA HJ f 1 uoi i uiu vv omen s ana iviisses $15 to $20 Coats Mostly Fur- Trimmed to Sell at $1 GIMRFT" Q Market : estnut IIVIDJCJUJ Eighth and Ninth That same strong story of forethought is the secret. Wc bought up materials before the startling advance in their prices. We supplied the choice models. We watched costs sharply kept as sharp an eye on "cut" and making. And the results the coats are even better than -we'd first hoped. Coats for Street Wear Coats for Best Wear Two-tone boucles, vel ours, tweeds, pebble chev iots, English mixtures, English. coatings and zibe lines. Blue, black, green, bur gundy, gray and mixed ef fects. Mostly fur - trimmed. Some of the others fabric fur-trimmed, ,About twen ty styles. $10 Values $15 to $20. Coal s 10.00 Vtip SIS tiubwar Start Coat S10.00 Vila ISO 8ubwr titan Coat 110.00 Valua 116.60 Subwar Star Caat 110,00 Valu SIS, 50 Subway Hiot in Women's Sizes: 36 to 44 In MisseV Sizes: 14 to 18 In Juniors' Sizes: 15 to 19 Included are about a hundred fine samples in "sample sties" only, but wonderful values; women's in sue 36; misses, sue IS, . Gimbels, Subway Store. $2 Waists at $1 Fifteen Hew Styles Of voile. Lace and embroidery trimmed. $3 Waist at $2 Of Lace, Net or Silk Brussels net. Shadow lace trimmed with chiffon in "suit colors." Tub silk waists. Variously white, flesh and dark suit colors. Gimbels. Subway Store. SSEBf ; rtr ,- I li m. " K a 'Ma J J! & J Jti' jf f